Cranelift is a very ambitious project with many goals, and while we're confident we can achieve some of them, we see many opportunities for people to get involved and help us achieve even more.
This is a relatively young project, and not everything we hope to do with it is reflected in the code or documentation yet. If you see things that seem missing or that don't make sense, or even that just don't work the way you expect them to, we're interested to hear about it!
We have a Cranelift chat on Gitter, and questions are also welcome as issues in the Cranelift issue tracker. Some folks also hang out in the #cranelift IRC channel on
We're happy to mentor people, whether you're learning Rust, learning about compiler backends, learning about machine code, learning about how Cranelift does things, or all together at once.
We categorize issues in the issue tracker using a tag scheme inspired by Rust's issue tags. For example, the E-easy marks good beginner issues, and E-rust marks issues which likely require some familiarity with Rust, though not necessarily Cranelift-specific or even compiler-specific experience. E-compiler-easy marks issues good for beginners who have some familiarity with compilers, or are interested in gaining some :-).
See also the full list of labels.
Also, we encourage people to just look around and find things they're interested in. This a good time to get involved, as there aren't a lot of things set in stone yet.
We abide by our [Code of Conduct] and ask that you do as well.
For the most part, Cranelift follows common Rust conventions and pull request (PR) workflows, though we do have a few additional things to be aware of.
All PRs must be formatted according to rustfmt, and this is checked in the continuous integration tests. We use the current stable rustfmt-preview version. See the rustfmt quickstart for setup. is a script for running the appropriate version of rustfmt, which may be convenient when there are multiple versions installed.
Our current policy is to support the version of Rustc that ships with the latest Ubuntu LTS release, as well as the current stable version. This means we don't use some of the very latest released Rust features.
Some of the developer scripts depend on nightly Rust, for example to run clippy and other tools, however we avoid depending on these for the main build.
That said, if there are any new Rust features that would be particularly valuable to use, please bring them up, as we may be able to find ways to accommodate them.
Our Python code is checked with mypy and flake8; see the file for details. The versions available in common package repositories such as Ubuntu or Homebrew typically work fine.
We use issues for asking questions and tracking bugs and unimplemented features, and pull requests (PRs) for tracking and reviewing code submissions.
When submitting PRs:
Write clear commit messages that start with a one-line summary of the change (and if it's difficult to summarize in one line, consider splitting the change into multiple PRs), optionally followed by additional context. Good things to mention include which areas of the code are affected, which features are affected, and anything that reviewers might want to pay special attention to.
If there is code which needs explanation, prefer to put the explanation in a comment in the code, or in documentation, rather than in the commit message.
For pull requests that fix existing issues, use issue keywords. Note that not all pull requests need to have accompanying issues.
Anyone may submit a pull request, and anyone may comment on or review others' pull requests. Pull requests are merged by members of the Core Team.
We generally squash sequences of incremental-development commits together into logical commits (though keeping logical commits focused). Developers may do this themselves before submitting a PR or during the PR process, or Core Team members may do it when merging a PR. Ideally, the continuous-integration tests should pass at each logical commit.
Core Team members may push minor changes directly, though should create PRs for significant changes.