c and matlab routines for reading varian/agilent nmr/mri data files
- mtagipack_setup.m Build the mex files before using them in matlab
- mexLoadAgilentParams.c Load agilent 'procpar' variables into a struct
- mexLoadAgilentTraces.c Load agilent(/varian) fid file data
- mexSaveAgilentTraces.c Save agilent(/varian) fid file data
It maybe necessary to use 'mex -setup' in matlab to adjust your mex compilation flags to REMOVE the '-ansi' flag. Practically nobody has written "ansi C" since the mid-80s.
Get the tarball/zip, and do the following:
tesch$ tar xzvf mtagipack-1.6.7.tgz
tesch$ matlab -nojvm
>> path(path,'.../.../path/to/mtagipack-1.6.7');
>> which mtagipack_setup
>> mtagipack_setup
setup mex in .../mtagipack-1.6.7
*** if you get errors, make sure to remove "-ansi" from mexopts.sh (see mex -setup) ***
compiling mexLoadAgilentTraces...
compiling mexLoadAgilentParams...
return to /wherever you were/
>> mexLoadAgilentTraces
Error using mexLoadAgilentTraces
usage: [traces mainh blockh] = mexLoadAgilentTraces(filename)
>> [traces mainh blockh] = mexLoadAgilentTraces('.../data2/djswiDD_16kview_test_dataset.fid/');
read blocks:8 traces:24576 samples:6291456 channel:0/1
>> size(traces)
ans =
256 3072 8
>> mainh
mainh =
nblocks: 8
ntraces: 3072
np: 256
ebytes: 4
tbytes: 2048
bbytes: 6291484
status: 73
vers_id: 0
nbheaders: 1