The showcase for Wikipedia is a Multi-Module Maven project which contains three modules:
- google-pages: Contains the page objects and custom UI components
- google-systemtest: Uses tapir's execution runtime for ui testing
- google-unittest: Uses unit test for ui testing
In src/main/java you can find the page objects and custom UI components. The test suites and classes are located in src/test/java.
This showcase covers the following features/aspects:
- Modularization: The test code is separated from the pages / UI components
- Page Objects: GooglePage
- Page Active Assertion: GooglePage
- Custom UI Component Interfaces: Listbox
- Custom UI Component Implementation: ListboxImpl
- Unit tests: GoogleSuggestTest
- Test Classes: GoogleSuggestSystemTest
- Immutable types: SearchTermExpectation
- Custom labels for types: SearchTermExpectation
- External data provider: GoogleSuggestSystemTest by using SearchTermProvider