Change import and bump tiny-simple-peer to deal with import errors with bun.
Added additional polling rate to make it possible to disable polling after sufficient idle time. Changed some default polling rates to be more conservative.
Remove beforeunload handler since that prevents cancellation of navigation.
Fix leaking intervals when rapidly creating + destroying.
Bump tiny-simple-peer, which passes RTCRtpReceiver along events.
Add ability to pass proprietary constraints to RTCPeerConnnection.
Add ability to pass options to RTCPeerConnection and custom sdp transformer.
No longer forcibly close peers when network settings change. Clear packages upon connection instead.
Migrate to using tiny-simple-peer to reduce bundle size and improve performance.
Fix up entropy issues with ICE credentials.
Stop deflating payloads, since recent changes now only send packages when they change, meaning the benefits of the deflation doesn't offset the increase in bundle size.
Initial working release.