Here all supported built‐in Scalars:
- Int
- Float
- String
- Boolean
- ID
Here a simple example of how to add a custom Scalar:
type: custom-scalar
serialize: ["AppBundle\\DateTimeType", "serialize"]
parseValue: ["AppBundle\\DateTimeType", "parseValue"]
parseLiteral: ["AppBundle\\DateTimeType", "parseLiteral"]
namespace AppBundle;
use GraphQL\Language\AST\Node;
class DateTimeType
* @param \DateTimeInterface $value
* @return string
public static function serialize(\DateTimeInterface $value)
return $value->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
* @param mixed $value
* @return \DateTimeInterface
public static function parseValue($value)
return new \DateTimeImmutable($value);
* @param Node $valueNode
* @return \DateTimeInterface
public static function parseLiteral(Node $valueNode)
return new \DateTimeImmutable($valueNode->value);
If you prefer reusing a scalar type
type: custom-scalar
scalarType: '@=newObject("App\\Type\\EmailType")'
You can create your custom-scalar type using the GraphQLType annotation with only one class. For example:
namespace AppBundle;
use Overblog\GraphQLBundle\Annotation as GQL;
* Class DatetimeType
* @GQL\Scalar(name="DateTime")
class DatetimeType
* @param \DateTime $value
* @return string
public static function serialize(\DateTime $value)
return $value->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
* @param mixed $value
* @return mixed
public static function parseValue($value)
return new \DateTime($value);
* @param Node $valueNode
* @return string
public static function parseLiteral($valueNode)
return new \DateTime($valueNode->value);