diff --git a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Amazon.Kinesis/AmazonKinesisTransport.cs b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Amazon.Kinesis/AmazonKinesisTransport.cs
index 6a1dda0a..edb46f9d 100644
--- a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Amazon.Kinesis/AmazonKinesisTransport.cs
+++ b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Amazon.Kinesis/AmazonKinesisTransport.cs
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// log warning when trying to publish scheduled message
if (scheduled != null)
- Logger.LogWarning("Amazon Kinesis does not support delay or scheduled publish");
+ Logger.SchedulingNotSupported();
using var scope = CreateScope();
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
// prepare the record
- var streamName = registration.EventName;
+ var streamName = registration.EventName!;
var request = new PutRecordRequest
Data = body.ToMemoryStream(),
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// send the event
- Logger.LogInformation("Sending {Id} to '{StreamName}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}", @event.Id, streamName, scheduled);
+ Logger.SendingToStream(eventId: @event.Id, streamName: streamName, scheduled: scheduled);
var response = await kinesisClient.PutRecordAsync(request, cancellationToken);
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// log warning when trying to publish scheduled message
if (scheduled != null)
- Logger.LogWarning("Amazon Kinesis does not support delay or scheduled publish");
+ Logger.SchedulingNotSupported();
using var scope = CreateScope();
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// prepare the request
- var streamName = registration.EventName;
+ var streamName = registration.EventName!;
var request = new PutRecordsRequest
StreamName = streamName,
@@ -138,11 +138,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// send the events
- Logger.LogInformation("Sending {EventsCount} messages to '{StreamName}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}. Events:\r\n- {Ids}",
- events.Count,
- streamName,
- scheduled,
- string.Join("\r\n- ", events.Select(e => e.Id)));
+ Logger.SendingEventsToStream(events, streamName, scheduled);
var response = await kinesisClient.PutRecordsAsync(request, cancellationToken);
diff --git a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Amazon.Kinesis/ILoggerExtensions.cs b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Amazon.Kinesis/ILoggerExtensions.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e0511d86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Amazon.Kinesis/ILoggerExtensions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+using Tingle.EventBus;
+namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+/// Extensions on for the EventBus
+internal static partial class ILoggerExtensions
+ [LoggerMessage(100, LogLevel.Information, "Sending {EventId} to '{StreamName}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}.")]
+ public static partial void SendingToStream(this ILogger logger, string? eventId, string streamName, DateTimeOffset? scheduled);
+ [LoggerMessage(101, LogLevel.Information, "Sending {EventsCount} messages to '{StreamName}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}. Events:\r\n- {EventIds}")]
+ private static partial void SendingEventsToStream(this ILogger logger, int eventsCount, string streamName, DateTimeOffset? scheduled, string eventIds);
+ public static void SendingEventsToStream(this ILogger logger, IList eventIds, string streamName, DateTimeOffset? scheduled)
+ {
+ if (!logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information)) return;
+ logger.SendingEventsToStream(eventsCount: eventIds.Count,
+ streamName: streamName,
+ scheduled: scheduled,
+ eventIds: string.Join("\r\n- ", eventIds));
+ }
+ public static void SendingEventsToStream(this ILogger logger, IList> events, string entityPath, DateTimeOffset? scheduled = null)
+ where T : class
+ {
+ if (!logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information)) return;
+ logger.SendingEventsToStream(events.Select(e => e.Id).ToList(), entityPath, scheduled);
+ }
+ [LoggerMessage(102, LogLevel.Warning, "Amazon Kinesis does not support delay or scheduled publish.")]
+ public static partial void SchedulingNotSupported(this ILogger logger);
diff --git a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Amazon.Sqs/AmazonSqsTransport.cs b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Amazon.Sqs/AmazonSqsTransport.cs
index c2317bc9..54e6ae47 100644
--- a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Amazon.Sqs/AmazonSqsTransport.cs
+++ b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Amazon.Sqs/AmazonSqsTransport.cs
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// log warning when trying to publish scheduled message
if (scheduled != null)
- Logger.LogWarning("Amazon SNS does not support delay or scheduled publish");
+ Logger.SchedulingNotSupported();
using var scope = CreateScope();
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
.SetAttribute(MetadataNames.RequestId, @event.RequestId)
.SetAttribute(MetadataNames.InitiatorId, @event.InitiatorId)
.SetAttribute(MetadataNames.ActivityId, Activity.Current?.Id);
- Logger.LogInformation("Sending {Id} to '{TopicArn}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}", @event.Id, topicArn, scheduled);
+ Logger.SendingToTopic(eventId: @event.Id, topicArn: topicArn, scheduled: scheduled);
var response = await snsClient.PublishAsync(request: request, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
@@ -135,12 +135,12 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// log warning when doing batch
- Logger.LogWarning("Amazon SNS does not support batching. The events will be looped through one by one");
+ Logger.BatchingNotSupported();
// log warning when trying to publish scheduled message
if (scheduled != null)
- Logger.LogWarning("Amazon SNS does not support delay or scheduled publish");
+ Logger.SchedulingNotSupported();
using var scope = CreateScope();
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
.SetAttribute(MetadataNames.RequestId, @event.RequestId)
.SetAttribute(MetadataNames.InitiatorId, @event.InitiatorId)
.SetAttribute(MetadataNames.ActivityId, Activity.Current?.Id);
- Logger.LogInformation("Sending {Id} to '{TopicArn}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}", @event.Id, topicArn, scheduled);
+ Logger.SendingToTopic(eventId: @event.Id, topicArn: topicArn, scheduled: scheduled);
var response = await snsClient.PublishAsync(request: request, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
@@ -310,12 +310,12 @@ private async Task ReceiveAsync(EventRegistration reg, EventConsumerRegistration
if (messages.Count == 0)
var delay = TransportOptions.EmptyResultsDelay;
- Logger.LogTrace("No messages on '{QueueUrl}', delaying check for {Delay}", queueUrl, delay);
+ Logger.NoMessages(queueUrl: queueUrl, delay: delay);
await Task.Delay(delay, cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogDebug("Received {MessageCount} messages on '{QueueUrl}'", messages.Count, queueUrl);
+ Logger.ReceivedMessages(messagesCount: messages.Count, queueUrl: queueUrl);
using var scope = CreateScope(); // shared
foreach (var message in messages)
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ private async Task OnMessageReceivedAsync(EventRegistration r
activity?.AddTag(ActivityTagNames.MessagingDestinationKind, "queue");
activity?.AddTag(ActivityTagNames.MessagingUrl, queueUrl);
- Logger.LogDebug("Processing '{MessageId}' from '{QueueUrl}'", messageId, queueUrl);
+ Logger.ProcessingMessage(messageId: messageId, queueUrl: queueUrl);
message.TryGetAttribute("Content-Type", out var contentType_str);
var contentType = contentType_str == null ? null : new ContentType(contentType_str);
@@ -381,10 +381,7 @@ private async Task OnMessageReceivedAsync(EventRegistration r
identifier: messageId,
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogInformation("Received message: '{MessageId}' containing Event '{Id}' from '{QueueUrl}'",
- messageId,
- context.Id,
- queueUrl);
+ Logger.ReceivedMessage(messageId: messageId, eventId: context.Id, queueUrl: queueUrl);
var (successful, _) = await ConsumeAsync(ecr: ecr,
@event: context,
@@ -405,7 +402,7 @@ private async Task OnMessageReceivedAsync(EventRegistration r
// whether or not successful, always delete the message from the current queue
- Logger.LogTrace("Deleting '{MessageId}' on '{QueueUrl}'", messageId, queueUrl);
+ Logger.DeletingMessage(messageId: messageId, queueUrl: queueUrl);
await sqsClient.DeleteMessageAsync(queueUrl: queueUrl,
receiptHandle: message.ReceiptHandle,
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
diff --git a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Amazon.Sqs/ILoggerExtensions.cs b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Amazon.Sqs/ILoggerExtensions.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ddafade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Amazon.Sqs/ILoggerExtensions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+/// Extensions on for the EventBus
+internal static partial class ILoggerExtensions
+ [LoggerMessage(100, LogLevel.Information, "Sending {EventId} to '{TopicArn}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}.")]
+ public static partial void SendingToTopic(this ILogger logger, string? eventId, string topicArn, DateTimeOffset? scheduled);
+ [LoggerMessage(101, LogLevel.Information, "Received message: '{MessageId}' containing Event '{EventId}' from '{QueueUrl}'")]
+ public static partial void ReceivedMessage(this ILogger logger, string messageId, string? eventId, string queueUrl);
+ [LoggerMessage(102, LogLevel.Warning, "Amazon SNS does not support delay or scheduled publish.")]
+ public static partial void SchedulingNotSupported(this ILogger logger);
+ [LoggerMessage(103, LogLevel.Warning, "Amazon SNS does not support batching. The events will be looped through one by one.")]
+ public static partial void BatchingNotSupported(this ILogger logger);
+ [LoggerMessage(104, LogLevel.Trace, "No messages on '{QueueUrl}', delaying check for {Delay}.")]
+ public static partial void NoMessages(this ILogger logger, string queueUrl, TimeSpan delay);
+ [LoggerMessage(105, LogLevel.Debug, "Received {MessagesCount} messages on '{QueueUrl}'")]
+ public static partial void ReceivedMessages(this ILogger logger, int messagesCount, string queueUrl);
+ [LoggerMessage(106, LogLevel.Debug, "Processing '{MessageId}' from '{QueueUrl}'")]
+ public static partial void ProcessingMessage(this ILogger logger, string messageId, string queueUrl);
+ [LoggerMessage(107, LogLevel.Trace, "Deleting '{MessageId}' from '{QueueUrl}'")]
+ public static partial void DeletingMessage(this ILogger logger, string messageId, string queueUrl);
diff --git a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.EventHubs/AzureEventHubsTransport.cs b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.EventHubs/AzureEventHubsTransport.cs
index 1e02cd82..82201425 100644
--- a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.EventHubs/AzureEventHubsTransport.cs
+++ b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.EventHubs/AzureEventHubsTransport.cs
@@ -86,18 +86,18 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var clients = processorsCache.Select(kvp => (key: kvp.Key, proc: kvp.Value)).ToList();
foreach (var (key, proc) in clients)
- Logger.LogDebug("Stopping client: {Processor}", key);
+ Logger.StoppingProcessor(processor: key);
await proc.StopProcessingAsync(cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogDebug("Stopped processor for {Processor}", key);
+ Logger.StoppedProcessor(processor: key);
catch (Exception exception)
- Logger.LogWarning(exception, "Stop processor faulted for {Processor}", key);
+ Logger.StopProcessorFaulted(processor: key, ex: exception);
@@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// log warning when trying to publish scheduled event
if (scheduled != null)
- Logger.LogWarning("Azure EventHubs does not support delay or scheduled publish");
+ Logger.SchedulingNotSupported();
// log warning when trying to publish expiring event
if (@event.Expires != null)
- Logger.LogWarning("Azure EventHubs does not support expiring events");
+ Logger.ExpiryNotSupported();
using var scope = CreateScope();
@@ -138,10 +138,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// get the producer and send the event accordingly
var producer = await GetProducerAsync(reg: registration, deadletter: false, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogInformation("Sending {Id} to '{EventHubName}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}",
- @event.Id,
- producer.EventHubName,
- scheduled);
+ Logger.SendingEvent(eventId: @event.Id, eventHubName: producer.EventHubName, scheduled: scheduled);
await producer.SendAsync(new[] { data }, cancellationToken);
// return the sequence number
@@ -157,13 +154,13 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// log warning when trying to publish scheduled events
if (scheduled != null)
- Logger.LogWarning("Azure EventHubs does not support delay or scheduled publish");
+ Logger.SchedulingNotSupported();
// log warning when trying to publish expiring events
if (events.Any(e => e.Expires != null))
- Logger.LogWarning("Azure EventHubs does not support expiring events");
+ Logger.ExpiryNotSupported();
using var scope = CreateScope();
@@ -189,11 +186,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// get the producer and send the events accordingly
var producer = await GetProducerAsync(reg: registration, deadletter: false, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogInformation("Sending {EventsCount} events to '{EventHubName}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}. Events:\r\n- {Ids}",
- events.Count,
- producer.EventHubName,
- scheduled,
- string.Join("\r\n- ", events.Select(e => e.Id)));
+ Logger.SendingEvents(events: events, eventHubName: producer.EventHubName, scheduled: scheduled);
await producer.SendAsync(datas, cancellationToken);
// return the sequence numbers
@@ -350,14 +343,14 @@ private async Task OnEventReceivedAsync(EventRegistration reg
if (!args.HasEvent)
+ // TODO: throw exception instead
Logger.LogWarning($"'{nameof(OnEventReceivedAsync)}' was invoked but the arguments do not have an event.");
- Logger.LogDebug("Processor received event on EventHub:{EventHubName}, ConsumerGroup:{ConsumerGroup}, PartitionId:{PartitionId}",
- processor.EventHubName,
- processor.ConsumerGroup,
- args.Partition.PartitionId);
+ Logger.ProcessorReceivedEvent(eventHubName: processor.EventHubName,
+ consumerGroup: processor.ConsumerGroup,
+ partitionId: args.Partition.PartitionId);
var data = args.Data;
var cancellationToken = args.CancellationToken;
@@ -388,12 +381,11 @@ private async Task OnEventReceivedAsync(EventRegistration reg
activity?.AddTag(ActivityTagNames.MessagingSystem, Name);
activity?.AddTag(ActivityTagNames.MessagingDestination, processor.EventHubName);
- Logger.LogDebug("Processing '{EventId}|{PartitionKey}|{SequenceNumber}' from '{EventHubName}/{ConsumerGroup}'",
- eventId,
- data.PartitionKey,
- data.SequenceNumber,
- processor.EventHubName,
- processor.ConsumerGroup);
+ Logger.ProcessingEvent(eventId: eventId,
+ partitionKey: data.PartitionKey,
+ sequenceNumber: data.SequenceNumber,
+ eventHubName: processor.EventHubName,
+ consumerGroup: processor.ConsumerGroup);
using var scope = CreateScope();
var contentType = contentType_str is string ctts ? new ContentType(ctts) : null;
var context = await DeserializeAsync(scope: scope,
@@ -402,13 +394,11 @@ private async Task OnEventReceivedAsync(EventRegistration reg
registration: reg,
identifier: data.SequenceNumber.ToString(),
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogInformation("Received event: '{EventId}|{PartitionKey}|{SequenceNumber}' containing Event '{Id}' from '{EventHubName}/{ConsumerGroup}'",
- eventId,
- data.PartitionKey,
- data.SequenceNumber,
- context.Id,
- processor.EventHubName,
- processor.ConsumerGroup);
+ Logger.ReceivedEvent(eventId: context.Id,
+ partitionKey: data.PartitionKey,
+ sequenceNumber: data.SequenceNumber,
+ eventHubName: processor.EventHubName,
+ consumerGroup: processor.ConsumerGroup);
// set the extras
@@ -433,44 +423,40 @@ private async Task OnEventReceivedAsync(EventRegistration reg
if (ShouldCheckpoint(successful, ecr.UnhandledErrorBehaviour))
- Logger.LogDebug("Checkpointing {Partition} of '{EventHubName}/{ConsumerGroup}', at {SequenceNumber}. Event: '{Id}'.",
- args.Partition,
- processor.EventHubName,
- processor.ConsumerGroup,
- data.SequenceNumber,
- eventId);
+ Logger.Checkpointing(partition: args.Partition,
+ eventHubName: processor.EventHubName,
+ consumerGroup: processor.ConsumerGroup,
+ sequenceNumber: data.SequenceNumber,
+ eventId: eventId);
await args.UpdateCheckpointAsync(args.CancellationToken);
private Task OnPartitionClosingAsync(EventProcessorClient processor, PartitionClosingEventArgs args)
- Logger.LogInformation("Closing processor for EventHub:{EventHubName}, ConsumerGroup:{ConsumerGroup}, PartitionId:{PartitionId} (Reason:{Reason})",
- processor.EventHubName,
- processor.ConsumerGroup,
- args.PartitionId,
- args.Reason);
+ Logger.ClosingProcessor(eventHubName: processor.EventHubName,
+ consumerGroup: processor.ConsumerGroup,
+ partitionId: args.PartitionId,
+ reason: args.Reason);
return Task.CompletedTask;
private Task OnPartitionInitializingAsync(EventProcessorClient processor, PartitionInitializingEventArgs args)
- Logger.LogInformation("Opening processor for PartitionId:{PartitionId}, EventHub:{EventHubName}, ConsumerGroup:{ConsumerGroup}, DefaultStartingPosition:{DefaultStartingPosition}",
- args.PartitionId,
- processor.EventHubName,
- processor.ConsumerGroup,
- args.DefaultStartingPosition);
+ Logger.OpeningProcessor(eventHubName: args.PartitionId,
+ consumerGroup: processor.EventHubName,
+ partitionId: processor.ConsumerGroup,
+ position: args.DefaultStartingPosition);
return Task.CompletedTask;
private Task OnProcessErrorAsync(EventProcessorClient processor, ProcessErrorEventArgs args)
- Logger.LogError(args.Exception,
- "Event processing faulted. Operation:{Operation}, EventHub:{EventHubName}, ConsumerGroup:{ConsumerGroup}, PartitionId: {PartitionId}",
- args.Operation,
- processor.EventHubName,
- processor.ConsumerGroup,
- args.PartitionId);
+ Logger.ProcessingError(operation: args.Operation,
+ eventHubName: processor.EventHubName,
+ consumerGroup: processor.ConsumerGroup,
+ partitionId: args.PartitionId,
+ ex: args.Exception);
return Task.CompletedTask;
diff --git a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.EventHubs/ILoggerExtensions.cs b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.EventHubs/ILoggerExtensions.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2baf5196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.EventHubs/ILoggerExtensions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+using Azure.Messaging.EventHubs.Consumer;
+using Azure.Messaging.EventHubs.Processor;
+using Tingle.EventBus;
+namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+/// Extensions on for the EventBus
+internal static partial class ILoggerExtensions
+ [LoggerMessage(100, LogLevel.Information, "Opening processor for EventHub:{EventHubName}, ConsumerGroup:{ConsumerGroup}, PartitionId:{PartitionId}, DefaultStartingPosition:{Position}")]
+ public static partial void OpeningProcessor(this ILogger logger, string eventHubName, string consumerGroup, string partitionId, EventPosition position);
+ [LoggerMessage(101, LogLevel.Information, "Closing processor for EventHub:{EventHubName}, ConsumerGroup:{ConsumerGroup}, PartitionId:{PartitionId} (Reason:{Reason})")]
+ public static partial void ClosingProcessor(this ILogger logger, string eventHubName, string consumerGroup, string partitionId, ProcessingStoppedReason reason);
+ [LoggerMessage(102, LogLevel.Error, "Event processing faulted. Operation:{Operation}, EventHub:{EventHubName}, ConsumerGroup:{ConsumerGroup}, PartitionId: {PartitionId}")]
+ public static partial void ProcessingError(this ILogger logger, string operation, string eventHubName, string consumerGroup, string partitionId, Exception ex);
+ [LoggerMessage(103, LogLevel.Debug, "Stopping processor: {Processor}.")]
+ public static partial void StoppingProcessor(this ILogger logger, string processor);
+ [LoggerMessage(104, LogLevel.Debug, "Stopped processor for {Processor}.")]
+ public static partial void StoppedProcessor(this ILogger logger, string processor);
+ [LoggerMessage(105, LogLevel.Warning, "Stop processor faulted for {Processor}.")]
+ public static partial void StopProcessorFaulted(this ILogger logger, string processor, Exception ex);
+ [LoggerMessage(200, LogLevel.Warning, "Azure EventHubs does not support delay or scheduled publish.")]
+ public static partial void SchedulingNotSupported(this ILogger logger);
+ [LoggerMessage(201, LogLevel.Warning, "Azure EventHubs does not support expiring events.")]
+ public static partial void ExpiryNotSupported(this ILogger logger);
+ [LoggerMessage(202, LogLevel.Information, "Sending {EventId} to '{EventHubName}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}")]
+ public static partial void SendingEvent(this ILogger logger, string? eventId, string eventHubName, DateTimeOffset? scheduled);
+ [LoggerMessage(203, LogLevel.Information, "Sending {EventsCount} events to '{EventHubName}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}. Events:\r\n- {EventIds}")]
+ private static partial void SendingEvents(this ILogger logger, int eventsCount, string eventHubName, DateTimeOffset? scheduled, string eventIds);
+ public static void SendingEvents(this ILogger logger, IList eventIds, string eventHubName, DateTimeOffset? scheduled)
+ {
+ if (!logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information)) return;
+ logger.SendingEvents(eventsCount: eventIds.Count,
+ eventHubName: eventHubName,
+ scheduled: scheduled,
+ eventIds: string.Join("\r\n- ", eventIds));
+ }
+ public static void SendingEvents(this ILogger logger, IList> events, string eventHubName, DateTimeOffset? scheduled = null)
+ where T : class
+ {
+ if (!logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information)) return;
+ logger.SendingEvents(events.Select(e => e.Id).ToList(), eventHubName, scheduled);
+ }
+ [LoggerMessage(204, LogLevel.Debug, "Checkpointing {Partition} of '{EventHubName}/{ConsumerGroup}', at {SequenceNumber}. Event: '{EventId}'.")]
+ public static partial void Checkpointing(this ILogger logger, PartitionContext partition, string eventHubName, string consumerGroup, long sequenceNumber, object? eventId);
+ [LoggerMessage(300, LogLevel.Debug, "Processor received event on EventHub:{EventHubName}, ConsumerGroup:{ConsumerGroup}, PartitionId:{PartitionId}")]
+ public static partial void ProcessorReceivedEvent(this ILogger logger, string eventHubName, string consumerGroup, string partitionId);
+ [LoggerMessage(301, LogLevel.Debug, "Processing '{EventId} in {PartitionKey}|{SequenceNumber}' from '{EventHubName}/{ConsumerGroup}'")]
+ public static partial void ProcessingEvent(this ILogger logger, object? eventId, string partitionKey, long sequenceNumber, string eventHubName, string consumerGroup);
+ [LoggerMessage(302, LogLevel.Information, "Received event: '{EventId} in {PartitionKey}|{SequenceNumber}' from '{EventHubName}/{ConsumerGroup}'")]
+ public static partial void ReceivedEvent(this ILogger logger, object? eventId, string partitionKey, long sequenceNumber, string eventHubName, string consumerGroup);
diff --git a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.QueueStorage/AzureQueueStorageTransport.cs b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.QueueStorage/AzureQueueStorageTransport.cs
index ffd4b463..253cdc40 100644
--- a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.QueueStorage/AzureQueueStorageTransport.cs
+++ b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.QueueStorage/AzureQueueStorageTransport.cs
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// get the queue client and send the message
var queueClient = await GetQueueClientAsync(reg: registration, deadletter: false, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogInformation("Sending {Id} to '{QueueName}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}", @event.Id, queueClient.Name, scheduled);
+ Logger.SendingMessage(eventId: @event.Id, queueName: queueClient.Name, scheduled: scheduled);
var response = await queueClient.SendMessageAsync(messageText: body.ToString(),
visibilityTimeout: visibilityTimeout,
timeToLive: ttl,
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// log warning when doing batch
- Logger.LogWarning("Azure Queue Storage does not support batching. The events will be looped through one by one");
+ Logger.BatchingNotSupported();
using var scope = CreateScope();
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var ttl = @event.Expires - DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
// send the message
- Logger.LogInformation("Sending {Id} to '{QueueName}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}", @event.Id, queueClient.Name, scheduled);
+ Logger.SendingMessage(eventId: @event.Id, queueName: queueClient.Name, scheduled: scheduled);
var response = await queueClient.SendMessageAsync(messageText: body.ToString(),
visibilityTimeout: visibilityTimeout,
timeToLive: ttl,
@@ -166,13 +166,14 @@ public override async Task CancelAsync(string id,
var messageId = sid.MessageId;
var popReceipt = sid.PopReceipt;
- Logger.LogInformation("Cancelling '{MessageId}|{PopReceipt}' on '{QueueName}'", messageId, popReceipt, queueClient.Name);
+ Logger.CancelingMessage(messageId: messageId, popReceipt: popReceipt, queueName: queueClient.Name);
await queueClient.DeleteMessageAsync(messageId: messageId,
popReceipt: popReceipt,
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
+ // TODO: throw exception instead
Logger.LogWarning("The provided id '{Id}' does not match the expected format.", id);
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ public override async Task CancelAsync(IList ids,
// log warning when doing batch
- Logger.LogWarning("Azure Queue Storage does not support batching. The events will be canceled one by one");
+ Logger.BatchingNotSupported();
var queueClient = await GetQueueClientAsync(reg: registration, deadletter: false, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
@@ -198,13 +199,14 @@ public override async Task CancelAsync(IList ids,
var messageId = sid.MessageId;
var popReceipt = sid.PopReceipt;
- Logger.LogInformation("Cancelling '{MessageId}|{PopReceipt}' on '{QueueName}'", messageId, popReceipt, queueClient.Name);
+ Logger.CancelingMessage(messageId: messageId, popReceipt: popReceipt, queueName: queueClient.Name);
await queueClient.DeleteMessageAsync(messageId: messageId,
popReceipt: popReceipt,
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
+ // TODO: throw exception instead
Logger.LogWarning("The provided id '{Id}' does not match the expected format.", id);
@@ -218,7 +220,7 @@ private async Task GetQueueClientAsync(EventRegistration reg, bool
if (!queueClientsCache.TryGetValue((reg.EventType, deadletter), out var queueClient))
- var name = reg.EventName;
+ var name = reg.EventName!;
if (deadletter) name += TransportOptions.DeadLetterSuffix;
// create the queue client options
@@ -241,12 +243,12 @@ private async Task GetQueueClientAsync(EventRegistration reg, bool
if (TransportOptions.EnableEntityCreation)
// ensure queue is created if it does not exist
- Logger.LogInformation("Ensuring queue '{QueueName}' exists", name);
+ Logger.EnsuringQueue(queueName: name);
await queueClient.CreateIfNotExistsAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogTrace("Entity creation is diabled. Queue creation skipped");
+ Logger.EntityCreationDisabled();
queueClientsCache[(reg.EventType, deadletter)] = queueClient;
@@ -279,12 +281,12 @@ private async Task ReceiveAsync(EventRegistration reg, EventConsumerRegistration
if (messages.Length == 0)
var delay = TransportOptions.EmptyResultsDelay;
- Logger.LogTrace("No messages on '{QueueName}', delaying check for {Delay}", queueClient.Name, delay);
+ Logger.NoMessages(queueName: queueClient.Name, delay: delay);
await Task.Delay(delay, cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogDebug("Received {MessageCount} messages on '{QueueName}'", messages.Length, queueClient.Name);
+ Logger.ReceivedMessages(messagesCount: messages.Length, queueName: queueClient.Name);
using var scope = CreateScope(); // shared
foreach (var message in messages)
@@ -330,7 +332,7 @@ private async Task OnMessageReceivedAsync(EventRegistration r
activity?.AddTag(ActivityTagNames.MessagingDestination, queueClient.Name);
activity?.AddTag(ActivityTagNames.MessagingDestinationKind, "queue");
- Logger.LogDebug("Processing '{MessageId}' from '{QueueName}'", messageId, queueClient.Name);
+ Logger.ProcessingMessage(messageId: messageId, queueName: queueClient.Name);
var context = await DeserializeAsync(scope: scope,
body: message.Body,
contentType: null,
@@ -338,10 +340,7 @@ private async Task OnMessageReceivedAsync(EventRegistration r
identifier: (AzureQueueStorageSchedulingId)message,
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogInformation("Received message: '{MessageId}' containing Event '{Id}' from '{QueueName}'",
- messageId,
- context.Id,
- queueClient.Name);
+ Logger.ReceivedMessage(messageId: messageId, eventId: context.Id, queueName: queueClient.Name);
// if the event contains the parent activity id, set it
if (context.Headers.TryGetValue(HeaderNames.ActivityId, out var parentActivityId))
@@ -362,7 +361,7 @@ private async Task OnMessageReceivedAsync(EventRegistration r
// whether or not successful, always delete the message from the current queue
- Logger.LogTrace("Deleting '{MessageId}' on '{QueueName}'", messageId, queueClient.Name);
+ Logger.DeletingMessage(messageId: messageId, queueName: queueClient.Name);
await queueClient.DeleteMessageAsync(messageId: messageId,
popReceipt: message.PopReceipt,
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
diff --git a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.QueueStorage/ILoggerExtensions.cs b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.QueueStorage/ILoggerExtensions.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ed13562
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.QueueStorage/ILoggerExtensions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+/// Extensions on for the EventBus
+internal static partial class ILoggerExtensions
+ [LoggerMessage(100, LogLevel.Information, "Ensuring queue '{QueueName}' exists.")]
+ public static partial void EnsuringQueue(this ILogger logger, string queueName);
+ [LoggerMessage(101, LogLevel.Trace, "Entity creation is disabled. Queue creation skipped.")]
+ public static partial void EntityCreationDisabled(this ILogger logger);
+ [LoggerMessage(200, LogLevel.Warning, "Azure Queue Storage does not support batching. The events will be looped through one by one.")]
+ public static partial void BatchingNotSupported(this ILogger logger);
+ [LoggerMessage(201, LogLevel.Information, "Sending {EventId} to '{QueueName}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}.")]
+ public static partial void SendingMessage(this ILogger logger, string? eventId, string queueName, DateTimeOffset? scheduled);
+ [LoggerMessage(202, LogLevel.Information, "Cancelling '{MessageId}|{PopReceipt}' on '{QueueName}'.")]
+ public static partial void CancelingMessage(this ILogger logger, string messageId, string popReceipt, string queueName);
+ [LoggerMessage(300, LogLevel.Trace, "No messages on '{QueueName}', delaying check for {Delay}.")]
+ public static partial void NoMessages(this ILogger logger, string queueName, TimeSpan delay);
+ [LoggerMessage(301, LogLevel.Debug, "Received {MessagesCount} messages on '{QueueName}'")]
+ public static partial void ReceivedMessages(this ILogger logger, int messagesCount, string queueName);
+ [LoggerMessage(302, LogLevel.Debug, "Processing '{MessageId}' from '{QueueName}'")]
+ public static partial void ProcessingMessage(this ILogger logger, string messageId, string queueName);
+ [LoggerMessage(303, LogLevel.Information, "Received message: '{MessageId}' containing Event '{EventId}' from '{QueueName}'")]
+ public static partial void ReceivedMessage(this ILogger logger, string messageId, string? eventId, string queueName);
+ [LoggerMessage(304, LogLevel.Trace, "Deleting '{MessageId}' on '{QueueName}'")]
+ public static partial void DeletingMessage(this ILogger logger, string messageId, string queueName);
diff --git a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.ServiceBus/AzureServiceBusTransport.cs b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.ServiceBus/AzureServiceBusTransport.cs
index 1ab6ff1c..f903bff8 100644
--- a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.ServiceBus/AzureServiceBusTransport.cs
+++ b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.ServiceBus/AzureServiceBusTransport.cs
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public override async Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// start processing
- Logger.LogInformation("Starting processing on {EntityPath}", processor.EntityPath);
+ Logger.StartingProcessing(entityPath: processor.EntityPath);
await processor.StartProcessingAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
@@ -95,18 +95,18 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var clients = processorsCache.Select(kvp => (key: kvp.Key, proc: kvp.Value)).ToList();
foreach (var (key, proc) in clients)
- Logger.LogDebug("Stopping client: {Processor}", key);
+ Logger.StoppingProcessor(processor: key);
await proc.StopProcessingAsync(cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogDebug("Stopped processor for {Processor}", key);
+ Logger.StoppedProcessor(processor: key);
catch (Exception exception)
- Logger.LogWarning(exception, "Stop processor faulted for {Processor}", key);
+ Logger.StopProcessorFaulted(processor: key, ex: exception);
@@ -155,10 +155,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Get the sender and send the message accordingly
var sender = await GetSenderAsync(registration, cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogInformation("Sending {Id} to '{EntityPath}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}",
- @event.Id,
- sender.EntityPath,
- scheduled);
+ Logger.SendingMessage(eventId: @event.Id, entityPath: sender.EntityPath, scheduled: scheduled);
if (scheduled != null)
var seqNum = await sender.ScheduleMessageAsync(message: message,
@@ -223,11 +220,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Get the sender and send the messages accordingly
var sender = await GetSenderAsync(registration, cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogInformation("Sending {EventsCount} messages to '{EntityPath}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}. Events:\r\n- {Ids}",
- events.Count,
- sender.EntityPath,
- scheduled,
- string.Join("\r\n- ", events.Select(e => e.Id)));
+ Logger.SendingMessages(events: events, entityPath: sender.EntityPath, scheduled: scheduled);
if (scheduled != null)
var seqNums = await sender.ScheduleMessagesAsync(messages: messages,
@@ -259,7 +252,7 @@ public override async Task CancelAsync(string id,
// get the sender and cancel the message accordingly
var sender = await GetSenderAsync(registration, cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogInformation("Canceling scheduled message: {SequenceNumber} on {EntityPath}", seqNum, sender.EntityPath);
+ Logger.CancelingMessage(sequenceNumber: seqNum, entityPath: sender.EntityPath);
await sender.CancelScheduledMessageAsync(sequenceNumber: seqNum, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
@@ -284,10 +277,7 @@ public override async Task CancelAsync(IList ids,
// get the sender and cancel the messages accordingly
var sender = await GetSenderAsync(registration, cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogInformation("Canceling {EventsCount} scheduled messages on {EntityPath}:\r\n- {SequenceNumbers}",
- ids.Count,
- sender.EntityPath,
- string.Join("\r\n- ", seqNums));
+ Logger.CancelingMessages(sequenceNumbers: seqNums, entityPath: sender.EntityPath);
await sender.CancelScheduledMessagesAsync(sequenceNumbers: seqNums, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
@@ -305,13 +295,13 @@ private async Task GetSenderAsync(EventRegistration reg, Cance
if (await ShouldUseQueueAsync(reg, cancellationToken))
// Ensure Queue is created
- Logger.LogDebug("Creating sender for queue '{QueueName}'", name);
+ Logger.CreatingQueueSender(queueName: name);
await CreateQueueIfNotExistsAsync(reg: reg, name: name, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
// Ensure topic is created
- Logger.LogDebug("Creating sender for topic '{TopicName}'", name);
+ Logger.CreatingTopicSender(topicName: name);
await CreateTopicIfNotExistsAsync(reg: reg, name: name, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
@@ -368,7 +358,7 @@ private async Task GetProcessorAsync(EventRegistration reg,
await CreateQueueIfNotExistsAsync(reg: reg, name: topicName, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
// Create the processor for the Queue
- Logger.LogDebug("Creating processor for queue '{QueueName}'", topicName);
+ Logger.CreatingQueueProcessor(queueName: topicName);
processor = serviceBusClient.CreateProcessor(queueName: topicName, options: sbpo);
@@ -383,9 +373,7 @@ await CreateSubscriptionIfNotExistsAsync(ecr: ecr,
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
// Create the processor for the Subscription
- Logger.LogDebug("Creating processor for topic '{TopicName}' and subscription '{Subscription}'",
- topicName,
- subscriptionName);
+ Logger.CreatingSubscriptionProcessor(topicName: topicName, subscriptionName: subscriptionName);
processor = serviceBusClient.CreateProcessor(topicName: topicName,
subscriptionName: subscriptionName,
options: sbpo);
@@ -407,15 +395,15 @@ private async Task CreateQueueIfNotExistsAsync(EventRegistration reg, string nam
// if entity creation is not enabled, just return
if (!TransportOptions.EnableEntityCreation)
- Logger.LogTrace("Entity creation is disabled. Queue creation skipped");
+ Logger.QueueEntityCreationDisabled();
// If the queue does not exist, create it
- Logger.LogDebug("Checking if queue '{QueueName}' exists", name);
+ Logger.CheckingQueueExistence(queueName: name);
if (!await managementClient.QueueExistsAsync(name: name, cancellationToken: cancellationToken))
- Logger.LogTrace("Queue '{QueueName}' does not exist, preparing creation.", name);
+ Logger.CreatingQueuePreparation(queueName: name);
var options = new CreateQueueOptions(name: name)
// set the defaults for a queue here
@@ -438,7 +426,7 @@ private async Task CreateQueueIfNotExistsAsync(EventRegistration reg, string nam
// Allow for the defaults to be overridden
TransportOptions.SetupQueueOptions?.Invoke(reg, options);
- Logger.LogInformation("Creating queue '{QueueName}'", name);
+ Logger.CreatingQueue(queueName: name);
_ = await managementClient.CreateQueueAsync(options: options, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
@@ -448,15 +436,15 @@ private async Task CreateTopicIfNotExistsAsync(EventRegistration reg, string nam
// if entity creation is not enabled, just return
if (!TransportOptions.EnableEntityCreation)
- Logger.LogTrace("Entity creation is disabled. Topic creation skipped");
+ Logger.TopicEntityCreationDisabled();
// If the topic does not exist, create it
- Logger.LogDebug("Checking if topic '{TopicName}' exists", name);
+ Logger.CheckingTopicExistence(topicName: name);
if (!await managementClient.TopicExistsAsync(name: name, cancellationToken: cancellationToken))
- Logger.LogTrace("Topic '{TopicName}' does not exist, preparing creation.", name);
+ Logger.CreatingTopicPreparation(topicName: name);
var options = new CreateTopicOptions(name: name)
Status = EntityStatus.Active,
@@ -470,7 +458,7 @@ private async Task CreateTopicIfNotExistsAsync(EventRegistration reg, string nam
// Allow for the defaults to be overridden
TransportOptions.SetupTopicOptions?.Invoke(reg, options);
- Logger.LogInformation("Creating topic '{TopicName}'", name);
+ Logger.CreatingTopic(topicName: name);
_ = await managementClient.CreateTopicAsync(options: options, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
@@ -480,19 +468,15 @@ private async Task CreateSubscriptionIfNotExistsAsync(EventConsumerRegistration
// if entity creation is not enabled, just return
if (!TransportOptions.EnableEntityCreation)
- Logger.LogTrace("Entity creation is disabled. Subscription creation skipped");
+ Logger.SubscriptionEntityCreationDisabled();
// If the subscription does not exist, create it
- Logger.LogDebug("Checking if subscription '{SubscriptionName}' under topic '{TopicName}' exists",
- subscriptionName,
- topicName);
+ Logger.CheckingSubscriptionExistence(subscriptionName: subscriptionName, topicName: topicName);
if (!await managementClient.SubscriptionExistsAsync(topicName, subscriptionName, cancellationToken))
- Logger.LogTrace("Subscription '{SubscriptionName}' under topic '{TopicName}' does not exist, preparing creation.",
- subscriptionName,
- topicName);
+ Logger.CreatingSubscriptionPreparation(subscriptionName: subscriptionName, topicName: topicName);
var options = new CreateSubscriptionOptions(topicName: topicName, subscriptionName: subscriptionName)
Status = EntityStatus.Active,
@@ -506,9 +490,7 @@ private async Task CreateSubscriptionIfNotExistsAsync(EventConsumerRegistration
// Allow for the defaults to be overridden
TransportOptions.SetupSubscriptionOptions?.Invoke(ecr, options);
- Logger.LogInformation("Creating subscription '{SubscriptionName}' under topic '{TopicName}'",
- subscriptionName,
- topicName);
+ Logger.CreatingSubscription(subscriptionName: subscriptionName, topicName: topicName);
await managementClient.CreateSubscriptionAsync(options: options, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
@@ -545,7 +527,7 @@ private async Task OnMessageReceivedAsync(EventRegistration r
activity?.AddTag(ActivityTagNames.MessagingDestination, destination); // name of the queue/subscription
activity?.AddTag(ActivityTagNames.MessagingDestinationKind, "queue"); // the spec does not know subscription so we can only use queue for both
- Logger.LogDebug("Processing '{MessageId}' from '{EntityPath}'", messageId, entityPath);
+ Logger.ProcessingMessage(messageId: messageId, entityPath: entityPath);
using var scope = CreateScope();
var contentType = new ContentType(message.ContentType);
var context = await DeserializeAsync(scope: scope,
@@ -555,10 +537,7 @@ private async Task OnMessageReceivedAsync(EventRegistration r
identifier: message.SequenceNumber.ToString(),
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogInformation("Received message: '{SequenceNumber}' containing Event '{Id}' from '{EntityPath}'",
- message.SequenceNumber,
- context.Id,
- entityPath);
+ Logger.ReceivedMessage(sequenceNumber: message.SequenceNumber, eventId: context.Id, entityPath: entityPath);
// set the extras
@@ -570,11 +549,7 @@ private async Task OnMessageReceivedAsync(EventRegistration r
// Decide the action to execute then execute
var action = DecideAction(successful, ecr.UnhandledErrorBehaviour, processor.AutoCompleteMessages);
- Logger.LogDebug("Post Consume action: {Action} for message: {MessageId} from '{EntityPath}' containing Event: {EventId}.",
- action,
- messageId,
- entityPath,
- context.Id);
+ Logger.PostConsumeAction(action: action, messageId: messageId, entityPath: entityPath, eventId: context.Id);
if (action == PostConsumeAction.Complete)
@@ -599,11 +574,10 @@ private async Task OnMessageReceivedAsync(EventRegistration r
private Task OnMessageFaultedAsync(ProcessErrorEventArgs args)
- Logger.LogError(args.Exception,
- "Message receiving faulted. Namespace:{FullyQualifiedNamespace}, Entity Path: {EntityPath}, Source: {ErrorSource}",
- args.FullyQualifiedNamespace,
- args.EntityPath,
- args.ErrorSource);
+ Logger.MessageReceivingFaulted(fullyQualifiedNamespace: args.FullyQualifiedNamespace,
+ entityPath: args.EntityPath,
+ errorSource: args.ErrorSource,
+ ex: args.Exception);
return Task.CompletedTask;
diff --git a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.ServiceBus/ILoggerExtensions.cs b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.ServiceBus/ILoggerExtensions.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7cf58a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.ServiceBus/ILoggerExtensions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+using Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus;
+using Tingle.EventBus;
+using Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Azure.ServiceBus;
+namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+/// Extensions on for the EventBus
+internal static partial class ILoggerExtensions
+ [LoggerMessage(100, LogLevel.Information, "Starting processing on {EntityPath}.")]
+ public static partial void StartingProcessing(this ILogger logger, string entityPath);
+ [LoggerMessage(101, LogLevel.Debug, "Stopping client: {Processor}.")]
+ public static partial void StoppingProcessor(this ILogger logger, string processor);
+ [LoggerMessage(102, LogLevel.Debug, "Stopped processor for {Processor}.")]
+ public static partial void StoppedProcessor(this ILogger logger, string processor);
+ [LoggerMessage(103, LogLevel.Warning, "Stop processor faulted for {Processor}.")]
+ public static partial void StopProcessorFaulted(this ILogger logger, string processor, Exception ex);
+ [LoggerMessage(104, LogLevel.Debug, "Creating processor for queue '{QueueName}'.")]
+ public static partial void CreatingQueueProcessor(this ILogger logger, string queueName);
+ [LoggerMessage(105, LogLevel.Debug, "Creating processor for topic '{TopicName}' and subscription '{SubscriptionName}'.")]
+ public static partial void CreatingSubscriptionProcessor(this ILogger logger, string topicName, string subscriptionName);
+ [LoggerMessage(106, LogLevel.Debug, "Creating sender for queue '{QueueName}'.")]
+ public static partial void CreatingQueueSender(this ILogger logger, string queueName);
+ [LoggerMessage(107, LogLevel.Debug, "Creating sender for topic '{TopicName}'.")]
+ public static partial void CreatingTopicSender(this ILogger logger, string topicName);
+ [LoggerMessage(108, LogLevel.Trace, "Entity creation is disabled. Queue creation skipped.")]
+ public static partial void QueueEntityCreationDisabled(this ILogger logger);
+ [LoggerMessage(109, LogLevel.Debug, "Checking if queue '{QueueName}' exists.")]
+ public static partial void CheckingQueueExistence(this ILogger logger, string queueName);
+ [LoggerMessage(110, LogLevel.Trace, "Queue '{QueueName}' does not exist, preparing creation.")]
+ public static partial void CreatingQueuePreparation(this ILogger logger, string queueName);
+ [LoggerMessage(111, LogLevel.Information, "Creating queue '{QueueName}'")]
+ public static partial void CreatingQueue(this ILogger logger, string queueName);
+ [LoggerMessage(112, LogLevel.Debug, "Checking if topic '{TopicName}' exists.")]
+ public static partial void CheckingTopicExistence(this ILogger logger, string topicName);
+ [LoggerMessage(113, LogLevel.Trace, "Entity creation is disabled. Topic creation skipped.")]
+ public static partial void TopicEntityCreationDisabled(this ILogger logger);
+ [LoggerMessage(114, LogLevel.Trace, "Topic '{TopicName}' does not exist, preparing creation.")]
+ public static partial void CreatingTopicPreparation(this ILogger logger, string topicName);
+ [LoggerMessage(115, LogLevel.Information, "Creating topic '{TopicName}'")]
+ public static partial void CreatingTopic(this ILogger logger, string topicName);
+ [LoggerMessage(116, LogLevel.Trace, "Entity creation is disabled. Subscription creation skipped.")]
+ public static partial void SubscriptionEntityCreationDisabled(this ILogger logger);
+ [LoggerMessage(117, LogLevel.Debug, "Checking if subscription '{SubscriptionName}' under topic '{TopicName}' exists")]
+ public static partial void CheckingSubscriptionExistence(this ILogger logger, string subscriptionName, string topicName);
+ [LoggerMessage(118, LogLevel.Trace, "Subscription '{SubscriptionName}' under topic '{TopicName}' does not exist, preparing creation.")]
+ public static partial void CreatingSubscriptionPreparation(this ILogger logger, string subscriptionName, string topicName);
+ [LoggerMessage(119, LogLevel.Information, "Creating subscription '{SubscriptionName}' under topic '{TopicName}'")]
+ public static partial void CreatingSubscription(this ILogger logger, string subscriptionName, string topicName);
+ [LoggerMessage(201, LogLevel.Information, "Sending {EventId} to '{EntityPath}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}")]
+ public static partial void SendingMessage(this ILogger logger, string? eventId, string entityPath, DateTimeOffset? scheduled);
+ [LoggerMessage(202, LogLevel.Information, "Sending {EventsCount} messages to '{EntityPath}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}. Events:\r\n- {EventIds}")]
+ private static partial void SendingMessages(this ILogger logger, int eventsCount, string entityPath, DateTimeOffset? scheduled, string eventIds);
+ public static void SendingMessages(this ILogger logger, IList eventIds, string entityPath, DateTimeOffset? scheduled)
+ {
+ if (!logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information)) return;
+ logger.SendingMessages(eventsCount: eventIds.Count,
+ entityPath: entityPath,
+ scheduled: scheduled,
+ eventIds: string.Join("\r\n- ", eventIds));
+ }
+ public static void SendingMessages(this ILogger logger, IList> events, string entityPath, DateTimeOffset? scheduled = null)
+ where T : class
+ {
+ if (!logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information)) return;
+ logger.SendingMessages(events.Select(e => e.Id).ToList(), entityPath, scheduled);
+ }
+ [LoggerMessage(203, LogLevel.Information, "Canceling scheduled message: {SequenceNumber} on {EntityPath}")]
+ public static partial void CancelingMessage(this ILogger logger, long sequenceNumber, string entityPath);
+ [LoggerMessage(204, LogLevel.Information, "Canceling {messagesCount} scheduled messages on {EntityPath}:\r\n- {SequenceNumbers}")]
+ private static partial void CancelingMessages(this ILogger logger, int messagesCount, string entityPath, string sequenceNumbers);
+ public static void CancelingMessages(this ILogger logger, IList sequenceNumbers, string entityPath)
+ {
+ if (!logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information)) return;
+ logger.CancelingMessages(messagesCount: sequenceNumbers.Count,
+ entityPath: entityPath,
+ sequenceNumbers: string.Join("\r\n- ", sequenceNumbers));
+ }
+ [LoggerMessage(300, LogLevel.Information, "Received message: '{SequenceNumber}' containing Event '{EventId}' from '{EntityPath}'")]
+ public static partial void ReceivedMessage(this ILogger logger, long sequenceNumber, string? eventId, string entityPath);
+ [LoggerMessage(301, LogLevel.Debug, "Processing '{MessageId}' from '{EntityPath}'")]
+ public static partial void ProcessingMessage(this ILogger logger, string? messageId, string entityPath);
+ [LoggerMessage(302, LogLevel.Debug, "Post Consume action: {Action} for message: {MessageId} from '{EntityPath}' containing Event: {EventId}.")]
+ public static partial void PostConsumeAction(this ILogger logger, PostConsumeAction? action, string? messageId, string entityPath, string? eventId);
+ [LoggerMessage(303, LogLevel.Debug, "Message receiving faulted. Namespace: {FullyQualifiedNamespace}, Entity Path: {EntityPath}, Source: {ErrorSource}")]
+ public static partial void MessageReceivingFaulted(this ILogger logger, string fullyQualifiedNamespace, string entityPath, ServiceBusErrorSource errorSource, Exception ex);
diff --git a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.InMemory/ILoggerExtensions.cs b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.InMemory/ILoggerExtensions.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c96bdb5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.InMemory/ILoggerExtensions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+using Tingle.EventBus;
+namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+/// Extensions on for the EventBus
+internal static partial class ILoggerExtensions
+ [LoggerMessage(100, LogLevel.Information, "Starting processing on {EntityPath}")]
+ public static partial void StartingProcessing(this ILogger logger, string entityPath);
+ [LoggerMessage(101, LogLevel.Debug, "Stopping client: {Processor}")]
+ public static partial void StoppingProcessor(this ILogger logger, string processor);
+ [LoggerMessage(102, LogLevel.Debug, "Stopped processor for {Processor}")]
+ public static partial void StoppedProcessor(this ILogger logger, string processor);
+ [LoggerMessage(103, LogLevel.Warning, "Stop processor faulted for {Processor}")]
+ public static partial void StopProcessorFaulted(this ILogger logger, string processor, Exception ex);
+ [LoggerMessage(104, LogLevel.Debug, "Creating processor for queue '{QueueName}'")]
+ public static partial void CreatingQueueProcessor(this ILogger logger, string queueName);
+ [LoggerMessage(105, LogLevel.Debug, "Creating processor for topic '{TopicName}' and subscription '{SubscriptionName}'")]
+ public static partial void CreatingSubscriptionProcessor(this ILogger logger, string topicName, string subscriptionName);
+ [LoggerMessage(200, LogLevel.Warning, "InMemory EventBus uses a short-lived timer that is not persisted for scheduled publish.")]
+ public static partial void SchedulingShortLived(this ILogger logger);
+ [LoggerMessage(201, LogLevel.Information, "Sending {EventId} to '{EntityPath}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}")]
+ public static partial void SendingMessage(this ILogger logger, string? eventId, string entityPath, DateTimeOffset? scheduled);
+ [LoggerMessage(202, LogLevel.Information, "Sending {EventsCount} messages to '{EntityPath}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}. Events:\r\n- {EventIds}")]
+ private static partial void SendingMessages(this ILogger logger, int eventsCount, string entityPath, DateTimeOffset? scheduled, string eventIds);
+ public static void SendingMessages(this ILogger logger, IList eventIds, string entityPath, DateTimeOffset? scheduled)
+ {
+ if (!logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information)) return;
+ logger.SendingMessages(eventsCount: eventIds.Count,
+ entityPath: entityPath,
+ scheduled: scheduled,
+ eventIds: string.Join("\r\n- ", eventIds));
+ }
+ public static void SendingMessages(this ILogger logger, IList> events, string entityPath, DateTimeOffset? scheduled = null)
+ where T : class
+ {
+ if (!logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information)) return;
+ logger.SendingMessages(events.Select(e => e.Id).ToList(), entityPath, scheduled);
+ }
+ [LoggerMessage(203, LogLevel.Information, "Canceling scheduled message: {SequenceNumber} on {EntityPath}")]
+ public static partial void CancelingMessage(this ILogger logger, long sequenceNumber, string entityPath);
+ [LoggerMessage(204, LogLevel.Information, "Canceling {messagesCount} scheduled messages on {EntityPath}:\r\n- {SequenceNumbers}")]
+ private static partial void CancelingMessages(this ILogger logger, int messagesCount, string entityPath, string sequenceNumbers);
+ public static void CancelingMessages(this ILogger logger, IList sequenceNumbers, string entityPath)
+ {
+ if (!logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information)) return;
+ logger.CancelingMessages(messagesCount: sequenceNumbers.Count,
+ entityPath: entityPath,
+ sequenceNumbers: string.Join("\r\n- ", sequenceNumbers));
+ }
+ [LoggerMessage(300, LogLevel.Information, "Received message: '{SequenceNumber}' containing Event '{EventId}' from '{EntityPath}'")]
+ public static partial void ReceivedMessage(this ILogger logger, long sequenceNumber, string? eventId, string entityPath);
+ [LoggerMessage(301, LogLevel.Debug, "Processing '{MessageId}' from '{EntityPath}'")]
+ public static partial void ProcessingMessage(this ILogger logger, string? messageId, string entityPath);
diff --git a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.InMemory/InMemoryTransport.cs b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.InMemory/InMemoryTransport.cs
index e18a3a5f..01487d69 100644
--- a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.InMemory/InMemoryTransport.cs
+++ b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.InMemory/InMemoryTransport.cs
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public override async Task StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// start processing
- Logger.LogInformation("Starting processing on {EntityPath}", processor.EntityPath);
+ Logger.StartingProcessing(entityPath: processor.EntityPath);
await processor.StartProcessingAsync(cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
@@ -96,18 +96,18 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var clients = processorsCache.Select(kvp => (key: kvp.Key, proc: kvp.Value)).ToList();
foreach (var (key, proc) in clients)
- Logger.LogDebug("Stopping client: {Processor}", key);
+ Logger.StoppingProcessor(processor: key);
await proc.StopProcessingAsync(cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogDebug("Stopped processor for {Processor}", key);
+ Logger.StoppedProcessor(processor: key);
catch (Exception exception)
- Logger.LogWarning(exception, "Stop processor faulted for {Processor}", key);
+ Logger.StopProcessorFaulted(processor: key, ex: exception);
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// log warning when trying to publish scheduled message
if (scheduled != null)
- Logger.LogWarning("InMemory EventBus uses a short-lived timer that is not persisted for scheduled publish");
+ Logger.SchedulingShortLived();
using var scope = CreateScope();
@@ -153,10 +153,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Get the queue and send the message accordingly
var sender = await GetSenderAsync(registration, cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogInformation("Sending {Id} to '{EntityPath}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}",
- @event.Id,
- sender.EntityPath,
- scheduled);
+ Logger.SendingMessage(eventId: @event.Id, entityPath: sender.EntityPath, scheduled: scheduled);
if (scheduled != null)
var seqNum = await sender.ScheduleMessageAsync(message: message, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
@@ -178,7 +175,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// log warning when trying to publish scheduled message
if (scheduled != null)
- Logger.LogWarning("InMemory EventBus uses a short-lived timer that is not persisted for scheduled publish");
+ Logger.SchedulingShortLived();
using var scope = CreateScope();
@@ -217,11 +214,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Get the queue and send the message accordingly
var sender = await GetSenderAsync(registration, cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogInformation("Sending {EventsCount} messages to '{EntityPath}'. Scheduled: {Scheduled}. Events:\r\n- {Ids}",
- events.Count,
- sender.EntityPath,
- scheduled,
- string.Join("\r\n- ", events.Select(e => e.Id)));
+ Logger.SendingMessages(events: events, entityPath: sender.EntityPath, scheduled: scheduled);
if (scheduled != null)
var seqNums = await sender.ScheduleMessagesAsync(messages: messages, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
@@ -251,7 +244,7 @@ public override async Task CancelAsync(string id,
// get the entity and cancel the message accordingly
var sender = await GetSenderAsync(registration, cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogInformation("Canceling scheduled message: {SequenceNumber} on {EntityPath}", seqNum, sender.EntityPath);
+ Logger.CancelingMessage(sequenceNumber: seqNum, entityPath: sender.EntityPath);
await sender.CancelScheduledMessageAsync(sequenceNumber: seqNum, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
@@ -273,10 +266,7 @@ public override async Task CancelAsync(IList ids,
// get the entity and cancel the message accordingly
var sender = await GetSenderAsync(registration, cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogInformation("Canceling {EventsCount} scheduled messages on {EntityPath}:\r\n- {SequenceNumbers}",
- ids.Count,
- sender.EntityPath,
- string.Join("\r\n- ", seqNums));
+ Logger.CancelingMessages(sequenceNumbers: seqNums, entityPath: sender.EntityPath);
await sender.CancelScheduledMessagesAsync(sequenceNumbers: seqNums, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
@@ -321,15 +311,13 @@ private async Task GetProcessorAsync(EventRegistration reg, E
if (reg.EntityKind == EntityKind.Queue)
// Create the processor for the Queue
- Logger.LogDebug("Creating processor for queue '{QueueName}'", topicName);
+ Logger.CreatingQueueProcessor(queueName: topicName);
processor = inMemoryClient.CreateProcessor(queueName: topicName, options: inpo);
// Create the processor for the Subscription
- Logger.LogDebug("Creating processor for topic '{TopicName}' and subscription '{Subscription}'",
- topicName,
- subscriptionName);
+ Logger.CreatingSubscriptionProcessor(topicName: topicName, subscriptionName: subscriptionName);
processor = inMemoryClient.CreateProcessor(topicName: topicName,
subscriptionName: subscriptionName,
options: inpo);
@@ -377,7 +365,7 @@ private async Task OnMessageReceivedAsync(EventRegistration r
activity?.AddTag(ActivityTagNames.MessagingDestination, destination); // name of the queue/subscription
activity?.AddTag(ActivityTagNames.MessagingDestinationKind, "queue"); // the spec does not know subscription so we can only use queue for both
- Logger.LogDebug("Processing '{MessageId}' from '{EntityPath}'", messageId, entityPath);
+ Logger.ProcessingMessage(messageId: messageId, entityPath: entityPath);
using var scope = CreateScope();
var contentType = message.ContentType is not null ? new ContentType(message.ContentType) : null;
var context = await DeserializeAsync(scope: scope,
@@ -387,10 +375,7 @@ private async Task OnMessageReceivedAsync(EventRegistration r
identifier: message.SequenceNumber.ToString(),
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogInformation("Received message: '{SequenceNumber}' containing Event '{Id}' from '{EntityPath}'",
- message.SequenceNumber,
- context.Id,
- entityPath);
+ Logger.ReceivedMessage(sequenceNumber: message.SequenceNumber, eventId: context.Id, entityPath: entityPath);
// set the extras
diff --git a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Kafka/ILoggerExtensions.cs b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Kafka/ILoggerExtensions.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f59710e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Kafka/ILoggerExtensions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+using Confluent.Kafka;
+namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+/// Extensions on for the EventBus
+internal static partial class ILoggerExtensions
+ [LoggerMessage(100, LogLevel.Warning, "Kafka does not support delay or scheduled publish.")]
+ public static partial void SchedulingNotSupported(this ILogger logger);
+ [LoggerMessage(101, LogLevel.Warning, "Kafka does not support batching. The events will be looped through one by one.")]
+ public static partial void BatchingNotSupported(this ILogger logger);
+ [LoggerMessage(102, LogLevel.Information, "Consumer recevied data at {Offset}")]
+ public static partial void ConsumerReceivedData(this ILogger logger, TopicPartitionOffset offset);
+ [LoggerMessage(103, LogLevel.Trace, "Reached end of topic {Topic}, Partition:{Partition}, Offset:{Offset}.")]
+ public static partial void EndOfTopic(this ILogger logger, string topic, Partition partition, Offset offset);
+ [LoggerMessage(104, LogLevel.Debug, "Processing '{MessageKey}")]
+ public static partial void ProcessingMessage(this ILogger logger, string messageKey);
+ [LoggerMessage(105, LogLevel.Information, "Received event: '{MessageKey}' containing Event '{EventId}'")]
+ public static partial void ReceivedEvent(this ILogger logger, string messageKey, string? eventId);
diff --git a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Kafka/KafkaTransport.cs b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Kafka/KafkaTransport.cs
index 188d30fb..f929fc8f 100644
--- a/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Kafka/KafkaTransport.cs
+++ b/src/Tingle.EventBus.Transports.Kafka/KafkaTransport.cs
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// log warning when trying to publish scheduled message
if (scheduled != null)
- Logger.LogWarning("Kafka does not support delay or scheduled publish");
+ Logger.SchedulingNotSupported();
using var scope = CreateScope();
@@ -150,12 +150,12 @@ public override async Task StopAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
// log warning when doing batch
- Logger.LogWarning("Kafka does not support batching. The events will be looped through one by one");
+ Logger.BatchingNotSupported();
// log warning when trying to publish scheduled message
if (scheduled != null)
- Logger.LogWarning("Kafka does not support delay or scheduled publish");
+ Logger.SchedulingNotSupported();
using var scope = CreateScope();
@@ -220,14 +220,11 @@ private async Task ProcessAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var result = consumer.Consume(cancellationToken);
if (result.IsPartitionEOF)
- Logger.LogTrace("Reached end of topic {Topic}, Partition:{Partition}, Offset:{Offset}.",
- result.Topic,
- result.Partition,
- result.Offset);
+ Logger.EndOfTopic(result.Topic, result.Partition, result.Offset);
- Logger.LogDebug("Received message at {TopicPartitionOffset}", result.TopicPartitionOffset);
+ Logger.ConsumerReceivedData(result.TopicPartitionOffset);
// get the registration for topic
var topic = result.Topic;
@@ -285,7 +282,7 @@ private async Task OnEventReceivedAsync(EventRegistration reg
activity?.AddTag(ActivityTagNames.EventBusConsumerType, typeof(TConsumer).FullName);
activity?.AddTag(ActivityTagNames.MessagingSystem, Name);
- Logger.LogDebug("Processing '{MessageKey}", messageKey);
+ Logger.ProcessingMessage(messageKey);
using var scope = CreateScope();
var contentType = contentType_str == null ? null : new ContentType(contentType_str);
var context = await DeserializeAsync(scope: scope,
@@ -294,9 +291,7 @@ private async Task OnEventReceivedAsync(EventRegistration reg
registration: reg,
identifier: result.Offset.ToString(),
cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
- Logger.LogInformation("Received event: '{MessageKey}' containing Event '{Id}'",
- messageKey,
- context.Id);
+ Logger.ReceivedEvent(messageKey, context.Id);
var (successful, _) = await ConsumeAsync(ecr: ecr,
@event: context,
scope: scope,
diff --git a/src/Tingle.EventBus/EventBus.cs b/src/Tingle.EventBus/EventBus.cs
index eb87594d..62a90506 100644
--- a/src/Tingle.EventBus/EventBus.cs
+++ b/src/Tingle.EventBus/EventBus.cs
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ public EventBus(IReadinessProvider readinessProvider,
activity?.AddTag(ActivityTagNames.MessagingConversationId, @event.CorrelationId);
// Publish on the transport
- logger.SendingEvent(@event, transport.Name, scheduled);
+ logger.SendingEvent(eventId: @event.Id, transportName: transport.Name, scheduled: scheduled);
return await transport.PublishAsync(@event: @event,
registration: reg,
scheduled: scheduled,
diff --git a/src/Tingle.EventBus/Extensions/ILoggerExtensions.cs b/src/Tingle.EventBus/Extensions/ILoggerExtensions.cs
index f234bc73..bf62877d 100644
--- a/src/Tingle.EventBus/Extensions/ILoggerExtensions.cs
+++ b/src/Tingle.EventBus/Extensions/ILoggerExtensions.cs
@@ -1,200 +1,114 @@
using Tingle.EventBus;
using Tingle.EventBus.Configuration;
-using Tingle.EventBus.Serialization;
namespace Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
/// Extensions on for the EventBus
-internal static class ILoggerExtensions
+internal static partial class ILoggerExtensions
#region Bus (100 series)
- private static readonly Action _delayedBusStartup
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(101, nameof(DelayedBusStartup)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Information,
- formatString: "Delaying bus startup for '{StartupDelay}'.");
- private static readonly Action _delayedBusStartupError
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(102, nameof(DelayedBusStartupError)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Error,
- formatString: "Starting bus delayed error.");
- private static readonly Action _startupReadinessCheck
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(103, nameof(StartupReadinessCheck)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Information,
- formatString: "Performing readiness check before starting bus.");
- private static readonly Action _startupReadinessCheckFailed
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(104, nameof(StartupReadinessCheckFailed)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Error,
- formatString: "Startup readiness check failed or timedout.");
- private static readonly Action _startingBus
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(105, nameof(StartingBus)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Debug,
- formatString: "Starting bus with {TransportsCount} transports.");
- private static readonly Action _stoppingBus
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(106, nameof(StoppingBus)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Debug,
- formatString: "Stopping bus.");
- public static void DelayedBusStartup(this ILogger logger, TimeSpan delay) => _delayedBusStartup(logger, delay, null);
- public static void DelayedBusStartupError(this ILogger logger, Exception ex) => _delayedBusStartupError(logger, ex);
- public static void StartupReadinessCheck(this ILogger logger) => _startupReadinessCheck(logger, null);
- public static void StartupReadinessCheckFailed(this ILogger logger, Exception ex) => _startupReadinessCheckFailed(logger, ex);
- public static void StartingBus(this ILogger logger, int count) => _startingBus(logger, count, null);
- public static void StoppingBus(this ILogger logger) => _stoppingBus(logger, null);
+ [LoggerMessage(101, LogLevel.Information, "Delaying bus startup for '{StartupDelay}'.")]
+ public static partial void DelayedBusStartup(this ILogger logger, TimeSpan startupDelay);
- #endregion
+ [LoggerMessage(102, LogLevel.Error, "Starting bus delayed error.")]
+ public static partial void DelayedBusStartupError(this ILogger logger, Exception ex);
- #region Transports (200 series)
+ [LoggerMessage(103, LogLevel.Information, "Performing readiness check before starting bus.")]
+ public static partial void StartupReadinessCheck(this ILogger logger);
- private static readonly Action _startingTransport
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(201, nameof(StartingTransport)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Debug,
- formatString: "Starting transport. Consumers: {ConsumersCount}, EmptyResultsDelay: '{EmptyResultsDelay}'");
+ [LoggerMessage(104, LogLevel.Error, "Startup readiness check failed or timedout.")]
+ public static partial void StartupReadinessCheckFailed(this ILogger logger, Exception ex);
- private static readonly Action _stoppingTransport
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(202, nameof(StoppingTransport)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Debug,
- formatString: "Stopping transport.");
+ [LoggerMessage(105, LogLevel.Debug, "Starting bus with {TransportsCount} transports.")]
+ public static partial void StartingBus(this ILogger logger, int transportsCount);
- public static void StartingTransport(this ILogger logger, int count, TimeSpan emptyResultsDelay)
- => _startingTransport(logger, count, emptyResultsDelay, null);
+ [LoggerMessage(106, LogLevel.Debug, "Stopping bus.")]
+ public static partial void StoppingBus(this ILogger logger);
- public static void StoppingTransport(this ILogger logger) => _stoppingTransport(logger, null);
+ #endregion
+ #region Transports (200 series)
+ [LoggerMessage(201, LogLevel.Debug, "Starting transport. Consumers: {ConsumersCount}, EmptyResultsDelay: '{EmptyResultsDelay}'")]
+ public static partial void StartingTransport(this ILogger logger, int consumersCount, TimeSpan emptyResultsDelay);
+ [LoggerMessage(202, LogLevel.Debug, "Stopping transport.")]
+ public static partial void StoppingTransport(this ILogger logger);
#region Events (300 series)
- private static readonly Action _sendingEvent
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(301, nameof(SendingEvent)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Information,
- formatString: "Sending event '{EventId}' using '{TransportName}' transport");
- private static readonly Action _sendingEventWithScheduled
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(301, nameof(SendingEvent)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Information,
- formatString: "Sending event '{EventId}' using '{TransportName}' transport. Scheduled: {Scheduled:o}, Delay: {ReadableDelay} ({RetryDelay})");
- private static readonly Action, Exception?> _sendingEvents
- = LoggerMessage.Define>(
- eventId: new EventId(302, nameof(SendingEvents)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Information,
- formatString: "Sending {EventsCount} events using '{TransportName}' transport.\r\nEvents: {EventIds}");
- private static readonly Action, Exception?> _sendingEventsWithScheduled
- = LoggerMessage.Define>(
- eventId: new EventId(302, nameof(SendingEvents)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Information,
- formatString: "Sending {EventsCount} events using '{TransportName}' transport. Scheduled: {Scheduled:o}, Delay: {ReadableDelay} ({RetryDelay}).\r\nEvents: {EventIds}");
- private static readonly Action _cancelingEvent
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(303, nameof(CancelingEvent)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Information,
- formatString: "Canceling event '{EventId}' on '{TransportName}' transport");
- private static readonly Action, Exception?> _cancelingEvents
- = LoggerMessage.Define>(
- eventId: new EventId(303, nameof(CancelingEvents)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Information,
- formatString: "Canceling {EventsCount} events on '{TransportName}' transport.\r\nEvents: {EventIds}");
- private static readonly Action _consumeFailedTransportHandling
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(304, nameof(ConsumeFailed)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Error,
- formatString: "Event processing failed. Transport specific handling in play. (EventId:{EventId})");
- private static readonly Action _consumeFailedDeadletter
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(304, nameof(ConsumeFailed)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Error,
- formatString: "Event processing failed. Moving to deadletter. (EventId:{EventId})");
- private static readonly Action _consumeFailedDiscard
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(304, nameof(ConsumeFailed)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Error,
- formatString: "Event processing failed. Discarding event. (EventId:{EventId})");
- public static void SendingEvent(this ILogger logger, string? eventId, string transportName, DateTimeOffset? scheduled = null)
+ [LoggerMessage(301, LogLevel.Information, "Sending event '{EventId}' using '{TransportName}' transport.")]
+ private static partial void SendingEvent(this ILogger logger, string? eventId, string transportName);
+ [LoggerMessage(302, LogLevel.Information, "Sending event '{EventId}' using '{TransportName}' transport. Scheduled: {Scheduled:o}, Delay: {ReadableDelay} ({RetryDelay})")]
+ private static partial void SendingScheduledEvent(this ILogger logger, string? eventId, string transportName, DateTimeOffset scheduled, string readableDelay, TimeSpan retryDelay);
+ public static void SendingEvent(this ILogger logger, string? eventId, string transportName, DateTimeOffset? scheduled)
+ if (!logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information)) return;
if (scheduled == null)
- _sendingEvent(logger, eventId, transportName, null);
+ logger.SendingEvent(eventId, transportName);
var (readableDelay, delay) = GetDelay(scheduled.Value);
- _sendingEventWithScheduled(logger, eventId, transportName, scheduled.Value, readableDelay, delay, null);
+ logger.SendingScheduledEvent(eventId, transportName, scheduled.Value, readableDelay, delay);
- public static void SendingEvent(this ILogger logger, EventContext @event, string transportName, DateTimeOffset? scheduled = null)
- {
- SendingEvent(logger, @event.Id, transportName, scheduled);
- }
+ [LoggerMessage(303, LogLevel.Information, "Sending {EventsCount} events using '{TransportName}' transport.\r\nEvents: {EventIds}")]
+ private static partial void SendingEvents(this ILogger logger, int eventsCount, string transportName, IList eventIds);
+ [LoggerMessage(304, LogLevel.Information, "Sending {EventsCount} events using '{TransportName}' transport. Scheduled: {Scheduled:o}, Delay: {ReadableDelay} ({RetryDelay}).\r\nEvents: {EventIds}")]
+ private static partial void SendingScheduledEvents(this ILogger logger, int eventsCount, string transportName, DateTimeOffset scheduled, string readableDelay, TimeSpan retryDelay, IList eventIds);
public static void SendingEvents(this ILogger logger, IList eventIds, string transportName, DateTimeOffset? scheduled = null)
+ if (!logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information)) return;
if (scheduled == null)
- _sendingEvents(logger, eventIds.Count, transportName, eventIds, null);
+ logger.SendingEvents(eventsCount: eventIds.Count, transportName: transportName, eventIds: eventIds);
var (readableDelay, delay) = GetDelay(scheduled.Value);
- _sendingEventsWithScheduled(logger, eventIds.Count, transportName, scheduled.Value, readableDelay, delay, eventIds, null);
+ logger.SendingScheduledEvents(eventIds.Count, transportName, scheduled.Value, readableDelay, delay, eventIds);
- public static void SendingEvents(this ILogger logger, IList events, string transportName, DateTimeOffset? scheduled = null)
- {
- SendingEvents(logger, events.Select(e => e.Id).ToList(), transportName, scheduled);
- }
public static void SendingEvents(this ILogger logger, IList> events, string transportName, DateTimeOffset? scheduled = null)
where T : class
- SendingEvents(logger, events.Select(e => e.Id).ToList(), transportName, scheduled);
+ if (!logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information)) return;
+ logger.SendingEvents(events.Select(e => e.Id).ToList(), transportName, scheduled);
- public static void CancelingEvent(this ILogger logger, string eventId, string transportName)
- {
- _cancelingEvent(logger, eventId, transportName, null);
- }
+ [LoggerMessage(305, LogLevel.Information, "Canceling event '{EventId}' on '{TransportName}' transport")]
+ public static partial void CancelingEvent(this ILogger logger, string eventId, string transportName);
- public static void CancelingEvents(this ILogger logger, IList eventIds, string transportName)
- {
- _cancelingEvents(logger, eventIds.Count, transportName, eventIds, null);
- }
+ [LoggerMessage(306, LogLevel.Information, "Canceling {EventsCount} events on '{TransportName}' transport.\r\nEvents: {EventIds}")]
+ public static partial void CancelingEvents(this ILogger logger, int eventsCount, IList eventIds, string transportName);
+ public static void CancelingEvents(this ILogger logger, IList eventIds, string transportName) => logger.CancelingEvents(eventIds.Count, eventIds, transportName);
+ [LoggerMessage(307, LogLevel.Error, "Event processing failed. {Action} (EventId: {EventId})")]
+ public static partial void ConsumeFailed(this ILogger logger, string action, string? eventId, Exception ex);
- public static void ConsumeFailed(this ILogger logger, string? eventId, UnhandledConsumerErrorBehaviour? behaviour, Exception ex)
+ public static void ConsumeFailed(this ILogger logger, UnhandledConsumerErrorBehaviour? behaviour, string? eventId, Exception ex)
- Action action = behaviour switch
+ var action = behaviour switch
- UnhandledConsumerErrorBehaviour.Deadletter => _consumeFailedDeadletter,
- UnhandledConsumerErrorBehaviour.Discard => _consumeFailedDiscard,
- _ => _consumeFailedTransportHandling,
+ UnhandledConsumerErrorBehaviour.Deadletter => "Moving to deadletter.",
+ UnhandledConsumerErrorBehaviour.Discard => "Discarding event.",
+ _ => "Transport specific handling in play.",
- action?.Invoke(logger, eventId, ex);
+ logger.ConsumeFailed(action, eventId, ex);
private static (string readableDelay, TimeSpan delay) GetDelay(DateTimeOffset scheduled)
@@ -207,67 +121,24 @@ private static (string readableDelay, TimeSpan delay) GetDelay(DateTimeOffset sc
#region Readiness (400 series)
- private static readonly Action _readinessCheck
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(401, nameof(ReadinessCheck)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Information,
- formatString: "Performing readiness check. Timeout: '{ReadinessTimeout}'.");
- private static readonly Action _readinessCheckTimedout
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(402, nameof(StartupReadinessCheckFailed)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Error,
- formatString: "Startup readiness check failed or timedout after '{ReadinessTimeout}'.");
- private static readonly Action _readinessCheckDisabled
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(401, nameof(ReadinessCheckDisabled)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Debug,
- formatString: "Readiness check is disabled. Assumes ready by default.");
- public static void ReadinessCheck(this ILogger logger, TimeSpan timeout) => _readinessCheck(logger, timeout, null);
+ [LoggerMessage(401, LogLevel.Information, "Performing readiness check. Timeout: '{ReadinessTimeout}'.")]
+ public static partial void ReadinessCheck(this ILogger logger, TimeSpan readinessTimeout);
- public static void ReadinessCheckTimedout(this ILogger logger, TimeSpan timeout) => _readinessCheckTimedout(logger, timeout, null);
+ [LoggerMessage(402, LogLevel.Error, "Startup readiness check failed or timedout after '{ReadinessTimeout}'.")]
+ public static partial void ReadinessCheckTimedout(this ILogger logger, TimeSpan readinessTimeout);
- public static void ReadinessCheckDisabled(this ILogger logger) => _readinessCheckDisabled(logger, null);
+ [LoggerMessage(403, LogLevel.Debug, "Readiness check is disabled. Assumes ready by default.")]
+ public static partial void ReadinessCheckDisabled(this ILogger logger);
#region Serialization (500 series)
- private static readonly Action _deserializationResultedInNull
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(501, nameof(DeserializationResultedInNull)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Warning,
- formatString: "Deserialization resulted in a null which should not happen. Identifier: '{Identifier}', Type: '{EventType}'.");
- private static readonly Action _deserializedEventShouldNotBeNull
- = LoggerMessage.Define(
- eventId: new EventId(502, nameof(DeserializedEventShouldNotBeNull)),
- logLevel: LogLevel.Warning,
- formatString: "Deserialized event should not have a null event. Identifier: '{Identifier}', EventId: '{EventId}', Type: '{EventType}'.");
- public static void DeserializationResultedInNull(this ILogger logger, string? id, string eventType)
- {
- _deserializationResultedInNull(logger, id, eventType, null);
- }
+ [LoggerMessage(501, LogLevel.Warning, "Deserialization resulted in a null which should not happen. Identifier: '{Identifier}', Type: '{EventType}'.")]
+ public static partial void DeserializationResultedInNull(this ILogger logger, string? identifier, string? eventType);
- public static void DeserializationResultedInNull(this ILogger logger, DeserializationContext context)
- {
- logger.DeserializationResultedInNull(id: context.Identifier, eventType: context.Registration.EventType.FullName!);
- }
- public static void DeserializedEventShouldNotBeNull(this ILogger logger, string? id, string? eventId, string eventType)
- {
- _deserializedEventShouldNotBeNull(logger, id, eventId, eventType, null);
- }
- public static void DeserializedEventShouldNotBeNull(this ILogger logger, DeserializationContext context, string? eventId)
- {
- logger.DeserializedEventShouldNotBeNull(id: context.Identifier,
- eventId: eventId,
- eventType: context.Registration.EventType.FullName!);
- }
+ [LoggerMessage(502, LogLevel.Warning, "Deserialized event should not have a null event. Identifier: '{Identifier}', EventId: '{EventId}', Type: '{EventType}'.")]
+ public static partial void DeserializedEventShouldNotBeNull(this ILogger logger, string? identifier, string? eventId, string? eventType);
diff --git a/src/Tingle.EventBus/Serialization/AbstractEventSerializer.cs b/src/Tingle.EventBus/Serialization/AbstractEventSerializer.cs
index de377c3f..b3171f55 100644
--- a/src/Tingle.EventBus/Serialization/AbstractEventSerializer.cs
+++ b/src/Tingle.EventBus/Serialization/AbstractEventSerializer.cs
@@ -62,13 +62,15 @@ protected AbstractEventSerializer(IOptionsMonitor optionsAccess
var envelope = await DeserializeToEnvelopeAsync(stream: stream, contentType: contentType, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);
if (envelope is null)
- Logger.DeserializationResultedInNull(context);
+ Logger.DeserializationResultedInNull(identifier: context.Identifier, eventType: context.Registration.EventType.FullName);
return null;
if (envelope.Event is null)
- Logger.DeserializedEventShouldNotBeNull(context, eventId: envelope.Id);
+ Logger.DeserializedEventShouldNotBeNull(identifier: context.Identifier,
+ eventId: envelope.Id,
+ eventType: context.Registration.EventType.FullName);
return null;
diff --git a/src/Tingle.EventBus/Transports/EventBusTransportBase.cs b/src/Tingle.EventBus/Transports/EventBusTransportBase.cs
index 034bb45f..ce4b7bcd 100644
--- a/src/Tingle.EventBus/Transports/EventBusTransportBase.cs
+++ b/src/Tingle.EventBus/Transports/EventBusTransportBase.cs
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ protected async Task ConsumeAsync(EventCo
catch (Exception ex)
- Logger.ConsumeFailed(@event.Id, ecr.UnhandledErrorBehaviour, ex);
+ Logger.ConsumeFailed(ecr.UnhandledErrorBehaviour, @event.Id, ex);
return new EventConsumeResult(successful: false, exception: ex);