diff --git a/src/bot.jl b/src/bot.jl index c0c69425a..fc8eb7fc9 100644 --- a/src/bot.jl +++ b/src/bot.jl @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Config object that holds the options and configuration for the SnoopCompile bot. - `subst::Vector{Pair{UStrings, UStrings}}` : to replace a packages precompile setences with another's package like `["ImageTest" => "Images"]` - `blacklist::Vector{UStrings}` : to remove some precompile sentences - `ismultios`::Bool : give true to generate separate precompile files for separate operating systems +- `overwrite::Bool`: to overwrite `precompile_includer.jl` pass `true` `const UStrings == Union{AbstractString,Regex,AbstractChar}` # every string like type that `replace()` has a method for. """ @@ -20,9 +21,10 @@ struct BotConfig subst::Vector{Pair{T1, T2}} where {T1<:UStrings, T2 <: UStrings} blacklist::Vector{T3} where {T3<:UStrings} ismultios::Bool + overwrite::Bool end -function BotConfig(packageName::String; subst::Vector{Pair{T1, T2}} where {T1<:UStrings, T2 <: UStrings} = Vector{Pair{String, String}}(), blacklist::Vector{T3} where {T3<:UStrings}= String[], ismultios::Bool=false) +function BotConfig(packageName::String; subst::Vector{Pair{T1, T2}} where {T1<:UStrings, T2 <: UStrings} = Vector{Pair{String, String}}(), blacklist::Vector{T3} where {T3<:UStrings}= String[], ismultios::Bool=false, overwrite::Bool = false) return BotConfig(packageName, subst, blacklist, ismultios) end