Tist is a boilerplate to display GitHub gists as blog posts
If you don't want to spend your life fiddling with themes and plugins just to post something. If you want to have control over layout and styling. If you are the kind of person who, for whatever reason, rather store your content on GitHub.
Originally developed as a minimalist alternative to mainstream blogging platforms such as WordPress or Medium etc.
- Upload the folders and files to your website root directory
- Modify /gist/index.php to your website URL and GitHub User
- Choose in index.php manual update or auto-index of gist IDs
Make sure /gist/.htaccess is uploaded to map friendly gist URLs
- Create a gist in your GitHub account and save as raw text without extension
- Save a 1440 x 480 .jpeg image to /media folder using same name as your gist
- If manual update is chosen, add a line in /gist/index.php for your new gist
Access your beautiful gist at your_website_url/gist/your_gist_name
Tist is open-source software released under the MIT license