- Again no changes. Same as with 1.5.1, trying to get library manager to pick up the release.
- No changes. The only reason for doing this release is that the Arduino Library Manager did not pick up release V1.4.1, giving the comment "Release monitor_printf:1.4.1 already loaded, skipping". I suspect the cause may be that my release tag values were of the form "V1.4.1" instead of "1.4.1", so I am trying it again, changing the release tag.
Bug fixed in automatic buffer reallocation.
The 'enable' argument in the begin() function is removed and replaced with new argument 'serial'. See README.md for recommended way of supplying this argument value (using #defines USE_MONITOR_PRINTF and MONITOR_PRINTF) to best cope with switching from use of IDE/USB to not. **** BE SURE TO CHANGE YOUR CALLS TO begin() TO USE THE NEW FIRST ARG NAMED 'serial' INSTEAD OF 'enable' ****
Add support for DONT_DEFINE_the_monitor_printf, see README.md.
README.md has been extensively updated.
- Not documented in release V1.2.1 was that the begin() function buf_size argument was removed. **** BE SURE TO CHANGE YOUR CALLS TO begin() TO REMOVE THE buf_size ARGUMENT ****
- Add HardwareSerial* argument to constructor to allow support for any serial port.
- Change buffer allocation to automatically resize buffer and start with a default size.
- Initial release.