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This module creates following resources.

  • okta_user
  • okta_user_admin_roles
  • okta_user_group_memberships
  • okta_admin_role_targets (optional)


Name Version
terraform >= 1.8
okta >= 4.8


Name Version
okta 4.8.1


No modules.


Name Type
okta_admin_role_targets.this resource
okta_user.this resource
okta_user_admin_roles.this resource
okta_user_group_memberships.this resource
okta_group.this data source


Name Description Type Default Required
email (Required) A primary email address for the user. string n/a yes
first_name (Required) A given name of the user. string n/a yes
last_name (Required) A family name of the user. string n/a yes
phone (Required) A phone number of the user for the work. string n/a yes
secondary_email (Required) A secondary email address for the user. Typically used for account recovery. string n/a yes
username (Required) Unique identifier for the user. string n/a yes
address_info (Optional) A configuration for the user address. address_info block as defined below.
(Optional) country_code - A country code of the user address. Formatted with ISO 3166-1
alpha 2 code.
(Optional) state - A state or region of the user address.
(Optional) city - A city or locality of the user address.
(Optional) street_address - A full street address of the user address.
(Optional) postal_address - A mailing address of the user address.
(Optional) zip_code - A postal code of the user address.
country_code = optional(string)
state = optional(string)
city = optional(string)
street_address = optional(string)
postal_address = optional(string)
zip_code = optional(string)
{} no
admin_role_assignments (Optional) A configurations for admin roles to assign to the Okta user. Each item of admin_role_assignments block as defined below.
(Optional) target_apps - A list of app names (name represents set of app instances, like salesforce or facebook), or a combination of app name and app instance ID (like facebook.0oapsqQ6dv19pqyEo0g3) you would like as the targets of the admin role. Only supported when used with the role type APP_ADMIN.
(Optional) target_groups - A list of group IDs you would like as the targets of the admin role. Only supported when used with the role types: GROUP_MEMBERSHIP_ADMIN, HELP_DESK_ADMIN, or USER_ADMIN.
admin_role = string
target_apps = optional(set(string), [])
target_groups = optional(set(string), [])
[] no
admin_role_notification_enabled (Optional) Whether to send the default Okta administrator emails. When this setting is disabled, the admins won't receive any of the notifications. These admins also won't have access to contact Okta Support and open support cases on behalf of your org. Defaults to true. bool true no
cost_center (Optional) A name of the cost center assigned to the user. string null no
custom_attributes (Optional) The object for custom profile attributes of the user. any {} no
custom_attributes_to_ignore (Optional) A set of custom attribute keys that should be excluded from being managed by Terraform. This is useful in situations where specific custom fields may contain sensitive information and should be managed outside of Terraform. set(string) [] no
department (Optional) The department name of the user. string null no
display_name (Optional) A name of the user, suitable to display to end users. string null no
division (Optional) The division name of the user. string null no
employee_number (Optional) A company-assigned unique identifier for the user. string null no
groups (Optional) A set of group IDs for the group memberships of the user. set(string) [] no
honorific_prefix (Optional) An honorific prefix preceding a name such as Dr/Mrs/Mr. string null no
honorific_suffix (Optional) An honorific suffix following a name such as M.D./PhD/MSCSW. string null no
locale (Optional) A locale value is a concatenation of the ISO 639-1 two-letter language code, an underscore, and the ISO 3166-1 two-letter country code. For example, en_US specifies the language English and country US. Defaults to en_US. string "en_US" no
manager (Optional) A configuration for the user's manager. manager block as defined below.
(Optional) id - The ID of the user's manager.
(Optional) name - The display_name of the user's manager.
id = optional(string)
name = optional(string)
{} no
middle_name (Optional) A middle name of the user. string null no
nick_name (Optional) A casual name to address the user. string null no
organization (Optional) The organization name of the user. string null no
preferred_language (Optional) A preferred written or spoken languages of the user. Formatted with RFC 7231. string null no
primary_phone (Optional) A primary phone number of the user such as home number. string null no
profile_url (Optional) The URL of the user's online profile. string null no
status (Optional) A status of the user account which provides information about the user account and whether administrative or user action is required. Valid values are STAGED, ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, DEPROVISIONED. Defaults to ACTIVE. string "ACTIVE" no
timezone (Optional) A time zone of the user like Asia/Seoul. string null no
title (Optional) A title of the user like "Vice President". string null no


Name Description
address_info The address information of the user.
admin_role_assignments The configurations for admin roles assigned to the Okta user.
admin_role_notification_enabled Whether to send the default Okta administrator emails.
cost_center The name of the cost center assigned to the user.
custom_attributes The object for custom profile attributes of the user.
department The department name of the user.
display_name The display name of the user.
division The division name of the user.
email The primary email address of the user.
employee_number The company-assigned unique identifier for the user.
first_name The first name of the user.
groups The information for the group memberships of the user.
honorific_prefix An honorific prefix preceding a name.
honorific_suffix An honorific suffix following a name.
id The ID of the user.
last_name The family name of the user.
manager The manager information of the user.
middle_name The middle name of the user.
nick_name The casual name of the user.
organization The organization name of the user.
phone The phone number of the user for the work.
preferences The configurations of the user preferences.
primary_phone The primary phone number of the user.
profile_url The URL of the user's online profile.
secondary_email The secondary email address of the user.
status The status of the user.
title The title of the user.