Scenario: you want to change logging dynamically, without restarting the application.
Solution: Use conditions and connect to a key/value backend like Redis to process scripts.
The implementation uses a filter, which connects to Redis to query for the level and caches the result using Caffeine.
public class JedisFilter implements CoreLoggerFilter, AutoCloseable {
private final JedisPooled client;
private static final Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(JedisFilter.class);
private final LoadingCache<String, Condition> cache;
public JedisFilter() {
HostAndPort config = new HostAndPort(Protocol.DEFAULT_HOST, 6379);
PooledConnectionProvider provider = new PooledConnectionProvider(config);
client = new JedisPooled(provider);
// Set up cache and refresh
cache =
.refreshAfterWrite(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) // refresh after every cache access
// Load up a starting set of keys from cache
Set<String> keys = getKeysFromRedis();
private Set<String> getKeysFromRedis() {
ScanParams scanParams = new ScanParams().count(1000);
Set<String> allKeys = new HashSet<>();
String cur = ScanParams.SCAN_POINTER_START;
do {
ScanResult<String> scanResult = client.scan(cur, scanParams);
cur = scanResult.getCursor();
if (allKeys.size() >= 1000) break;
} while (!cur.equals(ScanParams.SCAN_POINTER_START));
return allKeys;
private Condition queryRedis(String key) {
String script = client.get(key);
return script != null ? ScriptCondition.create(false, script, e -> logger.error("Cannot compile script!", e)) : null;
public void close() {
public CoreLogger apply(CoreLogger coreLogger) {
Condition condition = new JedisCondition(coreLogger.getName());
return coreLogger.withCondition(condition);
class JedisCondition implements Condition {
private final String name;
public JedisCondition(String name) { = name;
public boolean test(Level level, LoggingContext context) {
final Condition scriptCondition = cache.get(name);
if (scriptCondition != null) {
return scriptCondition.test(level, context);
return Condition.operational().test(level, context);
You can create a Redis instance using the provided script, which uses Docker under the hood:
$ ./redis-instance
Create an entry in Redis with the key com.example.Main
and the value of the script. I like using Another Redis Desktop Manager for this.
Once you set the script and wait a second, then the script will take priority over the operational