- Create rule files for JavaScript.
- Create rule files for TypeScript
- Create rule files for Vue.js..
- Create rule files for ReactJS..
- Create rule files for Node.js.
- Set/Get Header
- Create rule files for other languages (if needed).
- Combine rules and plugins for React.
- Combine rules and plugins for Vue.js
- Combine rules and plugins for Node.js.
- Configure ESLint to run in CI pipelines (such as GitHub Actions, Travis CI, CircleCI)..
- Write scripts to automatically check code style when pushing code to the repository.
- Use Husky and lint-staged to run ESLint before committing.
- Write detailed instructions on how to install and configure.
- Create rule profiles for specific purposes (such as strict, relaxed).
- Allow users to override specific rules according to project needs.
- Create a CLI for easy configuration and rule installation.
- Provide commands for checking and auto-fixing issues.
- Provide separate configurations for development, production, and testing.
- Support rule configurations for different environments.
- Integrate with other linting tools such as Stylelint for CSS/SCSS.
- Provide linting configurations for other files like JSON, YAML, Markdown.
Install package:
# using yarn
yarn add [your-library]
# using npm
npm install [your-library]
# using pnpm
pnpm install [your-library]
Guideline setup, usage, ...