+ +





LDA的全称是Linear Discriminant Analysis(线性判别分析),是一种supervised learning。有些资料上也称为是Fisher’s Linear Discriminant,因为它被Ronald Fisher发明自1936年。




假设我们有两类数据 分别为红色和蓝色,如下图所示,这些数据特征是二维的,我们希望将这些数据投影到一维的一条直线,让每一种类别数据的投影点尽可能的接近,而红色和蓝色数据中心之间的距离尽可能的大。从图中可以看出,右图的投影方式将红色和蓝色全部区分开了。 +







  1. 先找到类的中心,来代表一个类的核心特征

  2. +
  3. 再计算类内样本的差异性,尽可能小

  4. +
  5. 然后计算类间样本的差异性,尽可能大

  6. +
  7. 最后,求目标函数让得到投影向量

  8. +


  • 均值向量

  • +

对于每个类别 \(i\),计算该类别所有样本特征向量的平均值。这个平均值被称为类别内均值向量 \(\mu_i\)。 +公式:\(\mu_i = \frac{1}{N_i} \sum_{x \in i} x\),其中 \(x\) 属于类别 \(i\)\(N_i\) 是类别 \(i\) 的样本数量。

  • 协方差矩阵

  • +
  • 散度矩阵

  • +
  • 解广义特征值

  • +

通过求解这个特征值问题,我们可以得到最佳的投影向量 \(w\),用于将高维数据映射到低维空间,并实现优秀的分类效果。

import matplotlib as mpl
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from matplotlib import colors
+import numpy as np
+from scipy import linalg
+# 颜色
+cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap(
+    "red_blue_classes",
+    {
+        "red": [(0, 1, 1), (1, 0.7, 0.7)],
+        "green": [(0, 0.7, 0.7), (1, 0.7, 0.7)],
+        "blue": [(0, 0.7, 0.7), (1, 1, 1)],
+    },
+# 数据
+def dataset_fixed_cov():
+    """Generate 2 Gaussians samples with the same covariance matrix"""
+    n, dim = 300, 2
+    np.random.seed(0)
+    C = np.array([[0.0, -0.23], [0.83, 0.23]])
+    X = np.r_[
+        np.dot(np.random.randn(n, dim), C),
+        np.dot(np.random.randn(n, dim), C) + np.array([1, 1]),
+    ]
+    y = np.hstack((np.zeros(n), np.ones(n)))
+    return X, y
+def dataset_cov():
+    """Generate 2 Gaussians samples with different covariance matrices"""
+    n, dim = 300, 2
+    np.random.seed(0)
+    C = np.array([[0.0, -1.0], [2.5, 0.7]]) * 2.0
+    X = np.r_[
+        np.dot(np.random.randn(n, dim), C),
+        np.dot(np.random.randn(n, dim), C.T) + np.array([1, 4]),
+    ]
+    y = np.hstack((np.zeros(n), np.ones(n)))
+    return X, y
+# 可视化
+def plot_data(lda, X, y, y_pred, fig_index):
+    splot = plt.subplot(2, 2, fig_index)
+    if fig_index == 1:
+        plt.title("Linear Discriminant Analysis")
+        plt.ylabel("Data with\n fixed covariance")
+    elif fig_index == 2:
+        plt.title("Quadratic Discriminant Analysis")
+    elif fig_index == 3:
+        plt.ylabel("Data with\n varying covariances")
+    tp = y == y_pred  # True Positive
+    tp0, tp1 = tp[y == 0], tp[y == 1]
+    X0, X1 = X[y == 0], X[y == 1]
+    X0_tp, X0_fp = X0[tp0], X0[~tp0]
+    X1_tp, X1_fp = X1[tp1], X1[~tp1]
+    # class 0: dots
+    plt.scatter(X0_tp[:, 0], X0_tp[:, 1], marker=".", color="red")
+    plt.scatter(X0_fp[:, 0], X0_fp[:, 1], marker="x", s=20, color="#990000")  # dark red
+    # class 1: dots
+    plt.scatter(X1_tp[:, 0], X1_tp[:, 1], marker=".", color="blue")
+    plt.scatter(
+        X1_fp[:, 0], X1_fp[:, 1], marker="x", s=20, color="#000099"
+    )  # dark blue
+    # class 0 and 1 : areas
+    nx, ny = 200, 100
+    x_min, x_max = plt.xlim()
+    y_min, y_max = plt.ylim()
+    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(x_min, x_max, nx), np.linspace(y_min, y_max, ny))
+    Z = lda.predict_proba(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
+    Z = Z[:, 1].reshape(xx.shape)
+    plt.pcolormesh(
+        xx, yy, Z, cmap="red_blue_classes", norm=colors.Normalize(0.0, 1.0), zorder=0
+    )
+    plt.contour(xx, yy, Z, [0.5], linewidths=2.0, colors="white")
+    # means
+    plt.plot(
+        lda.means_[0][0],
+        lda.means_[0][1],
+        "*",
+        color="yellow",
+        markersize=15,
+        markeredgecolor="grey",
+    )
+    plt.plot(
+        lda.means_[1][0],
+        lda.means_[1][1],
+        "*",
+        color="yellow",
+        markersize=15,
+        markeredgecolor="grey",
+    )
+    return splot
+def plot_ellipse(splot, mean, cov, color):
+    v, w = linalg.eigh(cov)
+    u = w[0] / linalg.norm(w[0])
+    angle = np.arctan(u[1] / u[0])
+    angle = 180 * angle / np.pi  # convert to degrees
+    # filled Gaussian at 2 standard deviation
+    ell = mpl.patches.Ellipse(
+        mean,
+        2 * v[0] ** 0.5,
+        2 * v[1] ** 0.5,
+        angle=180 + angle,
+        facecolor=color,
+        edgecolor="black",
+        linewidth=2,
+    )
+    ell.set_clip_box(splot.bbox)
+    ell.set_alpha(0.2)
+    splot.add_artist(ell)
+    splot.set_xticks(())
+    splot.set_yticks(())
+def plot_lda_cov(lda, splot):
+    plot_ellipse(splot, lda.means_[0], lda.covariance_, "red")
+    plot_ellipse(splot, lda.means_[1], lda.covariance_, "blue")
+def plot_qda_cov(qda, splot):
+    plot_ellipse(splot, qda.means_[0], qda.covariance_[0], "red")
+    plot_ellipse(splot, qda.means_[1], qda.covariance_[1], "blue")
+plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8), facecolor="white")
+    "Linear Discriminant Analysis vs Quadratic Discriminant Analysis",
+    y=0.98,
+    fontsize=15,
+from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import (
+    LinearDiscriminantAnalysis,
+    QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis,
+for i, (X, y) in enumerate([dataset_fixed_cov(), dataset_cov()]):
+    # Linear Discriminant Analysis
+    lda = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver="svd", store_covariance=True)
+    y_pred = lda.fit(X, y).predict(X)
+    splot = plot_data(lda, X, y, y_pred, fig_index=2 * i + 1)
+    plot_lda_cov(lda, splot)
+    plt.axis("tight")
+    # Quadratic Discriminant Analysis
+    qda = QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis(store_covariance=True)
+    y_pred = qda.fit(X, y).predict(X)
+    splot = plot_data(qda, X, y, y_pred, fig_index=2 * i + 2)
+    plot_qda_cov(qda, splot)
+    plt.axis("tight")
/tmp/ipykernel_2265/3074259613.py:16: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The register_cmap function was deprecated in Matplotlib 3.7 and will be removed two minor releases later. Use ``matplotlib.colormaps.register(name)`` instead.
+  plt.cm.register_cmap(cmap=cmap)
+../../_images/c7715bd1179b714a54c45c771cc5de820814c9356237ab1f094a9d822ac5c6ec.png +



以上这些图像展示了线性判别分析以及二次判别分析的决策边界。其中,最后一行表明了线性判别分析只能学习线性边界, 而二次判别分析则可以学习二次边界



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