Protoconcepts are defined as
The protoconcepts of a given context can be computed. First, the respective namespace needs to be loaded.
(use 'conexp.fca.protoconcepts)
Let the context be
(def ctx
(make-context-from-matrix [1 2 3 4]
['A 'B 'C]
[1 1 0
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 1 0]))
|A B C
1 |x x .
2 |x . .
3 |. x .
4 |. x .
The protoconcepts can be computed with the protoconcepts
(protoconcepts ctx)
#{[#{4 2} #{}] [#{1 3 2} #{}] [#{1 2} #{A}] [#{1} #{A B}]
[#{} #{B C}] [#{} #{C}] [#{1 4 2} #{}] [#{4} #{B}] [#{1 4 3 2} #{}]
[#{4 3 2} #{}] [#{1 3} #{B}] [#{3 2} #{}] [#{1 4 3} #{B}]
[#{3} #{B}] [#{4 3} #{B}] [#{2} #{A}] [#{1 4} #{B}] [#{} #{A C}]
[#{} #{A B C}]}
To compute the protoconcepts as an ordered set, the protoconcepts-order
function can be used.
(protoconcepts-order ctx)
Protoconcepts on 19 elements.
Drawing must be enabled via
(use 'conexp.gui.draw)
To draw the ordered protoconcepts of a context, the draw-protoconcepts
function can be used.
(draw-protoconcepts (protoconcepts-order ctx))
The protoconcepts graph is shown in an additional window.
Like for [lattices](./, the layout function can be specified for protoconcepts.
(draw-protoconcepts (protoconcepts-order ctx)
:layout-fn conexp.layouts.dim-draw/dim-draw-layout)
Notice that the protoconcept orders do not necessarily are a lattice. As many of the value functions only work on lattices, they cannot be applied to protoconcepts.