diff --git a/new-docs/pages/patterns/icon.stories.mdx b/new-docs/pages/patterns/icon.stories.mdx
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+import { Button } from '../../../core/src';
+import { RiSearchLine } from "react-icons/ri";
+# Icon
+Moai doesn't have a built-in icon set. Instead, Moai's components work with any
+SVG icons. This means you can use Moai with popular icon sets, like
+[FontAwesome][1] and [Material Icons][2], or even with [your own icons][4].
+This guide covers the usage of icons inside Moai's components (like in buttons
+and inputs). To display an icon on its own, with the control of its size and
+color, see the [Icon component][3].
+[1]: https://fontawesome.com
+[2]: https://fonts.google.com/icons
+[3]: /components/icon
+[4]: /patterns/icon/advanced
+## Basic
+Moai components that support icons usually have an \`icon\` prop. The
+recommended way to set this prop is using an icon from the [react-icons][1]
+package. It provides icons from many popular sets that can be used directly in
+import { RiSearchLine } from "react-icons/ri";
+[1]: https://react-icons.github.io/react-icons/
+(): JSX.Element => (
+## Icon Label
+In most cases, [screen readers][1] will [skip the icon][2] and only announce
+the text content of a component (e.g. the label of a button). When a component
+has no content to be announced (e.g. an icon-only button), you'll often be
+asked to provide an explicit icon label:
+[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screen_reader
+[2]: https://www.sarasoueidan.com/blog/accessible-icon-buttons/#icon-sitting-next-to-text
+(): JSX.Element => (
+## Color & Size
+When using with a component, the color and size of an icon are usually
+controlled by the component itself. For example, in a large, highlight button,
+the icon is white and enlarged:
+(): JSX.Element => (
+## Advanced
+Technically, these \`icon\` props simply expect a [function component][1] that
+returns an SVG element. The type definition looks like this:
+interface Props {
+ style?: CSSProperties;
+ className?: string;
+type Icon = (props: Props) => JSX.Element;
+This means you can use Moai with your own custom icons (e.g. logos, product
+icons), by creating components that return them as SVG elements. For a full
+icon set, consider tools like [React SVGR][2] to programmatically generate
+these components from SVG files.
+[1]: https://reactjs.org/docs/components-and-props.html#function-and-class-components
+[2]: https://react-svgr.com