diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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+Multiplayer Snake Game, Powered By Temporal
+This repository contains code from the interactive [Snake game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_(video_game_genre)) during our [Replay 2024 conference](https://replay.temporal.io/).
+Here's a demo of it in action:
+Technical explanation
+Playing the game
+Before beginning, grab two of your friends!
+1. Go to http://**[your ui host]**:5173 (e.g. http://localhost:5173/)
+1. From the main menu, choose **Start New Game**.
+1. The Lobby will appear, and each player should scan the QR code of their snake colour of choice.
+1. Once all players are ready, click the **Start Round** button to begin!
+Installing the game
+Download Prerequisites
+If you don't already have them, you will need:
+* [Docker](https://www.docker.com/get-started/), including [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/)
+* [node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager) version 18 or later
+Start the Temporal Server
+1. Run the following, and leave it running in the background:
+ ```
+ docker compose up
+ ```
+Set up the UI (/snakes)
+1. Change into the UI directory:
+ ```
+ cd snakes
+ ```
+1. Install dependencies:
+ ```
+ npm install
+ ```
+1. Create a .env file containing the following (in the `snakes` directory):
+ ```
+ # (contents of .env file)
+ ```
+1. Load the file:
+ ```
+ source .env
+ ```
+1. Run the UI, and leave this running in the background as well.
+ ```
+ # --host param used so you can connect workers from other machines
+ npm run dev -- --host --open
+ ```
+1. A browser window will automatically open to http://localhost:5173/ showing the game main screen.
+Set up the Temporal Workers (/game)
+1. Change into the `game` directory:
+ ```
+ cd game
+ ```
+1. Install dependencies:
+ ```
+ npm install
+ ```
+1. Create an `.env` file in the game directory. Ensure environment variables are unset so we connect to the local Docker-based server:
+ ```
+ # (contents of .env file)
+ TEMPORAL_CLIENT_CERT_PATH="" # set this empty
+ TEMPORAL_CLIENT_KEY_PATH="" # set this empty
+ # set this to the host ip you're running the UI server on. See UI output above (if localhost then use
+ ```
+1. Load the file:
+ ```
+ source .env
+ ```
+1. Run the game worker (and leave this running in the background):
+ ```
+ npm run game-worker
+ ```
+1. If successful, the output should look like this:
+1. In a new CLI tab, run:
+ ```
+ # set this to the host ip/dns name you're running the UI server on. See UI output above (if localhost then use
+ npm run snake-worker-host-worker
+ ```
+1. If all is well, you should see output like the following:
+Test that demo is working
+Go to http://**[your ui host]**:5173 (e.g. http://localhost:5173/) and from the main screen, choose “Start Demo Game” — you should see the following with the snakes moving around by themselves.
+TODO: Image
+`docker compose up` just hangs
+Check two things:
+1. Is the network you're on restricting Docker? (Try tethering from your phone.)
+2. Is your Docker container already installed and therefore there's nothing left to do?
+Error: The container name "/temporal-postgresql" is already in use
+This can happen if you have installed another Docker container with, for example, one of our [Getting Started](https://learn.temporal.io/getting_started/) examples that uses the same default name.
+To give this demo's container a different name, modify the `docker-compose.yaml` file and change the following line:
+ postgresql:
+ container_name: temporal-postgresql-demo # Change name here
+The QR code from the lobby just goes to localhost, which isn't valid on my phone
+SOCKETIO_HOST environment variable is not defined when running npm run snake-worker-host-worker
+Don't forget that before you run this command, you have to type the following (even though it's already in the `.env` file in the directory):
+When attempting to run the demo, the game screen just says "Loading game..."
+- @robholland
+- @Alex-Tideman
+- @steveandroulakis