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M03 DEMO #3

  • Custom Translator

This code is provided for demo purposes only for course AI-102.


  • Azure Subscription
  • Cognitive Services: Translator
  • Postman tool

Custom Translator

  1. Find or Build new Cognitive services: Translator to copy Key and region from it.

  2. Open custom translator portal and sign in with your azure subscription account.

  3. Create new project named COVID with language Pair English to French and Category Healthcare

  4. Upload documents by providing parallel pairs in English and French. Documents with the same content and name can be found in folder EN and FR. Each uploaded pair will give you a number of English Sentences and French Sentences. You have to upload documents for at least 10k of sentences in the target language.


  5. When you click on the document name in the list you can observe EN and FR sentences and check the translation.


  6. Start training process and be aware that each training will consume credits from your subscription.

  7. Publish your model and copy the model's Category ID.


  8. Open file translator.postman_collection.json and update subscription and region of all requests according to the key of your translation service. Then update category id with the value you copied from the custom translator.

  9. Import file translator.postman_collection.json in postman. Execute queries one by one and compare a result of translation.


For testing sentences you can use files from Test folder.