Name | Type | Description | Notes |
payment_adjustment_id | int | The numeric ID for a payment adjustment. | [optional] |
payment_adjustment_item_id | int | Unique ID for the adjustment line item. | [optional] |
adjustment_type | string | String indicating the type of adjustment for this line item. | [optional] |
amount | int | Integer value for the amount of the adjustment in original currency. | [optional] [default to 0] |
shop_amount | int | Integer value for the amount of the adjustment in currency for the shop. | [optional] [default to 0] |
transaction_id | int | The unique numeric ID for a transaction. | [optional] |
bill_payment_id | int | Unique ID for the bill payment adjustment. | [optional] |
created_timestamp | int | The transaction\'s creation date and time, in epoch seconds. | [optional] |
updated_timestamp | int | The update date and time the payment adjustment in epoch seconds. | [optional] |