diff --git a/spec.emu b/spec.emu index 7b800f27..716fef41 100644 --- a/spec.emu +++ b/spec.emu @@ -20,41 +20,6 @@ location: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-decimal/ - -

Abstract Operations

- - -

Type Conversion

- - -

- ToString ( - _argument_: an ECMAScript language value, - ): either a normal completion containing a String or a throw completion -

It converts _argument_ to a value of type String.
- - 1. If _argument_ is a String, return _argument_. - 1. If _argument_ is a Symbol, throw a *TypeError* exception. - 1. If _argument_ is *undefined*, return *"undefined"*. - 1. If _argument_ is *null*, return *"null"*. - 1. If _argument_ is *true*, return *"true"*. - 1. If _argument_ is *false*, return *"false"*. - 1. If _argument_ is a Number, return Number::toString(_argument_, 10). - 1. If _argument_ is a BigInt, return BigInt::toString(_argument_, 10). - 1. Assert: _argument_ is an Object. - 1. If _argument_ has a [[Decimal128Data]] internal slot, return Decimal128ToDecimalString(_argument_.[[Decimal128Data]]). - 1. Let _primValue_ be ? ToPrimitive(_argument_, ~string~). - 1. Assert: _primValue_ is not an Object. - 1. Return ? ToString(_primValue_). - -

The Decimal128 Object