PICRUSt with iMGMC data
- data form diverse mouse samples from different studies (12 Vendors incl. wild mice and various gut locations)
- using MAGS to 16S rRNA gene linkage
- PICRUSt 1.1.3
- pynast
- FastTree
- iMGMC repository (/PICRUst/iMGMC-PICRUSt.bash)
Please use Conda to install needed enviroment over the Bioconda channel:
conda create -n iMGMC-PICRUSt -c bioconda picrust pynast fasttree
- BiomFile, your abundance table in biom format
- OTUseq, your OTU sequences in fasta format
Quick start:
conda activate iMGMC-PICRUSt
iMGMC-PICRUSt.bash BiomFile.biom OTUseq.fasta
Please cite our paper:
An integrated metagenome catalog enables novel insights into the murine gut microbiome
Till R. Lesker, Abilash C. Durairaj, Eric. J.C. Gálvez, John Baines, Thomas Clavel, Alexander Sczyrba, Alice C. McHardy, Till Strowig