index 1665f752..14a00fca 100644
@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ Imports:
- sp
+ sp,
+ testthat (>= 3.0.0)
URL: https://github.com/trafficonese/leaflet.extras2
BugReports: https://github.com/trafficonese/leaflet.extras2/issues
RoxygenNote: 7.3.1
+Config/testthat/edition: 3
index a75f5843..e768508e 100644
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ export(removeReachability)
diff --git a/R/buildings.R b/R/buildings.R
index ef165bbf..ce495f8d 100644
--- a/R/buildings.R
+++ b/R/buildings.R
@@ -5,49 +5,85 @@ buildingsDependency <- function() {
src = system.file("htmlwidgets/lfx-building", package = "leaflet.extras2"),
stylesheet = "osm-buildings.css",
script = c(
- # "osm-buildings.js",
- "OSMBuildings.js",
+ "osm-buildings.js",
-#' Add OSM-Buildings
+#' Add OSM-Buildings to a Leaflet Map
-#' @param map A map widget object created from \code{\link[leaflet]{leaflet}}
-#' @param options List of further options. See \code{\link{hexbinOptions}}
+#' This function adds 2.5D buildings to a Leaflet map using the OSM Buildings plugin.
-#' @note Out of the box a legend image is only available for Pressure,
-#' Precipitation Classic, Clouds Classic, Rain Classic, Snow, Temperature and
-#' Wind Speed.
-#' @seealso https://osmbuildings.org/documentation/viewer/
+#' @param map A map widget object created from \code{\link[leaflet]{leaflet}}.
+#' @param buildingURL The URL template for the building data. Default is the OSM Buildings tile server: \cr
+#' \code{"https://{s}.data.osmbuildings.org/0.2/59fcc2e8/tile/{z}/{x}/{y}.json"}.
+#' @param group The name of the group the buildings will be added to.
+#' @param eachFn A JavaScript function (using \code{\link[htmlwidgets]{JS}}) that will be called for each building feature. Use this to apply custom logic to each feature.
+#' @param clickFn A JavaScript function (using \code{\link[htmlwidgets]{JS}}) that will be called when a building is clicked. Use this to handle click events on buildings.
+#' @param data A GeoJSON object containing Polygon features representing the buildings. The properties of these polygons can include attributes like \code{height}, \code{color}, \code{roofColor}, and others as specified in the OSM Buildings documentation.
+#' @details
+#' The `data` parameter allows you to provide custom building data as a GeoJSON object. The following properties can be used within the GeoJSON:
+#' \itemize{
+#' \item \strong{height}
+#' \item \strong{minHeight}
+#' \item \strong{color/wallColor}
+#' \item \strong{material}
+#' \item \strong{roofColor}
+#' \item \strong{roofMaterial}
+#' \item \strong{shape}
+#' \item \strong{roofShape}
+#' \item \strong{roofHeight}
+#' }
+#' See the OSM Wiki: \href{https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Simple_3D_Buildings}
+#' @seealso \url{https://github.com/kekscom/osmbuildings/} for more details on the OSM Buildings plugin and available properties.
#' @family OSM-Buildings Plugin
#' @export
addBuildings <- function(
- map, layerId = NULL, group = NULL, opacity = 0.5,
- attribution = '© Map tiles Mapbox') {
- # if (is.null(apikey)) {
- # apikey <- Sys.getenv("MAPBOX")
- # if (apikey == "") {
- # stop("You must either pass an `apikey` directly or save it as ",
- # "system variable under `MAPBOX`.")
- # }
- # }
+ map,
+ buildingURL = "https://{s}.data.osmbuildings.org/0.2/59fcc2e8/tile/{z}/{x}/{y}.json",
+ group = NULL,
+ eachFn = NULL, clickFn = NULL, data = NULL) {
map$dependencies <- c(map$dependencies, buildingsDependency())
- invokeMethod(map, getMapData(map), "addBuilding", layerId, group,
- opacity, attribution)
+ invokeMethod(map, getMapData(map), "addBuilding",
+ buildingURL, group,
+ eachFn, clickFn, data)
#' Update the Shadows OSM-Buildings with a POSIXct timestamp
-#' @param map A map widget object created from \code{\link[leaflet]{leaflet}}
-#' @seealso https://osmbuildings.org/documentation/viewer/
+#' @inheritParams addBuildings
+#' @param time a timestamp that can be converted to POSIXct
#' @family OSM-Buildings Plugin
#' @export
updateBuildingTime <- function(map, time) {
- invokeMethod(map, NULL, "updateBuildingTime", as.POSIXct(time))
+ invokeMethod(map, NULL, "updateBuildingTime", time)
+#' Update the OSM-Buildings Style
+#' @inheritParams addBuildings
+#' @param style A named list of styles
+#' @family OSM-Buildings Plugin
+#' @export
+setBuildingStyle <- function(map, style = list(color = "#ffcc00",
+ wallColor = "#ffcc00",
+ roofColor = "orange",
+ shadows = TRUE)) {
+ invokeMethod(map, NULL, "setBuildingStyle", style)
+#' Update the OSM-Buildings Data
+#' @inheritParams addBuildings
+#' @family OSM-Buildings Plugin
+#' @export
+setBuildingData <- function(map, data) {
+ invokeMethod(map, NULL, "setBuildingData", data)
diff --git a/inst/examples/Buildings_mini.geojson b/inst/examples/Buildings_mini.geojson
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad4a4c30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inst/examples/Buildings_mini.geojson
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/inst/examples/buildings_app.R b/inst/examples/buildings_app.R
index 85034c05..94586338 100644
--- a/inst/examples/buildings_app.R
+++ b/inst/examples/buildings_app.R
@@ -1,32 +1,104 @@
+options("shiny.autoreload" = TRUE)
+cols <- c("green","orange","red","pink","yellow","blue","lightblue")
+darkcols <- c("lightgray","gray","#c49071","#876302","#443408")
+## Custom GeoJSON ###########
+## Get a Sample Building Dataset from
+# https://hub.arcgis.com/datasets/IthacaNY::buildings/explore?location=42.432557%2C-76.486649%2C13.42
+geojson <- yyjsonr::read_geojson_file("Buildings_mini.geojson")
+geojson$height= sample(seq(50,100,5), nrow(geojson), replace = TRUE)
+geojson$color= sample(cols, nrow(geojson), replace = TRUE)
+geojson$wallColor= sample(cols, nrow(geojson), replace = TRUE)
+geojson$roofColor= sample(darkcols, nrow(geojson), replace = TRUE)
+geojson$shape= sample(c("cylinder","sphere",""), nrow(geojson), replace = TRUE)
+geojson$roofHeight= geojson$height + sample(seq(1,10,1), nrow(geojson), replace = TRUE)
+geojson$roofShape= sample(c("dome","pyramidal", "butterfly","gabled","half-hipped",
+ "gambrel","onion"), nrow(geojson), replace = TRUE)
+geojson <- yyjsonr::write_geojson_str(geojson)
+class(geojson) <- "json"
+## UI ###########
ui <- fluidPage(
- leafletOutput("map", height = "700px"),
- dateInput("date", "Date"),
- sliderInput("time", "Time", 0, max = 24, value = 4, step = 1)
- # actionButton("update", "Update Date")
+ titlePanel("OSM Buildings (2.5D)"),
+ sidebarLayout(
+ sidebarPanel(
+ h4("Use the OSM Buildings or a Custom GeoJSON")
+ , selectInput("src", label = "Data Source", choices = c("OSM", "GeoJSON"))
+ , h4("Change the Date and Time-Slider to Adapt the Shadow")
+ , dateInput("date", "Date")
+ , sliderInput("time", "Time", 7, max =20, value = 11, step = 1)
+ , h4("Change the Style and the Data")
+ , actionButton("style", "Update Style")
+ , actionButton("data", "Update Data")
+ ),
+ mainPanel(
+ leafletOutput("map", height = "700px")
+ ),
+ fluid = TRUE
+## SERVER ###########
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$map <- renderLeaflet({
- leaflet() %>%
- # addTiles() %>%
- # addProviderTiles("CartoDB.DarkMatter") %>%
- addBuildings() %>%
- addMarkers(data = breweries91) %>%
- setView(lng = 13.40438, lat = 52.51836, zoom = 16)
+ m <- leaflet() %>%
+ addProviderTiles("CartoDB")
+ if (input$src == "OSM") {
+ m <- m %>%
+ addBuildings(
+ group = "Buildings"
+ # , eachFn = leaflet::JS("function(e) { console.log('each feature:', e); }")
+ # , clickFn = leaflet::JS("function(e) { console.log('clicked:', e); }")
+ )
+ } else {
+ m <- m %>%
+ addBuildings(
+ group = "Buildings"
+ , buildingURL = NULL
+ , data = geojson
+ )
+ }
+ m %>%
+ addLayersControl(overlayGroups = "Buildings") %>%
+ setView(lng = -76.51, lat = 42.433, zoom = 15)
- # observeEvent(input$update, {
- # browser()
- date <- input$date
time <- formatC(input$time, width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0")
- updatetime <- paste0(date, " ", time, ":00:00")
+ updatetime <- paste0(input$date, " ", time, ":00:00")
leafletProxy("map") %>%
updateBuildingTime(time = as.POSIXct(updatetime))
+ observeEvent(input$style, {
+ leafletProxy("map") %>%
+ setBuildingStyle(style = list(color = sample(cols, 1),
+ wallColor = sample(cols, 1),
+ roofColor = sample(cols, 1),
+ roofShape = sample(c("dome","pyramidal", "butterfly","gabled","half-hipped",
+ "gambrel","onion"), 1),
+ shadows = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 1)))
+ })
+ observeEvent(input$data, {
+ geojson <- yyjsonr::read_geojson_file("Buildings_mini.geojson")
+ filtered <- geojson[sample(1:nrow(geojson), 10, F),]
+ filtered$height= sample(seq(50,140,5), nrow(filtered), replace = TRUE)
+ filtered$color= sample(cols, nrow(filtered), replace = TRUE)
+ filtered$wallColor= sample(cols, nrow(filtered), replace = TRUE)
+ filtered$roofColor= sample(cols, nrow(filtered), replace = TRUE)
+ filtered <- yyjsonr::write_geojson_str(filtered)
+ class(filtered) <- "json"
+ leafletProxy("map") %>%
+ setBuildingData(data = filtered)
+ })
shinyApp(ui, server)
diff --git a/inst/htmlwidgets/lfx-building/OSMBuildings.js b/inst/htmlwidgets/lfx-building/OSMBuildings.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c141700..00000000
--- a/inst/htmlwidgets/lfx-building/OSMBuildings.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2466 +0,0 @@
-const OSMBuildings = (function() {
- m = Math,
- exp = m.exp,
- log = m.log,
- sin = m.sin,
- cos = m.cos,
- tan = m.tan,
- atan = m.atan,
- atan2 = m.atan2,
- min = m.min,
- max = m.max,
- sqrt = m.sqrt,
- ceil = m.ceil,
- pow = m.pow;
- * @class
- */
-class Qolor {
- /**
- * @constructor
- * @param r {Number} 0.0 .. 1.0 red value of a color
- * @param g {Number} 0.0 .. 1.0 green value of a color
- * @param b {Number} 0.0 .. 1.0 blue value of a color
- * @param a {Number} 0.0 .. 1.0 alpha value of a color, default 1
- */
- constructor (r, g, b, a = 1) {
- this.r = this._clamp(r, 1);
- this.g = this._clamp(g, 1);
- this.b = this._clamp(b, 1);
- this.a = this._clamp(a, 1);
- }
- /**
- * @param str {String} can be any color dfinition like: 'red', '#0099ff', 'rgb(64, 128, 255)', 'rgba(64, 128, 255, 0.5)'
- */
- static parse (str) {
- if (typeof str === 'string') {
- str = str.toLowerCase();
- str = Qolor.w3cColors[str] || str;
- let m;
- if ((m = str.match(/^#?(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})$/))) {
- return new Qolor(parseInt(m[1], 16)/255, parseInt(m[2], 16)/255, parseInt(m[3], 16)/255);
- }
- if ((m = str.match(/^#?(\w)(\w)(\w)$/))) {
- return new Qolor(parseInt(m[1]+m[1], 16)/255, parseInt(m[2]+m[2], 16)/255, parseInt(m[3]+m[3], 16)/255);
- }
- if ((m = str.match(/rgba?\((\d+)\D+(\d+)\D+(\d+)(\D+([\d.]+))?\)/))) {
- return new Qolor(
- parseFloat(m[1])/255,
- parseFloat(m[2])/255,
- parseFloat(m[3])/255,
- m[4] ? parseFloat(m[5]) : 1
- );
- }
- }
- return new Qolor();
- }
- static fromHSL (h, s, l, a) {
- const qolor = new Qolor().fromHSL(h, s, l);
- qolor.a = a === undefined ? 1 : a;
- return qolor;
- }
- //***************************************************************************
- _hue2rgb(p, q, t) {
- if (t<0) t += 1;
- if (t>1) t -= 1;
- if (t<1/6) return p + (q - p)*6*t;
- if (t<1/2) return q;
- if (t<2/3) return p + (q - p)*(2/3 - t)*6;
- return p;
- }
- _clamp(v, max) {
- if (v === undefined) {
- return;
- }
- return Math.min(max, Math.max(0, v || 0));
- }
- //***************************************************************************
- isValid () {
- return this.r !== undefined && this.g !== undefined && this.b !== undefined;
- }
- toHSL () {
- if (!this.isValid()) {
- return;
- }
- const max = Math.max(this.r, this.g, this.b);
- const min = Math.min(this.r, this.g, this.b);
- const range = max - min;
- const l = (max + min)/2;
- // achromatic
- if (!range) {
- return { h: 0, s: 0, l: l };
- }
- const s = l > 0.5 ? range/(2 - max - min) : range/(max + min);
- let h;
- switch (max) {
- case this.r:
- h = (this.g - this.b)/range + (this.g 0 ? WINDING_CLOCKWISE : WINDING_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE;
-// enforce a polygon winding direcetion. Needed for proper backface culling.
-function makeWinding (points, direction) {
- let winding = getWinding(points);
- if (winding === direction) {
- return points;
- }
- let revPoints = [];
- for (let i = points.length-2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
- revPoints.push(points[i], points[i+1]);
- }
- return revPoints;
-function alignProperties(prop) {
- const item = {};
- prop = prop || {};
- item.height = prop.height || (prop.levels ? prop.levels *METERS_PER_LEVEL : DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
- item.minHeight = prop.minHeight || (prop.minLevel ? prop.minLevel*METERS_PER_LEVEL : 0);
- const wallColor = prop.material ? getMaterialColor(prop.material) : (prop.wallColor || prop.color);
- if (wallColor) {
- item.wallColor = wallColor;
- }
- const roofColor = prop.roofMaterial ? getMaterialColor(prop.roofMaterial) : prop.roofColor;
- if (roofColor) {
- item.roofColor = roofColor;
- }
- switch (prop.shape) {
- case 'cylinder':
- case 'cone':
- case 'dome':
- case 'sphere':
- item.shape = prop.shape;
- item.isRotational = true;
- break;
- case 'pyramid':
- item.shape = prop.shape;
- break;
- }
- switch (prop.roofShape) {
- case 'cone':
- case 'dome':
- item.roofShape = prop.roofShape;
- item.isRotational = true;
- break;
- case 'pyramid':
- item.roofShape = prop.roofShape;
- break;
- }
- if (item.roofShape && prop.roofHeight) {
- item.roofHeight = prop.roofHeight;
- item.height = max(0, item.height-item.roofHeight);
- } else {
- item.roofHeight = 0;
- }
- return item;
-function getGeometries (geometry) {
- let
- polygon,
- geometries = [], sub;
- switch (geometry.type) {
- case 'GeometryCollection':
- geometries = [];
- for (let i = 0, il = geometry.geometries.length; i < il; i++) {
- if ((sub = getGeometries(geometry.geometries[i]))) {
- geometries.push.apply(geometries, sub);
- }
- }
- return geometries;
- case 'MultiPolygon':
- geometries = [];
- for (let i = 0, il = geometry.coordinates.length; i < il; i++) {
- if ((sub = getGeometries({ type: 'Polygon', coordinates: geometry.coordinates[i] }))) {
- geometries.push.apply(geometries, sub);
- }
- }
- return geometries;
- case 'Polygon':
- polygon = geometry.coordinates;
- break;
- default: return [];
- }
- let
- p, lat = 1, lon = 0,
- outer = [], inner = [];
- p = polygon[0];
- for (let i = 0, il = p.length; i < il; i++) {
- outer.push(p[i][lat], p[i][lon]);
- }
- outer = makeWinding(outer, WINDING_CLOCKWISE);
- for (let i = 0, il = polygon.length-1; i < il; i++) {
- p = polygon[i+1];
- inner[i] = [];
- for (let j = 0, jl = p.length; j < jl; j++) {
- inner[i].push(p[j][lat], p[j][lon]);
- }
- inner[i] = makeWinding(inner[i], WINDING_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE);
- }
- return [{
- outer: outer,
- inner: inner.length ? inner : null
- }];
-function clone (obj) {
- let res = {};
- for (const p in obj) {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
- res[p] = obj[p];
- }
- }
- return res;
-class GeoJSON {
- static read (geojson) {
- if (!geojson || geojson.type !== 'FeatureCollection') {
- return [];
- }
- const collection = geojson.features;
- const res = [];
- for (let i = 0, il = collection.length; i < il; i++) {
- const feature = collection[i];
- if (feature.type !== 'Feature' || onEach(feature) === false) {
- continue;
- }
- const baseItem = alignProperties(feature.properties);
- const geometries = getGeometries(feature.geometry);
- for (let j = 0, jl = geometries.length; j < jl; j++) {
- const item = clone(baseItem);
- item.footprint = geometries[j].outer;
- if (item.isRotational) {
- item.radius = getLonDelta(item.footprint);
- }
- if (geometries[j].inner) {
- item.holes = geometries[j].inner;
- }
- if (feature.id || feature.properties.id) {
- item.id = feature.id || feature.properties.id;
- }
- if (feature.properties.relationId) {
- item.relationId = feature.properties.relationId;
- }
- res.push(item); // TODO: clone base properties!
- }
- }
- return res;
- }
- VERSION = '0.3.2',
- ATTRIBUTION = '© OSM Buildings',
- DATA_SRC = 'https://{s}.data.osmbuildings.org/0.2/{k}/tile/{z}/{x}/{y}.json',
- PI = Math.PI,
- HALF_PI = PI/2,
- MAP_TILE_SIZE = 256, // map tile size in pixels
- MIN_ZOOM = 15,
- LAT = 'latitude', LON = 'longitude',
- WIDTH = 0, HEIGHT = 0,
- CENTER_X = 0, CENTER_Y = 0,
- ORIGIN_X = 0, ORIGIN_Y = 0,
- WALL_COLOR = Qolor.parse('rgba(200, 190, 180)'),
- ALT_COLOR = WALL_COLOR.lightness(0.8),
- ROOF_COLOR = WALL_COLOR.lightness(1.2),
- MAX_HEIGHT, // taller buildings will be cut to this
- CAM_X, CAM_Y, CAM_Z = 450,
-function onEach () {}
-function onClick () {}
-function getDistance (p1, p2) {
- const
- dx = p1.x-p2.x,
- dy = p1.y-p2.y;
- return dx*dx + dy*dy;
-function isRotational (polygon) {
- const length = polygon.length;
- if (length < 16) {
- return false;
- }
- let minX = Infinity, maxX = -Infinity, minY = Infinity, maxY = -Infinity;
- for (let i = 0; i < length-1; i+=2) {
- minX = Math.min(minX, polygon[i]);
- maxX = Math.max(maxX, polygon[i]);
- minY = Math.min(minY, polygon[i+1]);
- maxY = Math.max(maxY, polygon[i+1]);
- }
- const
- width = maxX-minX,
- height = (maxY-minY),
- ratio = width/height;
- if (ratio < 0.85 || ratio > 1.15) {
- return false;
- }
- const
- center = { x:minX+width/2, y:minY+height/2 },
- radius = (width+height)/4,
- sqRadius = radius*radius;
- for (let i = 0; i < length-1; i+=2) {
- const dist = getDistance({ x:polygon[i], y:polygon[i+1] }, center);
- if (dist/sqRadius < 0.8 || dist/sqRadius > 1.2) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-function getSquareSegmentDistance (px, py, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) {
- let
- dx = p2x-p1x,
- dy = p2y-p1y,
- t;
- if (dx !== 0 || dy !== 0) {
- t = ((px-p1x) * dx + (py-p1y) * dy) / (dx*dx + dy*dy);
- if (t > 1) {
- p1x = p2x;
- p1y = p2y;
- } else if (t > 0) {
- p1x += dx*t;
- p1y += dy*t;
- }
- }
- dx = px-p1x;
- dy = py-p1y;
- return dx*dx + dy*dy;
-function simplifyPolygon (buffer) {
- let
- sqTolerance = 2,
- len = buffer.length/2,
- markers = new Uint8Array(len),
- first = 0, last = len-1,
- maxSqDist,
- sqDist,
- index,
- firstStack = [], lastStack = [],
- newBuffer = [];
- markers[first] = markers[last] = 1;
- while (last) {
- maxSqDist = 0;
- for (let i = first+1; i < last; i++) {
- sqDist = getSquareSegmentDistance(
- buffer[i *2], buffer[i *2 + 1],
- buffer[first*2], buffer[first*2 + 1],
- buffer[last *2], buffer[last *2 + 1]
- );
- if (sqDist > maxSqDist) {
- index = i;
- maxSqDist = sqDist;
- }
- }
- if (maxSqDist > sqTolerance) {
- markers[index] = 1;
- firstStack.push(first);
- lastStack.push(index);
- firstStack.push(index);
- lastStack.push(last);
- }
- first = firstStack.pop();
- last = lastStack.pop();
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- if (markers[i]) {
- newBuffer.push(buffer[i*2], buffer[i*2 + 1]);
- }
- }
- return newBuffer;
-function getCenter (footprint) {
- let minX = Infinity, maxX = -Infinity, minY = Infinity, maxY = -Infinity;
- for (let i = 0, il = footprint.length-3; i < il; i += 2) {
- minX = min(minX, footprint[i]);
- maxX = max(maxX, footprint[i]);
- minY = min(minY, footprint[i+1]);
- maxY = max(maxY, footprint[i+1]);
- }
- return { x:minX+(maxX-minX)/2 <<0, y:minY+(maxY-minY)/2 <<0 };
-let EARTH_RADIUS = 6378137;
-function getLonDelta (footprint) {
- let minLon = 180, maxLon = -180;
- for (let i = 0, il = footprint.length; i < il; i += 2) {
- minLon = min(minLon, footprint[i+1]);
- maxLon = max(maxLon, footprint[i+1]);
- }
- return (maxLon-minLon)/2;
-function rad (deg) {
- return deg * PI / 180;
-function deg (rad) {
- return rad / PI * 180;
-function pixelToGeo (x, y) {
- const res = {};
- x /= MAP_SIZE;
- y /= MAP_SIZE;
- res[LAT] = y <= 0 ? 90 : y >= 1 ? -90 : deg(2 * atan(exp(PI * (1 - 2*y))) - HALF_PI);
- res[LON] = (x === 1 ? 1 : (x%1 + 1) % 1) * 360 - 180;
- return res;
-function geoToPixel (lat, lon) {
- const
- latitude = min(1, max(0, 0.5 - (log(tan(QUARTER_PI + HALF_PI * lat / 180)) / PI) / 2)),
- longitude = lon/360 + 0.5;
- return {
- x: longitude*MAP_SIZE <<0,
- y: latitude *MAP_SIZE <<0
- };
-function fromRange (sVal, sMin, sMax, dMin, dMax) {
- sVal = min(max(sVal, sMin), sMax);
- const rel = (sVal-sMin) / (sMax-sMin),
- range = dMax-dMin;
- return min(max(dMin + rel*range, dMin), dMax);
-function isVisible (polygon) {
- const
- // TODO: checking footprint is sufficient for visibility - NOT VALID FOR SHADOWS!
- for (let i = 0, il = polygon.length-3; i < il; i+=2) {
- if (polygon[i] > ORIGIN_X && polygon[i] < maxX && polygon[i+1] > ORIGIN_Y && polygon[i+1] < maxY) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-let cacheData = {};
-let cacheIndex = [];
-let cacheSize = 0;
-let maxCacheSize = 1024*1024 * 5; // 5MB
-function xhr (url, callback) {
- if (cacheData[url]) {
- if (callback) {
- callback(cacheData[url]);
- }
- return;
- }
- const req = new XMLHttpRequest();
- req.onreadystatechange = function () {
- if (req.readyState !== 4) {
- return;
- }
- if (!req.status || req.status < 200 || req.status > 299) {
- return;
- }
- if (callback && req.responseText) {
- const responseText = req.responseText;
- cacheData[url] = responseText;
- cacheIndex.push({ url: url, size: responseText.length });
- cacheSize += responseText.length;
- callback(responseText);
- while (cacheSize > maxCacheSize) {
- let item = cacheIndex.shift();
- cacheSize -= item.size;
- delete cacheData[item.url];
- }
- }
- };
- req.open('GET', url);
- req.send(null);
- return req;
-class Request {
- static loadJSON (url, callback) {
- return xhr(url, responseText => {
- let json;
- try {
- json = JSON.parse(responseText);
- } catch(ex) {}
- callback(json);
- });
- }
-class Data {
- static getPixelFootprint (buffer) {
- let footprint = new Int32Array(buffer.length),
- px;
- for (let i = 0, il = buffer.length-1; i < il; i+=2) {
- px = geoToPixel(buffer[i], buffer[i+1]);
- footprint[i] = px.x;
- footprint[i+1] = px.y;
- }
- footprint = simplifyPolygon(footprint);
- if (footprint.length < 8) { // 3 points & end==start (*2)
- return;
- }
- return footprint;
- }
- static resetItems () {
- this.items = [];
- this.cache = {};
- Picking.reset();
- }
- static addRenderItems (data, allAreNew) {
- let item, scaledItem, id;
- let geojson = GeoJSON.read(data);
- for (let i = 0, il = geojson.length; i < il; i++) {
- item = geojson[i];
- id = item.id || [item.footprint[0], item.footprint[1], item.height, item.minHeight].join(',');
- if (!this.cache[id]) {
- if ((scaledItem = this.scaleItem(item))) {
- scaledItem.scale = allAreNew ? 0 : 1;
- this.items.push(scaledItem);
- this.cache[id] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- fadeIn();
- }
- static scalePolygon (buffer, factor) {
- return buffer.map(coord => coord*factor);
- }
- static scale (factor) {
- Data.items = Data.items.map(item => {
- // item.height = Math.min(item.height*factor, MAX_HEIGHT); // TODO: should be filtered by renderer
- item.height *= factor;
- item.minHeight *= factor;
- item.footprint = Data.scalePolygon(item.footprint, factor);
- item.center.x *= factor;
- item.center.y *= factor;
- if (item.radius) {
- item.radius *= factor;
- }
- if (item.holes) {
- for (let i = 0, il = item.holes.length; i < il; i++) {
- item.holes[i] = Data.scalePolygon(item.holes[i], factor);
- }
- }
- item.roofHeight *= factor;
- return item;
- });
- }
- static scaleItem (item) {
- let
- res = {},
- // TODO: calculate this on zoom change only
- zoomScale = 6 / pow(2, ZOOM-MIN_ZOOM); // TODO: consider using HEIGHT / (devicePixelRatio || 1)
- if (item.id) {
- res.id = item.id;
- }
- res.height = min(item.height/zoomScale, MAX_HEIGHT);
- res.minHeight = isNaN(item.minHeight) ? 0 : item.minHeight / zoomScale;
- if (res.minHeight > MAX_HEIGHT) {
- return;
- }
- res.footprint = this.getPixelFootprint(item.footprint);
- if (!res.footprint) {
- return;
- }
- res.center = getCenter(res.footprint);
- if (item.radius) {
- res.radius = item.radius*PIXEL_PER_DEG;
- }
- if (item.shape) {
- res.shape = item.shape;
- }
- if (item.roofShape) {
- res.roofShape = item.roofShape;
- }
- if ((res.roofShape === 'cone' || res.roofShape === 'dome') && !res.shape && isRotational(res.footprint)) {
- res.shape = 'cylinder';
- }
- if (item.holes) {
- res.holes = [];
- let innerFootprint;
- for (let i = 0, il = item.holes.length; i < il; i++) {
- // TODO: simplify
- if ((innerFootprint = this.getPixelFootprint(item.holes[i]))) {
- res.holes.push(innerFootprint);
- }
- }
- }
- let color;
- if (item.wallColor) {
- if ((color = Qolor.parse(item.wallColor))) {
- res.altColor = ''+ color.lightness(0.8);
- res.wallColor = ''+ color;
- }
- }
- if (item.roofColor) {
- if ((color = Qolor.parse(item.roofColor))) {
- res.roofColor = ''+ color;
- }
- }
- if (item.relationId) {
- res.relationId = item.relationId;
- }
- res.hitColor = Picking.idToColor(item.relationId || item.id);
- res.roofHeight = isNaN(item.roofHeight) ? 0 : item.roofHeight/zoomScale;
- if (res.height+res.roofHeight <= res.minHeight) {
- return;
- }
- return res;
- }
- static set (data) {
- this.resetItems();
- this._staticData = data;
- this.addRenderItems(this._staticData, true);
- }
- static load (src, key) {
- this.src = src || DATA_SRC.replace('{k}', (key || 'anonymous'));
- this.update();
- }
- static update () {
- this.resetItems();
- if (ZOOM < MIN_ZOOM) {
- return;
- }
- if (this._staticData) {
- this.addRenderItems(this._staticData);
- }
- if (this.src) {
- let
- tileZoom = 16,
- tileSize = 256,
- zoomedTileSize = ZOOM > tileZoom ? tileSize << (ZOOM - tileZoom) : tileSize >> (tileZoom - ZOOM),
- minX = ORIGIN_X / zoomedTileSize << 0,
- minY = ORIGIN_Y / zoomedTileSize << 0,
- maxX = ceil((ORIGIN_X + WIDTH) / zoomedTileSize),
- maxY = ceil((ORIGIN_Y + HEIGHT) / zoomedTileSize),
- x, y;
- let scope = this;
- function callback (json) {
- scope.addRenderItems(json);
- }
- for (y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) {
- for (x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) {
- this.loadTile(x, y, tileZoom, callback);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- static loadTile (x, y, zoom, callback) {
- let s = 'abcd'[(x+y) % 4];
- let url = this.src.replace('{s}', s).replace('{x}', x).replace('{y}', y).replace('{z}', zoom);
- return Request.loadJSON(url, callback);
- }
-Data.cache = {}; // maintain a list of cached items in order to avoid duplicates on tile borders
-Data.items = [];
-class Extrusion {
- static draw (context, polygon, innerPolygons, height, minHeight, color, altColor, roofColor) {
- let
- roof = this._extrude(context, polygon, height, minHeight, color, altColor),
- innerRoofs = [];
- if (innerPolygons) {
- for (let i = 0, il = innerPolygons.length; i < il; i++) {
- innerRoofs[i] = this._extrude(context, innerPolygons[i], height, minHeight, color, altColor);
- }
- }
- context.fillStyle = roofColor;
- context.beginPath();
- this._ring(context, roof);
- if (innerPolygons) {
- for (let i = 0, il = innerRoofs.length; i < il; i++) {
- this._ring(context, innerRoofs[i]);
- }
- }
- context.closePath();
- context.fill();
- }
- static _extrude (context, polygon, height, minHeight, color, altColor) {
- let
- scale = CAM_Z / (CAM_Z-height),
- minScale = CAM_Z / (CAM_Z-minHeight),
- a = { x:0, y:0 },
- b = { x:0, y:0 },
- _a, _b,
- roof = [];
- for (let i = 0, il = polygon.length-3; i < il; i += 2) {
- a.x = polygon[i ]-ORIGIN_X;
- a.y = polygon[i+1]-ORIGIN_Y;
- b.x = polygon[i+2]-ORIGIN_X;
- b.y = polygon[i+3]-ORIGIN_Y;
- _a = Buildings.project(a, scale);
- _b = Buildings.project(b, scale);
- if (minHeight) {
- a = Buildings.project(a, minScale);
- b = Buildings.project(b, minScale);
- }
- // backface culling check
- if ((b.x-a.x) * (_a.y-a.y) > (_a.x-a.x) * (b.y-a.y)) {
- // depending on direction, set wall shading
- if ((a.x < b.x && a.y < b.y) || (a.x > b.x && a.y > b.y)) {
- context.fillStyle = altColor;
- } else {
- context.fillStyle = color;
- }
- context.beginPath();
- this._ring(context, [
- b.x, b.y,
- a.x, a.y,
- _a.x, _a.y,
- _b.x, _b.y
- ]);
- context.closePath();
- context.fill();
- }
- roof[i] = _a.x;
- roof[i+1] = _a.y;
- }
- return roof;
- }
- static _ring (context, polygon) {
- context.moveTo(polygon[0], polygon[1]);
- for (let i = 2, il = polygon.length-1; i < il; i += 2) {
- context.lineTo(polygon[i], polygon[i+1]);
- }
- }
- static simplified (context, polygon, innerPolygons) {
- context.beginPath();
- this._ringAbs(context, polygon);
- if (innerPolygons) {
- for (let i = 0, il = innerPolygons.length; i < il; i++) {
- this._ringAbs(context, innerPolygons[i]);
- }
- }
- context.closePath();
- context.fill();
- }
- static _ringAbs (context, polygon) {
- context.moveTo(polygon[0]-ORIGIN_X, polygon[1]-ORIGIN_Y);
- for (let i = 2, il = polygon.length-1; i < il; i += 2) {
- context.lineTo(polygon[i]-ORIGIN_X, polygon[i+1]-ORIGIN_Y);
- }
- }
- static shadow (context, polygon, innerPolygons, height, minHeight) {
- let
- mode = null,
- a = { x:0, y:0 },
- b = { x:0, y:0 },
- _a, _b;
- for (let i = 0, il = polygon.length-3; i < il; i += 2) {
- a.x = polygon[i ]-ORIGIN_X;
- a.y = polygon[i+1]-ORIGIN_Y;
- b.x = polygon[i+2]-ORIGIN_X;
- b.y = polygon[i+3]-ORIGIN_Y;
- _a = Shadows.project(a, height);
- _b = Shadows.project(b, height);
- if (minHeight) {
- a = Shadows.project(a, minHeight);
- b = Shadows.project(b, minHeight);
- }
- // mode 0: floor edges, mode 1: roof edges
- if ((b.x-a.x) * (_a.y-a.y) > (_a.x-a.x) * (b.y-a.y)) {
- if (mode === 1) {
- context.lineTo(a.x, a.y);
- }
- mode = 0;
- if (!i) {
- context.moveTo(a.x, a.y);
- }
- context.lineTo(b.x, b.y);
- } else {
- if (mode === 0) {
- context.lineTo(_a.x, _a.y);
- }
- mode = 1;
- if (!i) {
- context.moveTo(_a.x, _a.y);
- }
- context.lineTo(_b.x, _b.y);
- }
- }
- if (innerPolygons) {
- for (let i = 0, il = innerPolygons.length; i < il; i++) {
- this._ringAbs(context, innerPolygons[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- static hitArea (context, polygon, innerPolygons, height, minHeight, color) {
- let
- mode = null,
- a = { x:0, y:0 },
- b = { x:0, y:0 },
- scale = CAM_Z / (CAM_Z-height),
- minScale = CAM_Z / (CAM_Z-minHeight),
- _a, _b;
- context.fillStyle = color;
- context.beginPath();
- for (let i = 0, il = polygon.length-3; i < il; i += 2) {
- a.x = polygon[i ]-ORIGIN_X;
- a.y = polygon[i+1]-ORIGIN_Y;
- b.x = polygon[i+2]-ORIGIN_X;
- b.y = polygon[i+3]-ORIGIN_Y;
- _a = Buildings.project(a, scale);
- _b = Buildings.project(b, scale);
- if (minHeight) {
- a = Buildings.project(a, minScale);
- b = Buildings.project(b, minScale);
- }
- // mode 0: floor edges, mode 1: roof edges
- if ((b.x-a.x) * (_a.y-a.y) > (_a.x-a.x) * (b.y-a.y)) {
- if (mode === 1) { // mode is initially undefined
- context.lineTo(a.x, a.y);
- }
- mode = 0;
- if (!i) {
- context.moveTo(a.x, a.y);
- }
- context.lineTo(b.x, b.y);
- } else {
- if (mode === 0) { // mode is initially undefined
- context.lineTo(_a.x, _a.y);
- }
- mode = 1;
- if (!i) {
- context.moveTo(_a.x, _a.y);
- }
- context.lineTo(_b.x, _b.y);
- }
- }
- context.closePath();
- context.fill();
- }
-class Cylinder {
- static draw (context, center, radius, topRadius, height, minHeight, color, altColor, roofColor) {
- let
- c = { x:center.x-ORIGIN_X, y:center.y-ORIGIN_Y },
- scale = CAM_Z / (CAM_Z-height),
- minScale = CAM_Z / (CAM_Z-minHeight),
- apex = Buildings.project(c, scale),
- a1, a2;
- topRadius *= scale;
- if (minHeight) {
- c = Buildings.project(c, minScale);
- radius = radius*minScale;
- }
- // common tangents for ground and roof circle
- let tangents = this._tangents(c, radius, apex, topRadius);
- // no tangents? top circle is inside bottom circle
- if (!tangents) {
- a1 = 1.5*PI;
- a2 = 1.5*PI;
- } else {
- a1 = atan2(tangents[0].y1-c.y, tangents[0].x1-c.x);
- a2 = atan2(tangents[1].y1-c.y, tangents[1].x1-c.x);
- }
- context.fillStyle = color;
- context.beginPath();
- context.arc(apex.x, apex.y, topRadius, HALF_PI, a1, true);
- context.arc(c.x, c.y, radius, a1, HALF_PI);
- context.closePath();
- context.fill();
- context.fillStyle = altColor;
- context.beginPath();
- context.arc(apex.x, apex.y, topRadius, a2, HALF_PI, true);
- context.arc(c.x, c.y, radius, HALF_PI, a2);
- context.closePath();
- context.fill();
- context.fillStyle = roofColor;
- this._circle(context, apex, topRadius);
- }
- static simplified (context, center, radius) {
- this._circle(context, { x:center.x-ORIGIN_X, y:center.y-ORIGIN_Y }, radius);
- }
- static shadow (context, center, radius, topRadius, height, minHeight) {
- let
- c = { x:center.x-ORIGIN_X, y:center.y-ORIGIN_Y },
- apex = Shadows.project(c, height),
- p1, p2;
- if (minHeight) {
- c = Shadows.project(c, minHeight);
- }
- // common tangents for ground and roof circle
- let tangents = this._tangents(c, radius, apex, topRadius);
- // TODO: no tangents? roof overlaps everything near cam position
- if (tangents) {
- p1 = atan2(tangents[0].y1-c.y, tangents[0].x1-c.x);
- p2 = atan2(tangents[1].y1-c.y, tangents[1].x1-c.x);
- context.moveTo(tangents[1].x2, tangents[1].y2);
- context.arc(apex.x, apex.y, topRadius, p2, p1);
- context.arc(c.x, c.y, radius, p1, p2);
- } else {
- context.moveTo(c.x+radius, c.y);
- context.arc(c.x, c.y, radius, 0, 2*PI);
- }
- }
- static hitArea (context, center, radius, topRadius, height, minHeight, color) {
- let
- c = { x:center.x-ORIGIN_X, y:center.y-ORIGIN_Y },
- scale = CAM_Z / (CAM_Z-height),
- minScale = CAM_Z / (CAM_Z-minHeight),
- apex = Buildings.project(c, scale),
- p1, p2;
- topRadius *= scale;
- if (minHeight) {
- c = Buildings.project(c, minScale);
- radius = radius*minScale;
- }
- // common tangents for ground and roof circle
- let tangents = this._tangents(c, radius, apex, topRadius);
- context.fillStyle = color;
- context.beginPath();
- // TODO: no tangents? roof overlaps everything near cam position
- if (tangents) {
- p1 = atan2(tangents[0].y1-c.y, tangents[0].x1-c.x);
- p2 = atan2(tangents[1].y1-c.y, tangents[1].x1-c.x);
- context.moveTo(tangents[1].x2, tangents[1].y2);
- context.arc(apex.x, apex.y, topRadius, p2, p1);
- context.arc(c.x, c.y, radius, p1, p2);
- } else {
- context.moveTo(c.x+radius, c.y);
- context.arc(c.x, c.y, radius, 0, 2*PI);
- }
- context.closePath();
- context.fill();
- }
- static _circle (context, center, radius) {
- context.beginPath();
- context.arc(center.x, center.y, radius, 0, PI*2);
- context.fill();
- }
- // http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Algorithm_Implementation/Geometry/Tangents_between_two_circles
- static _tangents (c1, r1, c2, r2) {
- let
- dx = c1.x-c2.x,
- dy = c1.y-c2.y,
- dr = r1-r2,
- sqdist = (dx*dx) + (dy*dy);
- if (sqdist <= dr*dr) {
- return;
- }
- let dist = sqrt(sqdist),
- vx = -dx/dist,
- vy = -dy/dist,
- c = dr/dist,
- res = [],
- h, nx, ny;
- // Let A, B be the centers, and C, D be points at which the tangent
- // touches first and second circle, and n be the normal vector to it.
- //
- // We have the system:
- // n * n = 1 (n is a unit vector)
- // C = A + r1 * n
- // D = B + r2 * n
- // n * CD = 0 (common orthogonality)
- //
- // n * CD = n * (AB + r2*n - r1*n) = AB*n - (r1 -/+ r2) = 0, <=>
- // AB * n = (r1 -/+ r2), <=>
- // v * n = (r1 -/+ r2) / d, where v = AB/|AB| = AB/d
- // This is a linear equation in unknown vector n.
- // Now we're just intersecting a line with a circle: v*n=c, n*n=1
- h = sqrt(max(0, 1 - c*c));
- for (let sign = 1; sign >= -1; sign -= 2) {
- nx = vx*c - sign*h*vy;
- ny = vy*c + sign*h*vx;
- res.push({
- x1: c1.x + r1*nx <<0,
- y1: c1.y + r1*ny <<0,
- x2: c2.x + r2*nx <<0,
- y2: c2.y + r2*ny <<0
- });
- }
- return res;
- }
-class Pyramid {
- static draw (context, polygon, center, height, minHeight, color, altColor) {
- let
- c = { x:center.x-ORIGIN_X, y:center.y-ORIGIN_Y },
- scale = CAM_Z / (CAM_Z-height),
- minScale = CAM_Z / (CAM_Z-minHeight),
- apex = Buildings.project(c, scale),
- a = { x:0, y:0 },
- b = { x:0, y:0 };
- for (let i = 0, il = polygon.length-3; i < il; i += 2) {
- a.x = polygon[i ]-ORIGIN_X;
- a.y = polygon[i+1]-ORIGIN_Y;
- b.x = polygon[i+2]-ORIGIN_X;
- b.y = polygon[i+3]-ORIGIN_Y;
- if (minHeight) {
- a = Buildings.project(a, minScale);
- b = Buildings.project(b, minScale);
- }
- // backface culling check
- if ((b.x-a.x) * (apex.y-a.y) > (apex.x-a.x) * (b.y-a.y)) {
- // depending on direction, set shading
- if ((a.x < b.x && a.y < b.y) || (a.x > b.x && a.y > b.y)) {
- context.fillStyle = altColor;
- } else {
- context.fillStyle = color;
- }
- context.beginPath();
- this._triangle(context, a, b, apex);
- context.closePath();
- context.fill();
- }
- }
- }
- static _triangle (context, a, b, c) {
- context.moveTo(a.x, a.y);
- context.lineTo(b.x, b.y);
- context.lineTo(c.x, c.y);
- }
- static _ring (context, polygon) {
- context.moveTo(polygon[0]-ORIGIN_X, polygon[1]-ORIGIN_Y);
- for (let i = 2, il = polygon.length-1; i < il; i += 2) {
- context.lineTo(polygon[i]-ORIGIN_X, polygon[i+1]-ORIGIN_Y);
- }
- }
- static shadow (context, polygon, center, height, minHeight) {
- let
- a = { x:0, y:0 },
- b = { x:0, y:0 },
- c = { x:center.x-ORIGIN_X, y:center.y-ORIGIN_Y },
- apex = Shadows.project(c, height);
- for (let i = 0, il = polygon.length-3; i < il; i += 2) {
- a.x = polygon[i ]-ORIGIN_X;
- a.y = polygon[i+1]-ORIGIN_Y;
- b.x = polygon[i+2]-ORIGIN_X;
- b.y = polygon[i+3]-ORIGIN_Y;
- if (minHeight) {
- a = Shadows.project(a, minHeight);
- b = Shadows.project(b, minHeight);
- }
- // backface culling check
- if ((b.x-a.x) * (apex.y-a.y) > (apex.x-a.x) * (b.y-a.y)) {
- // depending on direction, set shading
- this._triangle(context, a, b, apex);
- }
- }
- }
- static hitArea (context, polygon, center, height, minHeight, color) {
- let
- c = { x:center.x-ORIGIN_X, y:center.y-ORIGIN_Y },
- scale = CAM_Z / (CAM_Z-height),
- minScale = CAM_Z / (CAM_Z-minHeight),
- apex = Buildings.project(c, scale),
- a = { x:0, y:0 },
- b = { x:0, y:0 };
- context.fillStyle = color;
- context.beginPath();
- for (let i = 0, il = polygon.length-3; i < il; i += 2) {
- a.x = polygon[i ]-ORIGIN_X;
- a.y = polygon[i+1]-ORIGIN_Y;
- b.x = polygon[i+2]-ORIGIN_X;
- b.y = polygon[i+3]-ORIGIN_Y;
- if (minHeight) {
- a = Buildings.project(a, minScale);
- b = Buildings.project(b, minScale);
- }
- // backface culling check
- if ((b.x-a.x) * (apex.y-a.y) > (apex.x-a.x) * (b.y-a.y)) {
- this._triangle(context, a, b, apex);
- }
- }
- context.closePath();
- context.fill();
- }
-let animTimer;
-function fadeIn() {
- if (animTimer) {
- return;
- }
- animTimer = setInterval(t => {
- let dataItems = Data.items,
- isNeeded = false;
- for (let i = 0, il = dataItems.length; i < il; i++) {
- if (dataItems[i].scale < 1) {
- dataItems[i].scale += 0.5*0.2; // amount*easing
- if (dataItems[i].scale > 1) {
- dataItems[i].scale = 1;
- }
- isNeeded = true;
- }
- }
- Layers.render();
- if (!isNeeded) {
- clearInterval(animTimer);
- animTimer = null;
- }
- }, 33);
-class Layers {
- static init () {
- Layers.container.className = 'osmb-container';
- // TODO: improve this
- Shadows.init(Layers.createContext(Layers.container));
- Simplified.init(Layers.createContext(Layers.container));
- Buildings.init(Layers.createContext(Layers.container));
- Picking.init(Layers.createContext());
- }
- static clear () {
- Shadows.clear();
- Simplified.clear();
- Buildings.clear();
- Picking.clear();
- }
- static setOpacity (opacity) {
- Shadows.setOpacity(opacity);
- Simplified.setOpacity(opacity);
- Buildings.setOpacity(opacity);
- Picking.setOpacity(opacity);
- }
- static render (quick) {
- // show on high zoom levels only
- if (ZOOM < MIN_ZOOM) {
- Layers.clear();
- return;
- }
- // don't render during zoom
- if (IS_ZOOMING) {
- return;
- }
- requestAnimationFrame(f => {
- if (!quick) {
- Shadows.render();
- Simplified.render();
- //HitAreas.render(); // TODO: do this on demand
- }
- Buildings.render();
- });
- }
- static createContext (container) {
- let canvas = document.createElement('CANVAS');
- canvas.className = 'osmb-layer';
- let context = canvas.getContext('2d');
- context.lineCap = 'round';
- context.lineJoin = 'round';
- context.lineWidth = 1;
- context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
- Layers.items.push(canvas);
- if (container) {
- container.appendChild(canvas);
- }
- return context;
- }
- static appendTo (parentNode) {
- parentNode.appendChild(Layers.container);
- }
- static remove () {
- Layers.container.parentNode.removeChild(Layers.container);
- }
- static setSize (width, height) {
- Layers.items.forEach(canvas => {
- canvas.width = width;
- canvas.height = height;
- });
- }
- // usually called after move: container jumps by move delta, cam is reset
- static setPosition (x, y) {
- Layers.container.style.left = x +'px';
- Layers.container.style.top = y +'px';
- }
-Layers.container = document.createElement('DIV');
-Layers.items = [];
-class Buildings {
- static init (context) {
- this.context = context;
- }
- static clear () {
- this.context.clearRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
- }
- static setOpacity (opacity) {
- this.context.canvas.style.opacity = opacity;
- }
- static project (p, m) {
- return {
- x: (p.x-CAM_X) * m + CAM_X <<0,
- y: (p.y-CAM_Y) * m + CAM_Y <<0
- };
- }
- static render () {
- this.clear();
- let
- context = this.context,
- item,
- h, mh,
- sortCam = { x:CAM_X+ORIGIN_X, y:CAM_Y+ORIGIN_Y },
- footprint,
- wallColor, altColor, roofColor,
- dataItems = Data.items;
- dataItems.sort((a, b) => {
- return (a.minHeight-b.minHeight) || getDistance(b.center, sortCam) - getDistance(a.center, sortCam) || (b.height-a.height);
- });
- for (let i = 0, il = dataItems.length; i < il; i++) {
- item = dataItems[i];
- if (Simplified.isSimple(item)) {
- continue;
- }
- footprint = item.footprint;
- if (!isVisible(footprint)) {
- continue;
- }
- // when fading in, use a dynamic height
- h = item.scale < 1 ? item.height*item.scale : item.height;
- mh = 0;
- if (item.minHeight) {
- mh = item.scale < 1 ? item.minHeight*item.scale : item.minHeight;
- }
- wallColor = item.wallColor || WALL_COLOR_STR;
- altColor = item.altColor || ALT_COLOR_STR;
- roofColor = item.roofColor || ROOF_COLOR_STR;
- context.strokeStyle = altColor;
- switch (item.shape) {
- case 'cylinder': Cylinder.draw(context, item.center, item.radius, item.radius, h, mh, wallColor, altColor, roofColor); break;
- case 'cone': Cylinder.draw(context, item.center, item.radius, 0, h, mh, wallColor, altColor); break;
- case 'dome': Cylinder.draw(context, item.center, item.radius, item.radius/2, h, mh, wallColor, altColor); break;
- case 'sphere': Cylinder.draw(context, item.center, item.radius, item.radius, h, mh, wallColor, altColor, roofColor); break;
- case 'pyramid': Pyramid.draw(context, footprint, item.center, h, mh, wallColor, altColor); break;
- default: Extrusion.draw(context, footprint, item.holes, h, mh, wallColor, altColor, roofColor);
- }
- switch (item.roofShape) {
- case 'cone': Cylinder.draw(context, item.center, item.radius, 0, h+item.roofHeight, h, roofColor, ''+ Qolor.parse(roofColor).lightness(0.9)); break;
- case 'dome': Cylinder.draw(context, item.center, item.radius, item.radius/2, h+item.roofHeight, h, roofColor, ''+ Qolor.parse(roofColor).lightness(0.9)); break;
- case 'pyramid': Pyramid.draw(context, footprint, item.center, h+item.roofHeight, h, roofColor, Qolor.parse(roofColor).lightness(0.9)); break;
- }
- }
- }
-class Simplified {
- static init (context) {
- this.context = context;
- }
- static clear () {
- this.context.clearRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
- }
- static setOpacity (opacity) {
- this.context.canvas.style.opacity = opacity;
- }
- static isSimple (item) {
- return (ZOOM <= Simplified.MAX_ZOOM && item.height+item.roofHeight < Simplified.MAX_HEIGHT);
- }
- static render () {
- this.clear();
- let context = this.context;
- // show on high zoom levels only and avoid rendering during zoom
- if (ZOOM > Simplified.MAX_ZOOM) {
- return;
- }
- let
- item,
- footprint,
- dataItems = Data.items;
- for (let i = 0, il = dataItems.length; i < il; i++) {
- item = dataItems[i];
- if (item.height >= Simplified.MAX_HEIGHT) {
- continue;
- }
- footprint = item.footprint;
- if (!isVisible(footprint)) {
- continue;
- }
- context.strokeStyle = item.altColor || ALT_COLOR_STR;
- context.fillStyle = item.roofColor || ROOF_COLOR_STR;
- switch (item.shape) {
- case 'cylinder':
- case 'cone':
- case 'dome':
- case 'sphere': Cylinder.simplified(context, item.center, item.radius); break;
- default: Extrusion.simplified(context, footprint, item.holes);
- }
- }
- }
-Simplified.MAX_ZOOM = 16; // max zoom where buildings could render simplified
-Simplified.MAX_HEIGHT = 5; // max building height in order to be simple
-class Shadows {
- static init (context) {
- this.context = context;
- }
- static clear () {
- this.context.clearRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
- }
- static setOpacity (opacity) {
- this.opacity = opacity;
- }
- static project (p, h) {
- return {
- x: p.x + this.direction.x*h,
- y: p.y + this.direction.y*h
- };
- }
- static render () {
- this.clear();
- let
- context = this.context,
- screenCenter,
- sun, length, alpha;
- // TODO: calculate this just on demand
- screenCenter = pixelToGeo(CENTER_X+ORIGIN_X, CENTER_Y+ORIGIN_Y);
- sun = getSunPosition(this.date, screenCenter.latitude, screenCenter.longitude);
- if (sun.altitude <= 0) {
- return;
- }
- length = 1 / tan(sun.altitude);
- alpha = length < 5 ? 0.75 : 1/length*5;
- this.direction.x = cos(sun.azimuth) * length;
- this.direction.y = sin(sun.azimuth) * length;
- let
- i, il,
- item,
- h, mh,
- footprint,
- dataItems = Data.items;
- context.canvas.style.opacity = alpha / (this.opacity * 2);
- context.shadowColor = this.blurColor;
- context.fillStyle = this.color;
- context.beginPath();
- for (i = 0, il = dataItems.length; i < il; i++) {
- item = dataItems[i];
- footprint = item.footprint;
- if (!isVisible(footprint)) {
- continue;
- }
- // when fading in, use a dynamic height
- h = item.scale < 1 ? item.height*item.scale : item.height;
- mh = 0;
- if (item.minHeight) {
- mh = item.scale < 1 ? item.minHeight*item.scale : item.minHeight;
- }
- switch (item.shape) {
- case 'cylinder': Cylinder.shadow(context, item.center, item.radius, item.radius, h, mh); break;
- case 'cone': Cylinder.shadow(context, item.center, item.radius, 0, h, mh); break;
- case 'dome': Cylinder.shadow(context, item.center, item.radius, item.radius/2, h, mh); break;
- case 'sphere': Cylinder.shadow(context, item.center, item.radius, item.radius, h, mh); break;
- case 'pyramid': Pyramid.shadow(context, footprint, item.center, h, mh); break;
- default: Extrusion.shadow(context, footprint, item.holes, h, mh);
- }
- switch (item.roofShape) {
- case 'cone': Cylinder.shadow(context, item.center, item.radius, 0, h+item.roofHeight, h); break;
- case 'dome': Cylinder.shadow(context, item.center, item.radius, item.radius/2, h+item.roofHeight, h); break;
- case 'pyramid': Pyramid.shadow(context, footprint, item.center, h+item.roofHeight, h); break;
- }
- }
- context.closePath();
- context.fill();
- }
-Shadows.color = '#666666';
-Shadows.blurColor = '#000000';
-Shadows.date = new Date();
-Shadows.direction = { x:0, y:0 };
-Shadows.opacity = 1;
-class Picking {
- static init (context) {
- this.context = context;
- }
- static setOpacity (opacity) {}
- static clear () {}
- static reset () {
- this._idMapping = [null];
- }
- static render () {
- if (this._timer) {
- return;
- }
- let self = this;
- this._timer = setTimeout(t => {
- self._timer = null;
- self._render();
- }, 500);
- }
- static _render () {
- this.clear();
- let
- context = this.context,
- item,
- h, mh,
- sortCam = { x:CAM_X+ORIGIN_X, y:CAM_Y+ORIGIN_Y },
- footprint,
- color,
- dataItems = Data.items;
- dataItems.sort((a, b) => {
- return (a.minHeight-b.minHeight) || getDistance(b.center, sortCam) - getDistance(a.center, sortCam) || (b.height-a.height);
- });
- for (let i = 0, il = dataItems.length; i < il; i++) {
- item = dataItems[i];
- if (!(color = item.hitColor)) {
- continue;
- }
- footprint = item.footprint;
- if (!isVisible(footprint)) {
- continue;
- }
- h = item.height;
- mh = 0;
- if (item.minHeight) {
- mh = item.minHeight;
- }
- switch (item.shape) {
- case 'cylinder': Cylinder.hitArea(context, item.center, item.radius, item.radius, h, mh, color); break;
- case 'cone': Cylinder.hitArea(context, item.center, item.radius, 0, h, mh, color); break;
- case 'dome': Cylinder.hitArea(context, item.center, item.radius, item.radius/2, h, mh, color); break;
- case 'sphere': Cylinder.hitArea(context, item.center, item.radius, item.radius, h, mh, color); break;
- case 'pyramid': Pyramid.hitArea(context, footprint, item.center, h, mh, color); break;
- default: Extrusion.hitArea(context, footprint, item.holes, h, mh, color);
- }
- switch (item.roofShape) {
- case 'cone': Cylinder.hitArea(context, item.center, item.radius, 0, h+item.roofHeight, h, color); break;
- case 'dome': Cylinder.hitArea(context, item.center, item.radius, item.radius/2, h+item.roofHeight, h, color); break;
- case 'pyramid': Pyramid.hitArea(context, footprint, item.center, h+item.roofHeight, h, color); break;
- }
- }
- // otherwise fails on size 0
- if (WIDTH && HEIGHT) {
- this._imageData = this.context.getImageData(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT).data;
- }
- }
- static getIdFromXY (x, y) {
- let imageData = this._imageData;
- if (!imageData) {
- return;
- }
- let pos = 4*((y|0) * WIDTH + (x|0));
- let index = imageData[pos] | (imageData[pos+1]<<8) | (imageData[pos+2]<<16);
- return this._idMapping[index];
- }
- static idToColor (id) {
- let index = this._idMapping.indexOf(id);
- if (index === -1) {
- this._idMapping.push(id);
- index = this._idMapping.length-1;
- }
- let r = index & 0xff;
- let g = (index >>8) & 0xff;
- let b = (index >>16) & 0xff;
- return 'rgb('+ [r, g, b].join(',') +')';
- }
-Picking._idMapping = [null];
-class Debug {
- static point (x, y, color, size) {
- const context = this.context;
- context.fillStyle = color || '#ffcc00';
- context.beginPath();
- context.arc(x, y, size || 3, 0, 2*PI);
- context.closePath();
- context.fill();
- }
- static line (ax, ay, bx, by, color) {
- const context = this.context;
- context.strokeStyle = color || '#ffcc00';
- context.beginPath();
- context.moveTo(ax, ay);
- context.lineTo(bx, by);
- context.closePath();
- context.stroke();
- }
-function setOrigin (origin) {
- ORIGIN_X = origin.x;
- ORIGIN_Y = origin.y;
-function moveCam (offset) {
- CAM_X = CENTER_X + offset.x;
- CAM_Y = HEIGHT + offset.y;
- Layers.render(true);
-function setSize (size) {
- WIDTH = size.width;
- HEIGHT = size.height;
- CENTER_X = WIDTH /2 <<0;
- CENTER_Y = HEIGHT/2 <<0;
- Layers.setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
-function setZoom (z) {
- ZOOM = z;
- MAP_SIZE = MAP_TILE_SIZE < fadeIn() => Layers.render()
-function onZoomStart () {
- IS_ZOOMING = true;
-function onZoomEnd (e) {
- IS_ZOOMING = false;
- const factor = Math.pow(2, e.zoom-ZOOM);
- setZoom(e.zoom);
- // Layers.render(); // TODO: requestAnimationFrame() causes flickering because layers are already cleared
- // show on high zoom levels only
- if (ZOOM <= MIN_ZOOM) {
- Layers.clear();
- return;
- }
- Data.scale(factor);
- Shadows.render();
- Simplified.render();
- Buildings.render();
- Data.update(); // => fadeIn()
-class OSMBuildings extends L.Layer {
- constructor (map) {
- super(map);
- this.offset = {x: 0, y: 0};
- Layers.init();
- if (map) {
- map.addLayer(this);
- }
- }
- addTo (map) {
- map.addLayer(this);
- return this;
- }
- onAdd (map) {
- this.map = map;
- Layers.appendTo(map._panes.overlayPane);
- let
- off = this.getOffset(),
- po = map.getPixelOrigin();
- setSize({width: map._size.x, height: map._size.y});
- setOrigin({x: po.x - off.x, y: po.y - off.y});
- setZoom(map._zoom);
- Layers.setPosition(-off.x, -off.y);
- map.on({
- move: this.onMove,
- moveend: this.onMoveEnd,
- zoomstart: this.onZoomStart,
- zoomend: this.onZoomEnd,
- resize: this.onResize,
- viewreset: this.onViewReset,
- click: this.onClick
- }, this);
- if (map.options.zoomAnimation) {
- map.on('zoomanim', this.onZoom, this);
- }
- if (map.attributionControl) {
- map.attributionControl.addAttribution(ATTRIBUTION);
- }
- Data.update();
- }
- onRemove () {
- let map = this.map;
- if (map.attributionControl) {
- map.attributionControl.removeAttribution(ATTRIBUTION);
- }
- map.off({
- move: this.onMove,
- moveend: this.onMoveEnd,
- zoomstart: this.onZoomStart,
- zoomend: this.onZoomEnd,
- resize: this.onResize,
- viewreset: this.onViewReset,
- click: this.onClick
- }, this);
- if (map.options.zoomAnimation) {
- map.off('zoomanim', this.onZoom, this);
- }
- Layers.remove();
- map = null;
- }
- onMove (e) {
- let off = this.getOffset();
- moveCam({x: this.offset.x - off.x, y: this.offset.y - off.y});
- }
- onMoveEnd (e) {
- if (this.noMoveEnd) { // moveend is also fired after zoom
- this.noMoveEnd = false;
- return;
- }
- let
- map = this.map,
- off = this.getOffset(),
- po = map.getPixelOrigin();
- this.offset = off;
- Layers.setPosition(-off.x, -off.y);
- moveCam({x: 0, y: 0});
- setSize({width: map._size.x, height: map._size.y}); // in case this is triggered by resize
- setOrigin({x: po.x - off.x, y: po.y - off.y});
- onMoveEnd(e);
- }
- onZoomStart (e) {
- onZoomStart(e);
- }
- onZoom (e) {
- let center = this.map.latLngToContainerPoint(e.center);
- let scale = Math.pow(2, e.zoom - ZOOM);
- let dx = WIDTH / 2 - center.x;
- let dy = HEIGHT / 2 - center.y;
- let x = WIDTH / 2;
- let y = HEIGHT / 2;
- if (e.zoom > ZOOM) {
- x -= dx * scale;
- y -= dy * scale;
- } else {
- x += dx;
- y += dy;
- }
- Layers.container.classList.add('zoom-animation');
- Layers.container.style.transformOrigin = x + 'px ' + y + 'px';
- Layers.container.style.transform = 'translate3d(0, 0, 0) scale(' + scale + ')';
- }
- onZoomEnd (e) {
- Layers.clear();
- Layers.container.classList.remove('zoom-animation');
- Layers.container.style.transform = 'translate3d(0, 0, 0) scale(1)';
- let
- map = this.map,
- off = this.getOffset(),
- po = map.getPixelOrigin();
- setOrigin({x: po.x - off.x, y: po.y - off.y});
- onZoomEnd({zoom: map._zoom});
- this.noMoveEnd = true;
- }
- onResize () {
- }
- onViewReset () {
- let off = this.getOffset();
- this.offset = off;
- Layers.setPosition(-off.x, -off.y);
- moveCam({x: 0, y: 0});
- }
- onClick (e) {
- let id = Picking.getIdFromXY(e.containerPoint.x, e.containerPoint.y);
- if (id) {
- onClick({feature: id, lat: e.latlng.lat, lon: e.latlng.lng});
- }
- }
- getOffset () {
- return L.DomUtil.getPosition(this.map._mapPane);
- }
- style (style) {
- style = style || {};
- let color;
- if ((color = style.color || style.wallColor)) {
- WALL_COLOR = Qolor.parse(color);
- ALT_COLOR = WALL_COLOR.lightness(0.8);
- ROOF_COLOR = WALL_COLOR.lightness(1.2);
- }
- if (style.roofColor) {
- ROOF_COLOR = Qolor.parse(style.roofColor);
- }
- Layers.render();
- return this;
- }
- date (date) {
- Shadows.date = date;
- Shadows.render();
- return this;
- }
- load (url) {
- Data.load(url);
- return this;
- }
- set (data) {
- Data.set(data);
- return this;
- }
- each (handler) {
- onEach = function (payload) {
- return handler(payload);
- };
- return this;
- }
- click (handler) {
- onClick = function (payload) {
- return handler(payload);
- };
- return this;
- }
- return OSMBuildings;
diff --git a/inst/htmlwidgets/lfx-building/osm-buildings-bindings.js b/inst/htmlwidgets/lfx-building/osm-buildings-bindings.js
index c530b252..db1f5853 100644
--- a/inst/htmlwidgets/lfx-building/osm-buildings-bindings.js
+++ b/inst/htmlwidgets/lfx-building/osm-buildings-bindings.js
@@ -1,46 +1,76 @@
-LeafletWidget.methods.addBuilding = function(layerId, group, opacity, attribution) {
-// (function(){
+LeafletWidget.methods.addBuilding = function(buildingURL, group, eachFn, clickFn, data) {
+ (function(){
var map = this;
if (map.osmb) {
delete map.osmb;
- console.log(("Schaff ich es hjier"))
- map.setView([52.51836, 13.40438], 16, false);
- new L.TileLayer('https://tile-a.openstreetmap.fr/hot/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
- attribution: '© Data OpenStreetMap',
- maxZoom: 18,
- maxNativeZoom: 20
- }).addTo(map);
var osmb = new OSMBuildings(map)
- .load('https://{s}.data.osmbuildings.org/0.2/59fcc2e8/tile/{z}/{x}/{y}.json');
+ .date(new Date())
+ if (data) {
+ if (data.features && data.features[0].properties.height && data.features[0].geometry.type == "Polygon") {
+ console.log("data is defined"); console.log(data);
+ osmb.set(data);
+ } else {
+ console.error("The data is not a correct GeoJSON of type 'Polygon' or has no property 'height'.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ osmb.load(buildingURL);
+ }
- osmb.date(new Date(2017, 15, 1, 19, 30))
+ if (eachFn && typeof eachFn === 'function') {
+ osmb.each(eachFn);
+ }
+ if (clickFn && typeof clickFn === 'function') {
+ osmb.click(clickFn);
+ }
+ map.layerManager.addLayer(osmb, "building", null, group);
map.osmb = osmb;
-// }).call(this);
+ }).call(this);
LeafletWidget.methods.updateBuildingTime = function(date) {
- var map = this;
- if (map.osmb) {
- var now = new Date(date);
- console.log("now"); console.log(now)
- var Y = now.getFullYear(),
- M = now.getMonth(),
- D = now.getDate(),
- h = now.getHours(),
- m = now.getMinutes();
- // Update the date on the OSMBuildings instance
- map.osmb.date(new Date(Y, M, D, h, m));
- } else {
- console.error("OSMBuildings instance is not initialized.");
- }
+ (function(){
+ var map = this;
+ if (map.osmb) {
+ var now = new Date(date);
+ var Y = now.getFullYear(),
+ M = now.getMonth(),
+ D = now.getDate(),
+ h = now.getHours(),
+ m = now.getMinutes();
+ // Update the date on the OSMBuildings instance
+ map.osmb.date(new Date(Y, M, D, h, m));
+ } else {
+ console.error("OSMBuildings instance is not initialized.");
+ }
+ }).call(this);
+LeafletWidget.methods.setBuildingStyle = function(style) {
+ (function(){
+ var map = this;
+ if (map.osmb) {
+ map.osmb.style(style);
+ } else {
+ console.error("OSMBuildings instance is not initialized.");
+ }
+ }).call(this);
+LeafletWidget.methods.setBuildingData = function(data) {
+ (function(){
+ var map = this;
+ if (map.osmb) {
+ map.osmb.set(data);
+ } else {
+ console.error("OSMBuildings instance is not initialized.");
+ }
+ }).call(this);
diff --git a/inst/htmlwidgets/lfx-building/osm-buildings.css b/inst/htmlwidgets/lfx-building/osm-buildings.css
index c656a9ee..e3b5a5ae 100644
--- a/inst/htmlwidgets/lfx-building/osm-buildings.css
+++ b/inst/htmlwidgets/lfx-building/osm-buildings.css
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
.osmb-container {
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
pointerEvents: none;
@@ -19,3 +22,4 @@
left: 0;
top: 0;
diff --git a/man/addBuildings.Rd b/man/addBuildings.Rd
index 97a5fcea..56ba1b86 100644
--- a/man/addBuildings.Rd
+++ b/man/addBuildings.Rd
@@ -2,33 +2,56 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/buildings.R
-\title{Add OSM-Buildings}
+\title{Add OSM-Buildings to a Leaflet Map}
- layerId = NULL,
+ buildingURL = "https://{s}.data.osmbuildings.org/0.2/59fcc2e8/tile/{z}/{x}/{y}.json",
group = NULL,
- opacity = 0.5,
- attribution = "© Map tiles Mapbox"
+ eachFn = NULL,
+ clickFn = NULL,
+ data = NULL
-\item{map}{A map widget object created from \code{\link[leaflet]{leaflet}}}
+\item{map}{A map widget object created from \code{\link[leaflet]{leaflet}}.}
-\item{options}{List of further options. See \code{\link{hexbinOptions}}}
+\item{buildingURL}{The URL template for the building data. Default is the OSM Buildings tile server: \cr
+\item{group}{The name of the group the buildings will be added to.}
+\item{eachFn}{A JavaScript function (using \code{\link[htmlwidgets]{JS}}) that will be called for each building feature. Use this to apply custom logic to each feature.}
+\item{clickFn}{A JavaScript function (using \code{\link[htmlwidgets]{JS}}) that will be called when a building is clicked. Use this to handle click events on buildings.}
+\item{data}{A GeoJSON object containing Polygon features representing the buildings. The properties of these polygons can include attributes like \code{height}, \code{color}, \code{roofColor}, and others as specified in the OSM Buildings documentation.}
-Add OSM-Buildings
+This function adds 2.5D buildings to a Leaflet map using the OSM Buildings plugin.
+The `data` parameter allows you to provide custom building data as a GeoJSON object. The following properties can be used within the GeoJSON:
+ \item \strong{height}
+ \item \strong{minHeight}
+ \item \strong{color/wallColor}
+ \item \strong{material}
+ \item \strong{roofColor}
+ \item \strong{roofMaterial}
+ \item \strong{shape}
+ \item \strong{roofShape}
+ \item \strong{roofHeight}
-Out of the box a legend image is only available for Pressure,
- Precipitation Classic, Clouds Classic, Rain Classic, Snow, Temperature and
- Wind Speed.
+See the OSM Wiki: \href{https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Simple_3D_Buildings}
+\url{https://github.com/kekscom/osmbuildings/} for more details on the OSM Buildings plugin and available properties.
Other OSM-Buildings Plugin:
\concept{OSM-Buildings Plugin}
diff --git a/man/setBuildingData.Rd b/man/setBuildingData.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d720884
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/setBuildingData.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/buildings.R
+\title{Update the OSM-Buildings Data}
+setBuildingData(map, data)
+\item{map}{A map widget object created from \code{\link[leaflet]{leaflet}}.}
+\item{data}{A GeoJSON object containing Polygon features representing the buildings. The properties of these polygons can include attributes like \code{height}, \code{color}, \code{roofColor}, and others as specified in the OSM Buildings documentation.}
+Update the OSM-Buildings Data
+Other OSM-Buildings Plugin:
+\concept{OSM-Buildings Plugin}
diff --git a/man/setBuildingStyle.Rd b/man/setBuildingStyle.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e10a510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/setBuildingStyle.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/buildings.R
+\title{Update the OSM-Buildings Style}
+ map,
+ style = list(color = "#ffcc00", wallColor = "#ffcc00", roofColor = "orange", shadows =
+\item{map}{A map widget object created from \code{\link[leaflet]{leaflet}}.}
+\item{style}{A named list of styles}
+Update the OSM-Buildings Style
+Other OSM-Buildings Plugin:
+\concept{OSM-Buildings Plugin}
diff --git a/man/updateBuildingTime.Rd b/man/updateBuildingTime.Rd
index 2897a111..f5770b5f 100644
--- a/man/updateBuildingTime.Rd
+++ b/man/updateBuildingTime.Rd
@@ -7,15 +7,17 @@
updateBuildingTime(map, time)
-\item{map}{A map widget object created from \code{\link[leaflet]{leaflet}}}
+\item{map}{A map widget object created from \code{\link[leaflet]{leaflet}}.}
+\item{time}{a timestamp that can be converted to POSIXct}
Update the Shadows OSM-Buildings with a POSIXct timestamp
Other OSM-Buildings Plugin:
\concept{OSM-Buildings Plugin}
diff --git a/tests/testthat.R b/tests/testthat.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb2bfdf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat.R
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# This file is part of the standard setup for testthat.
+# It is recommended that you do not modify it.
+# Where should you do additional test configuration?
+# Learn more about the roles of various files in:
+# * https://r-pkgs.org/testing-design.html#sec-tests-files-overview
+# * https://testthat.r-lib.org/articles/special-files.html
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-osmbuildings.R b/tests/testthat/test-osmbuildings.R
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55569af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-osmbuildings.R
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# library(testthat)
+# library(leaflet)
+create_test_map <- function() {
+ leaflet() %>% addTiles()
+# Test suite for addBuildings
+test_that("addBuildings adds dependencies and invokes method correctly", {
+ map <- create_test_map()
+ # Call addBuildings without additional arguments
+ map <- addBuildings(map)
+ # Check if the dependencies are added
+ expect_true(any(sapply(map$dependencies, function(dep) dep$name) == "lfx-building"))
+ # Check if invokeMethod is called with correct arguments
+ expect_equal(map$x$calls[[2]]$method, "addBuilding")
+ expect_equal(map$x$calls[[2]]$args[[1]], "https://{s}.data.osmbuildings.org/0.2/59fcc2e8/tile/{z}/{x}/{y}.json")
+test_that("addBuildings handles custom eachFn, clickFn, and data", {
+ map <- create_test_map()
+ # Define custom JavaScript functions using htmlwidgets::JS
+ each_fn <- htmlwidgets::JS("function(e) { console.log('each:', e); }")
+ click_fn <- htmlwidgets::JS("function(e) { console.log('click:', e); }")
+ # Define custom GeoJSON data
+ geojson_data <- list(
+ type = "FeatureCollection",
+ features = list(
+ list(
+ type = "Feature",
+ properties = list(height = 100, color = "#ff0000"),
+ geometry = list(
+ type = "Polygon",
+ coordinates = list(
+ list(
+ c(13.39631974697113, 52.52184840804295),
+ c(13.39496523141861, 52.521166220963536),
+ c(13.395150303840637, 52.52101770514734),
+ c(13.396652340888977, 52.52174559105107),
+ c(13.39631974697113, 52.52184840804295)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ map <- addBuildings(map, eachFn = each_fn, clickFn = click_fn, data = geojson_data)
+ # Check if the JavaScript functions and data are passed correctly
+ expect_equal(map$x$calls[[2]]$args[[3]], each_fn)
+ expect_equal(map$x$calls[[2]]$args[[4]], click_fn)
+ expect_equal(map$x$calls[[2]]$args[[5]], geojson_data)
+# Test suite for updateBuildingTime
+test_that("updateBuildingTime updates the time correctly", {
+ map <- create_test_map()
+ time <- Sys.time()
+ map <- addBuildings(map) %>%
+ updateBuildingTime(time) %>%
+ setView(13.40, 52.51836,15)
+ # Check if invokeMethod is called with the correct timestamp
+ expect_equal(map$x$calls[[3]]$method, "updateBuildingTime")
+ expect_equal(map$x$calls[[3]]$args[[1]], time)
+# Test suite for setBuildingStyle
+test_that("setBuildingStyle applies styles correctly", {
+ map <- create_test_map()
+ style <- list(color = "#0000ff", wallColor = "#0000ff", roofColor = "blue", shadows = FALSE)
+ map <- addBuildings(map) %>%
+ setBuildingStyle(style) %>%
+ setView(13.40, 52.51836,15)
+ # Check if invokeMethod is called with the correct style
+ expect_equal(map$x$calls[[3]]$method, "setBuildingStyle")
+ expect_equal(map$x$calls[[3]]$args[[1]], style)
+test_that("setBuildingStyle uses default styles if not provided", {
+ map <- create_test_map()
+ map <- addBuildings(map) %>%
+ setBuildingStyle() %>%
+ setView(13.40, 52.51836,15)
+ # map
+ # Check if invokeMethod is called with the default styles
+ default_style <- list(color = "#ffcc00", wallColor = "#ffcc00", roofColor = "orange", shadows = TRUE)
+ expect_equal(map$x$calls[[3]]$"method", "setBuildingStyle")
+ expect_equal(map$x$calls[[3]]$args[[1]], default_style)
+# Test suite for setBuildingData
+test_that("setBuildingData updates the building data correctly", {
+ map <- create_test_map()
+ # Define custom GeoJSON data
+ geojson_data <- list(
+ type = "FeatureCollection",
+ features = list(
+ list(
+ type = "Feature",
+ properties = list(height = 100, color = "#ff0000"),
+ geometry = list(
+ type = "Polygon",
+ coordinates = list(
+ list(
+ c(13.39631974697113, 52.52184840804295),
+ c(13.39496523141861, 52.521166220963536),
+ c(13.395150303840637, 52.52101770514734),
+ c(13.396652340888977, 52.52174559105107),
+ c(13.39631974697113, 52.52184840804295)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ map <- addBuildings(map,
+ buildingURL = NULL,
+ data = geojson_data) %>%
+ setView(13.40, 52.51836,15)
+ # map
+ # Check if invokeMethod is called with the correct data
+ expect_equal(map$x$calls[[2]]$method, "addBuilding")
+ expect_equal(map$x$calls[[2]]$args[[5]], geojson_data)
+ map <- addBuildings(create_test_map(), buildingURL = NULL) %>%
+ setBuildingData(geojson_data) %>%
+ setView(13.40, 52.51836,15)
+ # map
+ # Check if invokeMethod is called with the correct data
+ expect_equal(map$x$calls[[2]]$method, "addBuilding")
+ expect_true(is.null(unlist(map$x$calls[[2]]$args)))
+ expect_equal(map$x$calls[[3]]$method, "setBuildingData")
+ expect_equal(map$x$calls[[3]]$args[[1]], geojson_data)