Set stream=##class(%Stream.FileBinary).%New()
Set sc=stream.LinkToFile("/usr/cache/dsa/clb/def/hst.jpg")
If ($$$ISERR(sc)) Throw sc
Set document = ##class(HSTHIS.DATA.Document).%OpenId(1)
Do document.Image.CopyFrom(stream)
Set sc = document.%Save()
If ($$$ISERR(sc)) Throw sc
Try {
Set sc = $$$OK
Set sc = ...
If ($$$ISERR(sc)) Throw sc
Catch error {
If $$$ISERR(sc)
Do $SYSTEM.Status.DecomposeStatus(sc, .error)
Set errorMessage = error(error)
W "Status code error ===========================", !
W errorMessage, !
W "General error ===========================", !
W "error code: ",error.Code,!
W "error location: ",error.Location,!
W "error data:",error.Data,!
W "error name:",error.Name,!
ENSEMBLE -> System Administration -> Configuration -> System Configuration -> Namespaces
When I install, there are two drivers (CacheODBC and CacheODBC35). What does this mean?
When you do the install, there are 2 drivers – CacheODBC and CacheODBC35. These support different levels of the ODBC standard. The first support version 2.5 and the second support version 3.5. The ODBC driver Manager will convert 3.5 requests to the older 2.5 automatically, so in most cases you can use either driver.
-- source: Cache Website
ODBC Log When checked, enables ODBC client driver logging.
The log file is called CacheODBC.log.
By default, the location of file is %PUBLIC%\Logs, where the %PUBLIC% syntax specifies that the path is based on the PUBLIC environment variable (which is defined by default on some Windows systems). For older versions of Windows, the file is stored in either the Windows or WinNT directory. You can also specify a custom path and file using the CACHEODBCTRACEFILE environment variable.
This might be because of a non-existant table in your SQL query, or an incorrect sql query, but could also be because of other errors.
Take the sql from your objectscript and execute it in dbvis to figure out if the query's syntax is correct or not.
To see the actual error, enable 'OBDC Logging' checkbox in the ODBC configuration.
The ODBC name may not have been created/configured yet. Check the the server/pc on which the Cache server run, has a ODBC defined.
You may have variabled set in your debugger 'watch'.
So just delete or update these watch variables.
SELECT parent->SqlTableName
FROM %dictionary.compiledproperty
WHERE SqlFieldName='Surname'
Class Package.ClassName Extends %Persistant
Property Modified As %Library.TimeStamp [ InitialExpression = {$zdatetime($zu(188),3,1,0)} ];
Index ucName On Name [ Unique ];
SELECT * FROM %dictionary.<PROPERTY>
The following example loops through a global and ^RIW and up to four levels ^RIW(L1,L2,L3,L4):
// //////////////////////////
s a=""
f {
s a=$o(^RIW(a))
i $g(^RIW(a))'="" w ^RIW(a), !
// //////////////////////////
s b=""
f {
s b=$o(^RIW(a,b))
i $g(^RIW(a,b))'="" w ^RIW(a,b), !
// //////////////////////////
s c=""
f {
s c=$o(^RIW(a,b,c))
i $g(^RIW(a,b,c))'="" w ^RIW(a,b,c), !
// //////////////////////////
s d=""
f {
s d=$o(^RIW(a,b,c,d))
i $g(^RIW(a,b,c,d))'="" w ^RIW(a,b,c,d), !
String.format method in Cache like C#
ClassMethod f(pString As %String, pList As %List) As %String
Set s = pString
Set len = $LISTLENGTH(pList)
For i=1:1:len
Set s = $Replace(s,"{" _ (i-1) _ "}", $LIST(pList,i))
Quit s
TODO: Show an exmple usuage here
It is possible to develop Caché applications using SQL-based tools, since Caché automatically creates a class definition from any relational tables defined using SQL DDL statements. This approach does not exploit the full power of objects because you are limited by what DDL can express; however, it is useful for migrating legacy applications.
INSERT INTO DW_Monthly_Admission.MfIpWardBedComplement
(CostCentre, Ward)
SELECT '149952', 'C12'
(SELECT * FROM DW_Monthly_Admission.MfIpWardBedComplement WHERE Ward = 'C12');
If ($ASCII(Object.Field)=0)
Set settingValue = ""
Write $ZDT($ZU(188),3,1,3)
// ************************************************************************
Set horologDate = $HOROLOG
Write horologDate, !
// ************************************************************************
// String to date ($ZDATEH)
S StringToConvert = "20160211" // YYYYMMDD
S DateFromString = $ZDATEH(StringToConvert, 8)
W DateFromString, !
S StringToConvert = "11/02/2016" // DD/MM/YYYY
S DateFromString = $ZDATEH(StringToConvert, 4)
W DateFromString, !
// 1 - MM/DD/YYYY
// 4 - DD/MM/YYYY
// 3 - YYYY-MM-DD
// ************************************************************************
// Date to string ($ZDATE)
S DateToConvert = $ZDATEH("11/02/2016", 4) // First make it a date
S StringFromDate = $ZDATE(DateToConvert, 8) // Now spit it out as string
W StringFromDate, !
S DateToConvert = $ZDATEH("11/02/2016", 4) // First make it a date
S StringFromDate = $ZDATE(DateToConvert, 3) // Now spit it out as string
W StringFromDate, !
// 3 - YYYY-MM-DD
// 4 - DD/MM/YYYY
// 1 - MM/DD/YYYY
The table that hold the relation always en up with, (Cardinality = one)
Example 1:
One Person has always one gender. Person will hold this relation
Relationship mfGender As DW.Masterfiles.mfGender [ Cardinality = one, Inverse = Person ];
Relationship Person As DW.Modules.Pmi.Person [ Cardinality = many, Inverse = mfGender ];
Example 2:
One Patient is always only one Person. Patient table will the relation
Relationship Person As Person [ Cardinality = one, Inverse = Patient ];
Relationship Patient As Patient [ Cardinality = many, Inverse = Person ];
This has (Person)
Relationship PersonAddress As PersonAddress [ Cardinality = many, Inverse = Person ];
Many-Of-This (Patient)
Relationship Person As Person [ Cardinality = one, Inverse = PersonAddress ];
Set sc = 1
If (sc)
SET st1 = $System.Status.Error(83,"my unique error")
SET st2 = $System.Status.Error(5001,"my unique error")
SET allstatus = $System.Status.AppendStatus(st1,st2)
WRITE "All together:",!
WRITE $System.Status.GetErrorText(allstatus),!!
WRITE "One by one",!
WRITE "First error format:",!
WRITE $System.Status.GetOneStatusText(allstatus,1),!
WRITE "Second error format:",!
WRITE $System.Status.GetOneStatusText(allstatus,2),!
While (rs.Next())
Method SetHeader(name As %String, value As %String) As %Status
class %Net.HttpRequest
Method SendFormData(
Output pHttpResponse As %Net.HttpResponse,
pOp As %String, pHttpRequestIn As %Net.HttpRequest,
pFormVarNames As %String,
pData...) As %Status [ CodeMode = expression ]