Data pre-processing
please export PATH of github clone to you PATH variable:
git clone
PATH=${PWD}/iMGCM/scripts/:${PWD}/iMGCM/PICRUSt:${PATH }
1. Demultiplexing and adapter removing
All reads were processed with Ilumina bcl2fastq Conversion
2. Quality check of the reads
Very low quality should be trimmed. Otherwise you do not need to preform quality trimming or any kind of error correction. If you want to trim you data you can just remove the "untrim" parameter in the next step. Please see bbmap/bbduk documentation for more details.
3. Removal of contaminated host
You can use bbmap and the reference mouse genome from Ensembl.
# for each Sample ($SampleName) with ReadR1 ($Fastq_R1) and ReadR2 ($Fastq_R2) we preform -Xmx50g usejni=t unpigz=t threads=10 fast=t \
minratio=0.9 maxindel=3 bwr=0.16 bw=12 fast minhits=2 qtrim=r trimq=10 untrim idtag printunmappedcount kfilter=25 maxsites=1 k=14 \
in=${Fastq_R1} \
in2=${Fastq_R2} \
ref=Mus_musculus.GRCm38.75.dna_rm.toplevel.fa.gz \
statsfile=${SampleName}_rmhost_filtering.stats \
outu=${SampleName}_R1_rmhost.fastq.gz \
1. Download iMGMC data
2. Index iMGMC catalog
cd iMGCM-data ref=iMGMC-GeneID.fasta.gz
3. Export PATH for the data
export iMGCM-data=$PWD
For this tutorial we use bbmap for mapping the reads to iMGCM catalog (ORFs: iMGCM-GeneID). You can use an other mapper and process the standard output (sam-files) with bbmap to summarize the counts. Please see bbmap documentation for more details.
# for each Sample ($SampleName) with ReadR1 ($Fastq_R1) and ReadR2 ($Fastq_R2) we preform: -Xmx30g unpigz=t threads=${usedCores} minid=0.90 \
ref=${iMGCM-data} nodisk \
statsfile=${SampleName}.statsfile \
scafstats=${SampleName}.scafstats \
covstats=${SampleName}.covstat \
rpkm=${SampleName}.rpkm \
sortscafs=f nzo=f \
in=${SampleName}_R1_rmhost.fastq.gz \
You need to normalize you samples counts for a comparison. Here we use TPM-normalization to create ${SampleID}.TPM form ${SampleName}.covstat : ${SampleName}.covstat
To get basic statistics for samples eg. to import in other software like R you need a ${SampleName}.covstat for each sample. All scripts used below you can find here.
To add Kegg KO annotations to our "${SampleID}.TPM" file you need the mapping file GeneID without a KO annotation will be obmitted. For each GeneID only one KO will be added. In addition the summary file "KOsum-${SampleID}.tab" will be generated, including summarized TPM for each KO in the sample. ${SampleName}.TPM
The script will conduct all "${SampleName}.TPM" and "KOsum-{SampleName}.tab" files into a table including SampleID and a header (long-format table). These files can be eg. imported to R.
See an example for an gene and KO ordination in the tutorial section.
In this step we summarize the TPM of ORFs (GeneID) to the corresponding ContigID and BinID for each "${SampleID}.TPM" file. You need the mapping file First we add the ContigID and BinID information to the "${SampleID}.TPM" -> "GeneID-ContigID-BinID-${SampleID}.tab". In addition two summary files "ContigID-sumTPM-${SampleID}.tab" and "BinID-sumTPM-${SampleID}.tab" will be generated, including summarized TPM form each sample. ${SampleName}.TPM
The script will conduct all "ContigID-sumTPM-${SampleID}.tab" and "BinID-sumTPM-${SampleID}.tab" files including SampleID and a header (long-format table). These files can be eg. imported to R.
Results: : Sum of gene TPM-counts for each sample for each ContigID : Sum of gene TPM-counts for each sample for each ContigID with a minimum of TPM>=1 : Sum of gene TPM-counts for each sample for each BinID : Sum of gene TPM-counts for each sample for each BinID with a minimum of TPM>=1
For taxonomic profiling of the reads you can use the taxonomic classification of the ORFs or the Contigs. If you interested in bacterial species you may consider the MAG-pipeline and the CoverM-tutorial.
# Taxomic profiling over different taxonomic levels using GeneID annotations from "${SampleID}.TPM" ${SampleName}.TPM
# Taxomic profiling over different taxonomic levels using ContigID annotations from "ContigID-sumTPM-${SampleID}.tab" ContigID-sumTPM-${SampleID}.tab
The resulting files sumTPM-Taxonomic-${SampleID}.tab contains summarized TPM-counts for each level in the long format. Annother file contains only the top 12 abundant taxa.
TaxLevel | Taxonomy | TPM |
Superkingdom | Bacteria | 505299 |
Superkingdom | unclassified | 394423 |
Superkingdom | Eukaryota | 99557.4 |
Superkingdom | NA | 475.052 |
Superkingdom | Viruses | 226.726 |
Superkingdom | Archaea | 19.2614 |
Phylum | unclassified | 577044 |
Phylum | Firmicutes | 275744 |
Phylum | Chordata | 54223 |
Phylum | Chlamydiae | 43202.9 |
Phylum | Nematoda | 17881.1 |
This data can used for downstream processing like ploting in R: