The article can be accessed through mdpi
rosrun vectornav vn200_node _serial_port:=/dev/ttyAMA0 _target_baud:=460800 _binary_data_output_port:=2 _binary_ins_data_output_rate:=400
gdb rosrun vectornav vn200_node _serial_port:=/dev/ttyAMA0 _target_baud:=460800 _binary_data_output_port:=2 _binary_ins_data_output_rate:=400
rostopic echo /vectornav/imugps
rostopic hz /vectornav/imugps
rostopic info /vectornav/imugps
ps aux
sudo killall python
sudo killall screen
sudo killall tee
rostopic echo --filter=m.header.seq%200==0 /vectornav/imugps
Device name HTC219-720-SPC
Full device name
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.41 GHz
Installed RAM 32,0 GB
Device ID bbbf3aca-47cd-4ad8-9fd0-ad23414388c6
Product ID 00329-00000-00003-AA689
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display
Test repo for matab: D:\(...BackupDdrive)\(..RA)\....PAVEL\MATLAB-APP\test
In matlab folder, create folder name ${subjectID}_out, for example
The directory should include these files:
- 2022-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX_s.txt (sliced ID's gaitpod file)
- OXYGAX_marker_XXXX_s.txt(sliced ID'oxygen file)
executable file run the everythingfeatures_OK.m
At the begging
, change subjectID and changesortedInputFeatures
to true if want output input features in ordet (false by default) and run the file -
After about 5 mins it will produce input feature file
This section describes the basic usage of the device
- The Xsens IMU units are currently connected through the USB ports and should be connected before powering the device.
- GPS is connected to the UART pins. The device is enumerated as /dev/ttyAMA0 on RPi and /dev/ttyS4 on minnowboard and uses 57600 baud. This all is configured in the ROS launch files.
- It is recommended that the ethernet cable is plugged to a router which will assign an IP address to the device (unless using 3G), currently the OS has issues if you switch to a different router while the device is powered?
- The device gets time from internet, so logs are dated to 1970 or some other wrong time if no internet connection has been available before starting measurements
- The device is powered by the powerbank from the USB connector. The runtime with this seems to be around 3-4 h for RPi and 2,5 h for minnowboard.
- The measurement mode is activated in the boot
- Primary led will flash when time is corrected from interney
- The device will start recording as soon as it loses internet connectivity
- It might take a few minutes to start the measurements, if there are errors with gps or imu. Device will try again until everything works.
- Primary led will flash when making IMU alignment, so IMU should be stationary that time and a bit after.
- It seems, the IMU wont start if it has been stationary for some time (MTw wired), so light shake might be needed before use.
- When recording, primary led will be lit.
- Recording will be stopped once the internet connectivity is restored.
- After being stopped, the files will be uploaded to Google Drive ([email protected])
- The power switch on top can be flipped to give shutdown commands to the unit.
- After flipping the switch and waiting some seconds, the USB cable powering the device can be unplugged.
Standard SSH conenction can be made to the device with ssh:
ssh ubuntu@[IP]
Password: ubuntu
For RPi with kinetic user: pi, password: raspberry For minnowboard user: openkin, password: openkin
ROS Driver for XSens MT/MTi/MTi-G devices.
ROS driver for ublox
Pozyx Arduino library
All are added as subtrees to this repo, so updates can be fetched with commands (from git root):
git subtree pull --prefix nodes/ublox master --squash
git subtree pull --prefix nodes/ethzasl_xsens_driver master --squash
git subtree pull --prefix nodes/pozyx/include/Pozyx-custom-library/ master --squash
cd nodes/pozyx/ínclude
patch -p0 < pozyx-arduino-to-linux.patch
The measurements are started by running ~/openkin/, which in turn calls the main script at ~/openkin/ using locks. The script now starts from /etc/rc.local, with lockfile at /home/ubuntu/measurement.lock and as user ubuntu (or pi or openkin).
... can be found in Google Docs with the [email protected] -account.