The Language Detection feature of the Azure Text Analytics REST API evaluates text input for each document and returns language identifiers with a score that indicates the strength of the analysis.
The Language Detection feature can detect a wide range of languages, variants, dialects, and some regional or cultural languages. The exact list of languages for this feature isn't published.
In this hands-on you will create language detection feature and implement translation for the PictureBot.
- This lab builds on Lab 7. If you not able to complete Lab 7 you can use completed solution from code folder.
- The hands-on is also required Cosmos DB account set up Lab 4 and LUIS trained model Lab 6.
To use the Translator Text API we need create a Translator Text Cognitive service and obtain subscription key and endpoint to connect.
This Subscription Key is needed to call Cognitive Services API’s to detect language and perform translation.
Login to Azure portal
On the menu on the Left, click + Create a resource
Translator Text
and click Create button. -
Provide unique service name and select S1 price tier.
Finlay hit Create button and wait until provisioning resource.
From the recourse blade select Quick start and copy the
. It will be used later in the code.
Open project PictureBot in your VS studio and located file PictureBot.cs
Locate function OnMessageActivityAsync
triggers each time when the message arrives from user. Here is place when we will detect user language.
Locate the UserProfile.cs
file. It should be in the folder Models
. UserProfile class responsible for store data about user. In Lab 4 we collect user's Utterance in the object and store in CosmosDB.
Add new field to UserProfile
class. It is going to be a simple sting value with default value en
public string Language { get; set; } = "en"
Create new folder in the project named Translator
and add files from assets folder.
Lets spend some time to review the files. Open Translator
class. This class will be used for language detection in function Detect
.Detection process required only input text and return detected language.
also implement function Translate
which accept input text, input language and target language to translate. Output of the function is translated text in target language.
- Open file
. This class is implementing authentication with Text Translator API in Azure. It is responsible to obtain token from token service, store and refresh token in cache.
Lets return back to PictureBot.cs
and locate function OnMessageActivityAsync
. This function should be modified to detect user's language by his messages. Lets add following lines after sore user Utterance in UtteranceList.
//detect user language
userProfile.Language = _translator.Detect(turnContext.Activity.Text);
MessageFactory.Text($"Detected language: {userProfile.Language}");
also you have to add following field in the top of the class.
private Translator _translator = new Translator();
Last thing to do before we do our first test is copy Keys and endpoint to Translator.cs
. Update CognitiveServicesTokenUri
and SubscriptionKey
with values you copy from Translator Text on previous step.
Do not forget to update appsettings.json
with your values from previous lab if you started from completed. Also you need update LuisApplication
in startup.cs
Now your project should be build correctly. Lets run your bot now and test with some foreign language words:
- ciao - should be detected as Italian.
- привет - should be detected as Russian.
- 你好 - should be detected as Chinese.
- नमस्ते - should be detected as Hindi.
Your testing responds should be as following:
Notice that LUIS is able to detect simple greetings from foreign sentence. But unfortunately LUIS will not understand user's utterance because it was trained on English.
On the next step we will implement language translation for incoming messages from users. Translation to English is required for LUIS service to understand utterance which is trained for. Lets implement user message translation.
We going to detect language above and translate message text and store translated in teh same Activity filed as source text for simplicity. Lets update function OnMessageActivityAsync
to just store language in user's Profile. Replace following code
//detect user language
userProfile.Language = _translator.Detect(turnContext.Activity.Text);
MessageFactory.Text($"Detected language: {userProfile.Language}");
//detect user language
userProfile.Language = _language;
Now locate MainMenuAsync
function from PictureBot.cs
. Add following code to the top of the function to make simple Regexp middleware and LUIS detect user intends:
//detect user language
_language = _translator.Detect(stepContext.Context.Activity.Text);
if (_language != "en")
string translated = _translator.Translate(stepContext.Context.Activity.Text, _language, "en");
stepContext.Context.Activity.Text = translated;
you also need to create new field for keep user language to properly respond him later. Add to the top of PictureBot
private string _language = "en";
We also need to update method GreetingAsync
which is used to greet user from his first message. Following code need to be placed right before // Greet the user await MainResponses.ReplyWithGreeting(stepContext.Context);
_language = _translator.Detect(stepContext.Context.Activity.Text);
if (_language != "en")
string translated = _translator.Translate(stepContext.Context.Activity.Text, _language, "en");
stepContext.Context.Activity.Text = translated;
Now you can test some Lets run your bot now and test with utterance recognition:
- per favore ordina la mia foto - should be detected as intent to make an order on Italian.
- добрый день - should be detected as greeting on Russian.
- 分享圖片 - should be recognized as intent of sharing pictures on Chinese.
- कुत्ते के चित्र खोजें - should be detected as intent to find dogs picture on Hindi.
Your testing responds should be as following:
Notice that now LUIS and RegExp Middleware correctly detect user's intentions.
In following task we will implement translation of bot messages back to the user in the language he made a requests. To implement translate functionality with minimum changes we will create delegate and pass the delegate to the MainResponse class.
Locate PictureBot
class and add new field for delegate. We will use lambda function syntax.
private Func<string,string> _translateDelegate;
Next we need to update PictureBot
constructor. Somewhere before initialization logger add following line:
_translateDelegate = (output) => _translator.Translate(output, "en", _language);
Locate MainResponses.cs
file and update all function with adding following parameter at the end. Used to be:
public static async Task ReplyWithGreeting(ITurnContext context)
should be, by adding a new parameter:
public static async Task ReplyWithGreeting(ITurnContext context, Func<string, string> translate)
also each function should be modified with delegate call like translate.Invoke
. Used to be:
await context.SendActivityAsync($"Hi, I'm PictureBot!");
should be:
await context.SendActivityAsync(translate.Invoke($"Hi, I'm PictureBot!"));
Complete replacement for all methods in class except ReplyWithLuisScore
function, because it has a debug information.
Now return back in PictureBot
class and update calls to MainResponses
classes as following. Used to be:
await MainResponses.ReplyWithShareConfirmation(stepContext.Context);
should be, by adding a new parameter:
await MainResponses.ReplyWithShareConfirmation(stepContext.Context, _translateDelegate);
Implement the same changes in rest of the calls in PictureBot
If your project build successfully you can start testing. Run the bot and test again with following sentence and watch for respond. You can use Bing translate to verify the response.
- per favore ordina la mia foto - should be responded on Italian.
- добрый день - should be responded on Russian.
- 分享圖片 - should be recognized as intent of sharing pictures on Chinese.
- कुत्ते के चित्र खोजें - should be detected as intent to find dogs picture on Hindi.
Some of respond for translation listed below:
Get stuck or broken? You can find the solution for the lab up until this point under code/FinishedPictureBot-Part1. You will need to insert the keys for your Azure Bot Service in the
file. We recommend using this code as a reference, not as a solution to run, but if you choose to run it, be sure to add the necessary keys (in this section, there shouldn't be any).