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358 lines (316 loc) · 12.8 KB

File metadata and controls

358 lines (316 loc) · 12.8 KB


CRAN status R-CMD-check Lifecycle: stable

bcputility is a wrapper for the command line utility program from SQL Server that does bulk imports/exports. The package assumes that bcp is already installed and is on the system search path. For large inserts to SQL Server over an ODBC connection (e.g. with the "DBI" package), writes can take a very long time as each row generates an individual insert statement. The bcp Utility greatly improves performance of large writes by using bulk inserts.

An export function is provided for convenience, but likely will not significantly improve performance over other methods.


The system dependencies can be downloaded and installed from Microsoft. It is recommended to add bcp and sqlcmd to the system path.


You can install the released version of bcputility from CRAN with:


Install the development version with:


To check if the prerequisite binaries are on the path:


If bcp and sqlcmd is not on the system path or you want to override the default, set the option with the full file path:

options(bcputility.bcp.path = "<path-to-bcp>")
options(bcputility.sqlcmd.path = "<path-to-sqlcmd>")


Trusted Connection (default):

x <- read.csv("<file.csv>")
connectArgs <- makeConnectArgs(server = "<server>", database = "<database>")
bcpImport(x = x, connectargs = connectArgs, table = "<table>")

SQL Authentication:

connectArgs <- makeConnectArgs(server = "<server>", database = "<database>",
  username = "<username>", password = "<password>")
bcpImport(x = x, connectargs = connectArgs, table = table)


Benchmarks were performed with a local installation of SQL Server Express. When testing with a remote SQL Server, performance of bcp over odbc was further improved.


server <- Sys.getenv('MSSQL_SERVER')
database <- Sys.getenv('MSSQL_DB')
driver <- 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server'
n <- 1000000
importTable <- data.frame(
  int = sample(x = seq(1L, 10000L, 1L), size = n, replace = TRUE),
  numeric = sample(x = seq(0, 1, length.out = n/100), size = n,
    replace = TRUE),
  character = sample(x =, size = n, replace = TRUE),
  factor = sample(x = factor(x =, levels =,
    size = n, replace = TRUE),
  logical = sample(x = c(TRUE, FALSE), size = n, replace = TRUE),
  date = sample(x = seq(as.Date('2022-01-01'), as.Date('2022-12-31'),
    by = 'days'), size = n, replace = TRUE),
  datetime = sample(x = seq(as.POSIXct('2022-01-01 00:00:00'),
    as.POSIXct('2022-12-31 23:59:59'), by = 'min'), size = n, replace = TRUE)
connectArgs <- makeConnectArgs(server = server, database = database)
con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
                      Driver = "SQL Server",
                      Server = server,
                      Database = database)
importResults <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  bcpImport1000 = {
              connectargs = connectArgs,
              table = 'importTable1',
              bcpOptions = list("-b", 1000, "-a", 4096, "-e", 10),
              overwrite = TRUE,
              stdout = FALSE)
  bcpImport10000 = {
              connectargs = connectArgs,
              table = 'importTable2',
              bcpOptions = list("-b", 10000, "-a", 4096, "-e", 10),
              overwrite = TRUE,
              stdout = FALSE)
  bcpImport50000 = {
              connectargs = connectArgs,
              table = 'importTable3',
              bcpOptions = list("-b", 50000, "-a", 4096, "-e", 10),
              overwrite = TRUE,
              stdout = FALSE)
  bcpImport100000 = {
      connectargs = connectArgs,
      table = 'importTable4',
      bcpOptions = list("-b", 100000, "-a", 4096, "-e", 10),
      overwrite = TRUE,
      stdout = FALSE)
  dbWriteTable = {
    con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
      Driver = driver,
      Server = server,
      Database = database,
      trusted_connection = 'yes')
    DBI::dbWriteTable(con, name = 'importTable5', importTable, overwrite = TRUE)
  times = 30L,
  unit = 'seconds'
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
bcpImport1000 15.017385 16.610868 17.405555 17.656265 18.100990 19.44482 30
bcpImport10000 10.091266 10.657926 10.926738 10.916577 11.208184 11.46027 30
bcpImport50000 8.982498 9.337509 9.677375 9.571526 9.896179 10.77709 30
bcpImport100000 8.769598 9.303473 9.562921 9.581927 9.855355 10.36949 30
dbWriteTable 13.570956 13.820707 15.154505 14.159002 16.378986 27.28819 30

Time in seconds

Export Table

Note: bcp exports of data may not match the format of fwrite. dateTimeAs = 'write.csv' was used to make timings comparable, which decreased the performance of "data.table". Optimized write formats for date times from fwrite outperforms bcp for data that is small enough to be pulled into memory.

exportResults <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  bcpExportChar = {
              connectargs = connectArgs,
              table = 'importTableInit',
              fieldterminator = ',',
              stdout = FALSE)
  bcpExportNchar = {
              connectargs = connectArgs,
              table = 'importTableInit',
              fieldterminator = ',',
              stdout = FALSE)
  fwriteQuery = {
    fwrite(DBI::dbReadTable(con, 'importTableInit'),
           'inst/benchmarks/test3.csv', dateTimeAs = 'write.csv',
           col.names = FALSE)
  times = 30L,
  unit = 'seconds'
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
bcpExportChar 2.565654 2.727477 2.795670 2.756685 2.792291 3.352325 30
bcpExportNchar 2.589367 2.704135 2.765784 2.734957 2.797286 3.479074 30
fwriteQuery 7.429731 7.602853 7.645852 7.654730 7.703634 7.868419 30

Time in seconds

Export Query

query <- 'SELECT * FROM [dbo].[importTable1] WHERE int < 1000'
queryResults <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  bcpExportQueryChar = {
              connectargs = connectArgs,
              query = query,
              fieldterminator = ',',
              stdout = FALSE)
  bcpExportQueryNchar = {
              connectargs = connectArgs,
              query = query,
              fieldterminator = ',',
              stdout = FALSE)
  fwriteQuery = {
    fwrite(DBI::dbGetQuery(con, query),
           'inst/benchmarks/test6.csv', dateTimeAs = 'write.csv',
           col.names = FALSE)
  times = 30L,
  unit = 'seconds'
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
bcpExportQueryChar 0.3444491 0.4397317 0.4557119 0.4490924 0.4615573 0.7237182 30
bcpExportQueryNchar 0.3305265 0.4444705 0.4412670 0.4500690 0.4605971 0.4815894 30
fwriteQuery 0.6737879 0.7141933 0.7421377 0.7311998 0.7548233 0.9143555 30

Time in seconds

Import Geometry

Importing spatial data from 'sf' objects is also supported. The sql statements after import are to produce equivalent tables in the database.

nc <- st_read(system.file("gpkg/nc.gpkg", package = "sf"))
divN <- 10
shp1 <- cbind(nc[, n / divN, replace = TRUE),],
  importTable[seq_len(n / divN), ],
  id = seq_len(n / divN))
geometryResults <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
  bcpImportGeometry = {
      connectargs = connectArgs,
      table = 'shp1',
      overwrite = TRUE,
      stdout = FALSE,
      spatialtype = 'geometry',
      bcpOptions = list("-b", 50000, "-a", 4096, "-m", 0))
  odbcImportGeometry = {
    con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
      driver = driver,
      server = server,
      database = database,
      trusted_connection = 'yes')
    tableName <- 'shp2'
    spatialType <- 'geometry'
    geometryColumn <- 'geom'
    binaryColumn <- 'geomWkb'
    srid <- sf::st_crs(nc)$epsg
    shpBin2 <- data.table(shp1)
    data.table::set(x = shpBin2, j = binaryColumn,
      value = blob::new_blob(lapply(sf::st_as_binary(shpBin2[[geometryColumn]]),
    data.table::set(x = shpBin2, j = geometryColumn, value = NULL)
    dataTypes <- DBI::dbDataType(con, shpBin2)
    dataTypes[binaryColumn] <- 'varbinary(max)'
    DBI::dbWriteTable(conn = con, name = tableName, value = shpBin2,
      overwrite = TRUE, field.types = dataTypes)
    DBI::dbExecute(conn = con, sprintf('alter table %1$s add %2$s %3$s;',
      tableName, geometryColumn, spatialType))
    DBI::dbExecute(conn = con,
      sprintf('UPDATE %1$s
    SET geom = %3$s::STGeomFromWKB([%4$s], %2$d);
    ALTER TABLE %1$s DROP COLUMN [%4$s];', tableName, srid, spatialType,
  bcpImportGeography = {
      connectargs = connectArgs,
      table = 'shp3',
      overwrite = TRUE,
      stdout = FALSE,
      spatialtype = 'geography',
      bcpOptions = list("-b", 50000, "-a", 4096, "-m", 0))
  odbcImportGeography = {
    con <- DBI::dbConnect(odbc::odbc(),
      driver = driver,
      server = server,
      database = database,
      trusted_connection = 'yes')
    tableName <- 'shp4'
    spatialType <- 'geography'
    geometryColumn <- 'geom'
    binaryColumn <- 'geomWkb'
    srid <- sf::st_crs(nc)$epsg
    shpBin4 <- data.table(shp1)
    data.table::set(x = shpBin4, j = binaryColumn,
      value = blob::new_blob(lapply(sf::st_as_binary(shpBin4[[geometryColumn]]),
    data.table::set(x = shpBin4, j = geometryColumn, value = NULL)
    dataTypes <- DBI::dbDataType(con, shpBin4)
    dataTypes[binaryColumn] <- 'varbinary(max)'
    DBI::dbWriteTable(conn = con, name = tableName, value = shpBin4,
      overwrite = TRUE, field.types = dataTypes)
    DBI::dbExecute(conn = con, sprintf('alter table %1$s add %2$s %3$s;',
      tableName, geometryColumn, spatialType))
    DBI::dbExecute(conn = con,
      sprintf('UPDATE %1$s
    SET geom = %3$s::STGeomFromWKB([%4$s], %2$d);
    ALTER TABLE %1$s DROP COLUMN [%4$s];', tableName, srid, spatialType,
    DBI::dbExecute(conn = con,
        'UPDATE %1$s SET [%2$s] = [%2$s].MakeValid().ReorientObject().MakeValid()
   WHERE [%2$s].MakeValid().EnvelopeAngle() > 90;',
        tableName, geometryColumn))
  times = 30L,
  unit = 'seconds'
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
bcpImportGeometry 18.01451 19.48747 20.68834 20.45136 21.74212 26.87033 30
odbcImportGeometry 18.29721 20.63363 22.35044 21.29087 24.04490 27.81112 30
bcpImportGeography 71.23260 75.04588 82.65286 76.36985 96.68469 102.70909 30
odbcImportGeography 73.29818 76.12481 84.58432 77.93419 97.36155 107.00186 30

Time in seconds