diff --git a/.codeclimate.yml b/.codeclimate.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..92ea735 --- /dev/null +++ b/.codeclimate.yml @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +--- +engines: + csslint: + enabled: true + duplication: + enabled: true + config: + languages: + - ruby + - javascript + - python + - php + eslint: + enabled: true + fixme: + enabled: true +ratings: + paths: + - "**.css" + - "**.inc" + - "**.js" + - "**.jsx" + - "**.module" + - "**.php" + - "**.py" + - "**.rb" +exclude_paths: +- .git/ +- examples/ +- ghpages/ +- node_modules/ diff --git a/.csslintrc b/.csslintrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aacba95 --- /dev/null +++ b/.csslintrc @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +--exclude-exts=.min.css +--ignore=adjoining-classes,box-model,ids,order-alphabetical,unqualified-attributes diff --git a/.eslintignore b/.eslintignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96212a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/.eslintignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +**/*{.,-}min.js diff --git a/.eslintrc b/.eslintrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9faa375 --- /dev/null +++ b/.eslintrc @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +ecmaFeatures: + modules: true + jsx: true + +env: + amd: true + browser: true + es6: true + jquery: true + node: true + +# http://eslint.org/docs/rules/ +rules: + # Possible Errors + comma-dangle: [2, never] + no-cond-assign: 2 + no-console: 0 + no-constant-condition: 2 + no-control-regex: 2 + no-debugger: 2 + no-dupe-args: 2 + no-dupe-keys: 2 + no-duplicate-case: 2 + no-empty: 2 + no-empty-character-class: 2 + no-ex-assign: 2 + no-extra-boolean-cast: 2 + no-extra-parens: 0 + no-extra-semi: 2 + no-func-assign: 2 + no-inner-declarations: [2, functions] + no-invalid-regexp: 2 + no-irregular-whitespace: 2 + no-negated-in-lhs: 2 + no-obj-calls: 2 + no-regex-spaces: 2 + no-sparse-arrays: 2 + no-unexpected-multiline: 2 + no-unreachable: 2 + use-isnan: 2 + valid-jsdoc: 0 + valid-typeof: 2 + + # Best Practices + accessor-pairs: 2 + block-scoped-var: 0 + complexity: [2, 6] + consistent-return: 0 + curly: 0 + default-case: 0 + dot-location: 0 + dot-notation: 0 + eqeqeq: 2 + guard-for-in: 2 + no-alert: 2 + no-caller: 2 + no-case-declarations: 2 + no-div-regex: 2 + no-else-return: 0 + no-empty-label: 2 + no-empty-pattern: 2 + no-eq-null: 2 + no-eval: 2 + no-extend-native: 2 + no-extra-bind: 2 + no-fallthrough: 2 + no-floating-decimal: 0 + no-implicit-coercion: 0 + no-implied-eval: 2 + no-invalid-this: 0 + no-iterator: 2 + no-labels: 0 + no-lone-blocks: 2 + no-loop-func: 2 + no-magic-number: 0 + no-multi-spaces: 0 + no-multi-str: 0 + no-native-reassign: 2 + no-new-func: 2 + no-new-wrappers: 2 + no-new: 2 + no-octal-escape: 2 + no-octal: 2 + no-proto: 2 + no-redeclare: 2 + no-return-assign: 2 + no-script-url: 2 + no-self-compare: 2 + no-sequences: 0 + no-throw-literal: 0 + no-unused-expressions: 2 + no-useless-call: 2 + no-useless-concat: 2 + no-void: 2 + no-warning-comments: 0 + no-with: 2 + radix: 2 + vars-on-top: 0 + wrap-iife: 2 + yoda: 0 + + # Strict + strict: 0 + + # Variables + init-declarations: 0 + no-catch-shadow: 2 + no-delete-var: 2 + no-label-var: 2 + no-shadow-restricted-names: 2 + no-shadow: 0 + no-undef-init: 2 + no-undef: 0 + no-undefined: 0 + no-unused-vars: 0 + no-use-before-define: 0 + + # Node.js and CommonJS + callback-return: 2 + global-require: 2 + handle-callback-err: 2 + no-mixed-requires: 0 + no-new-require: 0 + no-path-concat: 2 + no-process-exit: 2 + no-restricted-modules: 0 + no-sync: 0 + + # Stylistic Issues + array-bracket-spacing: 0 + block-spacing: 0 + brace-style: 0 + camelcase: 0 + comma-spacing: 0 + comma-style: 0 + computed-property-spacing: 0 + consistent-this: 0 + eol-last: 0 + func-names: 0 + func-style: 0 + id-length: 0 + id-match: 0 + indent: 0 + jsx-quotes: 0 + key-spacing: 0 + linebreak-style: 0 + lines-around-comment: 0 + max-depth: 0 + max-len: 0 + max-nested-callbacks: 0 + max-params: 0 + max-statements: [2, 30] + new-cap: 0 + new-parens: 0 + newline-after-var: 0 + no-array-constructor: 0 + no-bitwise: 0 + no-continue: 0 + no-inline-comments: 0 + no-lonely-if: 0 + no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: 0 + no-multiple-empty-lines: 0 + no-negated-condition: 0 + no-nested-ternary: 0 + no-new-object: 0 + no-plusplus: 0 + no-restricted-syntax: 0 + no-spaced-func: 0 + no-ternary: 0 + no-trailing-spaces: 0 + no-underscore-dangle: 0 + no-unneeded-ternary: 0 + object-curly-spacing: 0 + one-var: 0 + operator-assignment: 0 + operator-linebreak: 0 + padded-blocks: 0 + quote-props: 0 + quotes: 0 + require-jsdoc: 0 + semi-spacing: 0 + semi: 0 + sort-vars: 0 + space-after-keywords: 0 + space-before-blocks: 0 + space-before-function-paren: 0 + space-before-keywords: 0 + space-in-parens: 0 + space-infix-ops: 0 + space-return-throw-case: 0 + space-unary-ops: 0 + spaced-comment: 0 + wrap-regex: 0 + + # ECMAScript 6 + arrow-body-style: 0 + arrow-parens: 0 + arrow-spacing: 0 + constructor-super: 0 + generator-star-spacing: 0 + no-arrow-condition: 0 + no-class-assign: 0 + no-const-assign: 0 + no-dupe-class-members: 0 + no-this-before-super: 0 + no-var: 0 + object-shorthand: 0 + prefer-arrow-callback: 0 + prefer-const: 0 + prefer-reflect: 0 + prefer-spread: 0 + prefer-template: 0 + require-yield: 0 diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d13582 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +/node_modules/ +/.idea/ +/doc/ +/coverage/ +/site +/report/ +/.c9revisions/ +/.settings/ + +.settings +.classpath +.project +.metadata +npm-debug.log + diff --git a/.gjslintrc b/.gjslintrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0492419 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gjslintrc @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +--jsdoc +--summary +--beep +--check_html +--nomultiprocess +--debug_indentation +--time +--max_line_length=120 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.jshintrc b/.jshintrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7615545 --- /dev/null +++ b/.jshintrc @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +{ + "curly": true, + "eqeqeq": true, + "immed": true, + "latedef": true, + "newcap": true, + "noarg": true, + "noempty": true, + "quotmark": "single", + "undef": true, + "unused": true, + "trailing": true, + "maxparams": 7, + "maxdepth": 4, + "camelcase": true, + "maxlen": 120, + "node": true +} diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7b602e --- /dev/null +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +language: node_js + +node_js: + - "0.10" + - "4" + +branches: + only: + - master + +sudo: false + +env: + - CXX=g++-4.8 + +before_install: + - npm install -g grunt-cli + +install: + - npm install + +addons: + apt: + sources: + - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test + packages: + - gcc-4.8 + - g++-4.8 + code_climate: + repo_token: 3af78c71b999d36106cc3ec8761fa5d664515fef7b8c8698e9d5f091a9d5c5a3 diff --git a/CHANGES_NEXT_RELEASE b/CHANGES_NEXT_RELEASE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aff9d07 --- /dev/null +++ b/CHANGES_NEXT_RELEASE @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +- [FEATURE] Better informative messages in the scheduled updates timeline diff --git a/Gruntfile.js b/Gruntfile.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e67d62 --- /dev/null +++ b/Gruntfile.js @@ -0,0 +1,281 @@ +'use strict'; + +/** + * Grunt tasks definitions + * + * @param {Object} grunt + */ +module.exports = function(grunt) { + + // Project configuration. + grunt.initConfig({ + pkgFile: 'package.json', + pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), + + clean: { + reportTest: ['report/test'], + reportLint: ['report/lint'], + reportCoverage: ['report/coverage'], + siteCoverage: ['site/coverage'], + siteDoc: ['site/doc'], + siteReport: ['site/report'] + }, + + mkdir: { + reportTest: { + options: { + create: ['<%= clean.reportTest[0] %>'] + } + }, + reportLint: { + options: { + create: ['<%= clean.reportLint[0] %>'] + } + }, + reportCoverage: { + options: { + create: ['<%= clean.reportCoverage[0] %>'] + } + }, + siteCoverage: { + options: { + create: ['<%= clean.siteCoverage[0] %>'] + } + }, + siteDoc: { + options: { + create: ['<%= clean.siteDoc[0] %>'] + } + }, + siteReport: { + options: { + create: ['<%= clean.siteReport[0] %>'] + } + } + }, + + jshint: { + gruntfile: { + src: 'Gruntfile.js', + options: { + jshintrc: '.jshintrc' + } + }, + lib: { + src: ['lib/**/*.js'], + options: { + jshintrc: 'lib/.jshintrc' + } + }, + test: { + src: ['test/**/*.js'], + options: { + jshintrc: 'test/.jshintrc' + } + }, + reportGruntfile: { + src: 'Gruntfile.js', + options: { + reporter: 'checkstyle', + reporterOutput: '<%= clean.reportLint[0] %>/jshint-gruntfile.xml', + jshintrc: '.jshintrc' + } + }, + reportLib: { + src: 'lib/**/*.js', + options: { + reporter: 'checkstyle', + reporterOutput: '<%= clean.reportLint[0] %>/jshint-lib.xml', + jshintrc: 'lib/.jshintrc' + } + }, + reportTest: { + src: 'test/**/*.js', + options: { + reporter: 'checkstyle', + reporterOutput: '<%= clean.reportLint[0] %>/jshint-test.xml', + jshintrc: 'test/.jshintrc' + } + } + }, + + watch: { + gruntfile: { + files: '<%= jshint.gruntfile.src %>', + tasks: ['jshint:gruntfile'] + }, + lib: { + files: '<%= jshint.lib.src %>', + tasks: ['jshint:lib', 'test'] + }, + test: { + files: '<%= jshint.test.src %>', + tasks: ['jshint:test', 'test'] + } + }, + + mochaTest: { + unit: { + options: { + ui: 'bdd', + reporter: 'spec' + }, + src: [ + 'tools/mocha-globals.js', + '<%= jshint.test.src %>' + ] + }, + unitReport: { + options: { + ui: 'bdd', + reporter: 'tap', + quiet: true, + captureFile: '<%= clean.reportTest[0] %>/unit_tests.tap' + }, + src: [ + 'tools/mocha-globals.js', + '<%= jshint.test.src %>' + ] + } + }, + + githubPages: { + target: { + options: { + commitMessage: 'UPDATE Doc' + }, + src: 'site' + } + }, + + dox: { + options: { + title: 'fiware-device-simulator documentation' + }, + files: { + src: ['<%= jshint.lib.src %>'], + dest: '<%= clean.siteDoc[0] %>' + } + }, + + exec: { + istanbul: { + cmd: + 'bash -c "./node_modules/.bin/istanbul cover --root lib/ --dir <%= clean.siteCoverage[0] %>' + + ' --preload-sources -- \\"`npm root -g`/grunt-cli/bin/grunt\\" test && ' + + './node_modules/.bin/istanbul report --dir <%= clean.siteCoverage[0] %> text-summary"' + }, + istanbulCobertura: { + cmd: + 'bash -c "./node_modules/.bin/istanbul report --dir <%= clean.siteCoverage[0] %> cobertura && ' + + 'mv <%= clean.siteCoverage[0] %>/cobertura-coverage.xml <%= clean.reportCoverage[0] %>"' + }, + githubPagesInit: { + cmd: 'bash tools/github-pages.sh' + } + }, + + plato: { + options: { + jshint: grunt.file.readJSON('.jshintrc') + }, + lib: { + files: { + '<%= clean.siteReport[0] %>': '<%= jshint.lib.src %>' + } + } + }, + + githooks: { + all: { + 'pre-commit': 'lint test' + } + }, + + gjslint: { + options: { + reporter: { + name: 'console' + }, + flags: [ + '--flagfile .gjslintrc' //use flag file' + ], + force: false + }, + gruntfile: { + src: '<%= jshint.gruntfile.src %>' + }, + lib: { + src: '<%= jshint.lib.src %>' + }, + test: { + src: '<%= jshint.test.src %>' + }, + report: { + options: { + reporter: { + name: 'gjslint_xml', + dest: '<%= clean.reportLint[0] %>/gjslint.xml' + }, + flags: [ + '--flagfile .gjslintrc' + ], + force: false + }, + src: ['<%= jshint.gruntfile.src %>', '<%= jshint.lib.src %>', '<%= jshint.test.src %>'] + } + } + }); + + // These plugins provide necessary tasks. + grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean'); + grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jshint'); + grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); + grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-mocha-test'); + grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-github-pages'); + grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-exec'); + grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-plato'); + grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-gjslint'); + grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-dox'); + grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-mkdir'); + grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-githooks'); + + grunt.loadTasks('tools/tasks'); + + grunt.registerTask('init-pages', ['exec:githubPagesInit']); + + grunt.registerTask('test', 'Run tests', ['mochaTest:unit']); + + grunt.registerTask('test-report', 'Generate tests reports', + ['clean:reportTest', 'mkdir:reportTest', 'mochaTest:unitReport']); + + grunt.registerTask('coverage', 'Print coverage report', + ['clean:siteCoverage', 'exec:istanbul']); + + grunt.registerTask('coverage-report', 'Generate Cobertura report', + ['clean:reportCoverage', 'mkdir:reportCoverage', 'coverage', 'exec:istanbulCobertura']); + + grunt.registerTask('complexity', 'Generate code complexity reports', ['plato']); + + grunt.registerTask('doc', 'Generate source code JSDoc', ['dox']); + + grunt.registerTask('lint-jshint', 'Check source code style with JsHint', + ['jshint:gruntfile', 'jshint:lib', 'jshint:test']); + + grunt.registerTask('lint-gjslint', 'Check source code style with Google Closure Linter', + ['gjslint:gruntfile', 'gjslint:lib', 'gjslint:test']); + + grunt.registerTask('lint', 'Check source code style', ['lint-jshint', 'lint-gjslint']); + + grunt.registerTask('lint-report', 'Generate checkstyle reports', + ['clean:reportLint', 'mkdir:reportLint', 'jshint:reportGruntfile', 'jshint:reportLib', + 'jshint:reportTest', 'gjslint:report']); + + grunt.registerTask('site', ['doc', 'coverage', 'complexity', 'githubPages']); + + grunt.registerTask('init-dev-env', ['githooks']); + + // Default task. + grunt.registerTask('default', ['lint-jshint', 'test']); + +}; diff --git a/README.md b/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8ad6c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,2124 @@ +# FIWARE Device Simulator + +* [Introduction](#introduction) +* [FIWARE Device Simulator CLI tool](#fiware-device-simulator-cli-tool) + * [Simulation configuration file](#simulation-configuration-file) +* [FIWARE Device Simulator library](#fiware-device-simulator-library) +* [Development documentation](#development-documentation) + * [Project build](#project-build) + * [Testing](#testing) + * [Coding guidelines](#coding-guidelines) + * [Continuous testing](#continuous-testing) + * [Source code documentation](#source-code-documentation) + * [Code coverage](#code-coverage) + * [Code complexity](#code-complexity) + * [PLC](#plc) + * [Development environment](#development-environment) + * [Site generation](#site-generation) +* [Contact](#contact) + +## Introduction + +The FIWARE Device Simulator is a tool to generate data for the FIWARE ecosystem in the shape of entities and its associated attributes. + +The FIWARE Device Simulator is composed of 2 main elements: + +1. A **CLI tool** to run FIWARE-compatible devices. +2. The **device simulator library** itself. + +Let's cover each one of them. + +[Top](#top) + +## FIWARE Device Simulator CLI tool + +The FIWARE Device Simulator CLI tool is located in the [./bin](./bin) directory and it is called [`fiwareDeviceSimulatorCLI`](./bin/fiwareDeviceSimulatorCLI.js). + +Before running the FIWARE Device Simulator CLI tool, you have to resolve and to download the Node package dependencies at least once. To do it, execute: + +```bash +npm install +``` + +To run the FIWARE Device Simulator CLI tool just run: + +```bash +./bin/fiwareDeviceSimulatorCLI +``` + +This will show the FIWARE Device Simulator CLI tool help which will guide you to learn how to properly use it: + +``` +Usage: fiwareDeviceSimulatorCLI [options] + + Options: + + -h, --help output usage information + -V, --version output the version number + -c, --configuration Absolute or relative path (from the root of the Node application) to the device simulator configuration file (mandatory) + -d, --delay The delay in milliseconds for future updates when the number of update requests waiting for response is bigger than the value set with the -m option (defaults to 1 second if -m is set and -d is not set, it has no effect if -m is not set) + -m, --maximumNotRespondedRequests The maximum number of update requests not responded before applying delay + -p, --progressInfoInterval The interval in milliseconds to show progress information for fast-forward simulation + -s, --silent No progress information will be output by the console + -w, --dweet Configuration information to publish the simulation progress information in dweet.io (it must be an object containing a 'name' property for the dweet thing and optionally an 'apiKey' property in case the thing is locked, for example: -w "{\"name\": \"fds:Test:001\"}") + -l, --timeline The start date to begin the fast-forward simulation (if not set, the current time will be used) + -t, --to The end date to stop the fast-forward simulation (if not set, the fast-forward will progress to the future and never end) +``` + +As you can see, the FIWARE Device Simulator CLI tool requires the path to a simulation configuration file detailing the simulation to be run. This simulation configuration file is the cornerstone of the FIWARE Device Simulator tool and is detailed in the next section. + +On the other hand, the FIWARE Device Simulator CLI tool supports a fast-forward simulation functionality which makes it possible to run the simulation from some date to certain date (in the past or in the future). Time will move forward automatically from the `from` date to the `to` date updating entities or sending device updates accordingly. + +In the case of fast-forward simulations, it is possible to control the number of requests sent to the Context Broker per second using the `-m` and `-d` options. Usually setting the `-m` is more than enough. Increase the value passed to the `-m` option to increase the throughput, in case the Context Broker or IoT Agents you are sending requests to is able to deal with it. + +When running fast-forward simulations which make use of the `attribute-function-interpolator` using the value of attributes hosted by the Context Broker instance, it is recommended to pass `0` as the `-m` option. This will assure that new updates will not be sent to the Context Broker until the previous one has been completed and the value of the attributes associated to this previous request have been updated by the Context Broker. This is important in case of updates where the attribute values depend on the values updated by previous requests. + +In case you would like to get information about the evolution of the simulation, use the `-p` option passing the number of milliseconds between progress information updates. Set the `-s` option if you do not want the progress information to be output by the console. You can use the `-w` option in case you want to "dweet" the simulation progress information to visualize it directly in [dweet.io](https://dweet.io) (using the `name` you set to your "dweeting thing") or in [Freeboard.io](https://freeboard.io) (please, feel free to clone the [FIWARE Device Simulator Dashboard](https://freeboard.io/board/3_oiiw) updating its Dweet data source to your "dweeting thing"'s `name` to visualize your simulation progress information or use the [FIWARE Device Simulator Dashboard (extended)](https://freeboard.io/board/VLtliw) also updating its Dweet data source to your "dweeting thing"'s `name` in case you want to also visualize the evolution of the values assigned to some entities' attributes (we have included a couple of entities with a couple of attributes each as an example, please update their associated data sources accordingly)). + +Combined with the previous `-p` option previously described, it is also possible to visualize your "simulations DNA", this is the attribute and entity updates your simulation schedules for a future execution. To do it, please follow these steps: + +1. Once authenticated in Google, visit the [Google Sheets](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets) website. +2. Create a new Google Sheets document clicking on the `+` button on the lower right area of the page. +3. The URL of this new Google Sheet document will be something such as: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SvLfPobfq8VM0eJZweEIty8SosEs8ODmarV8EwmZPks/edit#gid=0 Please, take a note of the Google Sheet document key which is between the `https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/` and `/edit#gid=0` sections. +4. Share this Google Sheet document and make it accessible via link for edition or writing, not only read access, clicking on the `Share` button on the upper right area of the page. +5. Navigate to your [Google Developer Console project section](https://console.developers.google.com/iam-admin/projects). +6. Create a new project called, for example: `FIWARE Device Simulator`. You can choose any other name, of course. Once the new project is created, the page will navigate to your new project's console. +7. Search for the `Google Sheets API`, click on it and enabled it clicking on the `ENABLE` link. +8. Click on the `Go to Credentials` button on the upper right area of the page. +9. In the `Where will you be calling the API from?` selection, select the `Web server (e.g. node.js, Tomcat)` option. +10. From the `What data will you be accessing?` options, enable the `Application data (access data belonging to your own application)` option. +11. From the `Are you using Google App Engine or Google Compute Engine?` options, enable the `No, I'm not using them.` unless you are using them to run the simulator. +12. Click on the `What credentials do I need?` button. +13. In the `Service account name` input field, type a service name, for example: `FIWARE Device Simulator`. You can choose any other name, of course. +14. In the `Role` selection, select the role. If you are the owner of the Google Sheet, select `Project` -> `Owner`. If you are not the owner of the Google Sheet, select `Project` -> `Editor`. +15. In the `Key type` section, enable the `JSON (recommended)` options if not currently enabled. +16. Click on the `Continue` button. A JSON file with your credentials will start downloading. Save it to some secure place since you will need it to run the simulations to be able to visualize the scheduled updates. +17. Clone the [FIWARE Device Simulator Dashboard (timeline)](https://freeboard.io/board/kUdbXw). +18. Update its Dweet data source to your "dweeting thing"'s `name`. The one which will be passed in the `-w` option of the command line tool. For example: `fds:Test:1234`. +19. Run the simulator comand line tool using the `-p`, `-w`, and `-l` options passing the data you fetched throughout the previous steps (mainly, the Dweet thing name, the Google Sheet document key and the path to your Google credentials), for example: `./bin/fiwareDeviceSimulatorCLI -c simulation-5s-2-attributes.json -p 5000 -w "{\"name\": \"fds:Test:1234\"}" -s -l "{\"sheetKey\": \"1SvLfPobfq8VM0eJZweEIty8SorEs8ODmarV8EwmZPks\", \"credentialsPath\": \"FIWARE Device Simulator-f11816817451.json\", \"dateFormat\": \"dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:ss\", \"refreshInterval\": 15000}"`. Notice that as part of the timeline option a data format is included. This is needed since Google Sheets uses distinct formats depending on the concrete locale. To check the one you should use, navigate to any Google Sheet document, click on the `Format` menu entry, hover the `Number` menu item and check the `Date time` format you should use according to this mask options: https://github.com/felixge/node-dateformat#mask-options. +20. Your simulation scheduled updates will appear in the `SCHEDULED UPDATES TIMELINE` widget. Hover over the blue bars to get further information about the scheduled update. It will include the date and time when this update is scheduled, the entity name and the attribute names which will be updated. + +The Google Sheet document is only used to store the scheduled updates and can be reused amongst distinct simulation runs. If you want to run seveval simulations at the same time with scheduled updates timeline visualization, you will need a concrete Google Sheet document for each one of them. No need to say that you can reuse the same Google credentials to update distinct Google Sheet documents in case those credentials have the permissions to do so and the target Google Sheet document is shared by link as mentioned in 4. + +Since the FIWARE Device Simulator CLI tool uses the [logops](https://www.npmjs.com/package/logops) package for logging, the logging level can be set using the `LOGOPS_LEVEL` environment variable. On the other hand, the logging format can be set using the `LOGOPS_FORMAT` environment variable. + +**NOTE:** There is an [issue](https://github.com/abbr/deasync/issues/48) in the [`deasync`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/deasync) Node package which seems to break fast-forward simulations which make use of the `attribute-function-interpolator` in combination with entity attribute references (this is, `${{}{}}` provoking a segmentation fault error. A workaround to avoid this issue is the use of global state variables updating the value of the attributes which need to be referenced and assigning their value to global state variables which make it possible to access them from any other `attribute-function-interpolator` instance. + +[Top](#top) + +### Simulation configuration file + +The simulation configuration file is a JSON-formatted text file detailing the characteristics of the device simulation which will be run. + +An example simulation configuration file is shown next to give you a glimpse of its shape. After it, the accepted properties and options are properly detailed. + +```json + { + "domain": { + "service": "theService", + "subservice": "/theSubService" + }, + "contextBroker": { + "protocol": "https", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 1026, + "ngsiVersion": "1.0" + }, + "authentication": { + "provider": "keystone", + "protocol": "https", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 5001, + "user": "theUser", + "password": "thePassword", + "retry": { + "times": 10, + "interval": 1000 + } + }, + "iota": { + "ultralight": { + "api_key": "1ifhm6o0kp4ew7fi377mpyc3c", + "http": { + "protocol": "http", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 8085 + }, + "mqtt": { + "protocol": "mqtt", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 1883, + "user": "mqttUser", + "password": "mqttPassword" + } + }, + "json": { + "api_key": "83ut64ib3gzs6km6izubjyenu", + "http": { + "protocol": "http", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 8185 + }, + "mqtt": { + "protocol": "mqtt", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 1883, + "user": "mqttUser", + "password": "mqttPassword" + } + } + }, + "entities": [{ + "schedule": "once", + "entity_name": "EntityName1", + "entity_type": "EntityType1", + "active": [{ + "name": "active1", + "type": "date", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 3600})" + }], + "staticAttributes": [{ + "name": "static1", + "type": "string", + "value": "Value of static1" + }] + }, { + "schedule": { + "start": "2016-10-19T10:00:00Z", + "end": "2016-10-19T11:00:00Z", + "rule": "*/5 * * * * *" + }, + "entity_name": "EntityName2", + "entity_type": "EntityType2", + "active": [{ + "name": "active1", + "type": "geo:json", + "value": "multiline-position-interpolator({\"coordinates\": [[-6.2683868408203125,36.48948933214638],[-6.257915496826172,36.46478162030615],[-6.252079010009766,36.461744374732085],[-6.2162017822265625,36.456774079889286]],\"speed\": {\"value\": 30,\"units\": \"km/h\"},\"time\": {\"from\": 10,\"to\": 22}})" + }, { + "schedule": "*/1 * * * * *", + "name": "active2", + "type": "number", + "value": "time-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,1],[24,1]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"float\"}})" + }], + "staticAttributes": [{ + "name": "static1", + "type": "string", + "value": "Value of static1" + }] + }, { + "count": "3", + "entity_type": "EntityType3", + "schedule": "*/1 * * * * *", + "active": [{ + "name": "active1", + "type": "number", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,random(25,45)],[21,random(50,75)],[22,100],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"float\"}})" + }, { + "schedule": "*/5 * * * * *", + "name": "active2", + "type": "number", + "value": "time-step-after-interpolator([[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,1],[24,1]])" + }], + "staticAttributes": [{ + "name": "static1", + "type": "percentage", + "value": "time-step-before-interpolator([[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,1],[24,1]])" + }, { + "name": "static2", + "type": "status", + "value": "text-rotation-interpolator({\"units\": \"seconds\", \"text\": [[0,\"PENDING\"],[15,\"REQUESTED\"],[30,[[50,\"COMPLETED\"],[50,\"ERROR\"]]],[45,\"REMOVED\"]]})" + }] + }], + "devices": [{ + "schedule": "once", + "protocol": "UltraLight::HTTP", + "device_id": "DeviceId1", + "attributes": [{ + "object_id": "a1", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 3600})" + }] + }, { + "schedule": "*/5 * * * * *", + "protocol": "UltraLight::JSON", + "device_id": "DeviceId2", + "api_key": "1ifdjdo0kkd7w77du77mpjd78", + "attributes": [{ + "object_id": "a1", + "value": "multiline-position-interpolator({\"coordinates\": [[-6.2683868408203125,36.48948933214638],[-6.257915496826172,36.46478162030615],[-6.252079010009766,36.461744374732085],[-6.2162017822265625,36.456774079889286]],\"speed\": {\"value\": 30,\"units\": \"km/h\"},\"time\": {\"from\": 10,\"to\": 22}})" + }, { + "schedule": "*/1 * * * * *", + "object_id": "a2", + "value": "time-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,1],[24,1]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"ceil\"}})" + }] + }, { + "count": "5", + "schedule": "*/1 * * * * *", + "entity_type": "DeviceType3", + "protocol": "UltraLight::MQTT", + "api_key": "ag235jdo0kkhd367du77mpgs54", + "attributes": [{ + "object_id": "a1", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,random(25,45)],[21,random(50,75)],[22,100],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"ceil\"}})" + }, { + "schedule": "*/5 * * * * *", + "object_id": "a2", + "value": "time-step-after-interpolator([[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,1],[24,1]])" + }] + }] + } +``` + +The simulation configuration file accepts the following JSON properties or entries: + +* **exports**: The FIWARE Device Simulation provides a templating mechanism to avoid repeating text into simulation configuration files as well as to facilitate the edition of these files. More information about this templating mechanism just after the description of the rest of the properties which may be used in a simulation configuration file. +* **globals**: An object including the global state variables and their initial values to be shared amongst executions of the `attribute-function-interpolator` no matter their specification. This property is related to the `attribute-function-interpolator` detailed below and it will become much clearer once the reader reaches that section. +* **require**: An array of names and/or paths of NPM packages to be required before running the simulation. This property is related to the `attribute-function-interpolator` detailed below. It makes it possible to `require()` these NPM packages directly in the code associated to these `attribute-function-interpolator`. +* **domain**: Includes information about the service and subservice (i.e., service path) to use in the requests. It is mandatory in case any `entities` are included in the simulation configuration (see below). + * **service**: The service to use in the requests. + * **subservice**: The subservice (i.e., service path) to use in the requests. +* **contextBroker**: Includes information about the context broker where the data will be stored. It is mandatory in case any `entities` are included in the simulation configuration (see below) and no `subscriber` configuration information is included (see below). + * **protocol**: The protocol the Context Broker is expecting the requests to be sent by (or more concretely of the PEP protecting the access to the Context Broker API). + * **host**: The host machine name or IP address where the Context Broker is running (or more concretely of the PEP protecting the access to the Context Broker API). + * **port**: The port where the Context Broker host machine is listening for API requests (or more concretely of the PEP protecting the access to the Context Broker API). + * **ngsiVersion**: The NGSI version to be used in the requests sent to the Context Broker. Currently, versions `1.0` and `2.0` are supported. +* **subscriber**: Includes information about the subscriber where the data will be notified. It is mandatory in case any `entities` are included in the simulation configuration (see below) and no `contextBroker` configuration information is included. Note that in case of including `contextBroker` and `subscriber` configuration information, the `contextBroker` will prevail over the `subscriber` one and no notifications will be sent to the configured subscriber. + * **protocol**: The protocol the subscriber is expecting the notification requests to be sent to. + * **host**: The host machine name or IP address where the subscriber is running. + * **port**: The port where the subscriber host machine is listening for notification requests. + * **path**: The path where the subscriber host machine is listening for notification requests. + * **ngsiVersion**: The NGSI version to be used in the notification requests sent to the subscriber. Currently, only version `1.0` is supported. +* **authentication**: Includes information about the Identity Service to get tokens to be included in the Context Broker requests. Optional (authentication tokens will only be requested if the `authentication` information is included). + * **provider**: The Identity Service provider from which the authorization tokens will be requested. Accepted values are: `keystone` (to request tokens for the Telefónica IoT Platform) and `fiware-lab` (to request tokens for the [FIWARE Lab cloud infrastructure](https://account.lab.fiware.org/)). + * **protocol**: The protocol the Identity Service is expecting the requests to be sent by. + * **host**: The host machine or IP where the Identity Service is running. + * **port**: The port where the Identity Service is listening for requests. + * **user**: The user to be used in the authorization token requests for the provided service and subservice. + * **password**: The password to be used in the authorization token requests for the provided service and subservice. + * **retry**: Retry mechanism in case an error occurs when requesting the authentication token. It is based on the [`async.retry()`](http://caolan.github.io/async/docs.html#.retry) function. It is an object including the following properties: + * **times**: The number of attempts to make before giving up and ending the simulation. Mandatory if the `retry` property is included. + * **interval**: The time to wait between retries, in milliseconds. Mandatory if the `retry` property is included. +* **iota**: Includes information about the IoT Agents which will be used for the devices updates. It is mandatory if a `devices` property describing devices is included in the simulation configuration. + * **ultralight**: Includes information about the configuration of the UltraLight IoT Agents. It is mandatory if a `devices` property describing UltraLight devices (`protocol` property starting with `UltraLight::`) is included in the simulation configuration). + * **api_key**: The API key to be used when updating UltraLight devices whose API key is not specified at a local level (see below). Mandatory if at least one UltraLight device is included whose API key is not specified at a local level. + * **http**: Includes information about the configuration of the HTTP binding for the UltraLight protocol. It is mandatory if a `devices` property describing UltraLight HTTP devices (`protocol` property equal to `UltraLight::HTTP`) or UltraLight JSON devices ((`protocol` property equal to `UltraLight::JSON`)) is included in the simulation configuration). + * **protocol**: The protocol the UltraLight HTTP IoT Agent is expecting the requests to be sent by. + * **host**: The host machine where the UltraLight HTTP IoT Agent will be listening for requests. + * **port**: The port where the UltraLight HTTP IoT Agent will be listening for requests. + * **mqtt**: Includes information about the configuration of the MQTT binding for the UltraLight protocol. It is mandatory if a `devices` property describing UltraLight MQTT devices (`protocol` property equal to `UltraLight::MQTT`) is included in the simulation configuration). + * **protocol**: The transport protocol used. Possible values include: `mqtt`, `mqtts`, `tcp`, `tls`, `ws`, `wss`. + * **host**: The host machine where the UltraLight MQTT IoT Agent will be listening for requests. + * **port**: The port where the UltraLight MQTT IoT Agent will be listening for requests. + * **user**: The user to use for MQTT authenticated communications. Optional. + * **password**: The password to use for MQTT authenticated communications. Optional. + * **json**: Includes information about the configuration of the JSON IoT Agents. It is mandatory if a `devices` property describing UltraLight devices (`protocol` property starting with `JSON::`) is included in the simulation configuration). + * **api_key**: The API key to be used when updating JSON devices whose API key is not specified at a local level (see below). Mandatory if at least one JSON device is included whose API key is not specified at a local level. + * **http**: Includes information about the configuration of the HTTP binding for the JSON protocol. It is mandatory if a `devices` property describing JSON HTTP devices (`protocol` property equal to `JSON::HTTP`) is included in the simulation configuration). + * **protocol**: The protocol the JSON HTTP IoT Agent is expecting the requests to be sent by. + * **host**: The host machine where the JSON HTTP IoT Agent will be listening for requests. + * **port**: The port where the JSON HTTP IoT Agent will be listening for requests. + * **mqtt**: Includes information about the configuration of the MQTT binding for the JSON protocol. It is mandatory if a `devices` property describing JSON MQTT devices (`protocol` property equal to `JSON::MQTT`) is included in the simulation configuration). + * **protocol**: The transport protocol used. Possible values include: `mqtt`, `mqtts`, `tcp`, `tls`, `ws`, `wss`. + * **host**: The host machine where the JSON MQTT IoT Agent will be listening for requests. + * **port**: The port where the JSON MQTT IoT Agent will be listening for requests. + * **user**: The user to use for MQTT authenticated communications. Optional. + * **password**: The password to use for MQTT authenticated communications. Optional. +* **entities**: Information about the entities to be updated during this concrete simulation. + * **schedule**: Cron-style schedule (according to [https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-schedule#cron-style-scheduling](https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-schedule#cron-style-scheduling)) to schedule the updates of the entity. For example: `*/5 * * * * *` will update the attributes of the entity for which there is no `schedule` information, see below, every 5 seconds, whereas `0 0 0 * * *` will update the attributes of the entity for which there is no `schedule` information, see below, at 00:00 of every first day of each month. A very useful tool for dealing with cron-style schedules can be found at [http://crontab.guru/](http://crontab.guru/). An additional accepted value `once` is included to force the update of the entity only once at the beginning of the simulation. The `schedule` property also accepts an object including starting and ending dates for the schedule such as: `"schedule": {"start": "2016-10-19T10:47:00Z", "end": "2016-10-19T11:47:00Z", "rule": "*/5 * * * * *"}`. The previous `schedule` will only be effective from `2016-10-19T10:47:00Z` to `2016-10-19T11:47:00Z`. + * **entity_name**: The name of the entity. The `entity_name` should not be provided if the `count` is provided. + * **count**: The number of entities to simulate and update. For example, if a value of 3 is provided as the `count` property, 3 entities with names `:1`, `:2` and `:3` will be created and updated accordingly substituting the `` by its provided value (see just below) and according to its active and static attribute simulation specification (see below). + * **entity_type**: The type of the entity. + * **active**: List of attributes which will be updated according to their `schedule`s or the main entity `schedule` and the provided `value` (see just below). + * **schedule**: The schedule by which this attribute should be updated. See the `schedule` property at the entity level above. It is an optional property. In case it is not specified, the entity level `schedule` property will be used. + * **name**: The name of the attribute. + * **type**: The type of the attribute. + * **value**: The value of the attribute. This is the property which provides flexibility and realism to the FIWARE Device Simulator tool. It accepts static values (such as numbers (i.e., `123`), text (i.e., `the attribute value`), arrays (i.e., `[1, 2, 3]`), JSON objects (i.e., `{"key": "value"}`), etc.) as well as interpolator function specifications which the FIWARE Device Simulator tool will use to generate the final values. The supported interpolator function specifications are: + 1. **`date-increment-interpolator`**: It returns dates in UTC format. On the other hand, it accepts a JSON object including 2 properties: 1) `origin` (the date from when the date will be incremented or `now` for the current date when the value is interpolated) and 2) `increment` (the number of seconds the origin should incremented by. For example, a date increment interpolator specification such as: `{\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 86400}` will return the current hour incremented in `86400` seconds, this is, 1 day, when the interpolated value is requested to be updated. A valid attribute value using the `date-increment-interpolator` is: `date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 2592000})`. + 2. **`multiline-position-interpolator`**: It returns the current position of a mobile object for the current [decimal hour](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time#Decimal_hours) as a GeoJSON geometry of type `Point` including its `coordinates`. On the other hand, it takes an object including the following properties: + * `coordinates`: an array of points, this is, an array of 2 element arrays corresponding to the longitude and the latitude of the points. The connection between this points determine the line or route the mobile object will be traveling. It can be a circular or not circular route (in this case the mobile object will start the route from the beginning once the end is reached). + * `speed`: an object including the following properties: + * `value`: a number corresponding to the speed at which the mobile object will be moving + * `units`: a string corresponding to the speed units. Valid values are `km/h` (kilometers per hour) and `mi/h` (miles per hour). + * `time`: an object including the following properties: + * `from`: a number corresponding to the [decimal hours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time#Decimal_hours) from which the mobile object will be moving. If the current [decimal hours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time#Decimal_hours) is before the `from` one, the interpolated position will be the starting point. + * `to`: a number corresponding to the [decimal hours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time#Decimal_hours) until which the mobile object will be moving. If the current [decimal hours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time#Decimal_hours) is after the `to` one, the traveled distance will be calculated until this one. + * A valid attribute value using the `multiline-position-interpolator` is: `"multiline-position-interpolator({\"coordinates\": [[-6.2683868408203125,36.48948933214638],[-6.257915496826172,36.46478162030615],[-6.252079010009766,36.461744374732085],[-6.2162017822265625,36.456774079889286]],\"speed\": {\"value\": 30,\"units\": \"km/h\"},\"time\": {\"from\": 10,\"to\": 22}})"`. + 3. **`time-linear-interpolator`**: It returns float or integer values depending on the configuration. On the other hand, it accepts an object including the following properties: + * `spec`: An array of 2 elements arrays corresponding to the [decimal hours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time#Decimal_hours) of the day and its specified value. For example, a time linear interpolator specification such as: `[[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,1],[24,1]]` will return `0` if the interpolated value is requested at the `00:00` hours, `0.25` if the interpolated value is requested at the `20:00` hours and `0.125` if the interpolated value is requested at the `10:00` hours according to a linear interpolation between `0` and `20` as the [decimal hours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time#Decimal_hours) in the x-axis. This is the reason why a `time-linear-interpolator` is typically specified providing values for the `0` and `24` values in the x-axis according to the available [decimal hours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time#Decimal_hours) in any day. + * `return`: It is an object including the following properties: + * `type`: The interpolator return type. It can take any of the following values: `float` or `integer`. + * `rounding`: If the type is equal to `integer`, the rounding mechanism must also be specified. It can take any of the following values: `ceil`, `floor` or `round`. + * A valid attribute value using the `time-linear-interpolator` is: `"time-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,1],[24,1]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"ceil\"}})"`. + * It is important to note that since this interpolator is a linear one (more concretely it leans on the [`linear-interpolator` package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/linear-interpolator)), if some of the entries for the starting (0, 1, 2, etc.) or ending hours (22, 23, 24) are missing, the behavior may not be the one expected. Let's see it with a concrete example: `time-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[8,0],[12,100],[22,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"float\"}})`, in this case and due to its linear nature values for decimal hours from 0 to 8 will be negative (linearly), values for decimal hours from 8 to 12 will be between 0 and 100 (linearly), values for decimal hours from 12 to 22 will be between 100 and 0 (linearly), and again values for decimal hours from 22 to 24 will be negative (linearly). + 4. **`time-random-linear-interpolator`**: It returns float or integer values depending on the configuration. On the other hand, it accepts an object including the following properties: + * `spec`: An array of 2 elements arrays corresponding to the [decimal hours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time#Decimal_hours) of the day and its specified value. + * The first element of the array or decimal hours may include the `random()` directive. For example, a random time linear interpolator specification such as: `[[random(0,1),0],[random(23,24),100]]` will behave as a `time-linear-interpolator` where the random part will be substituted for a concrete random decimal hours value each time this interpolator is invoked. For example, subsequent invocations of the previous interpolator may end up behaving such as the following `time-linear-interpolator`s: `[0.410237338161096,0],[23.268972319317982,100]]`, `[0.192138821585104,0],[23.442964296089485,100]]`, `[0.223540030419827,0],[23.614114402793348,100]]`, etc. + * A valid attribute value using the `time-random-linear-interpolator` is: `"random-time-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[random(12,13),0],[random(20,21),100]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"ceil\"}})"`. + * It is important to note that since this interpolator is a linear one (more concretely it leans on the [`linear-interpolator` package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/linear-interpolator)), if some of the entries for the starting (0, 1, 2, etc.) or ending hours (22, 23, 24) are missing, the behavior may not be the one expected. Let's see it with a concrete example: `random-time-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[random(12,13),10],[random(20,21),100]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"float\"}})`, in this case and due to its linear nature values for decimal hours from 0 to 12 will be below 10 (linearly, including the randomness factor it may go beyond the 12 decimal hour) including negative values, values for decimal hours from the 13 to the 20 will be between 0 and 100 (linearly and according to the randomness factor it may go before the 13 and beyond the 20 decimal hours), values for decimal hours from 21 to 24 will be greater than 100 (linearly and according to the randomness factor it may be before the 21 decimal hour). + * The second element of the array or specified value may include the `random()` directive. For example, a time random linear interpolator specification such as: `[[0,0],[20,random(0.25,0.50)],[24,1]]` will return `0` if the interpolated value is requested at the `00:00` hours, a random number bigger than `0.25` and smaller than `0.50` if the interpolated value is requested at the `20:00` hours and the corresponding interpolated value between the previous y-axis values if it is requested at a time between the `00:00` hours and the `20:00` hours. This is the reason why a `time-random-linear-interpolator` is typically specified providing values for the `0` and `24` values in the x-axis according to the available [decimal hours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time#Decimal_hours) in any day. + * A valid attribute value using the `time-random-linear-interpolator` is: `"time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,random(25,45)],[21,random(50,75)],[22,100],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"ceil\"}})"`. + * It is important to note that since this interpolator is a linear one (more concretely it leans on the [`linear-interpolator` package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/linear-interpolator)), if some of the entries for the starting (0, 1, 2, etc.) or ending hours (22, 23, 24) are missing, the behavior may not be the one expected. Let's see it with a concrete example: `"time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[8,random(0,10)],[12,random(90,100)],[22,random(0,10)]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"float\"}})"`, in this case and due to its linear nature values for decimal hours from 0 to 8 will be below 10 (linearly including the randomness factor) including negative values, values for decimal hours from 8 to 12 will be between 0 and 100 (linearly and according to the randomness factor), values for decimal hours from 12 to 22 will be between 100 and 0 (linearly and according to the randomness factor), and again values for decimal hours from 22 to 24 will be below 10 (linearly and according to the randomness factor) including negative values. + * The `random()` directive can be used in the first element of the array specification, in the second one or in both in which case the behavior is the combined one. Consequently, `"time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[random(0,1),0],[20,random(25,45)],[random(21,22),random(50,75)],[22,100],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"ceil\"}})"` is a perfectly valid `time-random-linear-interpolator`. + * `return`: It is an object including the following properties: + * `type`: The interpolator return type. It can take any of the following values: `float` or `integer`. + * `rounding`: If the type is equal to `integer`, the rounding mechanism must also be specified. It can take any of the following values: `ceil`, `floor` or `round`. + 5. **`time-step-after-interpolator`**: It returns float values. On the other hand, it accepts an array of 2 elements arrays corresponding to the [decimal hours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time#Decimal_hours) of the day and its specified value. For example, a time step after interpolator specification such as: `[[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,1],[24,1]]` will return `0` if the interpolated value is requested at the `00:00` hours, `0.25` if the interpolated value is requested at the `20:00` hours and `0` if the interpolated value is requested at any time between the `00:00` hours and the `20:00` hours (notice it is called "step-after"). This is the reason why a `time-step-after-interpolator` is typically specified providing values for the `0` and `24` values in the x-axis according to the available [decimal hours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time#Decimal_hours) in any day. A valid attribute value using the `time-step-after-interpolator` is: `time-step-before-interpolator([[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,1],[24,1]])`. + 6. **`time-step-before-interpolator`**: It returns float values. On the other hand, it accepts an array of 2 elements arrays corresponding to the [decimal hours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time#Decimal_hours) of the day and its specified value. For example, a time step before interpolator specification such as: `[[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,1],[24,1]]` will return `0` if the interpolated value is requested at the `00:00` hours, `0.25` if the interpolated value is requested at the `20:00` hours and `0.25` if the interpolated value is requested at any time between the `00:00` hours and the `20:00` hours (notice it is called "step-before"). This is the reason why a `time-step-before-interpolator` is typically specified providing values for the `0` and `24` values in the x-axis according to the available [decimal hours](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_time#Decimal_hours) in any day. A valid attribute value using the `time-step-before-interpolator` is: `time-step-before-interpolator([[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,1],[24,1]])`. + 7. **`text-rotation-interpolator`**: It returns a string from a set of possible values with support for probabilistic occurrences of them. On the other hand, it accepts an object including the following properties: + * `units`: It is a string which affects the `text` property detailed below. It accepts the following values: `seconds`, `minutes`, `hours`, `days` (day of the week), `dates` (day of the month), `months` and `years`. + * `text`: It is an array of 2 elements arrays. The first element is the number of `seconds` (from 0 to 59), `minutes` (from 0 to 59), `hours` (from 0 to 23), `days` (from 0 to 6), `dates` (from 1 to 31), `months` (from 0 to 11) and `years` (full year) (according to the `units` property) from which the specified text will be returned for the current date and time. The second element can be a string corresponding to the text to be returned or an array of 2 elements arrays. The first element of this second 2 elements array is the probability (from 0 to 100) of the occurrence of the text specified as the second element of the array. The addition of the first elements array must be 100. + * A valid attribute value using the `text-rotation-interpolator` is: `"text-rotation-interpolator({\"units\": \"seconds\", \"text\": [[0,\"PENDING\"],[15,\"REQUESTED\"],[30,[[50,\"COMPLETED\"],[50,\"ERROR\"]]],[45,\"REMOVED\"]]})"`. For example, according to this text rotation interpolation specification, if the current time seconds is between 0 and 15 it will return the value `PENDING`, if it is between 15 and 30 it will return the value `REQUESTED`, if it is between 30 and 45 it will return the value `COMPLETED` with a probability of 50% and `ERROR` with a probability of 50%. + 8. **`attribute-function-interpolator`**: It returns the result of the evaluation of some Javascript code. This code may include references to any entity's attributes values stored in the Context Broker. This interpolator accepts a string (properly escaped) with the Javascript code to evaluate. In this Javascript code, references to entity's attribute values may be included using the notation: `${{:#:}{}}`, substituting the ``, `` and ``, including the `:#:` separator) is optional and can be omitted, in which case the entity type will not be considered when retrieving the entity and the corresponding attribute value from the Context Broker. + * A valid attribute value using the `attribute-function-interpolator` is: `"attribute-function-interpolator(${{Entity:001}{active:001}} + Math.pow(${{Entity:002}{active:001}},2))"`. + * An advanced feature incorporated to the `attribute-function-interpolator` is the possibility to `require` packages directly in the Javascript code to be evaluated. Obviously, all the capabilities related to referencing entity attributes are supported too in this case. To use it, please follow the next steps: + 1. Include a `require` property in your simulation configuration file setting its value to an array including the names and/or paths of the NPM packages you will be using in any of your `attribute-function-interpolator` interpolators. These packages will be required before proceding with the simulation and made available to your `attribute-function-interpolator` code which uses them. For example: `"require": ["postfix-calculate"]`. + 2. The result of the evaluation of your code should be assigned to the `module.exports` property (this is due to the fact that this functionality leans on the [`eval` NPM package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/eval) which imposes this restriction). + * A valid attribute value using this advanced mode of the `attribute-function-interpolator` is: `"attribute-function-interpolator(var postfixCalculate = require('postfix-calculate'); module.exports = postfixCalculate('${{Entity:001}{active:001}} 1 +');)"`, where the result of the evaluation (this is, the value assigned to `module.exports`) will be the result of adding 1 to the value of the `active:001` attribute of the `Entity:001` entity, according to the [`postfix-calculate` NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/postfix-calculate) functionality. + * Sometimes it is useful to have access to the simulation date (mainly in case of fast-forward simulations (more information about fast-forward simulations below)), for that we inject into the Javascript code of `attribute-function-interpolator`s an object SimulationDate which behaves such as the Javascript `Date` object but "points" to the simulation time and date, this is `new SimulationDate()` returns the current `Date` for the current simulation. It is important to note that the `SimulationDate` object will only be available if you assign the result of your code evaluation to the `module.exports` property. + * A valid attribute value using the possibility to access the current simulation time is: `"attribute-function-interpolator(module.exports = new SimulationDate())"`, where the result of the evaluation (this is, the value assigned to `module.exports`) will be the current simulation date. + * In case you want to maintain state amongst executions of `attribute-function-interpolator` with the same specification (this is, with the same Javascript code to be evaluated), you can do it following the next guidelines: + 1. Include a comment in your `attribute-function-interpolator` Javascript code such as: `/* state: statefulVariable1 = 5, statefulVariable2 = {\"prop1\": \"value1\"}, statefulVariable3 */`, this is a `state:` tag followed by the list of variables you would like the interpolator to maintain as the state. This list is used to inject into your code these variables with the value included after the `=` character or `null` if no value is assigned for the first execution of your Javascript code. + 2. Return the result the evaluation setting it as the value for the `module.exports.result` property. + 3. Return the variables whose state should be maintained between executions of the interpolator as properties of an object assigned to the `module.exports.state` property. + * It is important to note that all the `attribute-function-interpolator` sharing the same specification (this is, your Javascript code) will share the same state. If you do not want this, just slightly change the specification somehow withouth affecting the execution of your code such adding an additional `;` or including a comment. + * A valid attribute value using the possibility to maintain state amongst `attribute-function-interpolator` interpolator executions is: `"attribute-function-interpolator(/* state: counter = 1 */ module.exports = { result: ${{Entity:001}{active:001}} + counter, state: { counter: ++counter }};)"`, where the result of the evaluation (this is, the value assigned to `module.exports.result`) will be the result of adding to the value of the `active:001` attribute of the `Entity:001` entity an increment equal to the times the interpolator has been run. + * Last but not least, we have also incorporated the possibility to share state between distint `attribute-function-interpolator`s, this is, `attribute-function-interpolator`s with distinct associated Javascript code (since if it is the same, the state can be shared "locally" amongs all the instances of the same `attribute-function-interpolator` as previously described). To share state between distinct `attribute-function-interpolator`s no matter their specification or associated Javascript code, follow the next steps: + 1. Assign initial values to the global state variables in the `globals` property of the simulation configuration. For example: `"globals": { "globalVar1": 1, "globalVar2": 2}`. This step is optional and its necessity depends on your specific `attribute-function-interpolator` Javascript code where, obviously, you should not access any non-declared variable. + 2. The variables will be available to be used in all the `attribute-function-interpolator` instances of the simulation. Take into consideration that in case of using not valid variable names in the step 1 above (such as: `global-var-1`), you have to access the variables via the `global` variable, this is, instead of the not valid `global-var-1` variable name, use `global.global-var-1`. + 3. Return the result the evaluation setting it as the value for the `module.exports.result` property. + 4. Return the global state variables whose values you would like to update as properties of the object assigned to `module.exports.state.globals`. The global variables will be updated accordingly and passed to the next `attribute-function-interpolator` being executed. + * A valid attribute value using the possibility to maintain global state between `attribute-function-interpolator` instances (no matter the Javascript code included in them): `"attribute-function-interpolator(module.exports = { result: ${{Entity:001}{active:001}} + globalVar1, state: { globals: { globalVar1: ++globalVar1 } }};)"`, where the result of the evaluation (this is, the value assigned to `module.exports.result`) will be the result of adding to the value of the `active:001` attribute of the `Entity:001` entity an increment equal to the value of the `globalVar1` global state variable, which will be incremented in 1 and passed as incremented to the next execution of an `attribute-function-interpolator` interpolator. + * It is important to note that global state variables (this is, amongst `attribute-function-interpolator` instances no matter their specification or associated Javascript code) and local state variables (this is, amongst `attribute-function-interpolator` instances with the same specification or associated Javascript code) can be combined following the guidelines detailed above. Notice that local state variables will impose over global state variables. This is, if a `attribute-function-interpolator` uses a local state variable with the same name as a global state variable, the local one will preserve and apply. + * A valid attribute value using the possibility to maintain local and global state amongst `attribute-function-interpolator` interpolator executions is: `"attribute-function-interpolator(/* state: counter = 1 */ module.exports = { result: ${{Entity:001}{active:001}} + counter + globalVar1, state: { counter: ++counter, globals: { globalVar1: ++globalVar1 } } };)"`, where the result of the evaluation (this is, the value assigned to `module.exports.result`) will be the result of adding to the value of the `active:001` attribute of the `Entity:001` entity an increment equal to the times the interpolator has been run plus the value of the `globalVar1` state variable (which, on the other hand, is incremented globally in 1 before exiting the evaluation of the Javascript code). + * **NOTE:** There is an [issue](https://github.com/abbr/deasync/issues/48) in the [`deasync`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/deasync) Node package which seems to break fast-forward simulations which make use of the `attribute-function-interpolator` in combination with entity attribute references (this is, `${{}{}}` provoking a segmentation fault error. A workaround to avoid this issue is the use of global state variables updating the value of the attributes which need to be referenced and assigning their value to global state variables which make it possible to access them from any other `attribute-function-interpolator` instance. + * **metadata**: Array of metadata information to be associated to the attribute on the update. Each metadata array entry is an object including 3 properties: + * **name**: The metadata name. + * **type**: The metadata type. + * **value**: The metadata value. As the value of any metadata, all the possible accepted values for attributes (detailed above) can be used including the interpolators. + * **staticAttributes**: List of attributes which will be included in every update of the entity. Static attributes are just like the active attributes previously described with 1 main remarks: they do not include a `schedule` property since the schedule of the updates of the entity and its attributes is determined by the `schedule` property at the active attributes level or the one specified at the entity level. Although staticAttributes may use any of the available interpolators as their `value` property, they typically include fixed values and no any type of interpolation. +* **devices**: Information about the devices to be updated during this concrete simulation. The `devices` entries are just like the previous `entities` entries described above with the following modifications: + 1. Instead of the `entity_name`, a `device_id` has to be specified (in case the `count` property is used, the `device_id` property is set just like the `entity_name` as describe above in the `count` property description). + 2. A `protocol` property has to be set specifying the device protocol. Accepted values are: `UltraLight::HTTP`, `UltraLight::MQTT`, `JSON::HTTP` and `JSON::MQTT`. + 3. No `entity_type` property has to be specified. + 4. An `api_key` property has to be set specifying the API key to be used when updating the device attributes. + 5. Instead of the `active` and `staticAttributes` property, an `attributes` properties has to be included specifying the array of attributes to be updated. At the `attributes` level: + 1. No `name` property has to be specified. Instead the `object_id` has to be set specifying the attribute object (short) identifier. + 2. No `type` property has to be specified. + 3. All the previously describe interpolators can be used in the `value`. + +To avoid repeating over and over again the same text in the simulation configuration files and, mainly, to facilitate editing them, a templating mechanism has been included. This templating mechanism makes it posible to use the `imports()` directive as the value of any property of a simulation configuration JSON file. As a preliminary process before starting the simulation all these `imports()` directives will be resolved and substituted by their concrete values. + +Let's see this `imports()` directive mechanism with an example. The next one is a valid simulation configuration file using the templating mechanism: + +```json +{ + "exports": { + "contextBroker_NGSIv1": { + "protocol": "https", + "host": "", + "port": 1026, + "ngsiVersion": "1.0" + }, + "every 5 seconds": "*/5 * * * * *", + "autoincrement_1": "attribute-function-interpolator(${{Entity:001}{active:001}} + 1)", + }, + "domain": { + "service": "service", + "subservice": "subservice" + }, + "contextBroker": "import(contextBroker_NGSIv1)", + "authentication": "import(authentication)", + "entities": [ + { + "schedule": "import(every 5 seconds)", + "entity_name": "Entity:001", + "entity_type": "Entity", + "active": [ + { + "name": "active:001", + "type": "Number", + "value": "import(autoincrement_1)" + } + ] + } + ] +} +``` + +For example, the import directives: `import(contextBroker_NGSIv1)`, `import(every 5 seconds)` and `import(autoincrement_1)` will be substituted by the corresponding values declared in the `exports` property of the simulation configuration file, whereas the `import(authentication)` (since it is not declared in the `exports`) property will be `require`d as the file `authentication.json` from the root of the FIWARE Device Simulator application (this is, it is equivalent to `require(${FIWARE_Device_Simulator_Root_Path}/authentication.json))`. + +The previous and preliminary support for importing content into specific parts of the simulation configuration files has been recently extended to support conditional imports. In this case, it is possible to impose conditions which must be satisfied for the import to take place. The format of the conditional imports is the following one: + +```json +"": [ + { + "condition": "${{==}}", + "content": "the-content-to-import-a-string-in-this-case" + }, + { + "condition": "${{==}{==}}", + "content": "the-content-to-import-a-string-in-this-case" + } +] +``` + +As you can see, the templates can now be an array of objects including a `condition` and a `content` properties in which case the import will only take place if the `import()` directive appears inside an entity which satisfies the `==` condition (this is, the `` value satisfies the ``) OR appears inside an attribute which satisfies the `==` condition (this is, the `` value satisfies the ``) inside an entity which satisfies the `==` condition (this is, the `` value satisfies the ``). + +Let's see it in a concrete example. Considering a simulation configuration file such as the following one: + +```json +{ + "exports": { + "every 5 seconds": "*/5 * * * * *", + "parking from 6 to 22": "text-rotation-interpolator({\"units\": \"hours\", \"text\": [[0,\"closed\"],[6,[[40,\"free\"],[60,\"occupied\"]]],[19,[[80,\"free\"],[20,\"occupied\"]]],[22,\"closed\"]]})", + "now": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})", + "entity-type": [ + { + "content": "ParkingSpot", + "condition": "${{entity_name==pe-moraleja-01-group-0[0-9]:0[0-9]}}" + } + ], + "attribute-type-1": [ + { + "content": "Text", + "condition": "${{entity_name==pe-moraleja-01-group-02:0[0-9]}}" + }, + { + "content": "DateTime", + "condition": "${{entity_name==pe-moraleja-01-group-01:0[0-9]}{name==dateModifie[a-z]}}" + } + ] + }, + ... + "entities": [ + { + "schedule": "import(every 5 seconds)", + "entity_name": "pe-moraleja-01-group-01:01", + "entity_type": "import(entity-type)", + "active": [ + { + "name": "status", + "type": "Text", + "value": "import(parking from 6 to 22)" + }, + { + "name": "dateModified", + "type": "import(attribute-type-1)", + "value": "import(now)" + } + ] + }, + { + "schedule": "import(every 5 seconds)", + "entity_name": "pe-moraleja-01-group-02:01", + "entity_type": "import(entity-type)", + "active": [ + { + "name": "status", + "type": "import(attribute-type-1)", + "value": "import(parking from 6 to 22)" + }, + { + "name": "dateModified", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "import(now)" + } + ] + } + ] + ... +} +``` + +After resolving the imports, the simulation configuration file will end up as the following one: + +```json +{ + ... + "entities": [ + { + "schedule": "*/5 * * * * *", // -> IMPORTED + "entity_name": "pe-moraleja-01-group-01:01", + "entity_type": "ParkingSpot", // -> IMPORTED + "active": [ + { + "name": "status", + "type": "Text", + "value": "text-rotation-interpolator({\"units\": \"hours\", \"text\": [[0,\"closed\"],[6,[[40,\"free\"],[60,\"occupied\"]]],[19,[[80,\"free\"],[20,\"occupied\"]]],[22,\"closed\"]]})" // -> IMPORTED + }, + { + "name": "dateModified", + "type": "DateTime", // -> IMPORTED + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" // -> IMPORTED + } + ] + }, + { + "schedule": "*/5 * * * * *", // -> IMPORTED + "entity_name": "pe-moraleja-01-group-02:01", + "entity_type": "ParkingSpot", // -> IMPORTED + "active": [ + { + "name": "status", + "type": "Text", // -> IMPORTED + "value": "text-rotation-interpolator({\"units\": \"hours\", \"text\": [[0,\"closed\"],[6,[[40,\"free\"],[60,\"occupied\"]]],[19,[[80,\"free\"],[20,\"occupied\"]]],[22,\"closed\"]]})" // -> IMPORTED + }, + { + "name": "dateModified", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" // -> IMPORTED + } + ] + } + ] + ... +} +``` + +Just as in the case of the textual imports, the conditional imports can be declared in the `exports` property of the simulation configuration file or in external JSON files which can be imported. + +Obviously, if an import directive refers to a template not declared either in the `exports` property or in an external JSON file, an error is thrown and the simulation is not run. On the other hand, if all the substitutions take place fine and the resulting simulation configuration file is valid, the simulation is run. + +Although the `fiwareDeviceSimulatorCLI` command line tool previously detailed includes support for the import mechanism just described, we have also included a specific command line tool for the import mechanism which transpiles an input simulation configuration file into an output configuration file including the resolved imports. + +To run the FIWARE Device Simulator Transpiler CLI tool just run: + +```bash +./bin/fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspilerCLI +``` + +This will show the FIWARE Device Simulator Transpiler CLI tool help which will guide you to learn how to properly use it: + +``` +Usage: fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspilerCLI [options] + + Options: + + -h, --help output usage information + -V, --version output the version number + -c, --configuration Absolute or relative path (from the root of the Node application) to the device simulator configuration input file (mandatory) + -o, --output Absolute or relative path (from the root of the Node application) to the output device simulator configuration file (mandatory) +``` + +Following the description of the simulation configuration file accepted properties and leaning on the [FIWARE waste management harmonized data models](http://fiware-datamodels.readthedocs.io/en/latest/WasteManagement/doc/introduction/index.html), we provide a simulation configuration real example file to automatically generate waste management data, more concretely simulating the dynamic filling levels for 8 waste containers spread out at 4 areas (`Oeste` (i.e., West), `Norte` (i.e., North), `Este` (i.e., East) and `Sur` (i.e., South) of the Distrito Telefónica area (where the Telefónica headquarters are located) in Madrid. + +```json +{ + "domain": { + "service": "theService", + "subservice": "/theSubService" + }, + "contextBroker": { + "protocol": "https", + "host": "", + "port": 10027, + "ngsiVersion": "1.0" + }, + "authentication": { + "protocol": "https", + "host": "", + "port": 15001, + "user": "theUser", + "password": "thePassword" + }, + "entities": [ + { + "schedule": "once", + "entity_name": "WasteContainerIsle:Oeste", + "entity_type": "WasteContainerIsle", + "staticAttributes": [ + { + "name": "name", + "type": "Text", + "value": "Distrito Telefónica - Oeste" + }, + { + "name": "description", + "type": "Text", + "value": "Zona de contenedores Oeste de Distrito Telefónica" + }, + { + "name": "features", + "type": "List", + "value": ["surface"] + }, + { + "name": "location", + "type": "geo:json", + "value": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [[[-3.6642676591873165,40.51337501088891],[-3.66318941116333,40.51437011409327],[-3.666316866874695,40.51642960455014],[-3.667373657226562,40.51549162664228],[-3.6642676591873165,40.51337501088891]]] + } + }, + { + "name": "address", + "type": "address", + "value": { + "streetAddress" : "Zona Oeste, Ronda de la Comunicación s/n", + "addressLocality": "Madrid", + "addressCountry": "ES" + } + }, + { + "name": "containers", + "type": "List", + "value": ["WasteContainer:DTO:001", "WasteContainer:DTO:002"] + } + ] + }, + { + "schedule": "once", + "entity_name": "WasteContainerIsle:Norte", + "entity_type": "WasteContainerIsle", + "staticAttributes": [ + { + "name": "name", + "type": "Text", + "value": "Distrito Telefónica - Norte" + }, + { + "name": "description", + "type": "Text", + "value": "Zona de contenedores Norte de Distrito Telefónica" + }, + { + "name": "features", + "type": "List", + "value": ["surface"] + }, + { + "name": "location", + "type": "geo:json", + "value": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [[[-3.66318941116333,40.51437827061587],[-3.662030696868896,40.51548754844881],[-3.6651098728179927,40.51761633170772],[-3.6664187908172607,40.51649893283121],[-3.66318941116333,40.51437827061587]]] + } + }, + { + "name": "address", + "type": "address", + "value": { + "streetAddress" : "Zona Norte, Ronda de la Comunicación s/n", + "addressLocality": "Madrid", + "addressCountry": "ES" + } + }, + { + "name": "containers", + "type": "List", + "value": ["WasteContainer:DTN:001", "WasteContainer:DTN:002"] + } + ] + }, + { + "schedule": "once", + "entity_name": "WasteContainerIsle:Este", + "entity_type": "WasteContainerIsle", + "staticAttributes": [ + { + "name": "name", + "type": "Text", + "value": "Distrito Telefónica - Este" + }, + { + "name": "description", + "type": "Text", + "value": "Zona de contenedores Este de Distrito Telefónica" + }, + { + "name": "features", + "type": "List", + "value": ["surface"] + }, + { + "name": "location", + "type": "geo:json", + "value": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [[[-3.6642730236053462,40.51338316753258],[-3.6614298820495605,40.5115234270992],[-3.6603784561157227,40.51245330376326],[-3.663200139999389,40.51439458365814],[-3.6642730236053462,40.51338316753258]]] + } + }, + { + "name": "address", + "type": "address", + "value": { + "streetAddress" : "Zona Este, Ronda de la Comunicación s/n", + "addressLocality": "Madrid", + "addressCountry": "ES" + } + }, + { + "name": "containers", + "type": "List", + "value": ["WasteContainer:DTE:001", "WasteContainer:DTE:002"] + } + ] + }, + { + "schedule": "once", + "entity_name": "WasteContainerIsle:Sur", + "entity_type": "WasteContainerIsle", + "staticAttributes": [ + { + "name": "name", + "type": "Text", + "value": "Distrito Telefónica - Sur" + }, + { + "name": "description", + "type": "Text", + "value": "Zona de contenedores Sur de Distrito Telefónica" + }, + { + "name": "features", + "type": "List", + "value": ["surface"] + }, + { + "name": "location", + "type": "geo:json", + "value": { + "type": "Polygon", + "coordinates": [[[-3.663210868835449,40.51437011409327],[-3.662030696868896,40.515512017605886],[-3.6591768264770512,40.513627866381356],[-3.660399913787842,40.51245330376326],[-3.663210868835449,40.51437011409327]]] + } + }, + { + "name": "address", + 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"date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "schedule": "0 0 0 * * *", + "name": "dateLastEmptying", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "schedule": "0 0 0 1 * *", + "name": "dateNextActuation", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 2592000})" + } + ], + "staticAttributes": [ + { + "name": "refWasteContainerModel", + "type": "Text", + "value": "WasteContainerModel:001" + }, + { + "name": "containerIsle", + "type": "Text", + "value": "WasteContainerIsle:Este" + }, + { + "name": "isleId", + "type": "Text", + "value": "WasteContainerIsle:Este" + }, + { + "name": "serialNumber", + "type": "Text", + "value": "WasteContainer:DTE:002" + }, + { + "name": "location", + "type": "geo:json", + "value": { + "type": "Point", + "coordinates": [-3.661140203475952,40.513668649435985] + } + }, + { + "name": "category", + "type": "List", + "value": ["surface"] + }, + { + "name": "storedWasteOrigin", + "type": "Text", + "value": "municipal" + }, + { + "name": "storedWasteKind", + "type": "List", + "value": ["batteries"] + }, + { + "name": "status", + "type": "Text", + "value": "ok" + } + ] + }, + { + "entity_name": "WasteContainer:DTS:001", + "entity_type": "WasteContainer", + "schedule": "*/5 * * * * *", + "active": [ + { + "name": "fillingLevel", + "type": "Number", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,random(0.25,0.50)],[21,random(0.50,0.75)],[22,0.75],[23,1],[24,1]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"float\"}})", + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "dateUpdated", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "name": "TimeInstant", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "temperature", + "type": "Number", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,random(0,10)],[10,random(10,15)],[14,random(25,35)],[20,random(10,15)],[24,random(0,10)]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"float\"}})", + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "dateUpdated", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "name": "TimeInstant", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "methaneConcentration", + "type": "Number", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,random(1700,1600)],[20,random(1600,1700)],[21,random(1700,1750)],[22,random(1750,1800)],[23,random(1800,1850)],[24,random(1800,1850)]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"round\"}})", + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "dateUpdated", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "name": "TimeInstant", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "dateUpdated", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "name": "TimeInstant", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "schedule": "0 0 0 * * *", + "name": "dateLastEmptying", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "schedule": "0 0 0 1 * *", + "name": "dateNextActuation", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 2592000})" + } + ], + "staticAttributes": [ + { + "name": "refWasteContainerModel", + "type": "Text", + "value": "WasteContainerModel:001" + }, + { + "name": "containerIsle", + "type": "Text", + "value": "WasteContainerIsle:Sur" + }, + { + "name": "isleId", + "type": "Text", + "value": "WasteContainerIsle:Sur" + }, + { + "name": "serialNumber", + "type": "Text", + "value": "WasteContainer:DTS:001" + }, + { + "name": "location", + "type": "geo:json", + "value": { + "type": "Point", + "coordinates": [-3.6622023582458496,40.51242067673018] + } + }, + { + "name": "category", + "type": "List", + "value": ["surface"] + }, + { + "name": "storedWasteOrigin", + "type": "Text", + "value": "municipal" + }, + { + "name": "storedWasteKind", + "type": "List", + "value": ["metal"] + }, + { + "name": "status", + "type": "Text", + "value": "ok" + } + ] + }, + { + "entity_name": "WasteContainer:DTS:002", + "entity_type": "WasteContainer", + "schedule": "*/5 * * * * *", + "active": [ + { + "name": "fillingLevel", + "type": "Number", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,random(0.25,0.50)],[21,random(0.50,0.75)],[22,0.75],[23,1],[24,1]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"float\"}})", + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "dateUpdated", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "name": "TimeInstant", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "temperature", + "type": "Number", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,random(0,10)],[10,random(10,15)],[14,random(25,35)],[20,random(10,15)],[24,random(0,10)]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"float\"}})", + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "dateUpdated", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "name": "TimeInstant", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "methaneConcentration", + "type": "Number", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,random(1700,1600)],[20,random(1600,1700)],[21,random(1700,1750)],[22,random(1750,1800)],[23,random(1800,1850)],[24,random(1800,1850)]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"round\"}})", + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "dateUpdated", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "name": "TimeInstant", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "dateUpdated", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "name": "TimeInstant", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "schedule": "0 0 0 * * *", + "name": "dateLastEmptying", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "schedule": "0 0 0 1 * *", + "name": "dateNextActuation", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 2592000})" + } + ], + "staticAttributes": [ + { + "name": "refWasteContainerModel", + "type": "Text", + "value": "WasteContainerModel:001" + }, + { + "name": "containerIsle", + "type": "Text", + "value": "WasteContainerIsle:Sur" + }, + { + "name": "isleId", + "type": "Text", + "value": "WasteContainerIsle:Sur" + }, + { + "name": "serialNumber", + "type": "Text", + "value": "WasteContainer:DTS:002" + }, + { + "name": "location", + "type": "geo:json", + "value": { + "type": "Point", + "coordinates": [-3.662030696868896,40.512893767156115] + } + }, + { + "name": "category", + "type": "List", + "value": ["surface"] + }, + { + "name": "storedWasteOrigin", + "type": "Text", + "value": "municipal" + }, + { + "name": "storedWasteKind", + "type": "List", + "value": ["electronics"] + }, + { + "name": "status", + "type": "Text", + "value": "ok" + } + ] + } + ] +} +``` + +The four mentioned areas or `WasteContainerIsle`s (`Oeste` (i.e., West), `Norte` (i.e., North), `Este` (i.e., East) and `Sur` (i.e., South) at Distrito Telefónica) and the 8 waste containers or `WasteContainer`s can be graphically seen online as a [http://geojson.io/](http://geojson.io/) map at [http://bl.ocks.org/anonymous/raw/82837480c5685f8cffa9d9c013197b0d/](http://bl.ocks.org/anonymous/raw/82837480c5685f8cffa9d9c013197b0d/). + +The previously mentioned waste management simulation configuration file will generate entities and attributes in the specified Context Broker such as the ones depicted in the following Telefónica's IoT Platform Portal screenshot: + +![Telefónica's IoT Platform Portal screenshot](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2461997/Images/Urbo_portal_entities_screenshot.png "Telefónica's IoT Platform Portal screenshot") + +The generated entities and attributes can also be checked in this [CSV file](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2461997/Docs/Urbo_waste_management_entities.csv). + +[Top](#top) + +## FIWARE Device Simulator library + +The FIWARE Device Simulator library can be found in the [./lib](./lib) directory. It is composed of: + +1. The main [`./lib/fiwareDeviceSimulator.js`](./lib/fiwareDeviceSimulator.js) file. It exposes the following functions: + 1. `start()`: it takes a simulation configuration JSON object and returns an instance of `EventEmitter` which informs of the following events to the client: + * `token-request`: Whenever a new authorization token is requested. No event object is passed as additional information for this event occurrence. + * `token-response`: Whenever a new authorization token is received. The passed event includes the following properties: + * - `expires_at`: The expiration date + * `token-request-scheduled`: Whenever a new authorization token request is scheduled. The passed event includes the following properties: + * `scheduled_at`: The scheduled date + * `update-scheduled`: Whenever a new entity update is scheduled. The passed event includes the following properties: + * `schedule`: The schedule + * `entity`: Information about the entity to be updated + * `attributes`: The attributes to be updated + * `update-request`: Whenever a new entity update is requested. + * `request`: Details about the update request + * `update-response`: Whenever a new entity update response is received. + * `request`: Details about the update request + * `response`: The body of the received update response + * `error`: Whenever an error happens + * `error`: The error + * `request`: The optional associated request (optional) + * `stop`: Whenever the simulation is stopped. No event object is passed as additional information for this event occurrence. + * `end`: Whenever the simulation ends. No event object is passed as additional information for this event occurrence. + 2. `stop()`: it stops the currently running simulation, if any, and emits the `stop` event. +2. The [`./lib/validators/fiwareDeviceSimulatorValidator.js`](./lib/validators/fiwareDeviceSimulatorValidator.js) file. It exposes the following functions: + * `validateConfiguration`: Validates a simulation configuration object asynchronously taking the simulation configuration object as input as well as a callback which will be called once the validation has been completed passing an error object with further information about the problem in case the simulation configuration object was not valid. +3. The [`./lib/errors`](./lib/errors) directory including: + 1. The [`fdsErrors.js`](./lib/errors/fdsErrors.js) file. It includes the errors which may be sent when running a device simulation. +4. The [`./lib/interpolators`](./lib/interpolators) directory including: + 1. The [`dateIncrementInterpolator.js`](./lib/interpolators/dateIncrementInterpolator.js) file. It implements the date-increment-interpolator attribute value resolver. + 2. The [`multilinePositionInterpolator.js`](./lib/interpolators/multilinePositionInterpolator.js) file. It implements the multiline-position-interpolator attribute value resolver. + 3. The [`linearInterpolator.js`](./lib/interpolators/linearInterpolator.js) file. It implements the time-linear-interpolator attribute value resolver. + 4. The [`randomLinearInterpolator.js`](./lib/interpolators/randomLinearInterpolator.js) file. It implements the time-random-linear-interpolator attribute value resolver. + 5. The [`stepAfterInterpolator.js`](./lib/interpolators/stepAfterInterpolator.js) file. It implements the time-step-after-interpolator attribute value resolver. + 6. The [`stepBeforeInterpolator.js`](./lib/interpolators/stepBeforeInterpolator.js) file. It implements the time-step-before-interpolator attribute value resolver. + 6. The [`textRotationInterpolator.js`](./lib/interpolators/textRotationInterpolator.js) file. It implements the text-rotation-interpolator attribute value resolver. + +[Top](#top) + +## Development documentation + +### Project build + +The project is managed using Grunt Task Runner. + +For a list of available task, type +```bash +grunt --help +``` + +The following sections show the available options in detail. + +[Top](#top) + +### Testing + +[Mocha](http://visionmedia.github.io/mocha/) Test Runner + [Chai](http://chaijs.com/) Assertion Library + [Sinon](http://sinonjs.org/) Spies, stubs. + +The test environment is preconfigured to run [BDD](http://chaijs.com/api/bdd/) testing style with +`chai.expect` and `chai.should()` available globally while executing tests, as well as the [Sinon-Chai](http://chaijs.com/plugins/sinon-chai) plugin. + +Module mocking during testing can be done with [proxyquire](https://github.com/thlorenz/proxyquire) + +To run tests, type +```bash +grunt test +``` + +Tests reports can be used together with Jenkins to monitor project quality metrics by means of TAP or XUnit plugins. +To generate TAP report in `report/test/unit_tests.tap`, type +```bash +grunt test-report +``` + +[Top](#top) + +### Coding guidelines + +jshint, gjslint + +Uses provided .jshintrc and .gjslintrc flag files. The latter requires Python and its use can be disabled +while creating the project skeleton with grunt-init. +To check source code style, type +```bash +grunt lint +``` + +Checkstyle reports can be used together with Jenkins to monitor project quality metrics by means of Checkstyle +and Violations plugins. +To generate Checkstyle and JSLint reports under `report/lint/`, type +```bash +grunt lint-report +``` + +[Top](#top) + +### Continuous testing + +Support for continuous testing by modifying a src file or a test. +For continuous testing, type +```bash +grunt watch +``` + +[Top](#top) + +### Source code documentation + +dox-foundation + +Generates HTML documentation under `site/doc/`. It can be used together with jenkins by means of DocLinks plugin. +For compiling source code documentation, type +```bash +grunt doc +``` + +[Top](#top) + +### Code coverage + +Istanbul + +Analizes the code coverage of your tests. + +To generate an HTML coverage report under `site/coverage/` and to print out a summary, type +```bash +# Use git-bash on Windows +grunt coverage +``` + +To generate a Cobertura report in `report/coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml` that can be used together with Jenkins to +monitor project quality metrics by means of Cobertura plugin, type +```bash +# Use git-bash on Windows +grunt coverage-report +``` + +[Top](#top) + +### Code complexity + +Plato + +Analizes code complexity using Plato and stores the report under `site/report/`. It can be used together with jenkins +by means of DocLinks plugin. +For complexity report, type +```bash +grunt complexity +``` + +[Top](#top) + +### PLC + +Update the contributors for the project +```bash +grunt contributors +``` + +[Top](#top) + +### Development environment + +Initialize your environment with git hooks. +```bash +grunt init-dev-env +``` + +We strongly suggest you to make an automatic execution of this task for every developer simply by adding the following +lines to your `package.json` +``` +{ + "scripts": { + "postinstall": "grunt init-dev-env" + } +} +``` + +[Top](#top) + +### Site generation + +There is a grunt task to generate the GitHub pages of the project, publishing also coverage, complexity and JSDocs pages. +In order to initialize the GitHub pages, use: + +```bash +grunt init-pages +``` + +This will also create a site folder under the root of your repository. This site folder is detached from your repository's +history, and associated to the gh-pages branch, created for publishing. This initialization action should be done only +once in the project history. Once the site has been initialized, publish with the following command: + +```bash +grunt site +``` + +This command will only work after the developer has executed init-dev-env (that's the goal that will create the detached site). + +This command will also launch the coverage, doc and complexity task (see in the above sections). + +[Top](#top) + +## Contact + +* Germán Toro del Valle ([german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com](mailto:german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com), [@gtorodelvalle](http://www.twitter.com/gtorodelvalle)) + +[Top](#top) diff --git a/bin/fiwareDeviceSimulatorCLI b/bin/fiwareDeviceSimulatorCLI new file mode 100755 index 0000000..7ac46dc --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/fiwareDeviceSimulatorCLI @@ -0,0 +1,544 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env node + +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var async = require('async'); +var commander = require('commander'); +var dateformat = require('dateformat'); +var fs = require('fs'); +var GoogleSheet = require('google-spreadsheet'); +var logops = require('logops'); +var humanizeDuration = require('humanize-duration'); +var path = require('path'); +var request = require('request'); +var time = require('time'); +var deviceSimulator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/fiwareDeviceSimulator'); + +/** + * Array with the last 10 emitted errors + * @type {Array} + */ +var errors = []; + +/** + * Last emitted progress information + */ +var progressInfo = {}; + +/** + * The concrete Google spread sheet the scheduled updates will be stored into + * @type {Object} + */ +var googleSheet; + +/** + * The Google Sheet work sheet where the scheduled updates will be stored + * @type {Object} + */ +var googleSheetTab; + +/** + * lolex NPM package clock in case of fast-forward simulations + */ +var clock; + +/** + * The array of scheduled update jobs + */ +var updateJobs; + +/** + * On error event handler + * @param {Object} ev The error event + */ +function onError(ev) { + errors.slice(0, (errors.length === 10 ? 1 : 0), { timestamp: new Date(), error: JSON.stringify(ev) }); + logops.error('error event:', ev); +} + +process.on('SIGINT', function() { + deviceSimulator.stop(); +}); + +process.on('uncaughtException', function(exception) { + onError( + { + error: 'uncaughtException: ' + exception + } + ); + deviceSimulator.stop(); +}); + +/** + * Helper function to create Dates from the passed argument + * @param {String} date The date string + * @return {Date} The date + */ +function createDate(date) { + return new Date(date); +} + +/** + * Processes a progress-info event and generates the corresponding progress information object + * @param {Object} ev The progress-info event + */ +function processProgressInfo(ev) { + progressInfo = { + totalUpdateRequests: ev.updatesRequested, + elapsedTime: humanizeDuration(ev.elapsedTime), + throughput: (ev.updatesRequested / (ev.elapsedTime / 1000)).toFixed(2), + delayedUpdateRequests: ev.delayedUpdateRequests, + delayedUpdateRequestsX100: (ev.updatesProcessed ? + (100 * ev.delayedUpdateRequests / ev.updatesProcessed).toFixed(2) : + 'N/A'), + errorUpdateRequests: ev.errorUpdateRequests, + errorUpdateRequestsX100: (ev.updatesProcessed ? + (100 * ev.errorUpdateRequests / ev.updatesProcessed).toFixed(2) : + 'N/A'), + googleSheetUpdateStatus: (commander.from || commander.to ? 'not supported' : progressInfo.googleSheetUpdateStatus), + lastGoogleSheetUpdate: progressInfo.lastGoogleSheetUpdate, + googleSheetUpdateInterval: (commander.timeline ? commander.timeline.refreshInterval || 0 : 0), + googleSheetKey: (commander.timeline ? commander.timeline.sheetKey || '' : ''), + googleSheetUpdateJobs: progressInfo.googleSheetUpdateJobs + }; + if (commander.to) { + progressInfo.simulatedPendingTime = humanizeDuration(commander.to - commander.from - ev.simulatedElapsedTime); + } else { + progressInfo.simulatedPendingTime = 'N/A'; + } + progressInfo.simulatedElapsedTime = humanizeDuration(ev.simulatedElapsedTime); + if (commander.to) { + progressInfo.pendingTime = humanizeDuration( + ((commander.to.getTime() - + (commander.from.getTime() + ev.simulatedElapsedTime)) * ev.elapsedTime) / + ev.simulatedElapsedTime); + } else { + progressInfo.pendingTime = 'N/A'; + } +} + +/** + * Writes the simulation progress information to the console if configured + */ +function writeToConsole() { + if (!commander.silent) { + logops.info( + 'progress-info', + { + totalUpdateRequests: progressInfo.totalUpdateRequests + ' updates', + throughput: progressInfo.throughput + ' updates/sec.', + errorUpdateRequests: progressInfo.errorUpdateRequests + ' updates', + errorUpdateRequestsX100: progressInfo.errorUpdateRequestsX100 + '%', + delayedUpdateRequests: progressInfo.delayedUpdateRequests + ' updates', + delayedUpdateRequestsX100: progressInfo.delayedUpdateRequestsX100 + '%', + elapsedTime: progressInfo.elapsedTime, + pendingTime: progressInfo.pendingTime, + simulatedElapsedTime: progressInfo.simulatedElapsedTime, + simulatedPendingTime: progressInfo.simulatedPendingTime + } + ); + } +} + +/** + * Dweets the simulation progress information if configured + * @param {Object} dweetConfig The dweet.io configuration + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function dweet(dweetConfig, callback) { + if (dweetConfig) { + progressInfo.errors = errors; + request.post( + { + url: 'https://dweet.io/dweet/for/' + dweetConfig.name + + (dweetConfig.apiKey ? '?key=' + dweetConfig.apiKey : ''), + headers: { + 'Content-Type': 'application/json', + 'Accept': 'application/json' + }, + json: true, + body: progressInfo + }, + function(err, response, body) { + callback(err || body.because, response, body); + } + ); + } else { + callback(); + } +} + +/** + * Resolves a path to its final value + * @param {String} path The original path + * @return {String} The resolved path + */ +function resolvePath(filePath) { + var resolvedPath; + if (filePath[0] === '/') { + resolvedPath = filePath; + } else if (filePath[0] === '.') { + resolvedPath = ROOT_PATH + filePath.substring(1); + } else { + resolvedPath = ROOT_PATH + path.sep + filePath; + } + return resolvedPath; +} + +/** + * Returns true if the file the passed is pointing to exists, false otherwise + * @param {String} path The path to the file + * @return {Boolean} True if the file pointing by the passed path exists, false otherwise + */ +function fileExists(path) { + var resolvedPath = resolvePath(path); + return fs.existsSync(resolvedPath); +} + +/** + * Runs certain function in the next tick using the simulated time clock if available + * @param {Object} func The function to run in a next tick + */ +function runInNextTick(func) { + process.nextTick(func.bind.apply(func, [null].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)))); + if (clock) { + clock.next(); + } +} + +/** + * Google Sheet work sheet addRow() function handler + * @param {Object} error The error if any + */ +function onAddRows(err) { + if (err) { + logops.error('Error when adding a row to Google Sheet work sheet or tab: ' + err); + progressInfo.googleSheetUpdateStatus = 'error'; + } else { + progressInfo.googleSheetUpdateStatus = 'complete'; + } + progressInfo.lastGoogleSheetUpdate = time.Date.now(); +} + +/** + * Google Sheet work sheet setHeaderRow() function handler + * @param {Object} error The error if any + */ +function onSetHeaderRow(err) { + if (err) { + progressInfo.googleSheetUpdateStatus = 'error'; + progressInfo.lastGoogleSheetUpdate = time.Date.now(); + return logops.error('Error when setting the header row in the Google Sheet work sheet or tab: ' + + err); + } + var rows = []; + for (var ii = 0; ii < updateJobs.length; ii++) { + for (var jj = 0; jj < updateJobs[ii].pendingInvocations().length; jj++) { + var formattedDateTime = dateformat( + updateJobs[ii].pendingInvocations()[jj].fireDate, commander.timeline.dateFormat); + rows.push( + { + 'Row Label': 'Scheduled update', + 'Bar Label': '[' + formattedDateTime + ']: ' + updateJobs[ii].name, + 'Start': formattedDateTime, + 'End': formattedDateTime + } + ); + } + } + progressInfo.googleSheetUpdateJobs = rows.length; + runInNextTick(async.each, rows, googleSheetTab.addRow, onAddRows); +} + +/** + * Google Sheet work sheet resize() function handler + * @param {Object} error The error if any + */ +function onResize(err) { + if (err) { + progressInfo.googleSheetUpdateStatus = 'error'; + progressInfo.lastGoogleSheetUpdate = time.Date.now(); + return logops.error('Error when resizing the Google Sheet work sheet or tab: ' + err); + } + runInNextTick(googleSheetTab.setHeaderRow, ['Row Label', 'Bar Label', 'Start', 'End'], onSetHeaderRow); +} + +/** + * Google Sheet work sheet clear() function handler + * @param {Object} error The error if any + */ +function onClear(err) { + if (err) { + progressInfo.googleSheetUpdateStatus = 'error'; + progressInfo.lastGoogleSheetUpdate = time.Date.now(); + return logops.error('Error when clearing the Google Sheet work sheet or tab: ' + err); + } + runInNextTick(googleSheetTab.resize, {rowCount: 1, colCount: 4}, onResize); +} + +/** + * Updates the schedule jobs into Google Sheet if configured + */ +function updateScheduledJobsInGoogleSheet() { + if (googleSheetTab && + (progressInfo.googleSheetUpdateStatus !== 'not supported' && progressInfo.googleSheetUpdateStatus !== 'ongoing') && + ((time.Date.now() - (progressInfo.lastGoogleSheetUpdate || 0)) > commander.timeline.refreshInterval)) { + progressInfo.googleSheetUpdateStatus = 'ongoing'; + runInNextTick(googleSheetTab.clear, onClear); + } +} + +/** + * Starts the simulation + */ +function startSimulation() { + var progressEmitter = deviceSimulator.start( + require(resolvePath(commander.configuration)), commander.from, commander.to, + commander.progressInfoInterval, commander.maximumNotRespondedRequests, commander.delay || 1000); + + progressEmitter.on('token-request', function() { + logops.debug('token-request event'); + }); + + progressEmitter.on('token-response', function(ev) { + logops.debug('token-response event:', ev); + }); + + progressEmitter.on('token-request-scheduled', function(ev) { + logops.debug('token-request-scheduled:', ev); + }); + + progressEmitter.on('update-scheduled', function(ev) { + logops.debug('update-scheduled event:', ev); + }); + + progressEmitter.on('update-request', function(ev) { + logops.debug('update-request event:', ev); + }); + + progressEmitter.on('info', function(ev) { + logops.info('info event:', ev.message); + }); + + progressEmitter.on('error', onError); + + progressEmitter.on('update-response', function(ev) { + logops.debug('response event:', ev); + }); + + progressEmitter.on('progress-info', function(ev) { + clock = ev.clock; + updateJobs = ev.updateJobs; + processProgressInfo(ev); + writeToConsole(); + runInNextTick(dweet, commander.dweet, function(err) { + if (err) { + logops.error('error event: Error when dweeting for \'' + commander.dweet.name + '\': ' + err); + } + updateScheduledJobsInGoogleSheet(); + }); + }); + + progressEmitter.on('stop', function() { + logops.info('stop event'); + }); + + progressEmitter.on('end', function() { + async.retry( + { times: 5, interval: 1000}, + async.apply(dweet, commander.dweet), + function(err) { + if (err) { + logops.error('error event: Error when dweeting for \'' + commander.dweet.name + '\': ' + err); + } else { + logops.info('end event'); + } + process.exit(0); + } + ); + }); +} + +/** + * Executes the requested commander + */ +function executeCommand() { + var googleCredentials; + + if (!commander.configuration) { + commander.help(); + } + + if (!fileExists(commander.configuration)) { + logops.error('The provided simulation configuration file path (\'' + commander.configuration + + '\') does not exist'); + commander.help(); + } + + if (commander.to) { + if (!commander.from && commander.to <= new Date()) { + logops.error('If no fromDate is provided, the toDate must be beyond the current time and date'); + commander.help(); + } else { + commander.from = commander.from || new Date(); + } + } + + if (commander.dweet) { + try { + commander.dweet = JSON.parse(commander.dweet); + if (!commander.dweet.name || typeof commander.dweet.name !== 'string') { + logops.error('The dweet.io configuration information should be an object including a \'name\' property ' + + 'the thing name'); + commander.help(); + } + } catch(exception) { + logops.error('Error when parsing the dweet.io configuration information: ' + exception); + commander.help(); + } + } + + if (commander.timeline) { + try { + commander.timeline = JSON.parse(commander.timeline); + if (!commander.timeline.dateFormat || typeof commander.timeline.dateFormat !== 'string') { + logops.error('The Google Sheets configuration information should be an object including a \'dateFormat\' ' + + 'property with the date format used by Google Sheets in your locale according to the dateformat NPM ' + + 'package (for further information, please visit: https://github.com/felixge/node-dateformat#mask-options'); + commander.help(); + } + if (!commander.timeline.refreshInterval || typeof commander.timeline.refreshInterval !== 'number') { + logops.error('The Google Sheets configuration information should be an object including a ' + + '\'refreshInterval\' property with the minimum interval in milliseconds the scheduled updates will be ' + + 'refreshed in the associated Google Sheet (i.e., the Google Sheet will be udpated in the next ' + + 'progress information tick (see the -p option) once this interval has passed since the last refresh)'); + commander.help(); + } + if (!commander.timeline.sheetKey || typeof commander.timeline.sheetKey !== 'string') { + logops.error('The Google Sheets configuration information should be an object including a \'sheetKey\' ' + + 'property with the long Google Sheet key where the scheduled updates timeline information will be stored'); + commander.help(); + } + googleSheet = new GoogleSheet(commander.timeline.sheetKey); + if (!commander.timeline.credentialsPath || typeof commander.timeline.credentialsPath !== 'string') { + logops.error('The Google Sheets configuration information should be an object including a ' + + '\'credentialsPath\' property with the path to the Google generated credentials'); + commander.help(); + } + if (!fileExists(commander.timeline.credentialsPath)) { + logops.error('The credentials path passed in the Google Sheet configuration information ' + + '(\'googleSheetConfig.credentialsPath\') does not exist: ' + commander.timeline.credentialsPath); + commander.help(); + } + try { + googleCredentials = require(resolvePath(commander.timeline.credentialsPath)); + } catch (googleCredentialException) { + logops.error('The Google generated credential file (\'' + commander.timeline.credentialsPath + '\') ' + + 'is not a valid JSON file, error when parsing the file: ' + googleCredentialException); + commander.help(); + } + logops.info('Authenticating into Google to update the Google Sheet including the scheduled updates...'); + googleSheet.useServiceAccountAuth(googleCredentials, function (err) { + if (err) { + onError({ + error: 'Error when authenticating with Google using the credential file (\'' + + commander.timeline.credentialsPath + '\'): ' + err + }); + process.exit(0); + } else { + logops.info('Authentication into Google successfully completed'); + googleSheet.getInfo(function(err, googleSheetInfo) { + if (err) { + onError({ + error: 'Error when getting the Google Sheet information to update the data: ' + err + }); + process.exit(0); + } + googleSheetTab = googleSheetInfo && googleSheetInfo.worksheets && + googleSheetInfo.worksheets.length && googleSheetInfo.worksheets[0]; + if (!googleSheetTab) { + onError({ + error: 'Error when getting access to the first Google Sheet work sheet or tab to update the data: ' + + err + }); + process.exit(0); + } else { + startSimulation(); + } + }); + } + }); + } catch(exception) { + logops.error('Error when parsing the Google Sheet configuration information: ' + exception); + commander.help(); + } + } + + if (!googleCredentials) { + startSimulation(); + } +} + +commander. + version(require(ROOT_PATH + '/package.json').version). + option('-c, --configuration ', + 'Absolute or relative path (from the root of the Node application) to the device simulator configuration file ' + + '(mandatory)'). + option('-d, --delay ', 'The delay in milliseconds for future updates when the number of update ' + + 'requests waiting for response is bigger than the value set with the -m option (defaults to 1 second if -m is ' + + 'set and -d is not set, it has no effect if -m is not set)', + parseInt). + option('-m, --maximumNotRespondedRequests ', 'The maximum number of update requests not responded before ' + + 'applying delay', parseInt). + option('-p, --progressInfoInterval ', 'The interval in milliseconds to show progress information ' + + ' for fast-forward simulation', parseInt). + option('-s, --silent', 'No progress information will be output by the console'). + option('-w, --dweet ', 'Configuration information to publish the simulation progress ' + + 'information in dweet.io (it must be an object containing a \'name\' property for the dweet thing and ' + + 'optionally an \'apiKey\' property in case the thing is locked, for example: ' + + '-w "{\\"name\\": \\"fds:Test:001\\"}")'). + option('-l, --timeline ', 'The start date to begin the fast-forward simulation (if not set, the current ' + + 'time will be used)', createDate). + option('-t, --to ', 'The end date to stop the fast-forward simulation (if not set, the fast-forward ' + + 'will progress to the future and never end)', createDate). + parse(process.argv); + +executeCommand(); diff --git a/bin/fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspilerCLI b/bin/fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspilerCLI new file mode 100755 index 0000000..42f893d --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspilerCLI @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env node + +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var commander = require('commander'); +var fs = require('fs'); +var logops = require('logops'); +var path = require('path'); +var fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/transpilers/fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler'); + +process.on('SIGINT', function() { + process.exit(0); +}); + +process.on('uncaughtException', function() { + process.exit(1); +}); + +/** + * Returns the absolute path for a file name or relative path + * @param {String} file File name or file path + * @return {String} The absolute path + */ +function getFilePath(file) { + return ROOT_PATH + (file.charAt(0) === '.' ? file.substring(1) : path.sep + file); +} + +/** + * Executes the requested commander + */ +function executeCommand() { + if (!commander.configuration) { + commander.help(); + } + + var inputConfigurationFilePath = getFilePath(commander.configuration); + if (!fs.existsSync(inputConfigurationFilePath)) { + return logops.error('The input file path (\'' + inputConfigurationFilePath + '\') does not exist'); + } + + if (!commander.output) { + commander.help(); + } + + var outputConfigurationFilePath = getFilePath(commander.output); + if (fs.existsSync(outputConfigurationFilePath)) { + return logops.error('The output file path (\'' + outputConfigurationFilePath + '\') already exists'); + } + + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile(require(inputConfigurationFilePath), function(err, newConfigurationObj) { + if (err) { + return logops.error('Error when transpiling the simulation configuration file (\'' + + inputConfigurationFilePath + '\'): ' + err); + } + fs.writeFile(outputConfigurationFilePath, JSON.stringify(newConfigurationObj, null, ' '), function(err) { + if (err) { + return logops.error('Error when writing to the output simulation configuration file \'' + + outputConfigurationFilePath + '\'): ' + err); + } + return logops.info('Output simulation configuration file \'' + outputConfigurationFilePath + '\') ' + + 'successfully created'); + }); + }); +} + +commander. + version(require(ROOT_PATH + '/package.json').version). + option('-c, --configuration ', + 'Absolute or relative path (from the root of the Node application) to the device simulator configuration ' + + 'input file (mandatory)'). + option('-o, --output ', + 'Absolute or relative path (from the root of the Node application) to the output device simulator ' + + 'configuration file (mandatory)'). + parse(process.argv); + +executeCommand(); diff --git a/examples/README.md b/examples/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..282f36f --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +# Simulation configuration examples +In this folder you can find several configuration examples (JSON files) to use with FIWARE Device Simulator. + +All the examples provided follow the requirements of [FIWARE Data Models](http://fiware-datamodels.readthedocs.io). + +## Examples provided +Examples provided cover several domain areas: +- [Parking](#parking) +- [Waste](#waste) +- [Street lighting](#street-lighting) + +### Parking +- File: urbo-simulation-parking.json +- Simulation: + - 13 OffStreetParking entities. + - 27 OnStreetParking entities. + - 11 ParkingGroup entities. + - 278 ParkingSpot entities. + +### Waste +- File: urbo-simulations-waste.json +- Simulation: + - 173 WasteContainer entities. + - 1 WasteContainerModel. + +### Street lighting +- File: urbo-simulation-streetlight.json +- Simulation: + - 25 StreetlightControlCabinet entities. diff --git a/examples/urbo-simulation-parking.json b/examples/urbo-simulation-parking.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20764dd --- /dev/null +++ b/examples/urbo-simulation-parking.json @@ -0,0 +1,20975 @@ +{ + "domain": { + "service": "service", + "subservice": "/subservice" + }, + "contextBroker": { + "protocol": "http", + "host": "", + "port": 1026, + "ngsiVersion": "1.0" + }, + "authentication": { + "provider": "keystone", + "protocol": "http", + "host": "", + "port": 5001, + "user": "user", + "password": "password", + "retry": { + "times": 10, + "interval": 5000 + } + }, + "entities": [ + { + "schedule": "51 0 * * * *", + "entity_name": "pe-moraleja-01", + "entity_type": "OffStreetParking", + "staticAttributes": [ + { + "name": "location", + "type": "geo:json", + "value": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [ + -3.657059248821937, + 40.514550992040554 + ], + [ + -3.656863436898256, + 40.514384867957396 + ], + [ + -3.656863436898256, + 40.514384867957396 + ], + [ + -3.6567499227396, + 40.51427052257009 + ], + [ + -3.656193703362185, + 40.51465454970233 + ], + [ + -3.656102892035261, + 40.51460492834268 + ], + [ + -3.656287352543076, + 40.51443664693655 + ], + [ + -3.656349785330337, + 40.51430072703098 + ], + [ + -3.656463299488993, + 40.51403320133259 + ], + [ + -3.656582489355582, + 40.513869233441476 + ], + [ + -3.656835058358592, + 40.51364485567757 + ], + [ + -3.656897491145852, + 40.5137052651494 + ], + [ + -3.657533170434326, + 40.514216585998966 + ], + [ + -3.657059248821937, + 40.514550992040554 + ] + ] + ] + ] + } + }, + { + "name": "name", + "type": "Text", + "value": "Parque Empresarial Moraleja - Parking 01" + }, + { + "name": "category", + "type": "List", + "value": [ + "forVisitors", + "forDisabled" + ] + }, + { + "name": "highestFloor", + "type": "Number", + "value": 0 + }, + { + "name": "lowestFloor", + "type": "Number", + "value": 0 + }, + { + "name": "firstAvailableFloor", + "type": "Number", + "value": 0 + }, + { + "name": "areaServed", + "type": "Text", + "value": "PE Moraleja" + }, + { + "name": "occupancyDetectionType", + "type": "List", + "value": [ + "singleSpaceDetection" + ] + }, + { + "name": "requiredPermit", + "type": "List", + "value": [] + }, + { + "name": "chargeType", + "type": "List", + "value": [ + "free" + ] + }, + { + "name": "allowedVehicleType", + "type": "List", + "value": [ + "car", + "motorcycle" + ] + }, + { + "name": "maximumParkingDuration", + "type": "Duration", + "value": "PT12H" + }, + { + "name": "totalSpotNumber", + "type": "Number", + "value": 40 + }, + { + "name": "availableSpotNumber", + "type": "Number", + "value": 0 + }, + { + "name": "refParkingGroup", + "type": "List", + "value": [ + "pe-moraleja-01-group-01", + "pe-moraleja-01-group-02" + ] + }, + { + "name": "averagespotwidth", + "type": "Number", + "value": 2.2 + }, + { + "name": "averagespotlength", + "type": "Number", + "value": 5 + }, + { + "name": "maximumallowedheight", + "type": "Number", + "value": 2.7 + }, + { + "name": "maximumallowedwidth", + "type": "Number", + "value": 2 + } + ], + "active": [ + { + "name": "status_offsp", + "type": "Text", + "value": "text-rotation-interpolator({\"units\": \"hours\", \"text\": [[0,\"closed\"],[6,\"open\"],[22,\"closed\"]]})" + }, + { + "name": "dateModified", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + } + ] + }, + { + "schedule": "38 0 * * * *", + "entity_name": "pe-moraleja-01-group-01", + "entity_type": "ParkingGroup", + "staticAttributes": [ + { + "name": "category", + "type": "List", + "value": [ + "offstreet", + "onlyDisabled" + ] + }, + { + "name": "floor", + "type": "Number", + "value": 0 + }, + { + "name": "allowedVehicleType", + "type": "Text", + "value": "car" + }, + { + "name": "occupancyDetectionType", + "type": "Text", + "value": "singleSpaceDetection" + }, + { + "name": "chargeType", + "type": "List", + "value": [ + "free" + ] + }, + { + "name": "refParkingSite", + "type": "Text", + "value": "pe-moraleja-01" + }, + { + "name": "description", + "type": "Text", + "value": "Parking spots reserved for disabled people" + }, + { + "name": "totalSpotNumber", + "type": "Number", + "value": 5 + }, + { + "name": "requiredPermit", + "type": "Text", + "value": "disabledPermit" + }, + { + "name": "location", + "type": "geo:json", + "value": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [ + -3.65728562672046, + 40.51416728466199 + ], + [ + -3.657343531140168, + 40.514124683131215 + ], + [ + -3.657454366260428, + 40.514218667637266 + ], + [ + -3.657394794470794, + 40.514261898167696 + ], + [ + -3.65728562672046, + 40.51416728466199 + ] + ] + ] + ] + } + } + ], + "active": [ + { + "name": "status_pg", + "type": "Text", + "value": "text-rotation-interpolator({\"units\": \"hours\", \"text\": [[0,\"closed\"],[6,\"open\"],[22,\"closed\"]]})" + }, + { + "name": "dateModified", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + } + ] + }, + { + "schedule": "28 0 * * * *", + "entity_name": "pe-moraleja-01-group-02", + "entity_type": "ParkingGroup", + "staticAttributes": [ + { + "name": "category", + "type": "List", + "value": [ + "offstreet", + "forVisitors" + ] + }, + { + "name": "allowedVehicleType", + "type": "Text", + "value": "car" + }, + { + "name": "floor", + "type": "Number", + "value": 0 + }, + { + "name": "occupancyDetectionType", + "type": "Text", + "value": "singleSpaceDetection" + }, + { + "name": "chargeType", + "type": "List", + "value": [ + "free" + ] + }, + { + "name": "refParkingSite", + "type": "Text", + "value": "pe-moraleja-01" + }, + { + "name": "description", + "type": "Text", + "value": "Parking spots" + }, + { + "name": "totalSpotNumber", + "type": "Number", + "value": 35 + }, + { + "name": "location", + "type": "geo:json", + "value": { + "type": "MultiPolygon", + "coordinates": [ + [ + [ + [ + -3.65733251487254, + 40.514239253607606 + ], + [ + -3.657007577838173, + 40.5144636402745 + ], + [ + -3.656739504784819, + 40.51423513641405 + ], + [ + -3.656571620650396, + 40.51435041773827 + ], + [ + -3.65642269117631, + 40.514224843429034 + ], + [ + -3.656449769262509, + 40.514128089292655 + ], + [ + -3.65653641913834, + 40.51399633875479 + ], + [ + -3.656617653396931, + 40.51389752568149 + ], + [ + -3.656788245339975, + 40.513771950524074 + ], + [ + -3.657018409072652, + 40.51395928386936 + ], + [ + -3.65733251487254, + 40.514239253607606 + ] + ] + ] + ] + } + } + ], + "active": [ + { + "name": "status_pg", + "type": "Text", + "value": "text-rotation-interpolator({\"units\": \"hours\", \"text\": [[0,\"closed\"],[6,\"open\"],[22,\"closed\"]]})" + }, + { + "name": "dateModified", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + } + ] + }, + { + "schedule": "1 0 * * * *", + "entity_name": "pe-moraleja-01-group-01:01", + "entity_type": 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"DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "name": "TimeInstant", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "fillingLevel", + "schedule": "0 35 * * * 6", + "type": "Number", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator([[0,0.189],[1,0.198],[15,0.2],[21,0.25],[22,0.28],[23,0.29],[24,0.3]])", + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "dateUpdated", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "name": "TimeInstant", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + } + ] + }, + { + "name": "weight", + "schedule": "0 35 * * * 1,2,3,4", + "type": "Number", + "value": 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"time-random-linear-interpolator([[0,random(0,10)],[10,random(10,15)],[14,random(25,35)],[20,random(10,15)],[24,random(0,10)]])" + }, + { + "name": "methaneConcentration", + "metadata": [ + { + "name": "dateUpdated", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "name": "TimeInstant", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + } + ], + "type": "Number", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator([[0,random(1700,1600)],[20,random(1600,1700)],[21,random(1700,1750)],[22,random(1750,1800)],[23,random(1800,1850)],[24,random(1800,1850)]])" + }, + { + "name": "dateUpdated", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "name": "TimeInstant", + "type": "DateTime", + "value": "date-increment-interpolator({\"origin\": \"now\", \"increment\": 0})" + }, + { + "schedule": "0 30 2 * * 1,2,3,4,5", + 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"municipal" + }, + { + "name": "storedWasteKind", + "type": "List", + "value": "paper" + }, + { + "name": "status", + "type": "Text", + "value": "ok" + }, + { + "name": "areaServed", + "type": "Text", + "value": "distritotelefonica" + } + ] + } + ] +} diff --git a/ghpages/index.html b/ghpages/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..947b4dd --- /dev/null +++ b/ghpages/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ + + + + + + github-pages-test by Daniel Moran + + + + + + + +



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Complexity report

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+ + + + diff --git a/ghpages/javascripts/scale.fix.js b/ghpages/javascripts/scale.fix.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87a40ca --- /dev/null +++ b/ghpages/javascripts/scale.fix.js @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +var metas = document.getElementsByTagName('meta'); +var i; +if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) { + for (i=0; i= toDate.getTime()) { + emitProgressInfo(); + stop(); + } else { + clock.next(); + } + } +} + +/** + * Checks the pending update invocations and emits the "end" if none is pendingInvocations + */ +function checkPendingInvocations() { + for (var ii = 0; ii < updateJobs.length; ii++) { + if (updateJobs[ii].pendingInvocations().length === 0) { + updateJobs.splice(ii, 1); + break; + } + } + if (updateJobs.length === 0) { + return end(); + } else { + nextTick(); + } +} + +/** + * Generates a new device from a device description and a counter + * @param {Object} device The device description + * @param {Number} counter The counter + * @return {Object} The generated device + */ +function generateDevice(device, counter) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + var clonedDevice = cloneDevice(device); + clonedDevice.device_id = device.entity_type + ':' + counter; + clonedDevice.api_key = device.api_key; + clonedDevice.protocol = device.protocol; + return clonedDevice; +} + +/** + * Generates a new entity from a entity description and a counter + * @param {Object} entity The entity description + * @param {Number} counter The counter + * @return {Object} The generated device + */ +function generateEntity(entity, counter) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + var clonedEntity = cloneEntity(entity); + clonedEntity.entity_name = entity.entity_type + ':' + counter; + return clonedEntity; +} + +/** + * Adds an active attribute to certain schedule inside the schedules object + * @param {Object} schedules An object including schedules as properties and arrays of active attributes to update + * as values + * @param {String} schedule The schedule + * @param {Object} attribute Object containing the details of the attribute to update + */ +function addAttribute2Schedule(schedules, schedule, attribute) { + var theSchedule = typeof schedule === 'string' ? schedule : JSON.stringify(schedule); + schedules[theSchedule] = schedules[theSchedule] || []; + schedules[theSchedule].push(attribute); +} + +/** + * Returns the decimal date associated to certain date + * @param {date} date The date + * @return {Number} The time in decimal format + */ +function toDecimalHours(date) { + return date.getHours() + (date.getMinutes() / 60) + (date.getSeconds() / 3600); +} + +/** + * Returns the interpolated value for certain date based on the passed interpolator and interpolator type + * @param {Object} interpolator The interpolator specification + * @param {Object} interpolationType The interpolator type + * @return {Object} The interpolated value + */ +function interpolate(interpolator, interpolationType) { + var interpolationSpec, + interpolationFunction, + interpolatorInstance, + interpolationTypePlural = interpolationType + 's'; + + switch(interpolationType) { + case 'time-linear-interpolator': + interpolationFunction = linearInterpolator; + break; + case 'time-random-linear-interpolator': + interpolationFunction = randomLinearInterpolator; + break; + case 'time-step-before-interpolator': + interpolationFunction = stepBeforeInterpolator; + break; + case 'time-step-after-interpolator': + interpolationFunction = stepAfterInterpolator; + break; + case 'date-increment-interpolator': + interpolationFunction = dateIncrementInterpolator; + break; + case 'multiline-position-interpolator': + interpolationFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator; + break; + case 'text-rotation-interpolator': + interpolationFunction = textRotationInterpolator; + break; + case 'attribute-function-interpolator': + interpolationFunction = attributeFunctionInterpolator; + break; + default: + return null; + } + + if (interpolationType !== 'time-random-linear-interpolator') { + interpolationSpec = interpolator.substring((interpolationType + '(').length, interpolator.length - 1); + interpolators[interpolationTypePlural] = interpolators[interpolationTypePlural] || {}; + interpolatorInstance = interpolators[interpolationTypePlural][interpolationSpec] || + (interpolators[interpolationTypePlural][interpolationSpec] = + (interpolationType === 'attribute-function-interpolator' ? + interpolationFunction(interpolationSpec, configuration.domain, configuration.contextBroker) : + interpolationFunction(interpolationSpec))); + } else { + interpolationSpec = interpolator.substring((interpolationType + '(').length, interpolator.length - 1); + interpolatorInstance = interpolationFunction(interpolationSpec); + } + return interpolatorInstance.apply(null, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); +} + +/** + * Resolves a value for an interpolator and the current date + * @param {String} interpolator The value (may be an interpolator specification or concrete value) + * @return {Number} The final value for the interpolator and date specified + */ +function resolveValue(interpolator) { + var value; + if (typeof interpolator !== 'string') { + return interpolator; + } + if (interpolator.indexOf('time-linear-interpolator(') === 0) { + return interpolate(interpolator, 'time-linear-interpolator', toDecimalHours(new Date())); + } else if (interpolator.indexOf('time-random-linear-interpolator(') === 0) { + return interpolate(interpolator, 'time-random-linear-interpolator', toDecimalHours(new Date())); + } else if (interpolator.indexOf('time-step-before-interpolator(') === 0) { + return interpolate(interpolator, 'time-step-before-interpolator', toDecimalHours(new Date())); + } else if (interpolator.indexOf('time-step-after-interpolator(') === 0) { + return interpolate(interpolator, 'time-step-after-interpolator', toDecimalHours(new Date())); + } else if (interpolator.indexOf('date-increment-interpolator(') === 0) { + return interpolate(interpolator, 'date-increment-interpolator'); + } else if (interpolator.indexOf('multiline-position-interpolator(') === 0) { + return interpolate(interpolator, 'multiline-position-interpolator', toDecimalHours(new Date())); + } else if (interpolator.indexOf('text-rotation-interpolator(') === 0) { + return interpolate(interpolator, 'text-rotation-interpolator', new Date()); + } else if (interpolator.indexOf('attribute-function-interpolator(') === 0) { + try { + value = interpolate(interpolator, 'attribute-function-interpolator', + configuration.authentication && configuration.authentication.token); + } catch (exception) { + emitError(exception); + } + return value; + } else { + return interpolator; + } +} + +/** + * Returns the MQTT topic for certain device + * @param {Object} device The device information + * @return {string} The topic + */ +function getMQTTTopic(device) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + return '/' + getDeviceAPIKey(device) + '/' + device.device_id + '/attrs'; +} + +/** + * Returns the UltraLight payload + * @param {Object} device The device information + * @return {string} The payload + */ +function getUltraLightPayload(device) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + var httpMQTTPayload = '', + value; + if (device.protocol === 'UltraLight::HTTP' || device.protocol === 'UltraLight::MQTT') { + device.attributes.forEach(function(attribute) { + value = resolveValue(attribute.value); + /** + * Currently the UltraLight HTTP IoT agent does not support passing objects. Once it does, the "stringified" + * version should be passed: + * if ((typeof value === 'object') && !_.isDate(value)) { + * value = JSON.stringify(value); + * } + */ + httpMQTTPayload = httpMQTTPayload.concat(attribute.object_id + '|' + value + '|'); + }); + httpMQTTPayload = httpMQTTPayload.substring(0, httpMQTTPayload.length - 1); + } + return httpMQTTPayload; +} + +/** + * Returns the JSON payload + * @param {Object} device The device information + * @return {string} The payload + */ +function getJSONPayload(device) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + var jsonPayload = {}, + value; + if (device.protocol === 'JSON::HTTP' || device.protocol === 'JSON::MQTT') { + device.attributes.forEach(function(attribute) { + value = resolveValue(attribute.value); + jsonPayload[attribute.object_id] = value; + }); + } + return jsonPayload; +} + +/** + * Returns the request package options associated to the update of certain element (device or entity) and some of its + * attributes + * @param {String} elementType The element type + * @param {Object} element Element information + * @param {Array} attributes Array of attributes to update + * @return {Object} The request package options + */ +function getRequestOptions(elementType, element, attributes) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + var url, path, contentType, body, json, metadatas; + if (elementType === 'entity') { + contentType = 'application/json'; + json = true; + if ((configuration.contextBroker && configuration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion === '1.0') || + (configuration.subscriber && configuration.subscriber.ngsiVersion === '1.0')) { + var contextElement = {}; + contextElement.id = element.entity_name; + contextElement.type = element.entity_type; + contextElement.isPattern = false; + if (element.staticAttributes && element.staticAttributes.length) { + contextElement.attributes = []; + element.staticAttributes.forEach(function(staticAttribute) { + metadatas = []; + if (staticAttribute.metadata) { + staticAttribute.metadata.forEach(function(metadata) { + metadatas.push({ + name: metadata.name, + type: metadata.type, + value: resolveValue(metadata.value) + }); + }); + } + contextElement.attributes.push({ + name: staticAttribute.name, + type: staticAttribute.type, + value: resolveValue(staticAttribute.value), + metadatas: metadatas + }); + }); + } + contextElement.attributes = contextElement.attributes || []; + attributes.forEach(function(activeAttribute) { + metadatas = []; + if (activeAttribute.metadata) { + activeAttribute.metadata.forEach(function(metadata) { + metadatas.push({ + name: metadata.name, + type: metadata.type, + value: resolveValue(metadata.value) + }); + }); + } + contextElement.attributes.push({ + name: activeAttribute.name, + type: activeAttribute.type, + value: resolveValue(activeAttribute.value), + metadatas: metadatas + }); + }); + if (configuration.contextBroker) { + path = '/v1/updateContext'; + url = configuration.contextBroker.protocol + '://' + configuration.contextBroker.host + ':' + + configuration.contextBroker.port + path; + body = { + contextElements: [ + contextElement + ], + updateAction: 'APPEND' + }; + } else if (configuration.subscriber) { + url = configuration.subscriber.protocol + '://' + configuration.subscriber.host + ':' + + configuration.subscriber.port + configuration.subscriber.path; + body = { + subscriptionId: '1234567890abcdef12345678', + originator: 'fiware-device-simulator', + contextResponses: [ + { + contextElement: contextElement, + statusCode: { + code: '200', + reasonPhrase : 'OK' + } + } + ] + }; + } + } else if (configuration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion === '2.0') { + var ngsiV2Entity = {}; + path = '/v2/op/update'; + url = configuration.contextBroker.protocol + '://' + configuration.contextBroker.host + ':' + + configuration.contextBroker.port + path; + body = { + actionType: 'APPEND', + entities: [] + }; + ngsiV2Entity.id = element.entity_name; + ngsiV2Entity.type = element.entity_type; + if (element.staticAttributes && element.staticAttributes.length) { + element.staticAttributes.forEach(function(staticAttribute) { + ngsiV2Entity[staticAttribute.name] = { + type: staticAttribute.type, + value: resolveValue(staticAttribute.value) + }; + if (staticAttribute.metadata) { + ngsiV2Entity[staticAttribute.name].metadata = {}; + staticAttribute.metadata.forEach(function(metadata) { + ngsiV2Entity[staticAttribute.name].metadata[metadata.name] = { + type: metadata.type, + value: resolveValue(metadata.value) + }; + }); + } + }); + } + attributes.forEach(function(activeAttribute) { + ngsiV2Entity[activeAttribute.name] = { + type: activeAttribute.type, + value: resolveValue(activeAttribute.value) + }; + if (activeAttribute.metadata) { + ngsiV2Entity[activeAttribute.name].metadata = {}; + activeAttribute.metadata.forEach(function(metadata) { + ngsiV2Entity[activeAttribute.name].metadata[metadata.name] = { + type: metadata.type, + value: resolveValue(metadata.value) + }; + }); + } + }); + body.entities.push(ngsiV2Entity); + } else { + emitError(new fdsErrors.NGSIVersionNotSupported('The provided NGSI version (\'' + + configuration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion + '\') is not supported')); + return null; + } + } else if (elementType === 'device') { + if (element.protocol === 'UltraLight::HTTP') { + contentType = 'text/plain'; + url = configuration.iota.ultralight.http.protocol + '://' + configuration.iota.ultralight.http.host + ':' + + configuration.iota.ultralight.http.port + '/iot/d?i=' + element.device_id + '&k=' + + getDeviceAPIKey(element); + json = false; + body = getUltraLightPayload(element); + } else if (element.protocol === 'JSON::HTTP') { + contentType = 'application/json'; + url = configuration.iota.json.http.protocol + '://' + configuration.iota.json.http.host + ':' + + configuration.iota.json.http.port + '/iot/json?i=' + element.device_id + '&k=' + getDeviceAPIKey(element); + json = true; + body = getJSONPayload(element); + } else { + emitError(new fdsErrors.ProtocolNotSupported('The provided protocol (\'' + + element.protocol + '\') is not supported')); + return null; + } + } + + var options = { + method: 'POST', + url: url, + rejectUnauthorized: false, + headers: { + 'Content-Type': contentType, + 'Accept': 'application/json', + 'Fiware-Service': configuration.domain && configuration.domain.service, + 'Fiware-ServicePath': configuration.domain && configuration.domain.subservice, + 'X-Auth-Token': configuration.authentication && configuration.authentication.token + }, + json: json, + body: body + }; + return options; +} + +/** + * MQTT publications handler + * @param {Object} request The MQTT publication + * @param {Error} err Error, if any + * @param {[type]} result Result of the operation + */ +function onMQTTPublication(request, err, result) { + emitResponse(err, request, result); + process.nextTick(checkPendingInvocations); + nextTick(); +} + +/** + * Returns the update job name associated to certain entity and attributes + * @param {Object} element An entity or device + * @param {Array} attributes An array of attributes + * @return {String} The job name + */ +function getJobName(element, attributes) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + var jobName = ''; + var entityOrDeviceName = element.entity_name || element.object_id; + jobName += (entityOrDeviceName + ': '); + for (var ii = 0; ii < attributes.length; ii++) { + if (ii > 0) { + jobName += ', '; + } + jobName += attributes[ii].name; + } + return jobName; + /* jshint camelcase: true */ +} + +/** + * Updates the attributes associated to certain element (device or entity) + * @param {Object} elementType The element type + * @param {Object} element The element information + * @param {Array} attributes The attributes to update + */ +function update(elementType, element, attributes) { + updatesProcessed++; + if (maximumNotRespondedUpdateRequests >= 0) { + if ((updatesRequested - updatesResponded) > maximumNotRespondedUpdateRequests || + (updatesProcessed - delayedUpdateRequests - updatesRequested) > (maximumNotRespondedUpdateRequests + 1)) { + delayedUpdateRequests++; + var jobName = getJobName(element, attributes); + var reScheduledJob = scheduler.scheduleJob( + jobName, new Date(Date.now() + delay), update.bind(null, elementType, element, attributes)); + updateJobs.push(reScheduledJob); + return; + } + } + var mqttProtocol, mqttHost, mqttPort, mqttUser, mqttPassword, mqttURL, mqttTopic, mqttPayload, mqttRequest; + if (elementType === 'entity' || + (elementType === 'device' && + (element.protocol === 'UltraLight::HTTP' || element.protocol === 'JSON::HTTP'))) { + var requestOptions = getRequestOptions(elementType, element, attributes); + if (requestOptions) { + request(requestOptions, function(err, response, body) { + emitResponse(err, requestOptions, body, response); + updatesResponded++; + process.nextTick(checkPendingInvocations); + nextTick(); + }); + emitRequest(requestOptions); + updatesRequested++; + } + } else if (element.protocol === 'UltraLight::MQTT' || element.protocol === 'JSON::MQTT') { + if (element.protocol === 'UltraLight::MQTT') { + mqttProtocol = configuration.iota.ultralight.mqtt.protocol; + mqttHost = configuration.iota.ultralight.mqtt.host; + mqttPort = configuration.iota.ultralight.mqtt.port; + mqttUser = configuration.iota.ultralight.mqtt.user; + mqttPassword = configuration.iota.ultralight.mqtt.password; + } else if (element.protocol === 'JSON::MQTT') { + mqttProtocol = configuration.iota.json.mqtt.protocol; + mqttHost = configuration.iota.json.mqtt.host; + mqttPort = configuration.iota.json.mqtt.port; + mqttUser = configuration.iota.json.mqtt.user; + mqttPassword = configuration.iota.json.mqtt.password; + } + mqttURL = mqttProtocol + '://' + mqttHost + ':' + mqttPort; + mqttTopic = getMQTTTopic(element); + mqttPayload = (element.protocol === 'UltraLight::MQTT') ? + getUltraLightPayload(element) : JSON.stringify(getJSONPayload(element)); + mqttRequest = { + url: mqttURL, + topic: mqttTopic, + payload: mqttPayload + }; + if (!mqttClient || !isMQTTClientConnected) { + if (mqttUser && mqttPassword) { + mqttClient = mqtt.connect( + mqttURL, + { + username: mqttUser, + password: mqttPassword + } + ); + } else { + mqttClient = mqtt.connect(mqttURL); + } + mqttClient.on('error', function onMQTTClientError(ev) { + emitError(ev); + }); + mqttClient.on('connect', function onMQTTClientConnect() { + isMQTTClientConnected = true; + mqttClient.removeListener('connect', onMQTTClientConnect); + emitRequest(mqttRequest); + mqttClient.publish(mqttTopic, mqttPayload, onMQTTPublication.bind(null, mqttRequest)); + }); + } else { + emitRequest(mqttRequest); + mqttClient.publish(getMQTTTopic(element), getUltraLightPayload(element), + onMQTTPublication.bind(null, mqttRequest)); + } + } +} + +/** + * Schedules the jobs associated to the update of the attributes associated to certain element (device or entity) + * @param {String} elementType The element type + * @param {Object} element The element + */ +function scheduleJobs4Element(elementType, element) { + var schedules = {}; + var attributes = (elementType === 'device' ? element.attributes : element.active); + var scheduleObj; + if (attributes && attributes.length > 0) { + attributes.forEach(function(attribute) { + addAttribute2Schedule(schedules, attribute.schedule || element.schedule, attribute); + }); + } else if (element.staticAttributes) { + schedules[element.schedule] = schedules[element.schedule] || []; + } + for (var schedule in schedules) { + if (schedules.hasOwnProperty(schedule)) { + scheduleObj = null; + if (schedule.charAt(0) === '{') { + scheduleObj = JSON.parse(schedule); + scheduleObj.start = new Date(scheduleObj.start); + scheduleObj.end = new Date(scheduleObj.end); + } + var jobName = getJobName(element, schedules[schedule]); + var updateJob = scheduler.scheduleJob( + jobName, + schedule === 'once' ? new Date(Date.now() + 500) : scheduleObj || schedule, + update.bind(null, elementType, element, schedules[schedule]) + ); + updateJobs.push(updateJob); + emitScheduled(scheduleObj || schedule, elementType, element, schedules[schedule]); } + } +} + +/** + * Schedules jobs to update the entities + */ +function scheduleJobs() { + if (configuration.entities) { + configuration.entities.forEach(function(entity) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + if (entity.entity_name) { + /* jshint camelcase: true */ + scheduleJobs4Element('entity', entity); + } else if (entity.count) { + for (var ii = 1; ii <= entity.count; ii++) { + var generatedEntity = generateEntity(entity, ii); + scheduleJobs4Element('entity', generatedEntity); + } + } + }); + } + if (configuration.devices) { + configuration.devices.forEach(function(device) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + if (device.device_id) { + /* jshint camelcase: true */ + scheduleJobs4Element('device', device); + } else if (device.count) { + for (var ii = 1; ii <= device.count; ii++) { + var generatedDevice = generateDevice(device, ii); + scheduleJobs4Element('device', generatedDevice); + } + } + }); + } + areJobsScheduled = true; + nextTick(); +} + +/** + * Requests an authorization tokens + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function requestToken(callback) { + var tokenRequestOptions; + if (configuration.authentication.provider === 'keystone') { + tokenRequestOptions = { + method: 'POST', + url: configuration.authentication.protocol + '://' + configuration.authentication.host + ':' + + configuration.authentication.port + '/v3/auth/tokens', + rejectUnauthorized: false, + headers: { + 'Content-Type': 'application/json', + 'Accept': 'application/json' + }, + json: true, + body: { + auth: { + identity: { + methods: [ + 'password' + ], + password: { + user: { + domain: { + name: configuration.domain.service + }, + name: configuration.authentication.user, + password: configuration.authentication.password + } + } + }, + scope: { + project: { + domain: { + name: configuration.domain.service + }, + name: configuration.domain.subservice + } + } + } + } + }; + } else if (configuration.authentication.provider === 'fiware-lab') { + tokenRequestOptions = { + method: 'POST', + url: configuration.authentication.protocol + '://' + configuration.authentication.host + ':' + + configuration.authentication.port + '/token', + rejectUnauthorized: false, + headers: { + 'Content-Type': 'application/json', + 'Accept': 'application/json' + }, + json: true, + body: { + username: configuration.authentication.user, + password: configuration.authentication.password + } + }; + } + + request(tokenRequestOptions, function(err, response, body) { + var error; + if (err) { + error = err; + } else if (response.statusCode.toString().charAt(0) !== '2') { + error = new fdsErrors.TokenNotAvailable('Authorization token could not be generated due to error (code: ' + + (body && body.error && body.error.code) + ', title: ' + (body && body.error && body.error.title) + + ', message: ' + (body && body.error && body.error.message) + ')'); + } + if (error) { + emitError(error); + } + process.nextTick(callback.bind(null, error, response, body)); + nextTick(); + }); + emitTokenRequest(tokenRequestOptions); +} + +/** + * Token received handler + * @param {Object} err The error, if any + * @param {Object} response The response + * @param {Object} body The response body + */ +function onTokenResponse(err, response, body) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + if (err || response.statusCode.toString().charAt(0) !== '2') { + end(); + } else { + var token, + expires_at; + if (configuration.authentication.provider === 'keystone') { + token = response.headers['x-subject-token']; + expires_at = fromDate ? + new Date(Date.now() + (new Date(body.token.expires_at).getTime() - new Date(body.token.issued_at).getTime())) : + new Date(body.token.expires_at); + } else if (configuration.authentication.provider === 'fiware-lab') { + token = body; + expires_at = new Date(Date.now + 3600000); + } + emitTokenResponse(expires_at); + configuration.authentication.token = token; + var scheduleDate = new Date(expires_at.getTime() - 60000); + if (configuration.authentication.retry) { + scheduler.scheduleJob(scheduleDate, + async.retry.bind(null, configuration.authentication.retry, requestToken, onTokenResponse)); + } else { + scheduler.scheduleJob(scheduleDate, requestToken.bind(null, onTokenResponse)); + } + emitTokenRequestScheduled(scheduleDate); + if (!areJobsScheduled) { + scheduleJobs(); + } + nextTick(); + } + /* jshint camelcase: true */ +} + +/** + * Transpiles a simulation configuration into another simulation configuration resolving the possible import() + * directives + * @param {Object} configuration The input simulation configuration + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function transpile(configuration, callback) { + emitInfo('Starting the simulation configuration transpiling...'); + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile(configuration, function(err, newConfiguration) { + if (err) { + return process.nextTick(callback.bind(null, err)); + } + emitInfo('Simulation configuration transpiling successfully completed!'); + return process.nextTick(callback.bind(null, err, newConfiguration)); + }); +} + +/** + * Set the global variables to be passed amongs the attribute-function-interpolator interpolators + * @param {Object} configuration The simulation configuration + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function setGlobals(configuration, callback) { + global.fdsGlobals = configuration.globals; + process.nextTick(callback.bind(null, null, configuration)); +} + +/** + * Imports the packages included in the require property of the simulation configuration + * @param {Object} configuration The simulation configuration + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function importPackages(configuration, callback) { + if (configuration.require) { + emitInfo('Requiring the following NPM packages: ' + configuration.require); + npmInstall( + configuration.require, + { + cache: true, + silent: true + }, + function(err) { + var error; + if (err) { + error = new fdsErrors.PackageNotImported('Some of the packages included in the \'require\' list (' + + configuration.require + ') could not be imported'); + } + emitInfo('NPM packages (' + configuration.require + ') successfully required and available!'); + delete configuration.require; + return process.nextTick(callback.bind(null, error, configuration)); + } + ); + } else { + process.nextTick(callback.bind(null, null, configuration)); + } +} + +/** + * Starts a simulation according to certain simulation configuration + * @param {Object} config A JSON simulation configuration Object + * @param {Date} fromDate The starting date for a fast-forward simulation + * @param {Date} toDate The ending date for a fast-forward simulation + * @param {Number} interval The interval in milliseconds to show progress information for a fast-forward + * simulation + * @param {Number} margin The maximun number of update requests for which no response has been received before + * applying a delay + * @param {Number} delay The delay in milliseconds between update requests for a fast-forward simulation + * @return {EventEmitter} EventEmitter instance to notify the following events: + * - "token-request": Whenever a new authorization token is requested. No event + * object is passed as additional information for this event occurrence. + * - "token-response": Whenever a new authorization token is received. The passed + * event includes the following properties: + * - {Date} expires_at The expiration date + * - "token-request-scheduled": Whenever a new authorization token request is + * scheduled. The passed event includes the following properties: + * - {Date} scheduled_at The scheduled date + * - "update-scheduled": Whenever a new entity update is scheduled. The passed event + * includes the following properties: + * - {String} schedule The schedule + * - {Object} entity Information about the entity to be updated + * - {Array} attributes The attributes to be updated + * - "update-request": Whenever a new entity update is requested. + * - {Object} request Details about the update request + * - "update-response": Whenever a new entity update response is received. + * - {Object} request Details about the update request + * - {Object} response The body of the received update response + * - "error": Whenever an error happens + * - {Error} error The error + * - {Object} request The optional associated request (optional) + * - "stop": Whenever the simulation is stopped. No event object is passed as + * additional information for this event occurrence. + * - "end": Whenever the simulation ends. No event object is passed as additional + * information for this event occurrence. + */ +function start(config, theFromDate, theToDate, interval, margin, theDelay) { + realFromDate = new time.Date(); + updatesProcessed = 0; + updatesRequested = 0; + updatesResponded = 0; + delayedUpdateRequests = 0; + errorUpdateRequests = 0; + isEnded = false; + stopProgressInfo(); + cancelAllJobs(); + async.waterfall([ + // Needed to be able to return the eventEmitter and start emitting events + function(callback) { + return process.nextTick(callback); + }, + async.apply(transpile, config), + fiwareDeviceSimulatorValidator.validateConfiguration, + setGlobals, + importPackages + ], function(err, newConfig) { + if (err) { + process.nextTick(function notifySimulationConfigurationError() { + emitError(err); + end(); + }); + } else { + emitInfo('Simulation started...'); + startProgressInfo(interval); + if (theFromDate) { + clock = lolex.install(theFromDate.getTime()); + } + configuration = newConfig; + maximumNotRespondedUpdateRequests = margin; + delay = theDelay; + fromDate = theFromDate; + toDate = theToDate; + if (configuration.authentication) { + if (configuration.authentication.retry) { + process.nextTick( + async.retry.bind(null, configuration.authentication.retry, requestToken, onTokenResponse)); + nextTick(); + } else { + process.nextTick(requestToken.bind(null, onTokenResponse)); + nextTick(); + } + } else { + process.nextTick(scheduleJobs); + nextTick(); + } + } + }); + return eventEmitter; +} + +module.exports = { + start: start, + stop: stop +}; diff --git a/lib/interpolators/attributeFunctionInterpolator.js b/lib/interpolators/attributeFunctionInterpolator.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d0bca7 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/interpolators/attributeFunctionInterpolator.js @@ -0,0 +1,333 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var async = require('async'); +var deasync = require('deasync'); +var _eval = require('eval'); +var request = require('request'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); + +var domainConf, contextBrokerConf; + +var VARIABLE_RE = /\${{[^{}]+}{[^{}]+}}/g; +var ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_RE = /{[^{}]+}/g; +var STATE_RE = /\/\*\s*[^:]+:\s*(.*)\s*\*\//; + +/** + * Returns the entity-attribute map for the passed spec + * @param {string} spec The spec + * @return {Object} The entity-attribute map + */ +function getEntityAttributeMap(spec) { + var entityAttributeMap = {}; + var variableMatches = spec.match(VARIABLE_RE); + if (!variableMatches) { + return entityAttributeMap; + } + spec.match(VARIABLE_RE).forEach(function(specMatch) { + var entityName, attributeName; + var entry = specMatch.match(ENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_RE); + entityName = entry[0].substring(1, entry[0].length - 1); + attributeName = entry[1].substring(1, entry[1].length - 1); + entityAttributeMap[entityName] = entityAttributeMap[entityName] || []; + if (entityAttributeMap[entityName].indexOf(attributeName) === - 1) { + entityAttributeMap[entityName].push(attributeName); + } + }); + return entityAttributeMap; +} + +/** + * Sends a HTTP request + * @param {String} token The authorization token + * @param {Object} requestOptions The request options + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function sendRequest(token, requestOptions, callback) { + requestOptions.headers['X-Auth-Token'] = token; + request(requestOptions, callback); +} + +/** + * Returns the entity name from an entity name and possible type pair + * @param {String} entity The entity name and possible type pair + * @return {String} The entity name + */ +function getEntityName(entity) { + var entityName; + if (entity.indexOf(':#:') === -1) { + entityName = entity; + } else { + entityName = entity.substring(0, entity.indexOf(':#:')); + } + return entityName; +} + +/** + * Returns the entity type (if any) from an entity name and possible type pair + * @param {String} entity The entity name and possible type pair + * @return {String} The entity type or undefined if no type + */ +function getEntityType(entity) { + var entityType; + if (entity.indexOf(':#:') !== -1) { + entityType = entity.substring(entity.indexOf(':#:') + 3); + } + return entityType; +} + +/** + * Returns the request options from a entity-attribute map + * @param {Object} domainConf The domain configuration + * @param {Object} contextBrokerConf The Context Broker configuration + * @param {Object} entityAttributeMap The entity-attribute map + * @return {Array} The request options array + */ +function getRequestOptions(domainConf, contextBrokerConf, entityAttributeMap) { + var body, + requestOptions = [], + entityName, + entityType; + + var entities = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(entityAttributeMap); + + entities.forEach(function(entity) { + entityName = getEntityName(entity); + entityType = getEntityType(entity); + body = { + entities: [ + { + id: entityName, + isPattern: 'false' + } + ] + }; + if (entityType) { + body.entities[0].type = entityType; + } + entityAttributeMap[entity].forEach(function(attribute) { + body.attributes = body.attributes || []; + body.attributes.push(attribute); + }); + + requestOptions.push( + { + method: 'POST', + url: contextBrokerConf.protocol + '://' + contextBrokerConf.host + ':' + contextBrokerConf.port + + '/v1/queryContext', + rejectUnauthorized: false, + headers: { + 'Content-Type': 'application/json', + 'Accept': 'application/json', + 'Fiware-Service': domainConf.service, + 'Fiware-ServicePath': domainConf.subservice + }, + json: true, + body: body + } + ); + }); + return requestOptions; +} + +/** + * Returns the attribute value from the received responses + * @param {Array} responses The array of responses + * @param {String} entity The entity name and optional type + * @param {String} attribute The attribute name + * @return {Object} The attribute value + */ +function getAttributeValue(responses, entity, attribute) { + var entityName = getEntityName(entity); + var entityType = getEntityType(entity); + + for (var ii = 0; ii < responses.length; ii++) { + if (responses[ii].body.contextResponses[0].contextElement.id === entityName && + (entityType ? responses[ii].body.contextResponses[0].contextElement.type === entityType : true)) { + for (var jj = 0; jj < responses[ii].body.contextResponses[0].contextElement.attributes.length; jj++) { + if (responses[ii].body.contextResponses[0].contextElement.attributes[jj].name === attribute) { + return responses[ii].body.contextResponses[0].contextElement.attributes[jj].value; + } + } + } + } +} + +/** + * Checks if there has been an error when getting the attibute values + * @param {Array} responseArray Array of responsees obtained from the Context Broker + * @return {Boolean} True if there has been any error, false otherwise + */ +function checkError(responseArray) { + for (var ii = 0; ii < responseArray.length; ii++) { + if (parseInt(responseArray[ii].statusCode, 10) !== 200 || + (responseArray[ii].body.errorCode && parseInt(responseArray[ii].body.errorCode.code, 10) !== 200)) { + return true; + } + } + return false; +} + +/** + * Composes the state map from the state specification included in the interpolator specification + * @param {String} spec The interpolator specification + * @return {Object} The generated state map + */ +function generateStateMap(spec) { + var stateMap = {}, + stateRegExpResult = STATE_RE.exec(spec), + stateVariables, + stateVariablesArray; + if (stateRegExpResult && stateRegExpResult.length >= 1) { + stateVariables = stateRegExpResult[1]; + if (stateVariables) { + stateVariablesArray = stateVariables.split(','); + stateVariablesArray.forEach(function(variable) { + if (variable.indexOf('=') !== -1) { + stateMap[variable.trim().substring(0, variable.trim().indexOf('=')).trim()] = + JSON.parse(variable.trim().substring(variable.trim().indexOf('=') + 1)); + } else { + stateMap[variable.trim()] = null; + } + }); + } + } + return stateMap; +} +module.exports = function(interpolationSpec, theDomainConf, theContextBrokerConf){ + var entityAttributeMap, + requestOptions, + stateMap; + + domainConf = theDomainConf; + contextBrokerConf = theContextBrokerConf; + + /** + * Returns the variable map to be passed to the Javascript code to evaluated + * @return {Object} The variable map + */ + function getVariableMap() { + var variableMap = {}, globalNames, stateMapNames; + globalNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(global.fdsGlobals); + globalNames.forEach(function(globalName) { + variableMap[globalName] = global.fdsGlobals[globalName]; + }); + stateMapNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(stateMap); + stateMapNames.forEach(function(stateMapEntry) { + variableMap[stateMapEntry] = stateMap[stateMapEntry]; + }); + return variableMap; + } + + /** + * Process the evaluated value returned by the Javascript code + * @param {Object} evaluatedValue The evaluated value + * @return {Object} The post-processed evaluated value + */ + function processEvaluatedValue(evaluatedValue) { + var globalNames, stateMapNames; + if (typeof evaluatedValue === 'object') { + if (evaluatedValue.state && typeof evaluatedValue.state === 'object') { + if (evaluatedValue.state.globals) { + globalNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(evaluatedValue.state.globals); + globalNames.forEach(function(globalName) { + global.fdsGlobals[globalName] = evaluatedValue.state.globals[globalName]; + }); + delete evaluatedValue.state.globals; + } + stateMapNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(evaluatedValue.state); + stateMapNames.forEach(function(stateMapEntry) { + stateMap[stateMapEntry] = evaluatedValue.state[stateMapEntry]; + }); + } + if (evaluatedValue.result || evaluatedValue.result === 0 || evaluatedValue.result === false) { + evaluatedValue = evaluatedValue.result; + } + } + return evaluatedValue; + } + /** + * Returns the new interpolated value asynchronously + * @return {Object} The new interpolated value + */ + function attributeFunctionInterpolator(token, callback) { + var evalStr = interpolationSpec, + evalStrAux; + + async.map(requestOptions, sendRequest.bind(null, token), function(err, responseArray) { + if (err || checkError(responseArray)) { + return callback( + new fdsErrors.ValueResolutionError('Error when getting some attribute value from the Context Broker ' + + 'for an attribute-function-interpolator resolution with spec: \'' + interpolationSpec + '\'')); + } + var entities = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(entityAttributeMap); + entities.forEach(function(entity) { + entityAttributeMap[entity].forEach(function(attribute) { + // String.replace() global replace can only be done with a regular expression so we loop until no more changes + evalStrAux = null; + while (evalStrAux !== evalStr) { + evalStrAux = evalStr; + evalStr = evalStr.replace(new RegExp('${{' + entity + '}{' + attribute + '}}', 'g').source, + getAttributeValue(responseArray, entity, attribute)); + } + }); + }); + + var evaluatedValue; + try { + if (evalStr.indexOf('module.exports') !== -1) { + global.SimulationDate = Date; + global.fdsGlobals = global.fdsGlobals || {}; + var variableMap = getVariableMap(); + evaluatedValue = _eval(evalStr, variableMap, true); + evaluatedValue = processEvaluatedValue(evaluatedValue); + } else { + /* jshint evil: true */ + evaluatedValue = eval(evalStr); + /* jshint evil: false */ + } + } catch (exception) { + return callback( + new fdsErrors.ValueResolutionError('Error when evaluating the Javascript code ' + + 'for an attribute-function-interpolator resolution with spec: \'' + interpolationSpec + '\'')); + } + callback(null, evaluatedValue); + }); + } + + if (typeof interpolationSpec !== 'string') { + try { + interpolationSpec = JSON.stringify(interpolationSpec); + } catch (exception) { + throw new fdsErrors.ValueResolutionError('Error when evaluating the Javascript code ' + + 'for an attribute-function-interpolator resolution with spec: \'' + interpolationSpec + '\''); + } + } + entityAttributeMap = getEntityAttributeMap(interpolationSpec); + stateMap = generateStateMap(interpolationSpec); + requestOptions = getRequestOptions(domainConf, contextBrokerConf, entityAttributeMap); + return deasync(attributeFunctionInterpolator); +}; diff --git a/lib/interpolators/dateIncrementInterpolator.js b/lib/interpolators/dateIncrementInterpolator.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a67dcde --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/interpolators/dateIncrementInterpolator.js @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); + +/** + * Checks if the provided interpolation object is a valid once + * @param {Object} interpolationObject The interpolation object + * @return {Boolean} True if the interpolation object is valid, false otherwise + */ +function isValidInterpolationObject(interpolationObject) { + return ((interpolationObject.origin && + (interpolationObject.origin === 'now' || !isNaN(Date.parse(interpolationObject.origin)))) && + ((interpolationObject.increment !== undefined) && (typeof interpolationObject.increment === 'number'))); +} + +module.exports = function(interpolationObjectOrSpec) { + var interpolationObject; + + /** + * The date increment interpolator function + * @return {Date} The interpolated new Date + */ + function dateIncrementInterpolator() { + var originDate; + if (interpolationObject.origin === 'now') { + originDate = new Date(); + } else { + originDate = new Date(interpolationObject.origin); + } + return new Date(originDate.getTime() + (interpolationObject.increment * 1000)).toISOString(); + } + + if ((typeof interpolationObjectOrSpec === 'object')) { + if (isValidInterpolationObject(interpolationObjectOrSpec)) { + interpolationObject = interpolationObjectOrSpec; + } else { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation object or spec (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an object including the "origin" (as "now" or ' + + 'a valid date string) and "increment" (as an integer) properties)'); + } + } else { + interpolationObject = JSON.parse(interpolationObjectOrSpec); + if (!isValidInterpolationObject(interpolationObject)) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation object or spec (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an object including the "origin" (as "now" or ' + + 'a valid date string) and "increment" (as an integer) properties)'); + } + } + interpolationObject = interpolationObject || interpolationObjectOrSpec; + return dateIncrementInterpolator; +}; diff --git a/lib/interpolators/linearInterpolator.js b/lib/interpolators/linearInterpolator.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f3af17 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/interpolators/linearInterpolator.js @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); +var linearInterpolator = require('linear-interpolator'); + +/** + * Validates the entries of an interpolation array + * @param {Array} entry The entry to Validates + * @return {Boolean} True if the entry is valid, false otherwise + */ +function interpolatorArrayValidator(entry) { + return Array.isArray(entry) && (entry.length === 2) && + (typeof entry[0] === 'number') && (typeof entry[1] === 'number'); +} + +/** + * Checks if the provided interpolation array is a valid once + * @param {Array} interpolationArray The interpolation array + * @return {Boolean} True if the interpolation array is valid, false otherwise + */ +function isValidInterpolationArray(interpolationArray) { + var interpolationArrayObject = interpolationArray; + if (typeof interpolationArray === 'string' && + interpolationArray.charAt(0) === '[' && interpolationArray.charAt(interpolationArray.length -1) === ']') { + try { + interpolationArrayObject = JSON.parse(interpolationArray); + } catch(exception) { + return false; + } + } + return Array.isArray(interpolationArrayObject) && interpolationArrayObject.every(interpolatorArrayValidator); +} + +/** + * Sorts the interpolation array according to the entries on the X-axis + * @param {Array} entryA First entry to compare + * @param {Array} entryB Second entry to compare + * @return {Number} Negative number if entryA should go before entryB, possitive number if entryA should go + * after entryB and 0 if they should be left unchanged + */ +function sortInterpolationArray(entryA, entryB) { + return entryA[0] - entryB[0]; +} + +/** + * Checks if the provided interpolation object is a valid once + * @param {Object} interpolationObject The interpolation object + * @return {Boolean} True if the interpolation object is valid, false otherwise + */ +function isValidInterpolationObject(interpolationObject) { + return (interpolationObject.spec && isValidInterpolationArray(interpolationObject.spec) && + interpolationObject.return && (interpolationObject.return.type === 'float' || + interpolationObject.return.type === 'integer') && + ((interpolationObject.return.type === 'integer') ? + ['ceil', 'floor', 'round'].indexOf(interpolationObject.return.rounding) !== -1 : + true)); +} + +module.exports = function(interpolationObjectOrSpec) { + var interpolationObject, interpolationArray, originalLinearInterpolator; + + /** + * Final linear interpolator + * @param {Number} input A float number between 0 and 24 corresponding to the decimal hours + * @return {Number} Float or integer number according to the specification + */ + function finalLinearInterpolator(input) { + var output = originalLinearInterpolator(input); + if (interpolationObject.return.type === 'float') { + return output; + } else { + // In this case: interpolationObject.return.type === 'integer' + switch (interpolationObject.return.rounding) { + case 'ceil': + return Math.ceil(output); + case 'floor': + return Math.floor(output); + case 'round': + return Math.round(output); + } + } + } + + if (Array.isArray(interpolationObjectOrSpec)) { + if (isValidInterpolationArray(interpolationObjectOrSpec)) { + interpolationArray = interpolationObjectOrSpec; + } else { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation array or specification (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an array of arrays of 2 number elements)'); + } + } else if (typeof interpolationObjectOrSpec === 'string' && interpolationObjectOrSpec.charAt(0) === '[' && + interpolationObjectOrSpec.charAt(interpolationObjectOrSpec.length - 1) === ']') { + try { + interpolationArray = JSON.parse(interpolationObjectOrSpec); + } catch(exception) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation array or specification (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an array of arrays of 2 number elements)'); + } + if (!isValidInterpolationArray(interpolationArray)) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation array or specification (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an array of arrays of 2 number elements)'); + } + } else if (typeof interpolationObjectOrSpec === 'object') { + if (isValidInterpolationObject(interpolationObjectOrSpec)) { + interpolationObject = interpolationObjectOrSpec; + } else { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation object or spec (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an object including the "spec" and ' + + '"return" properties, where the "return" property is an object including the "type" property and, ' + + 'in case "type" is equal to "integer" a "rounding" property)'); + } + } else { + try { + interpolationObject = JSON.parse(interpolationObjectOrSpec); + } catch(exception) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation array or specification (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an array of arrays of 2 number elements)'); + } + if (!isValidInterpolationObject(interpolationObject)) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation object or spec (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an object including the "spec" and ' + + '"return" properties, where the "return" property is an object including the "type" property and, ' + + 'in case "type" is equal to "integer" a "rounding" property)'); + } + } + + if (interpolationArray) { + interpolationObject = { + spec: interpolationArray, + return: { + type: 'float' + } + }; + } + interpolationObject = interpolationObject || interpolationObjectOrSpec; + if (typeof interpolationObject.spec === 'string') { + try { + interpolationObject.spec = JSON.parse(interpolationObject.spec); + } + catch(exception) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation array or specification (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an array of arrays of 2 number elements)'); + } + } + interpolationArray = interpolationObject.spec.sort(sortInterpolationArray); + originalLinearInterpolator = linearInterpolator(interpolationArray); + return finalLinearInterpolator; +}; diff --git a/lib/interpolators/multilinePositionInterpolator.js b/lib/interpolators/multilinePositionInterpolator.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68c3df5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/interpolators/multilinePositionInterpolator.js @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var turfLineString = require('turf-linestring'); +var turfLineDistance = require('turf-line-distance'); +var turfAlong = require('turf-along'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); + +module.exports = function(interpolationObjectOrSpec){ + var interpolationObject, + distanceUnits, + line, + lineDistance, + isError = false; + + /** + * Validates the coordinates property value + * @param {Array} coordinates The coordinates array + * @return {Boolean} True if the coordinates array is valid, false otherwise + */ + function isValidCoordinates(coordinates) { + if (!Array.isArray(coordinates)) { + return false; + } + for (var ii = 0; ii < coordinates.length; ii++) { + if (!Array.isArray(coordinates[ii]) || (coordinates[ii].length !== 2) || + (typeof coordinates[ii][0] !== 'number') || (typeof coordinates[ii][1] !== 'number')) { + return false; + } + } + line = turfLineString(coordinates); + lineDistance = turfLineDistance(line, distanceUnits); + return true; + } + + /** + * Validates the interpolation object + * @param {Object} interpolationObject The interpolation object to validate + * @return {Boolean} True if the interpolation object is valid, false otherwise + */ + function isValidInterpolationObject(interpolationObject) { + if (!interpolationObject.coordinates || !isValidCoordinates(interpolationObject.coordinates)) { + return false; + } + if (!interpolationObject.speed || (typeof interpolationObject.speed !== 'object') || + (typeof interpolationObject.speed.value !== 'number') || + ((interpolationObject.speed.units !== 'km/h') && (interpolationObject.speed.units !== 'mi/h'))) { + return false; + } + distanceUnits = (interpolationObject.speed.units === 'km/h' ? 'kilometers' : 'miles'); + if (!interpolationObject.time || (typeof interpolationObject.time.from !== 'number') || + (typeof interpolationObject.time.to !== 'number')) { + return false; + } + return true; + } + + /** + * Returns the new interpolated position for the passed decimal hours + * @param {Number} decimalHours The decimal hours + * @return {Object} The new interpolated position + */ + function multilinePositionInterpolator(decimalHours) { + var traveledDistance, + traveledDistanceModulus; + if (decimalHours < interpolationObject.time.from) { + return turfAlong(line, 0, distanceUnits).geometry; + } else if (decimalHours > interpolationObject.time.to) { + traveledDistance = interpolationObject.speed.value * + (interpolationObject.time.to - interpolationObject.time.from); + } + traveledDistance = + traveledDistance || interpolationObject.speed.value * (decimalHours - interpolationObject.time.from); + traveledDistanceModulus = traveledDistance % lineDistance; + return turfAlong(line, traveledDistanceModulus, distanceUnits).geometry; + } + + if (typeof interpolationObjectOrSpec === 'object') { + interpolationObject = interpolationObjectOrSpec; + if (!isValidInterpolationObject(interpolationObject)) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation object or specification (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should include the following properties: "coordinates" ' + + '(array of points (array of 2 floats or integers), "speed" (an object with a "value" (number) property and a ' + + '"units" ("km/h" or "mi/h") property) and a "time" (an object with a "from" (decimal hours) and "to" ' + + '(decimal hours) properties)'); + } + } else { + try { + interpolationObject = JSON.parse(interpolationObjectOrSpec); + } catch(exception) { + isError = true; + } + if (isError || !isValidInterpolationObject(interpolationObject)) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation object or specification (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should include the following properties: "coordinates" ' + + '(array of points (array of 2 floats or integers), "speed" (an object with a "value" (number) property and a ' + + '"units" ("km/h" or "mi/h") property) and a "time" (an object with a "from" (decimal hours) and "to" ' + + '(decimal hours) properties)'); + } + } + return multilinePositionInterpolator; +}; diff --git a/lib/interpolators/randomLinearInterpolator.js b/lib/interpolators/randomLinearInterpolator.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e9ee00 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/interpolators/randomLinearInterpolator.js @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); +var linearInterpolator = require('linear-interpolator'); + +/** + * Validates the entries of an interpolation array + * @param {Array} entry The entry to Validates + * @return {Boolean} True if the entry is valid, false otherwise + */ +function interpolatorArrayValidator(entry) { + return Array.isArray(entry) && (entry.length === 2) && + (typeof entry[0] === 'number') && (typeof entry[1] === 'number'); +} + +/** + * Checks if the provided interpolation array is a valid once + * @param {Array} interpolationArray The interpolation array + * @return {Boolean} True if the interpolation array is valid, false otherwise + */ +function isValidInterpolationArray(interpolationArray) { + var interpolationArrayObject = interpolationArray; + if (typeof interpolationArray === 'string' && + interpolationArray.charAt(0) === '[' && interpolationArray.charAt(interpolationArray.length -1) === ']') { + try { + interpolationArrayObject = JSON.parse(interpolationArray); + } catch(exception) { + return false; + } + } + return Array.isArray(interpolationArrayObject) && interpolationArrayObject.every(interpolatorArrayValidator); +} + +/** + * Sorts the interpolation array according to the entries on the X-axis + * @param {Array} entryA First entry to compare + * @param {Array} entryB Second entry to compare + * @return {Number} Negative number if entryA should go before entryB, possitive number if entryA should go + * after entryB and 0 if they should be left unchanged + */ +function sortInterpolationArray(entryA, entryB) { + return entryA[0] - entryB[0]; +} + +/** + * Checks if the provided interpolation object is a valid once + * @param {Object} interpolationObject The interpolation object + * @return {Boolean} True if the interpolation object is valid, false otherwise + */ +function isValidInterpolationObject(interpolationObject) { + return (interpolationObject.spec && isValidInterpolationArray(interpolationObject.spec) && + interpolationObject.return && (interpolationObject.return.type === 'float' || + interpolationObject.return.type === 'integer') && + ((interpolationObject.return.type === 'integer') ? + ['ceil', 'floor', 'round'].indexOf(interpolationObject.return.rounding) !== -1 : + true)); +} + +module.exports = function(interpolationObjectOrSpec) { + var interpolationObject, interpolationArray, originalLinearInterpolator; + + /** + * Final linear interpolator + * @param {Number} input A float number between 0 and 24 corresponding to the decimal hours + * @return {Number} Float or integer number according to the specification + */ + function finalLinearInterpolator(input) { + var output = originalLinearInterpolator(input); + if (interpolationObject.return.type === 'float') { + return output; + } else { + // In this case: interpolationObject.return.type === 'integer' + switch (interpolationObject.return.rounding) { + case 'ceil': + return Math.ceil(output); + case 'floor': + return Math.floor(output); + case 'round': + return Math.round(output); + } + } + } + + if (typeof interpolationObjectOrSpec === 'string') { + interpolationObjectOrSpec = interpolationObjectOrSpec.replace(/random\(\d+\.?\d*,\d+\.?\d*\)/g, function(match) { + var minMaxArray = match.substring(7, match.length - 1).split(','); + return Math.random() * (parseFloat(minMaxArray[1]) - parseFloat(minMaxArray[0])) + parseFloat(minMaxArray[0]); + }); + } else if (interpolationObjectOrSpec.spec && typeof interpolationObjectOrSpec.spec === 'string'){ + interpolationObjectOrSpec.spec = interpolationObjectOrSpec.spec && + interpolationObjectOrSpec.spec.replace(/random\(\d+\.?\d*,\d+\.?\d*\)/g, + function(match) { + var minMaxArray = match.substring(7, match.length - 1).split(','); + return Math.random() * (parseFloat(minMaxArray[1]) - parseFloat(minMaxArray[0])) + parseFloat(minMaxArray[0]); + } + ); + } + + if (Array.isArray(interpolationObjectOrSpec)) { + if (isValidInterpolationArray(interpolationObjectOrSpec)) { + interpolationArray = interpolationObjectOrSpec; + } else { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation array or specification (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an array of arrays of 2 number elements)'); + } + } else if (typeof interpolationObjectOrSpec === 'string' && interpolationObjectOrSpec.charAt(0) === '[' && + interpolationObjectOrSpec.charAt(interpolationObjectOrSpec.length - 1) === ']') { + try { + interpolationArray = JSON.parse(interpolationObjectOrSpec); + } catch(exception) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation array or specification (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an array of arrays of 2 number elements)'); + } + if (!isValidInterpolationArray(interpolationArray)) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation array or specification (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an array of arrays of 2 number elements)'); + } + } else if (typeof interpolationObjectOrSpec === 'object') { + if (isValidInterpolationObject(interpolationObjectOrSpec)) { + interpolationObject = interpolationObjectOrSpec; + } else { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation object or spec (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an object including the "spec" and ' + + '"return" properties, where the "return" property is an object including the "type" property and, ' + + 'in case "type" is equal to "integer" a "rounding" property)'); + } + } else { + try { + interpolationObject = JSON.parse(interpolationObjectOrSpec); + } catch(exception) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation array or specification (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an array of arrays of 2 number elements)'); + } + if (!isValidInterpolationObject(interpolationObject)) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation object or spec (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an object including the "spec" and ' + + '"return" properties, where the "return" property is an object including the "type" property and, ' + + 'in case "type" is equal to "integer" a "rounding" property)'); + } + } + + if (interpolationArray) { + interpolationObject = { + spec: interpolationArray, + return: { + type: 'float' + } + }; + } + interpolationObject = interpolationObject || interpolationObjectOrSpec; + if (typeof interpolationObject.spec === 'string') { + try { + interpolationObject.spec = JSON.parse(interpolationObject.spec); + } + catch(exception) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation array or specification (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an array of arrays of 2 number elements)'); + } + } + interpolationArray = interpolationObject.spec.sort(sortInterpolationArray); + originalLinearInterpolator = linearInterpolator(interpolationArray); + return finalLinearInterpolator; +}; diff --git a/lib/interpolators/stepAfterInterpolator.js b/lib/interpolators/stepAfterInterpolator.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af21614 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/interpolators/stepAfterInterpolator.js @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); + +/** + * Validates the entries of an interpolation array + * @param {Array} entry The entry to Validates + * @return {Boolean} True if the entry is valid, false otherwise + */ +function interpolatorArrayValidator(entry) { + return Array.isArray(entry) && (entry.length === 2) && + (typeof entry[0] === 'number') && (typeof entry[1] === 'number'); +} + +/** + * Checks if the provided interpolation array is a valid once + * @param {Array} interpolationArray The interpolation array + * @return {Boolean} True if the interpolation array is valid, false otherwise + */ +function isValidInterpolationArray(interpolationArray) { + return (interpolationArray.length > 0) && interpolationArray.every(interpolatorArrayValidator); +} + +/** + * Sorts the interpolation array according to the entries on the X-axis + * @param {Array} entryA First entry to compare + * @param {Array} entryB Second entry to compare + * @return {Number} Negative number if entryA should go before entryB, possitive number if entryA should go + * after entryB and 0 if they should be left unchanged + */ +function sortInterpolationArray(entryA, entryB) { + return entryA[0] - entryB[0]; +} + +module.exports = function(interpolationArrayOrSpec) { + var interpolationArray; + + /** + * Step-after interpolation function + * @param {Number} input The input to return its associated interporlated value + * @return {Number} The interpolated value associated to the provided input + */ + function stepAfterInterpolator(input) { + if (input >= interpolationArray[interpolationArray.length - 1][0]) { + return interpolationArray[interpolationArray.length - 1][1]; + } else if (input <= interpolationArray[0][0]) { + return interpolationArray[0][1]; + } else { + for (var ii = 0; ii < interpolationArray.length - 1; ii++) { + if (interpolationArray[ii][0] <= input && interpolationArray[ii + 1][0] > input) { + return interpolationArray[ii][1]; + } + } + } + } + + if (Array.isArray(interpolationArrayOrSpec) && isValidInterpolationArray(interpolationArrayOrSpec)) { + interpolationArray = interpolationArrayOrSpec; + } else if (typeof interpolationArrayOrSpec === 'string') { + try { + interpolationArray = JSON.parse(interpolationArrayOrSpec); + } catch(exception) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation array or specification (' + + interpolationArrayOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an array of arrays of 2 number elements)'); + } + if (!isValidInterpolationArray(interpolationArray)) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation array or specification (' + + interpolationArrayOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an array of arrays of 2 number elements)'); + } + } else { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation array or specification (' + + interpolationArrayOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an array of arrays of 2 number elements)'); + } + interpolationArray.sort(sortInterpolationArray); + return stepAfterInterpolator; +}; diff --git a/lib/interpolators/stepBeforeInterpolator.js b/lib/interpolators/stepBeforeInterpolator.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44cffd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/interpolators/stepBeforeInterpolator.js @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); + +/** + * Validates the entries of an interpolation array + * @param {Array} entry The entry to Validates + * @return {Boolean} True if the entry is valid, false otherwise + */ +function interpolatorArrayValidator(entry) { + return Array.isArray(entry) && (entry.length === 2) && + (typeof entry[0] === 'number') && (typeof entry[1] === 'number'); +} + +/** + * Checks if the provided interpolation array is a valid once + * @param {Array} interpolationArray The interpolation array + * @return {Boolean} True if the interpolation array is valid, false otherwise + */ +function isValidInterpolationArray(interpolationArray) { + return (interpolationArray.length > 0) && interpolationArray.every(interpolatorArrayValidator); +} + +/** + * Sorts the interpolation array according to the entries on the X-axis + * @param {Array} entryA First entry to compare + * @param {Array} entryB Second entry to compare + * @return {Number} Negative number if entryA should go before entryB, possitive number if entryA should go + * after entryB and 0 if they should be left unchanged + */ +function sortInterpolationArray(entryA, entryB) { + return entryA[0] - entryB[0]; +} + +module.exports = function(interpolationArrayOrSpec) { + var interpolationArray; + + /** + * Step-before interpolation function + * @param {Number} input The input to return its associated interporlated value + * @return {Number} The interpolated value associated to the provided input + */ + function stepBeforeInterpolator(input) { + if (input >= interpolationArray[interpolationArray.length - 1][0]) { + return interpolationArray[interpolationArray.length - 1][1]; + } else if (input <= interpolationArray[0][0]) { + return interpolationArray[0][1]; + } else { + for (var ii = 0; ii < interpolationArray.length - 1; ii++) { + if (interpolationArray[ii][0] < input && interpolationArray[ii + 1][0] >= input) { + return interpolationArray[ii + 1][1]; + } + } + } + } + + if (Array.isArray(interpolationArrayOrSpec) && isValidInterpolationArray(interpolationArrayOrSpec)) { + interpolationArray = interpolationArrayOrSpec; + } else if (typeof interpolationArrayOrSpec === 'string') { + try { + interpolationArray = JSON.parse(interpolationArrayOrSpec); + } catch(exception) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation array or specification (' + + interpolationArrayOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an array of arrays of 2 number elements)'); + } + if (!isValidInterpolationArray(interpolationArray)) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation array or specification (' + + interpolationArrayOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an array of arrays of 2 number elements)'); + } + } else { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation array or specification (' + + interpolationArrayOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should be an array of arrays of 2 number elements)'); + } + interpolationArray.sort(sortInterpolationArray); + return stepBeforeInterpolator; +}; diff --git a/lib/interpolators/textRotationInterpolator.js b/lib/interpolators/textRotationInterpolator.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbcc4e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/interpolators/textRotationInterpolator.js @@ -0,0 +1,193 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); + +/** + * Checkes if the text probability array is valid + * @param {Array} textProbabilityArray The text probability array + * @return {Boolean} True if the text probability array is valid, false otherwise + */ +function isValidTextProbabilityArray(textProbabilityArray) { + var accumulator = 0; + if (!Array.isArray(textProbabilityArray)) { + return false; + } + for (var ii = 0; ii < textProbabilityArray.length; ii++) { + if (!Array.isArray(textProbabilityArray[ii]) || textProbabilityArray[ii].length !== 2 || + isNaN(textProbabilityArray[ii][0]) || (typeof textProbabilityArray[ii][1] !== 'string')) { + return false; + } + accumulator += textProbabilityArray[ii][0]; + } + if (accumulator !== 100) { + return false; + } + return true; +} + +/** + * Validates the interpolation object + * @param {Object} interpolationObject The interpolation object to validate + * @return {Boolean} True if the interpolation object is valid, false otherwise + */ +function isValidInterpolationObject(interpolationObject) { + if (!interpolationObject.units) { + return false; + } else if(['seconds', 'minutes', 'hours', 'days', 'dates', 'months', 'years'].indexOf( + interpolationObject.units) === -1) { + return false; + } else if (!interpolationObject.text || !Array.isArray(interpolationObject.text)) { + return false; + } + for (var ii = 0; ii < interpolationObject.text.length; ii++) { + if (!Array.isArray(interpolationObject.text[ii]) || (interpolationObject.text[ii].length !== 2) || + isNaN(interpolationObject.text[ii][0]) || + ((typeof interpolationObject.text[ii][1] !== 'string') && + !isValidTextProbabilityArray(interpolationObject.text[ii][1]))) { + return false; + } + } + return true; +} + +/** + * Sorts the text array in ascending order + * @param {Array} entryA Firt entry to compare + * @param {Array} entryB Second entry to compare + * @return {Number} Negative number if entryA should go before entryB, possitive number if entryA should go + * after entryB and 0 if they should be left unchanged + */ +function sortTextArray(entryA, entryB) { + return entryA[0] - entryB[0]; +} + +module.exports = function(interpolationObjectOrSpec){ + var interpolationObject; + + /** + * Returns the interpolated text from an text probabilities array + * @param {Array} textProbabilities The text probabilities array + * @return {String} The interpolated text + */ + function getProbabilisticText(textProbabilities) { + var accumulated = textProbabilities[0][0]; + var randomNumber = Math.random() * 100; + if (randomNumber <= accumulated) { + return textProbabilities[0][1]; + } + for (var ii = 0; ii < textProbabilities.length - 1; ii++) { + if (randomNumber > accumulated && + randomNumber <= (accumulated + textProbabilities[ii + 1][0])) { + return textProbabilities[ii + 1][1]; + } + accumulated += textProbabilities[ii + 1][0]; + } + return textProbabilities[textProbabilities.length - 1][1]; + } + + /** + * Returns the interpolated value for certain entry in the selected units + * @param {Number} entry The entry to interpolated + * @return {String} The interpolated text + */ + function getInterpolatedText(entry) { + if (entry < interpolationObject.text[0][0]) { + return null; + } + for (var ii = 0; ii < interpolationObject.text.length - 1; ii++) { + if (entry >= interpolationObject.text[ii][0] && entry < interpolationObject.text[ii + 1][0]) { + if (typeof interpolationObject.text[ii][1] === 'string') { + return interpolationObject.text[ii][1]; + } else { + return getProbabilisticText(interpolationObject.text[ii][1]); + } + } + } + if (typeof interpolationObject.text[interpolationObject.text.length - 1][1] === 'string') { + return interpolationObject.text[interpolationObject.text.length - 1][1]; + } else { + return getProbabilisticText(interpolationObject.text[interpolationObject.text.length - 1][1]); + } + } + + /** + * Returns the new interpolated position for the passed decimal hours + * @param {Number} decimalHours The decimal hours + * @return {String} The new interpolated text + */ + function textRotationInterpolator(date) { + switch (interpolationObject.units) { + case 'seconds': + return getInterpolatedText(date.getUTCSeconds()); + case 'minutes': + return getInterpolatedText(date.getUTCMinutes()); + case 'hours': + return getInterpolatedText(date.getUTCHours()); + case 'days': + return getInterpolatedText(date.getUTCDay()); + case 'dates': + return getInterpolatedText(date.getUTCDate()); + case 'months': + return getInterpolatedText(date.getUTCMonth()); + case 'years': + return getInterpolatedText(date.getUTCFullYear()); + } + } + + if (typeof interpolationObjectOrSpec === 'object') { + interpolationObject = interpolationObjectOrSpec; + if (!isValidInterpolationObject(interpolationObject)) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation object or specification (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should include the following properties: "units" ' + + '(string including the following accepted values: "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "dates", "months" ' + + 'and "years"), "text" (an array of 2 elements arrays including a number as the first element and a string ' + + 'or a probability text array of 2 elements arrays including a number as the first element and some string as ' + + 'the second one (the addition of the first elements should be 100))'); + } + } else { + try { + interpolationObject = JSON.parse(interpolationObjectOrSpec); + } catch(exception) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation object or specification (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should include the following properties: "units" ' + + '(string including the following accepted values: "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "dates", "months" ' + + 'and "years"), "text" (an array of 2 elements arrays including a number as the first element and a string ' + + 'or a probability text array of 2 elements arrays including a number as the first element and some string as ' + + 'the second one (the addition of the first elements should be 100))'); + } + if (!isValidInterpolationObject(interpolationObject)) { + throw new fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec('The provided interpolation object or specification (' + + interpolationObjectOrSpec + ') is not valid (it should include the following properties: "units" ' + + '(string including the following accepted values: "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "dates", "months" ' + + 'and "years"), "text" (an array of 2 elements arrays including a number as the first element and a string ' + + 'or a probability text array of 2 elements arrays including a number as the first element and some string as ' + + 'the second one (the addition of the first elements should be 100))'); + } + } + interpolationObject.text.sort(sortTextArray); + return textRotationInterpolator; +}; diff --git a/lib/transpilers/fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.js b/lib/transpilers/fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d9a313a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/transpilers/fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.js @@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var path = require('path'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); + +/** + * The original simulation configuration file + */ +var originalConfigurationObj; + +/** + * Error, if any, during the composition + */ +var error; + +/** + * Entity condition flag + * @type {Number} + */ +var ENTITY_CONDITION = 1; + +/** + * Attribute condition flag + * @type {Number} + */ +var ATTRIBUTE_CONDITION = 2; + +/** + * Attribute condition regular expresion + * @type {RegExp} + */ +var attributeConditionRegExp = /\$\{\{.+\}\{.+\}\}/g; + +/** + * Entity condition regular expression + * @type {RegExp} + */ +var entityConditionRegExp = /\$\{\{[^\}]+\}\}/g; + +/** + * Map of matches and associated count + * @type {Object} + */ +var matchCounterMap = {}; + +/** + * Returns the type of a condition + * @param {String} condition The condition + * @return {Number} The condition type + */ +function getConditionType(condition) { + if (new RegExp(entityConditionRegExp).test(condition)) { + return ENTITY_CONDITION; + } else if (new RegExp(attributeConditionRegExp).test(condition)) { + return ATTRIBUTE_CONDITION; + } +} + +/** + * Returns true if the match satisfies the condition + * @param {String} match The match + * @param {String} condition The condition + * @return {Boolean} True if the match satisfies the condition, false otherwise + */ +function matchesCondition(match, condition) { + /* jshint maxdepth: 9 */ + var currentEntity, + currentAttribute, + entityProperties, + attributeProperties, + entityProperty, + entityRegExp, + entityValue, + attributeProperty, + attributeRegExp, + attributeValue; + var matchCounter = 0; + var matchWithoutQuotes = match.substring(1, match.length - 1); + var conditionType = getConditionType(condition); + for (var ii = 0; ii < originalConfigurationObj.entities.length; ii++) { + currentEntity = originalConfigurationObj.entities[ii]; + entityProperties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(originalConfigurationObj.entities[ii]); + for (var jj = 0; jj < entityProperties.length; jj++) { + if (originalConfigurationObj.entities[ii][entityProperties[jj]] === matchWithoutQuotes) { + matchCounter += 1; + if (matchCounter >= matchCounterMap[match]) { + if (conditionType === ENTITY_CONDITION) { + entityProperty = condition.substring(3, condition.indexOf('==')); + entityRegExp = condition.substring(condition.indexOf('==') + 2, condition.length - 2); + entityValue = originalConfigurationObj.entities[ii][entityProperty]; + if (new RegExp(entityRegExp).test(entityValue)) { + return true; + } + return false; + } + return false; + } + } + if (Array.isArray(originalConfigurationObj.entities[ii][entityProperties[jj]])) { + for (var kk = 0; kk < originalConfigurationObj.entities[ii][entityProperties[jj]].length; kk++) { + currentAttribute = originalConfigurationObj.entities[ii][entityProperties[jj]][kk]; + attributeProperties = + Object.getOwnPropertyNames(originalConfigurationObj.entities[ii][entityProperties[jj]][kk]); + for (var ll = 0; ll < attributeProperties.length; ll++) { + if (originalConfigurationObj.entities[ii][entityProperties[jj]][kk][attributeProperties[ll]] === + matchWithoutQuotes) { + matchCounter += 1; + if (matchCounter >= matchCounterMap[match]) { + if (conditionType === ENTITY_CONDITION) { + entityProperty = condition.substring(3, condition.indexOf('==')); + entityRegExp = condition.substring(condition.indexOf('==') + 2, condition.length - 2); + entityValue = originalConfigurationObj.entities[ii][entityProperty]; + if (new RegExp(entityRegExp).test(entityValue)) { + return true; + } + return false; + } else if (conditionType === ATTRIBUTE_CONDITION) { + entityProperty = condition.substring(3, condition.indexOf('==')); + entityRegExp = condition.substring(condition.indexOf('==') + 2, condition.indexOf('}{')); + entityValue = originalConfigurationObj.entities[ii][entityProperty]; + attributeProperty = condition.substring(condition.indexOf('}{') + 2, condition.lastIndexOf('==')); + attributeRegExp = condition.substring(condition.lastIndexOf('==') + 2, condition.length - 2); + attributeValue = originalConfigurationObj.entities[ii][entityProperties[jj]][kk][attributeProperty]; + if (new RegExp(entityRegExp).test(entityValue) && new RegExp(attributeRegExp).test(attributeValue)) { + return true; + } + return false; + } + return false; + } + } + } + } + } + } + } + /* jshint maxdepth: 5 */ +} + +/** + * Returns true if the passed template value is a valid array of objects including the content and condition properties + * @param {Object} templateValue The template value + * @return {Boolean} True if the passed template value is a valid array of objects including the content + * and condition properties, false otherwise + */ +function isTemplateValueArray(templateValue) { + if (Array.isArray(templateValue)) { + for (var ii = 0; ii < templateValue.length; ii++) { + if (typeof templateValue[ii] !== 'object' || Object.getOwnPropertyNames(templateValue[ii]).length !== 2 || + !templateValue[ii].content || !templateValue[ii].condition) { + return false; + } + } + } else { + return false; + } + return true; +} + +/** + * Replaces an import() match by its corresponding value + * @param {String} match The matching String + * @return {String} The replacing String + */ +function replacer(match) { + var templateValue; + var templateTag = match.substring(8, match.length - 2); + matchCounterMap[match] = (matchCounterMap[match] ? matchCounterMap[match] + 1 : 1); + if (originalConfigurationObj.exports && originalConfigurationObj.exports[templateTag]) { + templateValue = originalConfigurationObj.exports[templateTag]; + } else { + try { + templateValue = require(ROOT_PATH + path.sep + templateTag); + } catch(exception) { + error = exception; + } + } + if (isTemplateValueArray(templateValue)) { + for (var ii = 0; ii < templateValue.length; ii++) { + if (matchesCondition(match, templateValue[ii].condition)) { + return JSON.stringify(templateValue[ii].content); + } + } + return match; + } else { + return JSON.stringify(templateValue); + } +} + +/** + * Asynchronously returns a new simulation configuration file after importing the corresponding templates + * @param {Object} configuration The original configuration + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function transpile(configuration, callback) { + var configurationStr, + newConfigurationStr, + newConfigurationObj; + error = null; + matchCounterMap = {}; + originalConfigurationObj = configuration; + configurationStr = JSON.stringify(configuration); + newConfigurationStr = configurationStr.replace(/"import\([^\)]+\)"/g, replacer); + if (error) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The configuration information provided is not ' + + 'valid (some error ocurred when importing the templates: ' + error + ')')); + } + try { + newConfigurationObj = JSON.parse(newConfigurationStr); + } catch (exception) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The configuration information provided is not ' + + 'valid (some error ocurred when importing the templates: ' + exception + ')')); + } + delete newConfigurationObj.exports; + return callback(null, newConfigurationObj); +} + +module.exports = { + transpile: transpile +}; diff --git a/lib/validators/fiwareDeviceSimulatorValidator.js b/lib/validators/fiwareDeviceSimulatorValidator.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03a4115 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/validators/fiwareDeviceSimulatorValidator.js @@ -0,0 +1,869 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var async = require('async'); +var linearInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/linearInterpolator'); +var randomLinearInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/randomLinearInterpolator'); +var stepBeforeInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/stepBeforeInterpolator'); +var stepAfterInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/stepAfterInterpolator'); +var dateIncrementInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/dateIncrementInterpolator'); +var multilinePositionInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/multilinePositionInterpolator'); +var textRotationInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/textRotationInterpolator'); +var attributeFunctionInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/attributeFunctionInterpolator'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); + +var simulationConfiguration; + +/** + * Checks if an array of entities is included in the simulation configuration + * @param {Object} simulationConfiguration The simulation configuration object + * @return {Boolean} True if an array of entities is included, false otherwise + */ +function isEntities(simulationConfiguration) { + if (simulationConfiguration.entities && Array.isArray(simulationConfiguration.entities)) { + return true; + } + return false; +} + +/** + * Checks if the globals information is valid + * @param {Object} simulationConfiguration The simulation configuration object + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function validateGlobals(simulationConfiguration, callback) { + if (simulationConfiguration.globals) { + if (typeof simulationConfiguration.globals !== 'object') { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The \'require\' configuration information ' + + 'is not an array of NPM packages names')); + } + } + return setImmediate(callback); +} + +/** + * Checks if the require information is valid + * @param {Object} simulationConfiguration The simulation configuration object + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function validateRequire(simulationConfiguration, callback) { + if (simulationConfiguration.require) { + if (Array.isArray(simulationConfiguration.require)) { + for (var ii = 0; ii < simulationConfiguration.require.length; ii++) { + if (typeof simulationConfiguration.require[ii] !== 'string') { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The \'require\' configuration information ' + + 'is not an array of NPM packages names')); + } + } + return setImmediate(callback); + } else { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The \'require\' configuration information ' + + 'is not an array of NPM packages names')); + } + } + return setImmediate(callback); +} + +/** + * Checks if the domain information is included + * @param {Object} simulationConfiguration The simulation configuration object + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function validateDomain(simulationConfiguration, callback) { + if (isEntities(simulationConfiguration)) { + if (!simulationConfiguration.domain) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No domain configuration information ' + + '(the \'domain\' property is mandatory if \'entities\' are included)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.domain.service) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No service in the domain configuration ' + + 'information (the \'domain.service\' property is mandatory if \'entities\' are included)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.domain.subservice) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No subservice in the domain configuration ' + + 'information (the \'domain.subservice\' property is mandatory if \'entities\' are included)')); + } + } + setImmediate(callback); +} + +/** + * Validate the context broker or subscriber configuration information + * @param {Object} simulationConfiguration The simulation configuration + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function validateContextBrokerOrSubscriberConfiguration(simulationConfiguration, callback) { + if (isEntities(simulationConfiguration)) { + if (!simulationConfiguration.contextBroker && !simulationConfiguration.subscriber) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No context broker or subscriber configuration ' + + 'information (the \'contextBroker\' or the \'subscriber\' property is mandatory if \'entities\' ' + + 'are included)')); + } + if (simulationConfiguration.contextBroker) { + if (!simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.protocol) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No protocol in the context broker ' + + 'configuration information (the \'contextBroker.protocol\' property is mandatory if \'entities\' ' + + 'are included)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.host) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No host in the context broker configuration ' + + 'information (the \'contextBroker.host\' property is mandatory if \'entities\' are included)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.port) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No port in the context broker configuration ' + + 'information (the \'contextBroker.port\' property is mandatory if \'entities\' are included)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No NGSI version in the context broker ' + + 'configuration information (the \'contextBroker.nsgiVersion\' property is mandatory if \'entities\' are ' + + 'included)')); + } + if (simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion !== '1.0' && + simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion !== '2.0') { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The NGSI version in the context broker ' + + 'configuration information (\'' + simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion + '\') is ' + + 'not supported')); + } + } else { + if (!simulationConfiguration.subscriber.protocol) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No protocol in the subscriber configuration ' + + 'information (the \'subscriber.protocol\' property is mandatory if \'entities\' are included and no ' + + '\'contextBroker\' configuration information is provided)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.subscriber.host) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No host in the subscriber configuration ' + + 'information (the \'subscriber.host\' property is mandatory if \'entities\' are included and no ' + + '\'contextBroker\' configuration information is provided)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.subscriber.port) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No port in the subscriber configuration ' + + 'information (the \'subscriber.port\' property is mandatory if \'entities\' are included and no ' + + '\'contextBroker\' configuration information is provided)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.subscriber.path && simulationConfiguration.subscriber.path !== '') { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No path in the subscriber configuration ' + + 'information (the \'subscriber.path\' property is mandatory if \'entities\' are included and no ' + + '\'contextBroker\' configuration information is provided)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.subscriber.ngsiVersion) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No ngsiVersion in the subscriber ' + + 'configuration information (the \'subscriber.ngsiVersion\' property is mandatory if \'entities\' ' + + 'are included and no \'contextBroker\' configuration information is provided)')); + } + if (simulationConfiguration.subscriber.ngsiVersion !== '1.0') { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The NGSI version in the subscriber ' + + 'configuration information (\'' + simulationConfiguration.subscriber.ngsiVersion + '\') is not supported')); + } + } + } + setImmediate(callback); +} + +/** + * Validates the authentication configuration information + * @param {Object} simulationConfiguration The simulation configuration + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function validateAuthenticationConfiguration(simulationConfiguration, callback) { + if (simulationConfiguration.authentication) { + if (!simulationConfiguration.authentication.provider || + (simulationConfiguration.authentication.provider !== 'keystone' && + simulationConfiguration.authentication.provider !== 'fiware-lab')) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('Invalid or no provider in the authentication ' + + 'configuration information (the \'authentication.provider\' property is mandatory) ' + + '(accepted values: "keystone" and "fiware-lab")')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.authentication.protocol) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No protocol in the authentication configuration ' + + 'information (the \'authentication.protocol\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.authentication.host) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No host in the authentication configuration ' + + 'information (the \'authentication.host\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.authentication.port) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No port in the authentication configuration ' + + 'information (the \'authentication.port\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.authentication.user) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No user in the authentication ' + + 'configuration information (the \'authentication.user\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.authentication.password) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No password in the authentication ' + + 'configuration information (the \'authentication.password\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (simulationConfiguration.authentication.retry) { + if (isNaN(simulationConfiguration.authentication.retry.times)) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('Invalid or no times in the authentication ' + + 'retry configuration information (the \'authentication.retry.times\' property is mandatory and should be ' + + 'a number)')); + } + if (isNaN(simulationConfiguration.authentication.retry.interval)) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('Invalid or no interval in the authentication ' + + 'retry configuration information (the \'authentication.retry.interval\' property is mandatory and should ' + + 'be a number)')); + } + } + } + setImmediate(callback); +} + +/** + * Checks if an JSON HTTP device is included + * @param {array} devices The array of devices to check + * @return {Boolean} True if an UltraLight JSON device is included, false otherwise + */ +function isJSONHTTPDevice(devices) { + for (var ii = 0; ii < devices.length; ii++) { + if (devices[ii].protocol === 'JSON::HTTP') { + return true; + } + } + return false; +} + +/** + * Returns true if a JSON HTTP device is included with no API key + * @param {Array} devices The array of devices + * @return {Boolean} True if a JSON HTTP device is included with no API key + */ +function isJSONHTTPDeviceWithNoAPIKey(devices) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + for (var ii = 0; ii < devices.length; ii++) { + if (devices[ii].protocol === 'JSON::HTTP' && !devices[ii].api_key) { + return true; + } + } + return false; +} + +/** + * Checks if an JSON MQTT device is included + * @param {array} devices The array of devices to check + * @return {Boolean} True if an UltraLight JSON device is included, false otherwise + */ +function isJSONMQTTDevice(devices) { + for (var ii = 0; ii < devices.length; ii++) { + if (devices[ii].protocol === 'JSON::MQTT') { + return true; + } + } + return false; +} + +/** + * Returns true if a JSON MQTT device is included with no API key + * @param {Array} devices The array of devices + * @return {Boolean} True if a JSON MQTT device is included with no API key + */ +function isJSONMQTTDeviceWithNoAPIKey(devices) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + for (var ii = 0; ii < devices.length; ii++) { + if (devices[ii].protocol === 'JSON::MQTT' && !devices[ii].api_key) { + return true; + } + } + return false; +} + +/** + * Checks if an UltraLight HTTP device is included + * @param {array} devices The array of devices to check + * @return {Boolean} True if an UltraLight HTTP device is included, false otherwise + */ +function isUltraLightHTTPDevice(devices) { + for (var ii = 0; ii < devices.length; ii++) { + if (devices[ii].protocol === 'UltraLight::HTTP') { + return true; + } + } + return false; +} + +/** + * Returns true if a UltraLight HTTP device is included with no API key + * @param {Array} devices The array of devices + * @return {Boolean} True if a UltraLight HTTP device is included with no API key + */ +function isUltraLightHTTPDeviceWithNoAPIKey(devices) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + for (var ii = 0; ii < devices.length; ii++) { + if (devices[ii].protocol === 'UltraLight::HTTP' && !devices[ii].api_key) { + return true; + } + } + return false; +} + +/** + * Checks if an UltraLight MQTT device is included + * @param {array} devices The array of devices to check + * @return {Boolean} True if an UltraLight MQTT device is included, false otherwise + */ +function isUltraLightMQTTDevice(devices) { + for (var ii = 0; ii < devices.length; ii++) { + if (devices[ii].protocol === 'UltraLight::MQTT') { + return true; + } + } + return false; +} + +/** + * Returns true if a UltraLight MQTT device is included with no API key + * @param {Array} devices The array of devices + * @return {Boolean} True if a UltraLight MQTT device is included with no API key + */ +function isUltraLightMQTTDeviceWithNoAPIKey(devices) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + for (var ii = 0; ii < devices.length; ii++) { + if (devices[ii].protocol === 'UltraLight::MQTT' && !devices[ii].api_key) { + return true; + } + } + return false; +} + +/** + * Validates the IoT Agent configuration information + * @param {Object} simulationConfiguration The simulation configuration + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function validateIoTAConfiguration(simulationConfiguration, callback) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + if (Array.isArray(simulationConfiguration.devices) && simulationConfiguration.devices.length) { + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No IoT Agent configuration information (the ' + + '\'iota\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (isUltraLightHTTPDevice(simulationConfiguration.devices)) { + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.ultralight) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No UltraLight IoT Agent configuration ' + + 'information (the \'iota.ultralight\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.ultralight.http) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No HTTP configuration information for the ' + + 'UltraLight IoT Agent (the \'iota.ultralight.http\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.ultralight.http.protocol) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No HTTP protocol in the UltraLight IoT Agent ' + + 'configuration information (the \'iota.ultralight.http.protocol\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.ultralight.http.host) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No HTTP host in the UltraLight IoT Agent ' + + 'configuration information (the \'iota.ultralight.http.host\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.ultralight.http.port) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No HTTP port in the UltraLight IoT Agent ' + + 'configuration information (the \'iota.ultralight.http.port\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (isUltraLightHTTPDeviceWithNoAPIKey(simulationConfiguration.devices) && + !simulationConfiguration.iota.ultralight.api_key) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No API key in the UltraLight IoT Agent ' + + 'configuration information (the \'iota.ultralight.api_key\' property is mandatory if UltraLight HTTP ' + + 'devices are include with no specific API key information)')); + } + } else if (isUltraLightMQTTDevice(simulationConfiguration.devices)) { + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.ultralight) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No UltraLight IoT Agent configuration ' + + 'information (the \'iota.ultralight\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.ultralight.mqtt) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No MQTT configuration information for the ' + + 'UltraLight IoT Agent (the \'iota.ultralight.mqtt\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.ultralight.mqtt.protocol) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No MQTT protocol in the UltraLight IoT Agent ' + + 'configuration information (the \'iota.ultralight.mqtt.protocol\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.ultralight.mqtt.host) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No MQTT host in the UltraLight IoT Agent ' + + 'configuration information (the \'iota.ultralight.mqtt.host\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.ultralight.mqtt.port) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No MQTT port in the UltraLight IoT Agent ' + + 'configuration information (the \'iota.ultralight.mqtt.port\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (isUltraLightMQTTDeviceWithNoAPIKey(simulationConfiguration.devices) && + !simulationConfiguration.iota.ultralight.api_key) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No API key in the UltraLight IoT Agent ' + + 'configuration information (the \'iota.ultralight.api_key\' property is mandatory if UltraLight MQTT ' + + 'devices are include with no specific API key information)')); + } + } else if (isJSONHTTPDevice(simulationConfiguration.devices)) { + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.json) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No JSON IoT Agent configuration ' + + 'information (the \'iota.json\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.json.http) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No HTTP configuration information for the ' + + 'JSON IoT Agent (the \'iota.json.http\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.json.http.protocol) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No HTTP protocol in the JSON IoT Agent ' + + 'configuration information (the \'iota.json.http.protocol\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.json.http.host) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No HTTP host in the JSON IoT Agent ' + + 'configuration information (the \'iota.json.http.host\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.json.http.port) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No HTTP port in the JSON IoT Agent ' + + 'configuration information (the \'iota.json.http.port\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (isJSONHTTPDeviceWithNoAPIKey(simulationConfiguration.devices) && + !simulationConfiguration.iota.json.api_key) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No API key in the JSON IoT Agent ' + + 'configuration information (the \'iota.json.api_key\' property is mandatory if JSON HTTP devices are ' + + 'include with no specific API key information)')); + } + } else if (isJSONMQTTDevice(simulationConfiguration.devices)) { + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.json) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No JSON IoT Agent configuration ' + + 'information (the \'iota.json\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.json.mqtt) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No MQTT configuration information for the ' + + 'JSON IoT Agent (the \'iota.ultralight.mqtt\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.json.mqtt.protocol) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No MQTT protocol in the JSON IoT Agent ' + + 'configuration information (the \'iota.json.mqtt.protocol\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.json.mqtt.host) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No MQTT host in the JSON IoT Agent ' + + 'configuration information (the \'iota.json.mqtt.host\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.iota.json.mqtt.port) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No MQTT port in the JSON IoT Agent ' + + 'configuration information (the \'iota.json.mqtt.port\' property is mandatory)')); + } + if (isJSONMQTTDeviceWithNoAPIKey(simulationConfiguration.devices) && + !simulationConfiguration.iota.json.api_key) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No API key in the JSON IoT Agent ' + + 'configuration information (the \'iota.json.api_key\' property is mandatory if JSON MQTT ' + + 'devices are include with no specific API key information)')); + } + } + } + setImmediate(callback); +} + +/** + * Validates schedules + * @param {String} schedule The schedule to validate + * @param {String} parentType The associated parent element type + * @param {Number} parentIndex The associated parent element index + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function validateSchedule(schedule, parentType, parentIndex, callback) { + var err; + var scheduleRegExp = new RegExp( + '(^once$|^(\\*\\/[0-9]+\\s+|\\*\\s+|([0-9]+(\\,|\\-)?[0-9]*)+[0-9]+\\s+|[0-9]+\\s+){5}' + + '(\\*\\/[0-9]+|\\*|([0-9]+(\\,|\\-)?[0-9]*)+[0-9]+|[0-9]+))', + 'g'); + + if (typeof schedule === 'string') { + if (schedule && !scheduleRegExp.test(schedule)) { + err = new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration information ' + + 'at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes an invalid schedule: \'' + schedule + '\''); + } + } else if (typeof schedule === 'object' && typeof schedule.rule === 'string' && !scheduleRegExp.test(schedule.rule)) { + err = new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration information ' + + 'at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes an invalid schedule: \'' + schedule + '\''); + } + return callback(err); +} + +/** + * Validates values + * @param {String} value The value + * @param {String} attributeType The associated attribute type + * @param {Number} attributeIndex The associated attribute number + * @param {String} parentType The associated parent element type + * @param {Number} parentIndex The associated parent element index + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function validateValue(value, attributeType, attributeIndex, parentType, parentIndex, callback) { + if (!value && (value !== 0 && value !== false)) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration information ' + + 'at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes ' + + (attributeType === 'static' ? 'a staticAttributes' : 'an active') + ' attribute at array index position ' + + attributeIndex + ' missing the value property')); + } + if (typeof value === 'string') { + if (value.indexOf('time-linear-interpolator(') === 0) { + try { + linearInterpolator(value.substring('time-linear-interpolator('.length, value.length - 1)); + } catch(err) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration ' + + 'information at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes ' + + (attributeType === 'static' ? 'a staticAttributes' : 'an active') + ' attribute at array index position ' + + attributeIndex + ' with an invalid time linear interpolator: \'' + value + '\', due to error: ' + err)); + } + } else if (value.indexOf('time-random-linear-interpolator(') === 0) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolator(value.substring('time-random-linear-interpolator('.length, value.length - 1)); + } catch(err) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration ' + + 'information at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes ' + + (attributeType === 'static' ? 'a staticAttributes' : 'an active') + ' attribute at array index position ' + + attributeIndex + ' with an invalid time random linear interpolator: \'' + value + '\', due to error: ' + + err)); + } + } else if (value.indexOf('time-step-before-interpolator(') === 0) { + try { + stepBeforeInterpolator(value.substring('time-step-before-interpolator('.length, value.length - 1)); + } catch(err) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration ' + + 'information at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes ' + + (attributeType === 'static' ? 'a staticAttributes' : 'an active') + ' attribute at array index position ' + + attributeIndex + ' with an invalid time step before interpolator: \'' + value + '\', due to error: ' + err)); + } + } else if (value.indexOf('time-step-after-interpolator(') === 0) { + try { + stepAfterInterpolator(value.substring('time-step-after-interpolator('.length, value.length - 1)); + } catch(err) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration ' + + 'information at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes ' + + (attributeType === 'static' ? 'a staticAttributes' : 'an active') + ' attribute at array index position ' + + attributeIndex + ' with an invalid time step after interpolator: \'' + value + '\', due to error: ' + err)); + } + } else if (value.indexOf('date-increment-interpolator(') === 0) { + try { + dateIncrementInterpolator(value.substring('date-increment-interpolator('.length, value.length - 1)); + } catch(err) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration ' + + 'information at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes ' + + (attributeType === 'static' ? 'a staticAttributes' : 'an active') + ' attribute at array index position ' + + attributeIndex + ' with an invalid date increment interpolator: \'' + value + '\', due to error: ' + err)); + } + } else if (value.indexOf('multiline-position-interpolator(') === 0) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolator(value.substring('multiline-position-interpolator('.length, value.length - 1)); + } catch(err) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration ' + + 'information at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes ' + + (attributeType === 'static' ? 'a staticAttributes' : 'an active') + ' attribute at array index position ' + + attributeIndex + ' with an invalid multiline position interpolator: \'' + value + '\', due to error: ' + + err)); + } + } else if (value.indexOf('text-rotation-interpolator(') === 0) { + try { + textRotationInterpolator(value.substring('text-rotation-interpolator('.length, value.length - 1)); + } catch(err) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration ' + + 'information at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes ' + + (attributeType === 'static' ? 'a staticAttributes' : 'an active') + ' attribute at array index position ' + + attributeIndex + ' with an invalid text rotation interpolator: \'' + value + '\', due to error: ' + + err)); + } + } else if (value.indexOf('attribute-function-interpolator(') === 0) { + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + value.substring('attribute-function-interpolator('.length, value.length - 1), + simulationConfiguration.domain, + simulationConfiguration.contextBroker + ); + } catch(err) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration ' + + 'information at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes ' + + (attributeType === 'static' ? 'a staticAttributes' : 'an active') + ' attribute at array index position ' + + attributeIndex + ' with an invalid attribute function interpolator: \'' + value + '\', due to error: ' + + err)); + } + } + } + setImmediate(callback); +} + +/** + * Validates a metadata entry + * @param {String} parentType The associated parent element type + * @param {Number} parentIndex The associated parent element index + * @param {String} attributeStr The attribute type descriptive text + * @param {Number} attributeIndex The attribute index + * @param {Object} metadata The metadata to validate + * @param {Number} metadataIndex The metadata index + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function validateMetadata(parentType, parentIndex, attributeStr, attributeIndex, metadata, metadataIndex, callback) { + if (!metadata.name) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration ' + + 'information at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes ' + + attributeStr + ' at array index position ' + + attributeIndex + ' including a metadata entry at array index position ' + metadataIndex + + ' missing the name property')); + } + if (!metadata.type) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration ' + + 'information at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes ' + + attributeStr + ' at array index position ' + + attributeIndex + ' including a metadata entry at array index position ' + metadataIndex + + ' missing the type property')); + } + if (!metadata.value && (metadata.value !== 0 && metadata.value !== false)) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration ' + + 'information at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes ' + + attributeStr + ' at array index position ' + + attributeIndex + ' including a metadata entry at array index position ' + metadataIndex + + ' missing the value property')); + } + setImmediate(callback); +} + +/** + * Validates an attribute + * @param {String} attributeType The attribute type + * @param {String} parentType The associated parent element type + * @param {Number} parentIndex The associated parent element index + * @param {Object} attribute The attribute to validate + * @param {Number} attributeIndex The index of the attribute to validate + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function validateAttribute(attributeType, parentType, parentIndex, attribute, attributeIndex, callback) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + var attributeStr; + switch (attributeType) { + case 'active': + attributeStr = 'an active attribute'; + break; + case 'attribute': + attributeStr = 'an attribute'; + break; + case 'static': + attributeStr = 'a static attribute'; + break; + } + if (attributeType === 'active' || attributeType === 'static') { + if (!attribute.name) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration ' + + 'information at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes ' + + attributeStr + ' at array index position ' + + attributeIndex + ' missing the name property')); + } + if (!attribute.type) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration ' + + 'information at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes ' + + attributeStr + ' at array index position ' + + attributeIndex + ' missing the type property')); + } + } else { + if (!attribute.object_id) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration ' + + 'information at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes ' + + attributeStr + ' at array index position ' + + attributeIndex + ' missing the object_id property')); + } + } + + async.series([ + async.apply(validateValue, attribute.value, attributeType, attributeIndex, parentType, parentIndex), + async.apply(validateSchedule, attribute.schedule, parentType, parentIndex) + ], function(err) { + if (err) { + return callback(err); + } else { + if (attribute.metadata) { + if (!Array.isArray(attribute.metadata)) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration ' + + 'information at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes ' + + attributeStr + ' at array index position ' + + attributeIndex + ' including a metadata property which is not an array')); + } else { + async.eachOfSeries(attribute.metadata, async.apply(validateMetadata, parentType, parentIndex, attributeStr, + attributeIndex), callback); + } + } else { + setImmediate(callback); + } + } + }); +} + +/** + * Validates an array of attributes + * @param {Array} attributes Array of attributes to validate + * @param {String} attributesType Type of the attributes to validate + * @param {String} parentType The associated parent element type + * @param {Number} parentIndex The associated parent element index + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function validateAttributes(attributes, attributesType, parentType, parentIndex, callback) { + if (attributes) { + if (Array.isArray(attributes)) { + async.eachOfSeries(attributes, async.apply(validateAttribute, attributesType, parentType, parentIndex), callback); + } else { + var attributeStr; + switch (attributesType) { + case 'active': + attributeStr = 'an active'; + break; + case 'attribute': + attributeStr = 'an attributes'; + break; + case 'static': + attributeStr = 'a staticAttributes'; + break; + } + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The ' + parentType + ' configuration ' + + 'information at array index position ' + parentIndex + ' includes ' + + attributeStr + ' property which is not an array')); + } + } else { + setImmediate(callback); + } +} + +/** + * Validates a device + * @param {Object} deviceConfiguration The device configuration information + * @param {Number} index The element index + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function validateDeviceConfiguration(deviceConfiguration, index, callback) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + if (!deviceConfiguration.device_id && !deviceConfiguration.count) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The devices configuration information ' + + 'at array index position ' + index + ' should include an device_id or count properties')); + } + if (!deviceConfiguration.protocol) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The devices configuration information ' + + 'at array index position ' + index + ' should include a protocol properties')); + } + if (deviceConfiguration.protocol !== 'UltraLight::HTTP' && deviceConfiguration.protocol !== 'UltraLight::MQTT' && + deviceConfiguration.protocol !== 'JSON::HTTP' && deviceConfiguration.protocol !== 'JSON::MQTT') { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The devices configuration information ' + + 'at array index position ' + index + ' includes a not supported protocol (\'' + deviceConfiguration.protocol + + '\')')); + } + if (!deviceConfiguration.attributes || deviceConfiguration.attributes.length === 0) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The devices configuration information ' + + 'at array index position ' + index + ' misses attributes configuration information')); + } + async.series([ + async.apply(validateSchedule, deviceConfiguration.schedule, 'device', index), + async.apply(validateAttributes, deviceConfiguration.attributes, 'attribute', 'device', index) + ], callback); +} + +/** + * Validates an array of devices + * @param {Object} simulationConfiguration The simulation configuration information + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function validateDevicesConfiguration(simulationConfiguration, callback) { + if ((!simulationConfiguration.entities || simulationConfiguration.entities.length === 0) && + (!simulationConfiguration.devices || simulationConfiguration.devices.length === 0)) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No entities and/or devices configuration ' + + 'information available (at least one of them is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.devices) { + return setImmediate(callback); + } + if (!Array.isArray(simulationConfiguration.devices)) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The devices ' + + ' configuration information should be ' + + 'an array of devices configuration information')); + } + async.eachOfSeries(simulationConfiguration.devices, validateDeviceConfiguration, callback); +} + +/** + * Validates an entity + * @param {Object} entityConfiguration The entity configuration information + * @param {Number} index The element index + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function validateEntityConfiguration(entityConfiguration, index, callback) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + if (!entityConfiguration.entity_name && !entityConfiguration.count) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The entities configuration information ' + + 'at array index position ' + index + ' should include an entity_name or count properties')); + } + if (!entityConfiguration.entity_type) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The entities configuration information ' + + ' at array index position ' + index + ' misses the entity_type property')); + } + if ((!entityConfiguration.staticAttributes || entityConfiguration.staticAttributes.length === 0) && + (!entityConfiguration.active || entityConfiguration.active.length === 0)) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The entities configuration information ' + + 'at array index position ' + index + ' misses static and/or active attributes configuration information')); + } + async.series([ + async.apply(validateSchedule, entityConfiguration.schedule, 'entity', index), + async.apply(validateAttributes, entityConfiguration.staticAttributes, 'static', 'entity', index), + async.apply(validateAttributes, entityConfiguration.active, 'active', 'entity', index) + ], callback); +} + +/** + * Validates an array of entities + * @param {Object} simulationConfiguration The simulation configuration information + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function validateEntitiesConfiguration(simulationConfiguration, callback) { + if ((!simulationConfiguration.entities || simulationConfiguration.entities.length === 0) && + (!simulationConfiguration.devices || simulationConfiguration.devices.length === 0)) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('No entities and/or devices configuration ' + + 'information available (at least one of them is mandatory)')); + } + if (!simulationConfiguration.entities) { + return setImmediate(callback); + } + if (!Array.isArray(simulationConfiguration.entities)) { + return callback(new fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid('The entities ' + + 'configuration information should be ' + + 'an array of entities configuration information')); + } + async.eachOfSeries(simulationConfiguration.entities, validateEntityConfiguration, callback); +} + +/** + * Validates a simulation configuration object + * @param {Object} simulationConfiguration The simulation configuration object to validate + * @param {Function} callback The callback + */ +function validateConfiguration(theSimulationConfiguration, callback) { + simulationConfiguration = theSimulationConfiguration; + async.series([ + async.apply(validateGlobals, simulationConfiguration), + async.apply(validateRequire, simulationConfiguration), + async.apply(validateDomain, simulationConfiguration), + async.apply(validateContextBrokerOrSubscriberConfiguration, simulationConfiguration), + async.apply(validateAuthenticationConfiguration, simulationConfiguration), + async.apply(validateIoTAConfiguration, simulationConfiguration), + async.apply(validateEntitiesConfiguration, simulationConfiguration), + async.apply(validateDevicesConfiguration, simulationConfiguration) + ], function(err) { + return setImmediate(callback.bind(null, err, simulationConfiguration)); + }); +} + +module.exports = { + validateConfiguration: validateConfiguration +}; diff --git a/package.json b/package.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97ce034 --- /dev/null +++ b/package.json @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +{ + "name": "fiware-device-simulator", + "description": "Simulator of FIWARE-compatible devices", + "version": "8.2.0", + "homepage": "https://github.com/gtorodelvalle/fiware-device-simulator", + "author": { + "name": "Germán Toro del Valle", + "email": "gtorodelvalle@gmail.com" + }, + "repository": { + "type": "git", + "url": "git://github.com/gtorodelvalle/fiware-device-simulator.git" + }, + "bugs": { + "url": "https://github.com/gtorodelvalle/fiware-device-simulator/issues" + }, + "main": 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"host": "localhost", + "port": 5001, + "user": "theUser", + "password": "thePassword" + }, + "iota": { + "ultralight": { + "http": { + "protocol": "http", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 8085 + } + } + }, + "entities": [{ + "schedule": "once", + "entity_name": "EntityName1", + "entity_type": "EntityType1", + "active": [{ + "name": "active1", + "type": "number", + "value": "time-step-after-interpolator([[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,0],[24,0]])" + }], + "staticAttributes": [{ + "name": "static1", + "type": "string", + "value": "Value of static1" + }] + }] +} diff --git a/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-entities-time-step-before-interpolator-attribute-subscriber.json b/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-entities-time-step-before-interpolator-attribute-subscriber.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..757aaea --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-entities-time-step-before-interpolator-attribute-subscriber.json @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +{ + "domain": { + "service": "theService", + "subservice": "/theSubService" + }, + "subscriber": { + "protocol": "https", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 1026, + "path": "/notify", + "ngsiVersion": "1.0" + }, + "authentication": { + "provider": "keystone", + "protocol": "https", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 5001, + "user": "theUser", + "password": "thePassword" + }, + "iota": { + "ultralight": { + "http": { + "protocol": "http", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 8085 + } + } + }, + "entities": [{ + "schedule": "once", + "entity_name": "EntityName1", + "entity_type": "EntityType1", + "active": [{ + "name": "active1", + "type": "number", + "value": "time-step-before-interpolator([[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,0],[24,0]])" + }], + "staticAttributes": [{ + "name": "static1", + "type": "string", + "value": "Value of static1" + }] + }] +} diff --git a/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-entities-time-step-before-interpolator-attribute.json b/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-entities-time-step-before-interpolator-attribute.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..279afe3 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-entities-time-step-before-interpolator-attribute.json @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +{ + "domain": { + "service": "theService", + "subservice": "/theSubService" + }, + "contextBroker": { + "protocol": "https", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 1026, + "ngsiVersion": "1.0" + }, + "authentication": { + "provider": "keystone", + "protocol": "https", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 5001, + "user": "theUser", + "password": "thePassword" + }, + "iota": { + "ultralight": { + "http": { + "protocol": "http", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 8085 + } + } + }, + "entities": [{ + "schedule": "once", + "entity_name": "EntityName1", + "entity_type": "EntityType1", + "active": [{ + "name": "active1", + "type": "number", + "value": "time-step-before-interpolator([[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,0],[24,0]])" + }], + "staticAttributes": [{ + "name": "static1", + "type": "string", + "value": "Value of static1" + }] + }] +} diff --git a/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-subscriber.json b/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-subscriber.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7251715 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-subscriber.json @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ +{ + "exports": { + "service": "theService", + "subservice": "/theSubService", + "subscriber": { + "protocol": "https", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 1026, + "path": "/notify", + "ngsiVersion": "1.0" + } + }, + "domain": { + "service": "import(service)", + "subservice": "import(subservice)" + }, + "subscriber": "import(subscriber)", + "authentication": { + "provider": "keystone", + "protocol": "https", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 5001, + "user": "theUser", + "password": "thePassword", + "retry": { + "times": 10, + "interval": 100 + } + }, + "iota": { + "ultralight": { + "http": { + "protocol": "http", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 8085 + } + }, + "json": { + "http": { + "protocol": "http", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 8185 + } + } + }, + "entities": [{ + "schedule": "once", + "entity_name": "EntityName1", + "entity_type": "EntityType1", + "active": [{ + "name": "active1", + "type": "number", + "value": "time-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,0],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"ceil\"}})" + }], + "staticAttributes": [{ + "name": "static1", + "type": "string", + "value": "Value of static1" + }] + }, { + "schedule": "*/5 * * * * *", + "entity_name": "EntityName2", + "entity_type": "EntityType2", + "active": [{ + "name": "active1", + "type": "number", + "value": "time-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,0],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"floor\"}})" + }, { + "schedule": "*/1 * * * * *", + "name": "active2", + "type": "number", + "value": "time-step-before-interpolator([[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,0],[24,0]])" + }], + "staticAttributes": [{ + "name": "static1", + "type": "string", + "value": "Value of static1" + }] + }, { + "count": "3", + "entity_type": "EntityType3", + "schedule": "*/1 * * * * *", + "active": [{ + "name": "active1", + "type": "percentage", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,random(25,45)],[21,random(50,75)],[22,0],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"ceil\"}})" + }, { + "schedule": "*/5 5 * * * *", + "object_id": "a2", + "name": "active2", + "type": "percentage", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,random(25,45)],[21,random(50,75)],[22,0],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"floor\"}})" + }], + "staticAttributes": [{ + "name": "static1", + "type": "percentage", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,random(25,45)],[21,random(50,75)],[22,0],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"round\"}})" + }] + }], + "devices": [{ + "schedule": "once", + "device_id": "DeviceId1", + "protocol": "UltraLight::HTTP", + "api_key": "the-api-key", + "attributes": [{ + "object_id": "a1", + "value": "attribute-function-interpolator(${{EntityName1}{active1}} + Math.pow(${{EntityName2}{active2}},2))" + }] + }, { + "schedule": "*/5 * 7 * * *", + "device_id": "DeviceId2", + "protocol": "UltraLight::HTTP", + "api_key": "the-api-key", + "attributes": [{ + "object_id": "a1", + "value": "time-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,0],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"ceil\"}})" + }, { + "schedule": "*/1 * * * * *", + "object_id": "a2", + "value": "time-step-after-interpolator([[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,0],[24,0]])" + }] + }, { + "count": "5", + "entity_type": "DeviceType3", + "api_key": "the-api-key", + "protocol": "UltraLight::HTTP", + "schedule": "*/1 * * * * *", + "attributes": [{ + "object_id": "a1", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,random(25,45)],[21,random(50,75)],[22,0],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"ceil\"}})" + }, { + "schedule": "*/5 * * 9 * *", + "object_id": "a2", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[random(0,1),0],[20,random(25,45)],[random(21,22),random(50,75)],[22,0],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"ceil\"}})" + }] + }] +} diff --git a/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration.json b/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9d6d58 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration.json @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +{ + "exports": { + "service": "theService", + "subservice": "/theSubService", + "contextBroker": { + "protocol": "https", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 1026, + "ngsiVersion": "1.0" + } + }, + "domain": { + "service": "import(service)", + "subservice": "import(subservice)" + }, + "contextBroker": "import(contextBroker)", + "authentication": { + "provider": "keystone", + "protocol": "https", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 5001, + "user": "theUser", + "password": "thePassword", + "retry": { + "times": 10, + "interval": 100 + } + }, + "iota": { + "ultralight": { + "http": { + "protocol": "http", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 8085 + } + }, + "json": { + "http": { + "protocol": "http", + "host": "localhost", + "port": 8185 + } + } + }, + "entities": [{ + "schedule": "once", + "entity_name": "EntityName1", + "entity_type": "EntityType1", + "active": [{ + "name": "active1", + "type": "number", + "value": "time-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,0],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"ceil\"}})" + }], + "staticAttributes": [{ + "name": "static1", + "type": "string", + "value": "Value of static1" + }] + }, { + "schedule": "*/5 * * * * *", + "entity_name": "EntityName2", + "entity_type": "EntityType2", + "active": [{ + "name": "active1", + "type": "number", + "value": "time-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,0],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"floor\"}})" + }, { + "schedule": "*/1 * * * * *", + "name": "active2", + "type": "number", + "value": "time-step-before-interpolator([[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,0],[24,0]])" + }], + "staticAttributes": [{ + "name": "static1", + "type": "string", + "value": "Value of static1" + }] + }, { + "count": "3", + "entity_type": "EntityType3", + "schedule": "*/1 * * * * *", + "active": [{ + "name": "active1", + "type": "percentage", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,random(25,45)],[21,random(50,75)],[22,0],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"ceil\"}})" + }, { + "schedule": "*/5 5 * * * *", + "object_id": "a2", + "name": "active2", + "type": "percentage", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,random(25,45)],[21,random(50,75)],[22,0],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"floor\"}})" + }], + "staticAttributes": [{ + "name": "static1", + "type": "percentage", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,random(25,45)],[21,random(50,75)],[22,0],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"round\"}})" + }] + }], + "devices": [{ + "schedule": "once", + "device_id": "DeviceId1", + "protocol": "UltraLight::HTTP", + "api_key": "the-api-key", + "attributes": [{ + "object_id": "a1", + "value": "attribute-function-interpolator(${{EntityName1}{active1}} + Math.pow(${{EntityName2}{active2}},2))" + }] + }, { + "schedule": "*/5 * 7 * * *", + "device_id": "DeviceId2", + "protocol": "UltraLight::HTTP", + "api_key": "the-api-key", + "attributes": [{ + "object_id": "a1", + "value": "time-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,0],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"ceil\"}})" + }, { + "schedule": "*/1 * * * * *", + "object_id": "a2", + "value": "time-step-after-interpolator([[0,0],[20,0.25],[21,0.50],[22,0.75],[23,0],[24,0]])" + }] + }, { + "count": "5", + "entity_type": "DeviceType3", + "api_key": "the-api-key", + "protocol": "UltraLight::HTTP", + "schedule": "*/1 * * * * *", + "attributes": [{ + "object_id": "a1", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[0,0],[20,random(25,45)],[21,random(50,75)],[22,0],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"ceil\"}})" + }, { + "schedule": "*/5 * * 9 * *", + "object_id": "a2", + "value": "time-random-linear-interpolator({\"spec\": [[random(0,1),0],[20,random(25,45)],[random(21,22),random(50,75)],[22,0],[24,0]], \"return\": {\"type\": \"integer\", \"rounding\": \"ceil\"}})" + }] + }] +} diff --git a/test/unit/fiwareDeviceSimulator_test.js b/test/unit/fiwareDeviceSimulator_test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c823879 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/fiwareDeviceSimulator_test.js @@ -0,0 +1,6418 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; +var mqtt = require('mqtt'); +var nock = require('nock'); +var should = require('should'); +var sinon = require('sinon'); +var linearInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/linearInterpolator'); +var stepBeforeInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/stepBeforeInterpolator'); +var stepAfterInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/stepAfterInterpolator'); +var dateIncrementInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/dateIncrementInterpolator'); +var multilinePositionInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/multilinePositionInterpolator'); +var textRotationInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/textRotationInterpolator'); +var fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/transpilers/fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler'); +var fiwareDeviceSimulator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/fiwareDeviceSimulator'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); + +/** + * Encode file name to be compatible with linux and windows filesystems + * @param {string} file name to be encoded + * @return {string} file name encoded + */ +function encodeFilename(text) { + return text.replace(/::/g, '_'); +} + +/** + * Checks if a retrieved token response is wellFormedTokenRequestCheck + * @param {Object} simulationConfiguration A simulation configuration object + * @param {Object} requestBody The token response body + */ +function wellFormedTokenRequestCheck(simulationConfiguration, requestBody) { + should(requestBody.auth.identity.methods).be.an.instanceof(Array); + should(requestBody.auth.identity.methods).containDeep(['password']); + should(requestBody.auth.identity.password.user.domain.name).equal(simulationConfiguration.domain.service); + should(requestBody.auth.identity.password.user.name).equal(simulationConfiguration.authentication.user); + should(requestBody.auth.identity.password.user.password).equal(simulationConfiguration.authentication.password); + should(requestBody.auth.scope.project.domain.name).equal(simulationConfiguration.domain.service); + should(requestBody.auth.scope.project.name).equal(simulationConfiguration.domain.subservice); +} + +/** + * Returns the attribute value inside a contextElements structure + * @param {Array} contextElements An array of contextElementslement + * @param {String} destination The destination of the requests + * @param {String} body The body of the request + * @param {String} entityId The entity id + * @param {String} attributeName The attribute name + * @return {String} The attribute value + */ +function getAttributeValue(destination, body, entityId, attributeName) { + /* jshint maxdepth: 5 */ + if (destination === 'context broker') { + for (var ii = 0; ii < body.contextElements.length; ii++) { + if (body.contextElements[ii].id === entityId) { + for (var jj = 0; jj < body.contextElements[ii].attributes.length; jj++) { + if (body.contextElements[ii].attributes[jj].name === attributeName) { + return body.contextElements[ii].attributes[jj].value; + } + } + } + } + } else if (destination === 'subscriber') { + for (var kk = 0; kk < body.contextResponses.length; kk++) { + if (body.contextResponses[kk].contextElement.id === entityId) { + for (var ll = 0; ll < body.contextResponses[kk].contextElement.attributes.length; ll++) { + if (body.contextResponses[kk].contextElement.attributes[ll].name === attributeName) { + return body.contextResponses[kk].contextElement.attributes[ll].value; + } + } + } + } + } + /* jshint maxdepth: 5 */ +} + +/** + * Returns the decimal date associated to certain date + * @param {date} date The date + * @return {Number} The time in decimal format + */ +function toDecimalHours(date) { + return date.getHours() + (date.getMinutes() / 60) + (date.getSeconds() / 3600); +} + +describe('fiwareDeviceSimulator tests', function() { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + var idm, + isError, + isTokenRequest, + isTokenResponse, + simulationProgress; + + var simulationConfiguration = require(ROOT_PATH + '/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration.json'); + + idm = nock(simulationConfiguration.authentication.protocol + '://' + simulationConfiguration.authentication.host + + ':' + simulationConfiguration.authentication.port); + + describe('simulation configuration validation', function() { + it('should notify an "error" event if no domain configuration information is provided and ' + + 'entities are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + entities: [{ + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName1', + entity_type: 'EntityType1', + active: [{ + name: 'active1', + type: 'number', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no service in the domain configuration information is provided and ' + + 'entities are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start({ + domain: {}, + entities: [{ + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName1', + entity_type: 'EntityType1', + active: [{ + name: 'active1', + type: 'number', + value: 1 + }] + }] + }); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no subservice in the domain configuration information is provided and ' + + 'entities are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start({ + domain: { + service: 'theService' + }, + entities: [{ + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName1', + entity_type: 'EntityType1', + active: [{ + name: 'active1', + type: 'number', + value: 1 + }] + }] + }); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no context broker configuration information is provided and ' + + 'entities are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + entities: [{ + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName1', + entity_type: 'EntityType1', + active: [{ + name: 'active1', + type: 'number', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no protocol context broker configuration information is provided and ' + + 'entities are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: {}, + entities: [{ + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName1', + entity_type: 'EntityType1', + active: [{ + name: 'active1', + type: 'number', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no protocol context broker configuration information is provided and ' + + 'entities are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: {}, + entities: [{ + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName1', + entity_type: 'EntityType1', + active: [{ + name: 'active1', + type: 'number', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no host context broker configuration information is provided and ' + + 'entities are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https' + }, + entities: [{ + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName1', + entity_type: 'EntityType1', + active: [{ + name: 'active1', + type: 'number', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no port context broker configuration information is provided and ' + + 'entities are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost' + }, + entities: [{ + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName1', + entity_type: 'EntityType1', + active: [{ + name: 'active1', + type: 'number', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no NGSI version context broker configuration information is provided and ' + + 'entities are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026' + }, + entities: [{ + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName1', + entity_type: 'EntityType1', + active: [{ + name: 'active1', + type: 'number', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no provider authentication configuration information is provided', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + } + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no protocol authentication configuration information is provided', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone' + } + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no host authentication configuration information is provided', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https' + } + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no port authentication configuration information is provided', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost' + } + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no user authentication configuration information is provided', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001 + } + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no password authentication configuration information is provided', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser' + } + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no times authentication retry configuration information is provided', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword', + retry: {} + } + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if invalid times authentication retry configuration information is provided', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword', + retry: { + times: 'notANumber' + } + } + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no interval authentication retry configuration information is provided', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword', + retry: { + times: 10 + } + } + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if invalid interval authentication retry configuration information is provided', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword', + retry: { + times: 10, + interval: 'notANumber' + } + } + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no IOT Agent configuration information is provided and devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no UltraLight IoT Agent configuration information is provided and ' + + 'UltraLight HTTP devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: {}, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no UltraLight HTTP IoT Agent configuration information is provided and ' + + 'UltraLight HTTP devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + ultralight: {} + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no UltraLight HTTP protocol IoT Agent configuration information is ' + + 'provided and UltraLight HTTP devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + ultralight: { + http: {} + } + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no UltraLight HTTP host IoT Agent configuration information is provided ' + + 'and UltraLight HTTP devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + ultralight: { + http: { + protocol: 'http' + } + } + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no UltraLight HTTP port IoT Agent configuration information is provided ' + + 'and UltraLight HTTP devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + ultralight: { + http: { + protocol: 'http', + host: 'localhost' + } + } + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no UltraLight API key IoT Agent configuration information is provided ' + + 'and UltraLight HTTP devices specifying no API key are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + ultralight: { + http: { + protocol: 'http', + host: 'localhost', + port: 8085 + } + } + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no UltraLight IoT Agent configuration information is provided and ' + + 'UltraLight MQTT devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: {}, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'UltraLight::MQTT', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no UltraLight MQTT IoT Agent configuration information is provided and ' + + 'UltraLight MQTT devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + ultralight: {} + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'UltraLight::MQTT', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no UltraLight MQTT protocol IoT Agent configuration information is ' + + 'provided and UltraLight MQTT devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + ultralight: { + mqtt: {} + } + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'UltraLight::MQTT', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no UltraLight MQTT host IoT Agent configuration information is ' + + 'provided and UltraLight MQTT devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + ultralight: { + mqtt: { + protocol: 'mqtt' + } + } + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'UltraLight::MQTT', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no UltraLight MQTT port IoT Agent configuration information is provided ' + + 'and UltraLight MQTT devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + ultralight: { + mqtt: { + protocol: 'mqtt', + host: 'localhost' + } + } + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'UltraLight::MQTT', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no UltraLight API key IoT Agent configuration information is provided ' + + 'and UltraLight MQTT devices not specifying specific API keys are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + ultralight: { + mqtt: { + protocol: 'mqtt', + host: 'localhost', + port: 1883 + } + } + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'UltraLight::MQTT', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no JSON HTTP IoT Agent configuration information is provided and ' + + 'JSON HTTP devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + json: {} + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'JSON::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no JSON HTTP protocol IoT Agent configuration information is provided ' + + 'and JSON HTTP devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + json: { + http: {} + } + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'JSON::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no JSON HTTP host IoT Agent configuration information is provided ' + + 'and JSON HTTP devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + json: { + http: { + protocol: 'http' + } + } + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'JSON::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no JSON HTTP port IoT Agent configuration information is provided ' + + 'and JSON HTTP devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + ultralight: { + json: { + protocol: 'http', + host: 'localhost' + } + } + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'JSON::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no JSON API key IoT Agent configuration information is provided ' + + 'and JSON HTTP devices not specifying API keys are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + json: { + http: { + protocol: 'http', + host: 'localhost', + port: 8185 + } + } + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'JSON::HTTP', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no JSON IoT Agent configuration information is provided and ' + + 'JSON MQTT devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: {}, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'JSON::MQTT', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no JSON MQTT IoT Agent configuration information is provided and ' + + 'JSON MQTT devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + json: {} + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'JSON::MQTT', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no JSON MQTT protocol IoT Agent configuration information is ' + + 'provided and JSON MQTT devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + json: { + mqtt: {} + } + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'JSON::MQTT', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no JSON MQTT host IoT Agent configuration information is ' + + 'provided and JSON MQTT devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + json: { + mqtt: { + protocol: 'mqtt' + } + } + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'JSON::MQTT', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no JSON MQTT port IoT Agent configuration information is provided ' + + 'and JSON MQTT devices are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + json: { + mqtt: { + protocol: 'mqtt', + host: 'localhost' + } + } + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'JSON::MQTT', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no JSON API key IoT Agent configuration information is provided ' + + 'and JSON MQTT devices not specifying API keys are included', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + json: { + mqtt: { + protocol: 'mqtt', + host: 'localhost', + port: 1883 + } + } + }, + devices: [{ + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId1', + protocol: 'JSON::MQTT', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'a1', + value: 1 + }] + }] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if malformed entities configuration information is provided', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: {} + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if empty entities configuration information is provided', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no name or count configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + {} + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no type configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'EntityName' + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no active and static attributes configuration information is provided for ' + + 'entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType' + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if malformed static attributes configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: {} + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if empty static attributes configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no name for static attributes configuration information is provided for ' + + 'entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [{}] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no type for static attributes configuration information is provided for ' + + 'entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no value for static attributes configuration information is provided for ' + + 'entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should not notify an "error" event if 0 as value for static attributes configuration information ' + + 'is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 0 + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).not.instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should not notify an "error" event if false as value for static attributes configuration information ' + + 'is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: false + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).not.instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if the metadata of static attributes metadata configuration information ' + + 'for entity is not an array', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue', + metadata: {} + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no name is included as static attributes metadata configuration ' + + 'information for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue', + metadata: [ + {} + ] + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no type is included as static attributes metadata configuration ' + + 'information for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue', + metadata: [ + { + name: 'metadata1' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no value is included as static attributes metadata configuration ' + + 'information for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue', + metadata: [ + { + name: 'metadataName', + type: 'metadataType' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should not notify an "error" event if 0 as value is included as static attributes metadata configuration ' + + 'information for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue', + metadata: [ + { + name: 'metadataName', + type: 'metadataType', + value: 0 + } + ] + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).not.instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should not notify an "error" event if false as value is included as static attributes metadata configuration ' + + 'information for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue', + metadata: [ + { + name: 'metadataName', + type: 'metadataType', + value: false + } + ] + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).not.instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid schedule configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-entity-schedule', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid time-linear-interpolator value static attribute configuration ' + + 'information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator()' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid time-random-linear-interpolator value static attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'time-random-linear-interpolator()' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid time-step-before-interpolator value static attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'time-step-before-interpolator()' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid time-step-after-interpolator value static attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'time-step-after-interpolator()' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid date-increment-interpolator value static attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'date-increment-interpolator()' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid multiline-position-interpolator value static attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'multiline-position-interpolator()' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid text-rotation-interpolator value static attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'text-rotation-interpolator()' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid active attributes ' + + 'configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: {} + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no name active attribute configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [{}] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no type active attribute configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + name: 'ActiveName' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no value active attribute configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should not notify an "error" event if 0 as value active attribute configuration information is provided '+ + 'for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 0 + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).not.instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should not notify an "error" event if false as value active attribute configuration information is provided ' + + 'for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: false + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).not.instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid time-linear-interpolator value active attribute configuration ' + + 'information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator()' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid time-random-linear-interpolator value active attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-random-linear-interpolator()' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid time-step-before-interpolator value active attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-step-before-interpolator()' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid time-step-after-interpolator value active attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-step-after-interpolator()' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid date-increment-interpolator value active attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'date-increment-interpolator()' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid multiline-position-interpolator value active attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'multiline-position-interpolator()' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid text-rotation-interpolator value active attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'text-rotation-interpolator()' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if the metadata of active attributes metadata configuration information ' + + 'for entity is not an array', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])', + metadata: {} + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no name is included as active attributes metadata configuration ' + + 'information for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])', + metadata: [ + {} + ] + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no type is included as active attributes metadata configuration ' + + 'information for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])', + metadata: [ + { + name: 'metadata1' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no value is included as active attributes metadata configuration ' + + 'information for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])', + metadata: [ + { + name: 'metadataName', + type: 'metadataType' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should not notify an "error" event if 0 as value is included as active attributes metadata configuration ' + + 'information for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])', + metadata: [ + { + name: 'metadataName', + type: 'metadataType', + value: 0 + } + ] + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).not.instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should not notify an "error" event if false as value is included as active attributes metadata configuration ' + + 'information for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])', + metadata: [ + { + name: 'metadataName', + type: 'metadataType', + value: false + } + ] + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).not.instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid schedule for active attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for entity', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if malformed devices configuration information is provided', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: {} + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if empty devices configuration information is provided', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no id or count configuration information is provided for device', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + {} + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no protocol configuration information is provided for device', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + { + device_id: 'DeviceId' + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no api key configuration information is provided for device', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + { + device_id: 'DeviceId', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP' + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no attributes configuration information is provided for device', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + { + device_id: 'DeviceId', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key' + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if malformed attributes configuration information is provided for device', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + { + device_id: 'DeviceId', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: {} + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if empty attributes configuration information is provided for device', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + { + device_id: 'DeviceId', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no object id attributes configuration information is provided for device', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + { + device_id: 'DeviceId', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{}] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if no value for attributes configuration information is provided for device', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + { + device_id: 'DeviceId', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'ObjectId' + }] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should not notify an "error" event if 0 as value for attributes configuration information is provided ' + + 'for device', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + ultralight: { + api_key: '1ifhm6o0kp4ew7fi377mpyc3c', + http: { + protocol: 'http', + host: 'localhost', + port: 8085 + } + } + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + { + device_id: 'DeviceId', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'ObjectId', + value: 0 + }] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).not.instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should not notify an "error" event if false as value for attributes configuration information is provided ' + + 'for device', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + iota: { + ultralight: { + api_key: '1ifhm6o0kp4ew7fi377mpyc3c', + http: { + protocol: 'http', + host: 'localhost', + port: 8085 + } + } + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + { + device_id: 'DeviceId', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'ObjectId', + value: false + }] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).not.instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid schedule configuration information is provided for device', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-entity-schedule', + device_id: 'DeviceId', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'ObjectId', + value: 'ObjectValue' + }] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid time-linear-interpolator value attribute configuration ' + + 'information is provided for device', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'ObjectId', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator()' + }] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid time-random-linear-interpolator value attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for device', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'ObjectId', + value: 'time-random-linear-interpolator()' + }] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid time-step-before-interpolator value attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for device', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'ObjectId', + value: 'time-step-before-interpolator()' + }] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid time-step-after-interpolator value attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for device', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'ObjectId', + value: 'time-step-after-interpolator()' + }] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid date-increment-interpolator value attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for device', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'ObjectId', + value: 'date-increment-interpolator()' + }] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid multiline-position-interpolator value attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for device', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'ObjectId', + value: 'multiline-position-interpolator()' + }] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid text-rotation-interpolator value static attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + object_id: 'ObjectId', + value: 'text-rotation-interpolator()' + }] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should notify an "error" event if not valid schedule for attribute ' + + 'configuration information is provided for device', + function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start( + { + domain: { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker: { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: '1026', + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + authentication: { + provider: 'keystone', + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 5001, + user: 'theUser', + password: 'thePassword' + }, + entities: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + entity_name: 'EntityName', + entity_type: 'EntityType', + staticAttributes: [ + { + name: 'StaticName', + type: 'StaticType', + value: 'StaticValue' + } + ], + active: [ + { + schedule: 'invalid-active-attribute-schedule', + name: 'ActiveName', + type: 'ActiveType', + value: 'time-linear-interpolator([[0,0],[12,0.5],[24,1]])' + } + ] + } + ], + devices: [ + { + schedule: 'once', + device_id: 'DeviceId', + protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP', + api_key: 'the-api-key', + attributes: [{ + schedule: 'invalid-attribute-schedule', + object_id: 'ObjectId', + value: 'text-rotation-interpolator()' + }] + } + ] + } + ); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + afterEach(function() { + simulationProgress.removeAllListeners(); + }); + }); + + describe('authorization', function() { + beforeEach(function(done) { + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile(simulationConfiguration, function(err, newSimulationConfiguration) { + if (err) { + return done(err); + } + idm.post('/v3/auth/tokens').times(10).reply( + function(uri, requestBody) { + wellFormedTokenRequestCheck(newSimulationConfiguration, requestBody); + return [ + 503, + 'Service Unavailable' + ]; + } + ); + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should request an authorization token the number of times set in retry.times', function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start(simulationConfiguration); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.TokenNotAvailable); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should emit the "token-request", "error" and "end" event if the IDM is unavailable, but not the ' + + '"token-response" event', function(done) { + simulationProgress = fiwareDeviceSimulator.start(simulationConfiguration); + simulationProgress.on('token-request', function(ev) { + isTokenRequest = true; + should.exist(ev.request); + }); + simulationProgress.on('token-response', function() { + isTokenResponse = true; + }); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + isError = true; + should(ev.error).instanceof(fdsErrors.TokenNotAvailable); + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + should(isTokenRequest).be.true(); + should(isTokenResponse).be.undefined(); + should(isError).be.true(); + done(); + }); + }); + + afterEach(function() { + nock.cleanAll(); + simulationProgress.removeAllListeners(); + }); + }); + + describe('simulation', function() { + var contextBroker, + subscriber, + httpIoTA, + mqttClient, + mqttConnectStub, + tokenResponseBody = require(ROOT_PATH + '/test/unit/messages/token-response-body.json'), + tokenResponses = 0, + updateRequests = 0, + updateResponses = 0; + + /** + * The simulation tests suite + * @param {String} type The type of simulation. Possible values are: 'entities' and 'devices' + * @param {String} options Object including the "destination" of the updates ("contextBroker" or "subscriber") and + * the "ngsiVersion" properties if entities or the "protocol" property if + * devices + */ + function simulationTestSuite(type, options){ + beforeEach(function(done) { + if (options.destination === 'context broker') { + simulationConfiguration = require(ROOT_PATH + '/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration.json'); + } else if (options.destination === 'subscriber') { + simulationConfiguration = require(ROOT_PATH + + '/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-subscriber.json'); + } + + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile(simulationConfiguration, function(err, newSimulationConfiguration) { + if (err) { + return done(err); + } + + idm.post('/v3/auth/tokens').reply( + function(uri, requestBody) { + wellFormedTokenRequestCheck(newSimulationConfiguration, requestBody); + return [ + 201, + tokenResponseBody, + { + 'X-Subject-Token': '829136fd6df6418880785016770d46e7' + } + ]; + } + ); + + if (options.destination === 'context broker') { + if (options.ngsiVersion === '1.0') { + contextBroker = nock(newSimulationConfiguration.contextBroker.protocol + '://' + + newSimulationConfiguration.contextBroker.host + ':' + newSimulationConfiguration.contextBroker.port); + contextBroker.post('/v1/updateContext').times(5).reply( + function() { + return [200]; + } + ); + } else if (options.ngsiVersion === '2.0') { + contextBroker = nock(newSimulationConfiguration.contextBroker.protocol + '://' + + newSimulationConfiguration.contextBroker.host + ':' + newSimulationConfiguration.contextBroker.port); + contextBroker.post('/v2/op/update').times(5).reply( + function() { + return [200]; + } + ); + } + } else if (options.destination === 'subscriber') { + if (options.ngsiVersion === '1.0') { + subscriber = nock(newSimulationConfiguration.subscriber.protocol + '://' + + newSimulationConfiguration.subscriber.host + ':' + newSimulationConfiguration.subscriber.port); + contextBroker.post(newSimulationConfiguration.subscriber.path).times(5).reply( + function() { + return [200]; + } + ); + } + } + + if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::HTTP') { + httpIoTA = nock(newSimulationConfiguration.iota.ultralight.http.protocol + '://' + + newSimulationConfiguration.iota.ultralight.http.host + ':' + + newSimulationConfiguration.iota.ultralight.http.port); + httpIoTA.post('/iot/d').query(true).times(5).reply( + function() { + return [200]; + } + ); + } else if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::MQTT') { + mqttConnectStub = sinon.stub(mqtt, 'connect', function() { + mqttClient = new EventEmitter(); + mqttClient.publish = function(topic, payload, callback) { + callback(); + }; + setImmediate(function() { + mqttClient.emit('connect'); + }); + return mqttClient; + }); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::HTTP') { + httpIoTA = nock(newSimulationConfiguration.iota.json.http.protocol + '://' + + newSimulationConfiguration.iota.json.http.host + ':' + + newSimulationConfiguration.iota.json.http.port); + httpIoTA.post('/iot/json').query(true).times(5).reply( + function() { + return [200]; + } + ); + } + + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should update ' + (options.protocol ? options.protocol + ' ' : '') + type + ' once if scheduled at ' + + 'element level', + function(done) { + var simulationConfiguration = + require(ROOT_PATH + '/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-' + + (options.protocol ? encodeFilename(options.protocol) + '-' : '') + + type + '-once' + + (options.destination && options.destination !== 'context broker' ? '-' + options.destination: '') + + '.json'); + if (options.ngsiVersion) { + if (simulationConfiguration.contextBroker) { + simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } else if (simulationConfiguration.subscriber) { + simulationConfiguration.subscriber.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } + } + fiwareDeviceSimulator.start(simulationConfiguration); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + done(ev.error); + }); + simulationProgress.on('token-response', function(ev) { + ++tokenResponses; + should(ev.expires_at.toISOString()).equal(tokenResponseBody.token.expires_at); + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-request', function() { + ++updateRequests; + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-response', function() { + ++updateResponses; + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + should(tokenResponses).equal(1); + should(updateRequests).equal(1); + should(updateResponses).equal(1); + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should update ' + (options.protocol ? options.protocol + ' ' : '') + type + ' once if scheduled at ' + + 'attribute level', + function(done) { + var simulationConfiguration = + require(ROOT_PATH + '/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-' + + (options.protocol ? encodeFilename(options.protocol) + '-' : '') + + type + '-attribute-once' + + (options.destination && options.destination !== 'context broker' ? '-' + options.destination: '') + + '.json'); + if (options.ngsiVersion) { + if (simulationConfiguration.contextBroker) { + simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } else if (simulationConfiguration.subscriber) { + simulationConfiguration.subscriber.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } + } + fiwareDeviceSimulator.start(simulationConfiguration); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + done(ev.error); + }); + simulationProgress.on('token-response', function(ev) { + ++tokenResponses; + should(ev.expires_at.toISOString()).equal(tokenResponseBody.token.expires_at); + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-request', function() { + ++updateRequests; + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-response', function() { + ++updateResponses; + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + should(tokenResponses).equal(1); + should(updateRequests).equal(1); + should(updateResponses).equal(1); + done(); + } + ); + }); + + it('should update ' + (options.protocol ? options.protocol + ' ' : '') + type + ' every second if scheduled ' + + 'at entity level', + function(done) { + this.timeout(5000); + var simulationConfiguration = + require(ROOT_PATH + '/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-' + + (options.protocol ? encodeFilename(options.protocol) + '-' : '') + + type + '-every-second' + + (options.destination && options.destination !== 'context broker' ? '-' + options.destination: '') + + '.json'); + if (options.ngsiVersion) { + if (simulationConfiguration.contextBroker) { + simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } else if (simulationConfiguration.subscriber) { + simulationConfiguration.subscriber.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } + } + fiwareDeviceSimulator.start(simulationConfiguration); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + done(ev.error); + }); + simulationProgress.on('token-response', function(ev) { + ++tokenResponses; + should(ev.expires_at.toISOString()).equal(tokenResponseBody.token.expires_at); + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-request', function() { + ++updateRequests; + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-response', function() { + ++updateResponses; + if (tokenResponses === 1 && updateRequests === 3 && updateResponses === 3) { + fiwareDeviceSimulator.stop(); + } + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + } + ); + }); + + it('should update ' + (options.protocol ? options.protocol + ' ' : '') + type + ' every second if scheduled ' + + 'at attribute level', + function(done) { + this.timeout(5000); + var simulationConfiguration = + require( + ROOT_PATH + '/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-' + + (options.protocol ? encodeFilename(options.protocol) + '-' : '') + + type + '-attribute-every-second' + + (options.destination && options.destination !== 'context broker' ? '-' + options.destination: '') + + '.json'); + if (options.ngsiVersion) { + if (simulationConfiguration.contextBroker) { + simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } else if (simulationConfiguration.subscriber) { + simulationConfiguration.subscriber.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } + } + fiwareDeviceSimulator.start(simulationConfiguration); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + done(ev.error); + }); + simulationProgress.on('token-response', function(ev) { + ++tokenResponses; + should(ev.expires_at.toISOString()).equal(tokenResponseBody.token.expires_at); + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-request', function() { + ++updateRequests; + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-response', function() { + ++updateResponses; + if (tokenResponses === 1 && updateRequests === 3 && updateResponses === 3) { + fiwareDeviceSimulator.stop(); + } + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + done(); + } + ); + }); + + it('should set fixed values of attributes once', function(done) { + var simulationConfiguration = + require(ROOT_PATH + '/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-' + + (options.protocol ? encodeFilename(options.protocol) + '-' : '') + + type + '-fixed-attribute' + + (options.destination && options.destination !== 'context broker' ? '-' + options.destination: '') + + '.json'); + if (options.ngsiVersion) { + if (simulationConfiguration.contextBroker) { + simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } else if (simulationConfiguration.subscriber) { + simulationConfiguration.subscriber.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } + } + fiwareDeviceSimulator.start(simulationConfiguration); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + done(ev.error); + }); + simulationProgress.on('token-response', function(ev) { + ++tokenResponses; + should(ev.expires_at.toISOString()).equal(tokenResponseBody.token.expires_at); + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-request', function() { + ++updateRequests; + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-response', function(ev) { + ++updateResponses; + if (type === 'entities') { + if (options.ngsiVersion === '1.0') { + should(getAttributeValue(options.destination, ev.request.body, 'EntityName1', 'active1')).equal('1'); + } else if (options.ngsiVersion === '2.0') { + should(ev.request.body.entities[0].active1.value).equal('1'); + } + } else { + if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.split('|')[1]).equal('1'); + } else if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::MQTT') { + should(ev.request.payload.split('|')[1]).equal('1'); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.attribute1).equal('1'); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::MQTT') { + should(JSON.parse(ev.request.payload).attribute1).equal('1'); + } + } + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + should(tokenResponses).equal(1); + should(updateRequests).equal(1); + should(updateResponses).equal(1); + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should set time-linear-interpolator values of attributes once', function(done) { + var simulationConfiguration = + require(ROOT_PATH + + '/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-' + + (options.protocol ? encodeFilename(options.protocol) + '-' : '') + + type +'-time-linear-interpolator-attribute' + + (options.destination && options.destination !== 'context broker' ? '-' + options.destination: '') + + '.json'); + if (options.ngsiVersion) { + if (simulationConfiguration.contextBroker) { + simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } else if (simulationConfiguration.subscriber) { + simulationConfiguration.subscriber.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } + } + fiwareDeviceSimulator.start(simulationConfiguration); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + done(ev.error); + }); + simulationProgress.on('token-response', function(ev) { + ++tokenResponses; + should(ev.expires_at.toISOString()).equal(tokenResponseBody.token.expires_at); + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-request', function(ev) { + ++updateRequests; + var decimalHours = toDecimalHours(new Date()); + var attributeValue = (type === 'entities') ? + simulationConfiguration[type][0].active[0].value : + simulationConfiguration[type][0].attributes[0].value; + var value = linearInterpolator(attributeValue.substring( + 'time-linear-interpolator('.length, attributeValue.length - 1))(decimalHours); + if (type === 'entities') { + if (options.ngsiVersion === '1.0') { + should(getAttributeValue(options.destination, ev.request.body, 'EntityName1', 'active1')).equal(value); + } else if (options.ngsiVersion === '2.0') { + should(ev.request.body.entities[0].active1.value).equal(value); + } + } else { + if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.split('|')[1]).equal(value.toString()); + } else if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::MQTT') { + should(ev.request.payload.split('|')[1]).equal(value.toString()); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.attribute1).equal(value); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::MQTT') { + should(JSON.parse(ev.request.payload).attribute1).equal(value); + } + } + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-response', function() { + ++updateResponses; + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + should(tokenResponses).equal(1); + should(updateRequests).equal(1); + should(updateResponses).equal(1); + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should set time-linear-interpolator values of attributes once (retrocompatibility)', function(done) { + var simulationConfiguration = + require(ROOT_PATH + + '/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-' + + (options.protocol ? encodeFilename(options.protocol) + '-' : '') + + type +'-time-linear-interpolator-attribute-retro' + + (options.destination && options.destination !== 'context broker' ? '-' + options.destination: '') + + '.json'); + if (options.ngsiVersion) { + if (simulationConfiguration.contextBroker) { + simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } else if (simulationConfiguration.subscriber) { + simulationConfiguration.subscriber.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } + } + fiwareDeviceSimulator.start(simulationConfiguration); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + done(ev.error); + }); + simulationProgress.on('token-response', function(ev) { + ++tokenResponses; + should(ev.expires_at.toISOString()).equal(tokenResponseBody.token.expires_at); + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-request', function(ev) { + ++updateRequests; + var decimalHours = toDecimalHours(new Date()); + var attributeValue = (type === 'entities') ? + simulationConfiguration[type][0].active[0].value : + simulationConfiguration[type][0].attributes[0].value; + var value = linearInterpolator(attributeValue.substring( + 'time-linear-interpolator('.length, attributeValue.length - 1))(decimalHours); + if (type === 'entities') { + if (options.ngsiVersion === '1.0') { + should(getAttributeValue(options.destination, ev.request.body, 'EntityName1', 'active1')).equal(value); + } else if (options.ngsiVersion === '2.0') { + should(ev.request.body.entities[0].active1.value).equal(value); + } + } else { + if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.split('|')[1]).equal(value.toString()); + } else if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::MQTT') { + should(ev.request.payload.split('|')[1]).equal(value.toString()); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.attribute1).equal(value); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::MQTT') { + should(JSON.parse(ev.request.payload).attribute1).equal(value); + } + } + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-response', function() { + ++updateResponses; + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + should(tokenResponses).equal(1); + should(updateRequests).equal(1); + should(updateResponses).equal(1); + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should set time-random-linear-interpolator values of attributes once', function(done) { + var simulationConfiguration = + require(ROOT_PATH + + '/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-' + + (options.protocol ? encodeFilename(options.protocol) + '-' : '') + + type + '-time-random-linear-interpolator-attribute' + + (options.destination && options.destination !== 'context broker' ? '-' + options.destination: '') + + '.json'); + if (options.ngsiVersion) { + if (simulationConfiguration.contextBroker) { + simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } else if (simulationConfiguration.subscriber) { + simulationConfiguration.subscriber.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } + } + fiwareDeviceSimulator.start(simulationConfiguration); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + done(ev.error); + }); + simulationProgress.on('token-response', function(ev) { + ++tokenResponses; + should(ev.expires_at.toISOString()).equal(tokenResponseBody.token.expires_at); + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-request', function(ev) { + ++updateRequests; + if (type === 'entities') { + if (options.ngsiVersion === '1.0') { + should(getAttributeValue(options.destination, ev.request.body, 'EntityName1', 'active1')). + lessThanOrEqual(75); + } else if (options.ngsiVersion === '2.0') { + should(ev.request.body.entities[0].active1.value).lessThanOrEqual(75); + } + } else { + if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.split('|')[1]).lessThanOrEqual(75); + } else if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::MQTT') { + should(ev.request.payload.split('|')[1]).lessThanOrEqual(75); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.attribute1).lessThanOrEqual(75); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::MQTT') { + should(JSON.parse(ev.request.payload).attribute1).lessThanOrEqual(75); + } + } + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-response', function() { + ++updateResponses; + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + should(tokenResponses).equal(1); + should(updateRequests).equal(1); + should(updateResponses).equal(1); + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should set time-random-linear-interpolator values of attributes once (retrocompatibility)', function(done) { + var simulationConfiguration = + require(ROOT_PATH + + '/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-' + + (options.protocol ? encodeFilename(options.protocol) + '-' : '') + + type + '-time-random-linear-interpolator-attribute-retro' + + (options.destination && options.destination !== 'context broker' ? '-' + options.destination: '') + + '.json'); + if (options.ngsiVersion) { + if (simulationConfiguration.contextBroker) { + simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } else if (simulationConfiguration.subscriber) { + simulationConfiguration.subscriber.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } + } + fiwareDeviceSimulator.start(simulationConfiguration); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + done(ev.error); + }); + simulationProgress.on('token-response', function(ev) { + ++tokenResponses; + should(ev.expires_at.toISOString()).equal(tokenResponseBody.token.expires_at); + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-request', function(ev) { + ++updateRequests; + if (type === 'entities') { + if (options.ngsiVersion === '1.0') { + should(getAttributeValue(options.destination, ev.request.body, 'EntityName1', 'active1')). + lessThanOrEqual(75); + } else if (options.ngsiVersion === '2.0') { + should(ev.request.body.entities[0].active1.value).lessThanOrEqual(75); + } + } else { + if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.split('|')[1]).lessThanOrEqual(75); + } else if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::MQTT') { + should(ev.request.payload.split('|')[1]).lessThanOrEqual(75); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.attribute1).lessThanOrEqual(75); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::MQTT') { + should(JSON.parse(ev.request.payload).attribute1).lessThanOrEqual(75); + } + } + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-response', function() { + ++updateResponses; + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + should(tokenResponses).equal(1); + should(updateRequests).equal(1); + should(updateResponses).equal(1); + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should set time-step-before-interpolator values of attributes once', function(done) { + var simulationConfiguration = + require(ROOT_PATH + + '/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-' + + (options.protocol ? encodeFilename(options.protocol) + '-' : '') + + type + '-time-step-before-interpolator-attribute' + + (options.destination && options.destination !== 'context broker' ? '-' + options.destination: '') + + '.json'); + if (options.ngsiVersion) { + if (simulationConfiguration.contextBroker) { + simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } else if (simulationConfiguration.subscriber) { + simulationConfiguration.subscriber.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } + } + fiwareDeviceSimulator.start(simulationConfiguration); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + done(ev.error); + }); + simulationProgress.on('token-response', function(ev) { + ++tokenResponses; + should(ev.expires_at.toISOString()).equal(tokenResponseBody.token.expires_at); + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-request', function(ev) { + ++updateRequests; + var decimalHours = toDecimalHours(new Date()); + var attributeValue = (type === 'entities') ? + simulationConfiguration[type][0].active[0].value : + simulationConfiguration[type][0].attributes[0].value; + var value = stepBeforeInterpolator(attributeValue.substring( + 'time-step-before-interpolator('.length, attributeValue.length - 1))(decimalHours); + if (type === 'entities') { + if (options.ngsiVersion === '1.0') { + should(getAttributeValue(options.destination, ev.request.body, 'EntityName1', 'active1')).equal(value); + } else if (options.ngsiVersion === '2.0') { + should(ev.request.body.entities[0].active1.value).equal(value); + } + } else { + if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.split('|')[1]).equal(value.toString()); + } else if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::MQTT') { + should(ev.request.payload.split('|')[1]).equal(value.toString()); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.attribute1).equal(value); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::MQTT') { + should(JSON.parse(ev.request.payload).attribute1).equal(value); + } + } + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-response', function() { + ++updateResponses; + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + should(tokenResponses).equal(1); + should(updateRequests).equal(1); + should(updateResponses).equal(1); + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should set time-step-after-interpolator values of attributes once', function(done) { + var simulationConfiguration = + require(ROOT_PATH + + '/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-' + + (options.protocol ? encodeFilename(options.protocol) + '-' : '') + + type + '-time-step-after-interpolator-attribute' + + (options.destination && options.destination !== 'context broker' ? '-' + options.destination: '') + + '.json'); + if (options.ngsiVersion) { + if (simulationConfiguration.contextBroker) { + simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } else if (simulationConfiguration.subscriber) { + simulationConfiguration.subscriber.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } + } + fiwareDeviceSimulator.start(simulationConfiguration); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + done(ev.error); + }); + simulationProgress.on('token-response', function(ev) { + ++tokenResponses; + should(ev.expires_at.toISOString()).equal(tokenResponseBody.token.expires_at); + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-request', function(ev) { + ++updateRequests; + var decimalHours = toDecimalHours(new Date()); + var attributeValue = (type === 'entities') ? + simulationConfiguration[type][0].active[0].value : + simulationConfiguration[type][0].attributes[0].value; + var value = stepAfterInterpolator(attributeValue.substring( + 'time-step-after-interpolator('.length, attributeValue.length - 1))(decimalHours); + if (type === 'entities') { + if (options.ngsiVersion === '1.0') { + should(getAttributeValue(options.destination, ev.request.body, 'EntityName1', 'active1')).equal(value); + } else if (options.ngsiVersion === '2.0') { + should(ev.request.body.entities[0].active1.value).equal(value); + } + } else { + if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.split('|')[1]).equal(value.toString()); + } else if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::MQTT') { + should(ev.request.payload.split('|')[1]).equal(value.toString()); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.attribute1).equal(value); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::MQTT') { + should(JSON.parse(ev.request.payload).attribute1).equal(value); + } + } + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-response', function() { + ++updateResponses; + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + should(tokenResponses).equal(1); + should(updateRequests).equal(1); + should(updateResponses).equal(1); + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should set date-increment-interpolator values of attributes once', function(done) { + var simulationConfiguration = + require(ROOT_PATH + + '/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-' + + (options.protocol ? encodeFilename(options.protocol) + '-' : '') + + type + '-date-increment-interpolator-attribute' + + (options.destination && options.destination !== 'context broker' ? '-' + options.destination: '') + + '.json'); + if (options.ngsiVersion) { + if (simulationConfiguration.contextBroker) { + simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } else if (simulationConfiguration.subscriber) { + simulationConfiguration.subscriber.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } + } + fiwareDeviceSimulator.start(simulationConfiguration); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + done(ev.error); + }); + simulationProgress.on('token-response', function(ev) { + ++tokenResponses; + should(ev.expires_at.toISOString()).equal(tokenResponseBody.token.expires_at); + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-request', function(ev) { + ++updateRequests; + var decimalHours = toDecimalHours(new Date()); + var attributeValue = (type === 'entities') ? + simulationConfiguration[type][0].active[0].value : + simulationConfiguration[type][0].attributes[0].value; + var value = dateIncrementInterpolator(attributeValue.substring( + 'date-increment-interpolator('.length, attributeValue.length - 1))(decimalHours); + if (type === 'entities') { + if (options.ngsiVersion === '1.0') { + should(getAttributeValue(options.destination, ev.request.body, 'EntityName1', 'active1'). + substring(0, 20)).equal(value.substring(0, 20)); + } else if (options.ngsiVersion === '2.0') { + should(ev.request.body.entities[0].active1.value.substring(0, 20)).equal(value.substring(0, 20)); + } + } else { + if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.split('|')[1].substring(0, 20)).equal(value.substring(0, 20)); + } else if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::MQTT') { + should(ev.request.payload.split('|')[1].substring(0, 20)).equal(value.substring(0, 20)); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.attribute1.substring(0, 20)).equal(value.substring(0, 20)); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::MQTT') { + should(JSON.parse(ev.request.payload).attribute1.substring(0, 20)).equal(value.substring(0, 20)); + } + } + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-response', function() { + ++updateResponses; + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + should(tokenResponses).equal(1); + should(updateRequests).equal(1); + should(updateResponses).equal(1); + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should set multiline-position-interpolator values of attributes once', function(done) { + var simulationConfiguration = + require(ROOT_PATH + + '/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-' + + (options.protocol ? encodeFilename(options.protocol) + '-' : '') + + type + '-multiline-position-interpolator-attribute' + + (options.destination && options.destination !== 'context broker' ? '-' + options.destination: '') + + '.json'); + if (options.ngsiVersion) { + if (simulationConfiguration.contextBroker) { + simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } else if (simulationConfiguration.subscriber) { + simulationConfiguration.subscriber.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } + } + fiwareDeviceSimulator.start(simulationConfiguration); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + done(ev.error); + }); + simulationProgress.on('token-response', function(ev) { + ++tokenResponses; + should(ev.expires_at.toISOString()).equal(tokenResponseBody.token.expires_at); + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-request', function(ev) { + ++updateRequests; + var decimalHours = toDecimalHours(new Date()); + var attributeValue = (type === 'entities') ? + simulationConfiguration[type][0].active[0].value : + simulationConfiguration[type][0].attributes[0].value; + var value = multilinePositionInterpolator(attributeValue.substring( + 'multiline-position-interpolator('.length, attributeValue.length - 1))(decimalHours); + if (type === 'entities') { + if (options.ngsiVersion === '1.0') { + should(getAttributeValue(options.destination, ev.request.body, 'EntityName1', 'active1')).eql(value); + } else if (options.ngsiVersion === '2.0') { + should(ev.request.body.entities[0].active1.value).eql(value); + } + } else { + if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.split('|')[1]).eql(value.toString()); + // var valueObj = JSON.parse(ev.request.body.split('|')[1]); + // should(valueObj.type).equal('Point'); + // should(valueObj.coordinates).be.an.Array(); + } else if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::MQTT') { + should(ev.request.payload.split('|')[1]).eql(value.toString()); + // var valueObj = JSON.parse(ev.request.body.split('|')[1]); + // should(valueObj.type).equal('Point'); + // should(valueObj.coordinates).be.an.Array(); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.attribute1).eql(value); + // var valueObj = JSON.parse(ev.request.body.attribute1); + // should(valueObj.type).equal('Point'); + // should(valueObj.coordinates).be.an.Array(); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::MQTT') { + should(JSON.parse(ev.request.payload).attribute1).eql(value); + // var valueObj = JSON.parse(ev.request.body.attribute1); + // should(valueObj.type).equal('Point'); + // should(valueObj.coordinates).be.an.Array(); + } + } + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-response', function() { + ++updateResponses; + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + should(tokenResponses).equal(1); + should(updateRequests).equal(1); + should(updateResponses).equal(1); + done(); + }); + }); + + it('should set text-rotation-interpolator values of attributes once', function(done) { + var simulationConfiguration = + require(ROOT_PATH + + '/test/unit/configurations/simulation-configuration-' + + (options.protocol ? encodeFilename(options.protocol) + '-' : '') + + type + '-text-rotation-interpolator-attribute' + + (options.destination && options.destination !== 'context broker' ? '-' + options.destination: '') + + '.json'); + if (options.ngsiVersion) { + if (simulationConfiguration.contextBroker) { + simulationConfiguration.contextBroker.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } else if (simulationConfiguration.subscriber) { + simulationConfiguration.subscriber.ngsiVersion = options.ngsiVersion; + } + } + fiwareDeviceSimulator.start(simulationConfiguration); + simulationProgress.on('error', function(ev) { + done(ev.error); + }); + simulationProgress.on('token-response', function(ev) { + ++tokenResponses; + should(ev.expires_at.toISOString()).equal(tokenResponseBody.token.expires_at); + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-request', function(ev) { + ++updateRequests; + var now = new Date(); + var attributeValue = (type === 'entities') ? + simulationConfiguration[type][0].active[0].value : + simulationConfiguration[type][0].attributes[0].value; + var value = textRotationInterpolator(attributeValue.substring( + 'text-rotation-interpolator('.length, attributeValue.length - 1))(now); + if (type === 'entities') { + if (options.ngsiVersion === '1.0') { + should(getAttributeValue(options.destination, ev.request.body, 'EntityName1', 'active1')).eql(value); + } else if (options.ngsiVersion === '2.0') { + should(ev.request.body.entities[0].active1.value).eql(value); + } + } else { + if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.split('|')[1]).eql(value.toString()); + } else if (options.protocol === 'UltraLight::MQTT') { + should(ev.request.payload.split('|')[1]).eql(value.toString()); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::HTTP') { + should(ev.request.body.attribute1).eql(value.toString()); + } else if (options.protocol === 'JSON::MQTT') { + should(JSON.parse(ev.request.payload).attribute1).eql(value.toString()); + } + } + }); + simulationProgress.on('update-response', function() { + ++updateResponses; + }); + simulationProgress.on('end', function() { + should(tokenResponses).equal(1); + should(updateRequests).equal(1); + should(updateResponses).equal(1); + done(); + }); + }); + + afterEach(function() { + tokenResponses = 0; + updateRequests = 0; + updateResponses = 0; + nock.cleanAll(); + if (simulationProgress) { + simulationProgress.removeAllListeners(); + } + if (mqttClient) { + mqttClient.removeAllListeners(); + mqttClient = null; + } + if (mqttConnectStub) { + mqttConnectStub.restore(); + mqttConnectStub = null; + } + }); + } + + describe('Entities update in context broker via NGSI v1.0', simulationTestSuite.bind( + null, 'entities', {destination: 'context broker', ngsiVersion: '1.0'})); + + describe('Entities update in context broker via NGSI v2.0', simulationTestSuite.bind( + null, 'entities', {destination: 'context broker', ngsiVersion: '2.0'})); + + describe('Entities update in subscriber via NGSI v1.0', simulationTestSuite.bind( + null, 'entities', {destination: 'subscriber', ngsiVersion: '1.0'})); + + describe('UltraLight HTTP devices', simulationTestSuite.bind(null, 'devices', {protocol: 'UltraLight::HTTP'})); + + describe('UltraLight MQTT devices', simulationTestSuite.bind(null, 'devices', {protocol: 'UltraLight::MQTT'})); + + describe('JSON HTTP devices', simulationTestSuite.bind(null, 'devices', {protocol: 'JSON::HTTP'})); + + describe('JSON MQTT devices', simulationTestSuite.bind(null, 'devices', {protocol: 'JSON::MQTT'})); + }); + /* jshint camelcase: true */ +}); diff --git a/test/unit/interpolators/attributeFunctionInterpolator_test.js b/test/unit/interpolators/attributeFunctionInterpolator_test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1a0078 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/interpolators/attributeFunctionInterpolator_test.js @@ -0,0 +1,745 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var should = require('should'); + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var nock = require('nock'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); +var attributeFunctionInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/attributeFunctionInterpolator'); + +var ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_1 = 111; +var ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_2 = 222; +var ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_3 = 333; + +describe('attributeFunctionInterpolator tests', function() { + var attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction, + domain = { + service: 'theService', + subservice: '/theSubService' + }, + contextBroker = { + protocol: 'https', + host: 'localhost', + port: 1026, + ngsiVersion: '1.0' + }, + token = '9148f6f23c3e40c5b8b28766c50dffb5', + contextBrokerNock = nock( + contextBroker.protocol + '://' + contextBroker.host + ':' + contextBroker.port, + { + reqheaders: { + 'Fiware-Service': domain.service, + 'Fiware-ServicePath': domain.subservice + } + } + ); + + beforeEach(function() { + contextBrokerNock.post('/v1/queryContext').reply(200, function(uri, requestBody) { + if (requestBody.entities[0].id === 'EntityId1') { + return { + contextResponses: [ + { + contextElement: { + type: 'Entity', + isPattern: 'false', + id: 'EntityId1', + attributes: [ + { + name: 'AttributeName11', + type: 'Number', + value: ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_1 + }, + { + name: 'AttributeName12', + type: 'Number', + value: ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_1 * 2 + } + ] + }, + statusCode: { + code: 200, + reasonPhrase: 'OK' + } + } + ] + }; + } else if (requestBody.entities[0].id === 'EntityId2' && requestBody.entities[0].type === 'Entity2') { + return { + contextResponses: [ + { + contextElement: { + type: 'Entity2', + isPattern: 'false', + id: 'EntityId2', + attributes: [ + { + name: 'AttributeName21', + type: 'Number', + value: ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_2 + }, + { + name: 'AttributeName22', + type: 'Number', + value: ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_2 * 2 + } + ] + }, + statusCode: { + code: 200, + reasonPhrase: 'OK' + } + } + ] + }; + } else if (requestBody.entities[0].id === 'EntityId2') { + return { + contextResponses: [ + { + contextElement: { + type: 'Entity', + isPattern: 'false', + id: 'EntityId2', + attributes: [ + { + name: 'AttributeName21', + type: 'Number', + value: ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_3 + }, + { + name: 'AttributeName22', + type: 'Number', + value: ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_3 * 2 + } + ] + }, + statusCode: { + code: 200, + reasonPhrase: 'OK' + } + } + ] + }; + } + }); + }); + + it('should throw an error if ReferenceError is forced via the interpolation specification as a string', + function(done) { + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = attributeFunctionInterpolator( + 'undeclaredVariable', domain, contextBroker); + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token); + done(new Error('It should throw an ValueResolutionError error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.ValueResolutionError); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if a number is passed as the interpolation specification', function(done) { + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = attributeFunctionInterpolator(666, domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(666); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should interpolate if a number is passed as a string as the interpolation specification', function(done) { + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = attributeFunctionInterpolator('666', domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(666); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should interpolate if a string is passed as the interpolation specification', function(done) { + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = attributeFunctionInterpolator('\"some-text\"', domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal('some-text'); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should interpolate if an array is passed as the interpolation specification', function(done) { + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = attributeFunctionInterpolator([1, 2, 3], domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).containEql(1); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).containEql(2); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).containEql(3); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + }); + + it('should interpolate if an array is passed as a string as the interpolation specification', function(done) { + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = attributeFunctionInterpolator('[1, 2, 3]', domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).containEql(1); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).containEql(2); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).containEql(3); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + }); + + it('should interpolate if a reference to an entity attribute (without entity type) is passed as the ' + + 'interpolation specification', + function(done) { + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator('${{EntityId1}{AttributeName11}}', domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_1); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if a reference to an entity attribute (with entity type) is passed as the ' + + 'interpolation specification', + function(done) { + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator('${{EntityId2:#:Entity2}{AttributeName21}}', domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_2); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if an addition to a reference to an entity attribute (without entity type) is passed as the ' + + 'interpolation specification', + function(done) { + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator('${{EntityId1}{AttributeName11}} + 111', domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_1 + 111); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if an addition to a reference to an entity attribute (with entity type) is passed as the ' + + 'interpolation specification', + function(done) { + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator('${{EntityId2:#:Entity2}{AttributeName21}} + 111', domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_2 + 111); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if a function invocation on a reference to an entity attribute (without entity type) ' + + 'is passed as the interpolation specification', + function(done) { + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator('Math.pow(${{EntityId1}{AttributeName11}}, 2);', domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(Math.pow(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_1, 2)); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if a function invocation on a reference to an entity attribute (with entity type) ' + + 'is passed as the interpolation specification', + function(done) { + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator('Math.pow(${{EntityId2:#:Entity2}{AttributeName21}}, 2);', + domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(Math.pow(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_2, 2)); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if the addition of references to distinct entity\'s attributes (without entity type) ' + + 'is passed as the interpolation specification', + function(done) { + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + '${{EntityId1}{AttributeName11}} + ${{EntityId1}{AttributeName12}}', domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_1 + (ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_1 * 2)); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if the addition of references to distinct entity\'s attributes (with entity type) ' + + 'is passed as the interpolation specification', + function(done) { + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + '${{EntityId1}{AttributeName11}} + ${{EntityId2:#:Entity2}{AttributeName22}}', domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_1 + (ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_2 * 2)); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if the addition of references to attributes of distinct entities attributes ' + + '(without entity type) is passed as the interpolation specification', + function(done) { + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + '${{EntityId1}{AttributeName11}} + ${{EntityId2}{AttributeName21}}', domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_1 + ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_3); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if the addition of references to attributes of distinct entities attributes ' + + '(with entity type) is passed as the interpolation specification', + function(done) { + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + '${{EntityId1}{AttributeName11}} + ${{EntityId2:#:Entity2}{AttributeName21}}', domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_1 + ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_2); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if a invalid Javascript code with a reference to an entity attribute is passed as the ' + + 'interpolation specification', + function(done) { + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator('Math.pow(${{EntityId1}{AttributeName11}}, 2', domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(Math.pow(ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_1, 2)); + done(new Error('It should throw an ValueResolutionError error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.ValueResolutionError); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if packages are required in the interpolation specification', function(done) { + try { + var + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + 'var linearInterpolator = require("' + ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/linearInterpolator"); ' + + 'module.exports = linearInterpolator([[0,0],[10,10]])(5);', + domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(5); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if the packages required in the interpolation specification are not available', + function(done) { + try { + var + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + 'var linearInterpolator = require("' + ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/NON-EXISTENT"); ' + + 'module.exports = linearInterpolator([[0,0],[10,10]])(5);', + domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(5); + done(new Error('It should throw an ValueResolutionError error')); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.ValueResolutionError); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should make available the simulator date if module.exports is used in the interpolation specification', + function(done) { + try { + var + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + 'module.exports = new SimulationDate();', + domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token).getFullYear()).equal(new Date().getFullYear()); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token).getMonth()).equal(new Date().getMonth()); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token).getDate()).equal(new Date().getDate()); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token).getDay()).equal(new Date().getDay()); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token).getHours()).equal(new Date().getHours()); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token).getMinutes()).equal(new Date().getMinutes()); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should pass the state and interpolate if it is used in the interpolation specification', function(done) { + try { + var attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec = + '/* state: stateful1, stateful2 */ var linearInterpolator = require("' + ROOT_PATH + + '/lib/interpolators/linearInterpolator"); ' + + 'module.exports = { ' + + 'result: linearInterpolator([[0,0],[10,10]])(5) + (stateful1 = (stateful1 ? ++stateful1 : 1)) + ' + + '(stateful2 = (stateful2 ? ++stateful2 : 1)),' + + 'state: { stateful1: stateful1, stateful2: stateful2}' + + ' };'; + var + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec, + domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(7); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(9); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(11); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + }); + + it('should initiate (as a number), pass the state and interpolate if it is used in the interpolation specification', + function(done) { + try { + var attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec = + '/* state: stateful1 = 5, stateful2 */ var linearInterpolator = require("' + ROOT_PATH + + '/lib/interpolators/linearInterpolator"); ' + + 'module.exports = { ' + + 'result: linearInterpolator([[0,0],[10,10]])(5) + stateful1 + ' + + '(stateful2 = (stateful2 ? ++stateful2 : 1)),' + + 'state: { stateful1: ++stateful1, stateful2: stateful2}' + + ' };'; + var + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec, + domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(11); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(13); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(15); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should initiate (as a string), pass the state and interpolate if it is used in the interpolation specification', + function(done) { + try { + var attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec = + '/* state: stateful1 = 5, stateful2 =\"tralara\" */ var linearInterpolator = require("' + ROOT_PATH + + '/lib/interpolators/linearInterpolator"); ' + + 'module.exports = { ' + + 'result: linearInterpolator([[0,0],[10,10]])(5) + (stateful2 === \"tralara\" ? stateful1 : 0),' + + 'state: { stateful1: ++stateful1, stateful2: \"\"}' + + ' };'; + var + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec, + domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(10); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(5); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(5); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should initiate (as an array), pass the state and interpolate if it is used in the interpolation specification', + function(done) { + try { + var attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec = + '/* state: stateful1 = [5], stateful2 */ var linearInterpolator = require("' + ROOT_PATH + + '/lib/interpolators/linearInterpolator"); ' + + 'module.exports = { ' + + 'result: linearInterpolator([[0,0],[10,10]])(5) + stateful1[0] + ' + + '(stateful2 = (stateful2 ? ++stateful2 : 1)),' + + 'state: { stateful1: [++stateful1], stateful2: stateful2}' + + ' };'; + var + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec, + domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(11); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(13); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(15); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should initiate (as an array), pass the state and interpolate if it is used in the interpolation specification', + function(done) { + try { + var attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec = + '/* state: stateful1 = {\"value\": 5}, stateful2 */ var linearInterpolator = require("' + ROOT_PATH + + '/lib/interpolators/linearInterpolator"); ' + + 'module.exports = { ' + + 'result: linearInterpolator([[0,0],[10,10]])(5) + stateful1.value + ' + + '(stateful2 = (stateful2 ? ++stateful2 : 1)),' + + 'state: { stateful1: {\"value\": ++stateful1.value}, stateful2: stateful2}' + + ' };'; + var + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec, + domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(11); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(13); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token)).equal(15); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should pass a global number state variable between interpolators with distinct specifications', + function(done) { + global.fdsGlobals = { + numberVar: 666 + }; + try { + var attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec1 = + 'var newNumber = numberVar + 1; module.exports = { result: newNumber, ' + + 'state: { globals: { numberVar: newNumber}}};'; + var + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction1 = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec1, + domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction1(token)).equal(667); + var attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec2 = + 'var newNumber = numberVar + 1; module.exports = { result: newNumber, ' + + 'state: { globals: { numberVar: newNumber}}};'; + var + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction2 = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec2, + domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction2(token)).equal(668); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should pass a global string state variable between interpolators with distinct specifications', + function(done) { + global.fdsGlobals = { + textVar: 'some' + }; + try { + var attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec1 = + 'var newText = textVar + \"text\"; module.exports = { result: newText, ' + + 'state: { globals: { textVar: newText}}};'; + var + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction1 = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec1, + domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction1(token)).equal('sometext'); + var attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec2 = + 'var newText = textVar + \"here\"; module.exports = { result: newText, ' + + 'state: { globals: { textVar: newText}}};'; + var + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction2 = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec2, + domain, contextBroker); + should(attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction2(token)).equal('sometexthere'); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should pass a global array state variable between interpolators with distinct specifications', + function(done) { + global.fdsGlobals = { + arrayVar: [1, 2, 3] + }; + try { + var attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec1 = + 'arrayVar.push(4); var newArray = arrayVar; module.exports = { result: newArray, ' + + 'state: { globals: { arrayVar: newArray}}};'; + var + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction1 = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec1, + domain, contextBroker); + var result = attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction1(token); + should(result.length).equal(4); + should(result).containEql(4); + var attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec2 = + 'arrayVar.push(5); var newArray = arrayVar; module.exports = { result: newArray, ' + + 'state: { globals: { arrayVar: newArray}}};'; + var + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction2 = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec2, + domain, contextBroker); + result = attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction2(token); + should(result.length).equal(5); + should(result).containEql(5); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should pass a global object state variable between interpolators with distinct specifications', + function(done) { + global.fdsGlobals = { + objectVar: { + property1: 'value1' + } + }; + try { + var attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec1 = + 'objectVar.property2 = \"value2\"; var newObject = objectVar; module.exports = { result: newObject, ' + + 'state: { globals: { objectVar: newObject}}};'; + var + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction1 = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec1, + domain, contextBroker); + var result = attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction1(token); + should(result).containEql({property1: 'value1'}); + should(result).containEql({property2: 'value2'}); + var attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec2 = + 'objectVar.property3 = \"value3\"; var newObject = objectVar; module.exports = { result: newObject, ' + + 'state: { globals: { objectVar: newObject}}};'; + var + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction2 = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec2, + domain, contextBroker); + result = attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction2(token); + should(result).containEql({property1: 'value1'}); + should(result).containEql({property2: 'value2'}); + should(result).containEql({property3: 'value3'}); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should combine local and global state variables in interpolators with the same specification', + function(done) { + global.fdsGlobals = { + objectVar: { + property1: 'value1' + } + }; + try { + var attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec = + '/* state: localVar = \"localVar\" */ ' + + 'localVar = localVar + \"2\"; ' + + 'objectVar.property1 = objectVar.property1 + localVar; ' + + 'module.exports = { ' + + 'result: objectVar, ' + + 'state: { localVar: localVar, globals: { objectVar: objectVar}}' + + '};'; + var + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = + attributeFunctionInterpolator( + attributeFunctionInterpolatorSpec, + domain, contextBroker); + var result = attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token); + should(result).containEql({property1: 'value1localVar2'}); + result = attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token); + should(result).containEql({property1: 'value1localVar2localVar22'}); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if the Context Broker responds with an error', + function(done) { + nock.restore(); + contextBrokerNock.post('/v1/queryContext').reply(404); + try { + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction = attributeFunctionInterpolator( + '${{InexistentEntityId}{InexistentAttributeName}}', domain, contextBroker); + attributeFunctionInterpolatorFunction(token); + done(new Error('It should throw an ValueResolutionError error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.ValueResolutionError); + done(); + } + } + ); +}); diff --git a/test/unit/interpolators/dateIncrementInterpolator_test.js b/test/unit/interpolators/dateIncrementInterpolator_test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..90b33c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/interpolators/dateIncrementInterpolator_test.js @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var should = require('should'); + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); +var dateIncrementInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/dateIncrementInterpolator'); + +describe('dateIncrementInterpolator tests', function() { + var dateIncrementInterpolatorFunction; + + it('should throw an error if a number is passed instead of a valid specification', function(done) { + try { + dateIncrementInterpolatorFunction = dateIncrementInterpolator(666); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if a number as a string is passed instead of a valid specification', function(done) { + try { + dateIncrementInterpolatorFunction = dateIncrementInterpolator('666'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an Array is passed instead of a valid specification', function(done) { + try { + dateIncrementInterpolatorFunction = dateIncrementInterpolator([1,2,3]); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an Array is passed as a string instead of a valid specification', function(done) { + try { + dateIncrementInterpolatorFunction = dateIncrementInterpolator('[1,2,3]'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an object with no origin property is passed instead of a valid specification', + function(done) { + try { + dateIncrementInterpolatorFunction = dateIncrementInterpolator({increment: 0}); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if an object with no increment property is passed instead of a valid specification', + function(done) { + try { + dateIncrementInterpolatorFunction = dateIncrementInterpolator({origin: 'now'}); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if an object with an invalid origin property is passed instead of a valid specification', + function(done) { + try { + dateIncrementInterpolatorFunction = dateIncrementInterpolator( + {origin: 'not-convertible-to-date-or-now', increment: 0}); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if an object with no origin property is passed instead of a valid specification ' + + 'as a string', + function(done) { + try { + dateIncrementInterpolatorFunction = dateIncrementInterpolator('{"increment": 0}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if an object with no increment property is passed instead of a valid specification ' + + 'as a string', + function(done) { + try { + dateIncrementInterpolatorFunction = dateIncrementInterpolator('{"origin": "now"}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if an object with an invalid origin property is passed instead of a valid specification ' + + 'as a string', + function(done) { + try { + dateIncrementInterpolatorFunction = dateIncrementInterpolator( + '{"origin": "not-convertible-to-date-or-now", "increment": 0}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate for now without increment if valid interpolation specification is passed as an object', + function(done) { + try { + dateIncrementInterpolatorFunction = dateIncrementInterpolator({origin: 'now', increment: 0}); + should(new Date(dateIncrementInterpolatorFunction()).getTime()).lessThanOrEqual(new Date(Date.now() + 2000)); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate for a date without increment if valid interpolation specification is passed as an object', + function(done) { + try { + dateIncrementInterpolatorFunction = dateIncrementInterpolator({origin: '2016-10-20T13:00:00Z', increment: 0}); + should(new Date(dateIncrementInterpolatorFunction()).getTime()).lessThanOrEqual( + new Date('2016-10-20T13:00:00Z').getTime() + 2000); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate for a date with increment if valid interpolation specification is passed as an object', + function(done) { + try { + dateIncrementInterpolatorFunction = + dateIncrementInterpolator({origin: '2016-10-20T13:00:00Z', increment: 60}); + should(new Date(dateIncrementInterpolatorFunction()).getTime()).lessThanOrEqual( + new Date('2016-10-20T13:01:00Z').getTime() + 2000); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); +}); diff --git a/test/unit/interpolators/linearInterpolator_test.js b/test/unit/interpolators/linearInterpolator_test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..065836e --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/interpolators/linearInterpolator_test.js @@ -0,0 +1,521 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var should = require('should'); + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); +var linearInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/linearInterpolator'); + +describe('linearInterpolator tests', function() { + var linearInterpolatorFunction; + + it('should throw an error if a number is passed instead of a valid interpolation array', function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator(666); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if a one level hierarchy array is passed instead of a valid interpolation array', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator([1, 2, 3]); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if a 2 level hierarchy array with one cardinality is passed instead of a ' + + 'valid interpolation array', function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator([[1], [2], [3]]); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if a number is passed instead of a valid interpolation array as a string specification', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator('666'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if a one level hierarchy array is passed instead of a valid interpolation array ' + + 'as a string specification', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator('[1, 2, 3]'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if a 2 level hierarchy array with one cardinality is passed instead of a ' + + 'valid interpolation array as a string specification', function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator('[[1], [2], [3]]'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid array is passed instead of a ' + + 'valid interpolation array as a string specification', function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator('[[1], [2], [3]'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if a number is passed instead of a valid interpolation array as an object specification', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator({spec: '666', return: {type: 'float'}}); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if a one level hierarchy array is passed instead of a valid interpolation array ' + + 'as an object specification', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator({spec: '[1, 2, 3]', return: {type: 'float'}}); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if a 2 level hierarchy array with one cardinality is passed instead of a ' + + 'valid interpolation array as an object specification', function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator({spec: '[[1], [2], [3]]', return: {type: 'float'}}); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid array is passed instead of a ' + + 'valid interpolation array as an object specification', function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator({spec: '[[1], [2], [3]', return: {type: 'float'}}); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid return object is passed as an object specification', function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator({spec: '[[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]', return: {typeXXX: 'float'}}); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid return type is passed as an object specification', function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator({spec: '[[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]', return: {type: 'floatXXX'}}); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid return rounding is passed as an object specification', function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator( + {spec: '[[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]', return: {type: 'integer', rounding: 'floorXXX'}}); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if a number is passed instead of a valid interpolation array as an object specification ' + + 'as a string', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator('{"spec": "666", "return": {"type": "float"}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if a one level hierarchy array is passed instead of a valid interpolation array ' + + 'as an object specification as a string', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator('{"spec": "[1, 2, 3]", "return": {"type": "float"}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if a 2 level hierarchy array with one cardinality is passed instead of a ' + + 'valid interpolation array as an object specification as a string', function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator('{"spec": "[[1], [2], [3]]", "return": {"type": "float"}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid array is passed instead of a ' + + 'valid interpolation array as an object specification as a string', function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator('{"spec": "[[1], [2], [3]", "return": {"type": "float"}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid return object is passed as an object specification as a string', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator( + '{"spec": "[[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]", "return": {"typeXXX": "float"}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid return type is passed as an object specification as a string', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator( + '{"spec": "[[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]", "return": {"type": "floatXXX"}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid return rounding is passed as an object specification as a string', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator( + '{"spec": "[[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]", "return": {"type": "integer", "rounding": "floorXXX"}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as specification', function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator([[1, 1], [5, 5], [10, 10]]); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(2.5)).equal(2.5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(5)).equal(5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).equal(7.5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(10)).equal(10); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + }); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as a string specification', function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator('[[1, 1], [5, 5], [10, 10]]'); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(2.5)).equal(2.5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(5)).equal(5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).equal(7.5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(10)).equal(10); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + }); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type float', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator({spec: [[1, 1], [5, 5], [10, 10]], return: {type: 'float'}}); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(2.5)).equal(2.5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(5)).equal(5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).equal(7.5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(10)).equal(10); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type integer ' + + 'and rounding ceil', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator( + {spec: '[[1, 1], [5, 5], [10, 10]]', return: {type: 'integer', rounding: 'ceil'}}); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(2.5)).equal(3); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(5)).equal(5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).equal(8); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(10)).equal(10); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type integer ' + + 'and rounding floor', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator( + {spec: '[[1, 1], [5, 5], [10, 10]]', return: {type: 'integer', rounding: 'floor'}}); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(2.5)).equal(2); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(5)).equal(5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).equal(7); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(10)).equal(10); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type integer ' + + 'and rounding round', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator( + {spec: '[[1, 1], [5, 5], [10, 10]]', return: {type: 'integer', rounding: 'round'}}); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(2.5)).equal(3); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(5)).equal(5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).equal(8); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(10)).equal(10); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type float '+ + 'as a string', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator( + '{"spec": [[1, 1], [5, 5], [10, 10]], "return": {"type": "float"}}'); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(2.5)).equal(2.5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(5)).equal(5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).equal(7.5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(10)).equal(10); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type integer '+ + 'and rounding ceil as a string', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator( + '{"spec": [[1, 1], [5, 5], [10, 10]], "return": {"type": "integer", "rounding": "ceil"}}'); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(2.5)).equal(3); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(5)).equal(5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).equal(8); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(10)).equal(10); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type integer '+ + 'and rounding floor as a string', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator( + '{"spec": [[1, 1], [5, 5], [10, 10]], "return": {"type": "integer", "rounding": "floor"}}'); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(2.5)).equal(2); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(5)).equal(5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).equal(7); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(10)).equal(10); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type integer '+ + 'and rounding round as a string', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator( + '{"spec": [[1, 1], [5, 5], [10, 10]], "return": {"type": "integer", "rounding": "round"}}'); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(2.5)).equal(3); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(5)).equal(5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).equal(8); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(10)).equal(10); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type float ' + + 'as a string', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator( + '{"spec": "[[1, 1], [5, 5], [10, 10]]", "return": {"type": "float"}}'); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(2.5)).equal(2.5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(5)).equal(5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).equal(7.5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(10)).equal(10); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type integer ' + + 'and rounding ceil as a string', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator( + '{"spec": "[[1, 1], [5, 5], [10, 10]]", "return": {"type": "integer", "rounding": "ceil"}}'); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(2.5)).equal(3); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(5)).equal(5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).equal(8); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(10)).equal(10); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type integer ' + + 'and rounding floor as a string', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator( + '{"spec": "[[1, 1], [5, 5], [10, 10]]", "return": {"type": "integer", "rounding": "floor"}}'); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(2.5)).equal(2); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(5)).equal(5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).equal(7); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(10)).equal(10); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type integer ' + + 'and rounding round as a string', + function(done) { + try { + linearInterpolatorFunction = linearInterpolator( + '{"spec": "[[1, 1], [5, 5], [10, 10]]", "return": {"type": "integer", "rounding": "round"}}'); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(2.5)).equal(3); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(5)).equal(5); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).equal(8); + should(linearInterpolatorFunction(10)).equal(10); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); +}); diff --git a/test/unit/interpolators/multilinePositionInterpolator_test.js b/test/unit/interpolators/multilinePositionInterpolator_test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1bf02b --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/interpolators/multilinePositionInterpolator_test.js @@ -0,0 +1,490 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var should = require('should'); + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); +var multilinePositionInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/multilinePositionInterpolator'); + +/** + * Returns the decimal date associated to certain date + * @param {date} date The date + * @return {Number} The time in decimal format + */ +function toDecimalHours(date) { + return date.getHours() + (date.getMinutes() / 60) + (date.getSeconds() / 3600); +} + +describe('multilinePositionInterpolator tests', function() { + var multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction; + + it('should throw an error if a number is passed instead of a valid interpolation array', function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator(666); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if a number is passed instead of a valid interpolation array as a string specification', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator('666'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if a one level hierarchy array is passed instead of a valid interpolation array', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator([1, 2, 3]); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if a one level hierarchy array is passed instead of a valid interpolation array ' + + 'as a string specification', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator('[1, 2, 3]'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if a 2 level hierarchy array with one cardinality is passed instead of a ' + + 'valid interpolation array as a string specification', function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator('[[1], [2], [3]]'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if a 2 level hierarchy array with one cardinality is passed instead of a ' + + 'valid interpolation array', function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator([[1], [2], [3]]); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid array is passed instead of a ' + + 'valid interpolation array as a string specification', function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator('[[1], [2], [3]'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if no coordinates is passed in the specification as an object', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + { + speed: {value: 30, units: 'km/h'}, + time: {from: 10, to: 22} + } + ); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if no coordinates is passed in the specification as a string', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + '{\"speed\": {\"value\": 30, \"units": "km/h"}, \"time\": {\"from\": 10, \"to\": 22}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if no speed is passed in the specification as an object', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + { + coordinates: [[1,2], [2,3], [4,5]], + time: {from: 10, to: 22} + } + ); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if no speed is passed in the specification as an string', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + '{\"coordinates\": [[1,2], [2,3], [4,5]], \"time\": {\"from\": 10, \"to\": 22}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if no time is passed in the specification as an object', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + { + coordinates: [[1,2], [2,3], [4,5]], + speed: {value: 30, units: 'km/h'} + } + ); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if no time is passed in the specification as an string', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + '{\"coordinates\": [[1,2], [2,3], [4,5]], \"speed\": {\"value\": 30, \"units\": \"km/h\"}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if invalid coordinates is passed in the specification as an object', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + { + coordinates: [1, 2, 3], + speed: {value: 30, units: 'km/h'}, + time: {from: 10, to: 22} + } + ); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if invalid coordinates is passed in the specification as an string', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + '{\"coordinates\": [1, 2, 3], \"speed\": {\"value\": 30, \"units\": \"km/h\"}, ' + + '\"time\": {\"from\": 10, \"to\": 22}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if invalid coordinates is passed in the specification as an object', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + { + coordinates: [[1], [2], [3]], + speed: {value: 30, units: 'km/h'}, + time: {from: 10, to: 22} + } + ); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if invalid coordinates is passed in the specification as an string', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + '{\"coordinates\": [[1], [2], [3], \"speed\": {\"value\": 30, \"units\": \"km/h\"}, ' + + '\"time\": {\"from\": 10, \"to\": 22}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if invalid speed is passed in the specification as an object', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + { + coordinates: [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], + speed: {units: 'km/h'}, + time: {from: 10, to: 22} + } + ); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if invalid speed is passed in the specification as an string', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + '{\"coordinates: [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], \"speed\": {\"units\": \"km/h\"}, ' + + '\"time\": {\"from\": 10, to: 22}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if invalid speed is passed in the specification as an object', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + { + coordinates: [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], + speed: {value: 30}, + time: {from: 10, to: 22} + } + ); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if invalid speed is passed in the specification as an string', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + '{\"coordinates\": [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], \"speed\": {\"value\": 30}, ' + + '\"time\": {\"from\": 10, \"to\": 22}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if invalid speed is passed in the specification as an object', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + { + coordinates: [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], + speed: {value: 30, units: 'invalid-units'}, + time: {from: 10, to: 22} + } + ); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if invalid speed is passed in the specification as an string', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + '{\"coordinates\": [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], \"speed\": {\"value\": 30, \"units\": \"invalid-units\"}, ' + + '\"time\": {\"from\": 10, \"to\": 22}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if invalid time is passed in the specification as an object', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + { + coordinates: [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], + speed: {value: 30, units: 'km/h'}, + time: {to: 22} + } + ); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if invalid time is passed in the specification as an string', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + '{\"coordinates\": [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], \"speed\": {\"value\": 30, \"units\": \"km/h\"}, ' + + '\"time\": {\"to\": 22}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if invalid time is passed in the specification as an object', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + { + coordinates: [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], + speed: {value: 30, units: 'km/h'}, + time: {from: 10} + } + ); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if invalid time is passed in the specification as an string', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + '{\"coordinates\": [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], \"speed\": {\"value\": 30, \"units\": \"km/h\"}, ' + + '\"time\": {\"from\": 10}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if a valid specification object is passed', + function(done) { + try { + multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction = multilinePositionInterpolator( + { + coordinates: [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], + speed: {value: 30, units: 'km/h'}, + time: {from: 10, to: 22} + } + ); + should(multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction(toDecimalHours(new Date(2016, 9, 21, 5)))).containEql( + {type: 'Point'}); + should(multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction(toDecimalHours(new Date(2016, 9, 21, 5)))).containEql( + {coordinates: [1, 2]}); + should(multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction(toDecimalHours(new Date(2016, 9, 21, 7)))).containEql( + {type: 'Point'}); + should(multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction(toDecimalHours(new Date(2016, 9, 21, 7)))).containEql( + {coordinates: [1, 2]}); + should(multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction(toDecimalHours(new Date(2016, 9, 21, 8)))).containEql( + {type: 'Point'}); + should(multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction(toDecimalHours(new Date(2016, 9, 21, 8)))).containEql( + {coordinates: [1, 2]}); + should(multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction(toDecimalHours(new Date(2016, 9, 21, 10)))).containEql( + {type: 'Point'}); + should(multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction(toDecimalHours(new Date(2016, 9, 21, 10)))).containEql( + {coordinates: [1, 2]}); + should(multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction(toDecimalHours(new Date(2016, 9, 21, 17)))).containEql( + {type: 'Point'}); + should(multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction(toDecimalHours(new Date(2016, 9, 21, 17)))).containEql( + {coordinates: [2.3351126503586808, 3.3363745940384257]}); + should(multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction(toDecimalHours(new Date(2016, 9, 21, 20)))).containEql( + {type: 'Point'}); + should(multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction(toDecimalHours(new Date(2016, 9, 21, 20)))).containEql( + {coordinates: [2.9083307610874596, 3.90859448519012]}); + should(multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction(toDecimalHours(new Date(2016, 9, 21, 22)))).containEql( + {type: 'Point'}); + should(multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction(toDecimalHours(new Date(2016, 9, 21, 22)))).containEql( + {coordinates: [3.2898394138913325, 4.290919970982591]}); + should(multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction(toDecimalHours(new Date(2016, 9, 21, 22)))).containEql( + {type: 'Point'}); + should(multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction(toDecimalHours(new Date(2016, 9, 21, 22, 30)))).containEql( + {coordinates: [3.2898394138913325, 4.290919970982591]}); + should(multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction(toDecimalHours(new Date(2016, 9, 21, 23)))).containEql( + {type: 'Point'}); + should(multilinePositionInterpolatorFunction(toDecimalHours(new Date(2016, 9, 21, 23)))).containEql( + {coordinates: [3.2898394138913325, 4.290919970982591]}); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); +}); diff --git a/test/unit/interpolators/randomLinearInterpolator_test.js b/test/unit/interpolators/randomLinearInterpolator_test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..13a5e51 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/interpolators/randomLinearInterpolator_test.js @@ -0,0 +1,544 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var should = require('should'); + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); +var randomLinearInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/randomLinearInterpolator'); + +describe('randomLinearInterpolator tests', function() { + var randomLinearInterpolatorFunction; + + it('should throw an error if a number is passed instead of a valid interpolation array', function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator(666); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if a one level hierarchy array is passed instead of a valid interpolation array', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator([1, 2, 3]); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if a 2 level hierarchy array with one cardinality is passed instead of a ' + + 'valid interpolation array', function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator([[1], [2], [3]]); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if a number is passed instead of a valid interpolation array as a string specification', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator('666'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if a one level hierarchy array is passed instead of a valid interpolation array ' + + 'as a string specification', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator('[1, random(2,4), 3]'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if a 2 level hierarchy array with one cardinality is passed instead of a ' + + 'valid interpolation array as a string specification', function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator('[[1], [random(2,4)], [3]]'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid array is passed instead of a ' + + 'valid interpolation array as a string specification', function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator('[[1], [random(2,3)], [4]'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if a number is passed instead of a valid interpolation array as an object specification', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator({spec: '666', return: {type: 'float'}}); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if a one level hierarchy array is passed instead of a valid interpolation array ' + + 'as an object specification', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + {spec: '[1, random(2,3), 4]', return: {type: 'float'}}); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if a 2 level hierarchy array with one cardinality is passed instead of a ' + + 'valid interpolation array as an object specification', function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + {spec: '[[1], [random(2,3)], [4]]', return: {type: 'float'}}); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid array is passed instead of a ' + + 'valid interpolation array as an object specification', function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + {spec: '[[1], [random(2,3)], [4]', return: {type: 'float'}}); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid return object is passed as an object specification', function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + {spec: '[[1, 2], [random(3,4), 5], [random(6,7), random(8,9)]]', return: {typeXXX: 'float'}}); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid return type is passed as an object specification', function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + {spec: '[[1, 2], [random(3,4), 5], [random(6,7), random(8,9)]]', return: {type: 'floatXXX'}}); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid return rounding is passed as an object specification', function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + { + spec: '[[1, 2], [random(3,4), 5], [random(6,7), random(8,9)]]', + return: {type: 'integer', rounding: 'floorXXX'} + } + ); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if a number is passed instead of a valid interpolation array as an object specification ' + + 'as a string', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator('{"spec": "666", "return": {"type": "float"}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if a one level hierarchy array is passed instead of a valid interpolation array ' + + 'as an object specification as a string', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + '{"spec": "[1, random(2,3), 4]", "return": {"type": "float"}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if a 2 level hierarchy array with one cardinality is passed instead of a ' + + 'valid interpolation array as an object specification as a string', function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + '{"spec": "[[1], [random(2,3)], [4]]", "return": {"type": "float"}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid array is passed instead of a ' + + 'valid interpolation array as an object specification as a string', function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + '{"spec": "[[1], [random(2,3)], [4]", "return": {"type": "float"}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid return object is passed as an object specification as a string', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + '{"spec": "[[1, 2], [random(3,4), 5], [random(6,7), random(8,9)]]", "return": {"typeXXX": "float"}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid return type is passed as an object specification as a string', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + '{"spec": "[[1, 2], [random(3,4), 5], [random(6,7), random(8,9)]]", "return": {"type": "floatXXX"}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid return rounding is passed as an object specification as a string', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + '{"spec": "[[1, 2], [random(3,4), 5], [random(6,7), random(8,9)]]", ' + + '"return": {"type": "integer", "rounding": "floorXXX"}}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as specification', function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator([[1, 1], [5, 5], [10, 10]]); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(2.5)).equal(2.5); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(5)).equal(5); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).equal(7.5); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(10)).equal(10); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + }); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as a string specification', function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + '[[1, 1], [random(4.5,5.5), 5], [7.5, random(7,8)], [random(9.5,10.5), random(10,11)]]'); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(4.5)).lessThanOrEqual(5); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).lessThanOrEqual(8); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(9.5)).lessThanOrEqual(11); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + }); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type float', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + {spec: [[1, 1], [5, 5], [10, 10]], return: {type: 'float'}}); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(2.5)).equal(2.5); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(5)).equal(5); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).equal(7.5); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(10)).equal(10); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type integer ' + + 'and rounding ceil', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + { + spec: '[[1, 1], [random(4.5,5.5), 5], [7.5, random(7,8)], [random(9.5,10.5), random(10,11)]]', + return: {type: 'integer', rounding: 'ceil'} + } + ); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(4.5)).lessThanOrEqual(5); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).lessThanOrEqual(8); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(9.5)).lessThanOrEqual(11); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type integer ' + + 'and rounding floor', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + { + spec: '[[1, 1], [random(4.5,5.5), 5], [7.5, random(7,8)], [random(9.5,10.5), random(10,11)]]', + return: {type: 'integer', rounding: 'floor'} + } + ); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(4.5)).lessThanOrEqual(5); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).lessThanOrEqual(8); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(9.5)).lessThanOrEqual(11); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type integer ' + + 'and rounding round', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + { + spec: '[[1, 1], [random(4.5,5.5), 5], [7.5, random(7,8)], [random(9.5,10.5), random(10,11)]]', + return: {type: 'integer', rounding: 'round'} + } + ); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(4.5)).lessThanOrEqual(5); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).lessThanOrEqual(8); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(9.5)).lessThanOrEqual(11); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type float '+ + 'as a string', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + '{"spec": [[1, 1], [random(4.5,5.5), 5], [7.5, random(7,8)], [random(9.5,10.5), random(10,11)]], ' + + '"return": {"type": "float"}}'); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(4.5)).lessThanOrEqual(5); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).lessThanOrEqual(8); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(9.5)).lessThanOrEqual(11); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type integer '+ + 'and rounding ceil as a string', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + '{"spec": [[1, 1], [random(4.5,5.5), 5], [7.5, random(7,8)], [random(9.5,10.5), random(10,11)]], ' + + '"return": {"type": "integer", "rounding": "ceil"}}'); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(4.5)).lessThanOrEqual(5); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).lessThanOrEqual(8); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(9.5)).lessThanOrEqual(11); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type integer '+ + 'and rounding floor as a string', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + '{"spec": [[1, 1], [random(4.5,5.5), 5], [7.5, random(7,8)], [random(9.5,10.5), random(10,11)]], ' + + '"return": {"type": "integer", "rounding": "floor"}}'); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(4.5)).lessThanOrEqual(5); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).lessThanOrEqual(8); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(9.5)).lessThanOrEqual(11); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type integer '+ + 'and rounding round as a string', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + '{"spec": [[1, 1], [random(4.5,5.5), 5], [7.5, random(7,8)], [random(9.5,10.5), random(10,11)]], ' + + '"return": {"type": "integer", "rounding": "round"}}'); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(4.5)).lessThanOrEqual(5); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).lessThanOrEqual(8); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(9.5)).lessThanOrEqual(11); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type float ' + + 'as a string', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + '{"spec": "[[1, 1], [random(4.5,5.5), 5], [7.5, random(7,8)], [random(9.5,10.5), random(10,11)]]", ' + + '"return": {"type": "float"}}'); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(4.5)).lessThanOrEqual(5); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).lessThanOrEqual(8); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(9.5)).lessThanOrEqual(11); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type integer ' + + 'and rounding ceil as a string', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + '{"spec": "[[1, 1], [random(4.5,5.5), 5], [7.5, random(7,8)], [random(9.5,10.5), random(10,11)]]", ' + + '"return": {"type": "integer", "rounding": "ceil"}}'); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(4.5)).lessThanOrEqual(5); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).lessThanOrEqual(8); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(9.5)).lessThanOrEqual(11); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type integer ' + + 'and rounding floor as a string', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + '{"spec": "[[1, 1], [random(4.5,5.5), 5], [7.5, random(7,8)], [random(9.5,10.5), random(10,11)]]", ' + + '"return": {"type": "integer", "rounding": "floor"}}'); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(4.5)).lessThanOrEqual(5); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).lessThanOrEqual(8); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(9.5)).lessThanOrEqual(11); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation array is passed as an object specification with return type integer ' + + 'and rounding round as a string', + function(done) { + try { + randomLinearInterpolatorFunction = randomLinearInterpolator( + '{"spec": "[[1, 1], [random(4.5,5.5), 5], [7.5, random(7,8)], [random(9.5,10.5), random(10,11)]]", ' + + '"return": {"type": "integer", "rounding": "round"}}'); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(4.5)).lessThanOrEqual(5); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).lessThanOrEqual(8); + should(randomLinearInterpolatorFunction(9.5)).lessThanOrEqual(11); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); +}); diff --git a/test/unit/interpolators/stepAfterInterpolator_test.js b/test/unit/interpolators/stepAfterInterpolator_test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84e963f --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/interpolators/stepAfterInterpolator_test.js @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var should = require('should'); + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); +var stepAfterInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/stepAfterInterpolator'); + +describe('stepAfterInterpolator tests', function() { + var stepAfterInterpolatorFunction; + + it('should throw an error if a number is passed instead of a valid specification', function(done) { + try { + stepAfterInterpolatorFunction = stepAfterInterpolator(666); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if a number as a string is passed instead of a valid specification', function(done) { + try { + stepAfterInterpolatorFunction = stepAfterInterpolator('666'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if a one level Array is passed instead of a valid specification', function(done) { + try { + stepAfterInterpolatorFunction = stepAfterInterpolator([1,2,3]); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if a one level Array is passed as a string instead of a valid specification', + function(done) { + try { + stepAfterInterpolatorFunction = stepAfterInterpolator('[1,2,3]'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid two level Array is passed instead of a valid specification', + function(done) { + try { + stepAfterInterpolatorFunction = stepAfterInterpolator([[1], [2], [3]]); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid two level Array is passed as a string instead of a valid specification', + function(done) { + try { + stepAfterInterpolatorFunction = stepAfterInterpolator('[[1],[2],[3]]'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation specification is passed as an array', + function(done) { + try { + stepAfterInterpolatorFunction = stepAfterInterpolator([[1,1],[5,5],[10,10]]); + should(stepAfterInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(stepAfterInterpolatorFunction(2.5)).equal(1); + should(stepAfterInterpolatorFunction(5)).equal(5); + should(stepAfterInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).equal(5); + should(stepAfterInterpolatorFunction(10)).equal(10); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); +}); diff --git a/test/unit/interpolators/stepBeforeInterpolator_test.js b/test/unit/interpolators/stepBeforeInterpolator_test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cefe1c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/interpolators/stepBeforeInterpolator_test.js @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var should = require('should'); + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); +var stepBeforeInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/stepBeforeInterpolator'); + +describe('stepBeforeInterpolator tests', function() { + var stepBeforeInterpolatorFunction; + + it('should throw an error if a number is passed instead of a valid specification', function(done) { + try { + stepBeforeInterpolatorFunction = stepBeforeInterpolator(666); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if a number as a string is passed instead of a valid specification', function(done) { + try { + stepBeforeInterpolatorFunction = stepBeforeInterpolator('666'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if a one level Array is passed instead of a valid specification', function(done) { + try { + stepBeforeInterpolatorFunction = stepBeforeInterpolator([1,2,3]); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if a one level Array is passed as a string instead of a valid specification', + function(done) { + try { + stepBeforeInterpolatorFunction = stepBeforeInterpolator('[1,2,3]'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid two level Array is passed instead of a valid specification', + function(done) { + try { + stepBeforeInterpolatorFunction = stepBeforeInterpolator([[1], [2], [3]]); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if an invalid two level Array is passed as a string instead of a valid specification', + function(done) { + try { + stepBeforeInterpolatorFunction = stepBeforeInterpolator('[[1],[2],[3]]'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate if valid interpolation specification is passed as an array', + function(done) { + try { + stepBeforeInterpolatorFunction = stepBeforeInterpolator([[1,1],[5,5],[10,10]]); + should(stepBeforeInterpolatorFunction(1)).equal(1); + should(stepBeforeInterpolatorFunction(2.5)).equal(5); + should(stepBeforeInterpolatorFunction(5)).equal(5); + should(stepBeforeInterpolatorFunction(7.5)).equal(10); + should(stepBeforeInterpolatorFunction(10)).equal(10); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); +}); diff --git a/test/unit/interpolators/textRotationInterpolator_test.js b/test/unit/interpolators/textRotationInterpolator_test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51ae211 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/interpolators/textRotationInterpolator_test.js @@ -0,0 +1,494 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var should = require('should'); + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); +var textRotationInterpolator = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/interpolators/textRotationInterpolator'); + +describe('textRotationInterpolator tests', function() { + var textRotationInterpolatorFunction; + + it('should throw an error if a number is passed instead of a valid specification', function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator(666); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if a number as a string is passed instead of a valid specification', function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator('666'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an Array is passed instead of a valid specification', function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator([1,2,3]); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an Array is passed as a string instead of a valid specification', function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator('[1,2,3]'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + }); + + it('should throw an error if an object with no units property is passed instead of a valid specification', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = + textRotationInterpolator( + {text: [[0,'PENDING'],[15,'REQUESTED'],[30,[[50,'COMPLETED'],[50,'ERROR']]],[45,'REMOVED']]}); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if an object with no text property is passed instead of a valid specification', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator({units: 'minutes'}); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if an object with an invalid units property is passed instead of a valid specification', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator( + { + units: 'not-valid-units', + text: [[0,'PENDING'],[15,'REQUESTED'],[30,[[50,'COMPLETED'],[50,'ERROR']]],[45,'REMOVED']] + } + ); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if an object with no units property is passed instead of a valid specification ' + + 'as a string', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = + textRotationInterpolator( + '{"text": [[0,"PENDING"],[15,"REQUESTED"],[30,[[50,"COMPLETED"],[50,"ERROR"]]],[45,"REMOVED"]]}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if an object with no text property is passed instead of a valid specification ' + + 'as a string', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator('{"units": "minutes"}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should throw an error if an object with an invalid units property is passed instead of a valid specification ' + + 'as a string', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator( + '{"units": "not-valid-units",' + + '"text": [[0,"PENDING"],[15,"REQUESTED"],[30,[[50,"COMPLETED"],[50,"ERROR"]]],[45,"REMOVED"]]}'); + done(new Error('It should throw an InvalidInterpolationSpec error')); + } catch(exception) { + should(exception).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.InvalidInterpolationSpec); + done(); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate for seconds as units if valid interpolation specification is passed as an object', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator( + { + units: 'seconds', + text: [[5,'PENDING'],[15,'REQUESTED'],[30,[[50,'COMPLETED'],[50,'ERROR']]],[45,'REMOVED']] + } + ); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:00Z'))).equal(null); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:05Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:10Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:15Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:20Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:30Z'))); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:35Z'))); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:45Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:55Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate for seconds as units if valid interpolation specification is passed as a string', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator( + '{"units": "seconds",' + + '"text": [[5,"PENDING"],[15,"REQUESTED"],[30,[[50,"COMPLETED"],[50,"ERROR"]]],[45,"REMOVED"]]}' + ); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:00Z'))).equal(null); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:05Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:10Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:15Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:20Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:30Z'))); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:35Z'))); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:45Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:55Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate for minutes as units if valid interpolation specification is passed as an object', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator( + { + units: 'minutes', + text: [[5,'PENDING'],[15,'REQUESTED'],[30,[[50,'COMPLETED'],[50,'ERROR']]],[45,'REMOVED']] + } + ); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:00Z'))).equal(null); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:05:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:10:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:15:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:20:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:30:00Z'))); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:35:00Z'))); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:45:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:55:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate for minutes as units if valid interpolation specification is passed as a string', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator( + '{"units": "minutes",' + + '"text": [[5,"PENDING"],[15,"REQUESTED"],[30,[[50,"COMPLETED"],[50,"ERROR"]]],[45,"REMOVED"]]}' + ); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:00:00Z'))).equal(null); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:05:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:10:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:15:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:20:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:30:00Z'))); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:35:00Z'))); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:45:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:55:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate for hours as units if valid interpolation specification is passed as an object', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator( + { + units: 'hours', + text: [[5,'PENDING'],[15,'REQUESTED'],[18,[[50,'COMPLETED'],[50,'ERROR']]],[22,'REMOVED']] + } + ); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T00:00:00Z'))).equal(null); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T05:00:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T08:10:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T15:15:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:20:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T18:30:00Z'))); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T19:35:00Z'))); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T22:45:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T23:55:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate for hours as units if valid interpolation specification is passed as a string', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator( + '{"units": "hours",' + + '"text": [[5,"PENDING"],[15,"REQUESTED"],[18,[[50,"COMPLETED"],[50,"ERROR"]]],[22,"REMOVED"]]}' + ); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T00:00:00Z'))).equal(null); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T05:00:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T08:10:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T15:15:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T16:20:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T18:30:00Z'))); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T19:35:00Z'))); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T22:45:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T23:55:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate for days as units if valid interpolation specification is passed as an object', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator( + { + units: 'days', + text: [[0,'PENDING'],[2,'REQUESTED'],[4,[[50,'COMPLETED'],[50,'ERROR']]],[6,'REMOVED']] + } + ); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-16T00:00:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-17T08:10:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-18T15:15:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-19T16:20:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T18:30:00Z'))); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-21T19:35:00Z'))); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-22T22:45:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-23T23:55:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate for days as units if valid interpolation specification is passed as a string', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator( + '{"units": "days",' + + '"text": [[0,"PENDING"],[2,"REQUESTED"],[4,[[50,"COMPLETED"],[50,"ERROR"]]],[6,"REMOVED"]]}' + ); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-16T00:00:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-17T08:10:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-18T15:15:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-19T16:20:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T18:30:00Z'))); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-21T19:35:00Z'))); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-22T22:45:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-23T23:55:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate for dates as units if valid interpolation specification is passed as an object', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator( + { + units: 'dates', + text: [[5,'PENDING'],[10,'REQUESTED'],[20,[[50,'COMPLETED'],[50,'ERROR']]],[30,'REMOVED']] + } + ); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-01T00:00:00Z'))).equal(null); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-05T00:00:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-07T08:10:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-10T15:15:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-15T16:20:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T18:30:00Z'))); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-25T19:35:00Z'))); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-30T22:45:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-31T23:55:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate for dates as units if valid interpolation specification is passed as a string', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator( + '{"units": "dates",' + + '"text": [[5,"PENDING"],[10,"REQUESTED"],[20,[[50,"COMPLETED"],[50,"ERROR"]]],[30,"REMOVED"]]}' + ); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-01T00:00:00Z'))).equal(null); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-05T00:00:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-07T08:10:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-10T15:15:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-15T16:20:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-20T18:30:00Z'))); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-25T19:35:00Z'))); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-30T22:45:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-31T23:55:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate for months as units if valid interpolation specification is passed as an object', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator( + { + units: 'months', + text: [[2,'PENDING'],[4,'REQUESTED'],[7,[[50,'COMPLETED'],[50,'ERROR']]],[10,'REMOVED']] + } + ); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-01-01T00:00:00Z'))).equal(null); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-03-01T00:00:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-04-05T08:10:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-05-10T15:15:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-06-15T16:20:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-08-20T18:30:00Z'))); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-25T19:35:00Z'))); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-11-30T22:45:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-12-31T23:55:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate for months as units if valid interpolation specification is passed as a string', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator( + '{"units": "months",' + + '"text": [[2,"PENDING"],[4,"REQUESTED"],[7,[[50,"COMPLETED"],[50,"ERROR"]]],[10,"REMOVED"]]}' + ); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-01-01T00:00:00Z'))).equal(null); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-03-01T00:00:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-04-05T08:10:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-05-10T15:15:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-06-15T16:20:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-08-20T18:30:00Z'))); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-10-25T19:35:00Z'))); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-11-30T22:45:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2016-12-31T23:55:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate for years as units if valid interpolation specification is passed as an object', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator( + { + units: 'years', + text: [[2000,'PENDING'],[2005,'REQUESTED'],[2010,[[50,'COMPLETED'],[50,'ERROR']]],[2015,'REMOVED']] + } + ); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('1999-01-01T00:00:00Z'))).equal(null); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2000-01-01T00:00:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2003-03-05T08:10:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2005-05-10T15:15:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2007-06-15T16:20:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2010-08-20T18:30:00Z'))); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2013-10-25T19:35:00Z'))); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2015-11-30T22:45:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2020-12-31T23:55:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); + + it('should interpolate for years as units if valid interpolation specification is passed as a string', + function(done) { + try { + textRotationInterpolatorFunction = textRotationInterpolator( + '{"units": "years",' + + '"text": [[2000,"PENDING"],[2005,"REQUESTED"],[2010,[[50,"COMPLETED"],[50,"ERROR"]]],[2015,"REMOVED"]]}' + ); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('1999-01-01T00:00:00Z'))).equal(null); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2000-01-01T00:00:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2003-03-05T08:10:00Z'))).equal('PENDING'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2005-05-10T15:15:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2007-06-15T16:20:00Z'))).equal('REQUESTED'); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2010-08-20T18:30:00Z'))); + should(['COMPLETED', 'ERROR']).containEql(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2013-10-25T19:35:00Z'))); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2015-11-30T22:45:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + should(textRotationInterpolatorFunction(new Date('2020-12-31T23:55:00Z'))).equal('REMOVED'); + done(); + } catch(exception) { + done(exception); + } + } + ); +}); diff --git a/test/unit/messages/token-response-body.json b/test/unit/messages/token-response-body.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6790e57 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/messages/token-response-body.json @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +{ + "token": { + "methods": [ + "password" + ], + "roles": [ + { + "id": "070b959e0271426eaff511a9c4c21c96", + "name": "c4b26f30149346b1944acb8dd901088c#SubServiceCustomer" + }, + { + "id": "25c5673b78794ed6a25086dc4f738a09", + "name": "c4b26f30149346b1944acb8dd901088c#SubServiceAdmin" + } + ], + "expires_at": "2016-08-08T11:58:26.401Z", + "project": { + "domain": { + "id": "c4b26f30149346b1944acb8dd901088c", + "name": "myService" + }, + "id": "56416a08f97a42f4b2f1cd1bd21612e9", + "name": "/mySubService" + }, + "catalog": [], + "extras": {}, + "user": { + "domain": { + "id": "c4b26f30149346b1944acb8dd901088c", + "name": "myService" + }, + "id": "eadb75f6aa3040bb864b35d5b17b2452", + "name": "userToGenerateAuthenticationTokens" + }, + "issued_at": "2016-08-08T10:58:26.401Z" + } +} diff --git a/test/unit/templates/template-array.json b/test/unit/templates/template-array.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5d8bb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/templates/template-array.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +[1, 2, 3] diff --git a/test/unit/templates/template-attribute-condition.json b/test/unit/templates/template-attribute-condition.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c9a01a --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/templates/template-attribute-condition.json @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +[ + { + "content": "the-content", + "condition": "${{entity_name==the-.*-name}{name==the-.*-name}}" + } +] diff --git a/test/unit/templates/template-entity-condition.json b/test/unit/templates/template-entity-condition.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16a0885 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/templates/template-entity-condition.json @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +[ + { + "content": "the-content", + "condition": "${{entity_name==the-.*-name}}" + } +] diff --git a/test/unit/templates/template-number.json b/test/unit/templates/template-number.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7cc86ad --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/templates/template-number.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +666 diff --git a/test/unit/templates/template-object.json b/test/unit/templates/template-object.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e1d228 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/templates/template-object.json @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +{ + "property1": "value1", + "property2": "value2", + "property3": "value3" +} diff --git a/test/unit/templates/template-schedule-entity-condition.json b/test/unit/templates/template-schedule-entity-condition.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0efafcb --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/templates/template-schedule-entity-condition.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +[ + { + "content": "not-matching", + "condition": "${{entity_name==the-.*-NAME}}" + }, + { + "content": "the-entity-schedule", + "condition": "${{entity_name==the-.*-name}}" + } +] diff --git a/test/unit/templates/template-string.json b/test/unit/templates/template-string.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f81d7f --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/templates/template-string.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +"template-value" diff --git a/test/unit/templates/template-type-attribute-condition.json b/test/unit/templates/template-type-attribute-condition.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..293450e --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/templates/template-type-attribute-condition.json @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +[ + { + "content": "the-attribute-type", + "condition": "${{entity_name==the-.*-name}{name==the-.*-name}}" + } +] diff --git a/test/unit/templates/template-type-entity-condition.json b/test/unit/templates/template-type-entity-condition.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e6fa0e --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/templates/template-type-entity-condition.json @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +[ + { + "content": "the-entity-type", + "condition": "${{entity_name==the-.*-name}}" + } +] diff --git a/test/unit/templates/template-value-attribute-condition.json b/test/unit/templates/template-value-attribute-condition.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5e3604 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/templates/template-value-attribute-condition.json @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +[ + { + "content": "not-matching", + "condition": "${{entity_name==the-.*-NAME}{name==the-.*-name}}" + }, + { + "content": "not-matching", + "condition": "${{entity_name==the-.*-name}{name==the-.*-NAME}}" + }, + { + "content": "the-attribute-value", + "condition": "${{entity_name==the-.*-name}{name==the-.*-name}}" + } +] diff --git a/test/unit/transpilers/fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler_test.js b/test/unit/transpilers/fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler_test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2fcf770 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/transpilers/fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler_test.js @@ -0,0 +1,806 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2016 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U + * + * This file is part of the Short Time Historic (STH) component + * + * STH is free software: you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, + * or (at your option) any later version. + * + * STH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public + * License along with STH. + * If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. + * + * For those usages not covered by the GNU Affero General Public License + * please contact with: [german.torodelvalle@telefonica.com] + */ + +'use strict'; + +var should = require('should'); + +var ROOT_PATH = require('app-root-path'); +var fdsErrors = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/errors/fdsErrors'); +var fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler = require(ROOT_PATH + '/lib/transpilers/fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler'); + +describe('fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler tests', function() { + it('should not import anything if no template is included', function() { + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + should: 'not-transform-anything' + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration).containEql({should: 'not-transform-anything'}); + } + ); + }); + + it('should throw an error if a template cannot be resolved', function(done) { + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + property: 'import(inexistent-template)' + }, + function(err) { + should(err).be.an.instanceof(fdsErrors.SimulationConfigurationNotValid); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + }); + + it('should import a string template if defined in the exports property', function(done) { + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + exports: { + template: 'template-value' + }, + property: 'import(template)' + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration).containEql({property: 'template-value'}); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + }); + + it('should import a string template if defined in an external template file', function(done) { + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + property: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-string)' + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration).containEql({property: 'template-value'}); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + }); + + it('should import a number template if defined in the exports property', function(done) { + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + exports: { + template: 666 + }, + property: 'import(template)' + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration).containEql({property: 666}); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + }); + + it('should import a number template if defined in an external template file', function(done) { + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + property: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-number)' + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration).containEql({property: 666}); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + }); + + it('should import an array template if defined in the exports property', function(done) { + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + exports: { + template: [1, 2, 3] + }, + property: 'import(template)' + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration.property).containEql(1); + should(newConfiguration.property).containEql(2); + should(newConfiguration.property).containEql(3); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + }); + + it('should import an array template if defined in an external template file', function(done) { + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + property: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-array)' + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration.property).containEql(1); + should(newConfiguration.property).containEql(2); + should(newConfiguration.property).containEql(3); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + }); + + it('should import an object template if defined in the exports property', function(done) { + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + exports: { + template: { + 'property1': 'value1', + 'property2': 'value2', + 'property3': 'value3' + } + }, + property: 'import(template)' + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration.property).containEql({property1: 'value1'}); + should(newConfiguration.property).containEql({property2: 'value2'}); + should(newConfiguration.property).containEql({property3: 'value3'}); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + }); + + it('should import an object template if defined in an external template file', function(done) { + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + property: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-object)' + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration.property).containEql({property1: 'value1'}); + should(newConfiguration.property).containEql({property2: 'value2'}); + should(newConfiguration.property).containEql({property3: 'value3'}); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + }); + + it('should import the template value if the entity condition is satified if defined in the exports property', + function (done) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + exports: { + template: [ + { + 'content': 'the-content', + 'condition': '${{entity_name==the-.*-name}}' + } + ] + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'the-entity-name', + schedule: 'import(template)' + } + ] + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].schedule).equal('the-content'); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + /* jshint camelcase: true */ + } + ); + + it('should import the template value if the entity condition is satified if defined in an external template file', + function (done) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'the-entity-name', + schedule: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-entity-condition)' + } + ] + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].schedule).equal('the-content'); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + /* jshint camelcase: true */ + } + ); + + it('should not import the template value if the entity condition is not satified if defined in the exports property', + function (done) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + exports: { + template: [ + { + 'content': 'the-content', + 'condition': '${{entity_name==the-.*-name}}' + } + ] + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'the-entity-NAME', + schedule: 'import(template)' + } + ] + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].schedule).equal('import(template)'); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + /* jshint camelcase: true */ + } + ); + + it('should not import the template value if the entity condition is not satified if defined in an ' + + 'external template file', + function (done) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'the-entity-NAME', + schedule: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-entity-condition)' + } + ] + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].schedule).equal( + 'import(test/unit/templates/template-entity-condition)'); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + /* jshint camelcase: true */ + } + ); + + it('should import the template value of an attribute if the entity condition is satified if defined ' + + 'in the exports property', + function (done) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + exports: { + template: [ + { + 'content': 'the-content', + 'condition': '${{entity_name==the-.*-name}}' + } + ] + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'the-entity-name', + active: [ + { + name: 'the-attribute-name', + value: 'import(template)' + } + ] + } + ] + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].active[0].value).equal('the-content'); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + /* jshint camelcase: true */ + } + ); + + it('should import the template value of an attribute if the entity condition is satified if defined ' + + 'in an external template file', + function (done) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'the-entity-name', + active: [ + { + name: 'the-attribute-name', + value: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-entity-condition)' + } + ] + } + ] + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].active[0].value).equal('the-content'); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + /* jshint camelcase: true */ + } + ); + + it('should import the template value of an attribute if the attribute condition is satified if defined ' + + 'in the exports property', + function (done) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + exports: { + template: [ + { + 'content': 'the-content', + 'condition': '${{entity_name==the-.*-name}{name==the-.*-name}}' + } + ] + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'the-entity-name', + active: [ + { + name: 'the-attribute-name', + value: 'import(template)' + } + ] + } + ] + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].active[0].value).equal('the-content'); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + /* jshint camelcase: true */ + } + ); + + it('should import the template value of an attribute if the attribute condition is satified if defined ' + + 'in an external template file', + function (done) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'the-entity-name', + active: [ + { + name: 'the-attribute-name', + value: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-attribute-condition)' + } + ] + } + ] + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].active[0].value).equal('the-content'); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + /* jshint camelcase: true */ + } + ); + + it('should not import the template value if the attribute condition is not satified in the entity part ' + + 'if defined in the exports property', + function (done) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + exports: { + template: [ + { + 'content': 'the-content', + 'condition': '${{entity_name==the-.*-name}{name==the-.*-name}}' + } + ] + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'the-entity-NAME', + active: [ + { + name: 'the-attribute-name', + value: 'import(template)' + } + ] + } + ] + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].active[0].value).equal('import(template)'); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + /* jshint camelcase: true */ + } + ); + + it('should not import the template value if the attribute condition is not satified in the entity part ' + + 'if defined in an external template file', + function (done) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'the-entity-NAME', + active: [ + { + name: 'the-attribute-name', + value: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-attribute-condition)' + } + ] + } + ] + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].active[0].value).equal( + 'import(test/unit/templates/template-attribute-condition)'); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + /* jshint camelcase: true */ + } + ); + + it('should not import the template value if the attribute condition is not satified in the attribute part ' + + 'if defined in the exports property', + function (done) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + exports: { + template: [ + { + 'content': 'the-content', + 'condition': '${{entity_name==the-.*-name}{name==the-.*-name}}' + } + ] + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'the-entity-name', + active: [ + { + name: 'the-attribute-NAME', + value: 'import(template)' + } + ] + } + ] + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].active[0].value).equal('import(template)'); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + /* jshint camelcase: true */ + } + ); + + it('should not import the template value if the attribute condition is not satified in the attribute part ' + + 'if defined in an external template file', + function (done) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'the-entity-name', + active: [ + { + name: 'the-attribute-NAME', + value: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-attribute-condition)' + } + ] + } + ] + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].active[0].value).equal( + 'import(test/unit/templates/template-attribute-condition)'); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + /* jshint camelcase: true */ + } + ); + + it('should import correctly a complex simulation configuration file using templates if defined ' + + 'in the exports property', + function (done) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + exports: { + 'template-1': [ + { + 'content': 'the-entity-type', + 'condition': '${{entity_name==the-.*-name}}' + } + ], + 'template-2': [ + { + 'content': 'not-matching', + 'condition': '${{entity_name==the-.*-NAME}}' + }, + { + 'content': 'the-entity-schedule', + 'condition': '${{entity_name==the-.*-name}}' + } + ], + 'template-3': [ + { + 'content': 'the-attribute-type', + 'condition': '${{entity_name==the-.*-name}{name==the-.*-name}}' + } + ], + 'template-4': [ + { + 'content': 'not-matching', + 'condition': '${{entity_name==the-.*-NAME}{name==the-.*-name}}' + }, + { + 'content': 'not-matching', + 'condition': '${{entity_name==the-.*-name}{name==the-.*-NAME}}' + }, + { + 'content': 'the-attribute-value', + 'condition': '${{entity_name==the-.*-name}{name==the-.*-name}}' + } + ] + }, + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'the-entity-name', + type: 'import(template-1)', + schedule: 'import(template-2)', + active: [ + { + name: 'the-attribute-name', + type: 'import(template-3)', + value: 'import(template-4)' + }, + { + name: 'the-attribute-name', + type: 'import(template-3)', + value: 'import(template-4)' + } + ] + }, + { + entity_name: 'the-entity-name', + type: 'import(template-1)', + schedule: 'import(template-2)', + active: [ + { + name: 'the-attribute-name', + type: 'import(template-3)', + value: 'import(template-4)' + }, + { + name: 'the-attribute-name', + type: 'import(template-3)', + value: 'import(template-4)' + } + ] + } + ] + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].type).equal('the-entity-type'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].schedule).equal('the-entity-schedule'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].active[0].type).equal('the-attribute-type'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].active[0].value).equal('the-attribute-value'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].active[1].type).equal('the-attribute-type'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].active[1].value).equal('the-attribute-value'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[1].type).equal('the-entity-type'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[1].schedule).equal('the-entity-schedule'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[1].active[0].type).equal('the-attribute-type'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[1].active[0].value).equal('the-attribute-value'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[1].active[1].type).equal('the-attribute-type'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[1].active[1].value).equal('the-attribute-value'); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + /* jshint camelcase: true */ + } + ); + + it('should import correctly a complex simulation configuration file using templates if defined ' + + 'in external template files', + function (done) { + /* jshint camelcase: false */ + try{ + fiwareDeviceSimulatorTranspiler.transpile( + { + entities: [ + { + entity_name: 'the-entity-name', + type: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-type-entity-condition)', + schedule: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-schedule-entity-condition)', + active: [ + { + name: 'the-attribute-name', + type: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-type-attribute-condition)', + value: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-value-attribute-condition)' + }, + { + name: 'the-attribute-name', + type: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-type-attribute-condition)', + value: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-value-attribute-condition)' + } + ] + }, + { + entity_name: 'the-entity-name', + type: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-type-entity-condition)', + schedule: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-schedule-entity-condition)', + active: [ + { + name: 'the-attribute-name', + type: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-type-attribute-condition)', + value: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-value-attribute-condition)' + }, + { + name: 'the-attribute-name', + type: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-type-attribute-condition)', + value: 'import(test/unit/templates/template-value-attribute-condition)' + } + ] + } + ] + }, + function(err, newConfiguration) { + should(err).equal(null); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].type).equal('the-entity-type'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].schedule).equal('the-entity-schedule'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].active[0].type).equal('the-attribute-type'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].active[0].value).equal('the-attribute-value'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].active[1].type).equal('the-attribute-type'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[0].active[1].value).equal('the-attribute-value'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[1].type).equal('the-entity-type'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[1].schedule).equal('the-entity-schedule'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[1].active[0].type).equal('the-attribute-type'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[1].active[0].value).equal('the-attribute-value'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[1].active[1].type).equal('the-attribute-type'); + should(newConfiguration.entities[1].active[1].value).equal('the-attribute-value'); + done(); + } + ); + } catch (exception) { + done(exception); + } + /* jshint camelcase: true */ + } + ); +}); diff --git a/tools/github-pages.sh b/tools/github-pages.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59845fc --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/github-pages.sh @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +git checkout --orphan gh-pages +git rm -rf . +git checkout master -- ghpages +mv ghpages/* . +rmdir ghpages/ +echo "node_modules" > .gitignore +git add . +git commit -am "CREATE GitHub pages for the project" +git push origin gh-pages +git checkout master +git clone git://github.com/gtv/fiware-device-simulator.git site +cd site +git checkout gh-pages + diff --git a/tools/init-site-env.sh b/tools/init-site-env.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0885782 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/init-site-env.sh @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +git clone git://github.com/gtv/fiware-device-simulator.git site +cd site +git checkout gh-pages \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tools/mocha-globals.js b/tools/mocha-globals.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d26fa19 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/mocha-globals.js @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +var sinon = require ('sinon'), + chai = require ('chai'), + sinonChai = require('sinon-chai'); + +chai.use(sinonChai); + +global.expect = chai.expect; +global.should = chai.should(); + +beforeEach(function(){ + global.sinon = sinon.sandbox.create(); +}); + +afterEach(function(){ + global.sinon.restore(); +}); diff --git a/tools/tasks/README.md b/tools/tasks/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4358a87 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/tasks/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +Grunt Tasks +=========== + +Include here all the custom grunt tasks related to the project. + +Try to isolate common tasks in separate repositories, and share with your colleagues (*) + +(* pending to solve npm full compliance within pdihub) diff --git a/tools/tasks/contributors.js b/tools/tasks/contributors.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8f9bc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/tasks/contributors.js @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +module.exports = function(grunt) { + + var exec = require('child_process').exec; + + grunt.registerTask('contributors', 'Update contributors in package.json', function() { + var done = this.async(); + + exec('git log --pretty=short | git shortlog -nse', function(err, stdout) { + var pkgFile = grunt.config('pkgFile'); + var pkg = grunt.file.readJSON(pkgFile); + + pkg.contributors = stdout.toString().split('\n').slice(1, -1).map(function(line) { + return line.replace(/^[\W\d]+/, ''); + }); + + grunt.file.write(pkgFile, JSON.stringify(pkg, null, ' ') + '\n'); + + exec('git status -s ' + pkgFile, function(err, stdout) { + if (!stdout) { + grunt.log.ok('The contributors list is already up to date.'); + return done(); + } + + exec('git commit ' + pkgFile + ' -m "UPDATE contributors"', function(err) { + if (err) { + grunt.log.error('Cannot commit contributors changes.'); + } else { + grunt.log.ok('The contributors list has been updated.'); + } + done(); + }); + }); + }); + }); +};