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Committing Changes to the Trilinos Repository

James Willenbring edited this page Mar 29, 2018 · 4 revisions

Committing Changes to Trilinos

As of April 12, 2018, direct commits to the Trilinos GitHub repository are no longer permitted. We are using a pull request mechanism and requiring code review as part of the process. Pull request and code review (PR/CR) is the project-wide means of getting changes into the Trilinos repository.


  • How do I learn about the Trilinos PR/CR process? The PR/CR process is described on this page:
  • How do I get assistance if I am having trouble? Create a GitHub issue and add @trilinos/framework to your comment text.
  • My team already does code review on a feature branch. Do we still need to do code review as part of the Trilinos PR? Yes. However, the Trilinos CR process can probably be light weight in this situation.
  • My change is very minor. Do I still need to do code review as part of the Trilinos PR? Yes. However, the Trilinos CR process can be light weight in this situation.
  • I submitted my pull request, but it is not being tested. What might be going wrong? The most common reason a pull request is not being tested is that it was submitted against a branch other than develop. Other possible reasons include the PR needing a pre-test inspection (for developers who are not part of the Trilinos GitHub organization), or the Autotester tool not having looked at the PR yet due to other running tests.
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