Misc tools I wrote.
The git subdirs currently contains a hook for git. The “update” hook.
This script is intended to check the format of the log message.
The following things are checked:
- Each changed files are mentioned (there is a list of ignored file).
- There must be at least one entry (unless there is no interesting file in the commit).
- There is one semicolon between two entries.
- There is less than 72 columns in the log message.
- There must be a title.
- No space before the semicolon (in French, there is one).
I explain this on my blog: http://enki-tech.blogspot.fr/2012/03/if-changelog-is-really-obsolete-how-to.html
This script was written for finding the address of a faulty instruction in a library that causes segmentation fault.
A full description of what it is, how it works can be found in my blog: http://enki-tech.blogspot.fr/2012/08/debugging-c-part-3-dmesg.html.
Here is a module for zsh. It starts with the idea that sometimes, you have to create little script, useful for one, two or more hours, and it is boring to write a script for that. So what about a simple method to create some temporary scripts?
I am a huge fan of Emacs, and I wrote this module with the Emacs macro system in mind. So with this, you can:
- Create several macros;
- Use one of the macro previously recorded;
- Register the macro for using it later;
- Remove all the recorded macros;
- Having a flag in the RPrompt that indicates whether we are recording a macro and its id.
All the temporary files are stored in ‘/tmp’.
You may see my blog post that presents this concept.