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# Visual Studio 2014 CTP
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6801575..dc5c36f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
This C# SDK is automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator](https://openapi-generator.tech) project:
-- SDK version: 5.0.2
+- SDK version: 6.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.CSharpNetCoreClientCodegen
@@ -234,7 +234,9 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*IntegrationApi* | [**GetCustomerSession**](docs/IntegrationApi.md#getcustomersession) | **GET** /v2/customer_sessions/{customerSessionId} | Get customer session
*IntegrationApi* | [**GetLoyaltyBalances**](docs/IntegrationApi.md#getloyaltybalances) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/profile/{integrationId}/balances | Get customer's loyalty points
*IntegrationApi* | [**GetLoyaltyCardBalances**](docs/IntegrationApi.md#getloyaltycardbalances) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/balances | Get card's point balances
+*IntegrationApi* | [**GetLoyaltyCardPoints**](docs/IntegrationApi.md#getloyaltycardpoints) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/points | List card's unused loyalty points
*IntegrationApi* | [**GetLoyaltyCardTransactions**](docs/IntegrationApi.md#getloyaltycardtransactions) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/transactions | List card's transactions
+*IntegrationApi* | [**GetLoyaltyProgramProfilePoints**](docs/IntegrationApi.md#getloyaltyprogramprofilepoints) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/profile/{integrationId}/points | List customer's unused loyalty points
*IntegrationApi* | [**GetLoyaltyProgramProfileTransactions**](docs/IntegrationApi.md#getloyaltyprogramprofiletransactions) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/profile/{integrationId}/transactions | List customer's loyalty transactions
*IntegrationApi* | [**GetReservedCustomers**](docs/IntegrationApi.md#getreservedcustomers) | **GET** /v1/coupon_reservations/customerprofiles/{couponValue} | List customers that have this coupon reserved
*IntegrationApi* | [**LinkLoyaltyCardToProfile**](docs/IntegrationApi.md#linkloyaltycardtoprofile) | **POST** /v2/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/link_profile | Link customer profile to card
@@ -248,34 +250,45 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*IntegrationApi* | [**UpdateCustomerProfileV2**](docs/IntegrationApi.md#updatecustomerprofilev2) | **PUT** /v2/customer_profiles/{integrationId} | Update customer profile
*IntegrationApi* | [**UpdateCustomerProfilesV2**](docs/IntegrationApi.md#updatecustomerprofilesv2) | **PUT** /v2/customer_profiles | Update multiple customer profiles
*IntegrationApi* | [**UpdateCustomerSessionV2**](docs/IntegrationApi.md#updatecustomersessionv2) | **PUT** /v2/customer_sessions/{customerSessionId} | Update customer session
+*ManagementApi* | [**ActivateUserByEmail**](docs/ManagementApi.md#activateuserbyemail) | **POST** /v1/users/activate | Activate user by email address
*ManagementApi* | [**AddLoyaltyCardPoints**](docs/ManagementApi.md#addloyaltycardpoints) | **PUT** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/add_points | Add points to card
*ManagementApi* | [**AddLoyaltyPoints**](docs/ManagementApi.md#addloyaltypoints) | **PUT** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/profile/{integrationId}/add_points | Add points to customer profile
*ManagementApi* | [**CopyCampaignToApplications**](docs/ManagementApi.md#copycampaigntoapplications) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/copy | Copy the campaign into the specified Application
*ManagementApi* | [**CreateAccountCollection**](docs/ManagementApi.md#createaccountcollection) | **POST** /v1/collections | Create account-level collection
+*ManagementApi* | [**CreateAchievement**](docs/ManagementApi.md#createachievement) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/achievements | Create achievement
*ManagementApi* | [**CreateAdditionalCost**](docs/ManagementApi.md#createadditionalcost) | **POST** /v1/additional_costs | Create additional cost
*ManagementApi* | [**CreateAttribute**](docs/ManagementApi.md#createattribute) | **POST** /v1/attributes | Create custom attribute
*ManagementApi* | [**CreateCampaignFromTemplate**](docs/ManagementApi.md#createcampaignfromtemplate) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/create_campaign_from_template | Create campaign from campaign template
-*ManagementApi* | [**CreateCollection**](docs/ManagementApi.md#createcollection) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections | Create collection
+*ManagementApi* | [**CreateCollection**](docs/ManagementApi.md#createcollection) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections | Create campaign-level collection
*ManagementApi* | [**CreateCoupons**](docs/ManagementApi.md#createcoupons) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons | Create coupons
*ManagementApi* | [**CreateCouponsAsync**](docs/ManagementApi.md#createcouponsasync) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons_async | Create coupons asynchronously
*ManagementApi* | [**CreateCouponsForMultipleRecipients**](docs/ManagementApi.md#createcouponsformultiplerecipients) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons_with_recipients | Create coupons for multiple recipients
-*ManagementApi* | [**CreateNotificationWebhook**](docs/ManagementApi.md#createnotificationwebhook) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/notification_webhooks | Create notification about campaign-related changes
+*ManagementApi* | [**CreateInviteEmail**](docs/ManagementApi.md#createinviteemail) | **POST** /v1/invite_emails | Resend invitation email
+*ManagementApi* | [**CreateInviteV2**](docs/ManagementApi.md#createinvitev2) | **POST** /v2/invites | Invite user
*ManagementApi* | [**CreatePasswordRecoveryEmail**](docs/ManagementApi.md#createpasswordrecoveryemail) | **POST** /v1/password_recovery_emails | Request a password reset
*ManagementApi* | [**CreateSession**](docs/ManagementApi.md#createsession) | **POST** /v1/sessions | Create session
+*ManagementApi* | [**CreateStore**](docs/ManagementApi.md#createstore) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/stores | Create store
+*ManagementApi* | [**DeactivateUserByEmail**](docs/ManagementApi.md#deactivateuserbyemail) | **POST** /v1/users/deactivate | Deactivate user by email address
*ManagementApi* | [**DeductLoyaltyCardPoints**](docs/ManagementApi.md#deductloyaltycardpoints) | **PUT** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/deduct_points | Deduct points from card
*ManagementApi* | [**DeleteAccountCollection**](docs/ManagementApi.md#deleteaccountcollection) | **DELETE** /v1/collections/{collectionId} | Delete account-level collection
+*ManagementApi* | [**DeleteAchievement**](docs/ManagementApi.md#deleteachievement) | **DELETE** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/achievements/{achievementId} | Delete achievement
*ManagementApi* | [**DeleteCampaign**](docs/ManagementApi.md#deletecampaign) | **DELETE** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId} | Delete campaign
-*ManagementApi* | [**DeleteCollection**](docs/ManagementApi.md#deletecollection) | **DELETE** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId} | Delete collection
+*ManagementApi* | [**DeleteCollection**](docs/ManagementApi.md#deletecollection) | **DELETE** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId} | Delete campaign-level collection
*ManagementApi* | [**DeleteCoupon**](docs/ManagementApi.md#deletecoupon) | **DELETE** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons/{couponId} | Delete coupon
*ManagementApi* | [**DeleteCoupons**](docs/ManagementApi.md#deletecoupons) | **DELETE** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons | Delete coupons
*ManagementApi* | [**DeleteLoyaltyCard**](docs/ManagementApi.md#deleteloyaltycard) | **DELETE** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId} | Delete loyalty card
-*ManagementApi* | [**DeleteNotificationWebhook**](docs/ManagementApi.md#deletenotificationwebhook) | **DELETE** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/notification_webhooks/{notificationWebhookId} | Delete notification about campaign-related changes
*ManagementApi* | [**DeleteReferral**](docs/ManagementApi.md#deletereferral) | **DELETE** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/referrals/{referralId} | Delete referral
+*ManagementApi* | [**DeleteStore**](docs/ManagementApi.md#deletestore) | **DELETE** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/stores/{storeId} | Delete store
+*ManagementApi* | [**DeleteUser**](docs/ManagementApi.md#deleteuser) | **DELETE** /v1/users/{userId} | Delete user
+*ManagementApi* | [**DeleteUserByEmail**](docs/ManagementApi.md#deleteuserbyemail) | **POST** /v1/users/delete | Delete user by email address
*ManagementApi* | [**DestroySession**](docs/ManagementApi.md#destroysession) | **DELETE** /v1/sessions | Destroy session
*ManagementApi* | [**ExportAccountCollectionItems**](docs/ManagementApi.md#exportaccountcollectionitems) | **GET** /v1/collections/{collectionId}/export | Export account-level collection's items
-*ManagementApi* | [**ExportCollectionItems**](docs/ManagementApi.md#exportcollectionitems) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId}/export | Export a collection's items
+*ManagementApi* | [**ExportAchievements**](docs/ManagementApi.md#exportachievements) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/achievements/{achievementId}/export | Export achievement customer data
+*ManagementApi* | [**ExportAudiencesMemberships**](docs/ManagementApi.md#exportaudiencesmemberships) | **GET** /v1/audiences/{audienceId}/memberships/export | Export audience members
+*ManagementApi* | [**ExportCollectionItems**](docs/ManagementApi.md#exportcollectionitems) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId}/export | Export campaign-level collection's items
*ManagementApi* | [**ExportCoupons**](docs/ManagementApi.md#exportcoupons) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/export_coupons | Export coupons
*ManagementApi* | [**ExportCustomerSessions**](docs/ManagementApi.md#exportcustomersessions) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/export_customer_sessions | Export customer sessions
+*ManagementApi* | [**ExportCustomersTiers**](docs/ManagementApi.md#exportcustomerstiers) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/export_customers_tiers | Export customers' tier data
*ManagementApi* | [**ExportEffects**](docs/ManagementApi.md#exporteffects) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/export_effects | Export triggered effects
*ManagementApi* | [**ExportLoyaltyBalance**](docs/ManagementApi.md#exportloyaltybalance) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/export_customer_balance | Export customer loyalty balance to CSV
*ManagementApi* | [**ExportLoyaltyBalances**](docs/ManagementApi.md#exportloyaltybalances) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/export_customer_balances | Export customer loyalty balances
@@ -288,10 +301,10 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*ManagementApi* | [**GetAccount**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getaccount) | **GET** /v1/accounts/{accountId} | Get account details
*ManagementApi* | [**GetAccountAnalytics**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getaccountanalytics) | **GET** /v1/accounts/{accountId}/analytics | Get account analytics
*ManagementApi* | [**GetAccountCollection**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getaccountcollection) | **GET** /v1/collections/{collectionId} | Get account-level collection
+*ManagementApi* | [**GetAchievement**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getachievement) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/achievements/{achievementId} | Get achievement
*ManagementApi* | [**GetAdditionalCost**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getadditionalcost) | **GET** /v1/additional_costs/{additionalCostId} | Get additional cost
*ManagementApi* | [**GetAdditionalCosts**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getadditionalcosts) | **GET** /v1/additional_costs | List additional costs
*ManagementApi* | [**GetAllAccessLogs**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getallaccesslogs) | **GET** /v1/access_logs | List access logs
-*ManagementApi* | [**GetAllRoles**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getallroles) | **GET** /v1/roles | List roles
*ManagementApi* | [**GetApplication**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getapplication) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId} | Get Application
*ManagementApi* | [**GetApplicationApiHealth**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getapplicationapihealth) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/health_report | Get Application health
*ManagementApi* | [**GetApplicationCustomer**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getapplicationcustomer) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customers/{customerId} | Get application's customer
@@ -305,20 +318,25 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*ManagementApi* | [**GetApplications**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getapplications) | **GET** /v1/applications | List Applications
*ManagementApi* | [**GetAttribute**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getattribute) | **GET** /v1/attributes/{attributeId} | Get custom attribute
*ManagementApi* | [**GetAttributes**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getattributes) | **GET** /v1/attributes | List custom attributes
+*ManagementApi* | [**GetAudienceMemberships**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getaudiencememberships) | **GET** /v1/audiences/{audienceId}/memberships | List audience members
*ManagementApi* | [**GetAudiences**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getaudiences) | **GET** /v1/audiences | List audiences
+*ManagementApi* | [**GetAudiencesAnalytics**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getaudiencesanalytics) | **GET** /v1/audiences/analytics | List audience analytics
*ManagementApi* | [**GetCampaign**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getcampaign) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId} | Get campaign
*ManagementApi* | [**GetCampaignAnalytics**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getcampaignanalytics) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/analytics | Get analytics of campaigns
*ManagementApi* | [**GetCampaignByAttributes**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getcampaignbyattributes) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns_search | List campaigns that match the given attributes
+*ManagementApi* | [**GetCampaignGroup**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getcampaigngroup) | **GET** /v1/campaign_groups/{campaignGroupId} | Get campaign access group
+*ManagementApi* | [**GetCampaignGroups**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getcampaigngroups) | **GET** /v1/campaign_groups | List campaign access groups
*ManagementApi* | [**GetCampaignTemplates**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getcampaigntemplates) | **GET** /v1/campaign_templates | List campaign templates
*ManagementApi* | [**GetCampaigns**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getcampaigns) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns | List campaigns
*ManagementApi* | [**GetChanges**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getchanges) | **GET** /v1/changes | Get audit logs for an account
-*ManagementApi* | [**GetCollection**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getcollection) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId} | Get collection
+*ManagementApi* | [**GetCollection**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getcollection) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId} | Get campaign-level collection
*ManagementApi* | [**GetCollectionItems**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getcollectionitems) | **GET** /v1/collections/{collectionId}/items | Get collection items
*ManagementApi* | [**GetCouponsWithoutTotalCount**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getcouponswithouttotalcount) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons/no_total | List coupons
*ManagementApi* | [**GetCustomerActivityReport**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getcustomeractivityreport) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customer_activity_reports/{customerId} | Get customer's activity report
*ManagementApi* | [**GetCustomerActivityReportsWithoutTotalCount**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getcustomeractivityreportswithouttotalcount) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customer_activity_reports/no_total | Get Activity Reports for Application Customers
*ManagementApi* | [**GetCustomerAnalytics**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getcustomeranalytics) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customers/{customerId}/analytics | Get customer's analytics report
*ManagementApi* | [**GetCustomerProfile**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getcustomerprofile) | **GET** /v1/customers/{customerId} | Get customer profile
+*ManagementApi* | [**GetCustomerProfileAchievementProgress**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getcustomerprofileachievementprogress) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/achievement_progress/{integrationId} | List customer achievements
*ManagementApi* | [**GetCustomerProfiles**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getcustomerprofiles) | **GET** /v1/customers/no_total | List customer profiles
*ManagementApi* | [**GetCustomersByAttributes**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getcustomersbyattributes) | **POST** /v1/customer_search/no_total | List customer profiles matching the given attributes
*ManagementApi* | [**GetEventTypes**](docs/ManagementApi.md#geteventtypes) | **GET** /v1/event_types | List event types
@@ -331,33 +349,38 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*ManagementApi* | [**GetLoyaltyProgramTransactions**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getloyaltyprogramtransactions) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/transactions | List loyalty program transactions
*ManagementApi* | [**GetLoyaltyPrograms**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getloyaltyprograms) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs | List loyalty programs
*ManagementApi* | [**GetLoyaltyStatistics**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getloyaltystatistics) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/statistics | Get loyalty program statistics
-*ManagementApi* | [**GetNotificationWebhook**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getnotificationwebhook) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/notification_webhooks/{notificationWebhookId} | Get notification about campaign-related changes
-*ManagementApi* | [**GetNotificationWebhooks**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getnotificationwebhooks) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/notification_webhooks | List notifications about campaign-related changes
*ManagementApi* | [**GetReferralsWithoutTotalCount**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getreferralswithouttotalcount) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/referrals/no_total | List referrals
-*ManagementApi* | [**GetRole**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getrole) | **GET** /v1/roles/{roleId} | Get role
+*ManagementApi* | [**GetRoleV2**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getrolev2) | **GET** /v2/roles/{roleId} | Get role
*ManagementApi* | [**GetRuleset**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getruleset) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/rulesets/{rulesetId} | Get ruleset
*ManagementApi* | [**GetRulesets**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getrulesets) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/rulesets | List campaign rulesets
+*ManagementApi* | [**GetStore**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getstore) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/stores/{storeId} | Get store
*ManagementApi* | [**GetUser**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getuser) | **GET** /v1/users/{userId} | Get user
*ManagementApi* | [**GetUsers**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getusers) | **GET** /v1/users | List users in account
*ManagementApi* | [**GetWebhook**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getwebhook) | **GET** /v1/webhooks/{webhookId} | Get webhook
*ManagementApi* | [**GetWebhookActivationLogs**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getwebhookactivationlogs) | **GET** /v1/webhook_activation_logs | List webhook activation log entries
*ManagementApi* | [**GetWebhookLogs**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getwebhooklogs) | **GET** /v1/webhook_logs | List webhook log entries
*ManagementApi* | [**GetWebhooks**](docs/ManagementApi.md#getwebhooks) | **GET** /v1/webhooks | List webhooks
-*ManagementApi* | [**ImportAccountCollection**](docs/ManagementApi.md#importaccountcollection) | **POST** /v1/collections/{collectionId}/import | Import data in existing account-level collection
+*ManagementApi* | [**ImportAccountCollection**](docs/ManagementApi.md#importaccountcollection) | **POST** /v1/collections/{collectionId}/import | Import data into existing account-level collection
*ManagementApi* | [**ImportAllowedList**](docs/ManagementApi.md#importallowedlist) | **POST** /v1/attributes/{attributeId}/allowed_list/import | Import allowed values for attribute
-*ManagementApi* | [**ImportCollection**](docs/ManagementApi.md#importcollection) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId}/import | Import data in existing collection
+*ManagementApi* | [**ImportAudiencesMemberships**](docs/ManagementApi.md#importaudiencesmemberships) | **POST** /v1/audiences/{audienceId}/memberships/import | Import audience members
+*ManagementApi* | [**ImportCollection**](docs/ManagementApi.md#importcollection) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId}/import | Import data into existing campaign-level collection
*ManagementApi* | [**ImportCoupons**](docs/ManagementApi.md#importcoupons) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/import_coupons | Import coupons
*ManagementApi* | [**ImportLoyaltyCards**](docs/ManagementApi.md#importloyaltycards) | **POST** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/import_cards | Import loyalty cards
*ManagementApi* | [**ImportLoyaltyCustomersTiers**](docs/ManagementApi.md#importloyaltycustomerstiers) | **POST** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/import_customers_tiers | Import customers into loyalty tiers
*ManagementApi* | [**ImportLoyaltyPoints**](docs/ManagementApi.md#importloyaltypoints) | **POST** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/import_points | Import loyalty points
*ManagementApi* | [**ImportPoolGiveaways**](docs/ManagementApi.md#importpoolgiveaways) | **POST** /v1/giveaways/pools/{poolId}/import | Import giveaway codes into a giveaway pool
*ManagementApi* | [**ImportReferrals**](docs/ManagementApi.md#importreferrals) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/import_referrals | Import referrals
+*ManagementApi* | [**InviteUserExternal**](docs/ManagementApi.md#inviteuserexternal) | **POST** /v1/users/invite | Invite user from identity provider
*ManagementApi* | [**ListAccountCollections**](docs/ManagementApi.md#listaccountcollections) | **GET** /v1/collections | List collections in account
+*ManagementApi* | [**ListAchievements**](docs/ManagementApi.md#listachievements) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/achievements | List achievements
+*ManagementApi* | [**ListAllRolesV2**](docs/ManagementApi.md#listallrolesv2) | **GET** /v2/roles | List roles
*ManagementApi* | [**ListCatalogItems**](docs/ManagementApi.md#listcatalogitems) | **GET** /v1/catalogs/{catalogId}/items | List items in a catalog
-*ManagementApi* | [**ListCollections**](docs/ManagementApi.md#listcollections) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections | List collections
-*ManagementApi* | [**ListCollectionsInApplication**](docs/ManagementApi.md#listcollectionsinapplication) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/collections | List collections in application
+*ManagementApi* | [**ListCollections**](docs/ManagementApi.md#listcollections) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections | List collections in campaign
+*ManagementApi* | [**ListCollectionsInApplication**](docs/ManagementApi.md#listcollectionsinapplication) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/collections | List collections in Application
+*ManagementApi* | [**ListStores**](docs/ManagementApi.md#liststores) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/stores | List stores
+*ManagementApi* | [**NotificationActivation**](docs/ManagementApi.md#notificationactivation) | **PUT** /v1/notifications/{notificationId}/activation | Activate or deactivate notification
*ManagementApi* | [**PostAddedDeductedPointsNotification**](docs/ManagementApi.md#postaddeddeductedpointsnotification) | **POST** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/notifications/added_deducted_points | Create notification about added or deducted loyalty points
-*ManagementApi* | [**PostCatalogsStrikethroughNotification**](docs/ManagementApi.md#postcatalogsstrikethroughnotification) | **POST** /v1/catalogs/{applicationId}/notifications/strikethrough | Create strikethrough notification
+*ManagementApi* | [**PostCatalogsStrikethroughNotification**](docs/ManagementApi.md#postcatalogsstrikethroughnotification) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/catalogs/notifications/strikethrough | Create strikethrough notification
*ManagementApi* | [**PostPendingPointsNotification**](docs/ManagementApi.md#postpendingpointsnotification) | **POST** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/notifications/pending_points | Create notification about pending loyalty points
*ManagementApi* | [**RemoveLoyaltyPoints**](docs/ManagementApi.md#removeloyaltypoints) | **PUT** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/profile/{integrationId}/deduct_points | Deduct points from customer profile
*ManagementApi* | [**ResetPassword**](docs/ManagementApi.md#resetpassword) | **POST** /v1/reset_password | Reset password
@@ -365,15 +388,18 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*ManagementApi* | [**SearchCouponsAdvancedWithoutTotalCount**](docs/ManagementApi.md#searchcouponsadvancedwithouttotalcount) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons_search_advanced/no_total | List coupons that match the given attributes in campaign (without total count)
*ManagementApi* | [**TransferLoyaltyCard**](docs/ManagementApi.md#transferloyaltycard) | **PUT** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/transfer | Transfer card data
*ManagementApi* | [**UpdateAccountCollection**](docs/ManagementApi.md#updateaccountcollection) | **PUT** /v1/collections/{collectionId} | Update account-level collection
+*ManagementApi* | [**UpdateAchievement**](docs/ManagementApi.md#updateachievement) | **PUT** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/achievements/{achievementId} | Update achievement
*ManagementApi* | [**UpdateAdditionalCost**](docs/ManagementApi.md#updateadditionalcost) | **PUT** /v1/additional_costs/{additionalCostId} | Update additional cost
*ManagementApi* | [**UpdateAttribute**](docs/ManagementApi.md#updateattribute) | **PUT** /v1/attributes/{attributeId} | Update custom attribute
*ManagementApi* | [**UpdateCampaign**](docs/ManagementApi.md#updatecampaign) | **PUT** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId} | Update campaign
-*ManagementApi* | [**UpdateCollection**](docs/ManagementApi.md#updatecollection) | **PUT** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId} | Update collection description
+*ManagementApi* | [**UpdateCollection**](docs/ManagementApi.md#updatecollection) | **PUT** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId} | Update campaign-level collection's description
*ManagementApi* | [**UpdateCoupon**](docs/ManagementApi.md#updatecoupon) | **PUT** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons/{couponId} | Update coupon
*ManagementApi* | [**UpdateCouponBatch**](docs/ManagementApi.md#updatecouponbatch) | **PUT** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons | Update coupons
*ManagementApi* | [**UpdateLoyaltyCard**](docs/ManagementApi.md#updateloyaltycard) | **PUT** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId} | Update loyalty card status
-*ManagementApi* | [**UpdateNotificationWebhook**](docs/ManagementApi.md#updatenotificationwebhook) | **PUT** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/notification_webhooks/{notificationWebhookId} | Update notification about campaign-related changes
*ManagementApi* | [**UpdateReferral**](docs/ManagementApi.md#updatereferral) | **PUT** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/referrals/{referralId} | Update referral
+*ManagementApi* | [**UpdateRoleV2**](docs/ManagementApi.md#updaterolev2) | **PUT** /v2/roles/{roleId} | Update role
+*ManagementApi* | [**UpdateStore**](docs/ManagementApi.md#updatestore) | **PUT** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/stores/{storeId} | Update store
+*ManagementApi* | [**UpdateUser**](docs/ManagementApi.md#updateuser) | **PUT** /v1/users/{userId} | Update user
@@ -387,7 +413,6 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.AccountAdditionalCost](docs/AccountAdditionalCost.md)
- [Model.AccountAnalytics](docs/AccountAnalytics.md)
- [Model.AccountDashboardStatistic](docs/AccountDashboardStatistic.md)
- - [Model.AccountDashboardStatisticApiCalls](docs/AccountDashboardStatisticApiCalls.md)
- [Model.AccountDashboardStatisticCampaigns](docs/AccountDashboardStatisticCampaigns.md)
- [Model.AccountDashboardStatisticDiscount](docs/AccountDashboardStatisticDiscount.md)
- [Model.AccountDashboardStatisticLoyaltyPoints](docs/AccountDashboardStatisticLoyaltyPoints.md)
@@ -395,15 +420,33 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.AccountDashboardStatisticRevenue](docs/AccountDashboardStatisticRevenue.md)
- [Model.AccountEntity](docs/AccountEntity.md)
- [Model.AccountLimits](docs/AccountLimits.md)
+ - [Model.Achievement](docs/Achievement.md)
+ - [Model.AchievementAdditionalProperties](docs/AchievementAdditionalProperties.md)
+ - [Model.AchievementProgress](docs/AchievementProgress.md)
+ - [Model.ActivateUserRequest](docs/ActivateUserRequest.md)
- [Model.AddFreeItemEffectProps](docs/AddFreeItemEffectProps.md)
- [Model.AddItemCatalogAction](docs/AddItemCatalogAction.md)
- [Model.AddLoyaltyPoints](docs/AddLoyaltyPoints.md)
- [Model.AddLoyaltyPointsEffectProps](docs/AddLoyaltyPointsEffectProps.md)
+ - [Model.AddToAudienceEffectProps](docs/AddToAudienceEffectProps.md)
- [Model.AddedDeductedPointsNotificationPolicy](docs/AddedDeductedPointsNotificationPolicy.md)
+ - [Model.AdditionalCampaignProperties](docs/AdditionalCampaignProperties.md)
- [Model.AdditionalCost](docs/AdditionalCost.md)
- [Model.Application](docs/Application.md)
- [Model.ApplicationAPIKey](docs/ApplicationAPIKey.md)
+ - [Model.ApplicationAnalyticsDataPoint](docs/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPoint.md)
+ - [Model.ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSession](docs/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSession.md)
+ - [Model.ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValue](docs/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValue.md)
+ - [Model.ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCount](docs/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCount.md)
+ - [Model.ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenue](docs/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenue.md)
- [Model.ApplicationApiHealth](docs/ApplicationApiHealth.md)
+ - [Model.ApplicationCampaignAnalytics](docs/ApplicationCampaignAnalytics.md)
+ - [Model.ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSession](docs/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSession.md)
+ - [Model.ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValue](docs/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValue.md)
+ - [Model.ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCount](docs/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCount.md)
+ - [Model.ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCount](docs/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCount.md)
+ - [Model.ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscounts](docs/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscounts.md)
+ - [Model.ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenue](docs/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenue.md)
- [Model.ApplicationCampaignStats](docs/ApplicationCampaignStats.md)
- [Model.ApplicationCustomer](docs/ApplicationCustomer.md)
- [Model.ApplicationCustomerEntity](docs/ApplicationCustomerEntity.md)
@@ -413,6 +456,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.ApplicationReferee](docs/ApplicationReferee.md)
- [Model.ApplicationSession](docs/ApplicationSession.md)
- [Model.ApplicationSessionEntity](docs/ApplicationSessionEntity.md)
+ - [Model.ApplicationStoreEntity](docs/ApplicationStoreEntity.md)
- [Model.AsyncCouponCreationResponse](docs/AsyncCouponCreationResponse.md)
- [Model.Attribute](docs/Attribute.md)
- [Model.AttributesMandatory](docs/AttributesMandatory.md)
@@ -433,9 +477,11 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.Binding](docs/Binding.md)
- [Model.BulkApplicationNotification](docs/BulkApplicationNotification.md)
- [Model.BulkCampaignNotification](docs/BulkCampaignNotification.md)
+ - [Model.BulkOperationOnCampaigns](docs/BulkOperationOnCampaigns.md)
- [Model.Campaign](docs/Campaign.md)
- [Model.CampaignActivationRequest](docs/CampaignActivationRequest.md)
- [Model.CampaignAnalytics](docs/CampaignAnalytics.md)
+ - [Model.CampaignBudget](docs/CampaignBudget.md)
- [Model.CampaignCollection](docs/CampaignCollection.md)
- [Model.CampaignCollectionWithoutPayload](docs/CampaignCollectionWithoutPayload.md)
- [Model.CampaignCopy](docs/CampaignCopy.md)
@@ -449,6 +495,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.CampaignGroup](docs/CampaignGroup.md)
- [Model.CampaignGroupEntity](docs/CampaignGroupEntity.md)
- [Model.CampaignNotification](docs/CampaignNotification.md)
+ - [Model.CampaignNotificationPolicy](docs/CampaignNotificationPolicy.md)
- [Model.CampaignRulesetChangedNotification](docs/CampaignRulesetChangedNotification.md)
- [Model.CampaignSearch](docs/CampaignSearch.md)
- [Model.CampaignSet](docs/CampaignSet.md)
@@ -459,6 +506,9 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.CampaignTemplate](docs/CampaignTemplate.md)
- [Model.CampaignTemplateCollection](docs/CampaignTemplateCollection.md)
- [Model.CampaignTemplateParams](docs/CampaignTemplateParams.md)
+ - [Model.CardExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy](docs/CardExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy.md)
+ - [Model.CardExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger](docs/CardExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger.md)
+ - [Model.CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI](docs/CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI.md)
- [Model.CardLedgerTransactionLogEntry](docs/CardLedgerTransactionLogEntry.md)
- [Model.CardLedgerTransactionLogEntryIntegrationAPI](docs/CardLedgerTransactionLogEntryIntegrationAPI.md)
- [Model.CartItem](docs/CartItem.md)
@@ -469,6 +519,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.CatalogSyncRequest](docs/CatalogSyncRequest.md)
- [Model.CatalogsStrikethroughNotificationPolicy](docs/CatalogsStrikethroughNotificationPolicy.md)
- [Model.Change](docs/Change.md)
+ - [Model.ChangeLoyaltyTierLevelEffectProps](docs/ChangeLoyaltyTierLevelEffectProps.md)
- [Model.ChangeProfilePassword](docs/ChangeProfilePassword.md)
- [Model.CodeGeneratorSettings](docs/CodeGeneratorSettings.md)
- [Model.Collection](docs/Collection.md)
@@ -484,6 +535,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.CouponSearch](docs/CouponSearch.md)
- [Model.CouponValue](docs/CouponValue.md)
- [Model.CouponsNotificationPolicy](docs/CouponsNotificationPolicy.md)
+ - [Model.CreateAchievement](docs/CreateAchievement.md)
- [Model.CreateApplicationAPIKey](docs/CreateApplicationAPIKey.md)
- [Model.CreateManagementKey](docs/CreateManagementKey.md)
- [Model.CreateTemplateCampaign](docs/CreateTemplateCampaign.md)
@@ -497,12 +549,15 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.CustomerProfileAudienceRequest](docs/CustomerProfileAudienceRequest.md)
- [Model.CustomerProfileAudienceRequestItem](docs/CustomerProfileAudienceRequestItem.md)
- [Model.CustomerProfileIntegrationRequestV2](docs/CustomerProfileIntegrationRequestV2.md)
+ - [Model.CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2](docs/CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2.md)
- [Model.CustomerProfileSearchQuery](docs/CustomerProfileSearchQuery.md)
- [Model.CustomerProfileUpdateV2Response](docs/CustomerProfileUpdateV2Response.md)
- [Model.CustomerSession](docs/CustomerSession.md)
- [Model.CustomerSessionV2](docs/CustomerSessionV2.md)
+ - [Model.DeactivateUserRequest](docs/DeactivateUserRequest.md)
- [Model.DeductLoyaltyPoints](docs/DeductLoyaltyPoints.md)
- [Model.DeductLoyaltyPointsEffectProps](docs/DeductLoyaltyPointsEffectProps.md)
+ - [Model.DeleteUserRequest](docs/DeleteUserRequest.md)
- [Model.Effect](docs/Effect.md)
- [Model.EffectEntity](docs/EffectEntity.md)
- [Model.EmailEntity](docs/EmailEntity.md)
@@ -518,19 +573,22 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.Event](docs/Event.md)
- [Model.EventType](docs/EventType.md)
- [Model.EventV2](docs/EventV2.md)
+ - [Model.ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicy](docs/ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicy.md)
+ - [Model.ExpiringCouponsNotificationTrigger](docs/ExpiringCouponsNotificationTrigger.md)
- [Model.ExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy](docs/ExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy.md)
- [Model.ExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger](docs/ExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger.md)
- [Model.Export](docs/Export.md)
- [Model.FeatureFlag](docs/FeatureFlag.md)
- [Model.FeaturesFeed](docs/FeaturesFeed.md)
- - [Model.FrontendState](docs/FrontendState.md)
- [Model.FuncArgDef](docs/FuncArgDef.md)
- [Model.FunctionDef](docs/FunctionDef.md)
+ - [Model.GetIntegrationCouponRequest](docs/GetIntegrationCouponRequest.md)
- [Model.Giveaway](docs/Giveaway.md)
- [Model.GiveawaysPool](docs/GiveawaysPool.md)
- [Model.IdentifiableEntity](docs/IdentifiableEntity.md)
- [Model.Import](docs/Import.md)
- [Model.ImportEntity](docs/ImportEntity.md)
+ - [Model.IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectProps](docs/IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectProps.md)
- [Model.InlineResponse200](docs/InlineResponse200.md)
- [Model.InlineResponse2001](docs/InlineResponse2001.md)
- [Model.InlineResponse20010](docs/InlineResponse20010.md)
@@ -568,6 +626,12 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.InlineResponse2004](docs/InlineResponse2004.md)
- [Model.InlineResponse20040](docs/InlineResponse20040.md)
- [Model.InlineResponse20041](docs/InlineResponse20041.md)
+ - [Model.InlineResponse20042](docs/InlineResponse20042.md)
+ - [Model.InlineResponse20043](docs/InlineResponse20043.md)
+ - [Model.InlineResponse20044](docs/InlineResponse20044.md)
+ - [Model.InlineResponse20045](docs/InlineResponse20045.md)
+ - [Model.InlineResponse20046](docs/InlineResponse20046.md)
+ - [Model.InlineResponse20047](docs/InlineResponse20047.md)
- [Model.InlineResponse2005](docs/InlineResponse2005.md)
- [Model.InlineResponse2006](docs/InlineResponse2006.md)
- [Model.InlineResponse2007](docs/InlineResponse2007.md)
@@ -583,11 +647,13 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.IntegrationRequest](docs/IntegrationRequest.md)
- [Model.IntegrationState](docs/IntegrationState.md)
- [Model.IntegrationStateV2](docs/IntegrationStateV2.md)
+ - [Model.IntegrationStoreEntity](docs/IntegrationStoreEntity.md)
- [Model.InventoryCoupon](docs/InventoryCoupon.md)
- [Model.InventoryReferral](docs/InventoryReferral.md)
- [Model.ItemAttribute](docs/ItemAttribute.md)
- [Model.LedgerEntry](docs/LedgerEntry.md)
- [Model.LedgerInfo](docs/LedgerInfo.md)
+ - [Model.LedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI](docs/LedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI.md)
- [Model.LedgerTransactionLogEntryIntegrationAPI](docs/LedgerTransactionLogEntryIntegrationAPI.md)
- [Model.LibraryAttribute](docs/LibraryAttribute.md)
- [Model.LimitConfig](docs/LimitConfig.md)
@@ -597,6 +663,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.LoyaltyBalance](docs/LoyaltyBalance.md)
- [Model.LoyaltyBalances](docs/LoyaltyBalances.md)
- [Model.LoyaltyCard](docs/LoyaltyCard.md)
+ - [Model.LoyaltyCardBalances](docs/LoyaltyCardBalances.md)
- [Model.LoyaltyCardProfileRegistration](docs/LoyaltyCardProfileRegistration.md)
- [Model.LoyaltyCardRegistration](docs/LoyaltyCardRegistration.md)
- [Model.LoyaltyDashboardData](docs/LoyaltyDashboardData.md)
@@ -611,11 +678,14 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.LoyaltyProgramLedgers](docs/LoyaltyProgramLedgers.md)
- [Model.LoyaltyProgramSubledgers](docs/LoyaltyProgramSubledgers.md)
- [Model.LoyaltyProgramTransaction](docs/LoyaltyProgramTransaction.md)
- - [Model.LoyaltyStatistics](docs/LoyaltyStatistics.md)
- [Model.LoyaltySubLedger](docs/LoyaltySubLedger.md)
- [Model.LoyaltyTier](docs/LoyaltyTier.md)
- [Model.ManagementKey](docs/ManagementKey.md)
- [Model.ManagerConfig](docs/ManagerConfig.md)
+ - [Model.MessageLogEntries](docs/MessageLogEntries.md)
+ - [Model.MessageLogEntry](docs/MessageLogEntry.md)
+ - [Model.MessageLogRequest](docs/MessageLogRequest.md)
+ - [Model.MessageLogResponse](docs/MessageLogResponse.md)
- [Model.Meta](docs/Meta.md)
- [Model.MultiApplicationEntity](docs/MultiApplicationEntity.md)
- [Model.MultipleAttribute](docs/MultipleAttribute.md)
@@ -652,6 +722,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.NewCustomerSessionV2](docs/NewCustomerSessionV2.md)
- [Model.NewEvent](docs/NewEvent.md)
- [Model.NewEventType](docs/NewEventType.md)
+ - [Model.NewExternalInvitation](docs/NewExternalInvitation.md)
- [Model.NewGiveawaysPool](docs/NewGiveawaysPool.md)
- [Model.NewInternalAudience](docs/NewInternalAudience.md)
- [Model.NewInvitation](docs/NewInvitation.md)
@@ -660,6 +731,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.NewLoyaltyTier](docs/NewLoyaltyTier.md)
- [Model.NewManagementKey](docs/NewManagementKey.md)
- [Model.NewMultipleAudiencesItem](docs/NewMultipleAudiencesItem.md)
+ - [Model.NewNotificationTest](docs/NewNotificationTest.md)
- [Model.NewNotificationWebhook](docs/NewNotificationWebhook.md)
- [Model.NewOutgoingIntegrationWebhook](docs/NewOutgoingIntegrationWebhook.md)
- [Model.NewPassword](docs/NewPassword.md)
@@ -672,13 +744,20 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.NewRoleV2](docs/NewRoleV2.md)
- [Model.NewRuleset](docs/NewRuleset.md)
- [Model.NewSamlConnection](docs/NewSamlConnection.md)
+ - [Model.NewStore](docs/NewStore.md)
- [Model.NewTemplateDef](docs/NewTemplateDef.md)
- [Model.NewUser](docs/NewUser.md)
- [Model.NewWebhook](docs/NewWebhook.md)
- [Model.Notification](docs/Notification.md)
- - [Model.NotificationWebhook](docs/NotificationWebhook.md)
+ - [Model.NotificationActivation](docs/NotificationActivation.md)
+ - [Model.NotificationListItem](docs/NotificationListItem.md)
+ - [Model.NotificationTest](docs/NotificationTest.md)
+ - [Model.OneTimeCode](docs/OneTimeCode.md)
- [Model.OutgoingIntegrationBrazePolicy](docs/OutgoingIntegrationBrazePolicy.md)
+ - [Model.OutgoingIntegrationCleverTapPolicy](docs/OutgoingIntegrationCleverTapPolicy.md)
- [Model.OutgoingIntegrationConfiguration](docs/OutgoingIntegrationConfiguration.md)
+ - [Model.OutgoingIntegrationIterablePolicy](docs/OutgoingIntegrationIterablePolicy.md)
+ - [Model.OutgoingIntegrationMoEngagePolicy](docs/OutgoingIntegrationMoEngagePolicy.md)
- [Model.OutgoingIntegrationTemplate](docs/OutgoingIntegrationTemplate.md)
- [Model.OutgoingIntegrationTemplateWithConfigurationDetails](docs/OutgoingIntegrationTemplateWithConfigurationDetails.md)
- [Model.OutgoingIntegrationTemplates](docs/OutgoingIntegrationTemplates.md)
@@ -688,6 +767,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.PatchManyItemsCatalogAction](docs/PatchManyItemsCatalogAction.md)
- [Model.PendingPointsNotificationPolicy](docs/PendingPointsNotificationPolicy.md)
- [Model.Picklist](docs/Picklist.md)
+ - [Model.Product](docs/Product.md)
- [Model.ProfileAudiencesChanges](docs/ProfileAudiencesChanges.md)
- [Model.RedeemReferralEffectProps](docs/RedeemReferralEffectProps.md)
- [Model.Referral](docs/Referral.md)
@@ -696,6 +776,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.ReferralRejectionReason](docs/ReferralRejectionReason.md)
- [Model.RejectCouponEffectProps](docs/RejectCouponEffectProps.md)
- [Model.RejectReferralEffectProps](docs/RejectReferralEffectProps.md)
+ - [Model.RemoveFromAudienceEffectProps](docs/RemoveFromAudienceEffectProps.md)
- [Model.RemoveItemCatalogAction](docs/RemoveItemCatalogAction.md)
- [Model.RemoveManyItemsCatalogAction](docs/RemoveManyItemsCatalogAction.md)
- [Model.ReopenSessionResponse](docs/ReopenSessionResponse.md)
@@ -720,7 +801,9 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.Rule](docs/Rule.md)
- [Model.RuleFailureReason](docs/RuleFailureReason.md)
- [Model.Ruleset](docs/Ruleset.md)
+ - [Model.SSOConfig](docs/SSOConfig.md)
- [Model.SamlConnection](docs/SamlConnection.md)
+ - [Model.SamlConnectionInternal](docs/SamlConnectionInternal.md)
- [Model.SamlConnectionMetadata](docs/SamlConnectionMetadata.md)
- [Model.SamlLoginEndpoint](docs/SamlLoginEndpoint.md)
- [Model.Session](docs/Session.md)
@@ -731,6 +814,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.ShowBundleMetadataEffectProps](docs/ShowBundleMetadataEffectProps.md)
- [Model.ShowNotificationEffectProps](docs/ShowNotificationEffectProps.md)
- [Model.SlotDef](docs/SlotDef.md)
+ - [Model.Store](docs/Store.md)
- [Model.StrikethroughChangedItem](docs/StrikethroughChangedItem.md)
- [Model.StrikethroughCustomEffectPerItemProps](docs/StrikethroughCustomEffectPerItemProps.md)
- [Model.StrikethroughEffect](docs/StrikethroughEffect.md)
@@ -743,10 +827,19 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.TemplateDef](docs/TemplateDef.md)
- [Model.TemplateLimitConfig](docs/TemplateLimitConfig.md)
- [Model.Tier](docs/Tier.md)
+ - [Model.TierDowngradeNotificationPolicy](docs/TierDowngradeNotificationPolicy.md)
+ - [Model.TierUpgradeNotificationPolicy](docs/TierUpgradeNotificationPolicy.md)
+ - [Model.TierWillDowngradeNotificationPolicy](docs/TierWillDowngradeNotificationPolicy.md)
+ - [Model.TierWillDowngradeNotificationTrigger](docs/TierWillDowngradeNotificationTrigger.md)
+ - [Model.TimePoint](docs/TimePoint.md)
+ - [Model.TrackEventV2Response](docs/TrackEventV2Response.md)
- [Model.TransferLoyaltyCard](docs/TransferLoyaltyCard.md)
- [Model.TriggerWebhookEffectProps](docs/TriggerWebhookEffectProps.md)
+ - [Model.TwoFAConfig](docs/TwoFAConfig.md)
- [Model.UpdateAccount](docs/UpdateAccount.md)
+ - [Model.UpdateAchievement](docs/UpdateAchievement.md)
- [Model.UpdateApplication](docs/UpdateApplication.md)
+ - [Model.UpdateApplicationAPIKey](docs/UpdateApplicationAPIKey.md)
- [Model.UpdateAttributeEffectProps](docs/UpdateAttributeEffectProps.md)
- [Model.UpdateAudience](docs/UpdateAudience.md)
- [Model.UpdateCampaign](docs/UpdateCampaign.md)
@@ -765,6 +858,7 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [Model.UpdateReferral](docs/UpdateReferral.md)
- [Model.UpdateReferralBatch](docs/UpdateReferralBatch.md)
- [Model.UpdateRole](docs/UpdateRole.md)
+ - [Model.UpdateStore](docs/UpdateStore.md)
- [Model.UpdateUser](docs/UpdateUser.md)
- [Model.User](docs/User.md)
- [Model.UserEntity](docs/UserEntity.md)
diff --git a/docs/AccountAnalytics.md b/docs/AccountAnalytics.md
index 0a0c19d..9a8b625 100644
--- a/docs/AccountAnalytics.md
+++ b/docs/AccountAnalytics.md
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Webhooks** | **int** | Total number of webhooks in the account. |
**LoyaltyPrograms** | **int** | Total number of all loyalty programs in the account. |
**LiveLoyaltyPrograms** | **int** | Total number of live loyalty programs in the account. |
+**LastUpdatedAt** | **DateTime** | The point in time when the analytics numbers were updated last. |
[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/AccountDashboardStatistic.md b/docs/AccountDashboardStatistic.md
index eb156f8..d116538 100644
--- a/docs/AccountDashboardStatistic.md
+++ b/docs/AccountDashboardStatistic.md
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Discounts** | [**List<AccountDashboardStatisticDiscount>**](AccountDashboardStatisticDiscount.md) | Aggregated statistic for account discount. | [optional]
**LoyaltyPoints** | [**List<AccountDashboardStatisticLoyaltyPoints>**](AccountDashboardStatisticLoyaltyPoints.md) | Aggregated statistic for account loyalty points. | [optional]
**Referrals** | [**List<AccountDashboardStatisticReferrals>**](AccountDashboardStatisticReferrals.md) | Aggregated statistic for account referrals. | [optional]
-**ApiCalls** | [**List<AccountDashboardStatisticApiCalls>**](AccountDashboardStatisticApiCalls.md) | Aggregated statistic for the number of account API calls. | [optional]
**Campaigns** | [**AccountDashboardStatisticCampaigns**](AccountDashboardStatisticCampaigns.md) | |
[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/AccountDashboardStatisticCampaigns.md b/docs/AccountDashboardStatisticCampaigns.md
index dccf302..891c621 100644
--- a/docs/AccountDashboardStatisticCampaigns.md
+++ b/docs/AccountDashboardStatisticCampaigns.md
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Live** | **int** | Number of campaigns that are active and live (across all Applications). |
-**EndingSoon** | **int** | Campaigns with a schedule ending in 7 days or with only 10% of budget left. |
+**EndingSoon** | **int** | Campaigns scheduled to expire sometime in the next 7 days. |
+**LowOnBudget** | **int** | Campaigns with less than 10% of budget left. |
[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/Achievement.md b/docs/Achievement.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c28e193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Achievement.md
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.Achievement
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Id** | **int** | Internal ID of this entity. |
+**Created** | **DateTime** | The time this entity was created. |
+**Name** | **string** | The internal name of the achievement used in API requests. **Note**: The name should start with a letter. This cannot be changed after the achievement has been created. |
+**Title** | **string** | The display name for the achievement in the Campaign Manager. |
+**Description** | **string** | A description of the achievement. |
+**Target** | **decimal** | The required number of actions or the transactional milestone to complete the achievement. |
+**Period** | **string** | The relative duration after which the achievement ends and resets for a particular customer profile. **Note**: The `period` does not start when the achievement is created. The period is a **positive real number** followed by one letter indicating the time unit. Examples: `30s`, `40m`, `1h`, `5D`, `7W`, `10M`, `15Y`. Available units: - `s`: seconds - `m`: minutes - `h`: hours - `D`: days - `W`: weeks - `M`: months - `Y`: years You can also round certain units down to the beginning of period and up to the end of period.: - `_D` for rounding down days only. Signifies the start of the day. Example: `30D_D` - `_U` for rounding up days, weeks, months and years. Signifies the end of the day, week, month or year. Example: `23W_U` **Note**: You can either use the round down and round up option or set an absolute period. |
+**PeriodEndOverride** | [**TimePoint**](TimePoint.md) | | [optional]
+**CampaignId** | **int** | ID of the campaign, to which the achievement belongs to |
+**UserId** | **int** | ID of the user that created this achievement. |
+**CreatedBy** | **string** | Name of the user that created the achievement. **Note**: This is not available if the user has been deleted. |
+**HasProgress** | **bool** | Indicates if a customer has made progress in the achievement. | [optional]
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/AchievementAdditionalProperties.md b/docs/AchievementAdditionalProperties.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6618e8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/AchievementAdditionalProperties.md
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.AchievementAdditionalProperties
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**CampaignId** | **int** | ID of the campaign, to which the achievement belongs to |
+**UserId** | **int** | ID of the user that created this achievement. |
+**CreatedBy** | **string** | Name of the user that created the achievement. **Note**: This is not available if the user has been deleted. |
+**HasProgress** | **bool** | Indicates if a customer has made progress in the achievement. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/AchievementProgress.md b/docs/AchievementProgress.md
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+# TalonOne.Model.AchievementProgress
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**AchievementId** | **int** | The internal ID of the achievement. |
+**Name** | **string** | The internal name of the achievement used in API requests. |
+**Title** | **string** | The display name of the achievement in the Campaign Manager. |
+**CampaignId** | **int** | The ID of the campaign the achievement belongs to. |
+**Status** | **string** | The status of the achievement. |
+**Target** | **decimal** | The required number of actions or the transactional milestone to complete the achievement. | [optional]
+**Progress** | **decimal** | The current progress of the customer in the achievement. |
+**StartDate** | **DateTime** | Timestamp at which the customer started the achievement. |
+**CompletionDate** | **DateTime** | Timestamp at which point the customer completed the achievement. | [optional]
+**EndDate** | **DateTime** | Timestamp at which point the achievement ends and resets for the customer. |
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+# TalonOne.Model.ActivateUserRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Email** | **string** | The email address associated with the user profile. |
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diff --git a/docs/AddItemCatalogAction.md b/docs/AddItemCatalogAction.md
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--- a/docs/AddItemCatalogAction.md
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# TalonOne.Model.AddItemCatalogAction
-The specific properties of the \"ADD\" catalog sync action.
+The specific properties of the \"ADD\" catalog sync action.
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Sku** | **string** | The unique SKU of the item to add. |
**Price** | **decimal** | Price of the item. | [optional]
**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | The attributes of the item to add. | [optional]
-**ReplaceIfExists** | **bool** | Indicates whether to replace the attributes of the item if the same SKU exists. | [optional] [default to false]
+**Product** | [**Product**](Product.md) | | [optional]
+**ReplaceIfExists** | **bool** | Indicates whether to replace the attributes of the item if the same SKU exists. **Note**: When set to `true`: - If you do not provide a new `price` value, the existing `price` value is retained. - If you do not provide a new `product` value, the `product` value is set to `null`. | [optional] [default to false]
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diff --git a/docs/AddLoyaltyPointsEffectProps.md b/docs/AddLoyaltyPointsEffectProps.md
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--- a/docs/AddLoyaltyPointsEffectProps.md
+++ b/docs/AddLoyaltyPointsEffectProps.md
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**ExpiryDate** | **DateTime** | Date after which points will expire. | [optional]
**TransactionUUID** | **string** | The identifier of this addition in the loyalty ledger. |
**CartItemPosition** | **decimal** | The index of the item in the cart items list on which the loyal points addition should be applied. | [optional]
-**CartItemSubPosition** | **decimal** | The sub position is triggered when application flattening is enabled. It indicates to which item the loyalty points addition applies, for cart items with `quantity` > 1. | [optional]
+**CartItemSubPosition** | **decimal** | For cart items with `quantity` > 1, the sub position indicates to which item the loyalty points addition is applied. | [optional]
**CardIdentifier** | **string** | The alphanumeric identifier of the loyalty card. | [optional]
**BundleIndex** | **int** | The position of the bundle in a list of item bundles created from the same bundle definition. | [optional]
**BundleName** | **string** | The name of the bundle definition. | [optional]
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+# TalonOne.Model.AddToAudienceEffectProps
+The properties specific to the \"addToAudience\" effect. This gets triggered whenever a validated rule contains an \"addToAudience\" effect.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**AudienceId** | **int** | The internal ID of the audience. | [optional]
+**AudienceName** | **string** | The name of the audience. | [optional]
+**ProfileIntegrationId** | **string** | The ID of the customer profile in the third-party integration platform. | [optional]
+**ProfileId** | **int** | The internal ID of the customer profile. | [optional]
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+# TalonOne.Model.AdditionalCampaignProperties
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Budgets** | [**List<CampaignBudget>**](CampaignBudget.md) | A list of all the budgets that are defined by this campaign and their usage. **Note:** Budgets that are not defined do not appear in this list and their usage is not counted until they are defined. |
+**CouponRedemptionCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Number of coupons redeemed in the campaign. | [optional]
+**ReferralRedemptionCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Number of referral codes redeemed in the campaign. | [optional]
+**DiscountCount** | **decimal** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total amount of discounts redeemed in the campaign. | [optional]
+**DiscountEffectCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of times discounts were redeemed in this campaign. | [optional]
+**CouponCreationCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of coupons created by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**CustomEffectCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of custom effects triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**ReferralCreationCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of referrals created by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**AddFreeItemEffectCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of times the [add free item effect](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/api-effects#addfreeitem) can be triggered in this campaign. | [optional]
+**AwardedGiveawaysCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of giveaways awarded by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**CreatedLoyaltyPointsCount** | **decimal** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of loyalty points created by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**CreatedLoyaltyPointsEffectCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of loyalty point creation effects triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**RedeemedLoyaltyPointsCount** | **decimal** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of loyalty points redeemed by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**RedeemedLoyaltyPointsEffectCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of loyalty point redemption effects triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**CallApiEffectCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of webhooks triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**ReservecouponEffectCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of reserve coupon effects triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**LastActivity** | **DateTime** | Timestamp of the most recent event received by this campaign. | [optional]
+**Updated** | **DateTime** | Timestamp of the most recent update to the campaign's property. Updates to external entities used in this campaign are **not** registered by this property, such as collection or coupon updates. | [optional]
+**CreatedBy** | **string** | Name of the user who created this campaign if available. | [optional]
+**UpdatedBy** | **string** | Name of the user who last updated this campaign if available. | [optional]
+**TemplateId** | **int** | The ID of the Campaign Template this Campaign was created from. | [optional]
+**FrontendState** | **string** | A campaign state described exactly as in the Campaign Manager. |
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index 8747033..cc5d156 100644
--- a/docs/Application.md
+++ b/docs/Application.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Limits** | [**List<LimitConfig>**](LimitConfig.md) | Default limits for campaigns created in this application. | [optional]
**DefaultDiscountScope** | **string** | The default scope to apply `setDiscount` effects on if no scope was provided with the effect. | [optional]
**EnableCascadingDiscounts** | **bool** | Indicates if discounts should cascade for this Application. | [optional]
-**EnableFlattenedCartItems** | **bool** | Indicates if cart items of quantity larger than one should be separated into different items of quantity one. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/managing-general-settings#flattening). | [optional]
+**EnableFlattenedCartItems** | **bool** | Indicates if cart items of quantity larger than one should be separated into different items of quantity one. | [optional]
**AttributesSettings** | [**AttributesSettings**](AttributesSettings.md) | | [optional]
**Sandbox** | **bool** | Indicates if this is a live or sandbox Application. | [optional]
**EnablePartialDiscounts** | **bool** | Indicates if this Application supports partial discounts. | [optional]
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--- a/docs/ApplicationAPIKey.md
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@@ -3,9 +3,11 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Title** | **string** | Title for API Key. |
-**Expires** | **DateTime** | The date the API key expired. |
+**Title** | **string** | Title of the API key. |
+**Expires** | **DateTime** | The date the API key expires. |
**Platform** | **string** | The third-party platform the API key is valid for. Use `none` for a generic API key to be used from your own integration layer. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | The API key type. Can be empty or `staging`. Staging API keys can only be used for dry requests with the [Update customer session](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint, [Update customer profile](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-profiles/operation/updateCustomerProfileV2) endpoint, and [Track event](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Events/operation/trackEventV2) endpoint. When using the _Update customer profile_ endpoint with a staging API key, the query parameter `runRuleEngine` must be `true`. | [optional]
+**TimeOffset** | **int** | A time offset in nanoseconds associated with the API key. When making a request using the API key, rule evaluation is based on a date that is calculated by adding the offset to the current date. | [optional]
**Id** | **int** | ID of the API Key. |
**CreatedBy** | **int** | ID of user who created. |
**AccountID** | **int** | ID of account the key is used for. |
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+# TalonOne.Model.ApplicationAnalyticsDataPoint
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**StartTime** | **DateTime** | The start of the aggregation time frame in UTC. | [optional]
+**EndTime** | **DateTime** | The end of the aggregation time frame in UTC. | [optional]
+**TotalRevenue** | [**ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenue**](ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenue.md) | | [optional]
+**SessionsCount** | [**ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCount**](ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCount.md) | | [optional]
+**AvgItemsPerSession** | [**ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSession**](ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSession.md) | | [optional]
+**AvgSessionValue** | [**ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValue**](ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValue.md) | | [optional]
+**TotalDiscounts** | **decimal** | The total value of discounts given for cart items in influenced sessions. | [optional]
+**CouponsCount** | **decimal** | The number of times a coupon was successfully redeemed in influenced sessions. | [optional]
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+# TalonOne.Model.ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSession
+The number of items from sessions divided by the number of sessions. The `influenced` value includes only sessions with at least one applied effect.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Total** | **decimal** | | [optional]
+**Influenced** | **decimal** | | [optional]
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+# TalonOne.Model.ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValue
+The average customer session value, calculated by dividing the revenue value by the number of sessions. The `influenced` value includes only sessions with at least one applied effect.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Total** | **decimal** | | [optional]
+**Influenced** | **decimal** | | [optional]
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+# TalonOne.Model.ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCount
+The number of all closed sessions. The `influenced` value includes only sessions with at least one applied effect.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Total** | **decimal** | | [optional]
+**Influenced** | **decimal** | | [optional]
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenue
+The total, pre-discount value of all items purchased in a customer session.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Total** | **decimal** | | [optional]
+**Influenced** | **decimal** | | [optional]
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+# TalonOne.Model.ApplicationCampaignAnalytics
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**StartTime** | **DateTime** | The start of the aggregation time frame in UTC. | [optional]
+**EndTime** | **DateTime** | The end of the aggregation time frame in UTC. | [optional]
+**CampaignId** | **int** | The ID of the campaign. | [optional]
+**CampaignName** | **string** | The name of the campaign. | [optional]
+**CampaignTags** | **List<string>** | A list of tags for the campaign. | [optional]
+**CampaignState** | **string** | The state of the campaign. **Note:** A disabled or archived campaign is not evaluated for rules or coupons. | [optional] [default to CampaignStateEnum.Enabled]
+**CampaignActiveRulesetId** | **int** | The [ID of the ruleset](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getRulesets) this campaign applies on customer session evaluation. | [optional]
+**CampaignStartTime** | **DateTime** | Date and time when the campaign becomes active. | [optional]
+**CampaignEndTime** | **DateTime** | Date and time when the campaign becomes inactive. | [optional]
+**TotalRevenue** | [**ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenue**](ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenue.md) | | [optional]
+**SessionsCount** | [**ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCount**](ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCount.md) | | [optional]
+**AvgItemsPerSession** | [**ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSession**](ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSession.md) | | [optional]
+**AvgSessionValue** | [**ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValue**](ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValue.md) | | [optional]
+**TotalDiscounts** | [**ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscounts**](ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscounts.md) | | [optional]
+**CouponsCount** | [**ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCount**](ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCount.md) | | [optional]
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+# TalonOne.Model.ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSession
+The number of items from sessions divided by the number of sessions. The `influenced` value includes only sessions with at least one applied effect.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Value** | **decimal** | | [optional]
+**Uplift** | **decimal** | | [optional]
+**Trend** | **decimal** | | [optional]
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+# TalonOne.Model.ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValue
+The average customer session value, calculated by dividing the revenue value by the number of sessions. The `influenced` value includes only sessions with at least one applied effect.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Value** | **decimal** | | [optional]
+**Uplift** | **decimal** | | [optional]
+**Trend** | **decimal** | | [optional]
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+# TalonOne.Model.ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCount
+The number of times a coupon was successfully redeemed in influenced sessions.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Value** | **decimal** | | [optional]
+**Trend** | **decimal** | | [optional]
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+# TalonOne.Model.ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCount
+The number of all closed sessions. The `influenced` value includes only sessions with at least one applied effect.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Value** | **decimal** | | [optional]
+**InfluenceRate** | **decimal** | | [optional]
+**Trend** | **decimal** | | [optional]
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+# TalonOne.Model.ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscounts
+The total value of discounts given for cart items in influenced sessions.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Value** | **decimal** | | [optional]
+**Trend** | **decimal** | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenue.md b/docs/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenue.md
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+# TalonOne.Model.ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenue
+The total, pre-discount value of all items purchased in a customer session.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Value** | **decimal** | | [optional]
+**InfluenceRate** | **decimal** | | [optional]
+**Trend** | **decimal** | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/ApplicationCustomer.md b/docs/ApplicationCustomer.md
index a68a767..ca9b832 100644
--- a/docs/ApplicationCustomer.md
+++ b/docs/ApplicationCustomer.md
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**TotalSales** | **decimal** | The total amount of money spent by the customer **before** discounts are applied. The total sales amount excludes the following: - Cancelled or reopened sessions. - Returned items. |
**LoyaltyMemberships** | [**List<LoyaltyMembership>**](LoyaltyMembership.md) | **DEPRECATED** A list of loyalty programs joined by the customer. | [optional]
**AudienceMemberships** | [**List<AudienceMembership>**](AudienceMembership.md) | The audiences the customer belongs to. | [optional]
-**LastActivity** | **DateTime** | Timestamp of the most recent event received from this customer. This field is updated on calls that trigger the rule-engine and that are not [dry requests](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/dry-requests/#overlay). For example, [reserving a coupon](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/createCouponReservation) for a customer doesn't impact this field. |
-**Sandbox** | **bool** | Shows whether the customer is part of a sandbox or live Application. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/applications/overview#application-environments). | [optional]
+**LastActivity** | **DateTime** | Timestamp of the most recent event received from this customer. This field is updated on calls that trigger the Rule Engine and that are not [dry requests](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/dry-requests/#overlay). For example, [reserving a coupon](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/createCouponReservation) for a customer doesn't impact this field. |
+**Sandbox** | **bool** | An indicator of whether the customer is part of a sandbox or live Application. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/applications/overview#application-environments). | [optional]
**AdvocateIntegrationId** | **string** | The Integration ID of the Customer Profile that referred this Customer in the Application. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/ApplicationEvent.md b/docs/ApplicationEvent.md
index 40b89e4..1ae48ea 100644
--- a/docs/ApplicationEvent.md
+++ b/docs/ApplicationEvent.md
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Created** | **DateTime** | The time this entity was created. |
**ApplicationId** | **int** | The ID of the application that owns this entity. |
**ProfileId** | **int** | The globally unique Talon.One ID of the customer that created this entity. | [optional]
+**StoreId** | **int** | The ID of the store. | [optional]
+**StoreIntegrationId** | **string** | The integration ID of the store. You choose this ID when you create a store. | [optional]
**SessionId** | **int** | The globally unique Talon.One ID of the session that contains this event. | [optional]
**Type** | **string** | A string representing the event. Must not be a reserved event name. |
**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | Additional JSON serialized data associated with the event. |
diff --git a/docs/ApplicationSession.md b/docs/ApplicationSession.md
index e673ac8..64671f8 100644
--- a/docs/ApplicationSession.md
+++ b/docs/ApplicationSession.md
@@ -5,13 +5,14 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Id** | **int** | Internal ID of this entity. |
**Created** | **DateTime** | The time this entity was created. The time this entity was created. |
+**IntegrationId** | **string** | The integration ID set by your integration layer. |
+**StoreIntegrationId** | **string** | The integration ID of the store. You choose this ID when you create a store. | [optional]
**ApplicationId** | **int** | The ID of the application that owns this entity. |
**ProfileId** | **int** | The globally unique Talon.One ID of the customer that created this entity. | [optional]
-**IntegrationId** | **string** | The integration ID set by your integration layer. |
**Profileintegrationid** | **string** | Integration ID of the customer for the session. | [optional]
**Coupon** | **string** | Any coupon code entered. |
**Referral** | **string** | Any referral code entered. |
-**State** | **string** | Indicates the current state of the session. Sessions can be created as `open` or `closed`. The state transitions are: 1. `open` → `closed` 2. `open` → `cancelled` 3. `closed` → `cancelled` or `partially_returned` 4. `partially_returned` → `cancelled` For more information, see [Customer session states](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities#customer-session). |
+**State** | **string** | Indicates the current state of the session. Sessions can be created as `open` or `closed`. The state transitions are: 1. `open` → `closed` 2. `open` → `cancelled` 3. `closed` → `cancelled` or `partially_returned` 4. `partially_returned` → `cancelled` For more information, see [Customer session states](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/customer-sessions). |
**CartItems** | [**List<CartItem>**](CartItem.md) | Serialized JSON representation. |
**Discounts** | **Dictionary<string, decimal>** | **API V1 only.** A map of labeled discount values, in the same currency as the session. If you are using the V2 endpoints, refer to the `totalDiscounts` property instead. |
**TotalDiscounts** | **decimal** | The total sum of the discounts applied to this session. |
diff --git a/docs/ApplicationStoreEntity.md b/docs/ApplicationStoreEntity.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46568e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ApplicationStoreEntity.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.ApplicationStoreEntity
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**StoreId** | **int** | The ID of the store. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/AudienceAnalytics.md b/docs/AudienceAnalytics.md
index a2c1e6a..a02ff57 100644
--- a/docs/AudienceAnalytics.md
+++ b/docs/AudienceAnalytics.md
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
# TalonOne.Model.AudienceAnalytics
-The audiences and their members count.
+The audiences and their member count.
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**AudienceId** | **int** | The ID of the audience. | [optional]
-**MembersCount** | **int** | The count of members under a single audience. | [optional]
+**MembersCount** | **int** | The member count of the audience. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/AudienceCustomer.md b/docs/AudienceCustomer.md
index 80e344c..f728570 100644
--- a/docs/AudienceCustomer.md
+++ b/docs/AudienceCustomer.md
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**TotalSales** | **decimal** | The total amount of money spent by the customer **before** discounts are applied. The total sales amount excludes the following: - Cancelled or reopened sessions. - Returned items. |
**LoyaltyMemberships** | [**List<LoyaltyMembership>**](LoyaltyMembership.md) | **DEPRECATED** A list of loyalty programs joined by the customer. | [optional]
**AudienceMemberships** | [**List<AudienceMembership>**](AudienceMembership.md) | The audiences the customer belongs to. | [optional]
-**LastActivity** | **DateTime** | Timestamp of the most recent event received from this customer. This field is updated on calls that trigger the rule-engine and that are not [dry requests](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/dry-requests/#overlay). For example, [reserving a coupon](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/createCouponReservation) for a customer doesn't impact this field. |
-**Sandbox** | **bool** | Shows whether the customer is part of a sandbox or live Application. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/applications/overview#application-environments). | [optional]
+**LastActivity** | **DateTime** | Timestamp of the most recent event received from this customer. This field is updated on calls that trigger the Rule Engine and that are not [dry requests](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/dry-requests/#overlay). For example, [reserving a coupon](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/createCouponReservation) for a customer doesn't impact this field. |
+**Sandbox** | **bool** | An indicator of whether the customer is part of a sandbox or live Application. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/applications/overview#application-environments). | [optional]
**ConnectedApplicationsIds** | **List<int>** | A list of the IDs of the Applications that are connected to this customer profile. | [optional]
**ConnectedAudiences** | **List<int>** | A list of the IDs of the audiences that are connected to this customer profile. | [optional]
diff --git a/docs/BaseCampaign.md b/docs/BaseCampaign.md
index 6a72e07..f547335 100644
--- a/docs/BaseCampaign.md
+++ b/docs/BaseCampaign.md
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**ReferralSettings** | [**CodeGeneratorSettings**](CodeGeneratorSettings.md) | | [optional]
**Limits** | [**List<LimitConfig>**](LimitConfig.md) | The set of [budget limits](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/settings/managing-campaign-budgets) for this campaign. |
**CampaignGroups** | **List<int>** | The IDs of the [campaign groups](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/managing-campaign-groups) this campaign belongs to. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | The campaign type. Possible type values: - `cartItem`: Type of campaign that can apply effects only to cart items. - `advanced`: Type of campaign that can apply effects to customer sessions and cart items. | [optional] [default to TypeEnum.Advanced]
+**LinkedStoreIds** | **List<int>** | A list of store IDs that you want to link to the campaign. **Note:** Campaigns with linked store IDs will only be evaluated when there is a [customer session update](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) that references a linked store. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/BaseLoyaltyProgram.md b/docs/BaseLoyaltyProgram.md
index a8abbc7..cd87bab 100644
--- a/docs/BaseLoyaltyProgram.md
+++ b/docs/BaseLoyaltyProgram.md
@@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**AllowSubledger** | **bool** | Indicates if this program supports subledgers inside the program. | [optional]
**UsersPerCardLimit** | **int** | The max amount of user profiles with whom a card can be shared. This can be set to 0 for no limit. This property is only used when `cardBased` is `true`. | [optional]
**Sandbox** | **bool** | Indicates if this program is a live or sandbox program. Programs of a given type can only be connected to Applications of the same type. | [optional]
-**TiersExpireIn** | **string** | The duration is an **integer** followed by one letter indicating the time unit. Examples: `30s`, `40m`, `1h`, `5D`, `7W`, `10M`, `15Y`. Available units: - `s`: seconds - `m`: minutes - `h`: hours - `D`: days - `W`: weeks - `M`: months - `Y`: years You can round certain units up or down: - `_D` for rounding down days only. Signifies the start of the day. - `_U` for rounding up days, weeks, months and years. Signifies the end of the day, week, month or year. | [optional]
+**TiersExpirationPolicy** | **string** | The policy that defines which date is used to calculate the expiration date of a customer's current tier. - `tier_start_date`: The tier expiration date is calculated based on when the customer joined the current tier. - `program_join_date`: The tier expiration date is calculated based on when the customer joined the loyalty program. | [optional]
+**TiersExpireIn** | **string** | The amount of time after which the tier expires. The time format is an **integer** followed by one letter indicating the time unit. Examples: `30s`, `40m`, `1h`, `5D`, `7W`, `10M`, `15Y`. Available units: - `s`: seconds - `m`: minutes - `h`: hours - `D`: days - `W`: weeks - `M`: months - `Y`: years You can round certain units up or down: - `_D` for rounding down days only. Signifies the start of the day. - `_U` for rounding up days, weeks, months and years. Signifies the end of the day, week, month or year. | [optional]
**TiersDowngradePolicy** | **string** | Customers's tier downgrade policy. - `one_down`: Once the tier expires and if the user doesn't have enough points to stay in the tier, the user is downgraded one tier down. - `balance_based`: Once the tier expires, the user's tier is evaluated based on the amount of active points the user has at this instant. | [optional]
+**ProgramJoinPolicy** | **string** | The policy that defines when the customer joins the loyalty program. - `not_join`: The customer does not join the loyalty program but can still earn and spend loyalty points. **Note**: The customer does not have a program join date. - `points_activated`: The customer joins the loyalty program only when their earned loyalty points become active for the first time. - `points_earned`: The customer joins the loyalty program when they earn loyalty points for the first time. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/BaseNotification.md b/docs/BaseNotification.md
index d761a12..305e975 100644
--- a/docs/BaseNotification.md
+++ b/docs/BaseNotification.md
@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Policy** | [**Object**](.md) | |
+**Enabled** | **bool** | Indicates whether the notification is activated. | [optional] [default to true]
**Webhook** | [**BaseNotificationWebhook**](BaseNotificationWebhook.md) | |
**Id** | **int** | Unique ID for this entity. |
+**Type** | **string** | The notification type. |
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diff --git a/docs/BaseNotificationEntity.md b/docs/BaseNotificationEntity.md
index e1b1788..8f37010 100644
--- a/docs/BaseNotificationEntity.md
+++ b/docs/BaseNotificationEntity.md
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Policy** | [**Object**](.md) | |
+**Enabled** | **bool** | Indicates whether the notification is activated. | [optional] [default to true]
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diff --git a/docs/BaseNotificationWebhook.md b/docs/BaseNotificationWebhook.md
index 4b4562b..6644322 100644
--- a/docs/BaseNotificationWebhook.md
+++ b/docs/BaseNotificationWebhook.md
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Modified** | **DateTime** | The time this entity was last modified. |
**Url** | **string** | API URL for the given webhook-based notification. |
**Headers** | **List<string>** | List of API HTTP headers for the given webhook-based notification. |
+**Enabled** | **bool** | Indicates whether the notification is activated. | [optional] [default to true]
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diff --git a/docs/BulkOperationOnCampaigns.md b/docs/BulkOperationOnCampaigns.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c706e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/BulkOperationOnCampaigns.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.BulkOperationOnCampaigns
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Operation** | **string** | The operation to perform on the specified campaign IDs. |
+**CampaignIds** | **List<int>** | The list of campaign IDs on which the operation will be performed. |
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diff --git a/docs/Campaign.md b/docs/Campaign.md
index 072892f..729b745 100644
--- a/docs/Campaign.md
+++ b/docs/Campaign.md
@@ -20,26 +20,30 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**ReferralSettings** | [**CodeGeneratorSettings**](CodeGeneratorSettings.md) | | [optional]
**Limits** | [**List<LimitConfig>**](LimitConfig.md) | The set of [budget limits](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/settings/managing-campaign-budgets) for this campaign. |
**CampaignGroups** | **List<int>** | The IDs of the [campaign groups](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/managing-campaign-groups) this campaign belongs to. | [optional]
-**CouponRedemptionCount** | **int** | Number of coupons redeemed in the campaign. | [optional]
-**ReferralRedemptionCount** | **int** | Number of referral codes redeemed in the campaign. | [optional]
-**DiscountCount** | **decimal** | Total amount of discounts redeemed in the campaign. | [optional]
-**DiscountEffectCount** | **int** | Total number of times discounts were redeemed in this campaign. | [optional]
-**CouponCreationCount** | **int** | Total number of coupons created by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
-**CustomEffectCount** | **int** | Total number of custom effects triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
-**ReferralCreationCount** | **int** | Total number of referrals created by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
-**AddFreeItemEffectCount** | **int** | Total number of times triggering add free item effext is allowed in this campaign. | [optional]
-**AwardedGiveawaysCount** | **int** | Total number of giveaways awarded by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
-**CreatedLoyaltyPointsCount** | **decimal** | Total number of loyalty points created by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
-**CreatedLoyaltyPointsEffectCount** | **int** | Total number of loyalty point creation effects triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
-**RedeemedLoyaltyPointsCount** | **decimal** | Total number of loyalty points redeemed by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
-**RedeemedLoyaltyPointsEffectCount** | **int** | Total number of loyalty point redemption effects triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
-**CallApiEffectCount** | **int** | Total number of webhook triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
-**ReservecouponEffectCount** | **int** | Total number of reserve coupon effects triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | The campaign type. Possible type values: - `cartItem`: Type of campaign that can apply effects only to cart items. - `advanced`: Type of campaign that can apply effects to customer sessions and cart items. | [default to TypeEnum.Advanced]
+**LinkedStoreIds** | **List<int>** | A list of store IDs that you want to link to the campaign. **Note:** Campaigns with linked store IDs will only be evaluated when there is a [customer session update](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) that references a linked store. | [optional]
+**Budgets** | [**List<CampaignBudget>**](CampaignBudget.md) | A list of all the budgets that are defined by this campaign and their usage. **Note:** Budgets that are not defined do not appear in this list and their usage is not counted until they are defined. |
+**CouponRedemptionCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Number of coupons redeemed in the campaign. | [optional]
+**ReferralRedemptionCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Number of referral codes redeemed in the campaign. | [optional]
+**DiscountCount** | **decimal** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total amount of discounts redeemed in the campaign. | [optional]
+**DiscountEffectCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of times discounts were redeemed in this campaign. | [optional]
+**CouponCreationCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of coupons created by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**CustomEffectCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of custom effects triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**ReferralCreationCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of referrals created by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**AddFreeItemEffectCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of times the [add free item effect](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/api-effects#addfreeitem) can be triggered in this campaign. | [optional]
+**AwardedGiveawaysCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of giveaways awarded by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**CreatedLoyaltyPointsCount** | **decimal** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of loyalty points created by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**CreatedLoyaltyPointsEffectCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of loyalty point creation effects triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**RedeemedLoyaltyPointsCount** | **decimal** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of loyalty points redeemed by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**RedeemedLoyaltyPointsEffectCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of loyalty point redemption effects triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**CallApiEffectCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of webhooks triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
+**ReservecouponEffectCount** | **int** | This property is **deprecated**. The count should be available under *budgets* property. Total number of reserve coupon effects triggered by rules in this campaign. | [optional]
**LastActivity** | **DateTime** | Timestamp of the most recent event received by this campaign. | [optional]
**Updated** | **DateTime** | Timestamp of the most recent update to the campaign's property. Updates to external entities used in this campaign are **not** registered by this property, such as collection or coupon updates. | [optional]
**CreatedBy** | **string** | Name of the user who created this campaign if available. | [optional]
**UpdatedBy** | **string** | Name of the user who last updated this campaign if available. | [optional]
**TemplateId** | **int** | The ID of the Campaign Template this Campaign was created from. | [optional]
+**FrontendState** | **string** | A campaign state described exactly as in the Campaign Manager. |
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diff --git a/docs/CampaignBudget.md b/docs/CampaignBudget.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc79876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/CampaignBudget.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.CampaignBudget
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Action** | **string** | The limitable action to which this limit applies. For example: - `setDiscount` - `setDiscountEffect` - `redeemCoupon` - `createCoupon` |
+**Limit** | **decimal** | The value to set for the limit. |
+**Counter** | **decimal** | The number of occurrences of the limited action in the context of the campaign. |
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diff --git a/docs/CampaignEvaluationGroup.md b/docs/CampaignEvaluationGroup.md
index 28e9f66..8e1643d 100644
--- a/docs/CampaignEvaluationGroup.md
+++ b/docs/CampaignEvaluationGroup.md
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Name** | **string** | The name of the campaign evaluation group. |
**ParentId** | **int** | The ID of the parent group that contains the campaign evaluation group. |
**Description** | **string** | A description of the campaign evaluation group. | [optional]
-**EvaluationMode** | **string** | |
+**EvaluationMode** | **string** | The mode by which campaigns in the campaign evaluation group are evaluated. |
+**EvaluationScope** | **string** | The evaluation scope of the campaign evaluation group. |
**Locked** | **bool** | An indicator of whether the campaign evaluation group is locked for modification. |
**Id** | **int** | Unique ID for this entity. Not to be confused with the Integration ID, which is set by your integration layer and used in most endpoints. |
diff --git a/docs/CampaignGroup.md b/docs/CampaignGroup.md
index bba507f..882eb87 100644
--- a/docs/CampaignGroup.md
+++ b/docs/CampaignGroup.md
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Created** | **DateTime** | The time this entity was created. |
**Modified** | **DateTime** | The time this entity was last modified. |
**AccountId** | **int** | The ID of the account that owns this entity. |
-**Name** | **string** | The name of this campaign group. |
-**Description** | **string** | A longer description of the campaign group. | [optional]
-**SubscribedApplicationsIds** | **List<int>** | A list of the IDs of the applications that this campaign group is enabled for. | [optional]
-**CampaignIds** | **List<int>** | A list of the IDs of the campaigns that this campaign group owns. | [optional]
+**Name** | **string** | The name of the campaign access group. |
+**Description** | **string** | A longer description of the campaign access group. | [optional]
+**SubscribedApplicationsIds** | **List<int>** | A list of IDs of the Applications that this campaign access group is enabled for. | [optional]
+**CampaignIds** | **List<int>** | A list of IDs of the campaigns that are part of the campaign access group. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/CampaignNotificationPolicy.md b/docs/CampaignNotificationPolicy.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f241f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/CampaignNotificationPolicy.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.CampaignNotificationPolicy
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Name** | **string** | Notification name. |
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diff --git a/docs/CampaignSetBranchNode.md b/docs/CampaignSetBranchNode.md
index 5d6c060..d1d431a 100644
--- a/docs/CampaignSetBranchNode.md
+++ b/docs/CampaignSetBranchNode.md
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**GroupId** | **int** | The ID of the campaign set. |
**Locked** | **bool** | An indicator of whether the campaign set is locked for modification. |
**Description** | **string** | A description of the campaign set. | [optional]
-**EvaluationMode** | **string** | |
+**EvaluationMode** | **string** | The mode by which campaigns in the campaign evaluation group are evaluated. |
+**EvaluationScope** | **string** | The evaluation scope of the campaign evaluation group. |
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diff --git a/docs/CampaignTemplate.md b/docs/CampaignTemplate.md
index 2f328fc..c821b5a 100644
--- a/docs/CampaignTemplate.md
+++ b/docs/CampaignTemplate.md
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**ApplicationsIds** | **List<int>** | A list of IDs of the Applications that are subscribed to this campaign template. |
**CampaignCollections** | [**List<CampaignTemplateCollection>**](CampaignTemplateCollection.md) | The campaign collections from the blueprint campaign for the template. | [optional]
**DefaultCampaignGroupId** | **int** | The default campaign group ID. | [optional]
+**CampaignType** | **string** | The campaign type. Possible type values: - `cartItem`: Type of campaign that can apply effects only to cart items. - `advanced`: Type of campaign that can apply effects to customer sessions and cart items. | [default to CampaignTypeEnum.Advanced]
**Updated** | **DateTime** | Timestamp of the most recent update to the campaign template or any of its elements. | [optional]
**UpdatedBy** | **string** | Name of the user who last updated this campaign template, if available. | [optional]
**ValidApplicationIds** | **List<int>** | The IDs of the Applications that are related to this entity. |
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+# TalonOne.Model.CardExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Name** | **string** | Notification name. |
+**Triggers** | [**List<CardExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger>**](CardExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger.md) | |
+**BatchingEnabled** | **bool** | Indicates whether batching is activated. | [optional] [default to true]
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diff --git a/docs/CardExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger.md b/docs/CardExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger.md
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+# TalonOne.Model.CardExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Amount** | **int** | The amount of period. |
+**Period** | **string** | Notification period indicated by a letter; \"w\" means week, \"d\" means day. |
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diff --git a/docs/CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI.md b/docs/CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI.md
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+# TalonOne.Model.CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI
+Loyalty card points with start and expiry dates.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Id** | **int** | ID of the transaction that adds loyalty points. |
+**Created** | **DateTime** | Date and time the loyalty card points were added. |
+**ProgramId** | **int** | ID of the loyalty program. |
+**CustomerProfileID** | **string** | Integration ID of the customer profile linked to the card. | [optional]
+**CustomerSessionId** | **string** | ID of the customer session where points were added. | [optional]
+**Name** | **string** | Name or reason of the transaction that adds loyalty points. |
+**StartDate** | **string** | When points become active. Possible values: - `immediate`: Points are active immediately. - `timestamp value`: Points become active at a given date and time. |
+**ExpiryDate** | **string** | Date when points expire. Possible values are: - `unlimited`: Points have no expiration date. - `timestamp value`: Points expire on the given date and time. |
+**SubledgerId** | **string** | ID of the subledger. |
+**Amount** | **decimal** | Amount of loyalty points added in the transaction. |
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diff --git a/docs/CartItem.md b/docs/CartItem.md
index 495a9d9..a24df0f 100644
--- a/docs/CartItem.md
+++ b/docs/CartItem.md
@@ -5,11 +5,12 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Name** | **string** | Name of item. | [optional]
**Sku** | **string** | Stock keeping unit of item. |
-**Quantity** | **int** | Quantity of item. **Important:** If you enabled [cart item flattening](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/managing-general-settings#flattening), the quantity is always one and the same cart item might receive multiple per-item discounts. Ensure you can process multiple discounts on one cart item correctly. |
+**Quantity** | **int** | Number of units of this item. Due to [cart item flattening](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/rules/understanding-cart-item-flattening), if you provide a quantity greater than 1, the item will be split in as many items as the provided quantity. This will impact the number of **per-item** effects triggered from your campaigns. |
**ReturnedQuantity** | **int** | Number of returned items, calculated internally based on returns of this item. | [optional]
**RemainingQuantity** | **int** | Remaining quantity of the item, calculated internally based on returns of this item. | [optional]
**Price** | **decimal** | Price of the item in the currency defined by your Application. This field is required if this item is not part of a [catalog](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-cart-item-catalogs). If it is part of a catalog, setting a price here overrides the price from the catalog. | [optional]
**Category** | **string** | Type, group or model of the item. | [optional]
+**Product** | [**Product**](Product.md) | | [optional]
**Weight** | **decimal** | Weight of item in grams. | [optional]
**Height** | **decimal** | Height of item in mm. | [optional]
**Width** | **decimal** | Width of item in mm. | [optional]
@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Position** | **decimal** | Position of the Cart Item in the Cart (calculated internally). | [optional]
**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | Use this property to set a value for the attributes of your choice. [Attributes](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/attributes) represent any information to attach to this cart item. Custom _cart item_ attributes must be created in the Campaign Manager before you set them with this property. | [optional]
**AdditionalCosts** | [**Dictionary<string, AdditionalCost>**](AdditionalCost.md) | Use this property to set a value for the additional costs of this item, such as a shipping cost. They must be created in the Campaign Manager before you set them with this property. See [Managing additional costs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-additional-costs). | [optional]
-**CatalogItemID** | **int** | The [catalog item ID](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-cart-item-catalogs/#synchronizing-cart-item-catalogs). | [optional]
+**CatalogItemID** | **int** | The [catalog item ID](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-cart-item-catalogs/#synchronizing-a-cart-item-catalog). | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/CatalogItem.md b/docs/CatalogItem.md
index 782bab7..ba95ad1 100644
--- a/docs/CatalogItem.md
+++ b/docs/CatalogItem.md
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Catalogid** | **int** | The ID of the catalog the item belongs to. |
**Version** | **int** | The version of the catalog item. |
**Attributes** | [**List<ItemAttribute>**](ItemAttribute.md) | | [optional]
+**Product** | [**Product**](Product.md) | | [optional]
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+# TalonOne.Model.ChangeLoyaltyTierLevelEffectProps
+The properties specific to the \"changeLoyaltyTierLevel\" effect. This is triggered whenever the user's loyalty tier is upgraded due to a validated rule that contained an \"addLoyaltyPoints\" effect.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**RuleTitle** | **string** | The title of the rule that triggered the tier upgrade. |
+**ProgramId** | **int** | The ID of the loyalty program where these points were added. |
+**SubLedgerId** | **string** | The ID of the subledger within the loyalty program where these points were added. |
+**PreviousTierName** | **string** | The name of the tier from which the user was upgraded. | [optional]
+**NewTierName** | **string** | The name of the tier to which the user has been upgraded. |
+**ExpiryDate** | **DateTime** | The expiration date of the new tier. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/Coupon.md b/docs/Coupon.md
index 36d64a0..90a7a66 100644
--- a/docs/Coupon.md
+++ b/docs/Coupon.md
@@ -21,9 +21,10 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**ReferralId** | **int** | The integration ID of the referring customer (if any) for whom this coupon was created as an effect. | [optional]
**RecipientIntegrationId** | **string** | The Integration ID of the customer that is allowed to redeem this coupon. | [optional]
**ImportId** | **int** | The ID of the Import which created this coupon. | [optional]
-**Reservation** | **bool** | Defines the type of reservation: - `true`: The reservation is a soft reservation. Any customer can use the coupon. This is done via the [Create coupon reservation](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/createCouponReservation) endpoint. - `false`: The reservation is a hard reservation. Only the associated customer (`recipientIntegrationId`) can use the coupon. This is done via the Campaign Manager when you create a coupon for a given `recipientIntegrationId`, the [Create coupons](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/createCoupons) endpoint or [Create coupons for multiple recipients](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/createCouponsForMultipleRecipients) endpoint. | [optional] [default to true]
+**Reservation** | **bool** | Defines the reservation type: - `true`: The coupon can be reserved for multiple customers. - `false`: The coupon can be reserved only for one customer. It is a personal code. | [optional] [default to true]
**BatchId** | **string** | The id of the batch the coupon belongs to. | [optional]
-**IsReservationMandatory** | **bool** | Whether the reservation effect actually created a new reservation. | [optional] [default to true]
+**IsReservationMandatory** | **bool** | An indication of whether the code can be redeemed only if it has been reserved first. | [optional] [default to false]
+**ImplicitlyReserved** | **bool** | An indication of whether the coupon is implicitly reserved for all customers. | [optional]
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index 45ddb15..ac3d9f1 100644
--- a/docs/CouponCreationJob.md
+++ b/docs/CouponCreationJob.md
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**CouponSettings** | [**CodeGeneratorSettings**](CodeGeneratorSettings.md) | | [optional]
**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | Arbitrary properties associated with coupons. |
**BatchId** | **string** | The batch ID coupons created by this job will bear. |
-**Status** | **string** | The current status of this request. Possible values: - `pending` - `completed` - `failed` - `coupon pattern full` |
+**Status** | **string** | The current status of this request. Possible values: - `pending verification` - `pending` - `completed` - `failed` - `coupon pattern full` |
**CreatedAmount** | **int** | The number of coupon codes that were already created for this request. |
**FailCount** | **int** | The number of times this job failed. |
**Errors** | **List<string>** | An array of individual problems encountered during the request. |
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index 507e03d..dd798f2 100644
--- a/docs/CouponsNotificationPolicy.md
+++ b/docs/CouponsNotificationPolicy.md
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Name** | **string** | Notification name. |
**Scopes** | **List<string>** | |
+**BatchingEnabled** | **bool** | Indicates whether batching is activated. | [optional] [default to true]
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+# TalonOne.Model.CreateAchievement
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Name** | **string** | The internal name of the achievement used in API requests. **Note**: The name should start with a letter. This cannot be changed after the achievement has been created. |
+**Title** | **string** | The display name for the achievement in the Campaign Manager. |
+**Description** | **string** | A description of the achievement. |
+**Target** | **decimal** | The required number of actions or the transactional milestone to complete the achievement. |
+**Period** | **string** | The relative duration after which the achievement ends and resets for a particular customer profile. **Note**: The `period` does not start when the achievement is created. The period is a **positive real number** followed by one letter indicating the time unit. Examples: `30s`, `40m`, `1h`, `5D`, `7W`, `10M`, `15Y`. Available units: - `s`: seconds - `m`: minutes - `h`: hours - `D`: days - `W`: weeks - `M`: months - `Y`: years You can also round certain units down to the beginning of period and up to the end of period.: - `_D` for rounding down days only. Signifies the start of the day. Example: `30D_D` - `_U` for rounding up days, weeks, months and years. Signifies the end of the day, week, month or year. Example: `23W_U` **Note**: You can either use the round down and round up option or set an absolute period. |
+**PeriodEndOverride** | [**TimePoint**](TimePoint.md) | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/CreateApplicationAPIKey.md b/docs/CreateApplicationAPIKey.md
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@@ -3,9 +3,11 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Title** | **string** | Title for API Key. |
-**Expires** | **DateTime** | The date the API key expired. |
+**Title** | **string** | Title of the API key. |
+**Expires** | **DateTime** | The date the API key expires. |
**Platform** | **string** | The third-party platform the API key is valid for. Use `none` for a generic API key to be used from your own integration layer. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | The API key type. Can be empty or `staging`. Staging API keys can only be used for dry requests with the [Update customer session](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint, [Update customer profile](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-profiles/operation/updateCustomerProfileV2) endpoint, and [Track event](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Events/operation/trackEventV2) endpoint. When using the _Update customer profile_ endpoint with a staging API key, the query parameter `runRuleEngine` must be `true`. | [optional]
+**TimeOffset** | **int** | A time offset in nanoseconds associated with the API key. When making a request using the API key, rule evaluation is based on a date that is calculated by adding the offset to the current date. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/CreateTemplateCampaign.md b/docs/CreateTemplateCampaign.md
index c62ab5b..717af00 100644
--- a/docs/CreateTemplateCampaign.md
+++ b/docs/CreateTemplateCampaign.md
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**CampaignGroups** | **List<int>** | The IDs of the [campaign groups](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/account-settings/managing-campaign-groups) this campaign belongs to. | [optional]
**Tags** | **List<string>** | A list of tags for the campaign. If the campaign template has tags, they will be overridden by this list. | [optional]
**EvaluationGroupId** | **int** | The ID of the campaign evaluation group the campaign belongs to. | [optional]
+**LinkedStoreIds** | **List<int>** | A list of store IDs that are linked to the campaign. **Note:** Campaigns with linked store IDs will only be evaluated when there is a [customer session update](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) that references a linked store. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/CustomEffectProps.md b/docs/CustomEffectProps.md
index 6a38250..ee59087 100644
--- a/docs/CustomEffectProps.md
+++ b/docs/CustomEffectProps.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**EffectId** | **int** | The ID of the custom effect that was triggered. |
**Name** | **string** | The type of the custom effect. |
**CartItemPosition** | **decimal** | The index of the item in the cart item list to which the custom effect is applied. | [optional]
-**CartItemSubPosition** | **decimal** | When cart item flattening is enabled, the sub position indicates to which item unit the custom effect is applied, for cart items with quantity > 1. | [optional]
+**CartItemSubPosition** | **decimal** | For cart items with quantity > 1, the sub position indicates to which item unit the custom effect is applied. | [optional]
**BundleIndex** | **int** | The position of the bundle in a list of item bundles created from the same bundle definition. | [optional]
**BundleName** | **string** | The name of the bundle definition. | [optional]
**Payload** | [**Object**](.md) | The JSON payload of the custom effect. |
diff --git a/docs/CustomerInventory.md b/docs/CustomerInventory.md
index 516ea9e..beddbd5 100644
--- a/docs/CustomerInventory.md
+++ b/docs/CustomerInventory.md
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Profile** | [**CustomerProfile**](CustomerProfile.md) | | [optional]
**Loyalty** | [**Loyalty**](Loyalty.md) | | [optional]
**Referrals** | [**List<InventoryReferral>**](InventoryReferral.md) | | [optional]
-**Coupons** | [**List<InventoryCoupon>**](InventoryCoupon.md) | The coupons reserved by this profile. This array includes hard and soft reservations. See each coupon's `reservation` property. | [optional]
+**Coupons** | [**List<InventoryCoupon>**](InventoryCoupon.md) | The coupons reserved by this profile. This array includes hard and soft reservations. | [optional]
**Giveaways** | [**List<Giveaway>**](Giveaway.md) | | [optional]
+**Achievements** | [**List<AchievementProgress>**](AchievementProgress.md) | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/CustomerProfile.md b/docs/CustomerProfile.md
index 7c578cd..fc4880e 100644
--- a/docs/CustomerProfile.md
+++ b/docs/CustomerProfile.md
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**TotalSales** | **decimal** | The total amount of money spent by the customer **before** discounts are applied. The total sales amount excludes the following: - Cancelled or reopened sessions. - Returned items. |
**LoyaltyMemberships** | [**List<LoyaltyMembership>**](LoyaltyMembership.md) | **DEPRECATED** A list of loyalty programs joined by the customer. | [optional]
**AudienceMemberships** | [**List<AudienceMembership>**](AudienceMembership.md) | The audiences the customer belongs to. | [optional]
-**LastActivity** | **DateTime** | Timestamp of the most recent event received from this customer. This field is updated on calls that trigger the rule-engine and that are not [dry requests](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/dry-requests/#overlay). For example, [reserving a coupon](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/createCouponReservation) for a customer doesn't impact this field. |
-**Sandbox** | **bool** | Shows whether the customer is part of a sandbox or live Application. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/applications/overview#application-environments). | [optional]
+**LastActivity** | **DateTime** | Timestamp of the most recent event received from this customer. This field is updated on calls that trigger the Rule Engine and that are not [dry requests](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/dry-requests/#overlay). For example, [reserving a coupon](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/createCouponReservation) for a customer doesn't impact this field. |
+**Sandbox** | **bool** | An indicator of whether the customer is part of a sandbox or live Application. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/applications/overview#application-environments). | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/CustomerProfileAudienceRequestItem.md b/docs/CustomerProfileAudienceRequestItem.md
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--- a/docs/CustomerProfileAudienceRequestItem.md
+++ b/docs/CustomerProfileAudienceRequestItem.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Action** | **string** | Defines the action to perform: - `add`: Adds the customer profile to the audience. - `delete`: Removes the customer profile from the audience. |
+**Action** | **string** | Defines the action to perform: - `add`: Adds the customer profile to the audience. If the customer profile does not exist, it will be created. - `delete`: Removes the customer profile from the audience. |
**ProfileIntegrationId** | **string** | The ID of this customer profile in the third-party integration. |
**AudienceId** | **int** | The ID of the audience. You get it via the `id` property when [creating an audience](#operation/createAudienceV2). |
diff --git a/docs/CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2.md b/docs/CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2.md
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+# TalonOne.Model.CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2
+This is the response type returned by the updateCustomerProfileV2 endpoint.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**CustomerProfile** | [**CustomerProfile**](CustomerProfile.md) | | [optional]
+**Event** | [**Event**](Event.md) | | [optional]
+**Loyalty** | [**Loyalty**](Loyalty.md) | | [optional]
+**TriggeredCampaigns** | [**List<Campaign>**](Campaign.md) | | [optional]
+**RuleFailureReasons** | [**List<RuleFailureReason>**](RuleFailureReason.md) | | [optional]
+**AwardedGiveaways** | [**List<Giveaway>**](Giveaway.md) | | [optional]
+**Effects** | [**List<Effect>**](Effect.md) | The effects generated by the rules in your running campaigns. See [API effects](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/api-effects). |
+**CreatedCoupons** | [**List<Coupon>**](Coupon.md) | |
+**CreatedReferrals** | [**List<Referral>**](Referral.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/CustomerSession.md b/docs/CustomerSession.md
index dc8f161..3d2eec7 100644
--- a/docs/CustomerSession.md
+++ b/docs/CustomerSession.md
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**ProfileId** | **string** | ID of the customer profile set by your integration layer. **Note:** If the customer does not yet have a known `profileId`, we recommend you use a guest `profileId`. |
**Coupon** | **string** | Any coupon code entered. |
**Referral** | **string** | Any referral code entered. |
-**State** | **string** | Indicates the current state of the session. Sessions can be created as `open` or `closed`. The state transitions are: 1. `open` → `closed` 2. `open` → `cancelled` 3. `closed` → `cancelled` or `partially_returned` 4. `partially_returned` → `cancelled` For more information, see [Customer session states](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities#customer-session). | [default to StateEnum.Open]
+**State** | **string** | Indicates the current state of the session. Sessions can be created as `open` or `closed`. The state transitions are: 1. `open` → `closed` 2. `open` → `cancelled` 3. `closed` → `cancelled` or `partially_returned` 4. `partially_returned` → `cancelled` For more information, see [Customer session states](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/customer-sessions). | [default to StateEnum.Open]
**CartItems** | [**List<CartItem>**](CartItem.md) | Serialized JSON representation. |
**Identifiers** | **List<string>** | Session custom identifiers that you can set limits on or use inside your rules. For example, you can use IP addresses as identifiers to potentially identify devices and limit discounts abuse in case of customers creating multiple accounts. See the [tutorial](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/tutorials/using-identifiers). | [optional]
**Total** | **decimal** | The total sum of the cart in one session. |
diff --git a/docs/CustomerSessionV2.md b/docs/CustomerSessionV2.md
index 8cc8b07..ed4972a 100644
--- a/docs/CustomerSessionV2.md
+++ b/docs/CustomerSessionV2.md
@@ -8,19 +8,20 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**IntegrationId** | **string** | The integration ID set by your integration layer. |
**ApplicationId** | **int** | The ID of the application that owns this entity. |
**ProfileId** | **string** | ID of the customer profile set by your integration layer. **Note:** If the customer does not yet have a known `profileId`, we recommend you use a guest `profileId`. |
+**StoreIntegrationId** | **string** | The integration ID of the store. You choose this ID when you create a store. | [optional]
**EvaluableCampaignIds** | **List<int>** | When using the `dry` query parameter, use this property to list the campaign to be evaluated by the Rule Engine. These campaigns will be evaluated, even if they are disabled, allowing you to test specific campaigns before activating them. | [optional]
**CouponCodes** | **List<string>** | Any coupon codes entered. **Important**: If you [create a coupon budget](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/settings/managing-campaign-budgets/#budget-types) for your campaign, ensure the session contains a coupon code by the time you close it. | [optional]
**ReferralCode** | **string** | Any referral code entered. **Important**: If you [create a referral budget](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/settings/managing-campaign-budgets/#budget-types) for your campaign, ensure the session contains a referral code by the time you close it. | [optional]
-**LoyaltyCards** | **List<string>** | Any loyalty cards used. | [optional]
-**State** | **string** | Indicates the current state of the session. Sessions can be created as `open` or `closed`. The state transitions are: 1. `open` → `closed` 2. `open` → `cancelled` 3. Either: - `closed` → `cancelled` (**only** via [Update customer session](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/updateCustomerSessionV2)) or - `closed` → `partially_returned` (**only** via [Return cart items](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/returnCartItems)) - `closed` → `open` (**only** via [Reopen customer session](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/reopenCustomerSession)) 4. `partially_returned` → `cancelled` For more information, see [Customer session states](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities#customer-session). | [default to StateEnum.Open]
-**CartItems** | [**List<CartItem>**](CartItem.md) | The items to add to this sessions. - If cart item flattening is disabled: **Do not exceed 1000 items** (regardless of their `quantity`) per request. - If cart item flattening is enabled: **Do not exceed 1000 items** and ensure the sum of all cart item's `quantity` **does not exceed 10.000** per request. |
+**LoyaltyCards** | **List<string>** | Identifier of a loyalty card. | [optional]
+**State** | **string** | Indicates the current state of the session. Sessions can be created as `open` or `closed`. The state transitions are: 1. `open` → `closed` 2. `open` → `cancelled` 3. Either: - `closed` → `cancelled` (**only** via [Update customer session](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/updateCustomerSessionV2)) or - `closed` → `partially_returned` (**only** via [Return cart items](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/returnCartItems)) - `closed` → `open` (**only** via [Reopen customer session](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/reopenCustomerSession)) 4. `partially_returned` → `cancelled` For more information, see [Customer session states](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/customer-sessions). | [default to StateEnum.Open]
+**CartItems** | [**List<CartItem>**](CartItem.md) | The items to add to this session. **Do not exceed 1000 items** and ensure the sum of all cart item's `quantity` **does not exceed 10.000** per request. |
**AdditionalCosts** | [**Dictionary<string, AdditionalCost>**](AdditionalCost.md) | Use this property to set a value for the additional costs of this session, such as a shipping cost. They must be created in the Campaign Manager before you set them with this property. See [Managing additional costs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-additional-costs). | [optional]
**Identifiers** | **List<string>** | Session custom identifiers that you can set limits on or use inside your rules. For example, you can use IP addresses as identifiers to potentially identify devices and limit discounts abuse in case of customers creating multiple accounts. See the [tutorial](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/tutorials/using-identifiers). **Important**: Ensure the session contains an identifier by the time you close it if: - You [create a unique identifier budget](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/settings/managing-campaign-budgets/#budget-types) for your campaign. - Your campaign has [coupons](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/coupons/coupon-page-overview). | [optional]
**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | Use this property to set a value for the attributes of your choice. Attributes represent any information to attach to your session, like the shipping city. You can use [built-in attributes](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/attributes#built-in-attributes) or [custom ones](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/attributes#custom-attributes). Custom attributes must be created in the Campaign Manager before you set them with this property. |
**FirstSession** | **bool** | Indicates whether this is the first session for the customer's profile. Will always be true for anonymous sessions. |
-**Total** | **decimal** | The total sum of cart-items, as well as additional costs, before any discounts applied. |
-**CartItemTotal** | **decimal** | The total sum of cart-items before any discounts applied. |
-**AdditionalCostTotal** | **decimal** | The total sum of additional costs before any discounts applied. |
+**Total** | **decimal** | The total value of cart items and additional costs in the session, before any discounts are applied. |
+**CartItemTotal** | **decimal** | The total value of cart items, before any discounts are applied. |
+**AdditionalCostTotal** | **decimal** | The total value of additional costs, before any discounts are applied. |
**Updated** | **DateTime** | Timestamp of the most recent event received on this session. |
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+++ b/docs/DeactivateUserRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.DeactivateUserRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Email** | **string** | The email address associated with the user profile. |
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+++ b/docs/DeleteUserRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.DeleteUserRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Email** | **string** | The email address associated with the user profile. |
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index b9d592a..1bbc1e5 100644
--- a/docs/Effect.md
+++ b/docs/Effect.md
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**EffectType** | **string** | The type of effect that was triggered. See [API effects](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/api-effects). |
**TriggeredByCoupon** | **int** | The ID of the coupon that was being evaluated when this effect was triggered. | [optional]
**TriggeredForCatalogItem** | **int** | The ID of the catalog item that was being evaluated when this effect was triggered. | [optional]
+**ConditionIndex** | **int** | The index of the condition that was triggered. | [optional]
**Props** | [**Object**](.md) | The properties of the effect. See [API effects](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/api-effects). |
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index acfffd2..110f8d2 100644
--- a/docs/EffectEntity.md
+++ b/docs/EffectEntity.md
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**EffectType** | **string** | The type of effect that was triggered. See [API effects](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/api-effects). |
**TriggeredByCoupon** | **int** | The ID of the coupon that was being evaluated when this effect was triggered. | [optional]
**TriggeredForCatalogItem** | **int** | The ID of the catalog item that was being evaluated when this effect was triggered. | [optional]
+**ConditionIndex** | **int** | The index of the condition that was triggered. | [optional]
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--- a/docs/EmailEntity.md
+++ b/docs/EmailEntity.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Email** | **string** | The email address associated with your account. |
+**Email** | **string** | The email address associated with the user profile. |
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index 475a5a6..5a55721 100644
--- a/docs/Environment.md
+++ b/docs/Environment.md
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Variables** | **string** | A stringified version of the environment's Talang variables scope. |
**GiveawaysPools** | [**List<GiveawaysPool>**](GiveawaysPool.md) | The giveaways pools that the application is subscribed to. | [optional]
**LoyaltyPrograms** | [**List<LoyaltyProgram>**](LoyaltyProgram.md) | The loyalty programs that the application is subscribed to. | [optional]
+**Achievements** | [**List<Achievement>**](Achievement.md) | The achievements, linked to the campaigns, belonging to the application. | [optional]
**Attributes** | [**List<Attribute>**](Attribute.md) | The attributes that the application is subscribed to. | [optional]
**AdditionalCosts** | [**List<AccountAdditionalCost>**](AccountAdditionalCost.md) | The additional costs that the application is subscribed to. | [optional]
**Audiences** | [**List<Audience>**](Audience.md) | The audiences contained in the account which the application belongs to. | [optional]
diff --git a/docs/Event.md b/docs/Event.md
index 3d058e9..0568b57 100644
--- a/docs/Event.md
+++ b/docs/Event.md
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Created** | **DateTime** | The time this entity was created. |
**ApplicationId** | **int** | The ID of the application that owns this entity. |
**ProfileId** | **string** | ID of the customer profile set by your integration layer. **Note:** If the customer does not yet have a known `profileId`, we recommend you use a guest `profileId`. | [optional]
+**StoreIntegrationId** | **string** | The integration ID of the store. You choose this ID when you create a store. | [optional]
**Type** | **string** | A string representing the event. Must not be a reserved event name. |
**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | Arbitrary additional JSON data associated with the event. |
**SessionId** | **string** | The ID of the session that this event occurred in. | [optional]
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--- a/docs/EventV2.md
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Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**ProfileId** | **string** | ID of the customer profile set by your integration layer. **Note:** If the customer does not yet have a known `profileId`, we recommend you use a guest `profileId`. | [optional]
+**StoreIntegrationId** | **string** | The integration ID of the store. You choose this ID when you create a store. | [optional]
**EvaluableCampaignIds** | **List<int>** | When using the `dry` query parameter, use this property to list the campaign to be evaluated by the Rule Engine. These campaigns will be evaluated, even if they are disabled, allowing you to test specific campaigns before activating them. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | A string representing the event name. Must not be a reserved event name. You create this value when you [create an attribute](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/events#creating-a-custom-event) of type `event` in the Campaign Manager. |
-**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | Arbitrary additional JSON properties associated with the event. They must be created in the Campaign Manager before setting them with this property. See [creating custom attributes](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-attributes#creating-custom-attributes). | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | A string representing the event name. Must not be a reserved event name. You create this value when you [create an attribute](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/events#creating-a-custom-event) of type `event` in the Campaign Manager. |
+**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | Arbitrary additional JSON properties associated with the event. They must be created in the Campaign Manager before setting them with this property. See [creating custom attributes](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-attributes#creating-a-custom-attribute). | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicy.md b/docs/ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicy.md
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index 0000000..4f3f5a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicy.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicy
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Name** | **string** | Notification name. |
+**Triggers** | [**List<ExpiringCouponsNotificationTrigger>**](ExpiringCouponsNotificationTrigger.md) | |
+**BatchingEnabled** | **bool** | Indicates whether batching is activated. | [optional] [default to true]
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.ExpiringCouponsNotificationTrigger
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Amount** | **int** | The amount of period. |
+**Period** | **string** | Notification period indicated by a letter; \"w\" means week, \"d\" means day. |
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diff --git a/docs/ExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy.md b/docs/ExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy.md
index af28a83..7357754 100644
--- a/docs/ExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy.md
+++ b/docs/ExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy.md
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Name** | **string** | Notification name. |
**Triggers** | [**List<ExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger>**](ExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger.md) | |
+**BatchingEnabled** | **bool** | Indicates whether batching is activated. | [optional] [default to true]
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index 5e4e951..fd8949f 100644
--- a/docs/FuncArgDef.md
+++ b/docs/FuncArgDef.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Type** | **string** | The type of value this argument expects. |
-**Description** | **string** | A campaigner-friendly description of the argument, this will also be shown in the rule editor. |
+**Description** | **string** | A campaigner-friendly description of the argument, this will also be shown in the rule editor. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/GetIntegrationCouponRequest.md b/docs/GetIntegrationCouponRequest.md
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+++ b/docs/GetIntegrationCouponRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.GetIntegrationCouponRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**CampaignIds** | **List<int>** | A list of IDs of the campaigns to get coupons from. |
+**Limit** | **int** | The maximum number of coupons included in the response. |
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diff --git a/docs/IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectProps.md b/docs/IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectProps.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectProps
+The properties specific to the \"increaseAchievementProgress\" effect. This gets triggered whenever a validated rule contained an \"increase customer progress\" effect.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**AchievementId** | **int** | The internal ID of the achievement. |
+**AchievementName** | **string** | The name of the achievement. |
+**ProgressTrackerId** | **int** | The internal ID of the achievement progress tracker. | [optional]
+**Delta** | **decimal** | The value by which the customer's current progress in the achievement is increased. |
+**Value** | **decimal** | The current progress of the customer in the achievement. |
+**Target** | **decimal** | The required number of actions or the transactional milestone to complete the achievement. |
+**IsJustCompleted** | **bool** | Indicates if the customer has completed the achievement in the current session. |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20010.md b/docs/InlineResponse20010.md
index 53a0bed..862633c 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20010.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20010.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**HasMore** | **bool** | |
-**Data** | [**List<CampaignTemplate>**](CampaignTemplate.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<Referral>**](Referral.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20011.md b/docs/InlineResponse20011.md
index 0253872..86588e6 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20011.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20011.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
-**Data** | [**List<LoyaltyProgram>**](LoyaltyProgram.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<CampaignGroup>**](CampaignGroup.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20012.md b/docs/InlineResponse20012.md
index 300f6f4..71e2946 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20012.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20012.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**HasMore** | **bool** | |
-**Data** | [**List<LoyaltyProgramTransaction>**](LoyaltyProgramTransaction.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<CampaignTemplate>**](CampaignTemplate.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20013.md b/docs/InlineResponse20013.md
index 544b995..659ec5c 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20013.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20013.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**HasMore** | **bool** | |
-**Data** | [**List<LoyaltyCard>**](LoyaltyCard.md) | |
+**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
+**Data** | [**List<LoyaltyProgram>**](LoyaltyProgram.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20014.md b/docs/InlineResponse20014.md
index ae6ee95..e4047d7 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20014.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20014.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**HasMore** | **bool** | true means there is more data in the source collection to request.. |
-**Data** | [**List<CardLedgerTransactionLogEntry>**](CardLedgerTransactionLogEntry.md) | List of loyalty card transaction logs. |
+**HasMore** | **bool** | |
+**Data** | [**List<LoyaltyProgramTransaction>**](LoyaltyProgramTransaction.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20015.md b/docs/InlineResponse20015.md
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--- a/docs/InlineResponse20015.md
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@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
-**TotalResultSize** | **int** | | [optional]
-**Data** | [**List<CollectionWithoutPayload>**](CollectionWithoutPayload.md) | |
+**HasMore** | **bool** | |
+**Data** | [**List<LoyaltyCard>**](LoyaltyCard.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20016.md b/docs/InlineResponse20016.md
index d01e4ed..07100da 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20016.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20016.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**HasMore** | **bool** | |
-**Data** | [**List<CollectionItem>**](CollectionItem.md) | |
+**HasMore** | **bool** | true means there is more data in the source collection to request.. |
+**Data** | [**List<CardLedgerTransactionLogEntry>**](CardLedgerTransactionLogEntry.md) | List of loyalty card transaction logs. |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20017.md b/docs/InlineResponse20017.md
index 69a56ca..9b7d5b4 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20017.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20017.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
**TotalResultSize** | **int** | | [optional]
-**Data** | **List<Collection>** | |
+**Data** | [**List<CollectionWithoutPayload>**](CollectionWithoutPayload.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20018.md b/docs/InlineResponse20018.md
index a0af92f..b1ce971 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20018.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20018.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**HasMore** | **bool** | |
-**Data** | [**List<AccessLogEntry>**](AccessLogEntry.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<CollectionItem>**](CollectionItem.md) | |
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--- a/docs/InlineResponse20019.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20019.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
+**HasMore** | **bool** | |
**Data** | [**List<AccessLogEntry>**](AccessLogEntry.md) | |
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index 760e29a..d71abc9 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20020.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20020.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
-**Data** | [**List<CampaignAnalytics>**](CampaignAnalytics.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<AccessLogEntry>**](AccessLogEntry.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20021.md b/docs/InlineResponse20021.md
index 67c69e8..54aeaf4 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20021.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20021.md
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TotalResultSize** | **int** | | [optional]
-**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
-**Data** | [**List<ApplicationCustomer>**](ApplicationCustomer.md) | |
+**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
+**Data** | [**List<CampaignAnalytics>**](CampaignAnalytics.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20022.md b/docs/InlineResponse20022.md
index 0cf17d3..3debf59 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20022.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20022.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
**TotalResultSize** | **int** | | [optional]
+**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
**Data** | [**List<ApplicationCustomer>**](ApplicationCustomer.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20023.md b/docs/InlineResponse20023.md
index 953ff53..65f9f1b 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20023.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20023.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
**TotalResultSize** | **int** | | [optional]
-**Data** | [**List<CustomerProfile>**](CustomerProfile.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<ApplicationCustomer>**](ApplicationCustomer.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20024.md b/docs/InlineResponse20024.md
index 71c7628..bd6a9a8 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20024.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20024.md
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**HasMore** | **bool** | |
+**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**TotalResultSize** | **int** | | [optional]
**Data** | [**List<CustomerProfile>**](CustomerProfile.md) | |
[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20025.md b/docs/InlineResponse20025.md
index f9c2c59..fd5027c 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20025.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20025.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**HasMore** | **bool** | |
-**Data** | [**List<CustomerActivityReport>**](CustomerActivityReport.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<CustomerProfile>**](CustomerProfile.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20026.md b/docs/InlineResponse20026.md
index c3cb69d..7759cee 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20026.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20026.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
-**Data** | [**List<ApplicationSession>**](ApplicationSession.md) | |
+**HasMore** | **bool** | |
+**Data** | [**List<CustomerActivityReport>**](CustomerActivityReport.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20027.md b/docs/InlineResponse20027.md
index ec1e21f..0806f49 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20027.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20027.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**HasMore** | **bool** | |
-**Data** | [**List<ApplicationEvent>**](ApplicationEvent.md) | |
+**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**Data** | [**List<ApplicationSession>**](ApplicationSession.md) | |
[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20028.md b/docs/InlineResponse20028.md
index f0ce38b..cd5e0f6 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20028.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20028.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
-**Data** | **List<string>** | |
+**HasMore** | **bool** | |
+**Data** | [**List<ApplicationEvent>**](ApplicationEvent.md) | |
[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20029.md b/docs/InlineResponse20029.md
index c5c05ef..7a65d82 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20029.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20029.md
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
-**TotalResultSize** | **int** | | [optional]
-**Data** | [**List<Audience>**](Audience.md) | |
+**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
+**Data** | **List<string>** | |
[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse2003.md b/docs/InlineResponse2003.md
index c37c7f4..b3ca493 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse2003.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse2003.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
-**Data** | [**List<Application>**](Application.md) | |
+**HasMore** | **bool** | |
+**Data** | [**List<CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI>**](CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20030.md b/docs/InlineResponse20030.md
index 0f6faee..0f3f785 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20030.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20030.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
**TotalResultSize** | **int** | | [optional]
-**Data** | [**List<ApplicationReferee>**](ApplicationReferee.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<Audience>**](Audience.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20031.md b/docs/InlineResponse20031.md
index a8c865a..86df55b 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20031.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20031.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
-**Data** | [**List<Attribute>**](Attribute.md) | |
+**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**Data** | [**List<AudienceAnalytics>**](AudienceAnalytics.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20032.md b/docs/InlineResponse20032.md
index 34283a9..13bdb3c 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20032.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20032.md
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
-**TotalResultSize** | **int** | | [optional]
-**Data** | [**List<CatalogItem>**](CatalogItem.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<CustomerProfile>**](CustomerProfile.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20033.md b/docs/InlineResponse20033.md
index bdde66e..581f298 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20033.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20033.md
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
-**Data** | [**List<AccountAdditionalCost>**](AccountAdditionalCost.md) | |
+**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**TotalResultSize** | **int** | | [optional]
+**Data** | [**List<ApplicationReferee>**](ApplicationReferee.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20034.md b/docs/InlineResponse20034.md
index bfa8830..6f23956 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20034.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20034.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
-**Data** | [**List<WebhookWithOutgoingIntegrationDetails>**](WebhookWithOutgoingIntegrationDetails.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<Attribute>**](Attribute.md) | |
[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20035.md b/docs/InlineResponse20035.md
index 3e71606..578e4d6 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20035.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20035.md
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
-**Data** | [**List<WebhookActivationLogEntry>**](WebhookActivationLogEntry.md) | |
+**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**TotalResultSize** | **int** | | [optional]
+**Data** | [**List<CatalogItem>**](CatalogItem.md) | |
[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20036.md b/docs/InlineResponse20036.md
index b08a836..e431c8c 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20036.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20036.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
-**Data** | [**List<WebhookLogEntry>**](WebhookLogEntry.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<AccountAdditionalCost>**](AccountAdditionalCost.md) | |
[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20037.md b/docs/InlineResponse20037.md
index 290b464..7205421 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20037.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20037.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
-**Data** | [**List<EventType>**](EventType.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<WebhookWithOutgoingIntegrationDetails>**](WebhookWithOutgoingIntegrationDetails.md) | |
[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20038.md b/docs/InlineResponse20038.md
index 9e1079b..420d3c8 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20038.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20038.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
-**Data** | [**List<User>**](User.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<WebhookActivationLogEntry>**](WebhookActivationLogEntry.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20039.md b/docs/InlineResponse20039.md
index ad3e8d1..99e3d9d 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20039.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20039.md
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TotalResultSize** | **int** | | [optional]
-**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
-**Data** | [**List<Change>**](Change.md) | |
+**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
+**Data** | [**List<WebhookLogEntry>**](WebhookLogEntry.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse2004.md b/docs/InlineResponse2004.md
index 5512be7..382cfe2 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse2004.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse2004.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
-**Data** | [**List<Campaign>**](Campaign.md) | |
+**HasMore** | **bool** | |
+**Data** | [**List<LedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI>**](LedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20040.md b/docs/InlineResponse20040.md
index 6f46bf3..9c40811 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20040.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20040.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
-**Data** | [**List<Export>**](Export.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<EventType>**](EventType.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20041.md b/docs/InlineResponse20041.md
index a11b8cb..2174390 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse20041.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20041.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
-**Data** | [**List<Role>**](Role.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<User>**](User.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20042.md b/docs/InlineResponse20042.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dc344a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20042.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.InlineResponse20042
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**TotalResultSize** | **int** | | [optional]
+**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**Data** | [**List<Change>**](Change.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20043.md b/docs/InlineResponse20043.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69bb326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20043.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.InlineResponse20043
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
+**Data** | [**List<Export>**](Export.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20044.md b/docs/InlineResponse20044.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5104b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20044.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.InlineResponse20044
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
+**Data** | [**List<RoleV2>**](RoleV2.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20045.md b/docs/InlineResponse20045.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5494261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20045.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.InlineResponse20045
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**TotalResultSize** | **int** | | [optional]
+**Data** | [**List<Store>**](Store.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20046.md b/docs/InlineResponse20046.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff77762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20046.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.InlineResponse20046
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**HasMore** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**Data** | [**List<Achievement>**](Achievement.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse20047.md b/docs/InlineResponse20047.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9da1ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse20047.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.InlineResponse20047
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**HasMore** | **bool** | |
+**Data** | [**List<AchievementProgress>**](AchievementProgress.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse2005.md b/docs/InlineResponse2005.md
index 81574a1..a9a501a 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse2005.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse2005.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
-**Data** | [**List<NotificationWebhook>**](NotificationWebhook.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<Application>**](Application.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse2006.md b/docs/InlineResponse2006.md
index 6a8aadc..e0f010d 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse2006.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse2006.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
-**Data** | [**List<Ruleset>**](Ruleset.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<Campaign>**](Campaign.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse2007.md b/docs/InlineResponse2007.md
index e2daa93..5741b92 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse2007.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse2007.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
-**Data** | [**List<Coupon>**](Coupon.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<Ruleset>**](Ruleset.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse2008.md b/docs/InlineResponse2008.md
index 79de1e1..78b3a05 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse2008.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse2008.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**HasMore** | **bool** | |
+**TotalResultSize** | **int** | |
**Data** | [**List<Coupon>**](Coupon.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/InlineResponse2009.md b/docs/InlineResponse2009.md
index 6b83f22..5d005f0 100644
--- a/docs/InlineResponse2009.md
+++ b/docs/InlineResponse2009.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**HasMore** | **bool** | |
-**Data** | [**List<Referral>**](Referral.md) | |
+**Data** | [**List<Coupon>**](Coupon.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/IntegrationApi.md b/docs/IntegrationApi.md
index 0828e1a..6fabd5c 100644
--- a/docs/IntegrationApi.md
+++ b/docs/IntegrationApi.md
@@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ Method | HTTP request | Description
[**GetCustomerSession**](IntegrationApi.md#getcustomersession) | **GET** /v2/customer_sessions/{customerSessionId} | Get customer session
[**GetLoyaltyBalances**](IntegrationApi.md#getloyaltybalances) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/profile/{integrationId}/balances | Get customer's loyalty points
[**GetLoyaltyCardBalances**](IntegrationApi.md#getloyaltycardbalances) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/balances | Get card's point balances
+[**GetLoyaltyCardPoints**](IntegrationApi.md#getloyaltycardpoints) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/points | List card's unused loyalty points
[**GetLoyaltyCardTransactions**](IntegrationApi.md#getloyaltycardtransactions) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/transactions | List card's transactions
+[**GetLoyaltyProgramProfilePoints**](IntegrationApi.md#getloyaltyprogramprofilepoints) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/profile/{integrationId}/points | List customer's unused loyalty points
[**GetLoyaltyProgramProfileTransactions**](IntegrationApi.md#getloyaltyprogramprofiletransactions) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/profile/{integrationId}/transactions | List customer's loyalty transactions
[**GetReservedCustomers**](IntegrationApi.md#getreservedcustomers) | **GET** /v1/coupon_reservations/customerprofiles/{couponValue} | List customers that have this coupon reserved
[**LinkLoyaltyCardToProfile**](IntegrationApi.md#linkloyaltycardtoprofile) | **POST** /v2/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/link_profile | Link customer profile to card
@@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Create coupon reservation
-Create a coupon reservation for specified customer profiles on the specified coupon. You can also create a reservation via the Campaign Manager using the [Create coupon code reservation effect](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/rules/effects/using-effects#reserving-a-coupon-code). Reserving a coupon allows you to associate a coupon code to a given customer(s). You can then list the reserved coupons of a given customer with the [List customer data](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/getCustomerInventory) endpoint. If a coupon gets created for a specific user, it will automatically appear in their coupons. When a user redeems a coupon, a reservation is automatically created after the redemption and the used coupon will be returned in the [List customer data](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/getCustomerInventory) endpoint. For example, you can use this endpoint and `List customer data` to create a _coupon wallet_ by reserving coupon codes for a customer, and then displaying their coupon wallet when they visit your store.
This endpoint creates a **soft** reservation. _Any_ customer can use a reserved coupon code and proceed to checkout. To create a hard reservation, you can: - use the [Create coupons](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/createCoupons) endpoint or, - use the [Create coupons for multiple recipients](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/createCouponsForMultipleRecipients) endpoint setting the `recipientsIntegrationId` property or, - create a coupon code with the **Reservation mandatory** option then use the [Create coupon code reservation effect](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/rules/effects/using-effects#reserving-a-coupon-code).
To delete a reservation, use the [Delete reservation](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Coupons/operation/deleteCouponReservation) endpoint.
+Create a coupon reservation for the specified customer profiles on the specified coupon. You can also create a reservation via the Campaign Manager using the [Create coupon code reservation effect](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/rules/effects/using-effects#reserving-a-coupon-code). - If the **Reservation mandatory** option was selected when creating the specified coupon, the endpoint creates a **hard** reservation, meaning only users who have this coupon code reserved can redeem it. Otherwise, the endpoint creates a **soft** reservation, meaning the coupon will be associated with the specified customer profiles (they show up when using the [List customer data](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/getCustomerInventory) endpoint), but any user can redeem it. This can be useful, for example, to display a _coupon wallet_ for customers when they visit your store. - If the **Coupon visibility** option was selected when creating the specified coupon, the coupon code is implicitly soft-reserved for all customers, and the code will be returned for all customer profiles in the [List customer data](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/getCustomerInventory) endpoint. To delete a reservation, use the [Delete reservation](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Coupons/operation/deleteCouponReservation) endpoint.
### Example
@@ -377,7 +379,7 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new IntegrationApi(config);
- var audienceId = 56; // int | The ID of the audience. You get it via the `id` property when [creating an audience](#operation/createAudienceV2).
+ var audienceId = 56; // int | The ID of the audience.
@@ -399,7 +401,7 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **audienceId** | **int**| The ID of the audience. You get it via the `id` property when [creating an audience](#operation/createAudienceV2). |
+ **audienceId** | **int**| The ID of the audience. |
### Return type
@@ -453,7 +455,7 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new IntegrationApi(config);
- var audienceId = 56; // int | The ID of the audience. You get it via the `id` property when [creating an audience](#operation/createAudienceV2).
+ var audienceId = 56; // int | The ID of the audience.
@@ -475,7 +477,7 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **audienceId** | **int**| The ID of the audience. You get it via the `id` property when [creating an audience](#operation/createAudienceV2). |
+ **audienceId** | **int**| The ID of the audience. |
### Return type
@@ -657,7 +659,7 @@ void (empty response body)
# **GetCustomerInventory**
-> CustomerInventory GetCustomerInventory (string integrationId, bool? profile = null, bool? referrals = null, bool? coupons = null, bool? loyalty = null, bool? giveaways = null)
+> CustomerInventory GetCustomerInventory (string integrationId, bool? profile = null, bool? referrals = null, bool? coupons = null, bool? loyalty = null, bool? giveaways = null, bool? achievements = null)
List customer data
@@ -691,11 +693,12 @@ namespace Example
var coupons = true; // bool? | Set to `true` to include coupon information in the response. (optional)
var loyalty = true; // bool? | Set to `true` to include loyalty information in the response. (optional)
var giveaways = true; // bool? | Set to `true` to include giveaways information in the response. (optional)
+ var achievements = true; // bool? | Set to `true` to include achievement information in the response. (optional)
// List customer data
- CustomerInventory result = apiInstance.GetCustomerInventory(integrationId, profile, referrals, coupons, loyalty, giveaways);
+ CustomerInventory result = apiInstance.GetCustomerInventory(integrationId, profile, referrals, coupons, loyalty, giveaways, achievements);
catch (ApiException e)
@@ -719,6 +722,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**coupons** | **bool?**| Set to `true` to include coupon information in the response. | [optional]
**loyalty** | **bool?**| Set to `true` to include loyalty information in the response. | [optional]
**giveaways** | **bool?**| Set to `true` to include giveaways information in the response. | [optional]
+ **achievements** | **bool?**| Set to `true` to include achievement information in the response. | [optional]
### Return type
@@ -821,11 +825,11 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **GetLoyaltyBalances**
-> LoyaltyBalances GetLoyaltyBalances (int loyaltyProgramId, string integrationId, DateTime? endDate = null)
+> LoyaltyBalances GetLoyaltyBalances (int loyaltyProgramId, string integrationId, DateTime? endDate = null, string subledgerId = null)
Get customer's loyalty points
-Retrieve loyalty ledger balances for the given Integration ID in the specified loyalty program. You can filter balances by date. If no filtering options are applied, you retrieve all loyalty balances on the current date for the given integration ID. Loyalty balances are calculated when Talon.One receives your request using the points stored in our database, so retrieving a large number of balances at once can impact performance. **Note:** For more information, see [our documentation on managing loyalty data](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/managing-loyalty-data#obtaining-the-loyalty-balances-of-a-customer).
+Retrieve loyalty ledger balances for the given Integration ID in the specified loyalty program. You can filter balances by date and subledger ID. **Note**: If no filtering options are applied, you retrieve all loyalty balances on the current date for the given integration ID. Loyalty balances are calculated when Talon.One receives your request using the points stored in our database, so retrieving a large number of balances at once can impact performance. For more information, see: - [Managing card-based loyalty program data](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/card-based/managing-loyalty-cards) - [Managing profile-based loyalty program data](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/profile-based/managing-pb-lp-data)
### Example
@@ -849,14 +853,15 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new IntegrationApi(config);
- var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
+ var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the profile-based loyalty program. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
var integrationId = integrationId_example; // string | The integration identifier for this customer profile. Must be: - Unique within the deployment. - Stable for the customer. Do not use an ID that the customer can update themselves. For example, you can use a database ID. Once set, you cannot update this identifier.
- var endDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Used to return balances only for entries older than this timestamp. The expired, active, and pending points are relative to this timestamp. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
+ var endDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Used to return expired, active, and pending loyalty balances before this timestamp. You can enter any past, present, or future timestamp value. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. (optional)
+ var subledgerId = subledgerId_example; // string | The ID of the subledger by which we filter the data. (optional)
// Get customer's loyalty points
- LoyaltyBalances result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyBalances(loyaltyProgramId, integrationId, endDate);
+ LoyaltyBalances result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyBalances(loyaltyProgramId, integrationId, endDate, subledgerId);
catch (ApiException e)
@@ -874,9 +879,10 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the profile-based loyalty program. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
**integrationId** | **string**| The integration identifier for this customer profile. Must be: - Unique within the deployment. - Stable for the customer. Do not use an ID that the customer can update themselves. For example, you can use a database ID. Once set, you cannot update this identifier. |
- **endDate** | **DateTime?**| Used to return balances only for entries older than this timestamp. The expired, active, and pending points are relative to this timestamp. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
+ **endDate** | **DateTime?**| Used to return expired, active, and pending loyalty balances before this timestamp. You can enter any past, present, or future timestamp value. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. | [optional]
+ **subledgerId** | **string**| The ID of the subledger by which we filter the data. | [optional]
### Return type
@@ -903,7 +909,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **GetLoyaltyCardBalances**
-> LoyaltyBalances GetLoyaltyCardBalances (int loyaltyProgramId, string loyaltyCardId, DateTime? endDate = null)
+> LoyaltyCardBalances GetLoyaltyCardBalances (int loyaltyProgramId, string loyaltyCardId, DateTime? endDate = null, List subledgerId = null)
Get card's point balances
@@ -933,12 +939,13 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new IntegrationApi(config);
var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
var loyaltyCardId = loyaltyCardId_example; // string | Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint.
- var endDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Used to return balances only for entries older than this timestamp. The expired, active, and pending points are relative to this timestamp. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
+ var endDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Used to return expired, active, and pending loyalty balances before this timestamp. You can enter any past, present, or future timestamp value. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. (optional)
+ var subledgerId = new List(); // List | Filter results by one or more subledger IDs. Must be exact match. (optional)
// Get card's point balances
- LoyaltyBalances result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyCardBalances(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId, endDate);
+ LoyaltyCardBalances result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyCardBalances(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId, endDate, subledgerId);
catch (ApiException e)
@@ -958,11 +965,100 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
**loyaltyCardId** | **string**| Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint. |
- **endDate** | **DateTime?**| Used to return balances only for entries older than this timestamp. The expired, active, and pending points are relative to this timestamp. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
+ **endDate** | **DateTime?**| Used to return expired, active, and pending loyalty balances before this timestamp. You can enter any past, present, or future timestamp value. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. | [optional]
+ **subledgerId** | [**List<string>**](string.md)| Filter results by one or more subledger IDs. Must be exact match. | [optional]
### Return type
+### Authorization
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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+# **GetLoyaltyCardPoints**
+> InlineResponse2003 GetLoyaltyCardPoints (int loyaltyProgramId, string loyaltyCardId, string status = null, List subledgerId = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null)
+List card's unused loyalty points
+Get paginated results of loyalty points for a given loyalty card identifier in a card-based loyalty program. This endpoint returns only the balances of unused points on a loyalty card. You can filter points by status: - `active`: Points ready to be redeemed. - `pending`: Points with a start date in the future. - `expired`: Points with an expiration date in the past.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class GetLoyaltyCardPointsExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: api_key_v1
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new IntegrationApi(config);
+ var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
+ var loyaltyCardId = loyaltyCardId_example; // string | Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint.
+ var status = status_example; // string | Filter points based on their status. (optional) (default to active)
+ var subledgerId = new List(); // List | Filter results by one or more subledger IDs. Must be exact match. (optional)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 50)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ try
+ {
+ // List card's unused loyalty points
+ InlineResponse2003 result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyCardPoints(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId, status, subledgerId, pageSize, skip);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling IntegrationApi.GetLoyaltyCardPoints: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
+ **loyaltyCardId** | **string**| Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint. |
+ **status** | **string**| Filter points based on their status. | [optional] [default to active]
+ **subledgerId** | [**List<string>**](string.md)| Filter results by one or more subledger IDs. Must be exact match. | [optional]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 50]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -985,7 +1081,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **GetLoyaltyCardTransactions**
-> InlineResponse2001 GetLoyaltyCardTransactions (int loyaltyProgramId, string loyaltyCardId, string subledgerId = null, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null)
+> InlineResponse2001 GetLoyaltyCardTransactions (int loyaltyProgramId, string loyaltyCardId, List subledgerId = null, string loyaltyTransactionType = null, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null)
List card's transactions
@@ -1015,16 +1111,17 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new IntegrationApi(config);
var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
var loyaltyCardId = loyaltyCardId_example; // string | Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint.
- var subledgerId = subledgerId_example; // string | The ID of the subledger by which we filter the data. (optional)
- var startDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Date and time from which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
- var endDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Date and time by which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var subledgerId = new List(); // List | Filter results by one or more subledger IDs. Must be exact match. (optional)
+ var loyaltyTransactionType = loyaltyTransactionType_example; // string | Filter results by loyalty transaction type: - `manual`: Loyalty transaction that was done manually. - `session`: Loyalty transaction that resulted from a customer session. - `import`: Loyalty transaction that was imported from a CSV file. (optional)
+ var startDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Date and time from which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. (optional)
+ var endDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Date and time by which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. (optional)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
// List card's transactions
- InlineResponse2001 result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyCardTransactions(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId, subledgerId, startDate, endDate, pageSize, skip);
+ InlineResponse2001 result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyCardTransactions(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId, subledgerId, loyaltyTransactionType, startDate, endDate, pageSize, skip);
catch (ApiException e)
@@ -1044,10 +1141,11 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
**loyaltyCardId** | **string**| Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint. |
- **subledgerId** | **string**| The ID of the subledger by which we filter the data. | [optional]
- **startDate** | **DateTime?**| Date and time from which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
- **endDate** | **DateTime?**| Date and time by which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **subledgerId** | [**List<string>**](string.md)| Filter results by one or more subledger IDs. Must be exact match. | [optional]
+ **loyaltyTransactionType** | **string**| Filter results by loyalty transaction type: - `manual`: Loyalty transaction that was done manually. - `session`: Loyalty transaction that resulted from a customer session. - `import`: Loyalty transaction that was imported from a CSV file. | [optional]
+ **startDate** | **DateTime?**| Date and time from which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. | [optional]
+ **endDate** | **DateTime?**| Date and time by which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. | [optional]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
### Return type
@@ -1073,9 +1171,97 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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+# **GetLoyaltyProgramProfilePoints**
+> InlineResponse2004 GetLoyaltyProgramProfilePoints (int loyaltyProgramId, string integrationId, string status = null, string subledgerId = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null)
+List customer's unused loyalty points
+Get paginated results of loyalty points for a given Integration ID in the specified profile-based loyalty program. This endpoint returns only the balances of unused points linked to a customer profile. You can filter points by status: - `active`: Points ready to be redeemed. - `pending`: Points with a start date in the future. - `expired`: Points with an expiration date in the past.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class GetLoyaltyProgramProfilePointsExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: api_key_v1
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new IntegrationApi(config);
+ var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the profile-based loyalty program. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
+ var integrationId = integrationId_example; // string | The integration identifier for this customer profile. Must be: - Unique within the deployment. - Stable for the customer. Do not use an ID that the customer can update themselves. For example, you can use a database ID. Once set, you cannot update this identifier.
+ var status = status_example; // string | Filter points based on their status. (optional) (default to active)
+ var subledgerId = subledgerId_example; // string | The ID of the subledger by which we filter the data. (optional)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 50)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ try
+ {
+ // List customer's unused loyalty points
+ InlineResponse2004 result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyProgramProfilePoints(loyaltyProgramId, integrationId, status, subledgerId, pageSize, skip);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling IntegrationApi.GetLoyaltyProgramProfilePoints: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the profile-based loyalty program. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
+ **integrationId** | **string**| The integration identifier for this customer profile. Must be: - Unique within the deployment. - Stable for the customer. Do not use an ID that the customer can update themselves. For example, you can use a database ID. Once set, you cannot update this identifier. |
+ **status** | **string**| Filter points based on their status. | [optional] [default to active]
+ **subledgerId** | **string**| The ID of the subledger by which we filter the data. | [optional]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 50]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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# **GetLoyaltyProgramProfileTransactions**
-> InlineResponse2002 GetLoyaltyProgramProfileTransactions (int loyaltyProgramId, string integrationId, string subledgerId = null, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null)
+> InlineResponse2002 GetLoyaltyProgramProfileTransactions (int loyaltyProgramId, string integrationId, string subledgerId = null, string loyaltyTransactionType = null, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null)
List customer's loyalty transactions
@@ -1103,18 +1289,19 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new IntegrationApi(config);
- var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
+ var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the profile-based loyalty program. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
var integrationId = integrationId_example; // string | The integration identifier for this customer profile. Must be: - Unique within the deployment. - Stable for the customer. Do not use an ID that the customer can update themselves. For example, you can use a database ID. Once set, you cannot update this identifier.
var subledgerId = subledgerId_example; // string | The ID of the subledger by which we filter the data. (optional)
- var startDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Date and time from which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
- var endDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Date and time by which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 50)
+ var loyaltyTransactionType = loyaltyTransactionType_example; // string | Filter results by loyalty transaction type: - `manual`: Loyalty transaction that was done manually. - `session`: Loyalty transaction that resulted from a customer session. - `import`: Loyalty transaction that was imported from a CSV file. (optional)
+ var startDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Date and time from which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. (optional)
+ var endDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Date and time by which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. (optional)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 50)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
// List customer's loyalty transactions
- InlineResponse2002 result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyProgramProfileTransactions(loyaltyProgramId, integrationId, subledgerId, startDate, endDate, pageSize, skip);
+ InlineResponse2002 result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyProgramProfileTransactions(loyaltyProgramId, integrationId, subledgerId, loyaltyTransactionType, startDate, endDate, pageSize, skip);
catch (ApiException e)
@@ -1132,12 +1319,13 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the profile-based loyalty program. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
**integrationId** | **string**| The integration identifier for this customer profile. Must be: - Unique within the deployment. - Stable for the customer. Do not use an ID that the customer can update themselves. For example, you can use a database ID. Once set, you cannot update this identifier. |
**subledgerId** | **string**| The ID of the subledger by which we filter the data. | [optional]
- **startDate** | **DateTime?**| Date and time from which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
- **endDate** | **DateTime?**| Date and time by which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 50]
+ **loyaltyTransactionType** | **string**| Filter results by loyalty transaction type: - `manual`: Loyalty transaction that was done manually. - `session`: Loyalty transaction that resulted from a customer session. - `import`: Loyalty transaction that was imported from a CSV file. | [optional]
+ **startDate** | **DateTime?**| Date and time from which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. | [optional]
+ **endDate** | **DateTime?**| Date and time by which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. | [optional]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 50]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
### Return type
@@ -1169,7 +1357,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
List customers that have this coupon reserved
-Return all customers that have this coupon marked as reserved. Coupons are reserved in the following ways: - To create a soft reservation (any customer can use the coupon), use the [Create coupon reservation](#operation/createCouponReservation) endpoint. - To create a hard reservation (only the given customer can use the coupon), create a coupon in the Campaign Manager for a given `recipientIntegrationId` or use the [Create coupons](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/createCoupons) or [Create coupons for multiple recipients](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/createCouponsForMultipleRecipients) endpoints.
+Return all customers that have this coupon marked as reserved. This includes hard and soft reservations.
### Example
@@ -1247,7 +1435,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Link customer profile to card
-[Loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/loyalty-cards/loyalty-card-overview) allow customers to collect and spend loyalty points within a [card-based loyalty program](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/overview#loyalty-program-types). They are useful to gamify loyalty programs and can be used with or without customer profiles linked to them. Link a customer profile to a given loyalty card for the card to be set as **Registered**. This affects how it can be used. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/loyalty-cards/managing-loyalty-cards#linking-customer-profiles-to-a-loyalty-card). **Note:** You can link as many customer profiles to a given loyalty card as the [**card user limit**](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/creating-loyalty-programs#creating-card-based-loyalty-programs) allows.
+[Loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/card-based/card-based-overview) allow customers to collect and spend loyalty points within a [card-based loyalty program](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/overview#loyalty-program-types). They are useful to gamify loyalty programs and can be used with or without customer profiles linked to them. Link a customer profile to a given loyalty card for the card to be set as **Registered**. This affects how it can be used. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/card-based/managing-loyalty-cards#linking-customer-profiles-to-a-loyalty-card). **Note:** You can link as many customer profiles to a given loyalty card as the [**card user limit**](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/card-based/creating-cb-programs) allows.
### Example
@@ -1329,7 +1517,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Reopen customer session
-Reopen a closed [customer session](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities#customer-session). For example, if a session has been completed but still needs to be edited, you can reopen it with this endpoint. A reopen session is treated like a standard open session. When reopening a session: - The `talon_session_reopened` event is triggered. You can see it in the **Events** view in the Campaign Manager. - The session state is updated to `open`. - Modified budgets and triggered effects when the session was closed are rolled back except for the list below. Effects and budgets unimpacted by a session reopening
The following effects and budgets are left the way they were once the session was originally closed:
- Add free item effect
- Any not pending pending loyalty points.
- Award giveaway
- Coupon and referral creation
- Coupon reservation
- Custom effect
- Update attribute value
- Update cart item attribute value
To see an example of roll back, see the Cancelling a session with campaign budgets tutorial.
**Note:** If your order workflow requires you to create a new session instead of reopening a session, use the [Update customer session](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint to cancel a closed session and create a new one.
+Reopen a closed [customer session](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/customer-sessions). For example, if a session has been completed but still needs to be edited, you can reopen it with this endpoint. A reopen session is treated like a standard open session. When reopening a session: - The `talon_session_reopened` event is triggered. You can see it in the **Events** view in the Campaign Manager. - The session state is updated to `open`. - Modified budgets and triggered effects when the session was closed are rolled back except for the list below. Effects and budgets unimpacted by a session reopening
The following effects and budgets are left the way they were once the session was originally closed:
- Add free item effect
- Any non-pending loyalty points
- Award giveaway
- Coupon and referral creation
- Coupon reservation
- Custom effect
- Update attribute value
- Update cart item attribute value
To see an example of roll back, see the Cancelling a session with campaign budgets tutorial.
**Note:** If your order workflow requires you to create a new session instead of reopening a session, use the [Update customer session](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint to cancel a closed session and create a new one.
### Example
@@ -1406,7 +1594,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Return cart items
-Create a new return request for the specified cart items. This endpoint automatically changes the session state from `closed` to `partially_returned`. Its behavior depends on whether [cart item flattening](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/managing-general-settings#flattening) is enabled for the Application. **Note:** This will roll back any effects associated with these cart items. For more information, see [our documentation on session states](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities#customer-session-states) and [this tutorial](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/tutorials/partially-returning-a-session).
+Create a new return request for the specified cart items. This endpoint automatically changes the session state from `closed` to `partially_returned`. **Note:** This will roll back any effects associated with these cart items. For more information, see [our documentation on session states](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/customer-sessions#customer-session-states) and [this tutorial](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/tutorials/partially-returning-a-session).
### Example
@@ -1487,7 +1675,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Sync cart item catalog
-Perform one or more of the following sync actions on this cart item catalog, up to 1000 actions: - Add an item to the catalog. - Edit the attributes of an item in the catalog. - Edit the attributes of more than one item in the catalog. - Remove an item from the catalog. - Remove more than one item from the catalog. **Note:** For more information, see [our documentation on managing cart item catalogs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-cart-item-catalogs). ### Filtering cart items Use [cart item attributes](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-cart-item-catalogs#displaying-the-details-and-content-of-a-catalog) to filter items and select the ones you want to edit or delete when editing or deleting more than one item at a time. The `filters` array contains an object with the following properties: - `attr`: A [cart item attribute](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-attributes) connected to the catalog. It is applied to all items in the catalog. - `op`: The filtering operator indicating the relationship between the value of each cart item in the catalog and the value of the `value` property for the attribute selected in `attr`. The value of `op` can be one of the following: - `EQ`: Equal to `value` - `LT`: Less than `value` - `LE`: Less than or equal to `value` - `GT`: Greater than `value` - `GE`: Greater than or equal to `value` - `IN`: One of the comma-separated values that `value` is set to. **Note:** `GE`, `LE`, `GT`, `LT` are for numeric values only. - `value`: The value of the attribute selected in `attr`. ### Payload examples Synchronization actions are sent as `PUT` requests. See the structure for each action: Adding an item to the catalog
```json { \"actions\": [ { \"payload\": { \"attributes\": { \"color\": \"Navy blue\", \"type\": \"shoe\" }, \"replaceIfExists\": true, \"sku\": \"SKU1241028\", \"price\": 100 }, \"type\": \"ADD\" } ] } ```
Editing the attributes of an item in the catalog
```json { \"actions\": [ { \"payload\": { \"attributes\": { \"age\": 11, \"origin\": \"germany\" }, \"createIfNotExists\": false, \"sku\": \"SKU1241028\" }, \"type\": \"PATCH\" } ] } ```
Editing the attributes of several items at once
```json { \"actions\": [ { \"payload\": { \"attributes\": { \"color\": \"red\" }, \"filters\": [ { \"attr\": \"color\", \"op\": \"EQ\", \"value\": \"blue\" } ] }, \"type\": \"PATCH_MANY\" } ] } ```
Removing an item from the catalog
```json { \"actions\": [ { \"payload\": { \"sku\": \"SKU1241028\" }, \"type\": \"REMOVE\" } ] } ```
Removing several items from the catalog at once
```json { \"actions\": [ { \"payload\": { \"filters\": [ { \"attr\": \"color\", \"op\": \"EQ\", \"value\": \"blue\" } ] }, \"type\": \"REMOVE_MANY\" } ] } ```
Removing shoes of sizes above 45 from the catalog
Let's imagine that we have a shoe store and we have decided to stop selling shoes larger than size 45. We can remove from the catalog all the shoes of sizes above 45 with a single action:
```json { \"actions\": [ { \"payload\": { \"filters\": [ { \"attr\": \"size\", \"op\": \"GT\", \"value\": \"45\" } ] }, \"type\": \"REMOVE_MANY\" } ] } ```
+Perform one or more of the following actions for a given cart item catalog: - Adding an item to the catalog. - Adding several items to the catalog. - Editing the attributes of an item in the catalog. - Editing the attributes of several items in the catalog. - Removing an item from the catalog. - Removing several items from the catalog. You can add, update, or delete up to 1000 cart items in a single request. Each item synced to a catalog must have a unique `SKU`. **Important**: Syncing items with duplicate `SKU` values in a single request returns an error message with a `400` status code. For more information, read [managing cart item catalogs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-cart-item-catalogs). ### Filtering cart items Use [cart item attributes](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-attributes) to filter items and select the ones you want to edit or delete when editing or deleting more than one item at a time. The `filters` array contains an object with the following properties: - `attr`: A [cart item attribute](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-attributes) connected to the catalog. It is applied to all items in the catalog. - `op`: The filtering operator indicating the relationship between the value of each cart item in the catalog and the value of the `value` property for the attribute selected in `attr`. The value of `op` can be one of the following: - `EQ`: Equal to `value` - `LT`: Less than `value` - `LE`: Less than or equal to `value` - `GT`: Greater than `value` - `GE`: Greater than or equal to `value` - `IN`: One of the comma-separated values that `value` is set to. **Note:** `GE`, `LE`, `GT`, `LT` are for numeric values only. - `value`: The value of the attribute selected in `attr`. ### Payload examples Synchronization actions are sent as `PUT` requests. See the structure for each action: Adding an item to the catalog
```json { \"actions\": [ { \"payload\": { \"attributes\": { \"color\": \"Navy blue\", \"type\": \"shoes\" }, \"replaceIfExists\": true, \"sku\": \"SKU1241028\", \"price\": 100, \"product\": { \"name\": \"sneakers\" } }, \"type\": \"ADD\" } ] } ```
Adding several items to the catalog
```json { \"actions\": [ { \"payload\": { \"attributes\": { \"color\": \"Navy blue\", \"type\": \"shoes\" }, \"replaceIfExists\": true, \"sku\": \"SKU1241027\", \"price\": 100, \"product\": { \"name\": \"sneakers\" } }, \"type\": \"ADD\" }, { \"payload\": { \"attributes\": { \"color\": \"Navy blue\", \"type\": \"shoes\" }, \"replaceIfExists\": true, \"sku\": \"SKU1241028\", \"price\": 100, \"product\": { \"name\": \"sneakers\" } }, \"type\": \"ADD\" } ] } ```
Editing the attributes of an item in the catalog
```json { \"actions\": [ { \"payload\": { \"attributes\": { \"age\": 11, \"origin\": \"germany\" }, \"createIfNotExists\": false, \"sku\": \"SKU1241028\", \"product\": { \"name\": \"sneakers\" } }, \"type\": \"PATCH\" } ] } ```
Editing the attributes of several items in the catalog
```json { \"actions\": [ { \"payload\": { \"attributes\": { \"color\": \"red\" }, \"filters\": [ { \"attr\": \"color\", \"op\": \"EQ\", \"value\": \"blue\" } ] }, \"type\": \"PATCH_MANY\" } ] } ```
Removing an item from the catalog
```json { \"actions\": [ { \"payload\": { \"sku\": \"SKU1241028\" }, \"type\": \"REMOVE\" } ] } ```
Removing several items from the catalog
```json { \"actions\": [ { \"payload\": { \"filters\": [ { \"attr\": \"color\", \"op\": \"EQ\", \"value\": \"blue\" } ] }, \"type\": \"REMOVE_MANY\" } ] } ```
Removing shoes of sizes above 45 from the catalog
Let's imagine that we have a shoe store and we have decided to stop selling shoes larger than size 45. We can remove from the catalog all the shoes of sizes above 45 with a single action:
```json { \"actions\": [ { \"payload\": { \"filters\": [ { \"attr\": \"size\", \"op\": \"GT\", \"value\": \"45\" } ] }, \"type\": \"REMOVE_MANY\" } ] } ```
### Example
@@ -1563,11 +1751,11 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **TrackEventV2**
-> IntegrationStateV2 TrackEventV2 (IntegrationEventV2Request body, string silent = null, bool? dry = null)
+> TrackEventV2Response TrackEventV2 (IntegrationEventV2Request body, string silent = null, bool? dry = null)
Track event
-Triggers a custom event. You can build a condition around this event in your rules. Talon.One offers a set of [built-in events](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/events). Ensure you do not create a custom event when you can use a built-in event. For example, use this endpoint to trigger an event when a customer shares a link to a product. See the [tutorial](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/tutorials/referrals/incentivizing-product-link-sharing). **Important:** - `profileId` is required. An event is associated with a customer profile. - Before using this endpoint, create your event as a custom attribute of type `event`. See the [Developer docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/events#creating-a-custom-event). - We recommend sending requests sequentially. See [Managing parallel requests](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/getting-started/integration-tutorial#managing-parallel-requests). When you successfully sent an event to Talon.One, you can list received events in the **Events** view in the Campaign Manager.
+Triggers a custom event. To use this endpoint: 1. Define a [custom event](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/events#creating-a-custom-event) in the Campaign Manager. 1. Update or create a rule to check for this event. 1. Trigger the event with this endpoint. After you have successfully sent an event to Talon.One, you can list the received events in the **Events** view in the Campaign Manager. Talon.One also offers a set of [built-in events](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/events). Ensure you do not create a custom event when you can use a built-in event. For example, use this endpoint to trigger an event when a customer shares a link to a product. See the [tutorial](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/tutorials/referrals/incentivizing-product-link-sharing). Important
1. `profileId` is required even though the schema does not say it. 1. If the customer profile ID is new, a new profile is automatically created but the `customer_profile_created` [built-in event ](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/events) is **not** triggered. 1. We recommend sending requests sequentially. See [Managing parallel requests](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/getting-started/integration-tutorial#managing-parallel-requests).
### Example
@@ -1598,7 +1786,7 @@ namespace Example
// Track event
- IntegrationStateV2 result = apiInstance.TrackEventV2(body, silent, dry);
+ TrackEventV2Response result = apiInstance.TrackEventV2(body, silent, dry);
catch (ApiException e)
@@ -1622,7 +1810,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -1639,6 +1827,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| **200** | OK | - |
| **400** | Bad request | - |
| **401** | Unauthorized - Invalid API key | - |
+| **409** | Too many requests or limit reached - Avoid parallel requests. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/tutorials/integrating-talon-one#managing-parallel-requests). | - |
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@@ -1672,7 +1861,7 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new IntegrationApi(config);
- var audienceId = 56; // int | The ID of the audience. You get it via the `id` property when [creating an audience](#operation/createAudienceV2).
+ var audienceId = 56; // int | The ID of the audience.
var body = ; // Object | body
@@ -1695,7 +1884,7 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **audienceId** | **int**| The ID of the audience. You get it via the `id` property when [creating an audience](#operation/createAudienceV2). |
+ **audienceId** | **int**| The ID of the audience. |
**body** | **Object**| body |
### Return type
@@ -1726,7 +1915,7 @@ void (empty response body)
Update audience name
-Update the name of the given audience created by a third-party integration. Sending a request to this endpoint does **not** trigger the rule engine. To update the audience's members, use the [Update customer profile](#tag/Customer-profiles/operation/updateCustomerProfileV2) endpoint.
+Update the name of the given audience created by a third-party integration. Sending a request to this endpoint does **not** trigger the Rule Engine. To update the audience's members, use the [Update customer profile](#tag/Customer-profiles/operation/updateCustomerProfileV2) endpoint.
### Example
@@ -1750,7 +1939,7 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new IntegrationApi(config);
- var audienceId = 56; // int | The ID of the audience. You get it via the `id` property when [creating an audience](#operation/createAudienceV2).
+ var audienceId = 56; // int | The ID of the audience.
var body = new UpdateAudience(); // UpdateAudience | body
@@ -1774,7 +1963,7 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **audienceId** | **int**| The ID of the audience. You get it via the `id` property when [creating an audience](#operation/createAudienceV2). |
+ **audienceId** | **int**| The ID of the audience. |
**body** | [**UpdateAudience**](UpdateAudience.md)| body |
### Return type
@@ -1805,7 +1994,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Update multiple customer profiles' audiences
-Update the specified customer profiles with the specified audiences. Use this endpoint when customers join or leave audiences. The limit of customer profiles per request is 1000.
+Add customer profiles to or remove them from an audience. The endpoint supports 1000 audience actions (`add` or `remove`) per request. **Note:** You can also do this using the [Update audience](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/rules/effects/using-effects#updating-an-audience) effect.
### Example
@@ -1878,11 +2067,11 @@ void (empty response body)
# **UpdateCustomerProfileV2**
-> IntegrationStateV2 UpdateCustomerProfileV2 (string integrationId, CustomerProfileIntegrationRequestV2 body, bool? runRuleEngine = null, bool? dry = null)
+> CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2 UpdateCustomerProfileV2 (string integrationId, CustomerProfileIntegrationRequestV2 body, bool? runRuleEngine = null, bool? dry = null)
Update customer profile
-Update or create a [Customer Profile](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities#customer-profile). This endpoint triggers the Rule Builder. You can use this endpoint to: - Set attributes on the given customer profile. Ensure you create the attributes in the Campaign Manager, first. - Modify the audience the customer profile is a member of. Performance tips
- Updating a customer profile returns a response with the requested integration state. - You can use the `responseContent` property to save yourself extra API calls. For example, you can get the customer profile details directly without extra requests. - We recommend sending requests sequentially. See [Managing parallel requests](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/getting-started/integration-tutorial#managing-parallel-requests).
+Update or create a [Customer Profile](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/customer-profiles). This endpoint triggers the Rule Builder. You can use this endpoint to: - Set attributes on the given customer profile. Ensure you create the attributes in the Campaign Manager, first. - Modify the audience the customer profile is a member of. Performance tips
- Updating a customer profile returns a response with the requested integration state. - You can use the `responseContent` property to save yourself extra API calls. For example, you can get the customer profile details directly without extra requests. - We recommend sending requests sequentially. See [Managing parallel requests](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/getting-started/integration-tutorial#managing-parallel-requests).
### Example
@@ -1914,7 +2103,7 @@ namespace Example
// Update customer profile
- IntegrationStateV2 result = apiInstance.UpdateCustomerProfileV2(integrationId, body, runRuleEngine, dry);
+ CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2 result = apiInstance.UpdateCustomerProfileV2(integrationId, body, runRuleEngine, dry);
catch (ApiException e)
@@ -1939,7 +2128,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -1956,7 +2145,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| **200** | OK | - |
| **400** | Bad request | - |
| **401** | Unauthorized - Invalid API key | - |
-| **409** | Too many requests - Avoid parallel requests. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/tutorials/integrating-talon-one#managing-parallel-requests). | - |
+| **409** | Too many requests or limit reached - Avoid parallel requests. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/tutorials/integrating-talon-one#managing-parallel-requests). | - |
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@@ -1966,7 +2155,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Update multiple customer profiles
-Update (or create) up to 1000 [customer profiles](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities#customer-profile) in 1 request. The `integrationId` must be any identifier that remains stable for the customer. Do not use an ID that the customer can update themselves. For example, you can use a database ID. A customer profile [can be linked to one or more sessions](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions).
+Update (or create) up to 1000 [customer profiles](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/customer-profiles) in 1 request. The `integrationId` must be any identifier that remains stable for the customer. Do not use an ID that the customer can update themselves. For example, you can use a database ID. A customer profile [can be linked to one or more sessions](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions). **Note:** This endpoint does not trigger the Rule Engine. To trigger the Rule Engine for customer profile updates, use the [Update customer profile](#tag/Customer-profiles/operation/updateCustomerProfileV2) endpoint.
### Example
@@ -2041,11 +2230,11 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **UpdateCustomerSessionV2**
-> IntegrationStateV2 UpdateCustomerSessionV2 (string customerSessionId, IntegrationRequest body, bool? dry = null)
+> IntegrationStateV2 UpdateCustomerSessionV2 (string customerSessionId, IntegrationRequest body, bool? dry = null, DateTime? now = null)
Update customer session
-Update or create a [customer session](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities#customer-session). The endpoint responds with the potential promotion rule [effects](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/api-effects) that match the current cart. For example, use this endpoint to share the contents of a customer's cart with Talon.One. **Note:** The currency for the session and the cart items in the session is the currency set for the Application that owns this session. ### Session management To use this endpoint, start by learning about [customer sessions](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities#customer-session) and their states and refer to the `state` parameter documentation the request body schema docs below. ### Sessions and customer profiles - To link a session to a customer profile, set the `profileId` parameter in the request body to a customer profile's `integrationId`. - While you can create an anonymous session with `profileId=\"\"`, we recommend you use a guest ID instead. - A profile can be linked to simultaneous sessions in different Applications. Either: - Use unique session integration IDs or, - Use the same session integration ID across all of the Applications. **Note:** If the specified profile does not exist, an empty profile is **created automatically**. You can update it with [Update customer profile](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-profiles/operation/updateCustomerProfileV2). Performance tips
- Updating a customer session returns a response with the new integration state. Use the `responseContent` property to save yourself extra API calls. For example, you can get the customer profile details directly without extra requests. - We recommend sending requests sequentially. See [Managing parallel requests](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/getting-started/integration-tutorial#managing-parallel-requests).
For more information, see: - The introductory video in [Getting started](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/getting-started/overview). - The [integration tutorial](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/tutorials/integrating-talon-one).
+Update or create a [customer session](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/customer-sessions). The endpoint responds with the potential promotion rule [effects](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/api-effects) that match the current cart. For example, use this endpoint to share the contents of a customer's cart with Talon.One. **Note:** The currency for the session and the cart items in the session is the currency set for the Application that owns this session. ### Session management To use this endpoint, start by learning about [customer sessions](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/customer-sessions) and their states and refer to the `state` parameter documentation the request body schema docs below. ### Sessions and customer profiles - To link a session to a customer profile, set the `profileId` parameter in the request body to a customer profile's `integrationId`. - While you can create an anonymous session with `profileId=\"\"`, we recommend you use a guest ID instead. - A profile can be linked to simultaneous sessions in different Applications. Either: - Use unique session integration IDs or, - Use the same session integration ID across all of the Applications. **Note:** If the specified profile does not exist, an empty profile is **created automatically**. You can update it with [Update customer profile](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-profiles/operation/updateCustomerProfileV2). Performance tips
- Updating a customer session returns a response with the new integration state. Use the `responseContent` property to save yourself extra API calls. For example, you can get the customer profile details directly without extra requests. - We recommend sending requests sequentially. See [Managing parallel requests](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/getting-started/integration-tutorial#managing-parallel-requests).
For more information, see: - The introductory video in [Getting started](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/getting-started/overview). - The [integration tutorial](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/tutorials/integrating-talon-one).
### Example
@@ -2071,12 +2260,13 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new IntegrationApi(config);
var customerSessionId = customerSessionId_example; // string | The `integration ID` of the customer session. You set this ID when you create a customer session. You can see existing customer session integration IDs in the Campaign Manager's **Sessions** menu, or via the [List Application session](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getApplicationSessions) endpoint.
var body = new IntegrationRequest(); // IntegrationRequest | body
- var dry = true; // bool? | Indicates whether to persist the changes. Changes are ignored when `dry=true`. When set to `true`, you can use the `evaluableCampaignIds` body property to select specific campaigns to run. (optional)
+ var dry = true; // bool? | Indicates whether to persist the changes. Changes are ignored when `dry=true`. When set to `true`: - The endpoint will **only** consider the payload that you pass when **closing** the session. When you do not use the `dry` parameter, the endpoint behaves as a typical PUT endpoint. Each update builds upon the previous ones. - You can use the `evaluableCampaignIds` body property to select specific campaigns to run. [See the docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/dry-requests). (optional)
+ var now = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | A timestamp value of a future date that acts as a current date when included in the query. Use this parameter, for example, to test campaigns that would be evaluated for this customer session in the future (say, [scheduled campaigns](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/settings/managing-campaign-schedule)). **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - It can **only** be a date in the future. - It can **only** be used if the `dry` parameter in the query is set to `true`. (optional)
// Update customer session
- IntegrationStateV2 result = apiInstance.UpdateCustomerSessionV2(customerSessionId, body, dry);
+ IntegrationStateV2 result = apiInstance.UpdateCustomerSessionV2(customerSessionId, body, dry, now);
catch (ApiException e)
@@ -2096,7 +2286,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**customerSessionId** | **string**| The `integration ID` of the customer session. You set this ID when you create a customer session. You can see existing customer session integration IDs in the Campaign Manager's **Sessions** menu, or via the [List Application session](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getApplicationSessions) endpoint. |
**body** | [**IntegrationRequest**](IntegrationRequest.md)| body |
- **dry** | **bool?**| Indicates whether to persist the changes. Changes are ignored when `dry=true`. When set to `true`, you can use the `evaluableCampaignIds` body property to select specific campaigns to run. | [optional]
+ **dry** | **bool?**| Indicates whether to persist the changes. Changes are ignored when `dry=true`. When set to `true`: - The endpoint will **only** consider the payload that you pass when **closing** the session. When you do not use the `dry` parameter, the endpoint behaves as a typical PUT endpoint. Each update builds upon the previous ones. - You can use the `evaluableCampaignIds` body property to select specific campaigns to run. [See the docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/dry-requests). | [optional]
+ **now** | **DateTime?**| A timestamp value of a future date that acts as a current date when included in the query. Use this parameter, for example, to test campaigns that would be evaluated for this customer session in the future (say, [scheduled campaigns](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/settings/managing-campaign-schedule)). **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - It can **only** be a date in the future. - It can **only** be used if the `dry` parameter in the query is set to `true`. | [optional]
### Return type
@@ -2117,7 +2308,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| **200** | OK | - |
| **400** | Bad request | - |
| **401** | Unauthorized - Invalid API key | - |
-| **409** | Too many requests - Avoid parallel requests. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/tutorials/integrating-talon-one#managing-parallel-requests). | - |
+| **409** | Too many requests or limit reached - Avoid parallel requests. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/tutorials/integrating-talon-one#managing-parallel-requests). | - |
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diff --git a/docs/IntegrationCoupon.md b/docs/IntegrationCoupon.md
index 0dd28f8..466e255 100644
--- a/docs/IntegrationCoupon.md
+++ b/docs/IntegrationCoupon.md
@@ -21,9 +21,10 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**ReferralId** | **int** | The integration ID of the referring customer (if any) for whom this coupon was created as an effect. | [optional]
**RecipientIntegrationId** | **string** | The Integration ID of the customer that is allowed to redeem this coupon. | [optional]
**ImportId** | **int** | The ID of the Import which created this coupon. | [optional]
-**Reservation** | **bool** | Defines the type of reservation: - `true`: The reservation is a soft reservation. Any customer can use the coupon. This is done via the [Create coupon reservation](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/createCouponReservation) endpoint. - `false`: The reservation is a hard reservation. Only the associated customer (`recipientIntegrationId`) can use the coupon. This is done via the Campaign Manager when you create a coupon for a given `recipientIntegrationId`, the [Create coupons](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/createCoupons) endpoint or [Create coupons for multiple recipients](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/createCouponsForMultipleRecipients) endpoint. | [optional] [default to true]
+**Reservation** | **bool** | Defines the reservation type: - `true`: The coupon can be reserved for multiple customers. - `false`: The coupon can be reserved only for one customer. It is a personal code. | [optional] [default to true]
**BatchId** | **string** | The id of the batch the coupon belongs to. | [optional]
-**IsReservationMandatory** | **bool** | Whether the reservation effect actually created a new reservation. | [optional] [default to true]
+**IsReservationMandatory** | **bool** | An indication of whether the code can be redeemed only if it has been reserved first. | [optional] [default to false]
+**ImplicitlyReserved** | **bool** | An indication of whether the coupon is implicitly reserved for all customers. | [optional]
**ProfileRedemptionCount** | **int** | The number of times the coupon was redeemed by the profile. |
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diff --git a/docs/IntegrationEvent.md b/docs/IntegrationEvent.md
index 918f476..794a115 100644
--- a/docs/IntegrationEvent.md
+++ b/docs/IntegrationEvent.md
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**ProfileId** | **string** | ID of the customer profile set by your integration layer. **Note:** If the customer does not yet have a known `profileId`, we recommend you use a guest `profileId`. | [optional]
+**StoreIntegrationId** | **string** | The integration ID of the store. You choose this ID when you create a store. | [optional]
**Type** | **string** | A string representing the event. Must not be a reserved event name. |
**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | Arbitrary additional JSON data associated with the event. |
diff --git a/docs/IntegrationEventV2Request.md b/docs/IntegrationEventV2Request.md
index 176b536..05ef832 100644
--- a/docs/IntegrationEventV2Request.md
+++ b/docs/IntegrationEventV2Request.md
@@ -4,9 +4,10 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**ProfileId** | **string** | ID of the customer profile set by your integration layer. **Note:** If the customer does not yet have a known `profileId`, we recommend you use a guest `profileId`. | [optional]
+**StoreIntegrationId** | **string** | The integration ID of the store. You choose this ID when you create a store. | [optional]
**EvaluableCampaignIds** | **List<int>** | When using the `dry` query parameter, use this property to list the campaign to be evaluated by the Rule Engine. These campaigns will be evaluated, even if they are disabled, allowing you to test specific campaigns before activating them. | [optional]
-**Type** | **string** | A string representing the event name. Must not be a reserved event name. You create this value when you [create an attribute](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/events#creating-a-custom-event) of type `event` in the Campaign Manager. |
-**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | Arbitrary additional JSON properties associated with the event. They must be created in the Campaign Manager before setting them with this property. See [creating custom attributes](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-attributes#creating-custom-attributes). | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | A string representing the event name. Must not be a reserved event name. You create this value when you [create an attribute](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/events#creating-a-custom-event) of type `event` in the Campaign Manager. |
+**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | Arbitrary additional JSON properties associated with the event. They must be created in the Campaign Manager before setting them with this property. See [creating custom attributes](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-attributes#creating-a-custom-attribute). | [optional]
**ResponseContent** | **List<string>** | Optional list of requested information to be present on the response related to the tracking custom event. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/IntegrationStoreEntity.md b/docs/IntegrationStoreEntity.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..844d0a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/IntegrationStoreEntity.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.IntegrationStoreEntity
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**StoreIntegrationId** | **string** | The integration ID of the store. You choose this ID when you create a store. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/InventoryCoupon.md b/docs/InventoryCoupon.md
index bd14b59..c5b1391 100644
--- a/docs/InventoryCoupon.md
+++ b/docs/InventoryCoupon.md
@@ -21,11 +21,12 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**ReferralId** | **int** | The integration ID of the referring customer (if any) for whom this coupon was created as an effect. | [optional]
**RecipientIntegrationId** | **string** | The Integration ID of the customer that is allowed to redeem this coupon. | [optional]
**ImportId** | **int** | The ID of the Import which created this coupon. | [optional]
-**Reservation** | **bool** | Defines the type of reservation: - `true`: The reservation is a soft reservation. Any customer can use the coupon. This is done via the [Create coupon reservation](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/createCouponReservation) endpoint. - `false`: The reservation is a hard reservation. Only the associated customer (`recipientIntegrationId`) can use the coupon. This is done via the Campaign Manager when you create a coupon for a given `recipientIntegrationId`, the [Create coupons](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/createCoupons) endpoint or [Create coupons for multiple recipients](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/createCouponsForMultipleRecipients) endpoint. | [optional] [default to true]
+**Reservation** | **bool** | Defines the reservation type: - `true`: The coupon can be reserved for multiple customers. - `false`: The coupon can be reserved only for one customer. It is a personal code. | [optional] [default to true]
**BatchId** | **string** | The id of the batch the coupon belongs to. | [optional]
-**IsReservationMandatory** | **bool** | Whether the reservation effect actually created a new reservation. | [optional] [default to true]
+**IsReservationMandatory** | **bool** | An indication of whether the code can be redeemed only if it has been reserved first. | [optional] [default to false]
+**ImplicitlyReserved** | **bool** | An indication of whether the coupon is implicitly reserved for all customers. | [optional]
**ProfileRedemptionCount** | **int** | The number of times the coupon was redeemed by the profile. |
-**State** | **string** | Can be: - `active`: The coupon can be used. It is a reserved coupon that is neither pending, used nor expired, and has a non-exhausted limit counter. - `used`: The coupon has been redeemed and cannot be used again. It is not pending and has reached its redemption limit or was redeemed by the profile before expiration. - `expired`: The coupon was never redeemed and it is now expired. It is non-pending, non-active and non-used by the profile. - `pending`: The coupon will be usable in the future. - `disabled`: The coupon is part of a non-active campaign. |
+**State** | **string** | Can be: - `active`: The coupon can be used. It is a reserved coupon that is not pending, used, or expired, and it has a non-exhausted limit counter. **Note:** This coupon state is returned for [scheduled campaigns](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/settings/managing-campaign-schedule), but the coupon cannot be used until the campaign is **running**. - `used`: The coupon has been redeemed and cannot be used again. It is not pending and has reached its redemption limit or was redeemed by the profile before expiration. - `expired`: The coupon was never redeemed, and it is now expired. It is non-pending, non-active, and non-used by the profile. - `pending`: The coupon will be usable in the future. - `disabled`: The coupon is part of a non-active campaign. |
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diff --git a/docs/LedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI.md b/docs/LedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a11491c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/LedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI.md
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.LedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI
+Loyalty profile points with start and expiry dates.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Id** | **int** | ID of the transaction that adds loyalty points. |
+**Created** | **DateTime** | Date and time the loyalty points were added. |
+**ProgramId** | **int** | ID of the loyalty program. |
+**CustomerSessionId** | **string** | ID of the customer session where points were added. | [optional]
+**Name** | **string** | Name or reason of the transaction that adds loyalty points. |
+**StartDate** | **string** | When points become active. Possible values: - `immediate`: Points are active immediately. - `timestamp value`: Points become active at a given date and time. |
+**ExpiryDate** | **string** | Date when points expire. Possible values are: - `unlimited`: Points have no expiration date. - `timestamp value`: Points expire on the given date and time. |
+**SubledgerId** | **string** | ID of the subledger. |
+**Amount** | **decimal** | Amount of loyalty points added in the transaction. |
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diff --git a/docs/LoginParams.md b/docs/LoginParams.md
index ef813e9..0c64bf8 100644
--- a/docs/LoginParams.md
+++ b/docs/LoginParams.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Email** | **string** | The email address associated with your account. |
+**Email** | **string** | The email address associated with the user profile. |
**Password** | **string** | The password for your account. |
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diff --git a/docs/LoyaltyCardBalances.md b/docs/LoyaltyCardBalances.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bf0e30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/LoyaltyCardBalances.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.LoyaltyCardBalances
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Balance** | [**LoyaltyBalance**](LoyaltyBalance.md) | | [optional]
+**SubledgerBalances** | [**Dictionary<string, LoyaltyBalance>**](LoyaltyBalance.md) | Map of the loyalty balances of the subledgers of a ledger. | [optional]
+**Profiles** | [**List<LoyaltyCardProfileRegistration>**](LoyaltyCardProfileRegistration.md) | Customer profiles linked to the loyalty card. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/LoyaltyCardProfileRegistration.md b/docs/LoyaltyCardProfileRegistration.md
index 3ddeda4..a6adfd0 100644
--- a/docs/LoyaltyCardProfileRegistration.md
+++ b/docs/LoyaltyCardProfileRegistration.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**IntegrationId** | **string** | Integration ID of the customer profile linked to the card. |
-**Timestamp** | **DateTime** | Timestamp of the registration to the card. |
+**Timestamp** | **DateTime** | Timestamp the customer profile was linked to the card. |
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diff --git a/docs/LoyaltyLedgerTransactions.md b/docs/LoyaltyLedgerTransactions.md
index 35bbe9a..7950803 100644
--- a/docs/LoyaltyLedgerTransactions.md
+++ b/docs/LoyaltyLedgerTransactions.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ List of loyalty ledger transactions.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**HasMore** | **bool** | true means there is more data in the source collection to request. | [optional]
+**HasMore** | **bool** | If `true`, it means that there is more data to request in the source collection. | [optional]
**Data** | [**List<LoyaltyLedgerEntry>**](LoyaltyLedgerEntry.md) | List of transaction entries from a loyalty ledger. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/LoyaltyProgram.md b/docs/LoyaltyProgram.md
index 0148946..b538b99 100644
--- a/docs/LoyaltyProgram.md
+++ b/docs/LoyaltyProgram.md
@@ -13,15 +13,18 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**AllowSubledger** | **bool** | Indicates if this program supports subledgers inside the program. |
**UsersPerCardLimit** | **int** | The max amount of user profiles with whom a card can be shared. This can be set to 0 for no limit. This property is only used when `cardBased` is `true`. | [optional]
**Sandbox** | **bool** | Indicates if this program is a live or sandbox program. Programs of a given type can only be connected to Applications of the same type. |
-**TiersExpireIn** | **string** | The duration is an **integer** followed by one letter indicating the time unit. Examples: `30s`, `40m`, `1h`, `5D`, `7W`, `10M`, `15Y`. Available units: - `s`: seconds - `m`: minutes - `h`: hours - `D`: days - `W`: weeks - `M`: months - `Y`: years You can round certain units up or down: - `_D` for rounding down days only. Signifies the start of the day. - `_U` for rounding up days, weeks, months and years. Signifies the end of the day, week, month or year. | [optional]
+**TiersExpirationPolicy** | **string** | The policy that defines which date is used to calculate the expiration date of a customer's current tier. - `tier_start_date`: The tier expiration date is calculated based on when the customer joined the current tier. - `program_join_date`: The tier expiration date is calculated based on when the customer joined the loyalty program. | [optional]
+**TiersExpireIn** | **string** | The amount of time after which the tier expires. The time format is an **integer** followed by one letter indicating the time unit. Examples: `30s`, `40m`, `1h`, `5D`, `7W`, `10M`, `15Y`. Available units: - `s`: seconds - `m`: minutes - `h`: hours - `D`: days - `W`: weeks - `M`: months - `Y`: years You can round certain units up or down: - `_D` for rounding down days only. Signifies the start of the day. - `_U` for rounding up days, weeks, months and years. Signifies the end of the day, week, month or year. | [optional]
**TiersDowngradePolicy** | **string** | Customers's tier downgrade policy. - `one_down`: Once the tier expires and if the user doesn't have enough points to stay in the tier, the user is downgraded one tier down. - `balance_based`: Once the tier expires, the user's tier is evaluated based on the amount of active points the user has at this instant. | [optional]
+**ProgramJoinPolicy** | **string** | The policy that defines when the customer joins the loyalty program. - `not_join`: The customer does not join the loyalty program but can still earn and spend loyalty points. **Note**: The customer does not have a program join date. - `points_activated`: The customer joins the loyalty program only when their earned loyalty points become active for the first time. - `points_earned`: The customer joins the loyalty program when they earn loyalty points for the first time. | [optional]
**AccountID** | **int** | The ID of the Talon.One account that owns this program. |
**Name** | **string** | The internal name for the Loyalty Program. This is an immutable value. |
**Tiers** | [**List<LoyaltyTier>**](LoyaltyTier.md) | The tiers in this loyalty program. | [optional]
**Timezone** | **string** | A string containing an IANA timezone descriptor. |
**CardBased** | **bool** | Defines the type of loyalty program: - `true`: the program is a card-based. - `false`: the program is profile-based. | [default to false]
-**CanUpdateTiers** | **bool** | True if it is possible to change tiers definition. | [optional] [default to false]
-**CanUpgradeToAdvancedTiers** | **bool** | True if it is possible to introduce tiersExpireIn and tiersDowngradePolicy. | [optional] [default to false]
+**CanUpdateTiers** | **bool** | `True` if the tier definitions can be updated. | [optional] [default to false]
+**CanUpdateJoinPolicy** | **bool** | Indicates whether the program join policy can be updated. The join policy can be updated when this value is set to `true`. | [optional]
+**CanUpgradeToAdvancedTiers** | **bool** | `True` if the program can be upgraded to use the `tiersExpireIn` and `tiersDowngradePolicy` properties. | [optional] [default to false]
[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/LoyaltyProgramLedgers.md b/docs/LoyaltyProgramLedgers.md
index 9334258..0b3aa10 100644
--- a/docs/LoyaltyProgramLedgers.md
+++ b/docs/LoyaltyProgramLedgers.md
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Id** | **int** | The internal ID of loyalty program. |
**Title** | **string** | Visible name of loyalty program. |
**Name** | **string** | Internal name of loyalty program. |
+**JoinDate** | **DateTime** | The date on which the customer joined the loyalty program in RFC3339. **Note**: This is in the loyalty program's time zone. | [optional]
**Ledger** | [**LedgerInfo**](LedgerInfo.md) | |
**SubLedgers** | [**Dictionary<string, LedgerInfo>**](LedgerInfo.md) | A map containing information about each loyalty subledger. | [optional]
diff --git a/docs/LoyaltyProgramTransaction.md b/docs/LoyaltyProgramTransaction.md
index deb5f5d..d72c3da 100644
--- a/docs/LoyaltyProgramTransaction.md
+++ b/docs/LoyaltyProgramTransaction.md
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Id** | **int** | ID of the loyalty ledger transaction. |
**ProgramId** | **int** | ID of the loyalty program. |
+**CampaignId** | **int** | ID of the campaign. | [optional]
**Created** | **DateTime** | Date and time the loyalty transaction occurred. |
**Type** | **string** | Type of transaction. Possible values: - `addition`: Signifies added points. - `subtraction`: Signifies deducted points. |
**Amount** | **decimal** | Amount of loyalty points added or deducted in the transaction. |
@@ -16,8 +17,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**SubledgerId** | **string** | ID of the subledger. |
**CustomerSessionId** | **string** | ID of the customer session where the transaction occurred. | [optional]
**ImportId** | **int** | ID of the import where the transaction occurred. | [optional]
-**UserId** | **int** | ID of the user who manually added or deducted points. Applies only for manual transactions. | [optional]
-**UserEmail** | **string** | The email of the user who manually added or deducted points. Applies only for manual transactions. | [optional]
+**UserId** | **int** | ID of the user who manually added or deducted points. Applies only to manual transactions. | [optional]
+**UserEmail** | **string** | The email of the Campaign Manager account that manually added or deducted points. Applies only to manual transactions. | [optional]
**RulesetId** | **int** | ID of the ruleset containing the rule that triggered the effect. Applies only for transactions that resulted from a customer session. | [optional]
**RuleName** | **string** | Name of the rule that triggered the effect. Applies only for transactions that resulted from a customer session. | [optional]
diff --git a/docs/ManagementApi.md b/docs/ManagementApi.md
index 5986186..7d41bfc 100644
--- a/docs/ManagementApi.md
+++ b/docs/ManagementApi.md
@@ -4,34 +4,45 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://yourbaseurl.talon.one*
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**ActivateUserByEmail**](ManagementApi.md#activateuserbyemail) | **POST** /v1/users/activate | Activate user by email address
[**AddLoyaltyCardPoints**](ManagementApi.md#addloyaltycardpoints) | **PUT** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/add_points | Add points to card
[**AddLoyaltyPoints**](ManagementApi.md#addloyaltypoints) | **PUT** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/profile/{integrationId}/add_points | Add points to customer profile
[**CopyCampaignToApplications**](ManagementApi.md#copycampaigntoapplications) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/copy | Copy the campaign into the specified Application
[**CreateAccountCollection**](ManagementApi.md#createaccountcollection) | **POST** /v1/collections | Create account-level collection
+[**CreateAchievement**](ManagementApi.md#createachievement) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/achievements | Create achievement
[**CreateAdditionalCost**](ManagementApi.md#createadditionalcost) | **POST** /v1/additional_costs | Create additional cost
[**CreateAttribute**](ManagementApi.md#createattribute) | **POST** /v1/attributes | Create custom attribute
[**CreateCampaignFromTemplate**](ManagementApi.md#createcampaignfromtemplate) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/create_campaign_from_template | Create campaign from campaign template
-[**CreateCollection**](ManagementApi.md#createcollection) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections | Create collection
+[**CreateCollection**](ManagementApi.md#createcollection) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections | Create campaign-level collection
[**CreateCoupons**](ManagementApi.md#createcoupons) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons | Create coupons
[**CreateCouponsAsync**](ManagementApi.md#createcouponsasync) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons_async | Create coupons asynchronously
[**CreateCouponsForMultipleRecipients**](ManagementApi.md#createcouponsformultiplerecipients) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons_with_recipients | Create coupons for multiple recipients
-[**CreateNotificationWebhook**](ManagementApi.md#createnotificationwebhook) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/notification_webhooks | Create notification about campaign-related changes
+[**CreateInviteEmail**](ManagementApi.md#createinviteemail) | **POST** /v1/invite_emails | Resend invitation email
+[**CreateInviteV2**](ManagementApi.md#createinvitev2) | **POST** /v2/invites | Invite user
[**CreatePasswordRecoveryEmail**](ManagementApi.md#createpasswordrecoveryemail) | **POST** /v1/password_recovery_emails | Request a password reset
[**CreateSession**](ManagementApi.md#createsession) | **POST** /v1/sessions | Create session
+[**CreateStore**](ManagementApi.md#createstore) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/stores | Create store
+[**DeactivateUserByEmail**](ManagementApi.md#deactivateuserbyemail) | **POST** /v1/users/deactivate | Deactivate user by email address
[**DeductLoyaltyCardPoints**](ManagementApi.md#deductloyaltycardpoints) | **PUT** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/deduct_points | Deduct points from card
[**DeleteAccountCollection**](ManagementApi.md#deleteaccountcollection) | **DELETE** /v1/collections/{collectionId} | Delete account-level collection
+[**DeleteAchievement**](ManagementApi.md#deleteachievement) | **DELETE** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/achievements/{achievementId} | Delete achievement
[**DeleteCampaign**](ManagementApi.md#deletecampaign) | **DELETE** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId} | Delete campaign
-[**DeleteCollection**](ManagementApi.md#deletecollection) | **DELETE** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId} | Delete collection
+[**DeleteCollection**](ManagementApi.md#deletecollection) | **DELETE** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId} | Delete campaign-level collection
[**DeleteCoupon**](ManagementApi.md#deletecoupon) | **DELETE** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons/{couponId} | Delete coupon
[**DeleteCoupons**](ManagementApi.md#deletecoupons) | **DELETE** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons | Delete coupons
[**DeleteLoyaltyCard**](ManagementApi.md#deleteloyaltycard) | **DELETE** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId} | Delete loyalty card
-[**DeleteNotificationWebhook**](ManagementApi.md#deletenotificationwebhook) | **DELETE** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/notification_webhooks/{notificationWebhookId} | Delete notification about campaign-related changes
[**DeleteReferral**](ManagementApi.md#deletereferral) | **DELETE** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/referrals/{referralId} | Delete referral
+[**DeleteStore**](ManagementApi.md#deletestore) | **DELETE** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/stores/{storeId} | Delete store
+[**DeleteUser**](ManagementApi.md#deleteuser) | **DELETE** /v1/users/{userId} | Delete user
+[**DeleteUserByEmail**](ManagementApi.md#deleteuserbyemail) | **POST** /v1/users/delete | Delete user by email address
[**DestroySession**](ManagementApi.md#destroysession) | **DELETE** /v1/sessions | Destroy session
[**ExportAccountCollectionItems**](ManagementApi.md#exportaccountcollectionitems) | **GET** /v1/collections/{collectionId}/export | Export account-level collection's items
-[**ExportCollectionItems**](ManagementApi.md#exportcollectionitems) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId}/export | Export a collection's items
+[**ExportAchievements**](ManagementApi.md#exportachievements) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/achievements/{achievementId}/export | Export achievement customer data
+[**ExportAudiencesMemberships**](ManagementApi.md#exportaudiencesmemberships) | **GET** /v1/audiences/{audienceId}/memberships/export | Export audience members
+[**ExportCollectionItems**](ManagementApi.md#exportcollectionitems) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId}/export | Export campaign-level collection's items
[**ExportCoupons**](ManagementApi.md#exportcoupons) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/export_coupons | Export coupons
[**ExportCustomerSessions**](ManagementApi.md#exportcustomersessions) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/export_customer_sessions | Export customer sessions
+[**ExportCustomersTiers**](ManagementApi.md#exportcustomerstiers) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/export_customers_tiers | Export customers' tier data
[**ExportEffects**](ManagementApi.md#exporteffects) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/export_effects | Export triggered effects
[**ExportLoyaltyBalance**](ManagementApi.md#exportloyaltybalance) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/export_customer_balance | Export customer loyalty balance to CSV
[**ExportLoyaltyBalances**](ManagementApi.md#exportloyaltybalances) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/export_customer_balances | Export customer loyalty balances
@@ -44,10 +55,10 @@ Method | HTTP request | Description
[**GetAccount**](ManagementApi.md#getaccount) | **GET** /v1/accounts/{accountId} | Get account details
[**GetAccountAnalytics**](ManagementApi.md#getaccountanalytics) | **GET** /v1/accounts/{accountId}/analytics | Get account analytics
[**GetAccountCollection**](ManagementApi.md#getaccountcollection) | **GET** /v1/collections/{collectionId} | Get account-level collection
+[**GetAchievement**](ManagementApi.md#getachievement) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/achievements/{achievementId} | Get achievement
[**GetAdditionalCost**](ManagementApi.md#getadditionalcost) | **GET** /v1/additional_costs/{additionalCostId} | Get additional cost
[**GetAdditionalCosts**](ManagementApi.md#getadditionalcosts) | **GET** /v1/additional_costs | List additional costs
[**GetAllAccessLogs**](ManagementApi.md#getallaccesslogs) | **GET** /v1/access_logs | List access logs
-[**GetAllRoles**](ManagementApi.md#getallroles) | **GET** /v1/roles | List roles
[**GetApplication**](ManagementApi.md#getapplication) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId} | Get Application
[**GetApplicationApiHealth**](ManagementApi.md#getapplicationapihealth) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/health_report | Get Application health
[**GetApplicationCustomer**](ManagementApi.md#getapplicationcustomer) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customers/{customerId} | Get application's customer
@@ -61,20 +72,25 @@ Method | HTTP request | Description
[**GetApplications**](ManagementApi.md#getapplications) | **GET** /v1/applications | List Applications
[**GetAttribute**](ManagementApi.md#getattribute) | **GET** /v1/attributes/{attributeId} | Get custom attribute
[**GetAttributes**](ManagementApi.md#getattributes) | **GET** /v1/attributes | List custom attributes
+[**GetAudienceMemberships**](ManagementApi.md#getaudiencememberships) | **GET** /v1/audiences/{audienceId}/memberships | List audience members
[**GetAudiences**](ManagementApi.md#getaudiences) | **GET** /v1/audiences | List audiences
+[**GetAudiencesAnalytics**](ManagementApi.md#getaudiencesanalytics) | **GET** /v1/audiences/analytics | List audience analytics
[**GetCampaign**](ManagementApi.md#getcampaign) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId} | Get campaign
[**GetCampaignAnalytics**](ManagementApi.md#getcampaignanalytics) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/analytics | Get analytics of campaigns
[**GetCampaignByAttributes**](ManagementApi.md#getcampaignbyattributes) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns_search | List campaigns that match the given attributes
+[**GetCampaignGroup**](ManagementApi.md#getcampaigngroup) | **GET** /v1/campaign_groups/{campaignGroupId} | Get campaign access group
+[**GetCampaignGroups**](ManagementApi.md#getcampaigngroups) | **GET** /v1/campaign_groups | List campaign access groups
[**GetCampaignTemplates**](ManagementApi.md#getcampaigntemplates) | **GET** /v1/campaign_templates | List campaign templates
[**GetCampaigns**](ManagementApi.md#getcampaigns) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns | List campaigns
[**GetChanges**](ManagementApi.md#getchanges) | **GET** /v1/changes | Get audit logs for an account
-[**GetCollection**](ManagementApi.md#getcollection) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId} | Get collection
+[**GetCollection**](ManagementApi.md#getcollection) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId} | Get campaign-level collection
[**GetCollectionItems**](ManagementApi.md#getcollectionitems) | **GET** /v1/collections/{collectionId}/items | Get collection items
[**GetCouponsWithoutTotalCount**](ManagementApi.md#getcouponswithouttotalcount) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons/no_total | List coupons
[**GetCustomerActivityReport**](ManagementApi.md#getcustomeractivityreport) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customer_activity_reports/{customerId} | Get customer's activity report
[**GetCustomerActivityReportsWithoutTotalCount**](ManagementApi.md#getcustomeractivityreportswithouttotalcount) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customer_activity_reports/no_total | Get Activity Reports for Application Customers
[**GetCustomerAnalytics**](ManagementApi.md#getcustomeranalytics) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customers/{customerId}/analytics | Get customer's analytics report
[**GetCustomerProfile**](ManagementApi.md#getcustomerprofile) | **GET** /v1/customers/{customerId} | Get customer profile
+[**GetCustomerProfileAchievementProgress**](ManagementApi.md#getcustomerprofileachievementprogress) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/achievement_progress/{integrationId} | List customer achievements
[**GetCustomerProfiles**](ManagementApi.md#getcustomerprofiles) | **GET** /v1/customers/no_total | List customer profiles
[**GetCustomersByAttributes**](ManagementApi.md#getcustomersbyattributes) | **POST** /v1/customer_search/no_total | List customer profiles matching the given attributes
[**GetEventTypes**](ManagementApi.md#geteventtypes) | **GET** /v1/event_types | List event types
@@ -87,33 +103,38 @@ Method | HTTP request | Description
[**GetLoyaltyProgramTransactions**](ManagementApi.md#getloyaltyprogramtransactions) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/transactions | List loyalty program transactions
[**GetLoyaltyPrograms**](ManagementApi.md#getloyaltyprograms) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs | List loyalty programs
[**GetLoyaltyStatistics**](ManagementApi.md#getloyaltystatistics) | **GET** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/statistics | Get loyalty program statistics
-[**GetNotificationWebhook**](ManagementApi.md#getnotificationwebhook) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/notification_webhooks/{notificationWebhookId} | Get notification about campaign-related changes
-[**GetNotificationWebhooks**](ManagementApi.md#getnotificationwebhooks) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/notification_webhooks | List notifications about campaign-related changes
[**GetReferralsWithoutTotalCount**](ManagementApi.md#getreferralswithouttotalcount) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/referrals/no_total | List referrals
-[**GetRole**](ManagementApi.md#getrole) | **GET** /v1/roles/{roleId} | Get role
+[**GetRoleV2**](ManagementApi.md#getrolev2) | **GET** /v2/roles/{roleId} | Get role
[**GetRuleset**](ManagementApi.md#getruleset) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/rulesets/{rulesetId} | Get ruleset
[**GetRulesets**](ManagementApi.md#getrulesets) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/rulesets | List campaign rulesets
+[**GetStore**](ManagementApi.md#getstore) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/stores/{storeId} | Get store
[**GetUser**](ManagementApi.md#getuser) | **GET** /v1/users/{userId} | Get user
[**GetUsers**](ManagementApi.md#getusers) | **GET** /v1/users | List users in account
[**GetWebhook**](ManagementApi.md#getwebhook) | **GET** /v1/webhooks/{webhookId} | Get webhook
[**GetWebhookActivationLogs**](ManagementApi.md#getwebhookactivationlogs) | **GET** /v1/webhook_activation_logs | List webhook activation log entries
[**GetWebhookLogs**](ManagementApi.md#getwebhooklogs) | **GET** /v1/webhook_logs | List webhook log entries
[**GetWebhooks**](ManagementApi.md#getwebhooks) | **GET** /v1/webhooks | List webhooks
-[**ImportAccountCollection**](ManagementApi.md#importaccountcollection) | **POST** /v1/collections/{collectionId}/import | Import data in existing account-level collection
+[**ImportAccountCollection**](ManagementApi.md#importaccountcollection) | **POST** /v1/collections/{collectionId}/import | Import data into existing account-level collection
[**ImportAllowedList**](ManagementApi.md#importallowedlist) | **POST** /v1/attributes/{attributeId}/allowed_list/import | Import allowed values for attribute
-[**ImportCollection**](ManagementApi.md#importcollection) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId}/import | Import data in existing collection
+[**ImportAudiencesMemberships**](ManagementApi.md#importaudiencesmemberships) | **POST** /v1/audiences/{audienceId}/memberships/import | Import audience members
+[**ImportCollection**](ManagementApi.md#importcollection) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId}/import | Import data into existing campaign-level collection
[**ImportCoupons**](ManagementApi.md#importcoupons) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/import_coupons | Import coupons
[**ImportLoyaltyCards**](ManagementApi.md#importloyaltycards) | **POST** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/import_cards | Import loyalty cards
[**ImportLoyaltyCustomersTiers**](ManagementApi.md#importloyaltycustomerstiers) | **POST** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/import_customers_tiers | Import customers into loyalty tiers
[**ImportLoyaltyPoints**](ManagementApi.md#importloyaltypoints) | **POST** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/import_points | Import loyalty points
[**ImportPoolGiveaways**](ManagementApi.md#importpoolgiveaways) | **POST** /v1/giveaways/pools/{poolId}/import | Import giveaway codes into a giveaway pool
[**ImportReferrals**](ManagementApi.md#importreferrals) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/import_referrals | Import referrals
+[**InviteUserExternal**](ManagementApi.md#inviteuserexternal) | **POST** /v1/users/invite | Invite user from identity provider
[**ListAccountCollections**](ManagementApi.md#listaccountcollections) | **GET** /v1/collections | List collections in account
+[**ListAchievements**](ManagementApi.md#listachievements) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/achievements | List achievements
+[**ListAllRolesV2**](ManagementApi.md#listallrolesv2) | **GET** /v2/roles | List roles
[**ListCatalogItems**](ManagementApi.md#listcatalogitems) | **GET** /v1/catalogs/{catalogId}/items | List items in a catalog
-[**ListCollections**](ManagementApi.md#listcollections) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections | List collections
-[**ListCollectionsInApplication**](ManagementApi.md#listcollectionsinapplication) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/collections | List collections in application
+[**ListCollections**](ManagementApi.md#listcollections) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections | List collections in campaign
+[**ListCollectionsInApplication**](ManagementApi.md#listcollectionsinapplication) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/collections | List collections in Application
+[**ListStores**](ManagementApi.md#liststores) | **GET** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/stores | List stores
+[**NotificationActivation**](ManagementApi.md#notificationactivation) | **PUT** /v1/notifications/{notificationId}/activation | Activate or deactivate notification
[**PostAddedDeductedPointsNotification**](ManagementApi.md#postaddeddeductedpointsnotification) | **POST** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/notifications/added_deducted_points | Create notification about added or deducted loyalty points
-[**PostCatalogsStrikethroughNotification**](ManagementApi.md#postcatalogsstrikethroughnotification) | **POST** /v1/catalogs/{applicationId}/notifications/strikethrough | Create strikethrough notification
+[**PostCatalogsStrikethroughNotification**](ManagementApi.md#postcatalogsstrikethroughnotification) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/catalogs/notifications/strikethrough | Create strikethrough notification
[**PostPendingPointsNotification**](ManagementApi.md#postpendingpointsnotification) | **POST** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/notifications/pending_points | Create notification about pending loyalty points
[**RemoveLoyaltyPoints**](ManagementApi.md#removeloyaltypoints) | **PUT** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/profile/{integrationId}/deduct_points | Deduct points from customer profile
[**ResetPassword**](ManagementApi.md#resetpassword) | **POST** /v1/reset_password | Reset password
@@ -121,17 +142,98 @@ Method | HTTP request | Description
[**SearchCouponsAdvancedWithoutTotalCount**](ManagementApi.md#searchcouponsadvancedwithouttotalcount) | **POST** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons_search_advanced/no_total | List coupons that match the given attributes in campaign (without total count)
[**TransferLoyaltyCard**](ManagementApi.md#transferloyaltycard) | **PUT** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId}/transfer | Transfer card data
[**UpdateAccountCollection**](ManagementApi.md#updateaccountcollection) | **PUT** /v1/collections/{collectionId} | Update account-level collection
+[**UpdateAchievement**](ManagementApi.md#updateachievement) | **PUT** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/achievements/{achievementId} | Update achievement
[**UpdateAdditionalCost**](ManagementApi.md#updateadditionalcost) | **PUT** /v1/additional_costs/{additionalCostId} | Update additional cost
[**UpdateAttribute**](ManagementApi.md#updateattribute) | **PUT** /v1/attributes/{attributeId} | Update custom attribute
[**UpdateCampaign**](ManagementApi.md#updatecampaign) | **PUT** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId} | Update campaign
-[**UpdateCollection**](ManagementApi.md#updatecollection) | **PUT** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId} | Update collection description
+[**UpdateCollection**](ManagementApi.md#updatecollection) | **PUT** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/collections/{collectionId} | Update campaign-level collection's description
[**UpdateCoupon**](ManagementApi.md#updatecoupon) | **PUT** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons/{couponId} | Update coupon
[**UpdateCouponBatch**](ManagementApi.md#updatecouponbatch) | **PUT** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons | Update coupons
[**UpdateLoyaltyCard**](ManagementApi.md#updateloyaltycard) | **PUT** /v1/loyalty_programs/{loyaltyProgramId}/cards/{loyaltyCardId} | Update loyalty card status
-[**UpdateNotificationWebhook**](ManagementApi.md#updatenotificationwebhook) | **PUT** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/notification_webhooks/{notificationWebhookId} | Update notification about campaign-related changes
[**UpdateReferral**](ManagementApi.md#updatereferral) | **PUT** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/referrals/{referralId} | Update referral
+[**UpdateRoleV2**](ManagementApi.md#updaterolev2) | **PUT** /v2/roles/{roleId} | Update role
+[**UpdateStore**](ManagementApi.md#updatestore) | **PUT** /v1/applications/{applicationId}/stores/{storeId} | Update store
+[**UpdateUser**](ManagementApi.md#updateuser) | **PUT** /v1/users/{userId} | Update user
+# **ActivateUserByEmail**
+> void ActivateUserByEmail (ActivateUserRequest body)
+Activate user by email address
+Activate a deactivated user by their email address.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class ActivateUserByEmailExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var body = new ActivateUserRequest(); // ActivateUserRequest | body
+ try
+ {
+ // Activate user by email address
+ apiInstance.ActivateUserByEmail(body);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ActivateUserByEmail: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **body** | [**ActivateUserRequest**](ActivateUserRequest.md)| body |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **204** | No Content | - |
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# **AddLoyaltyCardPoints**
> void AddLoyaltyCardPoints (int loyaltyProgramId, string loyaltyCardId, AddLoyaltyPoints body)
@@ -304,7 +406,7 @@ void (empty response body)
# **CopyCampaignToApplications**
-> InlineResponse2004 CopyCampaignToApplications (int applicationId, int campaignId, CampaignCopy body)
+> InlineResponse2006 CopyCampaignToApplications (int applicationId, int campaignId, CampaignCopy body)
Copy the campaign into the specified Application
@@ -343,7 +445,7 @@ namespace Example
// Copy the campaign into the specified Application
- InlineResponse2004 result = apiInstance.CopyCampaignToApplications(applicationId, campaignId, body);
+ InlineResponse2006 result = apiInstance.CopyCampaignToApplications(applicationId, campaignId, body);
catch (ApiException e)
@@ -367,7 +469,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -391,7 +493,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Create account-level collection
-Create account-level collection.
+Create an account-level collection.
### Example
@@ -463,7 +565,93 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| **201** | Created | - |
| **400** | Bad request | - |
| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
-| **409** | Conflict. A Collection with this name already exists. | - |
+| **409** | Conflict. A collection with this name already exists. | - |
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+# **CreateAchievement**
+> Achievement CreateAchievement (int applicationId, int campaignId, CreateAchievement body)
+Create achievement
+Create a new achievement in a specific campaign.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class CreateAchievementExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var body = new CreateAchievement(); // CreateAchievement | body
+ try
+ {
+ // Create achievement
+ Achievement result = apiInstance.CreateAchievement(applicationId, campaignId, body);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.CreateAchievement: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **body** | [**CreateAchievement**](CreateAchievement.md)| body |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **201** | Created | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **409** | Conflict. An achievement with this name or title already exists. | - |
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@@ -710,9 +898,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **CreateCollection**
> Collection CreateCollection (int applicationId, int campaignId, NewCampaignCollection body)
-Create collection
+Create campaign-level collection
-Create a collection.
+Create a campaign-level collection in a given campaign.
### Example
@@ -746,7 +934,7 @@ namespace Example
- // Create collection
+ // Create campaign-level collection
Collection result = apiInstance.CreateCollection(applicationId, campaignId, body);
@@ -791,7 +979,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **CreateCoupons**
-> InlineResponse2007 CreateCoupons (int applicationId, int campaignId, NewCoupons body, string silent = null)
+> InlineResponse2008 CreateCoupons (int applicationId, int campaignId, NewCoupons body, string silent = null)
Create coupons
@@ -831,7 +1019,7 @@ namespace Example
// Create coupons
- InlineResponse2007 result = apiInstance.CreateCoupons(applicationId, campaignId, body, silent);
+ InlineResponse2008 result = apiInstance.CreateCoupons(applicationId, campaignId, body, silent);
catch (ApiException e)
@@ -856,7 +1044,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -960,7 +1148,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **CreateCouponsForMultipleRecipients**
-> InlineResponse2007 CreateCouponsForMultipleRecipients (int applicationId, int campaignId, NewCouponsForMultipleRecipients body, string silent = null)
+> InlineResponse2008 CreateCouponsForMultipleRecipients (int applicationId, int campaignId, NewCouponsForMultipleRecipients body, string silent = null)
Create coupons for multiple recipients
@@ -1000,7 +1188,7 @@ namespace Example
// Create coupons for multiple recipients
- InlineResponse2007 result = apiInstance.CreateCouponsForMultipleRecipients(applicationId, campaignId, body, silent);
+ InlineResponse2008 result = apiInstance.CreateCouponsForMultipleRecipients(applicationId, campaignId, body, silent);
catch (ApiException e)
@@ -1025,7 +1213,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -1044,13 +1232,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **CreateNotificationWebhook**
-> NotificationWebhook CreateNotificationWebhook (int applicationId, NewNotificationWebhook body)
+# **CreateInviteEmail**
+> NewInviteEmail CreateInviteEmail (NewInviteEmail body)
-Create notification about campaign-related changes
+Resend invitation email
-Create a [notification about campaign-related changes](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/applications/outbound-notifications). A notification about campaign-related changes is different from regular webhooks in that it is Application-scoped and has a predefined payload. [Regular webhooks](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/getting-started/webhooks) have user-definable payloads. **Tip:** - You can create these notifications using the Campaign Manager. See [Managing notifications](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/applications/outbound-notifications). - You can review the payload you will receive in the [specs](https://docs.talon.one/outbound-notifications#/paths/campaign_created/post).
+Resend an email invitation to an existing user. **Note:** The invitation token is valid for 24 hours after the email has been sent.
### Example
@@ -1062,7 +1250,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class CreateNotificationWebhookExample
+ public class CreateInviteEmailExample
public static void Main()
@@ -1078,18 +1266,17 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var body = new NewNotificationWebhook(); // NewNotificationWebhook | body
+ var body = new NewInviteEmail(); // NewInviteEmail | body
- // Create notification about campaign-related changes
- NotificationWebhook result = apiInstance.CreateNotificationWebhook(applicationId, body);
+ // Resend invitation email
+ NewInviteEmail result = apiInstance.CreateInviteEmail(body);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.CreateNotificationWebhook: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.CreateInviteEmail: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -1102,12 +1289,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **body** | [**NewNotificationWebhook**](NewNotificationWebhook.md)| body |
+ **body** | [**NewInviteEmail**](NewInviteEmail.md)| body |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -1125,13 +1311,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **CreatePasswordRecoveryEmail**
-> NewPasswordEmail CreatePasswordRecoveryEmail (NewPasswordEmail body)
+# **CreateInviteV2**
+> User CreateInviteV2 (NewInvitation body)
-Request a password reset
+Invite user
-Send an email with a password recovery link to the email address of an existing account. **Note:** The password recovery link expires 30 minutes after this endpoint is triggered.
+Create a new user in the account and send an invitation to their email address. **Note**: The invitation token is valid for 24 hours after the email has been sent. You can resend an invitation to a user with the [Resend invitation email](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Accounts-and-users/operation/createInviteEmail) endpoint.
### Example
@@ -1143,7 +1329,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class CreatePasswordRecoveryEmailExample
+ public class CreateInviteV2Example
public static void Main()
@@ -1159,17 +1345,17 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var body = new NewPasswordEmail(); // NewPasswordEmail | body
+ var body = new NewInvitation(); // NewInvitation | body
- // Request a password reset
- NewPasswordEmail result = apiInstance.CreatePasswordRecoveryEmail(body);
+ // Invite user
+ User result = apiInstance.CreateInviteV2(body);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.CreatePasswordRecoveryEmail: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.CreateInviteV2: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -1182,11 +1368,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **body** | [**NewPasswordEmail**](NewPasswordEmail.md)| body |
+ **body** | [**NewInvitation**](NewInvitation.md)| body |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -1200,17 +1386,17 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
-| **204** | Created | - |
+| **201** | Created | - |
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-# **CreateSession**
-> Session CreateSession (LoginParams body)
+# **CreatePasswordRecoveryEmail**
+> NewPasswordEmail CreatePasswordRecoveryEmail (NewPasswordEmail body)
-Create session
+Request a password reset
-Create a session to use the Management API endpoints. Use the value of the `token` property provided in the response as bearer token in other API calls. A token is valid for 3 months. In accordance with best pratices, use your generated token for all your API requests. Do **not** regenerate a token for each request. This endpoint has a rate limit of 3 to 6 requests per second per account, depending on your setup. Granular API key
Instead of using a session, you can also use the
Management API key feature in the Campaign Manager to decide which endpoints can be used with a given key.
+Send an email with a password recovery link to the email address of an existing account. **Note:** The password recovery link expires 30 minutes after this endpoint is triggered.
### Example
@@ -1222,7 +1408,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class CreateSessionExample
+ public class CreatePasswordRecoveryEmailExample
public static void Main()
@@ -1238,17 +1424,17 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var body = new LoginParams(); // LoginParams | body
+ var body = new NewPasswordEmail(); // NewPasswordEmail | body
- // Create session
- Session result = apiInstance.CreateSession(body);
+ // Request a password reset
+ NewPasswordEmail result = apiInstance.CreatePasswordRecoveryEmail(body);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.CreateSession: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.CreatePasswordRecoveryEmail: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -1261,11 +1447,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **body** | [**LoginParams**](LoginParams.md)| body |
+ **body** | [**NewPasswordEmail**](NewPasswordEmail.md)| body |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -1279,17 +1465,17 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
-| **201** | Created | - |
+| **204** | Created | - |
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-# **DeductLoyaltyCardPoints**
-> void DeductLoyaltyCardPoints (int loyaltyProgramId, string loyaltyCardId, DeductLoyaltyPoints body)
+# **CreateSession**
+> Session CreateSession (LoginParams body)
-Deduct points from card
+Create session
-Deduct points from the given loyalty card in the specified card-based loyalty program.
+Create a session to use the Management API endpoints. Use the value of the `token` property provided in the response as bearer token in other API calls. A token is valid for 3 months. In accordance with best pratices, use your generated token for all your API requests. Do **not** regenerate a token for each request. This endpoint has a rate limit of 3 to 6 requests per second per account, depending on your setup. Granular API key
Instead of using a session, you can also use the
Management API key feature in the Campaign Manager to decide which endpoints can be used with a given key.
### Example
@@ -1301,7 +1487,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class DeductLoyaltyCardPointsExample
+ public class CreateSessionExample
public static void Main()
@@ -1317,18 +1503,17 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
- var loyaltyCardId = loyaltyCardId_example; // string | Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint.
- var body = new DeductLoyaltyPoints(); // DeductLoyaltyPoints | body
+ var body = new LoginParams(); // LoginParams | body
- // Deduct points from card
- apiInstance.DeductLoyaltyCardPoints(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId, body);
+ // Create session
+ Session result = apiInstance.CreateSession(body);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeductLoyaltyCardPoints: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.CreateSession: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -1341,13 +1526,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
- **loyaltyCardId** | **string**| Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint. |
- **body** | [**DeductLoyaltyPoints**](DeductLoyaltyPoints.md)| body |
+ **body** | [**LoginParams**](LoginParams.md)| body |
### Return type
-void (empty response body)
### Authorization
@@ -1361,20 +1544,17 @@ void (empty response body)
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
-| **204** | No Content | - |
-| **400** | Bad request | - |
-| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
-| **404** | Not found | - |
+| **201** | Created | - |
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-# **DeleteAccountCollection**
-> void DeleteAccountCollection (int collectionId)
+# **CreateStore**
+> Store CreateStore (int applicationId, NewStore body)
-Delete account-level collection
+Create store
-Delete the given account-level collection.
+Create a new store in a specific Application.
### Example
@@ -1386,7 +1566,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class DeleteAccountCollectionExample
+ public class CreateStoreExample
public static void Main()
@@ -1402,16 +1582,18 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint.
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var body = new NewStore(); // NewStore | body
- // Delete account-level collection
- apiInstance.DeleteAccountCollection(collectionId);
+ // Create store
+ Store result = apiInstance.CreateStore(applicationId, body);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteAccountCollection: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.CreateStore: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -1424,11 +1606,12 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint. |
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **body** | [**NewStore**](NewStore.md)| body |
### Return type
-void (empty response body)
### Authorization
@@ -1436,24 +1619,25 @@ void (empty response body)
### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
-| **204** | No Content | - |
-| **404** | Not found | - |
+| **201** | Created | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
+| **409** | Conflict. A store with this integration ID already exists for this application. | - |
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-# **DeleteCampaign**
-> void DeleteCampaign (int applicationId, int campaignId)
+# **DeactivateUserByEmail**
+> void DeactivateUserByEmail (DeactivateUserRequest body)
-Delete campaign
+Deactivate user by email address
-Delete the given campaign.
+Deactivate a specific user by their email address.
### Example
@@ -1465,7 +1649,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class DeleteCampaignExample
+ public class DeactivateUserByEmailExample
public static void Main()
@@ -1481,17 +1665,16 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var body = new DeactivateUserRequest(); // DeactivateUserRequest | body
- // Delete campaign
- apiInstance.DeleteCampaign(applicationId, campaignId);
+ // Deactivate user by email address
+ apiInstance.DeactivateUserByEmail(body);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteCampaign: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeactivateUserByEmail: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -1504,8 +1687,7 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **body** | [**DeactivateUserRequest**](DeactivateUserRequest.md)| body |
### Return type
@@ -1517,7 +1699,7 @@ void (empty response body)
### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: Not defined
### HTTP response details
@@ -1527,13 +1709,13 @@ void (empty response body)
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-# **DeleteCollection**
-> void DeleteCollection (int applicationId, int campaignId, int collectionId)
+# **DeductLoyaltyCardPoints**
+> void DeductLoyaltyCardPoints (int loyaltyProgramId, string loyaltyCardId, DeductLoyaltyPoints body)
-Delete collection
+Deduct points from card
-Delete the given collection.
+Deduct points from the given loyalty card in the specified card-based loyalty program.
### Example
@@ -1545,7 +1727,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class DeleteCollectionExample
+ public class DeductLoyaltyCardPointsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -1561,18 +1743,18 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint.
+ var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
+ var loyaltyCardId = loyaltyCardId_example; // string | Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint.
+ var body = new DeductLoyaltyPoints(); // DeductLoyaltyPoints | body
- // Delete collection
- apiInstance.DeleteCollection(applicationId, campaignId, collectionId);
+ // Deduct points from card
+ apiInstance.DeductLoyaltyCardPoints(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId, body);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteCollection: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeductLoyaltyCardPoints: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -1585,9 +1767,9 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint. |
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
+ **loyaltyCardId** | **string**| Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint. |
+ **body** | [**DeductLoyaltyPoints**](DeductLoyaltyPoints.md)| body |
### Return type
@@ -1599,24 +1781,26 @@ void (empty response body)
### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **204** | No Content | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **DeleteCoupon**
-> void DeleteCoupon (int applicationId, int campaignId, string couponId)
+# **DeleteAccountCollection**
+> void DeleteAccountCollection (int collectionId)
-Delete coupon
+Delete account-level collection
-Delete the specified coupon.
+Delete a given account-level collection.
### Example
@@ -1628,7 +1812,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class DeleteCouponExample
+ public class DeleteAccountCollectionExample
public static void Main()
@@ -1644,18 +1828,16 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var couponId = couponId_example; // string | The internal ID of the coupon code. You can find this value in the `id` property from the [List coupons](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Coupons/operation/getCouponsWithoutTotalCount) endpoint response.
+ var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in account](#operation/listAccountCollections) endpoint.
- // Delete coupon
- apiInstance.DeleteCoupon(applicationId, campaignId, couponId);
+ // Delete account-level collection
+ apiInstance.DeleteAccountCollection(collectionId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteCoupon: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteAccountCollection: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -1668,9 +1850,7 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **couponId** | **string**| The internal ID of the coupon code. You can find this value in the `id` property from the [List coupons](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Coupons/operation/getCouponsWithoutTotalCount) endpoint response. |
+ **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in account](#operation/listAccountCollections) endpoint. |
### Return type
@@ -1683,22 +1863,23 @@ void (empty response body)
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **204** | No Content | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **DeleteCoupons**
-> void DeleteCoupons (int applicationId, int campaignId, string value = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, DateTime? startsAfter = null, DateTime? startsBefore = null, DateTime? expiresAfter = null, DateTime? expiresBefore = null, string valid = null, string batchId = null, string usable = null, int? referralId = null, string recipientIntegrationId = null, bool? exactMatch = null)
+# **DeleteAchievement**
+> void DeleteAchievement (int applicationId, int campaignId, int achievementId)
-Delete coupons
+Delete achievement
-Deletes all the coupons matching the specified criteria.
+Delete the specified achievement.
### Example
@@ -1710,7 +1891,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class DeleteCouponsExample
+ public class DeleteAchievementExample
public static void Main()
@@ -1728,28 +1909,16 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var value = value_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the coupon code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. (optional)
- var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var startsAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var startsBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var expiresAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var expiresBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var valid = valid_example; // string | - `expired`: Matches coupons in which the expiration date is set and in the past. - `validNow`: Matches coupons in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future. - `validFuture`: Matches coupons in which start date is set and in the future. (optional)
- var batchId = batchId_example; // string | Filter results by batches of coupons (optional)
- var usable = usable_example; // string | - `true`: only coupons where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned. - `false`: only coupons where `usageCounter >= usageLimit` will be returned. (optional)
- var referralId = 56; // int? | Filter the results by matching them with the ID of a referral. This filter shows the coupons created by redeeming a referral code. (optional)
- var recipientIntegrationId = recipientIntegrationId_example; // string | Filter results by match with a profile id specified in the coupon's `RecipientIntegrationId` field. (optional)
- var exactMatch = true; // bool? | Filter results to an exact case-insensitive matching against the coupon code (optional) (default to false)
+ var achievementId = 56; // int | The ID of the achievement. You can get this ID with the [List achievement](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Achievements/operation/listAchievements) endpoint.
- // Delete coupons
- apiInstance.DeleteCoupons(applicationId, campaignId, value, createdBefore, createdAfter, startsAfter, startsBefore, expiresAfter, expiresBefore, valid, batchId, usable, referralId, recipientIntegrationId, exactMatch);
+ // Delete achievement
+ apiInstance.DeleteAchievement(applicationId, campaignId, achievementId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteCoupons: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteAchievement: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -1764,19 +1933,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
**campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **value** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the coupon code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. | [optional]
- **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **startsAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **startsBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **expiresAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **expiresBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **valid** | **string**| - `expired`: Matches coupons in which the expiration date is set and in the past. - `validNow`: Matches coupons in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future. - `validFuture`: Matches coupons in which start date is set and in the future. | [optional]
- **batchId** | **string**| Filter results by batches of coupons | [optional]
- **usable** | **string**| - `true`: only coupons where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned. - `false`: only coupons where `usageCounter >= usageLimit` will be returned. | [optional]
- **referralId** | **int?**| Filter the results by matching them with the ID of a referral. This filter shows the coupons created by redeeming a referral code. | [optional]
- **recipientIntegrationId** | **string**| Filter results by match with a profile id specified in the coupon's `RecipientIntegrationId` field. | [optional]
- **exactMatch** | **bool?**| Filter results to an exact case-insensitive matching against the coupon code | [optional] [default to false]
+ **achievementId** | **int**| The ID of the achievement. You can get this ID with the [List achievement](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Achievements/operation/listAchievements) endpoint. |
### Return type
@@ -1789,22 +1946,24 @@ void (empty response body)
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **204** | No Content | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **DeleteLoyaltyCard**
-> void DeleteLoyaltyCard (int loyaltyProgramId, string loyaltyCardId)
+# **DeleteCampaign**
+> void DeleteCampaign (int applicationId, int campaignId)
-Delete loyalty card
+Delete campaign
-Delete the given loyalty card.
+Delete the given campaign.
### Example
@@ -1816,7 +1975,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class DeleteLoyaltyCardExample
+ public class DeleteCampaignExample
public static void Main()
@@ -1832,17 +1991,17 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
- var loyaltyCardId = loyaltyCardId_example; // string | Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint.
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- // Delete loyalty card
- apiInstance.DeleteLoyaltyCard(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId);
+ // Delete campaign
+ apiInstance.DeleteCampaign(applicationId, campaignId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteLoyaltyCard: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteCampaign: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -1855,8 +2014,8 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
- **loyaltyCardId** | **string**| Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint. |
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
### Return type
@@ -1869,24 +2028,22 @@ void (empty response body)
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **204** | No Content | - |
-| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
-| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **DeleteNotificationWebhook**
-> void DeleteNotificationWebhook (int applicationId, int notificationWebhookId)
+# **DeleteCollection**
+> void DeleteCollection (int applicationId, int campaignId, int collectionId)
-Delete notification about campaign-related changes
+Delete campaign-level collection
-Remove the given existing [notification about campaign-related changes](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/applications/outbound-notifications).
+Delete a given campaign-level collection.
### Example
@@ -1898,7 +2055,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class DeleteNotificationWebhookExample
+ public class DeleteCollectionExample
public static void Main()
@@ -1915,16 +2072,17 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var notificationWebhookId = 56; // int | The ID of the webhook. Get it with the appropriate _List notifications_ endpoint.
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in Application](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint.
- // Delete notification about campaign-related changes
- apiInstance.DeleteNotificationWebhook(applicationId, notificationWebhookId);
+ // Delete campaign-level collection
+ apiInstance.DeleteCollection(applicationId, campaignId, collectionId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteNotificationWebhook: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteCollection: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -1938,7 +2096,8 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **notificationWebhookId** | **int**| The ID of the webhook. Get it with the appropriate _List notifications_ endpoint. |
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in Application](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint. |
### Return type
@@ -1951,22 +2110,23 @@ void (empty response body)
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **204** | No Content | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
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-# **DeleteReferral**
-> void DeleteReferral (int applicationId, int campaignId, string referralId)
+# **DeleteCoupon**
+> void DeleteCoupon (int applicationId, int campaignId, string couponId)
-Delete referral
+Delete coupon
-Delete the specified referral.
+Delete the specified coupon.
### Example
@@ -1978,7 +2138,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class DeleteReferralExample
+ public class DeleteCouponExample
public static void Main()
@@ -1996,16 +2156,16 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var referralId = referralId_example; // string | The ID of the referral code.
+ var couponId = couponId_example; // string | The internal ID of the coupon code. You can find this value in the `id` property from the [List coupons](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Coupons/operation/getCouponsWithoutTotalCount) endpoint response.
- // Delete referral
- apiInstance.DeleteReferral(applicationId, campaignId, referralId);
+ // Delete coupon
+ apiInstance.DeleteCoupon(applicationId, campaignId, couponId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteReferral: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteCoupon: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -2020,7 +2180,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
**campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **referralId** | **string**| The ID of the referral code. |
+ **couponId** | **string**| The internal ID of the coupon code. You can find this value in the `id` property from the [List coupons](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Coupons/operation/getCouponsWithoutTotalCount) endpoint response. |
### Return type
@@ -2042,13 +2202,13 @@ void (empty response body)
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-# **DestroySession**
-> void DestroySession ()
+# **DeleteCoupons**
+> void DeleteCoupons (int applicationId, int campaignId, string value = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, DateTime? startsAfter = null, DateTime? startsBefore = null, DateTime? expiresAfter = null, DateTime? expiresBefore = null, string valid = null, string batchId = null, string usable = null, int? referralId = null, string recipientIntegrationId = null, bool? exactMatch = null)
-Destroy session
+Delete coupons
-Destroys the session.
+Deletes all the coupons matching the specified criteria.
### Example
@@ -2060,7 +2220,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class DestroySessionExample
+ public class DeleteCouponsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -2076,15 +2236,30 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var value = value_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the coupon code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. (optional)
+ var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var startsAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var startsBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var expiresAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var expiresBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var valid = valid_example; // string | - `expired`: Matches coupons in which the expiration date is set and in the past. - `validNow`: Matches coupons in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future. - `validFuture`: Matches coupons in which start date is set and in the future. (optional)
+ var batchId = batchId_example; // string | Filter results by batches of coupons (optional)
+ var usable = usable_example; // string | - `true`: only coupons where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned. - `false`: only coupons where `usageCounter >= usageLimit` will be returned. (optional)
+ var referralId = 56; // int? | Filter the results by matching them with the ID of a referral. This filter shows the coupons created by redeeming a referral code. (optional)
+ var recipientIntegrationId = recipientIntegrationId_example; // string | Filter results by match with a profile id specified in the coupon's `RecipientIntegrationId` field. (optional)
+ var exactMatch = true; // bool? | Filter results to an exact case-insensitive matching against the coupon code (optional) (default to false)
- // Destroy session
- apiInstance.DestroySession();
+ // Delete coupons
+ apiInstance.DeleteCoupons(applicationId, campaignId, value, createdBefore, createdAfter, startsAfter, startsBefore, expiresAfter, expiresBefore, valid, batchId, usable, referralId, recipientIntegrationId, exactMatch);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DestroySession: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteCoupons: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -2094,7 +2269,24 @@ namespace Example
### Parameters
-This endpoint does not need any parameter.
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **value** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the coupon code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. | [optional]
+ **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **startsAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **startsBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **expiresAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **expiresBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **valid** | **string**| - `expired`: Matches coupons in which the expiration date is set and in the past. - `validNow`: Matches coupons in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future. - `validFuture`: Matches coupons in which start date is set and in the future. | [optional]
+ **batchId** | **string**| Filter results by batches of coupons | [optional]
+ **usable** | **string**| - `true`: only coupons where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned. - `false`: only coupons where `usageCounter >= usageLimit` will be returned. | [optional]
+ **referralId** | **int?**| Filter the results by matching them with the ID of a referral. This filter shows the coupons created by redeeming a referral code. | [optional]
+ **recipientIntegrationId** | **string**| Filter results by match with a profile id specified in the coupon's `RecipientIntegrationId` field. | [optional]
+ **exactMatch** | **bool?**| Filter results to an exact case-insensitive matching against the coupon code | [optional] [default to false]
### Return type
@@ -2116,13 +2308,13 @@ void (empty response body)
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-# **ExportAccountCollectionItems**
-> string ExportAccountCollectionItems (int collectionId)
+# **DeleteLoyaltyCard**
+> void DeleteLoyaltyCard (int loyaltyProgramId, string loyaltyCardId)
-Export account-level collection's items
+Delete loyalty card
-Download a CSV file containing items from an account-level collection. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/).
+Delete the given loyalty card.
### Example
@@ -2134,7 +2326,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ExportAccountCollectionItemsExample
+ public class DeleteLoyaltyCardExample
public static void Main()
@@ -2150,17 +2342,17 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint.
+ var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
+ var loyaltyCardId = loyaltyCardId_example; // string | Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint.
- // Export account-level collection's items
- string result = apiInstance.ExportAccountCollectionItems(collectionId);
- Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ // Delete loyalty card
+ apiInstance.DeleteLoyaltyCard(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportAccountCollectionItems: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteLoyaltyCard: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -2173,11 +2365,12 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint. |
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
+ **loyaltyCardId** | **string**| Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint. |
### Return type
+void (empty response body)
### Authorization
@@ -2186,24 +2379,24 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/csv
+ - **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
-| **200** | OK | - |
-| **401** | Unauthorized - Invalid API key | - |
+| **204** | No Content | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **ExportCollectionItems**
-> string ExportCollectionItems (int applicationId, int campaignId, int collectionId)
+# **DeleteReferral**
+> void DeleteReferral (int applicationId, int campaignId, string referralId)
-Export a collection's items
+Delete referral
-Download a CSV file containing a collection's items. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/).
+Delete the specified referral.
### Example
@@ -2215,7 +2408,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ExportCollectionItemsExample
+ public class DeleteReferralExample
public static void Main()
@@ -2233,17 +2426,16 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint.
+ var referralId = referralId_example; // string | The ID of the referral code.
- // Export a collection's items
- string result = apiInstance.ExportCollectionItems(applicationId, campaignId, collectionId);
- Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ // Delete referral
+ apiInstance.DeleteReferral(applicationId, campaignId, referralId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportCollectionItems: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteReferral: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -2258,11 +2450,11 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
**campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint. |
+ **referralId** | **string**| The ID of the referral code. |
### Return type
+void (empty response body)
### Authorization
@@ -2271,24 +2463,22 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/csv
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
-| **200** | OK | - |
-| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
-| **404** | Not found | - |
+| **204** | No Content | - |
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-# **ExportCoupons**
-> string ExportCoupons (int applicationId, decimal? campaignId = null, string sort = null, string value = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string valid = null, string usable = null, int? referralId = null, string recipientIntegrationId = null, string batchId = null, bool? exactMatch = null, string dateFormat = null, string campaignState = null)
+# **DeleteStore**
+> void DeleteStore (int applicationId, string storeId)
-Export coupons
+Delete store
-Download a CSV file containing the coupons that match the given properties. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/). The CSV file contains the following columns: - `accountid`: The ID of your deployment. - `applicationid`: The ID of the Application this coupon is related to. - `attributes`: A json object describing _custom_ referral attribute names and their values. - `batchid`: The ID of the batch this coupon is part of. - `campaignid`: The ID of the campaign this coupon is related to. - `counter`: The number of times this coupon has been redeemed. - `created`: The creation date of the coupon code. - `deleted`: Whether the coupon code is deleted. - `deleted_changelogid`: The ID of the delete event in the logs. - `discount_counter`: The amount of discount given by this coupon. - `discount_limitval`: The maximum discount amount that can be given be this coupon. - `expirydate`: The end date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `id`: The internal ID of the coupon code. - `importid`: The ID of the import job that created this coupon. - `is_reservation_mandatory`: Whether this coupon requires a reservation to be redeemed. - `limits`: The limits set on this coupon. - `limitval`: The maximum number of redemptions of this code. - `recipientintegrationid`: The integration ID of the customer considered as recipient of the coupon. Only the customer with this integration ID can redeem the corresponding coupon code. Learn about [coupon reservation](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/rules/effects/using-effects#reserving-a-coupon-code). - `referralid`: The ID of the referral code that triggered the creation of this coupon (create coupon effect). - `reservation`: Whether the coupon is reserved. - `reservation_counter`: How many times this coupon has been reserved. - `reservation_limitval`: The maximum of number of reservations this coupon can have. - `startdate`: The start date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `value`: The coupon code.
+Delete the specified store.
### Example
@@ -2300,7 +2490,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ExportCouponsExample
+ public class DeleteStoreExample
public static void Main()
@@ -2317,29 +2507,16 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var campaignId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by campaign. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- var value = value_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the coupon code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. (optional)
- var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var valid = valid_example; // string | Either \"expired\", \"validNow\", or \"validFuture\". The first option matches coupons in which the expiration date is set and in the past. The second matches coupons in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future, the third matches coupons in which start date is set and in the future. (optional)
- var usable = usable_example; // string | Either \"true\" or \"false\". If \"true\", only coupons where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned, \"false\" will return only coupons where `usageCounter >= usageLimit`. (optional)
- var referralId = 56; // int? | Filter the results by matching them with the ID of a referral. This filter shows the coupons created by redeeming a referral code. (optional)
- var recipientIntegrationId = recipientIntegrationId_example; // string | Filter results by match with a profile id specified in the coupon's RecipientIntegrationId field (optional)
- var batchId = batchId_example; // string | Filter results by batches of coupons (optional)
- var exactMatch = true; // bool? | Filter results to an exact case-insensitive matching against the coupon code (optional) (default to false)
- var dateFormat = dateFormat_example; // string | Determines the format of dates in the export document. (optional)
- var campaignState = campaignState_example; // string | Filter results by the state of the campaign. - `enabled`: Campaigns that are scheduled, running (activated), or expired. - `running`: Campaigns that are running (activated). - `disabled`: Campaigns that are disabled. - `expired`: Campaigns that are expired. - `archived`: Campaigns that are archived. - `draft`: Campaigns that are drafts. (optional)
+ var storeId = storeId_example; // string | The ID of the store. You can get this ID with the [List stores](#tag/Stores/operation/listStores) endpoint.
- // Export coupons
- string result = apiInstance.ExportCoupons(applicationId, campaignId, sort, value, createdBefore, createdAfter, valid, usable, referralId, recipientIntegrationId, batchId, exactMatch, dateFormat, campaignState);
- Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ // Delete store
+ apiInstance.DeleteStore(applicationId, storeId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportCoupons: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteStore: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -2353,23 +2530,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **campaignId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by campaign. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
- **value** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the coupon code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. | [optional]
- **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **valid** | **string**| Either \"expired\", \"validNow\", or \"validFuture\". The first option matches coupons in which the expiration date is set and in the past. The second matches coupons in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future, the third matches coupons in which start date is set and in the future. | [optional]
- **usable** | **string**| Either \"true\" or \"false\". If \"true\", only coupons where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned, \"false\" will return only coupons where `usageCounter >= usageLimit`. | [optional]
- **referralId** | **int?**| Filter the results by matching them with the ID of a referral. This filter shows the coupons created by redeeming a referral code. | [optional]
- **recipientIntegrationId** | **string**| Filter results by match with a profile id specified in the coupon's RecipientIntegrationId field | [optional]
- **batchId** | **string**| Filter results by batches of coupons | [optional]
- **exactMatch** | **bool?**| Filter results to an exact case-insensitive matching against the coupon code | [optional] [default to false]
- **dateFormat** | **string**| Determines the format of dates in the export document. | [optional]
- **campaignState** | **string**| Filter results by the state of the campaign. - `enabled`: Campaigns that are scheduled, running (activated), or expired. - `running`: Campaigns that are running (activated). - `disabled`: Campaigns that are disabled. - `expired`: Campaigns that are expired. - `archived`: Campaigns that are archived. - `draft`: Campaigns that are drafts. | [optional]
+ **storeId** | **string**| The ID of the store. You can get this ID with the [List stores](#tag/Stores/operation/listStores) endpoint. |
### Return type
+void (empty response body)
### Authorization
@@ -2378,22 +2543,23 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/csv
+ - **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
-| **200** | OK | - |
+| **204** | No Content | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **ExportCustomerSessions**
-> string ExportCustomerSessions (int applicationId, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string profileIntegrationId = null, string dateFormat = null, string customerSessionState = null)
+# **DeleteUser**
+> void DeleteUser (int userId)
-Export customer sessions
+Delete user
-Download a CSV file containing the customer sessions that match the request. **Important:** Archived sessions cannot be exported. See the [retention policy](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/server-infrastructure-and-data-retention#data-retention-policy). **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/). - `id`: The internal ID of the session. - `firstsession`: Whether this is a first session. - `integrationid`: The integration ID of the session. - `applicationid`: The ID of the Application. - `profileid`: The internal ID of the customer profile. - `profileintegrationid`: The integration ID of the customer profile. - `created`: The timestamp when the session was created. - `state`: The [state](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities#customer-session-states) of the session. - `cartitems`: The cart items in the session. - `discounts`: The discounts in the session. - `total`: The total value of the session. - `attributes`: The attributes set in the session. - `closedat`: Timestamp when the session was closed. - `cancelledat`: Timestamp when the session was cancelled. - `referral`: The referral code in the session. - `identifiers`: The identifiers in the session. - `additional_costs`: The [additional costs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-additional-costs) in the session. - `updated`: Timestamp of the last session update. - `coupons`: Coupon codes in the session.
+Delete a specific user.
### Example
@@ -2405,7 +2571,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ExportCustomerSessionsExample
+ public class DeleteUserExample
public static void Main()
@@ -2421,22 +2587,16 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
- var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
- var profileIntegrationId = profileIntegrationId_example; // string | Only return sessions for the customer that matches this customer integration ID. (optional)
- var dateFormat = dateFormat_example; // string | Determines the format of dates in the export document. (optional)
- var customerSessionState = customerSessionState_example; // string | Filter results by state. (optional)
+ var userId = 56; // int | The ID of the user.
- // Export customer sessions
- string result = apiInstance.ExportCustomerSessions(applicationId, createdBefore, createdAfter, profileIntegrationId, dateFormat, customerSessionState);
- Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ // Delete user
+ apiInstance.DeleteUser(userId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportCustomerSessions: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteUser: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -2449,16 +2609,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
- **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
- **profileIntegrationId** | **string**| Only return sessions for the customer that matches this customer integration ID. | [optional]
- **dateFormat** | **string**| Determines the format of dates in the export document. | [optional]
- **customerSessionState** | **string**| Filter results by state. | [optional]
+ **userId** | **int**| The ID of the user. |
### Return type
+void (empty response body)
### Authorization
@@ -2467,22 +2622,22 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/csv
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
-| **200** | OK | - |
+| **204** | No Content | - |
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-# **ExportEffects**
-> string ExportEffects (int applicationId, decimal? campaignId = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string dateFormat = null)
+# **DeleteUserByEmail**
+> void DeleteUserByEmail (DeleteUserRequest body)
-Export triggered effects
+Delete user by email address
-Download a CSV file containing the triggered effects that match the given attributes. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/). The generated file can contain the following columns: - `applicationid`: The ID of the Application. - `campaignid`: The ID of the campaign. - `couponid`: The ID of the coupon, when applicable to the effect. - `created`: The timestamp of the effect. - `event_type`: The name of the event. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/events). - `eventid`: The internal ID of the effect. - `name`: The effect name. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/api-effects). - `profileintegrationid`: The ID of the customer profile, when applicable. - `props`: The [properties](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/api-effects) of the effect. - `ruleindex`: The index of the rule. - `rulesetid`: The ID of the rule set. - `sessionid`: The internal ID of the session that triggered the effect. - `profileid`: The internal ID of the customer profile. - `sessionintegrationid`: The integration ID of the session. - `total_revenue`: The total revenue.
+Delete a specific user by their email address.
### Example
@@ -2494,7 +2649,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ExportEffectsExample
+ public class DeleteUserByEmailExample
public static void Main()
@@ -2510,21 +2665,16 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var campaignId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by campaign. (optional)
- var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var dateFormat = dateFormat_example; // string | Determines the format of dates in the export document. (optional)
+ var body = new DeleteUserRequest(); // DeleteUserRequest | body
- // Export triggered effects
- string result = apiInstance.ExportEffects(applicationId, campaignId, createdBefore, createdAfter, dateFormat);
- Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ // Delete user by email address
+ apiInstance.DeleteUserByEmail(body);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportEffects: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DeleteUserByEmail: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -2537,15 +2687,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **campaignId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by campaign. | [optional]
- **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **dateFormat** | **string**| Determines the format of dates in the export document. | [optional]
+ **body** | [**DeleteUserRequest**](DeleteUserRequest.md)| body |
### Return type
+void (empty response body)
### Authorization
@@ -2553,23 +2699,23 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/csv
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
-| **200** | OK | - |
+| **204** | No Content | - |
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-# **ExportLoyaltyBalance**
-> string ExportLoyaltyBalance (string loyaltyProgramId, DateTime? endDate = null)
+# **DestroySession**
+> void DestroySession ()
-Export customer loyalty balance to CSV
+Destroy session
-⚠️ Deprecation notice: Support for requests to this endpoint will end soon. To export customer loyalty balances to CSV, use the [Export customer loyalty balances to CSV](/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/exportLoyaltyBalances) endpoint. Download a CSV file containing the balance of each customer in the loyalty program. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/).
+Destroys the session.
### Example
@@ -2581,7 +2727,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ExportLoyaltyBalanceExample
+ public class DestroySessionExample
public static void Main()
@@ -2597,18 +2743,15 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var loyaltyProgramId = loyaltyProgramId_example; // string | The identifier for the loyalty program.
- var endDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Used to return balances only for entries older than this timestamp. The expired, active, and pending points are relative to this timestamp. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
- // Export customer loyalty balance to CSV
- string result = apiInstance.ExportLoyaltyBalance(loyaltyProgramId, endDate);
- Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ // Destroy session
+ apiInstance.DestroySession();
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportLoyaltyBalance: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.DestroySession: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -2618,15 +2761,11 @@ namespace Example
### Parameters
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
-------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **string**| The identifier for the loyalty program. |
- **endDate** | **DateTime?**| Used to return balances only for entries older than this timestamp. The expired, active, and pending points are relative to this timestamp. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
+This endpoint does not need any parameter.
### Return type
+void (empty response body)
### Authorization
@@ -2635,24 +2774,22 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/csv
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
-| **200** | OK | - |
-| **400** | Bad request | - |
-| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **204** | No Content | - |
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-# **ExportLoyaltyBalances**
-> string ExportLoyaltyBalances (string loyaltyProgramId, DateTime? endDate = null)
+# **ExportAccountCollectionItems**
+> string ExportAccountCollectionItems (int collectionId)
-Export customer loyalty balances
+Export account-level collection's items
-Download a CSV file containing the balance of each customer in the loyalty program. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/). The generated file can contain the following columns: - `loyaltyProgramID`: The ID of the loyalty program. - `loyaltySubledger`: The name of the subdleger, when applicatble. - `profileIntegrationID`: The integration ID of the customer profile. - `currentBalance`: The current point balance. - `pendingBalance`: The number of pending points. - `expiredBalance`: The number of expired points. - `spentBalance`: The number of spent points. - `currentTier`: The tier that the customer is in at the time of the export.
+Download a CSV file containing items from a given account-level collection. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/).
### Example
@@ -2664,7 +2801,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ExportLoyaltyBalancesExample
+ public class ExportAccountCollectionItemsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -2680,18 +2817,17 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var loyaltyProgramId = loyaltyProgramId_example; // string | The identifier for the loyalty program.
- var endDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Used to return balances only for entries older than this timestamp. The expired, active, and pending points are relative to this timestamp. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
+ var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in account](#operation/listAccountCollections) endpoint.
- // Export customer loyalty balances
- string result = apiInstance.ExportLoyaltyBalances(loyaltyProgramId, endDate);
+ // Export account-level collection's items
+ string result = apiInstance.ExportAccountCollectionItems(collectionId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportLoyaltyBalances: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportAccountCollectionItems: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -2704,8 +2840,7 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **string**| The identifier for the loyalty program. |
- **endDate** | **DateTime?**| Used to return balances only for entries older than this timestamp. The expired, active, and pending points are relative to this timestamp. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
+ **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in account](#operation/listAccountCollections) endpoint. |
### Return type
@@ -2724,18 +2859,18 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
-| **400** | Bad request | - |
-| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized - Invalid API key | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **ExportLoyaltyCardBalances**
-> string ExportLoyaltyCardBalances (int loyaltyProgramId, DateTime? endDate = null)
+# **ExportAchievements**
+> string ExportAchievements (int applicationId, int campaignId, int achievementId)
-Export all card transaction logs
+Export achievement customer data
-Download a CSV file containing the balances of all cards in the loyalty program. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/). The CSV file contains the following columns: - `loyaltyProgramID`: The ID of the loyalty program. - `loyaltySubledger`: The name of the subdleger, when applicatble. - `cardIdentifier`: The alphanumeric identifier of the loyalty card. - `cardState`:The state of the loyalty card. It can be `active` or `inactive`. - `currentBalance`: The current point balance. - `pendingBalance`: The number of pending points. - `expiredBalance`: The number of expired points. - `spentBalance`: The number of spent points.
+Download a CSV file containing a list of all the customers who have participated in and are currently participating in the given achievement. The CSV file contains the following columns: - `profileIntegrationID`: The integration ID of the customer profile participating in the achievement. - `title`: The display name of the achievement in the Campaign Manager. - `target`: The required number of actions or the transactional milestone to complete the achievement. - `progress`: The current progress of the customer in the achievement. - `status`: The status of the achievement. Can be one of: ['inprogress', 'completed', 'expired']. - `startDate`: The date on which the customer profile started the achievement in RFC3339. - `endDate`: The date on which the achievement ends and resets for the customer profile in RFC3339. - `completionDate`: The date on which the customer profile completed the achievement in RFC3339.
### Example
@@ -2747,7 +2882,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ExportLoyaltyCardBalancesExample
+ public class ExportAchievementsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -2763,18 +2898,19 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
- var endDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Used to return balances only for entries older than this timestamp. The expired, active, and pending points are relative to this timestamp. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var achievementId = 56; // int | The ID of the achievement. You can get this ID with the [List achievement](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Achievements/operation/listAchievements) endpoint.
- // Export all card transaction logs
- string result = apiInstance.ExportLoyaltyCardBalances(loyaltyProgramId, endDate);
+ // Export achievement customer data
+ string result = apiInstance.ExportAchievements(applicationId, campaignId, achievementId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportLoyaltyCardBalances: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportAchievements: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -2787,8 +2923,9 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
- **endDate** | **DateTime?**| Used to return balances only for entries older than this timestamp. The expired, active, and pending points are relative to this timestamp. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **achievementId** | **int**| The ID of the achievement. You can get this ID with the [List achievement](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Achievements/operation/listAchievements) endpoint. |
### Return type
@@ -2809,16 +2946,17 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| **200** | OK | - |
| **400** | Bad request | - |
| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **ExportLoyaltyCardLedger**
-> string ExportLoyaltyCardLedger (int loyaltyProgramId, string loyaltyCardId, DateTime rangeStart, DateTime rangeEnd, string dateFormat = null)
+# **ExportAudiencesMemberships**
+> string ExportAudiencesMemberships (int audienceId)
-Export card's ledger log
+Export audience members
-Download a CSV file containing a loyalty card ledger log of the loyalty program. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/).
+Download a CSV file containing the integration IDs of the members of an audience. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/). The file contains the following column: - `profileintegrationid`: The integration ID of the customer profile.
### Example
@@ -2830,7 +2968,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ExportLoyaltyCardLedgerExample
+ public class ExportAudiencesMembershipsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -2846,21 +2984,17 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
- var loyaltyCardId = loyaltyCardId_example; // string | Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint.
- var rangeStart = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from after this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string.
- var rangeEnd = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from before this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string.
- var dateFormat = dateFormat_example; // string | Determines the format of dates in the export document. (optional)
+ var audienceId = 56; // int | The ID of the audience.
- // Export card's ledger log
- string result = apiInstance.ExportLoyaltyCardLedger(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId, rangeStart, rangeEnd, dateFormat);
+ // Export audience members
+ string result = apiInstance.ExportAudiencesMemberships(audienceId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportLoyaltyCardLedger: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportAudiencesMemberships: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -2873,11 +3007,7 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
- **loyaltyCardId** | **string**| Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint. |
- **rangeStart** | **DateTime**| Only return results from after this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
- **rangeEnd** | **DateTime**| Only return results from before this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
- **dateFormat** | **string**| Determines the format of dates in the export document. | [optional]
+ **audienceId** | **int**| The ID of the audience. |
### Return type
@@ -2896,18 +3026,19 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
-| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized - Invalid API key | - |
| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **ExportLoyaltyLedger**
-> string ExportLoyaltyLedger (DateTime rangeStart, DateTime rangeEnd, string loyaltyProgramId, string integrationId, string dateFormat = null)
+# **ExportCollectionItems**
+> string ExportCollectionItems (int applicationId, int campaignId, int collectionId)
-Export customer's transaction logs
+Export campaign-level collection's items
-Download a CSV file containing a customer's transaction logs in the loyalty program. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/). The generated file can contain the following columns: - `customerprofileid`: The ID of the profile. - `customersessionid`: The ID of the customer session. - `rulesetid`: The ID of the rule set. - `rulename`: The name of the rule. - `programid`: The ID of the loyalty program. - `type`: The type of the loyalty program. - `name`: The name of the loyalty program. - `subledgerid`: The ID of the subledger, when applicable. - `startdate`: The start date of the program. - `expirydate`: The expiration date of the program. - `id`: The ID of the transaction. - `created`: The timestamp of the creation of the loyalty program. - `amount`: The number of points in that transaction. - `archived`: Whether the session related to the transaction is archived.
+Download a CSV file containing items from a given campaign-level collection. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/).
### Example
@@ -2919,7 +3050,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ExportLoyaltyLedgerExample
+ public class ExportCollectionItemsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -2935,21 +3066,19 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var rangeStart = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from after this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string.
- var rangeEnd = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from before this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string.
- var loyaltyProgramId = loyaltyProgramId_example; // string | The identifier for the loyalty program.
- var integrationId = integrationId_example; // string | The identifier of the profile.
- var dateFormat = dateFormat_example; // string | Determines the format of dates in the export document. (optional)
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in Application](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint.
- // Export customer's transaction logs
- string result = apiInstance.ExportLoyaltyLedger(rangeStart, rangeEnd, loyaltyProgramId, integrationId, dateFormat);
+ // Export campaign-level collection's items
+ string result = apiInstance.ExportCollectionItems(applicationId, campaignId, collectionId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportLoyaltyLedger: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportCollectionItems: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -2962,11 +3091,9 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **rangeStart** | **DateTime**| Only return results from after this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
- **rangeEnd** | **DateTime**| Only return results from before this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **string**| The identifier for the loyalty program. |
- **integrationId** | **string**| The identifier of the profile. |
- **dateFormat** | **string**| Determines the format of dates in the export document. | [optional]
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in Application](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint. |
### Return type
@@ -2985,16 +3112,18 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **ExportPoolGiveaways**
-> string ExportPoolGiveaways (int poolId, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null)
+# **ExportCoupons**
+> string ExportCoupons (int applicationId, decimal? campaignId = null, string sort = null, string value = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string valid = null, string usable = null, int? referralId = null, string recipientIntegrationId = null, string batchId = null, bool? exactMatch = null, string dateFormat = null, string campaignState = null, bool? valuesOnly = null)
-Export giveaway codes of a giveaway pool
+Export coupons
-Download a CSV file containing the giveaway codes of a specific giveaway pool. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/). The CSV file contains the following columns: - `id`: The internal ID of the giveaway. - `poolid`: The internal ID of the giveaway pool. - `code`: The giveaway code. - `startdate`: The validity start date in RFC3339 of the giveaway (can be empty). - `enddate`: The validity end date in RFC3339 of the giveaway (can be empty). - `attributes`: Any custom attributes associated with the giveaway code (can be empty). - `used`: An indication of whether the giveaway is already awarded. - `importid`: The ID of the import which created the giveaway. - `created`: The creation time of the giveaway code. - `profileintegrationid`: The third-party integration ID of the customer profile that was awarded the giveaway. Can be empty if the giveaway was not awarded. - `profileid`: The internal ID of the customer profile that was awarded the giveaway. Can be empty if the giveaway was not awarded or an internal ID does not exist.
+Download a CSV file containing the coupons that match the given properties. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/). The CSV file can contain the following columns: - `accountid`: The ID of your deployment. - `applicationid`: The ID of the Application this coupon is related to. - `attributes`: A json object describing _custom_ referral attribute names and their values. - `batchid`: The ID of the batch this coupon is part of. - `campaignid`: The ID of the campaign this coupon is related to. - `counter`: The number of times this coupon has been redeemed. - `created`: The creation date of the coupon code. - `deleted`: Whether the coupon code is deleted. - `deleted_changelogid`: The ID of the delete event in the logs. - `discount_counter`: The amount of discount given by this coupon. - `discount_limitval`: The maximum discount amount that can be given be this coupon. - `expirydate`: The end date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `id`: The internal ID of the coupon code. - `importid`: The ID of the import job that created this coupon. - `is_reservation_mandatory`: Whether this coupon requires a reservation to be redeemed. - `limits`: The limits set on this coupon. - `limitval`: The maximum number of redemptions of this code. - `recipientintegrationid`: The integration ID of the recipient of the coupon. Only the customer with this integration ID can redeem this code. Available only for personal codes. - `referralid`: The ID of the referral code that triggered the creation of this coupon (create coupon effect). - `reservation`: Whether the coupon can be reserved for multiple customers. - `reservation_counter`: How many times this coupon has been reserved. - `reservation_limitval`: The maximum of number of reservations this coupon can have. - `startdate`: The start date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `value`: The coupon code.
### Example
@@ -3006,7 +3135,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ExportPoolGiveawaysExample
+ public class ExportCouponsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -3022,19 +3151,31 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var poolId = 56; // int | The ID of the pool. You can find it in the Campaign Manager, in the **Giveaways** section.
- var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Timestamp that filters the results to only contain giveaways created before this date. Must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
- var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Timestamp that filters the results to only contain giveaways created after this date. Must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by campaign. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var value = value_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the coupon code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. (optional)
+ var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var valid = valid_example; // string | Either \"expired\", \"validNow\", or \"validFuture\". The first option matches coupons in which the expiration date is set and in the past. The second matches coupons in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future, the third matches coupons in which start date is set and in the future. (optional)
+ var usable = usable_example; // string | Either \"true\" or \"false\". If \"true\", only coupons where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned, \"false\" will return only coupons where `usageCounter >= usageLimit`. (optional)
+ var referralId = 56; // int? | Filter the results by matching them with the ID of a referral. This filter shows the coupons created by redeeming a referral code. (optional)
+ var recipientIntegrationId = recipientIntegrationId_example; // string | Filter results by match with a profile id specified in the coupon's RecipientIntegrationId field. (optional)
+ var batchId = batchId_example; // string | Filter results by batches of coupons (optional)
+ var exactMatch = true; // bool? | Filter results to an exact case-insensitive matching against the coupon code. (optional) (default to false)
+ var dateFormat = dateFormat_example; // string | Determines the format of dates in the export document. (optional)
+ var campaignState = campaignState_example; // string | Filter results by the state of the campaign. - `enabled`: Campaigns that are scheduled, running (activated), or expired. - `running`: Campaigns that are running (activated). - `disabled`: Campaigns that are disabled. - `expired`: Campaigns that are expired. - `archived`: Campaigns that are archived. - `draft`: Campaigns that are drafts. (optional)
+ var valuesOnly = true; // bool? | Filter results to only return the coupon codes (`value` column) without the associated coupon data. (optional) (default to false)
- // Export giveaway codes of a giveaway pool
- string result = apiInstance.ExportPoolGiveaways(poolId, createdBefore, createdAfter);
+ // Export coupons
+ string result = apiInstance.ExportCoupons(applicationId, campaignId, sort, value, createdBefore, createdAfter, valid, usable, referralId, recipientIntegrationId, batchId, exactMatch, dateFormat, campaignState, valuesOnly);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportPoolGiveaways: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportCoupons: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -3047,9 +3188,21 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **poolId** | **int**| The ID of the pool. You can find it in the Campaign Manager, in the **Giveaways** section. |
- **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Timestamp that filters the results to only contain giveaways created before this date. Must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
- **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Timestamp that filters the results to only contain giveaways created after this date. Must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by campaign. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **value** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the coupon code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. | [optional]
+ **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **valid** | **string**| Either \"expired\", \"validNow\", or \"validFuture\". The first option matches coupons in which the expiration date is set and in the past. The second matches coupons in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future, the third matches coupons in which start date is set and in the future. | [optional]
+ **usable** | **string**| Either \"true\" or \"false\". If \"true\", only coupons where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned, \"false\" will return only coupons where `usageCounter >= usageLimit`. | [optional]
+ **referralId** | **int?**| Filter the results by matching them with the ID of a referral. This filter shows the coupons created by redeeming a referral code. | [optional]
+ **recipientIntegrationId** | **string**| Filter results by match with a profile id specified in the coupon's RecipientIntegrationId field. | [optional]
+ **batchId** | **string**| Filter results by batches of coupons | [optional]
+ **exactMatch** | **bool?**| Filter results to an exact case-insensitive matching against the coupon code. | [optional] [default to false]
+ **dateFormat** | **string**| Determines the format of dates in the export document. | [optional]
+ **campaignState** | **string**| Filter results by the state of the campaign. - `enabled`: Campaigns that are scheduled, running (activated), or expired. - `running`: Campaigns that are running (activated). - `disabled`: Campaigns that are disabled. - `expired`: Campaigns that are expired. - `archived`: Campaigns that are archived. - `draft`: Campaigns that are drafts. | [optional]
+ **valuesOnly** | **bool?**| Filter results to only return the coupon codes (`value` column) without the associated coupon data. | [optional] [default to false]
### Return type
@@ -3071,13 +3224,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **ExportReferrals**
-> string ExportReferrals (int applicationId, decimal? campaignId = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string valid = null, string usable = null, string batchId = null, string dateFormat = null)
+# **ExportCustomerSessions**
+> string ExportCustomerSessions (int applicationId, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string profileIntegrationId = null, string dateFormat = null, string customerSessionState = null)
-Export referrals
+Export customer sessions
-Download a CSV file containing the referrals that match the given parameters. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/). The CSV file contains the following columns: - `code`: The referral code. - `advocateprofileintegrationid`: The profile ID of the advocate. - `startdate`: The start date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `expirydate`: The end date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `limitval`: The maximum number of redemptions of this code. Defaults to `1` when left blank. - `attributes`: A json object describing _custom_ referral attribute names and their values.
+Download a CSV file containing the customer sessions that match the request. **Important:** Archived sessions cannot be exported. See the [retention policy](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/server-infrastructure-and-data-retention#data-retention-policy). **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/). - `id`: The internal ID of the session. - `firstsession`: Whether this is a first session. - `integrationid`: The integration ID of the session. - `applicationid`: The ID of the Application. - `profileid`: The internal ID of the customer profile. - `profileintegrationid`: The integration ID of the customer profile. - `created`: The timestamp when the session was created. - `state`: The [state](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/customer-sessions#customer-session-states) of the session. - `cartitems`: The cart items in the session. - `discounts`: The discounts in the session. - `total`: The total value of cart items and additional costs in the session, before any discounts are applied. - `attributes`: The attributes set in the session. - `closedat`: Timestamp when the session was closed. - `cancelledat`: Timestamp when the session was cancelled. - `referral`: The referral code in the session. - `identifiers`: The identifiers in the session. - `additional_costs`: The [additional costs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-additional-costs) in the session. - `updated`: Timestamp of the last session update. - `store_integration_id`: The integration ID of the store. - `coupons`: Coupon codes in the session.
### Example
@@ -3089,7 +3242,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ExportReferralsExample
+ public class ExportCustomerSessionsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -3106,23 +3259,21 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var campaignId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by campaign. (optional)
- var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the referral creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the referral creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var valid = valid_example; // string | - `expired`: Matches referrals in which the expiration date is set and in the past. - `validNow`: Matches referrals in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future. - `validFuture`: Matches referrals in which start date is set and in the future. (optional)
- var usable = usable_example; // string | - `true`, only referrals where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned. - `false`, only referrals where `usageCounter >= usageLimit` will be returned. (optional)
- var batchId = batchId_example; // string | Filter results by batches of referrals (optional)
+ var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
+ var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
+ var profileIntegrationId = profileIntegrationId_example; // string | Only return sessions for the customer that matches this customer integration ID. (optional)
var dateFormat = dateFormat_example; // string | Determines the format of dates in the export document. (optional)
+ var customerSessionState = customerSessionState_example; // string | Filter results by state. (optional)
- // Export referrals
- string result = apiInstance.ExportReferrals(applicationId, campaignId, createdBefore, createdAfter, valid, usable, batchId, dateFormat);
+ // Export customer sessions
+ string result = apiInstance.ExportCustomerSessions(applicationId, createdBefore, createdAfter, profileIntegrationId, dateFormat, customerSessionState);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportReferrals: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportCustomerSessions: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -3136,13 +3287,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **campaignId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by campaign. | [optional]
- **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the referral creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the referral creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **valid** | **string**| - `expired`: Matches referrals in which the expiration date is set and in the past. - `validNow`: Matches referrals in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future. - `validFuture`: Matches referrals in which start date is set and in the future. | [optional]
- **usable** | **string**| - `true`, only referrals where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned. - `false`, only referrals where `usageCounter >= usageLimit` will be returned. | [optional]
- **batchId** | **string**| Filter results by batches of referrals | [optional]
+ **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
+ **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
+ **profileIntegrationId** | **string**| Only return sessions for the customer that matches this customer integration ID. | [optional]
**dateFormat** | **string**| Determines the format of dates in the export document. | [optional]
+ **customerSessionState** | **string**| Filter results by state. | [optional]
### Return type
@@ -3164,13 +3313,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetAccessLogsWithoutTotalCount**
-> InlineResponse20018 GetAccessLogsWithoutTotalCount (int applicationId, DateTime rangeStart, DateTime rangeEnd, string path = null, string method = null, string status = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
+# **ExportCustomersTiers**
+> string ExportCustomersTiers (string loyaltyProgramId, List subledgerIds = null, List tierNames = null)
-Get access logs for Application
+Export customers' tier data
-Retrieve the list of API calls sent to the specified Application.
+Download a CSV file containing the tier information for customers of the specified loyalty program. The generated file contains the following columns: - `programid`: The identifier of the loyalty program. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. - `subledgerid`: The ID of the subledger associated with the loyalty program. This column is empty if the loyalty program has no subledger. In this case, refer to the export file name to get the ID of the loyalty program. - `customerprofileid`: The ID used to integrate customer profiles with the loyalty program. - `tiername`: The name of the tier. - `startdate`: The tier start date in RFC3339. - `expirydate`: The tier expiry date in RFC3339. You can filter the results by providing the following optional input parameters: - `subledgerId` (optional): Filter results by subledger ID. If no value is provided, all subledger data for the specified loyalty program will be exported. - `tierName` (optional): Filter results by tier name. If no value is provided, all tier data for the specified loyalty program will be exported.
### Example
@@ -3182,7 +3331,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetAccessLogsWithoutTotalCountExample
+ public class ExportCustomersTiersExample
public static void Main()
@@ -3198,25 +3347,19 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var rangeStart = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from after this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string.
- var rangeEnd = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from before this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string.
- var path = path_example; // string | Only return results where the request path matches the given regular expression. (optional)
- var method = method_example; // string | Only return results where the request method matches the given regular expression. (optional)
- var status = status_example; // string | Filter results by HTTP status codes. (optional)
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
- var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var loyaltyProgramId = loyaltyProgramId_example; // string | The identifier for the loyalty program.
+ var subledgerIds = new List(); // List | An array of subledgers IDs to filter the export by. (optional)
+ var tierNames = new List(); // List | An array of tier names to filter the export by. (optional)
- // Get access logs for Application
- InlineResponse20018 result = apiInstance.GetAccessLogsWithoutTotalCount(applicationId, rangeStart, rangeEnd, path, method, status, pageSize, skip, sort);
+ // Export customers' tier data
+ string result = apiInstance.ExportCustomersTiers(loyaltyProgramId, subledgerIds, tierNames);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAccessLogsWithoutTotalCount: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportCustomersTiers: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -3229,19 +3372,13 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **rangeStart** | **DateTime**| Only return results from after this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
- **rangeEnd** | **DateTime**| Only return results from before this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
- **path** | **string**| Only return results where the request path matches the given regular expression. | [optional]
- **method** | **string**| Only return results where the request method matches the given regular expression. | [optional]
- **status** | **string**| Filter results by HTTP status codes. | [optional]
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
- **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **string**| The identifier for the loyalty program. |
+ **subledgerIds** | [**List<string>**](string.md)| An array of subledgers IDs to filter the export by. | [optional]
+ **tierNames** | [**List<string>**](string.md)| An array of tier names to filter the export by. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -3250,7 +3387,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/csv
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
@@ -3259,13 +3396,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetAccount**
-> Account GetAccount (int accountId)
+# **ExportEffects**
+> string ExportEffects (int applicationId, decimal? campaignId = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string dateFormat = null)
-Get account details
+Export triggered effects
-Return the details of your companies Talon.One account.
+Download a CSV file containing the triggered effects that match the given attributes. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/). The generated file can contain the following columns: - `applicationid`: The ID of the Application. - `campaignid`: The ID of the campaign. - `couponid`: The ID of the coupon, when applicable to the effect. - `created`: The timestamp of the effect. - `event_type`: The name of the event. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/events). - `eventid`: The internal ID of the effect. - `name`: The effect name. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/api-effects). - `profileintegrationid`: The ID of the customer profile, when applicable. - `props`: The [properties](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/api-effects) of the effect. - `ruleindex`: The index of the rule. - `rulesetid`: The ID of the rule set. - `sessionid`: The internal ID of the session that triggered the effect. - `profileid`: The internal ID of the customer profile. - `sessionintegrationid`: The integration ID of the session. - `total_revenue`: The total revenue. - `store_integration_id`: The integration ID of the store. You choose this ID when you create a store.
### Example
@@ -3277,7 +3414,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetAccountExample
+ public class ExportEffectsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -3293,17 +3430,21 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var accountId = 56; // int | The identifier of the account. Retrieve it via the [List users in account](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getUsers) endpoint in the `accountId` property.
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by campaign. (optional)
+ var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var dateFormat = dateFormat_example; // string | Determines the format of dates in the export document. (optional)
- // Get account details
- Account result = apiInstance.GetAccount(accountId);
+ // Export triggered effects
+ string result = apiInstance.ExportEffects(applicationId, campaignId, createdBefore, createdAfter, dateFormat);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAccount: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportEffects: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -3316,11 +3457,15 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **accountId** | **int**| The identifier of the account. Retrieve it via the [List users in account](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getUsers) endpoint in the `accountId` property. |
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by campaign. | [optional]
+ **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **dateFormat** | **string**| Determines the format of dates in the export document. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -3329,7 +3474,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/csv
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
@@ -3338,13 +3483,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetAccountAnalytics**
-> AccountAnalytics GetAccountAnalytics (int accountId)
+# **ExportLoyaltyBalance**
+> string ExportLoyaltyBalance (string loyaltyProgramId, DateTime? endDate = null)
-Get account analytics
+Export customer loyalty balance to CSV
-Return the analytics of your Talon.One account.
+⚠️ Deprecation notice: Support for requests to this endpoint will end soon. To export customer loyalty balances to CSV, use the [Export customer loyalty balances to CSV](/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/exportLoyaltyBalances) endpoint. Download a CSV file containing the balance of each customer in the loyalty program. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/).
### Example
@@ -3356,7 +3501,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetAccountAnalyticsExample
+ public class ExportLoyaltyBalanceExample
public static void Main()
@@ -3372,17 +3517,18 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var accountId = 56; // int | The identifier of the account. Retrieve it via the [List users in account](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getUsers) endpoint in the `accountId` property.
+ var loyaltyProgramId = loyaltyProgramId_example; // string | The identifier for the loyalty program.
+ var endDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Used to return expired, active, and pending loyalty balances before this timestamp. You can enter any past, present, or future timestamp value. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. (optional)
- // Get account analytics
- AccountAnalytics result = apiInstance.GetAccountAnalytics(accountId);
+ // Export customer loyalty balance to CSV
+ string result = apiInstance.ExportLoyaltyBalance(loyaltyProgramId, endDate);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAccountAnalytics: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportLoyaltyBalance: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -3395,11 +3541,12 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **accountId** | **int**| The identifier of the account. Retrieve it via the [List users in account](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getUsers) endpoint in the `accountId` property. |
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **string**| The identifier for the loyalty program. |
+ **endDate** | **DateTime?**| Used to return expired, active, and pending loyalty balances before this timestamp. You can enter any past, present, or future timestamp value. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -3408,22 +3555,24 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/csv
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
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-# **GetAccountCollection**
-> Collection GetAccountCollection (int collectionId)
+# **ExportLoyaltyBalances**
+> string ExportLoyaltyBalances (string loyaltyProgramId, DateTime? endDate = null)
-Get account-level collection
+Export customer loyalty balances
-Retrieve a given account-level collection.
+Download a CSV file containing the balance of each customer in the loyalty program. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/). The generated file can contain the following columns: - `loyaltyProgramID`: The ID of the loyalty program. - `loyaltySubledger`: The name of the subdleger, when applicatble. - `profileIntegrationID`: The integration ID of the customer profile. - `currentBalance`: The current point balance. - `pendingBalance`: The number of pending points. - `expiredBalance`: The number of expired points. - `spentBalance`: The number of spent points. - `currentTier`: The tier that the customer is in at the time of the export.
### Example
@@ -3435,7 +3584,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetAccountCollectionExample
+ public class ExportLoyaltyBalancesExample
public static void Main()
@@ -3451,17 +3600,18 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint.
+ var loyaltyProgramId = loyaltyProgramId_example; // string | The identifier for the loyalty program.
+ var endDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Used to return expired, active, and pending loyalty balances before this timestamp. You can enter any past, present, or future timestamp value. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. (optional)
- // Get account-level collection
- Collection result = apiInstance.GetAccountCollection(collectionId);
+ // Export customer loyalty balances
+ string result = apiInstance.ExportLoyaltyBalances(loyaltyProgramId, endDate);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAccountCollection: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportLoyaltyBalances: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -3474,11 +3624,12 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint. |
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **string**| The identifier for the loyalty program. |
+ **endDate** | **DateTime?**| Used to return expired, active, and pending loyalty balances before this timestamp. You can enter any past, present, or future timestamp value. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -3487,23 +3638,24 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/csv
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
-| **404** | Not found | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
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-# **GetAdditionalCost**
-> AccountAdditionalCost GetAdditionalCost (int additionalCostId)
+# **ExportLoyaltyCardBalances**
+> string ExportLoyaltyCardBalances (int loyaltyProgramId, DateTime? endDate = null)
-Get additional cost
+Export all card transaction logs
-Returns the additional cost.
+Download a CSV file containing the balances of all cards in the loyalty program. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/). The CSV file contains the following columns: - `loyaltyProgramID`: The ID of the loyalty program. - `loyaltySubledger`: The name of the subdleger, when applicatble. - `cardIdentifier`: The alphanumeric identifier of the loyalty card. - `cardState`:The state of the loyalty card. It can be `active` or `inactive`. - `currentBalance`: The current point balance. - `pendingBalance`: The number of pending points. - `expiredBalance`: The number of expired points. - `spentBalance`: The number of spent points.
### Example
@@ -3515,7 +3667,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetAdditionalCostExample
+ public class ExportLoyaltyCardBalancesExample
public static void Main()
@@ -3531,17 +3683,18 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var additionalCostId = 56; // int | The ID of the additional cost. You can find the ID the the Campaign Manager's URL when you display the details of the cost in **Account** > **Tools** > **Additional costs**.
+ var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
+ var endDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Used to return expired, active, and pending loyalty balances before this timestamp. You can enter any past, present, or future timestamp value. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. (optional)
- // Get additional cost
- AccountAdditionalCost result = apiInstance.GetAdditionalCost(additionalCostId);
+ // Export all card transaction logs
+ string result = apiInstance.ExportLoyaltyCardBalances(loyaltyProgramId, endDate);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAdditionalCost: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportLoyaltyCardBalances: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -3554,11 +3707,12 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **additionalCostId** | **int**| The ID of the additional cost. You can find the ID the the Campaign Manager's URL when you display the details of the cost in **Account** > **Tools** > **Additional costs**. |
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
+ **endDate** | **DateTime?**| Used to return expired, active, and pending loyalty balances before this timestamp. You can enter any past, present, or future timestamp value. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -3567,22 +3721,24 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/csv
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
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-# **GetAdditionalCosts**
-> InlineResponse20033 GetAdditionalCosts (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
+# **ExportLoyaltyCardLedger**
+> string ExportLoyaltyCardLedger (int loyaltyProgramId, string loyaltyCardId, DateTime rangeStart, DateTime rangeEnd, string dateFormat = null)
-List additional costs
+Export card's ledger log
-Returns all the defined additional costs for the account.
+Download a CSV file containing a loyalty card ledger log of the loyalty program. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/).
### Example
@@ -3594,7 +3750,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetAdditionalCostsExample
+ public class ExportLoyaltyCardLedgerExample
public static void Main()
@@ -3610,19 +3766,21 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
- var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
+ var loyaltyCardId = loyaltyCardId_example; // string | Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint.
+ var rangeStart = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from after this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered.
+ var rangeEnd = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from before this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered.
+ var dateFormat = dateFormat_example; // string | Determines the format of dates in the export document. (optional)
- // List additional costs
- InlineResponse20033 result = apiInstance.GetAdditionalCosts(pageSize, skip, sort);
+ // Export card's ledger log
+ string result = apiInstance.ExportLoyaltyCardLedger(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId, rangeStart, rangeEnd, dateFormat);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAdditionalCosts: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportLoyaltyCardLedger: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -3635,13 +3793,15 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
- **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
+ **loyaltyCardId** | **string**| Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint. |
+ **rangeStart** | **DateTime**| Only return results from after this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. |
+ **rangeEnd** | **DateTime**| Only return results from before this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. |
+ **dateFormat** | **string**| Determines the format of dates in the export document. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -3650,22 +3810,24 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/csv
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **GetAllAccessLogs**
-> InlineResponse20019 GetAllAccessLogs (DateTime rangeStart, DateTime rangeEnd, string path = null, string method = null, string status = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
+# **ExportLoyaltyLedger**
+> string ExportLoyaltyLedger (DateTime rangeStart, DateTime rangeEnd, string loyaltyProgramId, string integrationId, string dateFormat = null)
-List access logs
+Export customer's transaction logs
-Fetches the access logs for the entire account. Sensitive requests (logins) are _always_ filtered from the logs.
+Download a CSV file containing a customer's transaction logs in the loyalty program. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/). The generated file can contain the following columns: - `customerprofileid`: The ID of the profile. - `customersessionid`: The ID of the customer session. - `rulesetid`: The ID of the rule set. - `rulename`: The name of the rule. - `programid`: The ID of the loyalty program. - `type`: The type of the loyalty program. - `name`: The name of the loyalty program. - `subledgerid`: The ID of the subledger, when applicable. - `startdate`: The start date of the program. - `expirydate`: The expiration date of the program. - `id`: The ID of the transaction. - `created`: The timestamp of the creation of the loyalty program. - `amount`: The number of points in that transaction. - `archived`: Whether the session related to the transaction is archived. - `campaignid`: The ID of the campaign.
### Example
@@ -3677,7 +3839,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetAllAccessLogsExample
+ public class ExportLoyaltyLedgerExample
public static void Main()
@@ -3693,24 +3855,21 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var rangeStart = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from after this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string.
- var rangeEnd = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from before this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string.
- var path = path_example; // string | Only return results where the request path matches the given regular expression. (optional)
- var method = method_example; // string | Only return results where the request method matches the given regular expression. (optional)
- var status = status_example; // string | Filter results by HTTP status codes. (optional)
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
- var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var rangeStart = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from after this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered.
+ var rangeEnd = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from before this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered.
+ var loyaltyProgramId = loyaltyProgramId_example; // string | The identifier for the loyalty program.
+ var integrationId = integrationId_example; // string | The identifier of the profile.
+ var dateFormat = dateFormat_example; // string | Determines the format of dates in the export document. (optional)
- // List access logs
- InlineResponse20019 result = apiInstance.GetAllAccessLogs(rangeStart, rangeEnd, path, method, status, pageSize, skip, sort);
+ // Export customer's transaction logs
+ string result = apiInstance.ExportLoyaltyLedger(rangeStart, rangeEnd, loyaltyProgramId, integrationId, dateFormat);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAllAccessLogs: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportLoyaltyLedger: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -3723,18 +3882,15 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **rangeStart** | **DateTime**| Only return results from after this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
- **rangeEnd** | **DateTime**| Only return results from before this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
- **path** | **string**| Only return results where the request path matches the given regular expression. | [optional]
- **method** | **string**| Only return results where the request method matches the given regular expression. | [optional]
- **status** | **string**| Filter results by HTTP status codes. | [optional]
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
- **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **rangeStart** | **DateTime**| Only return results from after this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. |
+ **rangeEnd** | **DateTime**| Only return results from before this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. |
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **string**| The identifier for the loyalty program. |
+ **integrationId** | **string**| The identifier of the profile. |
+ **dateFormat** | **string**| Determines the format of dates in the export document. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -3743,7 +3899,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/csv
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
@@ -3752,13 +3908,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetAllRoles**
-> InlineResponse20041 GetAllRoles ()
+# **ExportPoolGiveaways**
+> string ExportPoolGiveaways (int poolId, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null)
-List roles
+Export giveaway codes of a giveaway pool
-List all roles.
+Download a CSV file containing the giveaway codes of a specific giveaway pool. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/). The CSV file contains the following columns: - `id`: The internal ID of the giveaway. - `poolid`: The internal ID of the giveaway pool. - `code`: The giveaway code. - `startdate`: The validity start date in RFC3339 of the giveaway (can be empty). - `enddate`: The validity end date in RFC3339 of the giveaway (can be empty). - `attributes`: Any custom attributes associated with the giveaway code (can be empty). - `used`: An indication of whether the giveaway is already awarded. - `importid`: The ID of the import which created the giveaway. - `created`: The creation time of the giveaway code. - `profileintegrationid`: The third-party integration ID of the customer profile that was awarded the giveaway. Can be empty if the giveaway was not awarded. - `profileid`: The internal ID of the customer profile that was awarded the giveaway. Can be empty if the giveaway was not awarded or an internal ID does not exist.
### Example
@@ -3770,7 +3926,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetAllRolesExample
+ public class ExportPoolGiveawaysExample
public static void Main()
@@ -3786,16 +3942,19 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var poolId = 56; // int | The ID of the pool. You can find it in the Campaign Manager, in the **Giveaways** section.
+ var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Timestamp that filters the results to only contain giveaways created before this date. Must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
+ var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Timestamp that filters the results to only contain giveaways created after this date. Must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
- // List roles
- InlineResponse20041 result = apiInstance.GetAllRoles();
+ // Export giveaway codes of a giveaway pool
+ string result = apiInstance.ExportPoolGiveaways(poolId, createdBefore, createdAfter);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAllRoles: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportPoolGiveaways: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -3805,11 +3964,16 @@ namespace Example
### Parameters
-This endpoint does not need any parameter.
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **poolId** | **int**| The ID of the pool. You can find it in the Campaign Manager, in the **Giveaways** section. |
+ **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Timestamp that filters the results to only contain giveaways created before this date. Must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
+ **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Timestamp that filters the results to only contain giveaways created after this date. Must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -3818,22 +3982,23 @@ This endpoint does not need any parameter.
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/csv
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
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-# **GetApplication**
-> Application GetApplication (int applicationId)
+# **ExportReferrals**
+> string ExportReferrals (int applicationId, decimal? campaignId = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string valid = null, string usable = null, string batchId = null, string dateFormat = null)
-Get Application
+Export referrals
-Get the application specified by the ID.
+Download a CSV file containing the referrals that match the given parameters. **Tip:** If the exported CSV file is too large to view, you can [split it into multiple files](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-split-a-huge-csv-excel-workbook-into-seperate-files/). The CSV file contains the following columns: - `code`: The referral code. - `advocateprofileintegrationid`: The profile ID of the advocate. - `startdate`: The start date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `expirydate`: The end date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `limitval`: The maximum number of redemptions of this code. Defaults to `1` when left blank. - `attributes`: A json object describing _custom_ referral attribute names and their values.
### Example
@@ -3845,7 +4010,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetApplicationExample
+ public class ExportReferralsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -3862,16 +4027,23 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by campaign. (optional)
+ var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the referral creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the referral creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var valid = valid_example; // string | - `expired`: Matches referrals in which the expiration date is set and in the past. - `validNow`: Matches referrals in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future. - `validFuture`: Matches referrals in which start date is set and in the future. (optional)
+ var usable = usable_example; // string | - `true`, only referrals where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned. - `false`, only referrals where `usageCounter >= usageLimit` will be returned. (optional)
+ var batchId = batchId_example; // string | Filter results by batches of referrals (optional)
+ var dateFormat = dateFormat_example; // string | Determines the format of dates in the export document. (optional)
- // Get Application
- Application result = apiInstance.GetApplication(applicationId);
+ // Export referrals
+ string result = apiInstance.ExportReferrals(applicationId, campaignId, createdBefore, createdAfter, valid, usable, batchId, dateFormat);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplication: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ExportReferrals: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -3885,10 +4057,17 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by campaign. | [optional]
+ **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the referral creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the referral creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **valid** | **string**| - `expired`: Matches referrals in which the expiration date is set and in the past. - `validNow`: Matches referrals in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future. - `validFuture`: Matches referrals in which start date is set and in the future. | [optional]
+ **usable** | **string**| - `true`, only referrals where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned. - `false`, only referrals where `usageCounter >= usageLimit` will be returned. | [optional]
+ **batchId** | **string**| Filter results by batches of referrals | [optional]
+ **dateFormat** | **string**| Determines the format of dates in the export document. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -3897,7 +4076,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/csv
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
@@ -3906,13 +4085,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetApplicationApiHealth**
-> ApplicationApiHealth GetApplicationApiHealth (int applicationId)
+# **GetAccessLogsWithoutTotalCount**
+> InlineResponse20019 GetAccessLogsWithoutTotalCount (int applicationId, DateTime rangeStart, DateTime rangeEnd, string path = null, string method = null, string status = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
-Get Application health
+Get access logs for Application
-Display the health of the Application and show the last time the Application was used. You can also display this information from the **Settings** of an Application, in the **Developer Settings** menu. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/tutorials/monitoring-integration-status).
+Retrieve the list of API calls sent to the specified Application.
### Example
@@ -3924,7 +4103,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetApplicationApiHealthExample
+ public class GetAccessLogsWithoutTotalCountExample
public static void Main()
@@ -3941,16 +4120,24 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var rangeStart = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from after this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered.
+ var rangeEnd = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from before this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered.
+ var path = path_example; // string | Only return results where the request path matches the given regular expression. (optional)
+ var method = method_example; // string | Only return results where the request method matches the given regular expression. (optional)
+ var status = status_example; // string | Filter results by HTTP status codes. (optional)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- // Get Application health
- ApplicationApiHealth result = apiInstance.GetApplicationApiHealth(applicationId);
+ // Get access logs for Application
+ InlineResponse20019 result = apiInstance.GetAccessLogsWithoutTotalCount(applicationId, rangeStart, rangeEnd, path, method, status, pageSize, skip, sort);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplicationApiHealth: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAccessLogsWithoutTotalCount: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -3964,10 +4151,18 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **rangeStart** | **DateTime**| Only return results from after this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. |
+ **rangeEnd** | **DateTime**| Only return results from before this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. |
+ **path** | **string**| Only return results where the request path matches the given regular expression. | [optional]
+ **method** | **string**| Only return results where the request method matches the given regular expression. | [optional]
+ **status** | **string**| Filter results by HTTP status codes. | [optional]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -3985,13 +4180,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetApplicationCustomer**
-> ApplicationCustomer GetApplicationCustomer (int applicationId, int customerId)
+# **GetAccount**
+> Account GetAccount (int accountId)
-Get application's customer
+Get account details
-Retrieve the customers of the specified application.
+Return the details of your companies Talon.One account.
### Example
@@ -4003,7 +4198,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetApplicationCustomerExample
+ public class GetAccountExample
public static void Main()
@@ -4019,18 +4214,17 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var customerId = 56; // int | The value of the `id` property of a customer profile. Get it with the [List Application's customers](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getApplicationCustomers) endpoint.
+ var accountId = 56; // int | The identifier of the account. Retrieve it via the [List users in account](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getUsers) endpoint in the `accountId` property.
- // Get application's customer
- ApplicationCustomer result = apiInstance.GetApplicationCustomer(applicationId, customerId);
+ // Get account details
+ Account result = apiInstance.GetAccount(accountId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplicationCustomer: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAccount: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -4043,12 +4237,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **customerId** | **int**| The value of the `id` property of a customer profile. Get it with the [List Application's customers](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getApplicationCustomers) endpoint. |
+ **accountId** | **int**| The identifier of the account. Retrieve it via the [List users in account](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getUsers) endpoint in the `accountId` property. |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -4066,13 +4259,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetApplicationCustomerFriends**
-> InlineResponse20030 GetApplicationCustomerFriends (int applicationId, string integrationId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null)
+# **GetAccountAnalytics**
+> AccountAnalytics GetAccountAnalytics (int accountId)
-List friends referred by customer profile
+Get account analytics
-List the friends referred by the specified customer profile in this Application.
+Return the analytics of your Talon.One account.
### Example
@@ -4084,7 +4277,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetApplicationCustomerFriendsExample
+ public class GetAccountAnalyticsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -4100,22 +4293,17 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var integrationId = integrationId_example; // string | The Integration ID of the Advocate's Profile.
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
- var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- var withTotalResultSize = true; // bool? | When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. (optional)
+ var accountId = 56; // int | The identifier of the account. Retrieve it via the [List users in account](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getUsers) endpoint in the `accountId` property.
- // List friends referred by customer profile
- InlineResponse20030 result = apiInstance.GetApplicationCustomerFriends(applicationId, integrationId, pageSize, skip, sort, withTotalResultSize);
+ // Get account analytics
+ AccountAnalytics result = apiInstance.GetAccountAnalytics(accountId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplicationCustomerFriends: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAccountAnalytics: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -4128,16 +4316,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **integrationId** | **string**| The Integration ID of the Advocate's Profile. |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
- **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
- **withTotalResultSize** | **bool?**| When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. | [optional]
+ **accountId** | **int**| The identifier of the account. Retrieve it via the [List users in account](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getUsers) endpoint in the `accountId` property. |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -4155,13 +4338,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetApplicationCustomers**
-> InlineResponse20021 GetApplicationCustomers (int applicationId, string integrationId = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null)
+# **GetAccountCollection**
+> Collection GetAccountCollection (int collectionId)
-List application's customers
+Get account-level collection
-List all the customers of the specified application.
+Retrieve a given account-level collection.
### Example
@@ -4173,7 +4356,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetApplicationCustomersExample
+ public class GetAccountCollectionExample
public static void Main()
@@ -4189,21 +4372,17 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var integrationId = integrationId_example; // string | Filter results performing an exact matching against the profile integration identifier. (optional)
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
- var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var withTotalResultSize = true; // bool? | When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. (optional)
+ var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in account](#operation/listAccountCollections) endpoint.
- // List application's customers
- InlineResponse20021 result = apiInstance.GetApplicationCustomers(applicationId, integrationId, pageSize, skip, withTotalResultSize);
+ // Get account-level collection
+ Collection result = apiInstance.GetAccountCollection(collectionId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplicationCustomers: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAccountCollection: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -4216,15 +4395,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **integrationId** | **string**| Filter results performing an exact matching against the profile integration identifier. | [optional]
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
- **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **withTotalResultSize** | **bool?**| When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. | [optional]
+ **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in account](#operation/listAccountCollections) endpoint. |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -4239,16 +4414,17 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **GetApplicationCustomersByAttributes**
-> InlineResponse20022 GetApplicationCustomersByAttributes (int applicationId, CustomerProfileSearchQuery body, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null)
+# **GetAchievement**
+> Achievement GetAchievement (int applicationId, int campaignId, int achievementId)
-List application customers matching the given attributes
+Get achievement
-Get a list of the application customers matching the provided criteria. The match is successful if all the attributes of the request are found in a profile, even if the profile has more attributes that are not present on the request.
+Get the details of a specific achievement.
### Example
@@ -4260,7 +4436,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetApplicationCustomersByAttributesExample
+ public class GetAchievementExample
public static void Main()
@@ -4277,20 +4453,18 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var body = new CustomerProfileSearchQuery(); // CustomerProfileSearchQuery | body
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
- var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var withTotalResultSize = true; // bool? | When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. (optional)
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var achievementId = 56; // int | The ID of the achievement. You can get this ID with the [List achievement](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Achievements/operation/listAchievements) endpoint.
- // List application customers matching the given attributes
- InlineResponse20022 result = apiInstance.GetApplicationCustomersByAttributes(applicationId, body, pageSize, skip, withTotalResultSize);
+ // Get achievement
+ Achievement result = apiInstance.GetAchievement(applicationId, campaignId, achievementId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplicationCustomersByAttributes: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAchievement: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -4304,14 +4478,12 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **body** | [**CustomerProfileSearchQuery**](CustomerProfileSearchQuery.md)| body |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
- **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **withTotalResultSize** | **bool?**| When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. | [optional]
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **achievementId** | **int**| The ID of the achievement. You can get this ID with the [List achievement](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Achievements/operation/listAchievements) endpoint. |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -4319,23 +4491,25 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **GetApplicationEventTypes**
-> InlineResponse20028 GetApplicationEventTypes (int applicationId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
+# **GetAdditionalCost**
+> AccountAdditionalCost GetAdditionalCost (int additionalCostId)
-List Applications event types
+Get additional cost
-Get all of the distinct values of the Event `type` property for events recorded in the application. See also: [Track an event](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Events/operation/trackEventV2)
+Returns the additional cost.
### Example
@@ -4347,7 +4521,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetApplicationEventTypesExample
+ public class GetAdditionalCostExample
public static void Main()
@@ -4363,20 +4537,17 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
- var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var additionalCostId = 56; // int | The ID of the additional cost. You can find the ID the the Campaign Manager's URL when you display the details of the cost in **Account** > **Tools** > **Additional costs**.
- // List Applications event types
- InlineResponse20028 result = apiInstance.GetApplicationEventTypes(applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort);
+ // Get additional cost
+ AccountAdditionalCost result = apiInstance.GetAdditionalCost(additionalCostId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplicationEventTypes: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAdditionalCost: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -4389,14 +4560,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
- **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **additionalCostId** | **int**| The ID of the additional cost. You can find the ID the the Campaign Manager's URL when you display the details of the cost in **Account** > **Tools** > **Additional costs**. |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -4414,13 +4582,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetApplicationEventsWithoutTotalCount**
-> InlineResponse20027 GetApplicationEventsWithoutTotalCount (int applicationId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string type = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string session = null, string profile = null, string customerName = null, string customerEmail = null, string couponCode = null, string referralCode = null, string ruleQuery = null, string campaignQuery = null)
+# **GetAdditionalCosts**
+> InlineResponse20036 GetAdditionalCosts (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
-List Applications events
+List additional costs
-Lists all events recorded for an application. Instead of having the total number of results in the response, this endpoint only mentions whether there are more results.
+Returns all the defined additional costs for the account.
### Example
@@ -4432,7 +4600,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetApplicationEventsWithoutTotalCountExample
+ public class GetAdditionalCostsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -4448,31 +4616,19 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- var type = type_example; // string | Comma-separated list of types by which to filter events. Must be exact match(es). (optional)
- var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Only return events created before this date. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Only return events created after this date. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var session = session_example; // string | Session integration ID filter for events. Must be exact match. (optional)
- var profile = profile_example; // string | Profile integration ID filter for events. Must be exact match. (optional)
- var customerName = customerName_example; // string | Customer name filter for events. Will match substrings case-insensitively. (optional)
- var customerEmail = customerEmail_example; // string | Customer e-mail address filter for events. Will match substrings case-insensitively. (optional)
- var couponCode = couponCode_example; // string | Coupon code (optional)
- var referralCode = referralCode_example; // string | Referral code (optional)
- var ruleQuery = ruleQuery_example; // string | Rule name filter for events (optional)
- var campaignQuery = campaignQuery_example; // string | Campaign name filter for events (optional)
- // List Applications events
- InlineResponse20027 result = apiInstance.GetApplicationEventsWithoutTotalCount(applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort, type, createdBefore, createdAfter, session, profile, customerName, customerEmail, couponCode, referralCode, ruleQuery, campaignQuery);
+ // List additional costs
+ InlineResponse20036 result = apiInstance.GetAdditionalCosts(pageSize, skip, sort);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplicationEventsWithoutTotalCount: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAdditionalCosts: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -4485,25 +4641,13 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
**sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
- **type** | **string**| Comma-separated list of types by which to filter events. Must be exact match(es). | [optional]
- **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Only return events created before this date. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Only return events created after this date. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **session** | **string**| Session integration ID filter for events. Must be exact match. | [optional]
- **profile** | **string**| Profile integration ID filter for events. Must be exact match. | [optional]
- **customerName** | **string**| Customer name filter for events. Will match substrings case-insensitively. | [optional]
- **customerEmail** | **string**| Customer e-mail address filter for events. Will match substrings case-insensitively. | [optional]
- **couponCode** | **string**| Coupon code | [optional]
- **referralCode** | **string**| Referral code | [optional]
- **ruleQuery** | **string**| Rule name filter for events | [optional]
- **campaignQuery** | **string**| Campaign name filter for events | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -4521,13 +4665,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetApplicationSession**
-> ApplicationSession GetApplicationSession (int applicationId, int sessionId)
+# **GetAllAccessLogs**
+> InlineResponse20020 GetAllAccessLogs (DateTime? rangeStart = null, DateTime? rangeEnd = null, string path = null, string method = null, string status = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
-Get Application session
+List access logs
-Get the details of the given session. You can list the sessions with the [List Application sessions](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Customer-data/operation/getApplicationSessions) endpoint.
+Fetches the access logs for the entire account. Sensitive requests (logins) are _always_ filtered from the logs.
### Example
@@ -4539,7 +4683,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetApplicationSessionExample
+ public class GetAllAccessLogsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -4555,18 +4699,24 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var sessionId = 56; // int | The **internal** ID of the session. You can get the ID with the [List Application sessions](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Customer-data/operation/getApplicationSessions) endpoint.
+ var rangeStart = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Only return results from after this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. (optional)
+ var rangeEnd = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Only return results from before this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. (optional)
+ var path = path_example; // string | Only return results where the request path matches the given regular expression. (optional)
+ var method = method_example; // string | Only return results where the request method matches the given regular expression. (optional)
+ var status = status_example; // string | Filter results by HTTP status codes. (optional)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- // Get Application session
- ApplicationSession result = apiInstance.GetApplicationSession(applicationId, sessionId);
+ // List access logs
+ InlineResponse20020 result = apiInstance.GetAllAccessLogs(rangeStart, rangeEnd, path, method, status, pageSize, skip, sort);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplicationSession: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAllAccessLogs: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -4579,12 +4729,18 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **sessionId** | **int**| The **internal** ID of the session. You can get the ID with the [List Application sessions](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Customer-data/operation/getApplicationSessions) endpoint. |
+ **rangeStart** | **DateTime?**| Only return results from after this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. | [optional]
+ **rangeEnd** | **DateTime?**| Only return results from before this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. | [optional]
+ **path** | **string**| Only return results where the request path matches the given regular expression. | [optional]
+ **method** | **string**| Only return results where the request method matches the given regular expression. | [optional]
+ **status** | **string**| Filter results by HTTP status codes. | [optional]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -4602,13 +4758,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetApplicationSessions**
-> InlineResponse20026 GetApplicationSessions (int applicationId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string profile = null, string state = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string coupon = null, string referral = null, string integrationId = null)
+# **GetApplication**
+> Application GetApplication (int applicationId)
-List Application sessions
+Get Application
-List all the sessions of the specified Application.
+Get the application specified by the ID.
### Example
@@ -4620,7 +4776,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetApplicationSessionsExample
+ public class GetApplicationExample
public static void Main()
@@ -4637,26 +4793,16 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
- var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- var profile = profile_example; // string | Profile integration ID filter for sessions. Must be exact match. (optional)
- var state = state_example; // string | Filter by sessions with this state. Must be exact match. (optional)
- var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Only return events created before this date. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Only return events created after this date. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var coupon = coupon_example; // string | Filter by sessions with this coupon. Must be exact match. (optional)
- var referral = referral_example; // string | Filter by sessions with this referral. Must be exact match. (optional)
- var integrationId = integrationId_example; // string | Filter by sessions with this integrationId. Must be exact match. (optional)
- // List Application sessions
- InlineResponse20026 result = apiInstance.GetApplicationSessions(applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort, profile, state, createdBefore, createdAfter, coupon, referral, integrationId);
+ // Get Application
+ Application result = apiInstance.GetApplication(applicationId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplicationSessions: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplication: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -4670,20 +4816,10 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
- **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
- **profile** | **string**| Profile integration ID filter for sessions. Must be exact match. | [optional]
- **state** | **string**| Filter by sessions with this state. Must be exact match. | [optional]
- **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Only return events created before this date. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Only return events created after this date. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **coupon** | **string**| Filter by sessions with this coupon. Must be exact match. | [optional]
- **referral** | **string**| Filter by sessions with this referral. Must be exact match. | [optional]
- **integrationId** | **string**| Filter by sessions with this integrationId. Must be exact match. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -4701,13 +4837,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetApplications**
-> InlineResponse2003 GetApplications (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
+# **GetApplicationApiHealth**
+> ApplicationApiHealth GetApplicationApiHealth (int applicationId)
-List Applications
+Get Application health
-List all applications in the current account.
+Display the health of the Application and show the last time the Application was used. You can also display this information from the **Settings** of an Application, in the **Developer Settings** menu. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/tutorials/monitoring-integration-status).
### Example
@@ -4719,7 +4855,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetApplicationsExample
+ public class GetApplicationApiHealthExample
public static void Main()
@@ -4735,19 +4871,17 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
- var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- // List Applications
- InlineResponse2003 result = apiInstance.GetApplications(pageSize, skip, sort);
+ // Get Application health
+ ApplicationApiHealth result = apiInstance.GetApplicationApiHealth(applicationId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplications: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplicationApiHealth: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -4760,13 +4894,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
- **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -4784,13 +4916,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetAttribute**
-> Attribute GetAttribute (int attributeId)
+# **GetApplicationCustomer**
+> ApplicationCustomer GetApplicationCustomer (int applicationId, int customerId)
-Get custom attribute
+Get application's customer
-Retrieve the specified custom attribute.
+Retrieve the customers of the specified application.
### Example
@@ -4802,7 +4934,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetAttributeExample
+ public class GetApplicationCustomerExample
public static void Main()
@@ -4818,17 +4950,18 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var attributeId = 56; // int | The ID of the attribute. You can find the ID in the Campaign Manager's URL when you display the details of an attribute in **Account** > **Tools** > **Attributes**.
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var customerId = 56; // int | The value of the `id` property of a customer profile. Get it with the [List Application's customers](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getApplicationCustomers) endpoint.
- // Get custom attribute
- Attribute result = apiInstance.GetAttribute(attributeId);
+ // Get application's customer
+ ApplicationCustomer result = apiInstance.GetApplicationCustomer(applicationId, customerId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAttribute: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplicationCustomer: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -4841,11 +4974,12 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **attributeId** | **int**| The ID of the attribute. You can find the ID in the Campaign Manager's URL when you display the details of an attribute in **Account** > **Tools** > **Attributes**. |
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **customerId** | **int**| The value of the `id` property of a customer profile. Get it with the [List Application's customers](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getApplicationCustomers) endpoint. |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -4863,13 +4997,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetAttributes**
-> InlineResponse20031 GetAttributes (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string entity = null)
+# **GetApplicationCustomerFriends**
+> InlineResponse20033 GetApplicationCustomerFriends (int applicationId, string integrationId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null)
-List custom attributes
+List friends referred by customer profile
-Return all the custom attributes for the account.
+List the friends referred by the specified customer profile in this Application.
### Example
@@ -4881,7 +5015,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetAttributesExample
+ public class GetApplicationCustomerFriendsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -4897,20 +5031,22 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var integrationId = integrationId_example; // string | The Integration ID of the Advocate's Profile.
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- var entity = entity_example; // string | Returned attributes will be filtered by supplied entity. (optional)
+ var withTotalResultSize = true; // bool? | When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. (optional)
- // List custom attributes
- InlineResponse20031 result = apiInstance.GetAttributes(pageSize, skip, sort, entity);
+ // List friends referred by customer profile
+ InlineResponse20033 result = apiInstance.GetApplicationCustomerFriends(applicationId, integrationId, pageSize, skip, sort, withTotalResultSize);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAttributes: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplicationCustomerFriends: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -4923,14 +5059,16 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **integrationId** | **string**| The Integration ID of the Advocate's Profile. |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
**sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
- **entity** | **string**| Returned attributes will be filtered by supplied entity. | [optional]
+ **withTotalResultSize** | **bool?**| When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -4948,13 +5086,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetAudiences**
-> InlineResponse20029 GetAudiences (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null)
+# **GetApplicationCustomers**
+> InlineResponse20022 GetApplicationCustomers (int applicationId, string integrationId = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null)
-List audiences
+List application's customers
-Get all audiences created in the account. To create an audience, use [Create audience](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Audiences/operation/createAudienceV2).
+List all the customers of the specified application.
### Example
@@ -4966,7 +5104,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetAudiencesExample
+ public class GetApplicationCustomersExample
public static void Main()
@@ -4982,20 +5120,21 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var integrationId = integrationId_example; // string | Filter results performing an exact matching against the profile integration identifier. (optional)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
var withTotalResultSize = true; // bool? | When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. (optional)
- // List audiences
- InlineResponse20029 result = apiInstance.GetAudiences(pageSize, skip, sort, withTotalResultSize);
+ // List application's customers
+ InlineResponse20022 result = apiInstance.GetApplicationCustomers(applicationId, integrationId, pageSize, skip, withTotalResultSize);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAudiences: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplicationCustomers: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -5008,14 +5147,15 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **integrationId** | **string**| Filter results performing an exact matching against the profile integration identifier. | [optional]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
**withTotalResultSize** | **bool?**| When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -5033,13 +5173,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetCampaign**
-> Campaign GetCampaign (int applicationId, int campaignId)
+# **GetApplicationCustomersByAttributes**
+> InlineResponse20023 GetApplicationCustomersByAttributes (int applicationId, CustomerProfileSearchQuery body, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null)
-Get campaign
+List application customers matching the given attributes
-Retrieve the given campaign.
+Get a list of the application customers matching the provided criteria. The match is successful if all the attributes of the request are found in a profile, even if the profile has more attributes that are not present on the request.
### Example
@@ -5051,7 +5191,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetCampaignExample
+ public class GetApplicationCustomersByAttributesExample
public static void Main()
@@ -5068,17 +5208,20 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var body = new CustomerProfileSearchQuery(); // CustomerProfileSearchQuery | body
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var withTotalResultSize = true; // bool? | When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. (optional)
- // Get campaign
- Campaign result = apiInstance.GetCampaign(applicationId, campaignId);
+ // List application customers matching the given attributes
+ InlineResponse20023 result = apiInstance.GetApplicationCustomersByAttributes(applicationId, body, pageSize, skip, withTotalResultSize);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCampaign: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplicationCustomersByAttributes: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -5092,11 +5235,14 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **body** | [**CustomerProfileSearchQuery**](CustomerProfileSearchQuery.md)| body |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **withTotalResultSize** | **bool?**| When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -5104,7 +5250,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
@@ -5114,13 +5260,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetCampaignAnalytics**
-> InlineResponse20020 GetCampaignAnalytics (int applicationId, int campaignId, DateTime rangeStart, DateTime rangeEnd, string granularity = null)
+# **GetApplicationEventTypes**
+> InlineResponse20029 GetApplicationEventTypes (int applicationId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
-Get analytics of campaigns
+List Applications event types
-Retrieve statistical data about the performance of the given campaign.
+Get all of the distinct values of the Event `type` property for events recorded in the application. See also: [Track an event](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Events/operation/trackEventV2)
### Example
@@ -5132,7 +5278,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetCampaignAnalyticsExample
+ public class GetApplicationEventTypesExample
public static void Main()
@@ -5149,20 +5295,19 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var rangeStart = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from after this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string.
- var rangeEnd = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from before this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string.
- var granularity = granularity_example; // string | The time interval between the results in the returned time-series. (optional)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- // Get analytics of campaigns
- InlineResponse20020 result = apiInstance.GetCampaignAnalytics(applicationId, campaignId, rangeStart, rangeEnd, granularity);
+ // List Applications event types
+ InlineResponse20029 result = apiInstance.GetApplicationEventTypes(applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCampaignAnalytics: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplicationEventTypes: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -5176,14 +5321,13 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **rangeStart** | **DateTime**| Only return results from after this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
- **rangeEnd** | **DateTime**| Only return results from before this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
- **granularity** | **string**| The time interval between the results in the returned time-series. | [optional]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -5201,13 +5345,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetCampaignByAttributes**
-> InlineResponse2004 GetCampaignByAttributes (int applicationId, CampaignSearch body, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string campaignState = null)
+# **GetApplicationEventsWithoutTotalCount**
+> InlineResponse20028 GetApplicationEventsWithoutTotalCount (int applicationId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string type = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string session = null, string profile = null, string customerName = null, string customerEmail = null, string couponCode = null, string referralCode = null, string ruleQuery = null, string campaignQuery = null)
-List campaigns that match the given attributes
+List Applications events
-Get a list of all the campaigns that match a set of attributes.
+Lists all events recorded for an application. Instead of having the total number of results in the response, this endpoint only mentions whether there are more results.
### Example
@@ -5219,7 +5363,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetCampaignByAttributesExample
+ public class GetApplicationEventsWithoutTotalCountExample
public static void Main()
@@ -5236,21 +5380,30 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var body = new CampaignSearch(); // CampaignSearch | body
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- var campaignState = campaignState_example; // string | Filter results by the state of the campaign. - `enabled`: Campaigns that are scheduled, running (activated), or expired. - `running`: Campaigns that are running (activated). - `disabled`: Campaigns that are disabled. - `expired`: Campaigns that are expired. - `archived`: Campaigns that are archived. - `draft`: Campaigns that are drafts. (optional)
+ var type = type_example; // string | Comma-separated list of types by which to filter events. Must be exact match(es). (optional)
+ var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Only return events created before this date. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Only return events created after this date. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var session = session_example; // string | Session integration ID filter for events. Must be exact match. (optional)
+ var profile = profile_example; // string | Profile integration ID filter for events. Must be exact match. (optional)
+ var customerName = customerName_example; // string | Customer name filter for events. Will match substrings case-insensitively. (optional)
+ var customerEmail = customerEmail_example; // string | Customer e-mail address filter for events. Will match substrings case-insensitively. (optional)
+ var couponCode = couponCode_example; // string | Coupon code (optional)
+ var referralCode = referralCode_example; // string | Referral code (optional)
+ var ruleQuery = ruleQuery_example; // string | Rule name filter for events (optional)
+ var campaignQuery = campaignQuery_example; // string | Campaign name filter for events (optional)
- // List campaigns that match the given attributes
- InlineResponse2004 result = apiInstance.GetCampaignByAttributes(applicationId, body, pageSize, skip, sort, campaignState);
+ // List Applications events
+ InlineResponse20028 result = apiInstance.GetApplicationEventsWithoutTotalCount(applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort, type, createdBefore, createdAfter, session, profile, customerName, customerEmail, couponCode, referralCode, ruleQuery, campaignQuery);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCampaignByAttributes: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplicationEventsWithoutTotalCount: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -5264,15 +5417,24 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **body** | [**CampaignSearch**](CampaignSearch.md)| body |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
**sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
- **campaignState** | **string**| Filter results by the state of the campaign. - `enabled`: Campaigns that are scheduled, running (activated), or expired. - `running`: Campaigns that are running (activated). - `disabled`: Campaigns that are disabled. - `expired`: Campaigns that are expired. - `archived`: Campaigns that are archived. - `draft`: Campaigns that are drafts. | [optional]
+ **type** | **string**| Comma-separated list of types by which to filter events. Must be exact match(es). | [optional]
+ **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Only return events created before this date. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Only return events created after this date. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **session** | **string**| Session integration ID filter for events. Must be exact match. | [optional]
+ **profile** | **string**| Profile integration ID filter for events. Must be exact match. | [optional]
+ **customerName** | **string**| Customer name filter for events. Will match substrings case-insensitively. | [optional]
+ **customerEmail** | **string**| Customer e-mail address filter for events. Will match substrings case-insensitively. | [optional]
+ **couponCode** | **string**| Coupon code | [optional]
+ **referralCode** | **string**| Referral code | [optional]
+ **ruleQuery** | **string**| Rule name filter for events | [optional]
+ **campaignQuery** | **string**| Campaign name filter for events | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -5280,7 +5442,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
@@ -5290,13 +5452,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetCampaignTemplates**
-> InlineResponse20010 GetCampaignTemplates (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string state = null, string name = null, string tags = null, int? userId = null)
+# **GetApplicationSession**
+> ApplicationSession GetApplicationSession (int applicationId, int sessionId)
-List campaign templates
+Get Application session
-Retrieve a list of campaign templates.
+Get the details of the given session. You can list the sessions with the [List Application sessions](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Customer-data/operation/getApplicationSessions) endpoint.
### Example
@@ -5308,7 +5470,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetCampaignTemplatesExample
+ public class GetApplicationSessionExample
public static void Main()
@@ -5324,23 +5486,18 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
- var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- var state = state_example; // string | Filter results by the state of the campaign template. (optional)
- var name = name_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the name of the campaign template. (optional)
- var tags = tags_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the tags of the campaign template. When used in conjunction with the \"name\" query parameter, a logical OR will be performed to search both tags and name for the provided values. (optional)
- var userId = 56; // int? | Filter results by user ID. (optional)
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var sessionId = 56; // int | The **internal** ID of the session. You can get the ID with the [List Application sessions](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Customer-data/operation/getApplicationSessions) endpoint.
- // List campaign templates
- InlineResponse20010 result = apiInstance.GetCampaignTemplates(pageSize, skip, sort, state, name, tags, userId);
+ // Get Application session
+ ApplicationSession result = apiInstance.GetApplicationSession(applicationId, sessionId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCampaignTemplates: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplicationSession: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -5353,17 +5510,12 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
- **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
- **state** | **string**| Filter results by the state of the campaign template. | [optional]
- **name** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the name of the campaign template. | [optional]
- **tags** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the tags of the campaign template. When used in conjunction with the \"name\" query parameter, a logical OR will be performed to search both tags and name for the provided values. | [optional]
- **userId** | **int?**| Filter results by user ID. | [optional]
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **sessionId** | **int**| The **internal** ID of the session. You can get the ID with the [List Application sessions](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Customer-data/operation/getApplicationSessions) endpoint. |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -5381,13 +5533,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetCampaigns**
-> InlineResponse2004 GetCampaigns (int applicationId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string campaignState = null, string name = null, string tags = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, int? campaignGroupId = null, int? templateId = null)
+# **GetApplicationSessions**
+> InlineResponse20027 GetApplicationSessions (int applicationId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string profile = null, string state = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string coupon = null, string referral = null, string integrationId = null, string storeIntegrationId = null)
-List campaigns
+List Application sessions
-List the campaigns of the specified application that match your filter criteria.
+List all the sessions of the specified Application.
### Example
@@ -5399,7 +5551,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetCampaignsExample
+ public class GetApplicationSessionsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -5416,26 +5568,27 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- var campaignState = campaignState_example; // string | Filter results by the state of the campaign. - `enabled`: Campaigns that are scheduled, running (activated), or expired. - `running`: Campaigns that are running (activated). - `disabled`: Campaigns that are disabled. - `expired`: Campaigns that are expired. - `archived`: Campaigns that are archived. - `draft`: Campaigns that are drafts. (optional)
- var name = name_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the name of the campaign. (optional)
- var tags = tags_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the tags of the campaign. When used in conjunction with the \"name\" query parameter, a logical OR will be performed to search both tags and name for the provided values (optional)
- var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the campaign creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the campaign creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var campaignGroupId = 56; // int? | Filter results to campaigns owned by the specified campaign group ID. (optional)
- var templateId = 56; // int? | The ID of the Campaign Template this Campaign was created from. (optional)
+ var profile = profile_example; // string | Profile integration ID filter for sessions. Must be exact match. (optional)
+ var state = state_example; // string | Filter by sessions with this state. Must be exact match. (optional)
+ var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Only return events created before this date. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Only return events created after this date. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var coupon = coupon_example; // string | Filter by sessions with this coupon. Must be exact match. (optional)
+ var referral = referral_example; // string | Filter by sessions with this referral. Must be exact match. (optional)
+ var integrationId = integrationId_example; // string | Filter by sessions with this integrationId. Must be exact match. (optional)
+ var storeIntegrationId = storeIntegrationId_example; // string | The integration ID of the store. You choose this ID when you create a store. (optional)
- // List campaigns
- InlineResponse2004 result = apiInstance.GetCampaigns(applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort, campaignState, name, tags, createdBefore, createdAfter, campaignGroupId, templateId);
+ // List Application sessions
+ InlineResponse20027 result = apiInstance.GetApplicationSessions(applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort, profile, state, createdBefore, createdAfter, coupon, referral, integrationId, storeIntegrationId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCampaigns: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplicationSessions: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -5449,20 +5602,21 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
**sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
- **campaignState** | **string**| Filter results by the state of the campaign. - `enabled`: Campaigns that are scheduled, running (activated), or expired. - `running`: Campaigns that are running (activated). - `disabled`: Campaigns that are disabled. - `expired`: Campaigns that are expired. - `archived`: Campaigns that are archived. - `draft`: Campaigns that are drafts. | [optional]
- **name** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the name of the campaign. | [optional]
- **tags** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the tags of the campaign. When used in conjunction with the \"name\" query parameter, a logical OR will be performed to search both tags and name for the provided values | [optional]
- **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the campaign creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the campaign creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **campaignGroupId** | **int?**| Filter results to campaigns owned by the specified campaign group ID. | [optional]
- **templateId** | **int?**| The ID of the Campaign Template this Campaign was created from. | [optional]
+ **profile** | **string**| Profile integration ID filter for sessions. Must be exact match. | [optional]
+ **state** | **string**| Filter by sessions with this state. Must be exact match. | [optional]
+ **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Only return events created before this date. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Only return events created after this date. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **coupon** | **string**| Filter by sessions with this coupon. Must be exact match. | [optional]
+ **referral** | **string**| Filter by sessions with this referral. Must be exact match. | [optional]
+ **integrationId** | **string**| Filter by sessions with this integrationId. Must be exact match. | [optional]
+ **storeIntegrationId** | **string**| The integration ID of the store. You choose this ID when you create a store. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -5477,17 +5631,16 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
-| **400** | Bad request | - |
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-# **GetChanges**
-> InlineResponse20039 GetChanges (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, decimal? applicationId = null, string entityPath = null, int? userId = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null, int? managementKeyId = null, bool? includeOld = null)
+# **GetApplications**
+> InlineResponse2005 GetApplications (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
-Get audit logs for an account
+List Applications
-Retrieve the audit logs displayed in **Accounts > Audit logs**.
+List all applications in the current account.
### Example
@@ -5499,7 +5652,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetChangesExample
+ public class GetApplicationsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -5515,27 +5668,19 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- var applicationId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by Application ID. (optional)
- var entityPath = entityPath_example; // string | Filter results on a case insensitive matching of the url path of the entity (optional)
- var userId = 56; // int? | Filter results by user ID. (optional)
- var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the change creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the change creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var withTotalResultSize = true; // bool? | When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. (optional)
- var managementKeyId = 56; // int? | Filter results that match the given management key ID. (optional)
- var includeOld = true; // bool? | When this flag is set to false, the state without the change will not be returned. The default value is true. (optional)
- // Get audit logs for an account
- InlineResponse20039 result = apiInstance.GetChanges(pageSize, skip, sort, applicationId, entityPath, userId, createdBefore, createdAfter, withTotalResultSize, managementKeyId, includeOld);
+ // List Applications
+ InlineResponse2005 result = apiInstance.GetApplications(pageSize, skip, sort);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetChanges: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplications: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -5548,21 +5693,13 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
**sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
- **applicationId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by Application ID. | [optional]
- **entityPath** | **string**| Filter results on a case insensitive matching of the url path of the entity | [optional]
- **userId** | **int?**| Filter results by user ID. | [optional]
- **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the change creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the change creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **withTotalResultSize** | **bool?**| When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. | [optional]
- **managementKeyId** | **int?**| Filter results that match the given management key ID. | [optional]
- **includeOld** | **bool?**| When this flag is set to false, the state without the change will not be returned. The default value is true. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -5580,13 +5717,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetCollection**
-> Collection GetCollection (int applicationId, int campaignId, int collectionId)
+# **GetAttribute**
+> Attribute GetAttribute (int attributeId)
-Get collection
+Get custom attribute
-Retrieve a given collection.
+Retrieve the specified custom attribute.
### Example
@@ -5598,7 +5735,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetCollectionExample
+ public class GetAttributeExample
public static void Main()
@@ -5614,19 +5751,17 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint.
+ var attributeId = 56; // int | The ID of the attribute. You can find the ID in the Campaign Manager's URL when you display the details of an attribute in **Account** > **Tools** > **Attributes**.
- // Get collection
- Collection result = apiInstance.GetCollection(applicationId, campaignId, collectionId);
+ // Get custom attribute
+ Attribute result = apiInstance.GetAttribute(attributeId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCollection: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAttribute: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -5639,13 +5774,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint. |
+ **attributeId** | **int**| The ID of the attribute. You can find the ID in the Campaign Manager's URL when you display the details of an attribute in **Account** > **Tools** > **Attributes**. |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -5660,17 +5793,16 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
-| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **GetCollectionItems**
-> InlineResponse20016 GetCollectionItems (int collectionId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null)
+# **GetAttributes**
+> InlineResponse20034 GetAttributes (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string entity = null)
-Get collection items
+List custom attributes
-Retrieve the items from the given collection.
+Return all the custom attributes for the account.
### Example
@@ -5682,7 +5814,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetCollectionItemsExample
+ public class GetAttributesExample
public static void Main()
@@ -5698,19 +5830,20 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint.
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var entity = entity_example; // string | Returned attributes will be filtered by supplied entity. (optional)
- // Get collection items
- InlineResponse20016 result = apiInstance.GetCollectionItems(collectionId, pageSize, skip);
+ // List custom attributes
+ InlineResponse20034 result = apiInstance.GetAttributes(pageSize, skip, sort, entity);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCollectionItems: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAttributes: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -5723,13 +5856,14 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint. |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **entity** | **string**| Returned attributes will be filtered by supplied entity. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -5744,17 +5878,16 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
-| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **GetCouponsWithoutTotalCount**
-> InlineResponse2008 GetCouponsWithoutTotalCount (int applicationId, int campaignId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string value = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string valid = null, string usable = null, int? referralId = null, string recipientIntegrationId = null, string batchId = null, bool? exactMatch = null)
+# **GetAudienceMemberships**
+> InlineResponse20032 GetAudienceMemberships (int audienceId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string profileQuery = null)
-List coupons
+List audience members
-List all the coupons matching the specified criteria.
+Get a paginated list of the customer profiles in a given audience. A maximum of 1000 customer profiles per page is allowed.
### Example
@@ -5766,7 +5899,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetCouponsWithoutTotalCountExample
+ public class GetAudienceMembershipsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -5782,30 +5915,21 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var audienceId = 56; // int | The ID of the audience.
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- var value = value_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the coupon code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. (optional)
- var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var valid = valid_example; // string | Either \"expired\", \"validNow\", or \"validFuture\". The first option matches coupons in which the expiration date is set and in the past. The second matches coupons in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future, the third matches coupons in which start date is set and in the future. (optional)
- var usable = usable_example; // string | Either \"true\" or \"false\". If \"true\", only coupons where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned, \"false\" will return only coupons where `usageCounter >= usageLimit`. (optional)
- var referralId = 56; // int? | Filter the results by matching them with the ID of a referral. This filter shows the coupons created by redeeming a referral code. (optional)
- var recipientIntegrationId = recipientIntegrationId_example; // string | Filter results by match with a profile id specified in the coupon's RecipientIntegrationId field (optional)
- var batchId = batchId_example; // string | Filter results by batches of coupons (optional)
- var exactMatch = true; // bool? | Filter results to an exact case-insensitive matching against the coupon code (optional) (default to false)
+ var profileQuery = profileQuery_example; // string | The filter to select a profile. (optional)
- // List coupons
- InlineResponse2008 result = apiInstance.GetCouponsWithoutTotalCount(applicationId, campaignId, pageSize, skip, sort, value, createdBefore, createdAfter, valid, usable, referralId, recipientIntegrationId, batchId, exactMatch);
+ // List audience members
+ InlineResponse20032 result = apiInstance.GetAudienceMemberships(audienceId, pageSize, skip, sort, profileQuery);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCouponsWithoutTotalCount: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAudienceMemberships: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -5818,24 +5942,15 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **audienceId** | **int**| The ID of the audience. |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
**sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
- **value** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the coupon code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. | [optional]
- **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **valid** | **string**| Either \"expired\", \"validNow\", or \"validFuture\". The first option matches coupons in which the expiration date is set and in the past. The second matches coupons in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future, the third matches coupons in which start date is set and in the future. | [optional]
- **usable** | **string**| Either \"true\" or \"false\". If \"true\", only coupons where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned, \"false\" will return only coupons where `usageCounter >= usageLimit`. | [optional]
- **referralId** | **int?**| Filter the results by matching them with the ID of a referral. This filter shows the coupons created by redeeming a referral code. | [optional]
- **recipientIntegrationId** | **string**| Filter results by match with a profile id specified in the coupon's RecipientIntegrationId field | [optional]
- **batchId** | **string**| Filter results by batches of coupons | [optional]
- **exactMatch** | **bool?**| Filter results to an exact case-insensitive matching against the coupon code | [optional] [default to false]
+ **profileQuery** | **string**| The filter to select a profile. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -5850,16 +5965,17 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **GetCustomerActivityReport**
-> CustomerActivityReport GetCustomerActivityReport (DateTime rangeStart, DateTime rangeEnd, int applicationId, int customerId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null)
+# **GetAudiences**
+> InlineResponse20030 GetAudiences (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null)
-Get customer's activity report
+List audiences
-Fetch the summary report of a given customer in the given application, in a time range.
+Get all audiences created in the account. To create an audience, use [Create audience](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Audiences/operation/createAudienceV2).
### Example
@@ -5871,7 +5987,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetCustomerActivityReportExample
+ public class GetAudiencesExample
public static void Main()
@@ -5887,22 +6003,20 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var rangeStart = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from after this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string.
- var rangeEnd = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from before this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string.
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var customerId = 56; // int | The value of the `id` property of a customer profile. Get it with the [List Application's customers](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getApplicationCustomers) endpoint.
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var withTotalResultSize = true; // bool? | When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. (optional)
- // Get customer's activity report
- CustomerActivityReport result = apiInstance.GetCustomerActivityReport(rangeStart, rangeEnd, applicationId, customerId, pageSize, skip);
+ // List audiences
+ InlineResponse20030 result = apiInstance.GetAudiences(pageSize, skip, sort, withTotalResultSize);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCustomerActivityReport: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAudiences: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -5915,16 +6029,14 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **rangeStart** | **DateTime**| Only return results from after this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
- **rangeEnd** | **DateTime**| Only return results from before this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **customerId** | **int**| The value of the `id` property of a customer profile. Get it with the [List Application's customers](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getApplicationCustomers) endpoint. |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **withTotalResultSize** | **bool?**| When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -5942,13 +6054,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetCustomerActivityReportsWithoutTotalCount**
-> InlineResponse20025 GetCustomerActivityReportsWithoutTotalCount (DateTime rangeStart, DateTime rangeEnd, int applicationId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string name = null, string integrationId = null, string campaignName = null, string advocateName = null)
+# **GetAudiencesAnalytics**
+> InlineResponse20031 GetAudiencesAnalytics (string audienceIds, string sort = null)
-Get Activity Reports for Application Customers
+List audience analytics
-Fetch summary reports for all application customers based on a time range. Instead of having the total number of results in the response, this endpoint only mentions whether there are more results.
+Get a list of audience IDs and their member count.
### Example
@@ -5960,7 +6072,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetCustomerActivityReportsWithoutTotalCountExample
+ public class GetAudiencesAnalyticsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -5976,26 +6088,18 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var rangeStart = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from after this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string.
- var rangeEnd = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from before this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string.
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
- var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var audienceIds = audienceIds_example; // string | The IDs of one or more audiences, separated by commas, by which to filter results.
var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- var name = name_example; // string | Only return reports matching the customer name (optional)
- var integrationId = integrationId_example; // string | Filter results performing an exact matching against the profile integration identifier. (optional)
- var campaignName = campaignName_example; // string | Only return reports matching the campaignName (optional)
- var advocateName = advocateName_example; // string | Only return reports matching the current customer referrer name (optional)
- // Get Activity Reports for Application Customers
- InlineResponse20025 result = apiInstance.GetCustomerActivityReportsWithoutTotalCount(rangeStart, rangeEnd, applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort, name, integrationId, campaignName, advocateName);
+ // List audience analytics
+ InlineResponse20031 result = apiInstance.GetAudiencesAnalytics(audienceIds, sort);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCustomerActivityReportsWithoutTotalCount: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetAudiencesAnalytics: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -6008,20 +6112,12 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **rangeStart** | **DateTime**| Only return results from after this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
- **rangeEnd** | **DateTime**| Only return results from before this timestamp. This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
- **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **audienceIds** | **string**| The IDs of one or more audiences, separated by commas, by which to filter results. |
**sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
- **name** | **string**| Only return reports matching the customer name | [optional]
- **integrationId** | **string**| Filter results performing an exact matching against the profile integration identifier. | [optional]
- **campaignName** | **string**| Only return reports matching the campaignName | [optional]
- **advocateName** | **string**| Only return reports matching the current customer referrer name | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -6039,13 +6135,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetCustomerAnalytics**
-> CustomerAnalytics GetCustomerAnalytics (int applicationId, int customerId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
+# **GetCampaign**
+> Campaign GetCampaign (int applicationId, int campaignId)
-Get customer's analytics report
+Get campaign
-Fetch analytics for a given customer in the given application.
+Retrieve the given campaign.
### Example
@@ -6057,7 +6153,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetCustomerAnalyticsExample
+ public class GetCampaignExample
public static void Main()
@@ -6074,20 +6170,17 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var customerId = 56; // int | The value of the `id` property of a customer profile. Get it with the [List Application's customers](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getApplicationCustomers) endpoint.
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
- var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- // Get customer's analytics report
- CustomerAnalytics result = apiInstance.GetCustomerAnalytics(applicationId, customerId, pageSize, skip, sort);
+ // Get campaign
+ Campaign result = apiInstance.GetCampaign(applicationId, campaignId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCustomerAnalytics: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCampaign: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -6101,14 +6194,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **customerId** | **int**| The value of the `id` property of a customer profile. Get it with the [List Application's customers](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getApplicationCustomers) endpoint. |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
- **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -6126,13 +6216,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetCustomerProfile**
-> CustomerProfile GetCustomerProfile (int customerId)
+# **GetCampaignAnalytics**
+> InlineResponse20021 GetCampaignAnalytics (int applicationId, int campaignId, DateTime rangeStart, DateTime rangeEnd, string granularity = null)
-Get customer profile
+Get analytics of campaigns
-Return the details of the specified customer profile. Performance tips
You can retrieve the same information via the Integration API, which can save you extra API requests. consider these options: - Request the customer profile to be part of the response content using [Update Customer Session](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/updateCustomerSessionV2). - Send an empty update with the [Update Customer Profile](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-profiles/operation/updateCustomerProfileV2) endpoint with `runRuleEngine=false`.
+Retrieve statistical data about the performance of the given campaign.
### Example
@@ -6144,7 +6234,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetCustomerProfileExample
+ public class GetCampaignAnalyticsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -6160,17 +6250,21 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var customerId = 56; // int | The value of the `id` property of a customer profile. Get it with the [List Application's customers](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getApplicationCustomers) endpoint.
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var rangeStart = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from after this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered.
+ var rangeEnd = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from before this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered.
+ var granularity = granularity_example; // string | The time interval between the results in the returned time-series. (optional)
- // Get customer profile
- CustomerProfile result = apiInstance.GetCustomerProfile(customerId);
+ // Get analytics of campaigns
+ InlineResponse20021 result = apiInstance.GetCampaignAnalytics(applicationId, campaignId, rangeStart, rangeEnd, granularity);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCustomerProfile: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCampaignAnalytics: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -6183,11 +6277,15 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **customerId** | **int**| The value of the `id` property of a customer profile. Get it with the [List Application's customers](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getApplicationCustomers) endpoint. |
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **rangeStart** | **DateTime**| Only return results from after this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. |
+ **rangeEnd** | **DateTime**| Only return results from before this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. |
+ **granularity** | **string**| The time interval between the results in the returned time-series. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -6205,13 +6303,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetCustomerProfiles**
-> InlineResponse20024 GetCustomerProfiles (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, bool? sandbox = null)
+# **GetCampaignByAttributes**
+> InlineResponse2006 GetCampaignByAttributes (int applicationId, CampaignSearch body, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string campaignState = null)
-List customer profiles
+List campaigns that match the given attributes
-List all customer profiles.
+Get a list of all the campaigns that match a set of attributes.
### Example
@@ -6223,7 +6321,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetCustomerProfilesExample
+ public class GetCampaignByAttributesExample
public static void Main()
@@ -6239,19 +6337,22 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var body = new CampaignSearch(); // CampaignSearch | body
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sandbox = true; // bool? | Indicates whether you are pointing to a sandbox or Live customer. (optional) (default to false)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var campaignState = campaignState_example; // string | Filter results by the state of the campaign. - `enabled`: Campaigns that are scheduled, running (activated), or expired. - `running`: Campaigns that are running (activated). - `disabled`: Campaigns that are disabled. - `expired`: Campaigns that are expired. - `archived`: Campaigns that are archived. - `draft`: Campaigns that are drafts. (optional)
- // List customer profiles
- InlineResponse20024 result = apiInstance.GetCustomerProfiles(pageSize, skip, sandbox);
+ // List campaigns that match the given attributes
+ InlineResponse2006 result = apiInstance.GetCampaignByAttributes(applicationId, body, pageSize, skip, sort, campaignState);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCustomerProfiles: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCampaignByAttributes: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -6264,13 +6365,16 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **body** | [**CampaignSearch**](CampaignSearch.md)| body |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sandbox** | **bool?**| Indicates whether you are pointing to a sandbox or Live customer. | [optional] [default to false]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **campaignState** | **string**| Filter results by the state of the campaign. - `enabled`: Campaigns that are scheduled, running (activated), or expired. - `running`: Campaigns that are running (activated). - `disabled`: Campaigns that are disabled. - `expired`: Campaigns that are expired. - `archived`: Campaigns that are archived. - `draft`: Campaigns that are drafts. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -6278,7 +6382,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
@@ -6288,13 +6392,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetCustomersByAttributes**
-> InlineResponse20023 GetCustomersByAttributes (CustomerProfileSearchQuery body, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, bool? sandbox = null)
+# **GetCampaignGroup**
+> CampaignGroup GetCampaignGroup (int campaignGroupId)
-List customer profiles matching the given attributes
+Get campaign access group
-Get a list of the customer profiles matching the provided criteria. The match is successful if all the attributes of the request are found in a profile, even if the profile has more attributes that are not present on the request.
+Get a campaign access group specified by its ID.
### Example
@@ -6306,7 +6410,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetCustomersByAttributesExample
+ public class GetCampaignGroupExample
public static void Main()
@@ -6322,20 +6426,17 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var body = new CustomerProfileSearchQuery(); // CustomerProfileSearchQuery | body
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
- var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sandbox = true; // bool? | Indicates whether you are pointing to a sandbox or Live customer. (optional) (default to false)
+ var campaignGroupId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign access group.
- // List customer profiles matching the given attributes
- InlineResponse20023 result = apiInstance.GetCustomersByAttributes(body, pageSize, skip, sandbox);
+ // Get campaign access group
+ CampaignGroup result = apiInstance.GetCampaignGroup(campaignGroupId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCustomersByAttributes: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCampaignGroup: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -6348,14 +6449,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **body** | [**CustomerProfileSearchQuery**](CustomerProfileSearchQuery.md)| body |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
- **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sandbox** | **bool?**| Indicates whether you are pointing to a sandbox or Live customer. | [optional] [default to false]
+ **campaignGroupId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign access group. |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -6363,7 +6461,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
@@ -6373,13 +6471,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetEventTypes**
-> InlineResponse20037 GetEventTypes (string name = null, bool? includeOldVersions = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
+# **GetCampaignGroups**
+> InlineResponse20011 GetCampaignGroups (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
-List event types
+List campaign access groups
-Fetch all event type definitions for your account.
+List the campaign access groups in the current account.
### Example
@@ -6391,7 +6489,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetEventTypesExample
+ public class GetCampaignGroupsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -6407,21 +6505,19 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var name = name_example; // string | Filter results to event types with the given name. This parameter implies `includeOldVersions`. (optional)
- var includeOldVersions = true; // bool? | Include all versions of every event type. (optional) (default to false)
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- // List event types
- InlineResponse20037 result = apiInstance.GetEventTypes(name, includeOldVersions, pageSize, skip, sort);
+ // List campaign access groups
+ InlineResponse20011 result = apiInstance.GetCampaignGroups(pageSize, skip, sort);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetEventTypes: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCampaignGroups: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -6434,15 +6530,13 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **name** | **string**| Filter results to event types with the given name. This parameter implies `includeOldVersions`. | [optional]
- **includeOldVersions** | **bool?**| Include all versions of every event type. | [optional] [default to false]
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
**sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -6460,13 +6554,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetExports**
-> InlineResponse20040 GetExports (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, decimal? applicationId = null, int? campaignId = null, string entity = null)
+# **GetCampaignTemplates**
+> InlineResponse20012 GetCampaignTemplates (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string state = null, string name = null, string tags = null, int? userId = null)
-Get exports
+List campaign templates
-List all past exports
+Retrieve a list of campaign templates.
### Example
@@ -6478,7 +6572,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetExportsExample
+ public class GetCampaignTemplatesExample
public static void Main()
@@ -6494,21 +6588,23 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var applicationId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by Application ID. (optional)
- var campaignId = 56; // int? | Filter by the campaign ID on which the limit counters are used. (optional)
- var entity = entity_example; // string | The name of the entity type that was exported. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var state = state_example; // string | Filter results by the state of the campaign template. (optional)
+ var name = name_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the name of the campaign template. (optional)
+ var tags = tags_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the tags of the campaign template. When used in conjunction with the \"name\" query parameter, a logical OR will be performed to search both tags and name for the provided values. (optional)
+ var userId = 56; // int? | Filter results by user ID. (optional)
- // Get exports
- InlineResponse20040 result = apiInstance.GetExports(pageSize, skip, applicationId, campaignId, entity);
+ // List campaign templates
+ InlineResponse20012 result = apiInstance.GetCampaignTemplates(pageSize, skip, sort, state, name, tags, userId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetExports: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCampaignTemplates: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -6521,15 +6617,17 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **applicationId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by Application ID. | [optional]
- **campaignId** | **int?**| Filter by the campaign ID on which the limit counters are used. | [optional]
- **entity** | **string**| The name of the entity type that was exported. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **state** | **string**| Filter results by the state of the campaign template. | [optional]
+ **name** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the name of the campaign template. | [optional]
+ **tags** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the tags of the campaign template. When used in conjunction with the \"name\" query parameter, a logical OR will be performed to search both tags and name for the provided values. | [optional]
+ **userId** | **int?**| Filter results by user ID. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -6547,13 +6645,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetLoyaltyCard**
-> LoyaltyCard GetLoyaltyCard (int loyaltyProgramId, string loyaltyCardId)
+# **GetCampaigns**
+> InlineResponse2006 GetCampaigns (int applicationId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string campaignState = null, string name = null, string tags = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, int? campaignGroupId = null, int? templateId = null, int? storeId = null)
-Get loyalty card
+List campaigns
-Get the given loyalty card.
+List the campaigns of the specified application that match your filter criteria.
### Example
@@ -6565,7 +6663,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetLoyaltyCardExample
+ public class GetCampaignsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -6581,18 +6679,28 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
- var loyaltyCardId = loyaltyCardId_example; // string | Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint.
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var campaignState = campaignState_example; // string | Filter results by the state of the campaign. - `enabled`: Campaigns that are scheduled, running (activated), or expired. - `running`: Campaigns that are running (activated). - `disabled`: Campaigns that are disabled. - `expired`: Campaigns that are expired. - `archived`: Campaigns that are archived. - `draft`: Campaigns that are drafts. (optional)
+ var name = name_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the name of the campaign. (optional)
+ var tags = tags_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the tags of the campaign. When used in conjunction with the \"name\" query parameter, a logical OR will be performed to search both tags and name for the provided values (optional)
+ var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the campaign creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the campaign creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var campaignGroupId = 56; // int? | Filter results to campaigns owned by the specified campaign access group ID. (optional)
+ var templateId = 56; // int? | The ID of the Campaign Template this Campaign was created from. (optional)
+ var storeId = 56; // int? | Filter results to campaigns linked to the specified store ID. (optional)
- // Get loyalty card
- LoyaltyCard result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyCard(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId);
+ // List campaigns
+ InlineResponse2006 result = apiInstance.GetCampaigns(applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort, campaignState, name, tags, createdBefore, createdAfter, campaignGroupId, templateId, storeId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetLoyaltyCard: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCampaigns: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -6605,12 +6713,22 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
- **loyaltyCardId** | **string**| Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint. |
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **campaignState** | **string**| Filter results by the state of the campaign. - `enabled`: Campaigns that are scheduled, running (activated), or expired. - `running`: Campaigns that are running (activated). - `disabled`: Campaigns that are disabled. - `expired`: Campaigns that are expired. - `archived`: Campaigns that are archived. - `draft`: Campaigns that are drafts. | [optional]
+ **name** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the name of the campaign. | [optional]
+ **tags** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the tags of the campaign. When used in conjunction with the \"name\" query parameter, a logical OR will be performed to search both tags and name for the provided values | [optional]
+ **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the campaign creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the campaign creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **campaignGroupId** | **int?**| Filter results to campaigns owned by the specified campaign access group ID. | [optional]
+ **templateId** | **int?**| The ID of the Campaign Template this Campaign was created from. | [optional]
+ **storeId** | **int?**| Filter results to campaigns linked to the specified store ID. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -6626,18 +6744,16 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| **200** | OK | - |
| **400** | Bad request | - |
-| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
-| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **GetLoyaltyCardTransactionLogs**
-> InlineResponse20014 GetLoyaltyCardTransactionLogs (int loyaltyProgramId, string loyaltyCardId, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string subledgerId = null)
+# **GetChanges**
+> InlineResponse20042 GetChanges (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, decimal? applicationId = null, string entityPath = null, int? userId = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null, int? managementKeyId = null, bool? includeOld = null)
-List card's transactions
+Get audit logs for an account
-Retrieve the transaction logs for the given [loyalty card](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/loyalty-cards/loyalty-card-overview) within the specified [card-based loyalty program](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/overview#loyalty-program-types) with filtering options applied. If no filtering options are applied, the last 50 loyalty transactions for the given loyalty card are returned.
+Retrieve the audit logs displayed in **Accounts > Audit logs**.
### Example
@@ -6649,7 +6765,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetLoyaltyCardTransactionLogsExample
+ public class GetChangesExample
public static void Main()
@@ -6665,23 +6781,27 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
- var loyaltyCardId = loyaltyCardId_example; // string | Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint.
- var startDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Date and time from which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
- var endDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Date and time by which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var subledgerId = subledgerId_example; // string | The ID of the subledger by which we filter the data. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var applicationId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by Application ID. (optional)
+ var entityPath = entityPath_example; // string | Filter results on a case insensitive matching of the url path of the entity (optional)
+ var userId = 56; // int? | Filter results by user ID. (optional)
+ var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the change creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the change creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var withTotalResultSize = true; // bool? | When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. (optional)
+ var managementKeyId = 56; // int? | Filter results that match the given management key ID. (optional)
+ var includeOld = true; // bool? | When this flag is set to false, the state without the change will not be returned. The default value is true. (optional)
- // List card's transactions
- InlineResponse20014 result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyCardTransactionLogs(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId, startDate, endDate, pageSize, skip, subledgerId);
+ // Get audit logs for an account
+ InlineResponse20042 result = apiInstance.GetChanges(pageSize, skip, sort, applicationId, entityPath, userId, createdBefore, createdAfter, withTotalResultSize, managementKeyId, includeOld);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetLoyaltyCardTransactionLogs: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetChanges: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -6694,17 +6814,21 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
- **loyaltyCardId** | **string**| Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint. |
- **startDate** | **DateTime?**| Date and time from which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
- **endDate** | **DateTime?**| Date and time by which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **subledgerId** | **string**| The ID of the subledger by which we filter the data. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **applicationId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by Application ID. | [optional]
+ **entityPath** | **string**| Filter results on a case insensitive matching of the url path of the entity | [optional]
+ **userId** | **int?**| Filter results by user ID. | [optional]
+ **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the change creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the change creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **withTotalResultSize** | **bool?**| When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. | [optional]
+ **managementKeyId** | **int?**| Filter results that match the given management key ID. | [optional]
+ **includeOld** | **bool?**| When this flag is set to false, the state without the change will not be returned. The default value is true. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -6719,18 +6843,16 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
-| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
-| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **GetLoyaltyCards**
-> InlineResponse20013 GetLoyaltyCards (int loyaltyProgramId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string identifier = null, int? profileId = null)
+# **GetCollection**
+> Collection GetCollection (int applicationId, int campaignId, int collectionId)
-List loyalty cards
+Get campaign-level collection
-For the given card-based loyalty program, list the loyalty cards that match your filter criteria.
+Retrieve a given campaign-level collection.
### Example
@@ -6742,7 +6864,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetLoyaltyCardsExample
+ public class GetCollectionExample
public static void Main()
@@ -6758,22 +6880,19 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
- var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- var identifier = identifier_example; // string | Optional query parameter to search cards by identifier. (optional)
- var profileId = 56; // int? | Filter by the profile ID. (optional)
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in Application](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint.
- // List loyalty cards
- InlineResponse20013 result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyCards(loyaltyProgramId, pageSize, skip, sort, identifier, profileId);
+ // Get campaign-level collection
+ Collection result = apiInstance.GetCollection(applicationId, campaignId, collectionId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetLoyaltyCards: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCollection: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -6786,16 +6905,13 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
- **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
- **identifier** | **string**| Optional query parameter to search cards by identifier. | [optional]
- **profileId** | **int?**| Filter by the profile ID. | [optional]
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in Application](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint. |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -6810,18 +6926,17 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
-| **400** | Bad request | - |
-| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **GetLoyaltyPoints**
-> LoyaltyLedger GetLoyaltyPoints (string loyaltyProgramId, string integrationId)
+# **GetCollectionItems**
+> InlineResponse20018 GetCollectionItems (int collectionId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null)
-Get customer's full loyalty ledger
+Get collection items
-Get the loyalty ledger for this profile integration ID. To get the `integrationId` of the profile from a `sessionId`, use the [Update customer session](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint. **Important:** To get loyalty transaction logs for a given Integration ID in a loyalty program, we recommend using the Integration API's [Get customer's loyalty logs](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyProgramProfileTransactions).
+Retrieve items from a given collection. You can retrieve items from both account-level collections and campaign-level collections using this endpoint.
### Example
@@ -6833,7 +6948,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetLoyaltyPointsExample
+ public class GetCollectionItemsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -6849,18 +6964,19 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var loyaltyProgramId = loyaltyProgramId_example; // string | The identifier for the loyalty program.
- var integrationId = integrationId_example; // string | The identifier of the profile.
+ var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in account](#operation/listAccountCollections) endpoint.
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- // Get customer's full loyalty ledger
- LoyaltyLedger result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyPoints(loyaltyProgramId, integrationId);
+ // Get collection items
+ InlineResponse20018 result = apiInstance.GetCollectionItems(collectionId, pageSize, skip);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetLoyaltyPoints: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCollectionItems: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -6873,12 +6989,13 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **string**| The identifier for the loyalty program. |
- **integrationId** | **string**| The identifier of the profile. |
+ **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in account](#operation/listAccountCollections) endpoint. |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -6893,16 +7010,17 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **GetLoyaltyProgram**
-> LoyaltyProgram GetLoyaltyProgram (int loyaltyProgramId)
+# **GetCouponsWithoutTotalCount**
+> InlineResponse2009 GetCouponsWithoutTotalCount (int applicationId, int campaignId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string value = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string valid = null, string usable = null, int? referralId = null, string recipientIntegrationId = null, string batchId = null, bool? exactMatch = null)
-Get loyalty program
+List coupons
-Get the specified [loyalty program](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/overview). To list all loyalty programs in your Application, use [List loyalty programs](#operation/getLoyaltyPrograms). To list the loyalty programs that a customer profile is part of, use the [List customer data](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-profiles/operation/getCustomerInventory)
+List all the coupons matching the specified criteria.
### Example
@@ -6914,7 +7032,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetLoyaltyProgramExample
+ public class GetCouponsWithoutTotalCountExample
public static void Main()
@@ -6930,17 +7048,30 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var value = value_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the coupon code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. (optional)
+ var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var valid = valid_example; // string | Either \"expired\", \"validNow\", or \"validFuture\". The first option matches coupons in which the expiration date is set and in the past. The second matches coupons in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future, the third matches coupons in which start date is set and in the future. (optional)
+ var usable = usable_example; // string | Either \"true\" or \"false\". If \"true\", only coupons where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned, \"false\" will return only coupons where `usageCounter >= usageLimit`. (optional)
+ var referralId = 56; // int? | Filter the results by matching them with the ID of a referral. This filter shows the coupons created by redeeming a referral code. (optional)
+ var recipientIntegrationId = recipientIntegrationId_example; // string | Filter results by match with a profile id specified in the coupon's RecipientIntegrationId field (optional)
+ var batchId = batchId_example; // string | Filter results by batches of coupons (optional)
+ var exactMatch = true; // bool? | Filter results to an exact case-insensitive matching against the coupon code (optional) (default to false)
- // Get loyalty program
- LoyaltyProgram result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyProgram(loyaltyProgramId);
+ // List coupons
+ InlineResponse2009 result = apiInstance.GetCouponsWithoutTotalCount(applicationId, campaignId, pageSize, skip, sort, value, createdBefore, createdAfter, valid, usable, referralId, recipientIntegrationId, batchId, exactMatch);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetLoyaltyProgram: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCouponsWithoutTotalCount: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -6953,11 +7084,24 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **value** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the coupon code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. | [optional]
+ **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **valid** | **string**| Either \"expired\", \"validNow\", or \"validFuture\". The first option matches coupons in which the expiration date is set and in the past. The second matches coupons in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future, the third matches coupons in which start date is set and in the future. | [optional]
+ **usable** | **string**| Either \"true\" or \"false\". If \"true\", only coupons where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned, \"false\" will return only coupons where `usageCounter >= usageLimit`. | [optional]
+ **referralId** | **int?**| Filter the results by matching them with the ID of a referral. This filter shows the coupons created by redeeming a referral code. | [optional]
+ **recipientIntegrationId** | **string**| Filter results by match with a profile id specified in the coupon's RecipientIntegrationId field | [optional]
+ **batchId** | **string**| Filter results by batches of coupons | [optional]
+ **exactMatch** | **bool?**| Filter results to an exact case-insensitive matching against the coupon code | [optional] [default to false]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -6975,13 +7119,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetLoyaltyProgramTransactions**
-> InlineResponse20012 GetLoyaltyProgramTransactions (int loyaltyProgramId, string loyaltyTransactionType = null, string subledgerId = null, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null)
+# **GetCustomerActivityReport**
+> CustomerActivityReport GetCustomerActivityReport (DateTime rangeStart, DateTime rangeEnd, int applicationId, int customerId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null)
-List loyalty program transactions
+Get customer's activity report
-Retrieve all loyalty program transaction logs in a given loyalty program with filtering options applied. Manual and imported transactions are also included. If no filters are applied, the last 50 loyalty transactions for the given loyalty program are returned. **Important:** To get loyalty transaction logs for a given Integration ID in a loyalty program, we recommend using the Integration API's [Get customer's loyalty logs](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyProgramProfileTransactions).
+Fetch the summary report of a given customer in the given application, in a time range.
### Example
@@ -6993,7 +7137,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetLoyaltyProgramTransactionsExample
+ public class GetCustomerActivityReportExample
public static void Main()
@@ -7009,23 +7153,22 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
- var loyaltyTransactionType = loyaltyTransactionType_example; // string | Filter results by loyalty transaction type: - `manual`: Loyalty transaction that was done manually. - `session`: Loyalty transaction that resulted from a customer session. - `import`: Loyalty transaction that was imported from a CSV file. (optional)
- var subledgerId = subledgerId_example; // string | The ID of the subledger by which we filter the data. (optional)
- var startDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Date and time from which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
- var endDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Date and time by which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. (optional)
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 50)
+ var rangeStart = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from after this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered.
+ var rangeEnd = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from before this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered.
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var customerId = 56; // int | The value of the `id` property of a customer profile. Get it with the [List Application's customers](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getApplicationCustomers) endpoint.
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- // List loyalty program transactions
- InlineResponse20012 result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyProgramTransactions(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyTransactionType, subledgerId, startDate, endDate, pageSize, skip);
+ // Get customer's activity report
+ CustomerActivityReport result = apiInstance.GetCustomerActivityReport(rangeStart, rangeEnd, applicationId, customerId, pageSize, skip);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetLoyaltyProgramTransactions: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCustomerActivityReport: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -7038,17 +7181,16 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
- **loyaltyTransactionType** | **string**| Filter results by loyalty transaction type: - `manual`: Loyalty transaction that was done manually. - `session`: Loyalty transaction that resulted from a customer session. - `import`: Loyalty transaction that was imported from a CSV file. | [optional]
- **subledgerId** | **string**| The ID of the subledger by which we filter the data. | [optional]
- **startDate** | **DateTime?**| Date and time from which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
- **endDate** | **DateTime?**| Date and time by which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. | [optional]
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 50]
+ **rangeStart** | **DateTime**| Only return results from after this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. |
+ **rangeEnd** | **DateTime**| Only return results from before this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. |
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **customerId** | **int**| The value of the `id` property of a customer profile. Get it with the [List Application's customers](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getApplicationCustomers) endpoint. |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -7063,19 +7205,16 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
-| **400** | Bad request | - |
-| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
-| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **GetLoyaltyPrograms**
-> InlineResponse20011 GetLoyaltyPrograms ()
+# **GetCustomerActivityReportsWithoutTotalCount**
+> InlineResponse20026 GetCustomerActivityReportsWithoutTotalCount (DateTime rangeStart, DateTime rangeEnd, int applicationId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string name = null, string integrationId = null, string campaignName = null, string advocateName = null)
-List loyalty programs
+Get Activity Reports for Application Customers
-List the loyalty programs of the account.
+Fetch summary reports for all application customers based on a time range. Instead of having the total number of results in the response, this endpoint only mentions whether there are more results.
### Example
@@ -7087,7 +7226,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetLoyaltyProgramsExample
+ public class GetCustomerActivityReportsWithoutTotalCountExample
public static void Main()
@@ -7103,16 +7242,26 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var rangeStart = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from after this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered.
+ var rangeEnd = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime | Only return results from before this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered.
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var name = name_example; // string | Only return reports matching the customer name (optional)
+ var integrationId = integrationId_example; // string | Filter results performing an exact matching against the profile integration identifier. (optional)
+ var campaignName = campaignName_example; // string | Only return reports matching the campaignName (optional)
+ var advocateName = advocateName_example; // string | Only return reports matching the current customer referrer name (optional)
- // List loyalty programs
- InlineResponse20011 result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyPrograms();
+ // Get Activity Reports for Application Customers
+ InlineResponse20026 result = apiInstance.GetCustomerActivityReportsWithoutTotalCount(rangeStart, rangeEnd, applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort, name, integrationId, campaignName, advocateName);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetLoyaltyPrograms: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCustomerActivityReportsWithoutTotalCount: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -7122,11 +7271,23 @@ namespace Example
### Parameters
-This endpoint does not need any parameter.
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **rangeStart** | **DateTime**| Only return results from after this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. |
+ **rangeEnd** | **DateTime**| Only return results from before this timestamp. **Note:** - This must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. |
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **name** | **string**| Only return reports matching the customer name | [optional]
+ **integrationId** | **string**| Filter results performing an exact matching against the profile integration identifier. | [optional]
+ **campaignName** | **string**| Only return reports matching the campaignName | [optional]
+ **advocateName** | **string**| Only return reports matching the current customer referrer name | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -7144,13 +7305,13 @@ This endpoint does not need any parameter.
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-# **GetLoyaltyStatistics**
-> LoyaltyStatistics GetLoyaltyStatistics (int loyaltyProgramId)
+# **GetCustomerAnalytics**
+> CustomerAnalytics GetCustomerAnalytics (int applicationId, int customerId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
-Get loyalty program statistics
+Get customer's analytics report
-Retrieve the statistics of the specified loyalty program such as the total active points, pending points, spent points, and expired points. **Important:** The returned data does not include the current day. All statistics are updated daily at 11:59 PM in the loyalty program time zone.
+Fetch analytics for a given customer in the given application.
### Example
@@ -7162,7 +7323,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetLoyaltyStatisticsExample
+ public class GetCustomerAnalyticsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -7178,17 +7339,21 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var customerId = 56; // int | The value of the `id` property of a customer profile. Get it with the [List Application's customers](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getApplicationCustomers) endpoint.
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- // Get loyalty program statistics
- LoyaltyStatistics result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyStatistics(loyaltyProgramId);
+ // Get customer's analytics report
+ CustomerAnalytics result = apiInstance.GetCustomerAnalytics(applicationId, customerId, pageSize, skip, sort);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetLoyaltyStatistics: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCustomerAnalytics: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -7201,11 +7366,15 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **customerId** | **int**| The value of the `id` property of a customer profile. Get it with the [List Application's customers](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getApplicationCustomers) endpoint. |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -7223,13 +7392,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetNotificationWebhook**
-> NotificationWebhook GetNotificationWebhook (int applicationId, int notificationWebhookId)
+# **GetCustomerProfile**
+> CustomerProfile GetCustomerProfile (int customerId)
-Get notification about campaign-related changes
+Get customer profile
-Return the given [notification about campaign-related changes](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/applications/outbound-notifications).
+Return the details of the specified customer profile. Performance tips
You can retrieve the same information via the Integration API, which can save you extra API requests. consider these options: - Request the customer profile to be part of the response content using [Update Customer Session](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/updateCustomerSessionV2). - Send an empty update with the [Update Customer Profile](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-profiles/operation/updateCustomerProfileV2) endpoint with `runRuleEngine=false`.
### Example
@@ -7241,7 +7410,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetNotificationWebhookExample
+ public class GetCustomerProfileExample
public static void Main()
@@ -7257,18 +7426,17 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var notificationWebhookId = 56; // int | The ID of the webhook. Get it with the appropriate _List notifications_ endpoint.
+ var customerId = 56; // int | The value of the `id` property of a customer profile. Get it with the [List Application's customers](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getApplicationCustomers) endpoint.
- // Get notification about campaign-related changes
- NotificationWebhook result = apiInstance.GetNotificationWebhook(applicationId, notificationWebhookId);
+ // Get customer profile
+ CustomerProfile result = apiInstance.GetCustomerProfile(customerId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetNotificationWebhook: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCustomerProfile: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -7281,12 +7449,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **notificationWebhookId** | **int**| The ID of the webhook. Get it with the appropriate _List notifications_ endpoint. |
+ **customerId** | **int**| The value of the `id` property of a customer profile. Get it with the [List Application's customers](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#operation/getApplicationCustomers) endpoint. |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -7304,13 +7471,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetNotificationWebhooks**
-> InlineResponse2005 GetNotificationWebhooks (int applicationId)
+# **GetCustomerProfileAchievementProgress**
+> InlineResponse20047 GetCustomerProfileAchievementProgress (int applicationId, string integrationId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, int? achievementId = null, string title = null)
-List notifications about campaign-related changes
+List customer achievements
-List all [notifications about campaign-related changes](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/applications/outbound-notifications) for the given Application.
+For the given customer profile, list all the achievements that match your filter criteria.
### Example
@@ -7322,7 +7489,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetNotificationWebhooksExample
+ public class GetCustomerProfileAchievementProgressExample
public static void Main()
@@ -7339,16 +7506,21 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var integrationId = integrationId_example; // string | The identifier of the profile.
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 50)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var achievementId = 56; // int? | The ID of the achievement. You can get this ID with the [List achievement](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Achievements/operation/listAchievements) endpoint. (optional)
+ var title = title_example; // string | Filter results by the `title` of an achievement. (optional)
- // List notifications about campaign-related changes
- InlineResponse2005 result = apiInstance.GetNotificationWebhooks(applicationId);
+ // List customer achievements
+ InlineResponse20047 result = apiInstance.GetCustomerProfileAchievementProgress(applicationId, integrationId, pageSize, skip, achievementId, title);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetNotificationWebhooks: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCustomerProfileAchievementProgress: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -7362,10 +7534,15 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **integrationId** | **string**| The identifier of the profile. |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 50]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **achievementId** | **int?**| The ID of the achievement. You can get this ID with the [List achievement](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Achievements/operation/listAchievements) endpoint. | [optional]
+ **title** | **string**| Filter results by the `title` of an achievement. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -7380,16 +7557,18 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
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-# **GetReferralsWithoutTotalCount**
-> InlineResponse2009 GetReferralsWithoutTotalCount (int applicationId, int campaignId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string code = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string valid = null, string usable = null, string advocate = null)
+# **GetCustomerProfiles**
+> InlineResponse20025 GetCustomerProfiles (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, bool? sandbox = null)
-List referrals
+List customer profiles
-List all referrals of the specified campaign.
+List all customer profiles.
### Example
@@ -7401,7 +7580,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetReferralsWithoutTotalCountExample
+ public class GetCustomerProfilesExample
public static void Main()
@@ -7417,27 +7596,19 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- var code = code_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the referral code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. (optional)
- var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the referral creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the referral creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var valid = valid_example; // string | Either \"expired\", \"validNow\", or \"validFuture\". The first option matches referrals in which the expiration date is set and in the past. The second matches referrals in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future, the third matches referrals in which start date is set and in the future. (optional)
- var usable = usable_example; // string | Either \"true\" or \"false\". If \"true\", only referrals where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned, \"false\" will return only referrals where `usageCounter >= usageLimit`. (optional)
- var advocate = advocate_example; // string | Filter results by match with a profile id specified in the referral's AdvocateProfileIntegrationId field (optional)
+ var sandbox = true; // bool? | Indicates whether you are pointing to a sandbox or Live customer. (optional) (default to false)
- // List referrals
- InlineResponse2009 result = apiInstance.GetReferralsWithoutTotalCount(applicationId, campaignId, pageSize, skip, sort, code, createdBefore, createdAfter, valid, usable, advocate);
+ // List customer profiles
+ InlineResponse20025 result = apiInstance.GetCustomerProfiles(pageSize, skip, sandbox);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetReferralsWithoutTotalCount: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCustomerProfiles: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -7450,21 +7621,13 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
- **code** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the referral code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. | [optional]
- **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the referral creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the referral creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **valid** | **string**| Either \"expired\", \"validNow\", or \"validFuture\". The first option matches referrals in which the expiration date is set and in the past. The second matches referrals in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future, the third matches referrals in which start date is set and in the future. | [optional]
- **usable** | **string**| Either \"true\" or \"false\". If \"true\", only referrals where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned, \"false\" will return only referrals where `usageCounter >= usageLimit`. | [optional]
- **advocate** | **string**| Filter results by match with a profile id specified in the referral's AdvocateProfileIntegrationId field | [optional]
+ **sandbox** | **bool?**| Indicates whether you are pointing to a sandbox or Live customer. | [optional] [default to false]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -7482,13 +7645,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetRole**
-> Role GetRole (int roleId)
+# **GetCustomersByAttributes**
+> InlineResponse20024 GetCustomersByAttributes (CustomerProfileSearchQuery body, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, bool? sandbox = null)
-Get role
+List customer profiles matching the given attributes
-Get the details of a specific role. To see all the roles, use [List roles](#operation/getAllRoles).
+Get a list of the customer profiles matching the provided criteria. The match is successful if all the attributes of the request are found in a profile, even if the profile has more attributes that are not present on the request.
### Example
@@ -7500,7 +7663,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetRoleExample
+ public class GetCustomersByAttributesExample
public static void Main()
@@ -7516,17 +7679,20 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var roleId = 56; // int | The ID of role.
+ var body = new CustomerProfileSearchQuery(); // CustomerProfileSearchQuery | body
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sandbox = true; // bool? | Indicates whether you are pointing to a sandbox or Live customer. (optional) (default to false)
- // Get role
- Role result = apiInstance.GetRole(roleId);
+ // List customer profiles matching the given attributes
+ InlineResponse20024 result = apiInstance.GetCustomersByAttributes(body, pageSize, skip, sandbox);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetRole: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetCustomersByAttributes: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -7539,11 +7705,14 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **roleId** | **int**| The ID of role. |
+ **body** | [**CustomerProfileSearchQuery**](CustomerProfileSearchQuery.md)| body |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sandbox** | **bool?**| Indicates whether you are pointing to a sandbox or Live customer. | [optional] [default to false]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -7551,7 +7720,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
@@ -7561,13 +7730,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetRuleset**
-> Ruleset GetRuleset (int applicationId, int campaignId, int rulesetId)
+# **GetEventTypes**
+> InlineResponse20040 GetEventTypes (string name = null, bool? includeOldVersions = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
-Get ruleset
+List event types
-Retrieve the specified ruleset.
+Fetch all event type definitions for your account.
### Example
@@ -7579,7 +7748,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetRulesetExample
+ public class GetEventTypesExample
public static void Main()
@@ -7595,19 +7764,21 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var rulesetId = 56; // int | The ID of the ruleset.
+ var name = name_example; // string | Filter results to event types with the given name. This parameter implies `includeOldVersions`. (optional)
+ var includeOldVersions = true; // bool? | Include all versions of every event type. (optional) (default to false)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- // Get ruleset
- Ruleset result = apiInstance.GetRuleset(applicationId, campaignId, rulesetId);
+ // List event types
+ InlineResponse20040 result = apiInstance.GetEventTypes(name, includeOldVersions, pageSize, skip, sort);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetRuleset: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetEventTypes: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -7620,13 +7791,15 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **rulesetId** | **int**| The ID of the ruleset. |
+ **name** | **string**| Filter results to event types with the given name. This parameter implies `includeOldVersions`. | [optional]
+ **includeOldVersions** | **bool?**| Include all versions of every event type. | [optional] [default to false]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -7644,13 +7817,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetRulesets**
-> InlineResponse2006 GetRulesets (int applicationId, int campaignId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
+# **GetExports**
+> InlineResponse20043 GetExports (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, decimal? applicationId = null, int? campaignId = null, string entity = null)
-List campaign rulesets
+Get exports
-List all rulesets of this campaign. A ruleset is a revision of the rules of a campaign. **Important:** The response also includes deleted rules. You should only consider the latest revision of the returned rulesets.
+List all past exports
### Example
@@ -7662,7 +7835,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetRulesetsExample
+ public class GetExportsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -7678,21 +7851,21 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var applicationId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by Application ID. (optional)
+ var campaignId = 56; // int? | Filter by the campaign ID on which the limit counters are used. (optional)
+ var entity = entity_example; // string | The name of the entity type that was exported. (optional)
- // List campaign rulesets
- InlineResponse2006 result = apiInstance.GetRulesets(applicationId, campaignId, pageSize, skip, sort);
+ // Get exports
+ InlineResponse20043 result = apiInstance.GetExports(pageSize, skip, applicationId, campaignId, entity);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetRulesets: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetExports: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -7705,15 +7878,15 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **applicationId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by Application ID. | [optional]
+ **campaignId** | **int?**| Filter by the campaign ID on which the limit counters are used. | [optional]
+ **entity** | **string**| The name of the entity type that was exported. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -7731,13 +7904,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetUser**
-> User GetUser (int userId)
+# **GetLoyaltyCard**
+> LoyaltyCard GetLoyaltyCard (int loyaltyProgramId, string loyaltyCardId)
-Get user
+Get loyalty card
-Retrieve the data (including an invitation code) for a user. Non-admin users can only get their own profile.
+Get the given loyalty card.
### Example
@@ -7749,7 +7922,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetUserExample
+ public class GetLoyaltyCardExample
public static void Main()
@@ -7765,17 +7938,18 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var userId = 56; // int | The ID of the user.
+ var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
+ var loyaltyCardId = loyaltyCardId_example; // string | Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint.
- // Get user
- User result = apiInstance.GetUser(userId);
+ // Get loyalty card
+ LoyaltyCard result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyCard(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetUser: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetLoyaltyCard: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -7788,11 +7962,12 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **userId** | **int**| The ID of the user. |
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
+ **loyaltyCardId** | **string**| Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint. |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -7807,16 +7982,19 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **GetUsers**
-> InlineResponse20038 GetUsers (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
+# **GetLoyaltyCardTransactionLogs**
+> InlineResponse20016 GetLoyaltyCardTransactionLogs (int loyaltyProgramId, string loyaltyCardId, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string subledgerId = null)
-List users in account
+List card's transactions
-Retrieve all users in your account.
+Retrieve the transaction logs for the given [loyalty card](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/card-based/card-based-overview) within the specified [card-based loyalty program](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/overview#loyalty-program-types) with filtering options applied. If no filtering options are applied, the last 50 loyalty transactions for the given loyalty card are returned.
### Example
@@ -7828,7 +8006,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetUsersExample
+ public class GetLoyaltyCardTransactionLogsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -7844,19 +8022,23 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
+ var loyaltyCardId = loyaltyCardId_example; // string | Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint.
+ var startDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Date and time from which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. (optional)
+ var endDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Date and time by which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. (optional)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var subledgerId = subledgerId_example; // string | The ID of the subledger by which we filter the data. (optional)
- // List users in account
- InlineResponse20038 result = apiInstance.GetUsers(pageSize, skip, sort);
+ // List card's transactions
+ InlineResponse20016 result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyCardTransactionLogs(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId, startDate, endDate, pageSize, skip, subledgerId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetUsers: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetLoyaltyCardTransactionLogs: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -7869,13 +8051,17 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
+ **loyaltyCardId** | **string**| Identifier of the loyalty card. You can get the identifier with the [List loyalty cards](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty-cards/operation/getLoyaltyCards) endpoint. |
+ **startDate** | **DateTime?**| Date and time from which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. | [optional]
+ **endDate** | **DateTime?**| Date and time by which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. | [optional]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **subledgerId** | **string**| The ID of the subledger by which we filter the data. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -7890,16 +8076,18 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **GetWebhook**
-> Webhook GetWebhook (int webhookId)
+# **GetLoyaltyCards**
+> InlineResponse20015 GetLoyaltyCards (int loyaltyProgramId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string identifier = null, int? profileId = null)
-Get webhook
+List loyalty cards
-Returns a webhook by its id.
+For the given card-based loyalty program, list the loyalty cards that match your filter criteria.
### Example
@@ -7911,7 +8099,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetWebhookExample
+ public class GetLoyaltyCardsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -7927,17 +8115,22 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var webhookId = 56; // int | The ID of the webhook. You can find the ID in the Campaign Manager's URL when you display the details of the webhook in **Account** > **Webhooks**.
+ var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var identifier = identifier_example; // string | Optional query parameter to search cards by identifier. (optional)
+ var profileId = 56; // int? | Filter by the profile ID. (optional)
- // Get webhook
- Webhook result = apiInstance.GetWebhook(webhookId);
+ // List loyalty cards
+ InlineResponse20015 result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyCards(loyaltyProgramId, pageSize, skip, sort, identifier, profileId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetWebhook: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetLoyaltyCards: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -7950,11 +8143,16 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **webhookId** | **int**| The ID of the webhook. You can find the ID in the Campaign Manager's URL when you display the details of the webhook in **Account** > **Webhooks**. |
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **identifier** | **string**| Optional query parameter to search cards by identifier. | [optional]
+ **profileId** | **int?**| Filter by the profile ID. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -7969,16 +8167,18 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
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-# **GetWebhookActivationLogs**
-> InlineResponse20035 GetWebhookActivationLogs (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string integrationRequestUuid = null, decimal? webhookId = null, decimal? applicationId = null, decimal? campaignId = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null)
+# **GetLoyaltyPoints**
+> LoyaltyLedger GetLoyaltyPoints (string loyaltyProgramId, string integrationId)
-List webhook activation log entries
+Get customer's full loyalty ledger
-Webhook activation log entries are created as soon as an integration request triggers a webhook effect. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/getting-started/webhooks).
+Get the loyalty ledger for this profile integration ID. To get the `integrationId` of the profile from a `sessionId`, use the [Update customer session](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint. **Important:** To get loyalty transaction logs for a given Integration ID in a loyalty program, we recommend using the Integration API's [Get customer's loyalty logs](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyProgramProfileTransactions).
### Example
@@ -7990,7 +8190,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetWebhookActivationLogsExample
+ public class GetLoyaltyPointsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -8006,25 +8206,18 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
- var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- var integrationRequestUuid = integrationRequestUuid_example; // string | Filter results by integration request UUID. (optional)
- var webhookId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by Webhook. (optional)
- var applicationId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by Application ID. (optional)
- var campaignId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by campaign. (optional)
- var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Only return events created before this date. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Only return events created after this date. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var loyaltyProgramId = loyaltyProgramId_example; // string | The identifier for the loyalty program.
+ var integrationId = integrationId_example; // string | The identifier of the profile.
- // List webhook activation log entries
- InlineResponse20035 result = apiInstance.GetWebhookActivationLogs(pageSize, skip, sort, integrationRequestUuid, webhookId, applicationId, campaignId, createdBefore, createdAfter);
+ // Get customer's full loyalty ledger
+ LoyaltyLedger result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyPoints(loyaltyProgramId, integrationId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetWebhookActivationLogs: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetLoyaltyPoints: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -8037,19 +8230,12 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
- **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
- **integrationRequestUuid** | **string**| Filter results by integration request UUID. | [optional]
- **webhookId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by Webhook. | [optional]
- **applicationId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by Application ID. | [optional]
- **campaignId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by campaign. | [optional]
- **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Only return events created before this date. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Only return events created after this date. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **string**| The identifier for the loyalty program. |
+ **integrationId** | **string**| The identifier of the profile. |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -8067,13 +8253,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetWebhookLogs**
-> InlineResponse20036 GetWebhookLogs (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string status = null, decimal? webhookId = null, decimal? applicationId = null, decimal? campaignId = null, string requestUuid = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null)
+# **GetLoyaltyProgram**
+> LoyaltyProgram GetLoyaltyProgram (int loyaltyProgramId)
-List webhook log entries
+Get loyalty program
-Retrieve all webhook log entries.
+Get the specified [loyalty program](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/overview). To list all loyalty programs in your Application, use [List loyalty programs](#operation/getLoyaltyPrograms). To list the loyalty programs that a customer profile is part of, use the [List customer data](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-profiles/operation/getCustomerInventory)
### Example
@@ -8085,7 +8271,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetWebhookLogsExample
+ public class GetLoyaltyProgramExample
public static void Main()
@@ -8101,26 +8287,17 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
- var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- var status = status_example; // string | Filter results by HTTP status codes. (optional)
- var webhookId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by Webhook. (optional)
- var applicationId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by Application ID. (optional)
- var campaignId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by campaign. (optional)
- var requestUuid = requestUuid_example; // string | Filter results by request UUID. (optional)
- var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results where request and response times to return entries before parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results where request and response times to return entries after parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the loyalty program. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
- // List webhook log entries
- InlineResponse20036 result = apiInstance.GetWebhookLogs(pageSize, skip, sort, status, webhookId, applicationId, campaignId, requestUuid, createdBefore, createdAfter);
+ // Get loyalty program
+ LoyaltyProgram result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyProgram(loyaltyProgramId);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetWebhookLogs: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetLoyaltyProgram: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -8133,20 +8310,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
- **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
- **status** | **string**| Filter results by HTTP status codes. | [optional]
- **webhookId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by Webhook. | [optional]
- **applicationId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by Application ID. | [optional]
- **campaignId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by campaign. | [optional]
- **requestUuid** | **string**| Filter results by request UUID. | [optional]
- **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results where request and response times to return entries before parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results where request and response times to return entries after parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the loyalty program. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -8164,13 +8332,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **GetWebhooks**
-> InlineResponse20034 GetWebhooks (string applicationIds = null, string sort = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string creationType = null, string visibility = null, int? outgoingIntegrationsTypeId = null, string title = null)
+# **GetLoyaltyProgramTransactions**
+> InlineResponse20014 GetLoyaltyProgramTransactions (int loyaltyProgramId, string loyaltyTransactionType = null, string subledgerId = null, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null)
-List webhooks
+List loyalty program transactions
-List all webhooks.
+Retrieve loyalty program transaction logs in a given loyalty program with filtering options applied. Manual and imported transactions are also included. **Note:** If no filters are applied, the last 50 loyalty transactions for the given loyalty program are returned. **Important:** To get loyalty transaction logs for a given Integration ID in a loyalty program, we recommend using the Integration API's [Get customer's loyalty logs](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyProgramProfileTransactions).
### Example
@@ -8182,7 +8350,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class GetWebhooksExample
+ public class GetLoyaltyProgramTransactionsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -8198,24 +8366,23 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationIds = applicationIds_example; // string | Filter by one or more Application IDs, separated by a comma. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the loyalty program. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
+ var loyaltyTransactionType = loyaltyTransactionType_example; // string | Filter results by loyalty transaction type: - `manual`: Loyalty transaction that was done manually. - `session`: Loyalty transaction that resulted from a customer session. - `import`: Loyalty transaction that was imported from a CSV file. (optional)
+ var subledgerId = subledgerId_example; // string | The ID of the subledger by which we filter the data. (optional)
+ var startDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Date and time from which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. (optional)
+ var endDate = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Date and time by which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. (optional)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 50)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var creationType = creationType_example; // string | Filter results by creation type. (optional)
- var visibility = visibility_example; // string | Filter results by visibility. (optional)
- var outgoingIntegrationsTypeId = 56; // int? | Filter results by outgoing integration type ID. (optional)
- var title = title_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the webhook title. (optional)
- // List webhooks
- InlineResponse20034 result = apiInstance.GetWebhooks(applicationIds, sort, pageSize, skip, creationType, visibility, outgoingIntegrationsTypeId, title);
+ // List loyalty program transactions
+ InlineResponse20014 result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyProgramTransactions(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyTransactionType, subledgerId, startDate, endDate, pageSize, skip);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetWebhooks: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetLoyaltyProgramTransactions: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -8228,18 +8395,17 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationIds** | **string**| Filter by one or more Application IDs, separated by a comma. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the loyalty program. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
+ **loyaltyTransactionType** | **string**| Filter results by loyalty transaction type: - `manual`: Loyalty transaction that was done manually. - `session`: Loyalty transaction that resulted from a customer session. - `import`: Loyalty transaction that was imported from a CSV file. | [optional]
+ **subledgerId** | **string**| The ID of the subledger by which we filter the data. | [optional]
+ **startDate** | **DateTime?**| Date and time from which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. | [optional]
+ **endDate** | **DateTime?**| Date and time by which results are returned. Results are filtered by transaction creation date. **Note:** - It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. - You can include a time component in your string, for example, `T23:59:59` to specify the end of the day. The time zone setting considered is `UTC`. If you do not include a time component, a default time value of `T00:00:00` (midnight) in `UTC` is considered. | [optional]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 50]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **creationType** | **string**| Filter results by creation type. | [optional]
- **visibility** | **string**| Filter results by visibility. | [optional]
- **outgoingIntegrationsTypeId** | **int?**| Filter results by outgoing integration type ID. | [optional]
- **title** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the webhook title. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -8254,16 +8420,1634 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **ImportAccountCollection**
-> Import ImportAccountCollection (int collectionId, string upFile = null)
+# **GetLoyaltyPrograms**
+> InlineResponse20013 GetLoyaltyPrograms ()
+List loyalty programs
+List the loyalty programs of the account.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class GetLoyaltyProgramsExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ try
+ {
+ // List loyalty programs
+ InlineResponse20013 result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyPrograms();
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetLoyaltyPrograms: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+This endpoint does not need any parameter.
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **GetLoyaltyStatistics**
+> LoyaltyDashboardData GetLoyaltyStatistics (int loyaltyProgramId)
+Get loyalty program statistics
+Retrieve the statistics of the specified loyalty program such as the total active points, pending points, spent points, and expired points. **Important:** The returned data does not include the current day. All statistics are updated daily at 11:59 PM in the loyalty program time zone.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class GetLoyaltyStatisticsExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the loyalty program. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
+ try
+ {
+ // Get loyalty program statistics
+ LoyaltyDashboardData result = apiInstance.GetLoyaltyStatistics(loyaltyProgramId);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetLoyaltyStatistics: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the loyalty program. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **GetReferralsWithoutTotalCount**
+> InlineResponse20010 GetReferralsWithoutTotalCount (int applicationId, int campaignId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string code = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string valid = null, string usable = null, string advocate = null)
+List referrals
+List all referrals of the specified campaign.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class GetReferralsWithoutTotalCountExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var code = code_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the referral code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. (optional)
+ var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the referral creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the referral creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var valid = valid_example; // string | Either \"expired\", \"validNow\", or \"validFuture\". The first option matches referrals in which the expiration date is set and in the past. The second matches referrals in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future, the third matches referrals in which start date is set and in the future. (optional)
+ var usable = usable_example; // string | Either \"true\" or \"false\". If \"true\", only referrals where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned, \"false\" will return only referrals where `usageCounter >= usageLimit`. (optional)
+ var advocate = advocate_example; // string | Filter results by match with a profile id specified in the referral's AdvocateProfileIntegrationId field (optional)
+ try
+ {
+ // List referrals
+ InlineResponse20010 result = apiInstance.GetReferralsWithoutTotalCount(applicationId, campaignId, pageSize, skip, sort, code, createdBefore, createdAfter, valid, usable, advocate);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetReferralsWithoutTotalCount: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **code** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the referral code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. | [optional]
+ **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the referral creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the referral creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **valid** | **string**| Either \"expired\", \"validNow\", or \"validFuture\". The first option matches referrals in which the expiration date is set and in the past. The second matches referrals in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future, the third matches referrals in which start date is set and in the future. | [optional]
+ **usable** | **string**| Either \"true\" or \"false\". If \"true\", only referrals where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned, \"false\" will return only referrals where `usageCounter >= usageLimit`. | [optional]
+ **advocate** | **string**| Filter results by match with a profile id specified in the referral's AdvocateProfileIntegrationId field | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **GetRoleV2**
+> RoleV2 GetRoleV2 (int roleId)
+Get role
+Get the details of a specific role. To see all the roles, use the [List roles](/management-api#tag/Roles/operation/listAllRolesV2) endpoint.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class GetRoleV2Example
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var roleId = 56; // int | The ID of role. **Note**: To find the ID of a role, use the [List roles](/management-api#tag/Roles/operation/listAllRolesV2) endpoint.
+ try
+ {
+ // Get role
+ RoleV2 result = apiInstance.GetRoleV2(roleId);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetRoleV2: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **roleId** | **int**| The ID of role. **Note**: To find the ID of a role, use the [List roles](/management-api#tag/Roles/operation/listAllRolesV2) endpoint. |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **GetRuleset**
+> Ruleset GetRuleset (int applicationId, int campaignId, int rulesetId)
+Get ruleset
+Retrieve the specified ruleset.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class GetRulesetExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var rulesetId = 56; // int | The ID of the ruleset.
+ try
+ {
+ // Get ruleset
+ Ruleset result = apiInstance.GetRuleset(applicationId, campaignId, rulesetId);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetRuleset: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **rulesetId** | **int**| The ID of the ruleset. |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **GetRulesets**
+> InlineResponse2007 GetRulesets (int applicationId, int campaignId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
+List campaign rulesets
+List all rulesets of this campaign. A ruleset is a revision of the rules of a campaign. **Important:** The response also includes deleted rules. You should only consider the latest revision of the returned rulesets.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class GetRulesetsExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ try
+ {
+ // List campaign rulesets
+ InlineResponse2007 result = apiInstance.GetRulesets(applicationId, campaignId, pageSize, skip, sort);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetRulesets: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **GetStore**
+> Store GetStore (int applicationId, string storeId)
+Get store
+Get store details for a specific store ID.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class GetStoreExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var storeId = storeId_example; // string | The ID of the store. You can get this ID with the [List stores](#tag/Stores/operation/listStores) endpoint.
+ try
+ {
+ // Get store
+ Store result = apiInstance.GetStore(applicationId, storeId);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetStore: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **storeId** | **string**| The ID of the store. You can get this ID with the [List stores](#tag/Stores/operation/listStores) endpoint. |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **GetUser**
+> User GetUser (int userId)
+Get user
+Retrieve the data (including an invitation code) for a user. Non-admin users can only get their own profile.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class GetUserExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var userId = 56; // int | The ID of the user.
+ try
+ {
+ // Get user
+ User result = apiInstance.GetUser(userId);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetUser: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **userId** | **int**| The ID of the user. |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **GetUsers**
+> InlineResponse20041 GetUsers (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null)
+List users in account
+Retrieve all users in your account.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class GetUsersExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ try
+ {
+ // List users in account
+ InlineResponse20041 result = apiInstance.GetUsers(pageSize, skip, sort);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetUsers: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **GetWebhook**
+> Webhook GetWebhook (int webhookId)
+Get webhook
+Returns a webhook by its id.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class GetWebhookExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var webhookId = 56; // int | The ID of the webhook. You can find the ID in the Campaign Manager's URL when you display the details of the webhook in **Account** > **Webhooks**.
+ try
+ {
+ // Get webhook
+ Webhook result = apiInstance.GetWebhook(webhookId);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetWebhook: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **webhookId** | **int**| The ID of the webhook. You can find the ID in the Campaign Manager's URL when you display the details of the webhook in **Account** > **Webhooks**. |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
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+# **GetWebhookActivationLogs**
+> InlineResponse20038 GetWebhookActivationLogs (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string integrationRequestUuid = null, decimal? webhookId = null, decimal? applicationId = null, decimal? campaignId = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null)
+List webhook activation log entries
+Webhook activation log entries are created as soon as an integration request triggers a webhook effect. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/getting-started/webhooks).
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class GetWebhookActivationLogsExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var integrationRequestUuid = integrationRequestUuid_example; // string | Filter results by integration request UUID. (optional)
+ var webhookId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by Webhook. (optional)
+ var applicationId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by Application ID. (optional)
+ var campaignId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by campaign. (optional)
+ var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Only return events created before this date. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Only return events created after this date. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ try
+ {
+ // List webhook activation log entries
+ InlineResponse20038 result = apiInstance.GetWebhookActivationLogs(pageSize, skip, sort, integrationRequestUuid, webhookId, applicationId, campaignId, createdBefore, createdAfter);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetWebhookActivationLogs: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **integrationRequestUuid** | **string**| Filter results by integration request UUID. | [optional]
+ **webhookId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by Webhook. | [optional]
+ **applicationId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by Application ID. | [optional]
+ **campaignId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by campaign. | [optional]
+ **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Only return events created before this date. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Only return events created after this date. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **GetWebhookLogs**
+> InlineResponse20039 GetWebhookLogs (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string status = null, decimal? webhookId = null, decimal? applicationId = null, decimal? campaignId = null, string requestUuid = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null)
+List webhook log entries
+Retrieve all webhook log entries.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class GetWebhookLogsExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var status = status_example; // string | Filter results by HTTP status codes. (optional)
+ var webhookId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by Webhook. (optional)
+ var applicationId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by Application ID. (optional)
+ var campaignId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by campaign. (optional)
+ var requestUuid = requestUuid_example; // string | Filter results by request UUID. (optional)
+ var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results where request and response times to return entries before parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results where request and response times to return entries after parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ try
+ {
+ // List webhook log entries
+ InlineResponse20039 result = apiInstance.GetWebhookLogs(pageSize, skip, sort, status, webhookId, applicationId, campaignId, requestUuid, createdBefore, createdAfter);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetWebhookLogs: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **status** | **string**| Filter results by HTTP status codes. | [optional]
+ **webhookId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by Webhook. | [optional]
+ **applicationId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by Application ID. | [optional]
+ **campaignId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by campaign. | [optional]
+ **requestUuid** | **string**| Filter results by request UUID. | [optional]
+ **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results where request and response times to return entries before parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results where request and response times to return entries after parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
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+# **GetWebhooks**
+> InlineResponse20037 GetWebhooks (string applicationIds = null, string sort = null, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string creationType = null, string visibility = null, int? outgoingIntegrationsTypeId = null, string title = null)
+List webhooks
+List all webhooks.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class GetWebhooksExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var applicationIds = applicationIds_example; // string | Filter by one or more Application IDs, separated by a comma. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var creationType = creationType_example; // string | Filter results by creation type. (optional)
+ var visibility = visibility_example; // string | Filter results by visibility. (optional)
+ var outgoingIntegrationsTypeId = 56; // int? | Filter results by outgoing integration type ID. (optional)
+ var title = title_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the webhook title. (optional)
+ try
+ {
+ // List webhooks
+ InlineResponse20037 result = apiInstance.GetWebhooks(applicationIds, sort, pageSize, skip, creationType, visibility, outgoingIntegrationsTypeId, title);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetWebhooks: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **applicationIds** | **string**| Filter by one or more Application IDs, separated by a comma. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **creationType** | **string**| Filter results by creation type. | [optional]
+ **visibility** | **string**| Filter results by visibility. | [optional]
+ **outgoingIntegrationsTypeId** | **int?**| Filter results by outgoing integration type ID. | [optional]
+ **title** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the webhook title. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **ImportAccountCollection**
+> Import ImportAccountCollection (int collectionId, string upFile = null)
+Import data into existing account-level collection
+Upload a CSV file containing the collection of string values that should be attached as payload for collection. The file should be sent as multipart data. The import **replaces** the initial content of the collection. The CSV file **must** only contain the following column: - `item`: the values in your collection. A collection is limited to 500,000 items. Example: ``` item Addidas Nike Asics ``` **Note:** Before sending a request to this endpoint, ensure the data in the CSV to import is different from the data currently stored in the collection.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class ImportAccountCollectionExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in account](#operation/listAccountCollections) endpoint.
+ var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file containing the data that is being imported. (optional)
+ try
+ {
+ // Import data into existing account-level collection
+ Import result = apiInstance.ImportAccountCollection(collectionId, upFile);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportAccountCollection: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in account](#operation/listAccountCollections) endpoint. |
+ **upFile** | **string**| The file containing the data that is being imported. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
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+# **ImportAllowedList**
+> Import ImportAllowedList (int attributeId, string upFile = null)
+Import allowed values for attribute
+Upload a CSV file containing a list of [picklist values](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-attributes#picklist-values) for the specified attribute. The file should be sent as multipart data. The import **replaces** the previous list of allowed values for this attribute, if any. The CSV file **must** only contain the following column: - `item` (required): the values in your allowed list, for example a list of SKU's. An allowed list is limited to 500,000 items. Example: ```text item CS-VG-04032021-UP-50D-10 CS-DV-04042021-UP-49D-12 CS-DG-02082021-UP-50G-07 ```
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class ImportAllowedListExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var attributeId = 56; // int | The ID of the attribute. You can find the ID in the Campaign Manager's URL when you display the details of an attribute in **Account** > **Tools** > **Attributes**.
+ var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file containing the data that is being imported. (optional)
+ try
+ {
+ // Import allowed values for attribute
+ Import result = apiInstance.ImportAllowedList(attributeId, upFile);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportAllowedList: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **attributeId** | **int**| The ID of the attribute. You can find the ID in the Campaign Manager's URL when you display the details of an attribute in **Account** > **Tools** > **Attributes**. |
+ **upFile** | **string**| The file containing the data that is being imported. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized - Invalid API key | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **ImportAudiencesMemberships**
+> Import ImportAudiencesMemberships (int audienceId, string upFile = null)
+Import audience members
+Upload a CSV file containing the integration IDs of the members you want to add to an audience. The file should be sent as multipart data and should contain only the following column (required): - `profileintegrationid`: The integration ID of the customer profile. The import **replaces** the previous list of audience members. **Note:** We recommend limiting your file size to 500MB. Example: ```text profileintegrationid charles alexa ```
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class ImportAudiencesMembershipsExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var audienceId = 56; // int | The ID of the audience.
+ var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file containing the data that is being imported. (optional)
+ try
+ {
+ // Import audience members
+ Import result = apiInstance.ImportAudiencesMemberships(audienceId, upFile);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportAudiencesMemberships: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **audienceId** | **int**| The ID of the audience. |
+ **upFile** | **string**| The file containing the data that is being imported. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized - Invalid API key | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **ImportCollection**
+> Import ImportCollection (int applicationId, int campaignId, int collectionId, string upFile = null)
+Import data into existing campaign-level collection
+Upload a CSV file containing the collection of string values that should be attached as payload for collection. The file should be sent as multipart data. The import **replaces** the initial content of the collection. The CSV file **must** only contain the following column: - `item`: the values in your collection. A collection is limited to 500,000 items. Example: ``` item Addidas Nike Asics ``` **Note:** Before sending a request to this endpoint, ensure the data in the CSV to import is different from the data currently stored in the collection.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class ImportCollectionExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in Application](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint.
+ var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file containing the data that is being imported. (optional)
+ try
+ {
+ // Import data into existing campaign-level collection
+ Import result = apiInstance.ImportCollection(applicationId, campaignId, collectionId, upFile);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportCollection: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in Application](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint. |
+ **upFile** | **string**| The file containing the data that is being imported. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
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+# **ImportCoupons**
+> Import ImportCoupons (int applicationId, int campaignId, bool? skipDuplicates = null, string upFile = null)
+Import coupons
+Upload a CSV file containing the coupons that should be created. The file should be sent as multipart data. The CSV file contains the following columns: - `value` (required): The coupon code. - `expirydate`: The end date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `startdate`: The start date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `recipientintegrationid`: The integration ID of the recipient of the coupon. Only the customer with this integration ID can redeem this code. Available only for personal codes. - `limitval`: The maximum number of redemptions of this code. For unlimited redemptions, use `0`. Defaults to `1` when not provided. - `discountlimit`: The total discount value that the code can give. This is typically used to represent a gift card value. - `attributes`: A JSON object describing _custom_ coupon attribute names and their values, enclosed with double quotation marks. For example, if you created a [custom attribute](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/attributes#custom-attributes) called `category` associated with the coupon entity, the object in the CSV file, when opened in a text editor, must be: `\"{\"category\": \"10_off\"}\"`. You can use the time zone of your choice. It is converted to UTC internally by Talon.One. **Note:** We recommend limiting your file size to 500MB. **Example:** ```text \"value\",\"expirydate\",\"startdate\",\"recipientintegrationid\",\"limitval\",\"attributes\",\"discountlimit\" COUP1,2018-07-01T04:00:00Z,2018-05-01T04:00:00Z,cust123,1,\"{\"\"Category\"\": \"\"10_off\"\"}\",2.4 ``` Once imported, you can find the `batchId` in the Campaign Manager or by using [List coupons](#tag/Coupons/operation/getCouponsWithoutTotalCount).
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class ImportCouponsExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var skipDuplicates = true; // bool? | An indicator of whether to skip duplicate coupon values instead of causing an error. Duplicate values are ignored when `skipDuplicates=true`. (optional)
+ var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file containing the data that is being imported. (optional)
+ try
+ {
+ // Import coupons
+ Import result = apiInstance.ImportCoupons(applicationId, campaignId, skipDuplicates, upFile);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportCoupons: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **skipDuplicates** | **bool?**| An indicator of whether to skip duplicate coupon values instead of causing an error. Duplicate values are ignored when `skipDuplicates=true`. | [optional]
+ **upFile** | **string**| The file containing the data that is being imported. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
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+# **ImportLoyaltyCards**
+> Import ImportLoyaltyCards (int loyaltyProgramId, string upFile = null)
+Import loyalty cards
+Upload a CSV file containing the loyalty cards that you want to use in your card-based loyalty program. Send the file as multipart data. It contains the following columns for each card: - `identifier` (required): The alphanumeric identifier of the loyalty card. - `state` (required): The state of the loyalty card. It can be `active` or `inactive`. - `customerprofileids` (optional): An array of strings representing the identifiers of the customer profiles linked to the loyalty card. **Note:** We recommend limiting your file size to 500MB. **Example:** ```csv identifier,state,customerprofileids 123-456-789AT,active,Alexa001;UserA ```
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class ImportLoyaltyCardsExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
+ var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file containing the data that is being imported. (optional)
+ try
+ {
+ // Import loyalty cards
+ Import result = apiInstance.ImportLoyaltyCards(loyaltyProgramId, upFile);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportLoyaltyCards: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
+ **upFile** | **string**| The file containing the data that is being imported. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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+# **ImportLoyaltyCustomersTiers**
+> Import ImportLoyaltyCustomersTiers (int loyaltyProgramId, string upFile = null)
-Import data in existing account-level collection
+Import customers into loyalty tiers
-Upload a CSV file containing the collection of string values that should be attached as payload for collection. The file should be sent as multipart data. The import **replaces** the initial content of the collection. The CSV file **must** only contain the following column: - `item`: the values in your collection. A collection is limited to 500,000 items. Example: ``` item Addidas Nike Asics ``` **Note:** Before sending a request to this endpoint, ensure the data in the CSV to import is different from the data currently stored in the collection.
+Upload a CSV file containing existing customers to be assigned to existing tiers. Send the file as multipart data. **Important:** This endpoint only works with loyalty programs with advanced tiers (with expiration and downgrade policy) feature enabled. The CSV file should contain the following columns: - `subledgerid` (optional): The ID of the subledger. If this field is empty, the main ledger will be used. - `customerprofileid`: The integration ID of the customer profile to whom the tier should be assigned. - `tiername`: The name of an existing tier to assign to the customer. - `expirydate`: The expiration date of the tier. It should be a future date. About customer assignment to a tier: - If the customer isn't already in a tier, the customer is assigned to the specified tier during the tier import. - If the customer is already in the tier that's specified in the CSV file, only the expiration date is updated. **Note:** We recommend not using this endpoint to update the tier of a customer. To update a customer's tier, you can [add](/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/addLoyaltyPoints) or [deduct](/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/removeLoyaltyPoints) their loyalty points. You can use the time zone of your choice. It is converted to UTC internally by Talon.One. **Note:** We recommend limiting your file size to 500MB. **Example:** ```csv subledgerid,customerprofileid,tiername,expirydate SUB1,alexa,Gold,2024-03-21T07:32:14Z ,george,Silver,2025-04-16T21:12:37Z SUB2,avocado,Bronze,2026-05-03T11:47:01Z ```
### Example
@@ -8275,7 +10059,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ImportAccountCollectionExample
+ public class ImportLoyaltyCustomersTiersExample
public static void Main()
@@ -8291,18 +10075,18 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint.
- var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file with the information about the data that should be imported. (optional)
+ var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the loyalty program. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
+ var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file containing the data that is being imported. (optional)
- // Import data in existing account-level collection
- Import result = apiInstance.ImportAccountCollection(collectionId, upFile);
+ // Import customers into loyalty tiers
+ Import result = apiInstance.ImportLoyaltyCustomersTiers(loyaltyProgramId, upFile);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportAccountCollection: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportLoyaltyCustomersTiers: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -8315,8 +10099,8 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint. |
- **upFile** | **string**| The file with the information about the data that should be imported. | [optional]
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the loyalty program. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
+ **upFile** | **string**| The file containing the data that is being imported. | [optional]
### Return type
@@ -8337,16 +10121,17 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| **200** | OK | - |
| **400** | Bad request | - |
| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **ImportAllowedList**
-> Import ImportAllowedList (int attributeId, string upFile = null)
+# **ImportLoyaltyPoints**
+> Import ImportLoyaltyPoints (int loyaltyProgramId, string upFile = null)
-Import allowed values for attribute
+Import loyalty points
-Upload a CSV file containing a list of [picklist values](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-attributes#picklist-values) for the specified attribute. The file should be sent as multipart data. The import **replaces** the previous list of allowed values for this attribute, if any. The CSV file **must** only contain the following column: - `item` (required): the values in your allowed list, for example a list of SKU's. An allowed list is limited to 500,000 items. Example: ```text item CS-VG-04032021-UP-50D-10 CS-DV-04042021-UP-49D-12 CS-DG-02082021-UP-50G-07 ```
+Upload a CSV file containing the loyalty points you want to import into a given loyalty program. Send the file as multipart data. Depending on the type of loyalty program, you can import points into a given customer profile or loyalty card. The CSV file contains the following columns: - `customerprofileid` (optional): For profile-based loyalty programs, the integration ID of the customer profile where the loyalty points are imported. - `identifier` (optional): For card-based loyalty programs, the identifier of the loyalty card where the loyalty points are imported. - `amount`: The amount of points to award to the customer profile. - `startdate` (optional): The earliest date when the points can be redeemed. The points are `active` from this date until the expiration date. **Note**: It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string or string `immediate`. Empty or missing values are considered `immediate`. - `expirydate` (optional): The latest date when the points can be redeemed. The points are `expired` after this date. **Note**: It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string or string `unlimited`. Empty or missing values are considered `unlimited`. - `subledgerid` (optional): The ID of the subledger that should received the points. - `reason` (optional): The reason why these points are awarded. You can use the time zone of your choice. It is converted to UTC internally by Talon.One. **Note:** For existing customer profiles and loyalty cards, the imported points are added to any previous active or pending points, depending on the value provided for `startdate`. If `startdate` matches the current date, the imported points are _active_. If it is later, the points are _pending_ until the date provided for `startdate` is reached. **Note:** We recommend limiting your file size to 500MB. **Example for profile-based programs:** ```text customerprofileid,amount,startdate,expirydate,subledgerid,reason URNGV8294NV,100,2009-11-10T23:00:00Z,2009-11-11T23:00:00Z,subledger1,appeasement ``` **Example for card-based programs:** ```text identifier,amount,startdate,expirydate,subledgerid,reason summer-loyalty-card-0543,100,2009-11-10T23:00:00Z,2009-11-11T23:00:00Z,subledger1,appeasement ```
### Example
@@ -8358,7 +10143,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ImportAllowedListExample
+ public class ImportLoyaltyPointsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -8374,18 +10159,18 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var attributeId = 56; // int | The ID of the attribute. You can find the ID in the Campaign Manager's URL when you display the details of an attribute in **Account** > **Tools** > **Attributes**.
- var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file with the information about the data that should be imported. (optional)
+ var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the loyalty program. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
+ var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file containing the data that is being imported. (optional)
- // Import allowed values for attribute
- Import result = apiInstance.ImportAllowedList(attributeId, upFile);
+ // Import loyalty points
+ Import result = apiInstance.ImportLoyaltyPoints(loyaltyProgramId, upFile);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportAllowedList: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportLoyaltyPoints: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -8398,8 +10183,8 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **attributeId** | **int**| The ID of the attribute. You can find the ID in the Campaign Manager's URL when you display the details of an attribute in **Account** > **Tools** > **Attributes**. |
- **upFile** | **string**| The file with the information about the data that should be imported. | [optional]
+ **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the loyalty program. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
+ **upFile** | **string**| The file containing the data that is being imported. | [optional]
### Return type
@@ -8418,19 +10203,16 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
-| **400** | Bad request | - |
-| **401** | Unauthorized - Invalid API key | - |
-| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **ImportCollection**
-> Import ImportCollection (int applicationId, int campaignId, int collectionId, string upFile = null)
+# **ImportPoolGiveaways**
+> Import ImportPoolGiveaways (int poolId, string upFile = null)
-Import data in existing collection
+Import giveaway codes into a giveaway pool
-Upload a CSV file containing the collection of string values that should be attached as payload for collection. The file should be sent as multipart data. The import **replaces** the initial content of the collection. The CSV file **must** only contain the following column: - `item`: the values in your collection. A collection is limited to 500,000 items. Example: ``` item Addidas Nike Asics ``` **Note:** Before sending a request to this endpoint, ensure the data in the CSV to import is different from the data currently stored in the collection.
+Upload a CSV file containing the giveaway codes that should be created. Send the file as multipart data. The CSV file contains the following columns: - `code` (required): The code of your giveaway, for instance, a gift card redemption code. - `startdate`: The start date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `enddate`: The last date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `attributes`: A JSON object describing _custom_ giveaway attribute names and their values, enclosed with double quotation marks. For example, if you created a [custom attribute](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/attributes#custom-attributes) called `provider` associated with the giveaway entity, the object in the CSV file, when opened in a text editor, must be: `\"{\"provider\": \"myPartnerCompany\"}\"`. The `startdate` and `enddate` have nothing to do with the _validity_ of the codes. They are only used by the Rule Engine to award the codes or not. You can use the time zone setting of your choice. The values are converted to UTC internally by Talon.One. **Note:** - We recommend limiting your file size to 500MB. - You can import the same code multiple times. Duplicate codes are treated and distributed to customers as unique codes. **Example:** ```text code,startdate,enddate,attributes GIVEAWAY1,2020-11-10T23:00:00Z,2022-11-11T23:00:00Z,\"{\"\"provider\"\": \"\"Amazon\"\"}\" GIVEAWAY2,2020-11-10T23:00:00Z,2022-11-11T23:00:00Z,\"{\"\"provider\"\": \"\"Amazon\"\"}\" GIVEAWAY3,2021-01-10T23:00:00Z,2022-11-11T23:00:00Z,\"{\"\"provider\"\": \"\"Aliexpress\"\"}\" ```
### Example
@@ -8442,7 +10224,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ImportCollectionExample
+ public class ImportPoolGiveawaysExample
public static void Main()
@@ -8458,20 +10240,18 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint.
- var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file with the information about the data that should be imported. (optional)
+ var poolId = 56; // int | The ID of the pool. You can find it in the Campaign Manager, in the **Giveaways** section.
+ var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file containing the data that is being imported. (optional)
- // Import data in existing collection
- Import result = apiInstance.ImportCollection(applicationId, campaignId, collectionId, upFile);
+ // Import giveaway codes into a giveaway pool
+ Import result = apiInstance.ImportPoolGiveaways(poolId, upFile);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportCollection: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportPoolGiveaways: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -8484,10 +10264,8 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint. |
- **upFile** | **string**| The file with the information about the data that should be imported. | [optional]
+ **poolId** | **int**| The ID of the pool. You can find it in the Campaign Manager, in the **Giveaways** section. |
+ **upFile** | **string**| The file containing the data that is being imported. | [optional]
### Return type
@@ -8506,17 +10284,16 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
-| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
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-# **ImportCoupons**
-> Import ImportCoupons (int applicationId, int campaignId, string upFile = null)
+# **ImportReferrals**
+> Import ImportReferrals (int applicationId, int campaignId, string upFile = null)
-Import coupons
+Import referrals
-Upload a CSV file containing the coupons that should be created. The file should be sent as multipart data. The CSV file contains the following columns: - `value` (required): The coupon code. - `expirydate`: The end date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `startdate`: The start date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `recipientintegrationid`: The integration ID of the customer who receives the coupon. Only the customer with this integration ID can redeem the corresponding coupon code. Learn about [coupon reservation](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/rules/effects/using-effects#reserving-a-coupon-code). - `limitval`: The maximum number of redemptions of this code. For unlimited redemptions, use `0`. Defaults to `1` when not provided. - `discountlimit`: The total discount value that the code can give. This is typically used to represent a gift card value. - `attributes`: A json object describing _custom_ referral attribute names and their values. Double the double-quotes in the object. For example, if you created a [custom attribute](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/attributes#custom-attributes) called `category` associated to the coupon entity, set it with `\"{\"\"category\"\": \"\"10_off\"\"}\"`. You can use the time zone of your choice. It is converted to UTC internally by Talon.One. **Note:** We recommend limiting your file size to 500MB. **Example:** ```text \"value\",\"expirydate\",\"startdate\",\"recipientintegrationid\",\"limitval\",\"attributes\",\"discountlimit\" COUP1,2018-07-01T04:00:00Z,2018-05-01T04:00:00Z,cust123,1,\"{\"\"Category\"\": \"\"10_off\"\"}\",2.4 ``` Once imported, you can find the `batchId` in the Campaign Manager or by using [List coupons](#tag/Coupons/operation/getCouponsWithoutTotalCount).
+Upload a CSV file containing the referrals that should be created. The file should be sent as multipart data. The CSV file contains the following columns: - `code` (required): The referral code. - `advocateprofileintegrationid` (required): The profile ID of the advocate. - `startdate`: The start date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `expirydate`: The end date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `limitval`: The maximum number of redemptions of this code. Defaults to `1` when left blank. - `attributes`: A JSON object describing _custom_ referral attribute names and their values, enclosed with double quotation marks. For example, if you created a [custom attribute](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/attributes#custom-attributes) called `category` associated with the referral entity, the object in the CSV file, when opened in a text editor, must be: `\"{\"category\": \"10_off\"}\"`. You can use the time zone of your choice. It is converted to UTC internally by Talon.One. **Important:** When you import a CSV file with referrals, a [customer profile](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/customer-profiles) is **not** automatically created for each `advocateprofileintegrationid` column value. Use the [Update customer profile](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-profiles/operation/updateCustomerProfileV2) endpoint or the [Update multiple customer profiles](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-profiles/operation/updateCustomerProfilesV2) endpoint to create the customer profiles. **Note:** We recommend limiting your file size to 500MB. **Example:** ```text code,startdate,expirydate,advocateprofileintegrationid,limitval,attributes REFERRAL_CODE1,2020-11-10T23:00:00Z,2021-11-11T23:00:00Z,integid_4,1,\"{\"\"my_attribute\"\": \"\"10_off\"\"}\" REFERRAL_CODE2,2020-11-10T23:00:00Z,2021-11-11T23:00:00Z,integid1,1,\"{\"\"my_attribute\"\": \"\"20_off\"\"}\" ```
### Example
@@ -8528,7 +10305,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ImportCouponsExample
+ public class ImportReferralsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -8546,17 +10323,17 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file with the information about the data that should be imported. (optional)
+ var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file containing the data that is being imported. (optional)
- // Import coupons
- Import result = apiInstance.ImportCoupons(applicationId, campaignId, upFile);
+ // Import referrals
+ Import result = apiInstance.ImportReferrals(applicationId, campaignId, upFile);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportCoupons: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportReferrals: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -8571,7 +10348,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
**campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **upFile** | **string**| The file with the information about the data that should be imported. | [optional]
+ **upFile** | **string**| The file containing the data that is being imported. | [optional]
### Return type
@@ -8593,13 +10370,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **ImportLoyaltyCards**
-> Import ImportLoyaltyCards (int loyaltyProgramId, string upFile = null)
+# **InviteUserExternal**
+> void InviteUserExternal (NewExternalInvitation body)
-Import loyalty cards
+Invite user from identity provider
-Upload a CSV file containing the loyalty cards that you want to use in your card-based loyalty program. Send the file as multipart data. It contains the following columns for each card: - `identifier` (required): The alphanumeric identifier of the loyalty card. - `state` (required): The state of the loyalty card. It can be `active` or `inactive`. - `customerprofileids` (optional): An array of strings representing the identifiers of the customer profiles linked to the loyalty card. **Note:** We recommend limiting your file size to 500MB. **Example:** ```csv identifier,state,customerprofileids 123-456-789AT,active,Alexa001;UserA ```
+Invite a user from an external identity provider to Talon.One by sending an invitation to their email address.
### Example
@@ -8611,7 +10388,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ImportLoyaltyCardsExample
+ public class InviteUserExternalExample
public static void Main()
@@ -8627,18 +10404,16 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
- var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file with the information about the data that should be imported. (optional)
+ var body = new NewExternalInvitation(); // NewExternalInvitation | body
- // Import loyalty cards
- Import result = apiInstance.ImportLoyaltyCards(loyaltyProgramId, upFile);
- Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ // Invite user from identity provider
+ apiInstance.InviteUserExternal(body);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportLoyaltyCards: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.InviteUserExternal: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -8651,12 +10426,11 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
- **upFile** | **string**| The file with the information about the data that should be imported. | [optional]
+ **body** | [**NewExternalInvitation**](NewExternalInvitation.md)| body |
### Return type
+void (empty response body)
### Authorization
@@ -8664,25 +10438,23 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data
- - **Accept**: application/json
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
-| **200** | OK | - |
-| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
-| **404** | Not found | - |
+| **204** | Invitation email sent | - |
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-# **ImportLoyaltyCustomersTiers**
-> Import ImportLoyaltyCustomersTiers (int loyaltyProgramId, string upFile = null)
+# **ListAccountCollections**
+> InlineResponse20017 ListAccountCollections (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null, string name = null)
-Import customers into loyalty tiers
+List collections in account
-Upload a CSV file containing existing customers to be assigned to existing tiers. Send the file as multipart data. **Important:** This endpoint only works with loyalty programs with advanced tiers (with expiration and downgrade policy) feature enabled. The CSV file should contain the following columns: - `subledgerid` (optional): The ID of the subledger. If this field is empty, the main ledger will be used. - `customerprofileid`: The integration ID of the customer profile to whom the tier should be assigned. - `tiername`: The name of an existing tier to assign to the customer. - `expirydate`: The expiration date of the tier. It should be a future date. About customer assignment to a tier: - If the customer isn't already in a tier, the customer is assigned to the specified tier during the tier import. - If the customer is already in a tier, the customer is assigned to match the new information provided in the CSV file. - If the customer is already in the tier that's specified in the CSV file, only the expiration date is updated. You can use the time zone of your choice. It is converted to UTC internally by Talon.One. **Note:** We recommend limiting your file size to 500MB. **Example:** ```csv subledgerid,customerprofileid,tiername,expirydate SUB1,alexa,Gold,2024-03-21T07:32:14Z ,george,Silver,2025-04-16T21:12:37Z SUB2,avocado,Bronze,2026-05-03T11:47:01Z ```
+List account-level collections in the account.
### Example
@@ -8694,7 +10466,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ImportLoyaltyCustomersTiersExample
+ public class ListAccountCollectionsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -8710,18 +10482,21 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
- var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file with the information about the data that should be imported. (optional)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
+ var withTotalResultSize = true; // bool? | When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. (optional)
+ var name = name_example; // string | Filter by collection name. (optional)
- // Import customers into loyalty tiers
- Import result = apiInstance.ImportLoyaltyCustomersTiers(loyaltyProgramId, upFile);
+ // List collections in account
+ InlineResponse20017 result = apiInstance.ListAccountCollections(pageSize, skip, sort, withTotalResultSize, name);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportLoyaltyCustomersTiers: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ListAccountCollections: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -8734,12 +10509,15 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
- **upFile** | **string**| The file with the information about the data that should be imported. | [optional]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
+ **withTotalResultSize** | **bool?**| When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. | [optional]
+ **name** | **string**| Filter by collection name. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -8747,7 +10525,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
@@ -8760,13 +10538,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **ImportLoyaltyPoints**
-> Import ImportLoyaltyPoints (int loyaltyProgramId, string upFile = null)
+# **ListAchievements**
+> InlineResponse20046 ListAchievements (int applicationId, int campaignId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string title = null)
-Import loyalty points
+List achievements
-Upload a CSV file containing the loyalty points you want to import into a given loyalty program. Send the file as multipart data. Depending on the loyalty program type, you can import the points into a given customer profile or into a given _active_ loyalty card. The CSV file contains the following columns: - `customerprofileid` (optional): For profile-based loyalty programs, the integration ID of the customer profile where the loyalty points are imported. - `identifier` (optional): For card-based loyalty programs, the identifier of the loyalty card where the loyalty points are imported. - `amount`: The amount of points to award to the customer profile. - `startdate` (optional): The earliest date when the points can be redeemed. The points are `active` from this date until the expiration date. **Note**: It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string or string `immediate`. Empty or missing values are considered `immediate`. - `expirydate` (optional): The latest date when the points can be redeemed. The points are `expired` after this date. **Note**: It must be an RFC3339 timestamp string or string `unlimited`. Empty or missing values are considered `unlimited`. - `subledgerid` (optional): The ID of the subledger that should received the points. - `reason` (optional): The reason why these points are awarded. You can use the time zone of your choice. It is converted to UTC internally by Talon.One. **Note:** For existing customer profiles and loyalty cards, the imported points are added to any previous active or pending points, depending on the value provided for `startdate`. If `startdate` matches the current date, the imported points are _active_. If it is later, the points are _pending_ until the date provided for `startdate` is reached. **Note:** We recommend limiting your file size to 500MB. **Example for profile-based programs:** ```text customerprofileid,amount,startdate,expirydate,subledgerid,reason URNGV8294NV,100,2009-11-10T23:00:00Z,2009-11-11T23:00:00Z,subledger1,appeasement ``` **Example for card-based programs:** ```text identifier,amount,startdate,expirydate,subledgerid,reason summer-loyalty-card-0543,100,2009-11-10T23:00:00Z,2009-11-11T23:00:00Z,subledger1,appeasement ```
+List all the achievements for a specific campaign.
### Example
@@ -8778,7 +10556,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ImportLoyaltyPointsExample
+ public class ListAchievementsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -8794,18 +10572,21 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var loyaltyProgramId = 56; // int | Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint.
- var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file with the information about the data that should be imported. (optional)
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 50)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var title = title_example; // string | Filter by the display name for the achievement in the campaign manager. **Note**: If no `title` is provided, all the achievements from the campaign are returned. (optional)
- // Import loyalty points
- Import result = apiInstance.ImportLoyaltyPoints(loyaltyProgramId, upFile);
+ // List achievements
+ InlineResponse20046 result = apiInstance.ListAchievements(applicationId, campaignId, pageSize, skip, title);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportLoyaltyPoints: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ListAchievements: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -8818,12 +10599,15 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **loyaltyProgramId** | **int**| Identifier of the card-based loyalty program containing the loyalty card. You can get the ID with the [List loyalty programs](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Loyalty/operation/getLoyaltyPrograms) endpoint. |
- **upFile** | **string**| The file with the information about the data that should be imported. | [optional]
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 50]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **title** | **string**| Filter by the display name for the achievement in the campaign manager. **Note**: If no `title` is provided, all the achievements from the campaign are returned. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -8831,7 +10615,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
@@ -8841,13 +10625,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **ImportPoolGiveaways**
-> Import ImportPoolGiveaways (int poolId, string upFile = null)
+# **ListAllRolesV2**
+> InlineResponse20044 ListAllRolesV2 ()
-Import giveaway codes into a giveaway pool
+List roles
-Upload a CSV file containing the giveaway codes that should be created. Send the file as multipart data. The CSV file contains the following columns: - `code` (required): the code of your giveaway, for instance, a gift card redemption code. - `startdate`: the start date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `enddate`: the last date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `attributes`: A json object describing _custom_ giveaway attribute names and their values. Double the double-quotes in the object. For example, if you [created a custom attribute](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/attributes#custom-attributes) called `provider` associated to the giveaway entity, set it with `\"{\"\"provider\"\": \"\"myPartnerCompany\"\"}\"`. The `startdate` and `enddate` have nothing to do with the _validity_ of the codes. They are only used by the Rule Engine to award the codes or not. You can use the time zone of your choice. It is converted to UTC internally by Talon.One. **Note:** We recommend limiting your file size to 500MB. **Example:** ```text code,startdate,enddate,attributes GIVEAWAY1,2020-11-10T23:00:00Z,2022-11-11T23:00:00Z,\"{\"\"provider\"\": \"\"Amazon\"\"}\" GIVEAWAY2,2020-11-10T23:00:00Z,2022-11-11T23:00:00Z,\"{\"\"provider\"\": \"\"Amazon\"\"}\" GIVEAWAY3,2021-01-10T23:00:00Z,2022-11-11T23:00:00Z,\"{\"\"provider\"\": \"\"Aliexpress\"\"}\" ```
+List all roles.
### Example
@@ -8859,7 +10643,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ImportPoolGiveawaysExample
+ public class ListAllRolesV2Example
public static void Main()
@@ -8875,18 +10659,16 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var poolId = 56; // int | The ID of the pool. You can find it in the Campaign Manager, in the **Giveaways** section.
- var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file with the information about the data that should be imported. (optional)
- // Import giveaway codes into a giveaway pool
- Import result = apiInstance.ImportPoolGiveaways(poolId, upFile);
+ // List roles
+ InlineResponse20044 result = apiInstance.ListAllRolesV2();
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportPoolGiveaways: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ListAllRolesV2: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -8896,15 +10678,11 @@ namespace Example
### Parameters
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
-------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **poolId** | **int**| The ID of the pool. You can find it in the Campaign Manager, in the **Giveaways** section. |
- **upFile** | **string**| The file with the information about the data that should be imported. | [optional]
+This endpoint does not need any parameter.
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -8912,7 +10690,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
@@ -8922,13 +10700,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **ImportReferrals**
-> Import ImportReferrals (int applicationId, int campaignId, string upFile = null)
+# **ListCatalogItems**
+> InlineResponse20035 ListCatalogItems (int catalogId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null, List sku = null, List productNames = null)
-Import referrals
+List items in a catalog
-Upload a CSV file containing the referrals that should be created. The file should be sent as multipart data. The CSV file contains the following columns: - `code` (required): The referral code. - `advocateprofileintegrationid` (required): The profile ID of the advocate. - `startdate`: The start date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `expirydate`: The end date in RFC3339 of the code redemption period. - `limitval`: The maximum number of redemptions of this code. Defaults to `1` when left blank. - `attributes`: A json object describing _custom_ referral attribute names and their values. Double the double-quotes in the object. For example, if you [created a custom attribute](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/attributes#custom-attributes) called `category` associated to the referral entity, set it with `\"{\"\"category\"\": \"\"10_off\"\"}\"`. You can use the time zone of your choice. It is converted to UTC internally by Talon.One. **Note:** We recommend limiting your file size to 500MB. **Example:** ```text code,startdate,expirydate,advocateprofileintegrationid,limitval,attributes REFERRAL_CODE1,2020-11-10T23:00:00Z,2021-11-11T23:00:00Z,integid_4,1,\"{\"\"my_attribute\"\": \"\"10_off\"\"}\" REFERRAL_CODE2,2020-11-10T23:00:00Z,2021-11-11T23:00:00Z,integid1,1,\"{\"\"my_attribute\"\": \"\"20_off\"\"}\" ```
+Return a paginated list of cart items in the given catalog.
### Example
@@ -8940,7 +10718,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ImportReferralsExample
+ public class ListCatalogItemsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -8956,19 +10734,22 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var upFile = upFile_example; // string | The file with the information about the data that should be imported. (optional)
+ var catalogId = 56; // int | The ID of the catalog. You can find the ID in the Campaign Manager in **Account** > **Tools** > **Cart item catalogs**.
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var withTotalResultSize = true; // bool? | When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. (optional)
+ var sku = new List(); // List | Filter results by one or more SKUs. Must be exact match. (optional)
+ var productNames = new List(); // List | Filter results by one or more product names. Must be exact match. (optional)
- // Import referrals
- Import result = apiInstance.ImportReferrals(applicationId, campaignId, upFile);
+ // List items in a catalog
+ InlineResponse20035 result = apiInstance.ListCatalogItems(catalogId, pageSize, skip, withTotalResultSize, sku, productNames);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ImportReferrals: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ListCatalogItems: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -8981,13 +10762,16 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **upFile** | **string**| The file with the information about the data that should be imported. | [optional]
+ **catalogId** | **int**| The ID of the catalog. You can find the ID in the Campaign Manager in **Account** > **Tools** > **Cart item catalogs**. |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **withTotalResultSize** | **bool?**| When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. | [optional]
+ **sku** | [**List<string>**](string.md)| Filter results by one or more SKUs. Must be exact match. | [optional]
+ **productNames** | [**List<string>**](string.md)| Filter results by one or more product names. Must be exact match. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -8995,7 +10779,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
### HTTP response details
@@ -9005,13 +10789,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **ListAccountCollections**
-> InlineResponse20015 ListAccountCollections (int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null, string name = null)
+# **ListCollections**
+> InlineResponse20017 ListCollections (int applicationId, int campaignId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null, string name = null)
-List collections in account
+List collections in campaign
-List collections in account.
+List collections in a given campaign.
### Example
@@ -9023,7 +10807,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ListAccountCollectionsExample
+ public class ListCollectionsExample
public static void Main()
@@ -9039,21 +10823,23 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
var withTotalResultSize = true; // bool? | When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. (optional)
- var name = name_example; // string | Filter by the name of the Collection. (optional)
+ var name = name_example; // string | Filter by collection name. (optional)
- // List collections in account
- InlineResponse20015 result = apiInstance.ListAccountCollections(pageSize, skip, sort, withTotalResultSize, name);
+ // List collections in campaign
+ InlineResponse20017 result = apiInstance.ListCollections(applicationId, campaignId, pageSize, skip, sort, withTotalResultSize, name);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ListAccountCollections: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ListCollections: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -9066,15 +10852,17 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
**sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
**withTotalResultSize** | **bool?**| When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. | [optional]
- **name** | **string**| Filter by the name of the Collection. | [optional]
+ **name** | **string**| Filter by collection name. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -9089,19 +10877,17 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
-| **400** | Bad request | - |
-| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **ListCatalogItems**
-> InlineResponse20032 ListCatalogItems (int catalogId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null, string sku = null)
+# **ListCollectionsInApplication**
+> InlineResponse20017 ListCollectionsInApplication (int applicationId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null, string name = null)
-List items in a catalog
+List collections in Application
-Return a paginated list of cart items in the given catalog.
+List campaign-level collections from all campaigns in a given Application.
### Example
@@ -9113,7 +10899,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ListCatalogItemsExample
+ public class ListCollectionsInApplicationExample
public static void Main()
@@ -9129,21 +10915,22 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var catalogId = 56; // int | The ID of the catalog. You can find the ID in the Campaign Manager in **Account** > **Tools** > **Cart item catalogs**.
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
+ var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
var withTotalResultSize = true; // bool? | When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. (optional)
- var sku = sku_example; // string | The SKU of the item. (optional)
+ var name = name_example; // string | Filter by collection name. (optional)
- // List items in a catalog
- InlineResponse20032 result = apiInstance.ListCatalogItems(catalogId, pageSize, skip, withTotalResultSize, sku);
+ // List collections in Application
+ InlineResponse20017 result = apiInstance.ListCollectionsInApplication(applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort, withTotalResultSize, name);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ListCatalogItems: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ListCollectionsInApplication: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -9156,15 +10943,16 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **catalogId** | **int**| The ID of the catalog. You can find the ID in the Campaign Manager in **Account** > **Tools** > **Cart item catalogs**. |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
+ **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
**withTotalResultSize** | **bool?**| When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. | [optional]
- **sku** | **string**| The SKU of the item. | [optional]
+ **name** | **string**| Filter by collection name. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -9179,16 +10967,17 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **ListCollections**
-> InlineResponse20017 ListCollections (int applicationId, int campaignId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null, string name = null)
+# **ListStores**
+> InlineResponse20045 ListStores (int applicationId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null, decimal? campaignId = null, string name = null, string integrationId = null, string query = null)
-List collections
+List stores
-List collections in the campaign.
+List all stores for a specific Application.
### Example
@@ -9200,7 +10989,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ListCollectionsExample
+ public class ListStoresExample
public static void Main()
@@ -9217,22 +11006,24 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
var withTotalResultSize = true; // bool? | When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. (optional)
- var name = name_example; // string | Filter by the name of the Collection. (optional)
+ var campaignId = 8.14; // decimal? | Filter results by campaign. (optional)
+ var name = name_example; // string | The name of the store. (optional)
+ var integrationId = integrationId_example; // string | The integration ID of the store. (optional)
+ var query = query_example; // string | Filter results by `name` or `integrationId`. (optional)
- // List collections
- InlineResponse20017 result = apiInstance.ListCollections(applicationId, campaignId, pageSize, skip, sort, withTotalResultSize, name);
+ // List stores
+ InlineResponse20045 result = apiInstance.ListStores(applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort, withTotalResultSize, campaignId, name, integrationId, query);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ListCollections: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ListStores: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -9246,16 +11037,18 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
**sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
**withTotalResultSize** | **bool?**| When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. | [optional]
- **name** | **string**| Filter by the name of the Collection. | [optional]
+ **campaignId** | **decimal?**| Filter results by campaign. | [optional]
+ **name** | **string**| The name of the store. | [optional]
+ **integrationId** | **string**| The integration ID of the store. | [optional]
+ **query** | **string**| Filter results by `name` or `integrationId`. | [optional]
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -9270,17 +11063,16 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
| **200** | OK | - |
-| **404** | Not found | - |
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-# **ListCollectionsInApplication**
-> InlineResponse20017 ListCollectionsInApplication (int applicationId, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, bool? withTotalResultSize = null, string name = null)
+# **NotificationActivation**
+> void NotificationActivation (int notificationId, NotificationActivation body)
-List collections in application
+Activate or deactivate notification
-List collections from all campaigns in the Application.
+Activate or deactivate the given notification. When `enabled` is false, updates will no longer be sent for the given notification.
### Example
@@ -9292,7 +11084,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class ListCollectionsInApplicationExample
+ public class NotificationActivationExample
public static void Main()
@@ -9308,22 +11100,17 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
- var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
- var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
- var withTotalResultSize = true; // bool? | When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. (optional)
- var name = name_example; // string | Filter by the name of the Collection. (optional)
+ var notificationId = 56; // int | The ID of the notification. Get it with the appropriate _List notifications_ endpoint.
+ var body = new NotificationActivation(); // NotificationActivation | body
- // List collections in application
- InlineResponse20017 result = apiInstance.ListCollectionsInApplication(applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort, withTotalResultSize, name);
- Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ // Activate or deactivate notification
+ apiInstance.NotificationActivation(notificationId, body);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.ListCollectionsInApplication: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.NotificationActivation: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -9336,16 +11123,12 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
- **skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
- **sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
- **withTotalResultSize** | **bool?**| When this flag is set, the result includes the total size of the result, across all pages. This might decrease performance on large data sets. - When `true`: `hasMore` is true when there is a next page. `totalResultSize` is always zero. - When `false`: `hasMore` is always false. `totalResultSize` contains the total number of results for this query. | [optional]
- **name** | **string**| Filter by the name of the Collection. | [optional]
+ **notificationId** | **int**| The ID of the notification. Get it with the appropriate _List notifications_ endpoint. |
+ **body** | [**NotificationActivation**](NotificationActivation.md)| body |
### Return type
+void (empty response body)
### Authorization
@@ -9353,14 +11136,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/json
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
### HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
-| **200** | OK | - |
-| **404** | Not found | - |
+| **204** | No Content | - |
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@@ -9370,7 +11152,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Create notification about added or deducted loyalty points
-Create a notification about added or deducted loyalty points in a given profile-based loyalty program. A notification for added or deducted loyalty points is different from regular webhooks in that it is loyalty program-scoped and has a predefined payload. For more information, see [Managing notifications](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/managing-notifications).
+Create a notification about added or deducted loyalty points in a given profile-based loyalty program. A notification for added or deducted loyalty points is different from regular webhooks in that it is loyalty program-scoped and has a predefined payload. For more information, see [Managing loyalty notifications](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/managing-loyalty-notifications).
### Example
@@ -9538,7 +11320,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Create notification about pending loyalty points
-Create a notification about pending loyalty points for a given profile-based loyalty program. For more information, see [Managing loyalty notifications](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/managing-notifications).
+Create a notification about pending loyalty points for a given profile-based loyalty program. For more information, see [Managing loyalty notifications](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/loyalty-programs/managing-loyalty-notifications).
### Example
@@ -9782,11 +11564,11 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **SearchCouponsAdvancedApplicationWideWithoutTotalCount**
-> InlineResponse2008 SearchCouponsAdvancedApplicationWideWithoutTotalCount (int applicationId, Object body, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string value = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string valid = null, string usable = null, int? referralId = null, string recipientIntegrationId = null, string batchId = null, bool? exactMatch = null, string campaignState = null)
+> InlineResponse2009 SearchCouponsAdvancedApplicationWideWithoutTotalCount (int applicationId, Object body, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string value = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string valid = null, string usable = null, int? referralId = null, string recipientIntegrationId = null, string batchId = null, bool? exactMatch = null, string campaignState = null)
List coupons that match the given attributes (without total count)
-List the coupons whose attributes match the query criteria in all **active** campaigns of the given Application. The match is successful if all the attributes of the request are found in a coupon, even if the coupon has more attributes that are not present on the request. **Note:** The total count is not included in the response.
+List the coupons whose attributes match the query criteria in all the campaigns of the given Application. The match is successful if all the attributes of the request are found in a coupon, even if the coupon has more attributes that are not present on the request. **Note:** The total count is not included in the response.
### Example
@@ -9816,12 +11598,12 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
var body = ; // Object | body
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
var value = value_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the coupon code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. (optional)
- var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
var valid = valid_example; // string | Either \"expired\", \"validNow\", or \"validFuture\". The first option matches coupons in which the expiration date is set and in the past. The second matches coupons in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future, the third matches coupons in which start date is set and in the future. (optional)
var usable = usable_example; // string | Either \"true\" or \"false\". If \"true\", only coupons where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned, \"false\" will return only coupons where `usageCounter >= usageLimit`. (optional)
var referralId = 56; // int? | Filter the results by matching them with the ID of a referral. This filter shows the coupons created by redeeming a referral code. (optional)
@@ -9833,7 +11615,7 @@ namespace Example
// List coupons that match the given attributes (without total count)
- InlineResponse2008 result = apiInstance.SearchCouponsAdvancedApplicationWideWithoutTotalCount(applicationId, body, pageSize, skip, sort, value, createdBefore, createdAfter, valid, usable, referralId, recipientIntegrationId, batchId, exactMatch, campaignState);
+ InlineResponse2009 result = apiInstance.SearchCouponsAdvancedApplicationWideWithoutTotalCount(applicationId, body, pageSize, skip, sort, value, createdBefore, createdAfter, valid, usable, referralId, recipientIntegrationId, batchId, exactMatch, campaignState);
catch (ApiException e)
@@ -9853,12 +11635,12 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
**body** | **Object**| body |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
**sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
**value** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the coupon code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. | [optional]
- **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
**valid** | **string**| Either \"expired\", \"validNow\", or \"validFuture\". The first option matches coupons in which the expiration date is set and in the past. The second matches coupons in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future, the third matches coupons in which start date is set and in the future. | [optional]
**usable** | **string**| Either \"true\" or \"false\". If \"true\", only coupons where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned, \"false\" will return only coupons where `usageCounter >= usageLimit`. | [optional]
**referralId** | **int?**| Filter the results by matching them with the ID of a referral. This filter shows the coupons created by redeeming a referral code. | [optional]
@@ -9869,7 +11651,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -9889,7 +11671,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **SearchCouponsAdvancedWithoutTotalCount**
-> InlineResponse2008 SearchCouponsAdvancedWithoutTotalCount (int applicationId, int campaignId, Object body, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string value = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string valid = null, string usable = null, int? referralId = null, string recipientIntegrationId = null, bool? exactMatch = null, string batchId = null)
+> InlineResponse2009 SearchCouponsAdvancedWithoutTotalCount (int applicationId, int campaignId, Object body, int? pageSize = null, int? skip = null, string sort = null, string value = null, DateTime? createdBefore = null, DateTime? createdAfter = null, string valid = null, string usable = null, int? referralId = null, string recipientIntegrationId = null, bool? exactMatch = null, string batchId = null)
List coupons that match the given attributes in campaign (without total count)
@@ -9924,12 +11706,12 @@ namespace Example
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
var body = ; // Object | body
- var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in this response. (optional) (default to 1000)
+ var pageSize = 56; // int? | The number of items in the response. (optional) (default to 1000)
var skip = 56; // int? | The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. (optional)
var sort = sort_example; // string | The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. (optional)
var value = value_example; // string | Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the coupon code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. (optional)
- var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
- var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var createdBefore = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
+ var createdAfter = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // DateTime? | Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. (optional)
var valid = valid_example; // string | Either \"expired\", \"validNow\", or \"validFuture\". The first option matches coupons in which the expiration date is set and in the past. The second matches coupons in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future, the third matches coupons in which start date is set and in the future. (optional)
var usable = usable_example; // string | Either \"true\" or \"false\". If \"true\", only coupons where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned, \"false\" will return only coupons where `usageCounter >= usageLimit`. (optional)
var referralId = 56; // int? | Filter the results by matching them with the ID of a referral. This filter shows the coupons created by redeeming a referral code. (optional)
@@ -9940,7 +11722,7 @@ namespace Example
// List coupons that match the given attributes in campaign (without total count)
- InlineResponse2008 result = apiInstance.SearchCouponsAdvancedWithoutTotalCount(applicationId, campaignId, body, pageSize, skip, sort, value, createdBefore, createdAfter, valid, usable, referralId, recipientIntegrationId, exactMatch, batchId);
+ InlineResponse2009 result = apiInstance.SearchCouponsAdvancedWithoutTotalCount(applicationId, campaignId, body, pageSize, skip, sort, value, createdBefore, createdAfter, valid, usable, referralId, recipientIntegrationId, exactMatch, batchId);
catch (ApiException e)
@@ -9961,12 +11743,12 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
**campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
**body** | **Object**| body |
- **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in this response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
+ **pageSize** | **int?**| The number of items in the response. | [optional] [default to 1000]
**skip** | **int?**| The number of items to skip when paging through large result sets. | [optional]
**sort** | **string**| The field by which results should be sorted. By default, results are sorted in ascending order. To sort them in descending order, prefix the field name with `-`. **Note:** This parameter works only with numeric fields. | [optional]
**value** | **string**| Filter results performing case-insensitive matching against the coupon code. Both the code and the query are folded to remove all non-alpha-numeric characters. | [optional]
- **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
- **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any timezone. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **createdBefore** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
+ **createdAfter** | **DateTime?**| Filter results comparing the parameter value, expected to be an RFC3339 timestamp string, to the coupon creation timestamp. You can use any time zone setting. Talon.One will convert to UTC internally. | [optional]
**valid** | **string**| Either \"expired\", \"validNow\", or \"validFuture\". The first option matches coupons in which the expiration date is set and in the past. The second matches coupons in which start date is null or in the past and expiration date is null or in the future, the third matches coupons in which start date is set and in the future. | [optional]
**usable** | **string**| Either \"true\" or \"false\". If \"true\", only coupons where `usageCounter < usageLimit` will be returned, \"false\" will return only coupons where `usageCounter >= usageLimit`. | [optional]
**referralId** | **int?**| Filter the results by matching them with the ID of a referral. This filter shows the coupons created by redeeming a referral code. | [optional]
@@ -9976,7 +11758,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -10085,7 +11867,7 @@ void (empty response body)
Update account-level collection
-Edit the description of the account-level collection and enable or disable the collection in the specified Applications.
+Edit the description of a given account-level collection and enable or disable the collection in the specified Applications.
### Example
@@ -10113,7 +11895,7 @@ namespace Example
// config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
- var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint.
+ var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in account](#operation/listAccountCollections) endpoint.
var body = new UpdateCollection(); // UpdateCollection | body
@@ -10137,7 +11919,7 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint. |
+ **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in account](#operation/listAccountCollections) endpoint. |
**body** | [**UpdateCollection**](UpdateCollection.md)| body |
### Return type
@@ -10159,7 +11941,95 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
| **200** | OK | - |
| **400** | Bad request | - |
| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
-| **409** | Conflict. A Collection with this name already exists. | - |
+| **409** | Conflict. A collection with this name already exists. | - |
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+# **UpdateAchievement**
+> Achievement UpdateAchievement (int applicationId, int campaignId, int achievementId, UpdateAchievement body)
+Update achievement
+Update the details of a specific achievement.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class UpdateAchievementExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var achievementId = 56; // int | The ID of the achievement. You can get this ID with the [List achievement](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Achievements/operation/listAchievements) endpoint.
+ var body = new UpdateAchievement(); // UpdateAchievement | body
+ try
+ {
+ // Update achievement
+ Achievement result = apiInstance.UpdateAchievement(applicationId, campaignId, achievementId, body);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.UpdateAchievement: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **achievementId** | **int**| The ID of the achievement. You can get this ID with the [List achievement](https://docs.talon.one/management-api#tag/Achievements/operation/listAchievements) endpoint. |
+ **body** | [**UpdateAchievement**](UpdateAchievement.md)| body |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
+| **401** | Unauthorized | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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@@ -10169,7 +12039,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Update additional cost
-Updates an existing additional cost. Once created, the only property of an additional cost that can be changed is the title (human readable description). This restriction is in place to prevent accidentally breaking live integrations.
+Updates an existing additional cost. Once created, the only property of an additional cost that cannot be changed is the `name` property (or **API name** in the Campaign Manager). This restriction is in place to prevent accidentally breaking live integrations.
### Example
@@ -10412,9 +12282,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
# **UpdateCollection**
> Collection UpdateCollection (int applicationId, int campaignId, int collectionId, UpdateCampaignCollection body)
-Update collection description
+Update campaign-level collection's description
-Edit the description of the collection.
+Edit the description of a given campaign-level collection.
### Example
@@ -10444,12 +12314,12 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint.
+ var collectionId = 56; // int | The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in Application](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint.
var body = new UpdateCampaignCollection(); // UpdateCampaignCollection | body
- // Update collection description
+ // Update campaign-level collection's description
Collection result = apiInstance.UpdateCollection(applicationId, campaignId, collectionId, body);
@@ -10470,7 +12340,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
**campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collection in account](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint. |
+ **collectionId** | **int**| The ID of the collection. You can get it with the [List collections in Application](#operation/listCollectionsInApplication) endpoint. |
**body** | [**UpdateCampaignCollection**](UpdateCampaignCollection.md)| body |
### Return type
@@ -10585,7 +12455,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
Update coupons
-Update all coupons, or a specific batch of coupons, in a campaign. You can find the `batchId` in the **Coupons** view of your Application in the Campaign Manager, or you can use [List coupons](#operation/getCouponsWithoutTotalCount). Important
- Only send sequential requests to this endpoint.
- Requests to this endpoint timeout after 30 minutes. If you hit a timeout, reach out to our support team.
To update a specific coupon, use [Update coupon](#operation/updateCoupon).
+Update all coupons, or a specific batch of coupons in the given campaign. You can find the `batchId` in the **Coupons** view of your Application in the Campaign Manager, or you can use [List coupons](#operation/getCouponsWithoutTotalCount). Important
- Only send sequential requests to this endpoint.
- Requests to this endpoint timeout after 30 minutes. If you hit a timeout, reach out to our support team.
To update a specific coupon, use [Update coupon](#operation/updateCoupon).
### Example
@@ -10747,13 +12617,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **UpdateNotificationWebhook**
-> NotificationWebhook UpdateNotificationWebhook (int applicationId, int notificationWebhookId, NewNotificationWebhook body)
+# **UpdateReferral**
+> Referral UpdateReferral (int applicationId, int campaignId, string referralId, UpdateReferral body)
-Update notification about campaign-related changes
+Update referral
-Update the given [notification about campaign-related changes](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/applications/outbound-notifications). **Tip:** You can review the payload you will receive in the [specs](https://docs.talon.one/outbound-notifications#/paths/campaign_edited/post).
+Update the specified referral.
### Example
@@ -10765,7 +12635,7 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class UpdateNotificationWebhookExample
+ public class UpdateReferralExample
public static void Main()
@@ -10782,18 +12652,19 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var notificationWebhookId = 56; // int | The ID of the webhook. Get it with the appropriate _List notifications_ endpoint.
- var body = new NewNotificationWebhook(); // NewNotificationWebhook | body
+ var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
+ var referralId = referralId_example; // string | The ID of the referral code.
+ var body = new UpdateReferral(); // UpdateReferral | body
- // Update notification about campaign-related changes
- NotificationWebhook result = apiInstance.UpdateNotificationWebhook(applicationId, notificationWebhookId, body);
+ // Update referral
+ Referral result = apiInstance.UpdateReferral(applicationId, campaignId, referralId, body);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.UpdateNotificationWebhook: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.UpdateReferral: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -10807,12 +12678,13 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **notificationWebhookId** | **int**| The ID of the webhook. Get it with the appropriate _List notifications_ endpoint. |
- **body** | [**NewNotificationWebhook**](NewNotificationWebhook.md)| body |
+ **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
+ **referralId** | **string**| The ID of the referral code. |
+ **body** | [**UpdateReferral**](UpdateReferral.md)| body |
### Return type
### Authorization
@@ -10830,13 +12702,13 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
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-# **UpdateReferral**
-> Referral UpdateReferral (int applicationId, int campaignId, string referralId, UpdateReferral body)
+# **UpdateRoleV2**
+> RoleV2 UpdateRoleV2 (int roleId, RoleV2Base body)
-Update referral
+Update role
-Update the specified referral.
+Update a specific role.
### Example
@@ -10848,7 +12720,88 @@ using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
- public class UpdateReferralExample
+ public class UpdateRoleV2Example
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var roleId = 56; // int | The ID of role. **Note**: To find the ID of a role, use the [List roles](/management-api#tag/Roles/operation/listAllRolesV2) endpoint.
+ var body = ; // RoleV2Base | body
+ try
+ {
+ // Update role
+ RoleV2 result = apiInstance.UpdateRoleV2(roleId, body);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.UpdateRoleV2: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **roleId** | **int**| The ID of role. **Note**: To find the ID of a role, use the [List roles](/management-api#tag/Roles/operation/listAllRolesV2) endpoint. |
+ **body** | **RoleV2Base**| body |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
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+# **UpdateStore**
+> Store UpdateStore (int applicationId, string storeId, NewStore body)
+Update store
+Update store details for a specific store ID.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class UpdateStoreExample
public static void Main()
@@ -10865,19 +12818,18 @@ namespace Example
var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
var applicationId = 56; // int | The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var campaignId = 56; // int | The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL.
- var referralId = referralId_example; // string | The ID of the referral code.
- var body = new UpdateReferral(); // UpdateReferral | body
+ var storeId = storeId_example; // string | The ID of the store. You can get this ID with the [List stores](#tag/Stores/operation/listStores) endpoint.
+ var body = new NewStore(); // NewStore | body
- // Update referral
- Referral result = apiInstance.UpdateReferral(applicationId, campaignId, referralId, body);
+ // Update store
+ Store result = apiInstance.UpdateStore(applicationId, storeId, body);
catch (ApiException e)
- Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.UpdateReferral: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.UpdateStore: " + e.Message );
Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
@@ -10891,13 +12843,95 @@ namespace Example
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**applicationId** | **int**| The ID of the Application. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **campaignId** | **int**| The ID of the campaign. It is displayed in your Talon.One deployment URL. |
- **referralId** | **string**| The ID of the referral code. |
- **body** | [**UpdateReferral**](UpdateReferral.md)| body |
+ **storeId** | **string**| The ID of the store. You can get this ID with the [List stores](#tag/Stores/operation/listStores) endpoint. |
+ **body** | [**NewStore**](NewStore.md)| body |
### Return type
+### Authorization
+[management_key](../README.md#management_key), [manager_auth](../README.md#manager_auth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+| **200** | OK | - |
+| **400** | Bad request | - |
+| **404** | Not found | - |
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+# **UpdateUser**
+> User UpdateUser (int userId, UpdateUser body)
+Update user
+Update the details of a specific user.
+### Example
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+namespace Example
+ public class UpdateUserExample
+ {
+ public static void Main()
+ {
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ config.BasePath = "https://yourbaseurl.talon.one";
+ // Configure API key authorization: management_key
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ // Configure API key authorization: manager_auth
+ config.AddApiKey("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
+ // Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+ // config.AddApiKeyPrefix("Authorization", "Bearer");
+ var apiInstance = new ManagementApi(config);
+ var userId = 56; // int | The ID of the user.
+ var body = new UpdateUser(); // UpdateUser | body
+ try
+ {
+ // Update user
+ User result = apiInstance.UpdateUser(userId, body);
+ Debug.WriteLine(result);
+ }
+ catch (ApiException e)
+ {
+ Debug.Print("Exception when calling ManagementApi.UpdateUser: " + e.Message );
+ Debug.Print("Status Code: "+ e.ErrorCode);
+ Debug.Print(e.StackTrace);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **userId** | **int**| The ID of the user. |
+ **body** | [**UpdateUser**](UpdateUser.md)| body |
+### Return type
### Authorization
diff --git a/docs/MessageLogEntries.md b/docs/MessageLogEntries.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf2760f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/MessageLogEntries.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.MessageLogEntries
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**NextCursor** | **byte[]** | The next value in the database. **Note:** If this value is not present, it means that there are no more values in the database for this combination of request parameters. | [optional]
+**Data** | [**List<MessageLogEntry>**](MessageLogEntry.md) | List of message logs. |
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diff --git a/docs/MessageLogEntry.md b/docs/MessageLogEntry.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc65277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/MessageLogEntry.md
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.MessageLogEntry
+Message Log.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Id** | **string** | Unique identifier of the message. |
+**Service** | **string** | Name of the service that generated the log entry. |
+**ChangeType** | **string** | Type of change that triggered the notification. | [optional]
+**NotificationId** | **int** | ID of the notification. | [optional]
+**NotificationName** | **string** | The name of the notification. | [optional]
+**Request** | [**MessageLogRequest**](MessageLogRequest.md) | | [optional]
+**Response** | [**MessageLogResponse**](MessageLogResponse.md) | | [optional]
+**CreatedAt** | **DateTime** | Timestamp when the log entry was created. |
+**EntityType** | **string** | The entity type the notification is related to. | [optional]
+**ApplicationId** | **int** | Identifier of the Application. | [optional]
+**LoyaltyProgramId** | **int** | Identifier of the loyalty program. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/MessageLogRequest.md b/docs/MessageLogRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1476fca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/MessageLogRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.MessageLogRequest
+Details of the request.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**CreatedAt** | **DateTime** | Timestamp when the request was made. |
+**Request** | **byte[]** | Raw request data. |
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diff --git a/docs/MessageLogResponse.md b/docs/MessageLogResponse.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/MessageLogResponse.md
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.MessageLogResponse
+Details of the response.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**CreatedAt** | **DateTime** | Timestamp when the response was received. |
+**Response** | **byte[]** | Raw response data. |
+**Status** | **int** | HTTP status code of the response. |
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diff --git a/docs/NewAccountSignUp.md b/docs/NewAccountSignUp.md
index 5c549ee..d68793b 100644
--- a/docs/NewAccountSignUp.md
+++ b/docs/NewAccountSignUp.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Email** | **string** | The email address associated with your account. |
+**Email** | **string** | The email address associated with the user profile. |
**Password** | **string** | The password for your account. |
**CompanyName** | **string** | |
diff --git a/docs/NewApplication.md b/docs/NewApplication.md
index 51717e2..b696764 100644
--- a/docs/NewApplication.md
+++ b/docs/NewApplication.md
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Limits** | [**List<LimitConfig>**](LimitConfig.md) | Default limits for campaigns created in this application. | [optional]
**DefaultDiscountScope** | **string** | The default scope to apply `setDiscount` effects on if no scope was provided with the effect. | [optional]
**EnableCascadingDiscounts** | **bool** | Indicates if discounts should cascade for this Application. | [optional]
-**EnableFlattenedCartItems** | **bool** | Indicates if cart items of quantity larger than one should be separated into different items of quantity one. See [the docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/managing-general-settings#flattening). | [optional]
+**EnableFlattenedCartItems** | **bool** | Indicates if cart items of quantity larger than one should be separated into different items of quantity one. | [optional]
**AttributesSettings** | [**AttributesSettings**](AttributesSettings.md) | | [optional]
**Sandbox** | **bool** | Indicates if this is a live or sandbox Application. | [optional]
**EnablePartialDiscounts** | **bool** | Indicates if this Application supports partial discounts. | [optional]
diff --git a/docs/NewApplicationAPIKey.md b/docs/NewApplicationAPIKey.md
index d3c762a..b1bed99 100644
--- a/docs/NewApplicationAPIKey.md
+++ b/docs/NewApplicationAPIKey.md
@@ -3,9 +3,11 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Title** | **string** | Title for API Key. |
-**Expires** | **DateTime** | The date the API key expired. |
+**Title** | **string** | Title of the API key. |
+**Expires** | **DateTime** | The date the API key expires. |
**Platform** | **string** | The third-party platform the API key is valid for. Use `none` for a generic API key to be used from your own integration layer. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | The API key type. Can be empty or `staging`. Staging API keys can only be used for dry requests with the [Update customer session](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint, [Update customer profile](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-profiles/operation/updateCustomerProfileV2) endpoint, and [Track event](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Events/operation/trackEventV2) endpoint. When using the _Update customer profile_ endpoint with a staging API key, the query parameter `runRuleEngine` must be `true`. | [optional]
+**TimeOffset** | **int** | A time offset in nanoseconds associated with the API key. When making a request using the API key, rule evaluation is based on a date that is calculated by adding the offset to the current date. | [optional]
**Id** | **int** | ID of the API Key. |
**CreatedBy** | **int** | ID of user who created. |
**AccountID** | **int** | ID of account the key is used for. |
diff --git a/docs/NewBaseNotification.md b/docs/NewBaseNotification.md
index 3ba5247..1d36b90 100644
--- a/docs/NewBaseNotification.md
+++ b/docs/NewBaseNotification.md
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Policy** | [**Object**](.md) | |
+**Enabled** | **bool** | Indicates whether the notification is activated. | [optional] [default to true]
**Webhook** | [**NewNotificationWebhook**](NewNotificationWebhook.md) | |
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diff --git a/docs/NewCampaign.md b/docs/NewCampaign.md
index 706d940..95da1ef 100644
--- a/docs/NewCampaign.md
+++ b/docs/NewCampaign.md
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**ReferralSettings** | [**CodeGeneratorSettings**](CodeGeneratorSettings.md) | | [optional]
**Limits** | [**List<LimitConfig>**](LimitConfig.md) | The set of [budget limits](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/settings/managing-campaign-budgets) for this campaign. |
**CampaignGroups** | **List<int>** | The IDs of the [campaign groups](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/managing-campaign-groups) this campaign belongs to. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | The campaign type. Possible type values: - `cartItem`: Type of campaign that can apply effects only to cart items. - `advanced`: Type of campaign that can apply effects to customer sessions and cart items. | [optional] [default to TypeEnum.Advanced]
+**LinkedStoreIds** | **List<int>** | A list of store IDs that you want to link to the campaign. **Note:** Campaigns with linked store IDs will only be evaluated when there is a [customer session update](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) that references a linked store. | [optional]
**EvaluationGroupId** | **int** | The ID of the campaign evaluation group the campaign belongs to. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/NewCampaignEvaluationGroup.md b/docs/NewCampaignEvaluationGroup.md
index 858a994..31c8daa 100644
--- a/docs/NewCampaignEvaluationGroup.md
+++ b/docs/NewCampaignEvaluationGroup.md
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Name** | **string** | The name of the campaign evaluation group. |
**ParentId** | **int** | The ID of the parent group that contains the campaign evaluation group. |
**Description** | **string** | A description of the campaign evaluation group. | [optional]
-**EvaluationMode** | **string** | |
+**EvaluationMode** | **string** | The mode by which campaigns in the campaign evaluation group are evaluated. |
+**EvaluationScope** | **string** | The evaluation scope of the campaign evaluation group. |
**Locked** | **bool** | An indicator of whether the campaign evaluation group is locked for modification. |
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diff --git a/docs/NewCampaignGroup.md b/docs/NewCampaignGroup.md
index 1c7e840..d82a228 100644
--- a/docs/NewCampaignGroup.md
+++ b/docs/NewCampaignGroup.md
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Name** | **string** | The name of this campaign group. |
-**Description** | **string** | A longer description of the campaign group. | [optional]
-**SubscribedApplicationsIds** | **List<int>** | A list of the IDs of the applications that this campaign group is enabled for. | [optional]
-**CampaignIds** | **List<int>** | A list of the IDs of the campaigns that this campaign group owns. | [optional]
+**Name** | **string** | The name of the campaign access group. |
+**Description** | **string** | A longer description of the campaign access group. | [optional]
+**SubscribedApplicationsIds** | **List<int>** | A list of IDs of the Applications that this campaign access group is enabled for. | [optional]
+**CampaignIds** | **List<int>** | A list of IDs of the campaigns that are part of the campaign access group. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/NewCampaignTemplate.md b/docs/NewCampaignTemplate.md
index 770b725..0a70a74 100644
--- a/docs/NewCampaignTemplate.md
+++ b/docs/NewCampaignTemplate.md
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**TemplateParams** | [**List<CampaignTemplateParams>**](CampaignTemplateParams.md) | Fields which can be used to replace values in a rule. | [optional]
**CampaignCollections** | [**List<CampaignTemplateCollection>**](CampaignTemplateCollection.md) | The campaign collections from the blueprint campaign for the template. | [optional]
**DefaultCampaignGroupId** | **int** | The default campaign group ID. | [optional]
+**CampaignType** | **string** | The campaign type. Possible type values: - `cartItem`: Type of campaign that can apply effects only to cart items. - `advanced`: Type of campaign that can apply effects to customer sessions and cart items. | [default to CampaignTypeEnum.Advanced]
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diff --git a/docs/NewCoupons.md b/docs/NewCoupons.md
index 24c79f3..153cd90 100644
--- a/docs/NewCoupons.md
+++ b/docs/NewCoupons.md
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**RecipientIntegrationId** | **string** | The integration ID for this coupon's beneficiary's profile. | [optional]
**ValidCharacters** | **List<string>** | List of characters used to generate the random parts of a code. By default, the list of characters is equivalent to the `[A-Z, 0-9]` regular expression. | [optional]
**CouponPattern** | **string** | The pattern used to generate coupon codes. The character `#` is a placeholder and is replaced by a random character from the `validCharacters` set. | [optional]
-**IsReservationMandatory** | **bool** | Whether the reservation effect actually created a new reservation. | [optional] [default to true]
+**IsReservationMandatory** | **bool** | An indication of whether the code can be redeemed only if it has been reserved first. | [optional] [default to false]
+**ImplicitlyReserved** | **bool** | An indication of whether the coupon is implicitly reserved for all customers. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/NewCustomerSession.md b/docs/NewCustomerSession.md
index 5ee319e..5bff39b 100644
--- a/docs/NewCustomerSession.md
+++ b/docs/NewCustomerSession.md
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**ProfileId** | **string** | ID of the customer profile set by your integration layer. **Note:** If the customer does not yet have a known `profileId`, we recommend you use a guest `profileId`. | [optional]
**Coupon** | **string** | Any coupon code entered. | [optional]
**Referral** | **string** | Any referral code entered. | [optional]
-**State** | **string** | Indicates the current state of the session. Sessions can be created as `open` or `closed`. The state transitions are: 1. `open` → `closed` 2. `open` → `cancelled` 3. `closed` → `cancelled` or `partially_returned` 4. `partially_returned` → `cancelled` For more information, see [Customer session states](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities#customer-session). | [optional] [default to StateEnum.Open]
+**State** | **string** | Indicates the current state of the session. Sessions can be created as `open` or `closed`. The state transitions are: 1. `open` → `closed` 2. `open` → `cancelled` 3. `closed` → `cancelled` or `partially_returned` 4. `partially_returned` → `cancelled` For more information, see [Customer session states](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/customer-sessions). | [optional] [default to StateEnum.Open]
**CartItems** | [**List<CartItem>**](CartItem.md) | Serialized JSON representation. | [optional]
**Identifiers** | **List<string>** | Session custom identifiers that you can set limits on or use inside your rules. For example, you can use IP addresses as identifiers to potentially identify devices and limit discounts abuse in case of customers creating multiple accounts. See the [tutorial](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/tutorials/using-identifiers). | [optional]
**Total** | **decimal** | The total sum of the cart in one session. | [optional]
diff --git a/docs/NewCustomerSessionV2.md b/docs/NewCustomerSessionV2.md
index 1b80737..f1b95eb 100644
--- a/docs/NewCustomerSessionV2.md
+++ b/docs/NewCustomerSessionV2.md
@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ The representation of the customer session.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**ProfileId** | **string** | ID of the customer profile set by your integration layer. **Note:** If the customer does not yet have a known `profileId`, we recommend you use a guest `profileId`. | [optional]
+**StoreIntegrationId** | **string** | The integration ID of the store. You choose this ID when you create a store. | [optional]
**EvaluableCampaignIds** | **List<int>** | When using the `dry` query parameter, use this property to list the campaign to be evaluated by the Rule Engine. These campaigns will be evaluated, even if they are disabled, allowing you to test specific campaigns before activating them. | [optional]
**CouponCodes** | **List<string>** | Any coupon codes entered. **Important**: If you [create a coupon budget](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/settings/managing-campaign-budgets/#budget-types) for your campaign, ensure the session contains a coupon code by the time you close it. | [optional]
**ReferralCode** | **string** | Any referral code entered. **Important**: If you [create a referral budget](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/settings/managing-campaign-budgets/#budget-types) for your campaign, ensure the session contains a referral code by the time you close it. | [optional]
-**LoyaltyCards** | **List<string>** | Any loyalty cards used. | [optional]
-**State** | **string** | Indicates the current state of the session. Sessions can be created as `open` or `closed`. The state transitions are: 1. `open` → `closed` 2. `open` → `cancelled` 3. Either: - `closed` → `cancelled` (**only** via [Update customer session](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/updateCustomerSessionV2)) or - `closed` → `partially_returned` (**only** via [Return cart items](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/returnCartItems)) - `closed` → `open` (**only** via [Reopen customer session](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/reopenCustomerSession)) 4. `partially_returned` → `cancelled` For more information, see [Customer session states](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities#customer-session). | [optional] [default to StateEnum.Open]
-**CartItems** | [**List<CartItem>**](CartItem.md) | The items to add to this sessions. - If cart item flattening is disabled: **Do not exceed 1000 items** (regardless of their `quantity`) per request. - If cart item flattening is enabled: **Do not exceed 1000 items** and ensure the sum of all cart item's `quantity` **does not exceed 10.000** per request. | [optional]
+**LoyaltyCards** | **List<string>** | Identifier of a loyalty card. | [optional]
+**State** | **string** | Indicates the current state of the session. Sessions can be created as `open` or `closed`. The state transitions are: 1. `open` → `closed` 2. `open` → `cancelled` 3. Either: - `closed` → `cancelled` (**only** via [Update customer session](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/updateCustomerSessionV2)) or - `closed` → `partially_returned` (**only** via [Return cart items](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/returnCartItems)) - `closed` → `open` (**only** via [Reopen customer session](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/reopenCustomerSession)) 4. `partially_returned` → `cancelled` For more information, see [Customer session states](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/entities/customer-sessions). | [optional] [default to StateEnum.Open]
+**CartItems** | [**List<CartItem>**](CartItem.md) | The items to add to this session. **Do not exceed 1000 items** and ensure the sum of all cart item's `quantity` **does not exceed 10.000** per request. | [optional]
**AdditionalCosts** | [**Dictionary<string, AdditionalCost>**](AdditionalCost.md) | Use this property to set a value for the additional costs of this session, such as a shipping cost. They must be created in the Campaign Manager before you set them with this property. See [Managing additional costs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-additional-costs). | [optional]
**Identifiers** | **List<string>** | Session custom identifiers that you can set limits on or use inside your rules. For example, you can use IP addresses as identifiers to potentially identify devices and limit discounts abuse in case of customers creating multiple accounts. See the [tutorial](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/tutorials/using-identifiers). **Important**: Ensure the session contains an identifier by the time you close it if: - You [create a unique identifier budget](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/settings/managing-campaign-budgets/#budget-types) for your campaign. - Your campaign has [coupons](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/coupons/coupon-page-overview). | [optional]
**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | Use this property to set a value for the attributes of your choice. Attributes represent any information to attach to your session, like the shipping city. You can use [built-in attributes](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/attributes#built-in-attributes) or [custom ones](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/concepts/attributes#custom-attributes). Custom attributes must be created in the Campaign Manager before you set them with this property. | [optional]
diff --git a/docs/NewEvent.md b/docs/NewEvent.md
index ecaf794..41af236 100644
--- a/docs/NewEvent.md
+++ b/docs/NewEvent.md
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**ProfileId** | **string** | ID of the customer profile set by your integration layer. **Note:** If the customer does not yet have a known `profileId`, we recommend you use a guest `profileId`. | [optional]
+**StoreIntegrationId** | **string** | The integration ID of the store. You choose this ID when you create a store. | [optional]
**Type** | **string** | A string representing the event. Must not be a reserved event name. |
**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | Arbitrary additional JSON data associated with the event. |
**SessionId** | **string** | The ID of the session that this event occurred in. |
diff --git a/docs/NewExternalInvitation.md b/docs/NewExternalInvitation.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..987ee45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/NewExternalInvitation.md
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.NewExternalInvitation
+Parameters for inviting a new user from an external identity provider.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Name** | **string** | Name of the user. | [optional]
+**UserGroups** | **List<string>** | List of user groups in the external identity provider. If there are roles in Talon.One whose names match these user groups, those roles will be automatically assigned to the user upon invitation. | [optional]
+**Email** | **string** | Email address of the user. |
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diff --git a/docs/NewInvitation.md b/docs/NewInvitation.md
index 713aca4..5be552c 100644
--- a/docs/NewInvitation.md
+++ b/docs/NewInvitation.md
@@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ Parameters for inviting a new user.
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Name** | **string** | Name of the user being invited. | [optional]
-**Email** | **string** | |
-**Acl** | **string** | The `Access Control List` json defining the role of the user. This represents the access control on the user level. Use one of the following: - normal user: `{\"Role\": 0}` - admin: `{\"Role\": 127}` |
-**Roles** | **List<int>** | An array of roleIDs to assign the new user to. | [optional]
+**Name** | **string** | Name of the user. | [optional]
+**Email** | **string** | Email address of the user. |
+**IsAdmin** | **bool** | Indicates whether the user is an `admin`. | [optional]
+**Roles** | **List<int>** | A list of the IDs of the roles assigned to the user. | [optional]
+**Acl** | **string** | Indicates the access level of the user. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/NewInviteEmail.md b/docs/NewInviteEmail.md
index b46090c..52e58d6 100644
--- a/docs/NewInviteEmail.md
+++ b/docs/NewInviteEmail.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Email** | **string** | |
-**Token** | **string** | |
+**Email** | **string** | Email address of the user. |
+**Token** | **string** | Invitation token of the user. |
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diff --git a/docs/NewLoyaltyProgram.md b/docs/NewLoyaltyProgram.md
index 2bc8196..d26b962 100644
--- a/docs/NewLoyaltyProgram.md
+++ b/docs/NewLoyaltyProgram.md
@@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**AllowSubledger** | **bool** | Indicates if this program supports subledgers inside the program. |
**UsersPerCardLimit** | **int** | The max amount of user profiles with whom a card can be shared. This can be set to 0 for no limit. This property is only used when `cardBased` is `true`. | [optional]
**Sandbox** | **bool** | Indicates if this program is a live or sandbox program. Programs of a given type can only be connected to Applications of the same type. |
-**TiersExpireIn** | **string** | The duration is an **integer** followed by one letter indicating the time unit. Examples: `30s`, `40m`, `1h`, `5D`, `7W`, `10M`, `15Y`. Available units: - `s`: seconds - `m`: minutes - `h`: hours - `D`: days - `W`: weeks - `M`: months - `Y`: years You can round certain units up or down: - `_D` for rounding down days only. Signifies the start of the day. - `_U` for rounding up days, weeks, months and years. Signifies the end of the day, week, month or year. | [optional]
+**TiersExpirationPolicy** | **string** | The policy that defines which date is used to calculate the expiration date of a customer's current tier. - `tier_start_date`: The tier expiration date is calculated based on when the customer joined the current tier. - `program_join_date`: The tier expiration date is calculated based on when the customer joined the loyalty program. | [optional]
+**TiersExpireIn** | **string** | The amount of time after which the tier expires. The time format is an **integer** followed by one letter indicating the time unit. Examples: `30s`, `40m`, `1h`, `5D`, `7W`, `10M`, `15Y`. Available units: - `s`: seconds - `m`: minutes - `h`: hours - `D`: days - `W`: weeks - `M`: months - `Y`: years You can round certain units up or down: - `_D` for rounding down days only. Signifies the start of the day. - `_U` for rounding up days, weeks, months and years. Signifies the end of the day, week, month or year. | [optional]
**TiersDowngradePolicy** | **string** | Customers's tier downgrade policy. - `one_down`: Once the tier expires and if the user doesn't have enough points to stay in the tier, the user is downgraded one tier down. - `balance_based`: Once the tier expires, the user's tier is evaluated based on the amount of active points the user has at this instant. | [optional]
+**ProgramJoinPolicy** | **string** | The policy that defines when the customer joins the loyalty program. - `not_join`: The customer does not join the loyalty program but can still earn and spend loyalty points. **Note**: The customer does not have a program join date. - `points_activated`: The customer joins the loyalty program only when their earned loyalty points become active for the first time. - `points_earned`: The customer joins the loyalty program when they earn loyalty points for the first time. | [optional]
**Name** | **string** | The internal name for the Loyalty Program. This is an immutable value. |
**Tiers** | [**List<NewLoyaltyTier>**](NewLoyaltyTier.md) | The tiers in this loyalty program. | [optional]
**Timezone** | **string** | A string containing an IANA timezone descriptor. |
diff --git a/docs/NewNotificationTest.md b/docs/NewNotificationTest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b6b485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/NewNotificationTest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.NewNotificationTest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Type** | **string** | The notification type. |
+**QueryParams** | **Dictionary<string, string>** | Array of query parameters. | [optional]
+**Headers** | **Dictionary<string, string>** | List of API HTTP headers for the given webhook-based notification. | [optional]
+**Verb** | **string** | API method for this notification. |
+**Url** | **string** | API URL for the given notification. |
+**Payload** | **string** | API payload of this notification. |
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diff --git a/docs/NewNotificationWebhook.md b/docs/NewNotificationWebhook.md
index d1162e7..5cc9d41 100644
--- a/docs/NewNotificationWebhook.md
+++ b/docs/NewNotificationWebhook.md
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Url** | **string** | API URL for the given webhook-based notification. |
**Headers** | **List<string>** | List of API HTTP headers for the given webhook-based notification. |
+**Enabled** | **bool** | Indicates whether the notification is activated. | [optional] [default to true]
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diff --git a/docs/NewPicklist.md b/docs/NewPicklist.md
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--- a/docs/NewPicklist.md
+++ b/docs/NewPicklist.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Type** | **string** | The type of allowed values in the picklist. If type time is chosen, it must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
+**Type** | **string** | The type of allowed values in the picklist. If the type `time` is chosen, it must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
**Values** | **List<string>** | The list of allowed values provided by this picklist. |
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diff --git a/docs/NewRoleV2.md b/docs/NewRoleV2.md
index f8dc799..787a995 100644
--- a/docs/NewRoleV2.md
+++ b/docs/NewRoleV2.md
@@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Name** | **string** | Name of the role. |
**Description** | **string** | Description of the role. |
-**IsAdmin** | **bool** | Indicates whether the role grants admin permissions. | [optional]
**Permissions** | [**RoleV2Permissions**](RoleV2Permissions.md) | | [optional]
-**Members** | **List<int>** | A list of user identifiers the role is assigned to. | [optional]
+**Members** | **List<int>** | A list of user IDs the role is assigned to. | [optional]
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.NewStore
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Name** | **string** | The name of the store. |
+**Description** | **string** | The description of the store. |
+**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | The attributes of the store. | [optional]
+**IntegrationId** | **string** | The integration ID of the store. You choose this ID when you create a store. **Note**: You cannot edit the `integrationId` after the store has been created. |
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diff --git a/docs/NewUser.md b/docs/NewUser.md
index 8319132..805baf6 100644
--- a/docs/NewUser.md
+++ b/docs/NewUser.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Email** | **string** | The email address associated with your account. |
+**Email** | **string** | The email address associated with the user profile. |
**Password** | **string** | The password for your account. |
**Name** | **string** | Your name. | [optional]
**InviteToken** | **string** | |
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+# TalonOne.Model.NotificationActivation
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Enabled** | **bool** | Indicates whether the notification is activated. |
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+# TalonOne.Model.NotificationListItem
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**NotificationId** | **int** | The ID of the notification. |
+**NotificationName** | **string** | The name of the notification. |
+**EntityId** | **int** | The ID of the entity to which this notification belongs. For example, in case of a loyalty notification, this value is the ID of the loyalty program. |
+**Enabled** | **bool** | Indicates whether the notification is activated. |
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+# TalonOne.Model.NotificationTest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**HttpResponse** | **string** | The returned http response. |
+**HttpStatus** | **int** | The returned http status code. |
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+# TalonOne.Model.OneTimeCode
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**UserId** | **int** | The ID of the user. |
+**AccountId** | **int** | The ID of the account. |
+**Token** | **string** | The two-factor authentication token created during sign-in. This token is used to ensure that the correct user is trying to sign in with a given one-time security code. |
+**Code** | **string** | The one-time security code used for signing in. | [optional]
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+# TalonOne.Model.OutgoingIntegrationCleverTapPolicy
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**BaseUrl** | **string** | The base URL that is based on the region key of your CleverTap account. |
+**AccountId** | **string** | The CleverTap Project ID. |
+**Passcode** | **string** | The CleverTap Project passcode. |
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.OutgoingIntegrationIterablePolicy
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**BaseUrl** | **string** | The base URL that is based on the region key of your Iterable account. |
+**ApiKey** | **string** | The API key generated from your Iterable account. See [Iterable API Key Guide](https://support.iterable.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043464871-API-Keys-) |
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+# TalonOne.Model.OutgoingIntegrationMoEngagePolicy
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**BaseUrl** | **string** | The base URL of your MoEngage deployment, containing the MoEngage data center number (represented by `0X`). |
+**AppId** | **string** | MoEngage APP ID. See [MoEngage Developer Guide](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404674776724-Overview). |
+**DataApiId** | **string** | MoEngage DATA API ID. See [MoEngage Developer Guide](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404674776724-Overview). |
+**DataApiKey** | **string** | MoEngage DATA API Key. See [MoEngage Developer Guide](https://developers.moengage.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404674776724-Overview). |
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# TalonOne.Model.PatchItemCatalogAction
-The specific properties of the \"PATCH\" catalog sync action.
+The specific properties of the \"PATCH\" catalog sync action. **Note:** - If you do not provide a new `price` value, the existing `price` value is retained. - If you do not provide a new `product` value, the `product` value is set to `null`.
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Sku** | **string** | The unique SKU of the item to patch. |
**Price** | **decimal** | Price of the item. | [optional]
**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | The attributes of the item to patch. | [optional]
+**Product** | [**Product**](Product.md) | | [optional]
**CreateIfNotExists** | **bool** | Indicates whether to create an item if the SKU does not exist. | [optional] [default to false]
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@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Name** | **string** | Notification name. |
+**BatchingEnabled** | **bool** | Indicates whether batching is activated. | [optional] [default to true]
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index 9630c01..f4a97c4 100644
--- a/docs/Picklist.md
+++ b/docs/Picklist.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Id** | **int** | Internal ID of this entity. |
**Created** | **DateTime** | The time this entity was created. |
-**Type** | **string** | The type of allowed values in the picklist. If type time is chosen, it must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
+**Type** | **string** | The type of allowed values in the picklist. If the type `time` is chosen, it must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
**Values** | **List<string>** | The list of allowed values provided by this picklist. |
**ModifiedBy** | **int** | ID of the user who last updated this effect if available. | [optional]
**CreatedBy** | **int** | ID of the user who created this effect. |
diff --git a/docs/Product.md b/docs/Product.md
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+# TalonOne.Model.Product
+The specific properties of the product this item belongs to, if available.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Name** | **string** | The name of the product. |
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+# TalonOne.Model.RemoveFromAudienceEffectProps
+The properties specific to the \"removeFromAudience\" effect. This gets triggered whenever a validated rule contains a \"removeFromAudience\" effect.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**AudienceId** | **int** | The internal ID of the audience. | [optional]
+**AudienceName** | **string** | The name of the audience. | [optional]
+**ProfileIntegrationId** | **string** | The ID of the customer profile in the third-party integration platform. | [optional]
+**ProfileId** | **int** | The internal ID of the customer profile. | [optional]
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--- a/docs/ReturnedCartItem.md
+++ b/docs/ReturnedCartItem.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Position** | **int** | The index of the cart item in the provided customer session's `cartItems` property. |
-**Quantity** | **int** | Number of cart items to return. It is only available when [cart item flattening](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/managing-general-settings#flattening) is enabled. If cart item flattening is disabled, the cart item can only be returned in its entirety. | [optional]
+**Quantity** | **int** | Number of cart items to return. | [optional]
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index 30ec34f..bd563b6 100644
--- a/docs/RoleAssign.md
+++ b/docs/RoleAssign.md
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Users** | **List<int>** | An array of userIDs. |
-**Roles** | **List<int>** | An array of roleIDs. |
+**Users** | **List<int>** | An array of user IDs. |
+**Roles** | **List<int>** | An array of role IDs. |
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diff --git a/docs/RoleV2.md b/docs/RoleV2.md
index d4017c2..886366a 100644
--- a/docs/RoleV2.md
+++ b/docs/RoleV2.md
@@ -9,9 +9,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**AccountId** | **int** | The ID of the account that owns this entity. |
**Name** | **string** | Name of the role. | [optional]
**Description** | **string** | Description of the role. | [optional]
-**IsAdmin** | **bool** | Indicates whether the role grants admin permissions. | [optional]
**Permissions** | [**RoleV2Permissions**](RoleV2Permissions.md) | | [optional]
-**Members** | **List<int>** | A list of user identifiers the role is assigned to. | [optional]
+**Members** | **List<int>** | A list of user IDs the role is assigned to. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/RoleV2ApplicationDetails.md b/docs/RoleV2ApplicationDetails.md
index 402e05b..5320094 100644
--- a/docs/RoleV2ApplicationDetails.md
+++ b/docs/RoleV2ApplicationDetails.md
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Application** | **string** | Name of the Application-related permission set for the given Application. | [optional]
**Campaign** | **string** | Name of the campaign-related permission set for the given Application. | [optional]
**DraftCampaign** | **string** | Name of the draft campaign-related permission set for the given Application. | [optional]
+**Tools** | **string** | Name of the tools-related permission set. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/RoleV2Base.md b/docs/RoleV2Base.md
index 7c4220d..1823fb9 100644
--- a/docs/RoleV2Base.md
+++ b/docs/RoleV2Base.md
@@ -5,9 +5,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Name** | **string** | Name of the role. | [optional]
**Description** | **string** | Description of the role. | [optional]
-**IsAdmin** | **bool** | Indicates whether the role grants admin permissions. | [optional]
**Permissions** | [**RoleV2Permissions**](RoleV2Permissions.md) | | [optional]
-**Members** | **List<int>** | A list of user identifiers the role is assigned to. | [optional]
+**Members** | **List<int>** | A list of user IDs the role is assigned to. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/RoleV2PermissionSet.md b/docs/RoleV2PermissionSet.md
index 5c0c14a..908445a 100644
--- a/docs/RoleV2PermissionSet.md
+++ b/docs/RoleV2PermissionSet.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Name** | **string** | Name of the permission set. |
-**LogicalOperations** | **List<string>** | List of logical operations in the permission set. Each logical operation must be shown under the `x-logicalPermissionOperation` tag on an endpoint level. |
+**LogicalOperations** | **List<string>** | List of logical operations in the permission set. Each logical operation must be shown under the `x-permission` tag on an endpoint level. |
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diff --git a/docs/RoleV2Permissions.md b/docs/RoleV2Permissions.md
index 2fa83b8..5381ad9 100644
--- a/docs/RoleV2Permissions.md
+++ b/docs/RoleV2Permissions.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**PermissionSets** | [**List<RoleV2PermissionSet>**](RoleV2PermissionSet.md) | List of grouped logical operations to use as a reference in the roles section. Each group of logical operations has a name. | [optional]
+**PermissionSets** | [**List<RoleV2PermissionSet>**](RoleV2PermissionSet.md) | List of grouped logical operations referenced by roles. | [optional]
**Roles** | [**RoleV2RolesGroup**](RoleV2RolesGroup.md) | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/RollbackAddedLoyaltyPointsEffectProps.md b/docs/RollbackAddedLoyaltyPointsEffectProps.md
index 09961d2..2fe46d9 100644
--- a/docs/RollbackAddedLoyaltyPointsEffectProps.md
+++ b/docs/RollbackAddedLoyaltyPointsEffectProps.md
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**RecipientIntegrationId** | **string** | The user for whom these points were originally added. |
**TransactionUUID** | **string** | The identifier of 'deduction' entry added to the ledger as the `addLoyaltyPoints` effect is rolled back. |
**CartItemPosition** | **decimal** | The index of the item in the cart items for which the loyalty points were rolled back. | [optional]
-**CartItemSubPosition** | **decimal** | The sub-position is returned when [cart item flattening](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/managing-general-settings#flattening) is enabled. It indicates to which item the loyalty points were rolled back, for cart items with `quantity` > 1. | [optional]
+**CartItemSubPosition** | **decimal** | For cart items with `quantity` > 1, the sub-position indicates to which item the loyalty points were rolled back. | [optional]
**CardIdentifier** | **string** | The alphanumeric identifier of the loyalty card. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/RollbackDiscountEffectProps.md b/docs/RollbackDiscountEffectProps.md
index 58eba6b..e95ed57 100644
--- a/docs/RollbackDiscountEffectProps.md
+++ b/docs/RollbackDiscountEffectProps.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Name** | **string** | The name of the \"setDiscount\" effect that was rolled back. |
**Value** | **decimal** | The value of the discount that was rolled back. |
**CartItemPosition** | **decimal** | The index of the item in the cart items for which the discount was rolled back. | [optional]
-**CartItemSubPosition** | **decimal** | The index of the item unit in its line item. It is only used for cart items with `quantity` > 1 and is only returned when cart item flattening is enabled. | [optional]
+**CartItemSubPosition** | **decimal** | For cart items with `quantity` > 1, the subposition returns the index of the item unit in its line item. | [optional]
**AdditionalCostId** | **int** | The ID of the additional cost that was rolled back. | [optional]
**AdditionalCost** | **string** | The name of the additional cost that was rolled back. | [optional]
**Scope** | **string** | The scope of the rolled back discount - For a discount per session, it can be one of `cartItems`, `additionalCosts` or `sessionTotal` - For a discount per item, it can be one of `price`, `additionalCosts` or `itemTotal` | [optional]
diff --git a/docs/SSOConfig.md b/docs/SSOConfig.md
new file mode 100644
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+# TalonOne.Model.SSOConfig
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Enforced** | **bool** | An indication of whether single sign-on is enforced for the account. When enforced, users cannot use their email and password to sign in to Talon.One. It is not possible to change this to `false` after it is set to `true`. |
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diff --git a/docs/SamlConnectionInternal.md b/docs/SamlConnectionInternal.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# TalonOne.Model.SamlConnectionInternal
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Name** | **string** | ID of the SAML service. |
+**MetadataDocument** | **string** | Identity Provider metadata XML document. |
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diff --git a/docs/SamlLoginEndpoint.md b/docs/SamlLoginEndpoint.md
index 5ed108b..ed969ee 100644
--- a/docs/SamlLoginEndpoint.md
+++ b/docs/SamlLoginEndpoint.md
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Id** | **int** | ID of the SAML login endpoint. |
**Name** | **string** | ID of the SAML service. |
-**LoginURL** | **string** | Single Sign-On URL. |
+**LoginURL** | **string** | The single sign-on URL. |
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diff --git a/docs/SetDiscountPerAdditionalCostPerItemEffectProps.md b/docs/SetDiscountPerAdditionalCostPerItemEffectProps.md
index 1876e76..fa9900b 100644
--- a/docs/SetDiscountPerAdditionalCostPerItemEffectProps.md
+++ b/docs/SetDiscountPerAdditionalCostPerItemEffectProps.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**AdditionalCostId** | **int** | The ID of the additional cost. |
**Value** | **decimal** | The total monetary value of the discount. |
**Position** | **decimal** | The index of the item in the cart item list containing the additional cost to be discounted. |
-**SubPosition** | **decimal** | Only used when [cart item flattening](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/managing-general-settings#flattening) is enabled. Indicates which item the discount applies to for cart items with `quantity` > 1. | [optional]
+**SubPosition** | **decimal** | For cart items with `quantity` > 1, the sub position indicates which item the discount applies to. | [optional]
**AdditionalCost** | **string** | The name of the additional cost. |
**DesiredValue** | **decimal** | Only with [partial discounts enabled](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/campaign-evaluation/#partial-discounts). Represents the monetary value of the discount to be applied to additional discount without considering budget limitations. | [optional]
diff --git a/docs/SetDiscountPerItemEffectProps.md b/docs/SetDiscountPerItemEffectProps.md
index 4ef304f..e780e37 100644
--- a/docs/SetDiscountPerItemEffectProps.md
+++ b/docs/SetDiscountPerItemEffectProps.md
@@ -7,13 +7,15 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Name** | **string** | The name of the discount. Contains a hashtag character indicating the index of the position of the item the discount applies to. It is identical to the value of the `position` property. |
**Value** | **decimal** | The total monetary value of the discount. |
**Position** | **decimal** | The index of the item in the cart items list on which this discount should be applied. |
-**SubPosition** | **decimal** | Only used when [cart item flattening](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/managing-general-settings#flattening) is enabled. Indicates which item the discount applies to for cart items with `quantity` > 1. | [optional]
+**SubPosition** | **decimal** | For cart items with `quantity` > 1, the sub position indicates which item the discount applies to. | [optional]
**DesiredValue** | **decimal** | The original value of the discount. | [optional]
**Scope** | **string** | The scope of the discount: - `additionalCosts`: The discount applies to all the additional costs of the item. - `itemTotal`: The discount applies to the price of the item + the additional costs of the item. - `price`: The discount applies to the price of the item. | [optional]
**TotalDiscount** | **decimal** | The total discount given if this effect is a result of a prorated discount. | [optional]
**DesiredTotalDiscount** | **decimal** | The original total discount to give if this effect is a result of a prorated discount. | [optional]
**BundleIndex** | **int** | The position of the bundle in a list of item bundles created from the same bundle definition. | [optional]
**BundleName** | **string** | The name of the bundle definition. | [optional]
+**TargetedItemPosition** | **decimal** | The index of the targeted bundle item on which the applied discount is based. | [optional]
+**TargetedItemSubPosition** | **decimal** | The sub-position of the targeted bundle item on which the applied discount is based. | [optional]
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+# TalonOne.Model.Store
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Id** | **int** | Internal ID of this entity. |
+**Created** | **DateTime** | The time this entity was created. The time this entity was created. |
+**Name** | **string** | The name of the store. |
+**Description** | **string** | The description of the store. |
+**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | The attributes of the store. | [optional]
+**IntegrationId** | **string** | The integration ID of the store. You choose this ID when you create a store. **Note**: You cannot edit the `integrationId` after the store has been created. |
+**ApplicationId** | **int** | The ID of the application that owns this entity. |
+**Updated** | **DateTime** | Timestamp of the most recent update on this entity. |
+**LinkedCampaignIds** | **List<int>** | A list of IDs of the campaigns that are linked with current store. | [optional]
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--- a/docs/TemplateArgDef.md
+++ b/docs/TemplateArgDef.md
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Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**Type** | **string** | The type of value this argument expects. |
-**Description** | **string** | A campaigner-friendly description of the argument, this will also be shown in the rule editor. |
+**Description** | **string** | A campaigner-friendly description of the argument, this will also be shown in the rule editor. | [optional]
**Title** | **string** | A campaigner friendly name for the argument, this will be shown in the rule editor. |
**Ui** | [**Object**](.md) | Arbitrary metadata that may be used to render an input for this argument. |
**PicklistID** | **int** | ID of the picklist linked to a template. | [optional]
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+# TalonOne.Model.TierDowngradeNotificationPolicy
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Name** | **string** | The name of the notification. |
+**BatchingEnabled** | **bool** | Indicates whether batching is activated. | [optional] [default to true]
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+# TalonOne.Model.TierUpgradeNotificationPolicy
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Name** | **string** | Notification name. |
+**BatchingEnabled** | **bool** | Indicates whether batching is activated. | [optional] [default to true]
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+# TalonOne.Model.TierWillDowngradeNotificationPolicy
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Name** | **string** | The name of the notification. |
+**BatchingEnabled** | **bool** | Indicates whether batching is activated. | [optional] [default to true]
+**Triggers** | [**List<TierWillDowngradeNotificationTrigger>**](TierWillDowngradeNotificationTrigger.md) | |
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+# TalonOne.Model.TierWillDowngradeNotificationTrigger
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Amount** | **int** | The amount of period. |
+**Period** | **string** | Notification period indicated by a letter; \"w\" means week, \"d\" means day. |
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+# TalonOne.Model.TimePoint
+The absolute duration after which the achievement ends and resets for a particular customer profile. **Note**: The duration follows the time zone of the Application this achievement belongs to.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Month** | **int** | The achievement ends and resets in this month. **Note**: Only applicable if the period is set to `Y`. | [optional]
+**DayOfMonth** | **int** | The achievement ends and resets on this day of the month. **Note**: Only applicable if the period is set to `Y` or `M`. | [optional]
+**DayOfWeek** | **int** | The achievement ends and resets on this day of the week. `1` represents `Monday` and `7` represents `Sunday`. **Note**: Only applicable if the period is set to `W`. | [optional]
+**Hour** | **int** | The achievement ends and resets at this hour. |
+**Minute** | **int** | The achievement ends and resets at this minute. |
+**Second** | **int** | The achievement ends and resets at this second. |
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+# TalonOne.Model.TrackEventV2Response
+This is the response type returned by the trackEventV2 endpoint.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**CustomerProfile** | [**CustomerProfile**](CustomerProfile.md) | | [optional]
+**Event** | [**Event**](Event.md) | | [optional]
+**Loyalty** | [**Loyalty**](Loyalty.md) | | [optional]
+**TriggeredCampaigns** | [**List<Campaign>**](Campaign.md) | | [optional]
+**RuleFailureReasons** | [**List<RuleFailureReason>**](RuleFailureReason.md) | | [optional]
+**AwardedGiveaways** | [**List<Giveaway>**](Giveaway.md) | | [optional]
+**Effects** | [**List<Effect>**](Effect.md) | The effects generated by the rules in your running campaigns. See [API effects](https://docs.talon.one/docs/dev/integration-api/api-effects). |
+**CreatedCoupons** | [**List<Coupon>**](Coupon.md) | |
+**CreatedReferrals** | [**List<Referral>**](Referral.md) | |
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+# TalonOne.Model.TwoFAConfig
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Enabled** | **bool** | An indication of whether two-factor authentication is enabled for the account. |
+**RequireEverySignIn** | **bool** | Can be `true` or `false`. - `true`: Two-factor authentication is required each time a user signs in to their Talon.One account. - `false`: Two-factor authentication is only required when a user signs in to their Talon.One account on a new device, and every 30 days after that. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/UpdateAchievement.md b/docs/UpdateAchievement.md
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+# TalonOne.Model.UpdateAchievement
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Name** | **string** | The internal name of the achievement used in API requests. | [optional]
+**Title** | **string** | The display name for the achievement in the Campaign Manager. | [optional]
+**Description** | **string** | A description of the achievement. | [optional]
+**Target** | **decimal** | The required number of actions or the transactional milestone to complete the achievement. | [optional]
+**Period** | **string** | The relative duration after which the achievement ends and resets for a particular customer profile. | [optional]
+**PeriodEndOverride** | [**TimePoint**](TimePoint.md) | | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/UpdateApplication.md b/docs/UpdateApplication.md
index 5dff8cb..0e6f7ca 100644
--- a/docs/UpdateApplication.md
+++ b/docs/UpdateApplication.md
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Limits** | [**List<LimitConfig>**](LimitConfig.md) | Default limits for campaigns created in this application. | [optional]
**DefaultDiscountScope** | **string** | The default scope to apply `setDiscount` effects on if no scope was provided with the effect. | [optional]
**EnableCascadingDiscounts** | **bool** | Indicates if discounts should cascade for this Application. | [optional]
-**EnableFlattenedCartItems** | **bool** | Indicates if cart items of quantity larger than one should be separated into different items of quantity one. See the [docs](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/campaigns/managing-general-settings#flattening). | [optional]
+**EnableFlattenedCartItems** | **bool** | Indicates if cart items of quantity larger than one should be separated into different items of quantity one. | [optional]
**AttributesSettings** | [**AttributesSettings**](AttributesSettings.md) | | [optional]
**Sandbox** | **bool** | Indicates if this is a live or sandbox Application. | [optional]
**EnablePartialDiscounts** | **bool** | Indicates if this Application supports partial discounts. | [optional]
diff --git a/docs/UpdateApplicationAPIKey.md b/docs/UpdateApplicationAPIKey.md
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+# TalonOne.Model.UpdateApplicationAPIKey
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**TimeOffset** | **int** | A time offset in nanoseconds associated with the API key. When making a request using the API key, rule evaluation is based on a date that is calculated by adding the offset to the current date. |
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diff --git a/docs/UpdateCampaign.md b/docs/UpdateCampaign.md
index 0310011..5096248 100644
--- a/docs/UpdateCampaign.md
+++ b/docs/UpdateCampaign.md
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**ReferralSettings** | [**CodeGeneratorSettings**](CodeGeneratorSettings.md) | | [optional]
**Limits** | [**List<LimitConfig>**](LimitConfig.md) | The set of limits that will operate for this campaign. |
**CampaignGroups** | **List<int>** | The IDs of the [campaign groups](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/account-settings/managing-campaign-groups) this campaign belongs to. | [optional]
+**EvaluationGroupId** | **int** | The ID of the campaign evaluation group the campaign belongs to. | [optional]
+**Type** | **string** | The campaign type. Possible type values: - `cartItem`: Type of campaign that can apply effects only to cart items. - `advanced`: Type of campaign that can apply effects to customer sessions and cart items. | [optional] [default to TypeEnum.Advanced]
+**LinkedStoreIds** | **List<int>** | A list of store IDs that you want to link to the campaign. **Note:** Campaigns with linked store IDs will only be evaluated when there is a [customer session update](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#tag/Customer-sessions/operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) that references a linked store. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/UpdateCampaignEvaluationGroup.md b/docs/UpdateCampaignEvaluationGroup.md
index 2162545..27acbbc 100644
--- a/docs/UpdateCampaignEvaluationGroup.md
+++ b/docs/UpdateCampaignEvaluationGroup.md
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Name** | **string** | The name of the campaign evaluation group. |
**ParentId** | **int** | The ID of the parent group that contains the campaign evaluation group. |
**Description** | **string** | A description of the campaign evaluation group. | [optional]
-**EvaluationMode** | **string** | |
+**EvaluationMode** | **string** | The mode by which campaigns in the campaign evaluation group are evaluated. |
+**EvaluationScope** | **string** | The evaluation scope of the campaign evaluation group. |
**Locked** | **bool** | An indicator of whether the campaign evaluation group is locked for modification. |
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Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Name** | **string** | The name of this campaign group. |
-**Description** | **string** | A longer description of the campaign group. | [optional]
-**SubscribedApplicationsIds** | **List<int>** | A list of the IDs of the applications that this campaign group is enabled for. | [optional]
-**CampaignIds** | **List<int>** | A list of the IDs of the campaigns that this campaign group owns. | [optional]
+**Name** | **string** | The name of the campaign access group. |
+**Description** | **string** | A longer description of the campaign access group. | [optional]
+**SubscribedApplicationsIds** | **List<int>** | A list of IDs of the Applications that this campaign access group is enabled for. | [optional]
+**CampaignIds** | **List<int>** | A list of IDs of the campaigns that are part of the campaign access group. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/UpdateCampaignTemplate.md b/docs/UpdateCampaignTemplate.md
index f63333c..50e443c 100644
--- a/docs/UpdateCampaignTemplate.md
+++ b/docs/UpdateCampaignTemplate.md
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**ApplicationsIds** | **List<int>** | A list of IDs of the Applications that are subscribed to this campaign template. |
**CampaignCollections** | [**List<CampaignTemplateCollection>**](CampaignTemplateCollection.md) | The campaign collections from the blueprint campaign for the template. | [optional]
**DefaultCampaignGroupId** | **int** | The default campaign group ID. | [optional]
+**CampaignType** | **string** | The campaign type. Possible type values: - `cartItem`: Type of campaign that can apply effects only to cart items. - `advanced`: Type of campaign that can apply effects to customer sessions and cart items. | [optional] [default to CampaignTypeEnum.Advanced]
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diff --git a/docs/UpdateCoupon.md b/docs/UpdateCoupon.md
index ac4f17a..db23959 100644
--- a/docs/UpdateCoupon.md
+++ b/docs/UpdateCoupon.md
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Limits** | [**List<LimitConfig>**](LimitConfig.md) | Limits configuration for a coupon. These limits will override the limits set from the campaign. **Note:** Only usable when creating a single coupon which is not tied to a specific recipient. Only per-profile limits are allowed to be configured. | [optional]
**RecipientIntegrationId** | **string** | The integration ID for this coupon's beneficiary's profile. | [optional]
**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | Arbitrary properties associated with this item. | [optional]
-**IsReservationMandatory** | **bool** | Whether the reservation effect actually created a new reservation. | [optional] [default to true]
+**IsReservationMandatory** | **bool** | An indication of whether the code can be redeemed only if it has been reserved first. | [optional] [default to false]
+**ImplicitlyReserved** | **bool** | An indication of whether the coupon is implicitly reserved for all customers. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/UpdateCouponBatch.md b/docs/UpdateCouponBatch.md
index 216f484..b5dd124 100644
--- a/docs/UpdateCouponBatch.md
+++ b/docs/UpdateCouponBatch.md
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**ReservationLimit** | **int** | The number of reservations that can be made with this coupon code. | [optional]
**StartDate** | **DateTime** | Timestamp at which point the coupon becomes valid. | [optional]
**ExpiryDate** | **DateTime** | Expiration date of the coupon. Coupon never expires if this is omitted, zero, or negative. | [optional]
-**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | Arbitrary properties associated with this item. | [optional]
-**BatchID** | **string** | The id of the batch the coupon belongs to. | [optional]
+**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | Optional property to set the value of custom coupon attributes. They are defined in the Campaign Manager, see [Managing attributes](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/account/dev-tools/managing-attributes). Coupon attributes can also be set to _mandatory_ in your Application [settings](https://docs.talon.one/docs/product/applications/using-attributes#making-attributes-mandatory). If your Application uses mandatory attributes, you must use this property to set their value. | [optional]
+**BatchID** | **string** | The ID of the batch the coupon(s) belong to. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/UpdateLoyaltyProgram.md b/docs/UpdateLoyaltyProgram.md
index e49bb71..47fd319 100644
--- a/docs/UpdateLoyaltyProgram.md
+++ b/docs/UpdateLoyaltyProgram.md
@@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**AllowSubledger** | **bool** | Indicates if this program supports subledgers inside the program. | [optional]
**UsersPerCardLimit** | **int** | The max amount of user profiles with whom a card can be shared. This can be set to 0 for no limit. This property is only used when `cardBased` is `true`. | [optional]
**Sandbox** | **bool** | Indicates if this program is a live or sandbox program. Programs of a given type can only be connected to Applications of the same type. | [optional]
-**TiersExpireIn** | **string** | The duration is an **integer** followed by one letter indicating the time unit. Examples: `30s`, `40m`, `1h`, `5D`, `7W`, `10M`, `15Y`. Available units: - `s`: seconds - `m`: minutes - `h`: hours - `D`: days - `W`: weeks - `M`: months - `Y`: years You can round certain units up or down: - `_D` for rounding down days only. Signifies the start of the day. - `_U` for rounding up days, weeks, months and years. Signifies the end of the day, week, month or year. | [optional]
+**TiersExpirationPolicy** | **string** | The policy that defines which date is used to calculate the expiration date of a customer's current tier. - `tier_start_date`: The tier expiration date is calculated based on when the customer joined the current tier. - `program_join_date`: The tier expiration date is calculated based on when the customer joined the loyalty program. | [optional]
+**TiersExpireIn** | **string** | The amount of time after which the tier expires. The time format is an **integer** followed by one letter indicating the time unit. Examples: `30s`, `40m`, `1h`, `5D`, `7W`, `10M`, `15Y`. Available units: - `s`: seconds - `m`: minutes - `h`: hours - `D`: days - `W`: weeks - `M`: months - `Y`: years You can round certain units up or down: - `_D` for rounding down days only. Signifies the start of the day. - `_U` for rounding up days, weeks, months and years. Signifies the end of the day, week, month or year. | [optional]
**TiersDowngradePolicy** | **string** | Customers's tier downgrade policy. - `one_down`: Once the tier expires and if the user doesn't have enough points to stay in the tier, the user is downgraded one tier down. - `balance_based`: Once the tier expires, the user's tier is evaluated based on the amount of active points the user has at this instant. | [optional]
+**ProgramJoinPolicy** | **string** | The policy that defines when the customer joins the loyalty program. - `not_join`: The customer does not join the loyalty program but can still earn and spend loyalty points. **Note**: The customer does not have a program join date. - `points_activated`: The customer joins the loyalty program only when their earned loyalty points become active for the first time. - `points_earned`: The customer joins the loyalty program when they earn loyalty points for the first time. | [optional]
**Tiers** | [**List<NewLoyaltyTier>**](NewLoyaltyTier.md) | The tiers in this loyalty program. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/UpdatePicklist.md b/docs/UpdatePicklist.md
index 230b58f..4adde5d 100644
--- a/docs/UpdatePicklist.md
+++ b/docs/UpdatePicklist.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Type** | **string** | The type of allowed values in the picklist. If type time is chosen, it must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
+**Type** | **string** | The type of allowed values in the picklist. If the type `time` is chosen, it must be an RFC3339 timestamp string. |
**Values** | **List<string>** | The list of allowed values provided by this picklist. |
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diff --git a/docs/UpdateStore.md b/docs/UpdateStore.md
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+# TalonOne.Model.UpdateStore
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**Name** | **string** | The name of the store. |
+**Description** | **string** | The description of the store. |
+**Attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | The attributes of the store. | [optional]
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diff --git a/docs/UpdateUser.md b/docs/UpdateUser.md
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--- a/docs/UpdateUser.md
+++ b/docs/UpdateUser.md
@@ -3,11 +3,12 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**Name** | **string** | The user name. | [optional]
-**Policy** | **string** | The `Access Control List` json defining the role of the user. This represents the access control on the user level. | [optional]
-**State** | **string** | New state (\"deactivated\" or \"active\") for the user. Only usable by admins for the user. | [optional]
-**Roles** | **List<int>** | List of roles to assign to the user. | [optional]
-**ApplicationNotificationSubscriptions** | [**Object**](.md) | | [optional]
+**Name** | **string** | Name of the user. | [optional]
+**State** | **string** | The state of the user. - `deactivated`: The user has been deactivated. - `active`: The user is active. **Note**: Only `admin` users can update the state of another user. | [optional]
+**IsAdmin** | **bool** | Indicates whether the user is an `admin`. | [optional]
+**Policy** | **string** | Indicates the access level of the user. | [optional]
+**Roles** | **List<int>** | A list of the IDs of the roles assigned to the user. **Note**: To find the ID of a role, use the [List roles](/management-api#tag/Roles/operation/listAllRolesV2) endpoint. | [optional]
+**ApplicationNotificationSubscriptions** | [**Object**](.md) | Application notifications that the user is subscribed to. | [optional]
[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/User.md b/docs/User.md
index 3a6292f..553e284 100644
--- a/docs/User.md
+++ b/docs/User.md
@@ -6,16 +6,19 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**Id** | **int** | Internal ID of this entity. |
**Created** | **DateTime** | The time this entity was created. |
**Modified** | **DateTime** | The time this entity was last modified. |
-**Email** | **string** | The email address associated with your account. |
+**Email** | **string** | The email address associated with the user profile. |
**AccountId** | **int** | The ID of the account that owns this entity. |
-**InviteToken** | **string** | Invite token, empty if the user as already accepted their invite. |
-**State** | **string** | Current user state. |
-**Name** | **string** | Full name |
-**Policy** | [**Object**](.md) | User ACL Policy |
-**LatestFeedTimestamp** | **DateTime** | Latest timestamp the user has been notified for feed. | [optional]
-**Roles** | **List<int>** | Contains a list of all roles the user is a member of. | [optional]
-**ApplicationNotificationSubscriptions** | [**Object**](.md) | | [optional]
-**AuthMethod** | **string** | The Authentication method for this user. | [optional]
+**Name** | **string** | Name of the user. |
+**State** | **string** | State of the user. |
+**InviteToken** | **string** | Invitation token of the user. **Note**: If the user has already accepted their invitation, this is `null`. |
+**IsAdmin** | **bool** | Indicates whether the user is an `admin`. | [optional]
+**Policy** | [**Object**](.md) | Access level of the user. |
+**Roles** | **List<int>** | A list of the IDs of the roles assigned to the user. | [optional]
+**AuthMethod** | **string** | Authentication method for this user. | [optional]
+**ApplicationNotificationSubscriptions** | [**Object**](.md) | Application notifications that the user is subscribed to. | [optional]
+**LastSignedIn** | **DateTime** | Timestamp when the user last signed in to Talon.One. | [optional]
+**LastAccessed** | **DateTime** | Timestamp of the user's last activity after signing in to Talon.One. | [optional]
+**LatestFeedTimestamp** | **DateTime** | Timestamp when the user was notified for feed. | [optional]
[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Api/IntegrationApiTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Api/IntegrationApiTests.cs
index 0130c36..bd295c4 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Api/IntegrationApiTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Api/IntegrationApiTests.cs
@@ -167,7 +167,8 @@ public void GetCustomerInventoryTest()
//bool? coupons = null;
//bool? loyalty = null;
//bool? giveaways = null;
- //var response = instance.GetCustomerInventory(integrationId, profile, referrals, coupons, loyalty, giveaways);
+ //bool? achievements = null;
+ //var response = instance.GetCustomerInventory(integrationId, profile, referrals, coupons, loyalty, giveaways, achievements);
//Assert.IsType (response, "response is CustomerInventory");
@@ -193,7 +194,8 @@ public void GetLoyaltyBalancesTest()
//int loyaltyProgramId = null;
//string integrationId = null;
//DateTime? endDate = null;
- //var response = instance.GetLoyaltyBalances(loyaltyProgramId, integrationId, endDate);
+ //string subledgerId = null;
+ //var response = instance.GetLoyaltyBalances(loyaltyProgramId, integrationId, endDate, subledgerId);
//Assert.IsType (response, "response is LoyaltyBalances");
@@ -207,8 +209,26 @@ public void GetLoyaltyCardBalancesTest()
//int loyaltyProgramId = null;
//string loyaltyCardId = null;
//DateTime? endDate = null;
- //var response = instance.GetLoyaltyCardBalances(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId, endDate);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is LoyaltyBalances");
+ //List subledgerId = null;
+ //var response = instance.GetLoyaltyCardBalances(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId, endDate, subledgerId);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is LoyaltyCardBalances");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test GetLoyaltyCardPoints
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void GetLoyaltyCardPointsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int loyaltyProgramId = null;
+ //string loyaltyCardId = null;
+ //string status = null;
+ //List subledgerId = null;
+ //int? pageSize = null;
+ //int? skip = null;
+ //var response = instance.GetLoyaltyCardPoints(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId, status, subledgerId, pageSize, skip);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2003");
@@ -220,15 +240,33 @@ public void GetLoyaltyCardTransactionsTest()
// TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
//int loyaltyProgramId = null;
//string loyaltyCardId = null;
- //string subledgerId = null;
+ //List subledgerId = null;
+ //string loyaltyTransactionType = null;
//DateTime? startDate = null;
//DateTime? endDate = null;
//int? pageSize = null;
//int? skip = null;
- //var response = instance.GetLoyaltyCardTransactions(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId, subledgerId, startDate, endDate, pageSize, skip);
+ //var response = instance.GetLoyaltyCardTransactions(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId, subledgerId, loyaltyTransactionType, startDate, endDate, pageSize, skip);
//Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2001");
+ ///
+ /// Test GetLoyaltyProgramProfilePoints
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void GetLoyaltyProgramProfilePointsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int loyaltyProgramId = null;
+ //string integrationId = null;
+ //string status = null;
+ //string subledgerId = null;
+ //int? pageSize = null;
+ //int? skip = null;
+ //var response = instance.GetLoyaltyProgramProfilePoints(loyaltyProgramId, integrationId, status, subledgerId, pageSize, skip);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2004");
+ }
/// Test GetLoyaltyProgramProfileTransactions
@@ -239,11 +277,12 @@ public void GetLoyaltyProgramProfileTransactionsTest()
//int loyaltyProgramId = null;
//string integrationId = null;
//string subledgerId = null;
+ //string loyaltyTransactionType = null;
//DateTime? startDate = null;
//DateTime? endDate = null;
//int? pageSize = null;
//int? skip = null;
- //var response = instance.GetLoyaltyProgramProfileTransactions(loyaltyProgramId, integrationId, subledgerId, startDate, endDate, pageSize, skip);
+ //var response = instance.GetLoyaltyProgramProfileTransactions(loyaltyProgramId, integrationId, subledgerId, loyaltyTransactionType, startDate, endDate, pageSize, skip);
//Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2002");
@@ -323,7 +362,7 @@ public void TrackEventV2Test()
//string silent = null;
//bool? dry = null;
//var response = instance.TrackEventV2(body, silent, dry);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is IntegrationStateV2");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is TrackEventV2Response");
@@ -376,7 +415,7 @@ public void UpdateCustomerProfileV2Test()
//bool? runRuleEngine = null;
//bool? dry = null;
//var response = instance.UpdateCustomerProfileV2(integrationId, body, runRuleEngine, dry);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is IntegrationStateV2");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2");
@@ -402,7 +441,8 @@ public void UpdateCustomerSessionV2Test()
//string customerSessionId = null;
//IntegrationRequest body = null;
//bool? dry = null;
- //var response = instance.UpdateCustomerSessionV2(customerSessionId, body, dry);
+ //DateTime? now = null;
+ //var response = instance.UpdateCustomerSessionV2(customerSessionId, body, dry, now);
//Assert.IsType (response, "response is IntegrationStateV2");
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Api/ManagementApiTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Api/ManagementApiTests.cs
index c9ad7cc..2fadc98 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Api/ManagementApiTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Api/ManagementApiTests.cs
@@ -55,6 +55,18 @@ public void InstanceTest()
+ ///
+ /// Test ActivateUserByEmail
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ActivateUserByEmailTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //ActivateUserRequest body = null;
+ //instance.ActivateUserByEmail(body);
+ }
/// Test AddLoyaltyCardPoints
@@ -94,7 +106,7 @@ public void CopyCampaignToApplicationsTest()
//int campaignId = null;
//CampaignCopy body = null;
//var response = instance.CopyCampaignToApplications(applicationId, campaignId, body);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2004");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2006");
@@ -109,6 +121,20 @@ public void CreateAccountCollectionTest()
//Assert.IsType (response, "response is Collection");
+ ///
+ /// Test CreateAchievement
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CreateAchievementTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int applicationId = null;
+ //int campaignId = null;
+ //CreateAchievement body = null;
+ //var response = instance.CreateAchievement(applicationId, campaignId, body);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is Achievement");
+ }
/// Test CreateAdditionalCost
@@ -172,7 +198,7 @@ public void CreateCouponsTest()
//NewCoupons body = null;
//string silent = null;
//var response = instance.CreateCoupons(applicationId, campaignId, body, silent);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2007");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2008");
@@ -201,20 +227,31 @@ public void CreateCouponsForMultipleRecipientsTest()
//NewCouponsForMultipleRecipients body = null;
//string silent = null;
//var response = instance.CreateCouponsForMultipleRecipients(applicationId, campaignId, body, silent);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2007");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2008");
- /// Test CreateNotificationWebhook
+ /// Test CreateInviteEmail
- public void CreateNotificationWebhookTest()
+ public void CreateInviteEmailTest()
// TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
- //int applicationId = null;
- //NewNotificationWebhook body = null;
- //var response = instance.CreateNotificationWebhook(applicationId, body);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is NotificationWebhook");
+ //NewInviteEmail body = null;
+ //var response = instance.CreateInviteEmail(body);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is NewInviteEmail");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test CreateInviteV2
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CreateInviteV2Test()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //NewInvitation body = null;
+ //var response = instance.CreateInviteV2(body);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is User");
@@ -241,6 +278,31 @@ public void CreateSessionTest()
//Assert.IsType (response, "response is Session");
+ ///
+ /// Test CreateStore
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CreateStoreTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int applicationId = null;
+ //NewStore body = null;
+ //var response = instance.CreateStore(applicationId, body);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is Store");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test DeactivateUserByEmail
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void DeactivateUserByEmailTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //DeactivateUserRequest body = null;
+ //instance.DeactivateUserByEmail(body);
+ }
/// Test DeductLoyaltyCardPoints
@@ -267,6 +329,20 @@ public void DeleteAccountCollectionTest()
+ ///
+ /// Test DeleteAchievement
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void DeleteAchievementTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int applicationId = null;
+ //int campaignId = null;
+ //int achievementId = null;
+ //instance.DeleteAchievement(applicationId, campaignId, achievementId);
+ }
/// Test DeleteCampaign
@@ -348,29 +424,53 @@ public void DeleteLoyaltyCardTest()
- /// Test DeleteNotificationWebhook
+ /// Test DeleteReferral
- public void DeleteNotificationWebhookTest()
+ public void DeleteReferralTest()
// TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
//int applicationId = null;
- //int notificationWebhookId = null;
- //instance.DeleteNotificationWebhook(applicationId, notificationWebhookId);
+ //int campaignId = null;
+ //string referralId = null;
+ //instance.DeleteReferral(applicationId, campaignId, referralId);
- /// Test DeleteReferral
+ /// Test DeleteStore
- public void DeleteReferralTest()
+ public void DeleteStoreTest()
// TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
//int applicationId = null;
- //int campaignId = null;
- //string referralId = null;
- //instance.DeleteReferral(applicationId, campaignId, referralId);
+ //string storeId = null;
+ //instance.DeleteStore(applicationId, storeId);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test DeleteUser
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void DeleteUserTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int userId = null;
+ //instance.DeleteUser(userId);
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test DeleteUserByEmail
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void DeleteUserByEmailTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //DeleteUserRequest body = null;
+ //instance.DeleteUserByEmail(body);
@@ -397,6 +497,32 @@ public void ExportAccountCollectionItemsTest()
//Assert.IsType (response, "response is string");
+ ///
+ /// Test ExportAchievements
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ExportAchievementsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int applicationId = null;
+ //int campaignId = null;
+ //int achievementId = null;
+ //var response = instance.ExportAchievements(applicationId, campaignId, achievementId);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is string");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test ExportAudiencesMemberships
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ExportAudiencesMembershipsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int audienceId = null;
+ //var response = instance.ExportAudiencesMemberships(audienceId);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is string");
+ }
/// Test ExportCollectionItems
@@ -432,7 +558,8 @@ public void ExportCouponsTest()
//bool? exactMatch = null;
//string dateFormat = null;
//string campaignState = null;
- //var response = instance.ExportCoupons(applicationId, campaignId, sort, value, createdBefore, createdAfter, valid, usable, referralId, recipientIntegrationId, batchId, exactMatch, dateFormat, campaignState);
+ //bool? valuesOnly = null;
+ //var response = instance.ExportCoupons(applicationId, campaignId, sort, value, createdBefore, createdAfter, valid, usable, referralId, recipientIntegrationId, batchId, exactMatch, dateFormat, campaignState, valuesOnly);
//Assert.IsType (response, "response is string");
@@ -453,6 +580,20 @@ public void ExportCustomerSessionsTest()
//Assert.IsType (response, "response is string");
+ ///
+ /// Test ExportCustomersTiers
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ExportCustomersTiersTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //string loyaltyProgramId = null;
+ //List subledgerIds = null;
+ //List tierNames = null;
+ //var response = instance.ExportCustomersTiers(loyaltyProgramId, subledgerIds, tierNames);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is string");
+ }
/// Test ExportEffects
@@ -590,7 +731,7 @@ public void GetAccessLogsWithoutTotalCountTest()
//int? skip = null;
//string sort = null;
//var response = instance.GetAccessLogsWithoutTotalCount(applicationId, rangeStart, rangeEnd, path, method, status, pageSize, skip, sort);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20018");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20019");
@@ -629,6 +770,20 @@ public void GetAccountCollectionTest()
//Assert.IsType (response, "response is Collection");
+ ///
+ /// Test GetAchievement
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void GetAchievementTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int applicationId = null;
+ //int campaignId = null;
+ //int achievementId = null;
+ //var response = instance.GetAchievement(applicationId, campaignId, achievementId);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is Achievement");
+ }
/// Test GetAdditionalCost
@@ -652,7 +807,7 @@ public void GetAdditionalCostsTest()
//int? skip = null;
//string sort = null;
//var response = instance.GetAdditionalCosts(pageSize, skip, sort);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20033");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20036");
@@ -662,8 +817,8 @@ public void GetAdditionalCostsTest()
public void GetAllAccessLogsTest()
// TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
- //DateTime rangeStart = null;
- //DateTime rangeEnd = null;
+ //DateTime? rangeStart = null;
+ //DateTime? rangeEnd = null;
//string path = null;
//string method = null;
//string status = null;
@@ -671,18 +826,7 @@ public void GetAllAccessLogsTest()
//int? skip = null;
//string sort = null;
//var response = instance.GetAllAccessLogs(rangeStart, rangeEnd, path, method, status, pageSize, skip, sort);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20019");
- }
- ///
- /// Test GetAllRoles
- ///
- [Fact]
- public void GetAllRolesTest()
- {
- // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
- //var response = instance.GetAllRoles();
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20041");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20020");
@@ -736,7 +880,7 @@ public void GetApplicationCustomerFriendsTest()
//string sort = null;
//bool? withTotalResultSize = null;
//var response = instance.GetApplicationCustomerFriends(applicationId, integrationId, pageSize, skip, sort, withTotalResultSize);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20030");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20033");
@@ -752,7 +896,7 @@ public void GetApplicationCustomersTest()
//int? skip = null;
//bool? withTotalResultSize = null;
//var response = instance.GetApplicationCustomers(applicationId, integrationId, pageSize, skip, withTotalResultSize);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20021");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20022");
@@ -768,7 +912,7 @@ public void GetApplicationCustomersByAttributesTest()
//int? skip = null;
//bool? withTotalResultSize = null;
//var response = instance.GetApplicationCustomersByAttributes(applicationId, body, pageSize, skip, withTotalResultSize);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20022");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20023");
@@ -783,7 +927,7 @@ public void GetApplicationEventTypesTest()
//int? skip = null;
//string sort = null;
//var response = instance.GetApplicationEventTypes(applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20028");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20029");
@@ -809,7 +953,7 @@ public void GetApplicationEventsWithoutTotalCountTest()
//string ruleQuery = null;
//string campaignQuery = null;
//var response = instance.GetApplicationEventsWithoutTotalCount(applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort, type, createdBefore, createdAfter, session, profile, customerName, customerEmail, couponCode, referralCode, ruleQuery, campaignQuery);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20027");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20028");
@@ -843,8 +987,9 @@ public void GetApplicationSessionsTest()
//string coupon = null;
//string referral = null;
//string integrationId = null;
- //var response = instance.GetApplicationSessions(applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort, profile, state, createdBefore, createdAfter, coupon, referral, integrationId);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20026");
+ //string storeIntegrationId = null;
+ //var response = instance.GetApplicationSessions(applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort, profile, state, createdBefore, createdAfter, coupon, referral, integrationId, storeIntegrationId);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20027");
@@ -858,7 +1003,7 @@ public void GetApplicationsTest()
//int? skip = null;
//string sort = null;
//var response = instance.GetApplications(pageSize, skip, sort);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2003");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2005");
@@ -885,7 +1030,23 @@ public void GetAttributesTest()
//string sort = null;
//string entity = null;
//var response = instance.GetAttributes(pageSize, skip, sort, entity);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20031");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20034");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test GetAudienceMemberships
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void GetAudienceMembershipsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int audienceId = null;
+ //int? pageSize = null;
+ //int? skip = null;
+ //string sort = null;
+ //string profileQuery = null;
+ //var response = instance.GetAudienceMemberships(audienceId, pageSize, skip, sort, profileQuery);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20032");
@@ -900,7 +1061,20 @@ public void GetAudiencesTest()
//string sort = null;
//bool? withTotalResultSize = null;
//var response = instance.GetAudiences(pageSize, skip, sort, withTotalResultSize);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20029");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20030");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test GetAudiencesAnalytics
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void GetAudiencesAnalyticsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //string audienceIds = null;
+ //string sort = null;
+ //var response = instance.GetAudiencesAnalytics(audienceIds, sort);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20031");
@@ -929,7 +1103,7 @@ public void GetCampaignAnalyticsTest()
//DateTime rangeEnd = null;
//string granularity = null;
//var response = instance.GetCampaignAnalytics(applicationId, campaignId, rangeStart, rangeEnd, granularity);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20020");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20021");
@@ -946,7 +1120,33 @@ public void GetCampaignByAttributesTest()
//string sort = null;
//string campaignState = null;
//var response = instance.GetCampaignByAttributes(applicationId, body, pageSize, skip, sort, campaignState);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2004");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2006");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test GetCampaignGroup
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void GetCampaignGroupTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int campaignGroupId = null;
+ //var response = instance.GetCampaignGroup(campaignGroupId);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is CampaignGroup");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test GetCampaignGroups
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void GetCampaignGroupsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int? pageSize = null;
+ //int? skip = null;
+ //string sort = null;
+ //var response = instance.GetCampaignGroups(pageSize, skip, sort);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20011");
@@ -964,7 +1164,7 @@ public void GetCampaignTemplatesTest()
//string tags = null;
//int? userId = null;
//var response = instance.GetCampaignTemplates(pageSize, skip, sort, state, name, tags, userId);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20010");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20012");
@@ -985,8 +1185,9 @@ public void GetCampaignsTest()
//DateTime? createdAfter = null;
//int? campaignGroupId = null;
//int? templateId = null;
- //var response = instance.GetCampaigns(applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort, campaignState, name, tags, createdBefore, createdAfter, campaignGroupId, templateId);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2004");
+ //int? storeId = null;
+ //var response = instance.GetCampaigns(applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort, campaignState, name, tags, createdBefore, createdAfter, campaignGroupId, templateId, storeId);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2006");
@@ -1008,7 +1209,7 @@ public void GetChangesTest()
//int? managementKeyId = null;
//bool? includeOld = null;
//var response = instance.GetChanges(pageSize, skip, sort, applicationId, entityPath, userId, createdBefore, createdAfter, withTotalResultSize, managementKeyId, includeOld);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20039");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20042");
@@ -1036,7 +1237,7 @@ public void GetCollectionItemsTest()
//int? pageSize = null;
//int? skip = null;
//var response = instance.GetCollectionItems(collectionId, pageSize, skip);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20016");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20018");
@@ -1061,7 +1262,7 @@ public void GetCouponsWithoutTotalCountTest()
//string batchId = null;
//bool? exactMatch = null;
//var response = instance.GetCouponsWithoutTotalCount(applicationId, campaignId, pageSize, skip, sort, value, createdBefore, createdAfter, valid, usable, referralId, recipientIntegrationId, batchId, exactMatch);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2008");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2009");
@@ -1099,7 +1300,7 @@ public void GetCustomerActivityReportsWithoutTotalCountTest()
//string campaignName = null;
//string advocateName = null;
//var response = instance.GetCustomerActivityReportsWithoutTotalCount(rangeStart, rangeEnd, applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort, name, integrationId, campaignName, advocateName);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20025");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20026");
@@ -1130,6 +1331,23 @@ public void GetCustomerProfileTest()
//Assert.IsType (response, "response is CustomerProfile");
+ ///
+ /// Test GetCustomerProfileAchievementProgress
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void GetCustomerProfileAchievementProgressTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int applicationId = null;
+ //string integrationId = null;
+ //int? pageSize = null;
+ //int? skip = null;
+ //int? achievementId = null;
+ //string title = null;
+ //var response = instance.GetCustomerProfileAchievementProgress(applicationId, integrationId, pageSize, skip, achievementId, title);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20047");
+ }
/// Test GetCustomerProfiles
@@ -1141,7 +1359,7 @@ public void GetCustomerProfilesTest()
//int? skip = null;
//bool? sandbox = null;
//var response = instance.GetCustomerProfiles(pageSize, skip, sandbox);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20024");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20025");
@@ -1156,7 +1374,7 @@ public void GetCustomersByAttributesTest()
//int? skip = null;
//bool? sandbox = null;
//var response = instance.GetCustomersByAttributes(body, pageSize, skip, sandbox);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20023");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20024");
@@ -1172,7 +1390,7 @@ public void GetEventTypesTest()
//int? skip = null;
//string sort = null;
//var response = instance.GetEventTypes(name, includeOldVersions, pageSize, skip, sort);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20037");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20040");
@@ -1188,7 +1406,7 @@ public void GetExportsTest()
//int? campaignId = null;
//string entity = null;
//var response = instance.GetExports(pageSize, skip, applicationId, campaignId, entity);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20040");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20043");
@@ -1219,7 +1437,7 @@ public void GetLoyaltyCardTransactionLogsTest()
//int? skip = null;
//string subledgerId = null;
//var response = instance.GetLoyaltyCardTransactionLogs(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyCardId, startDate, endDate, pageSize, skip, subledgerId);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20014");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20016");
@@ -1236,7 +1454,7 @@ public void GetLoyaltyCardsTest()
//string identifier = null;
//int? profileId = null;
//var response = instance.GetLoyaltyCards(loyaltyProgramId, pageSize, skip, sort, identifier, profileId);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20013");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20015");
@@ -1279,7 +1497,7 @@ public void GetLoyaltyProgramTransactionsTest()
//int? pageSize = null;
//int? skip = null;
//var response = instance.GetLoyaltyProgramTransactions(loyaltyProgramId, loyaltyTransactionType, subledgerId, startDate, endDate, pageSize, skip);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20012");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20014");
@@ -1290,7 +1508,7 @@ public void GetLoyaltyProgramsTest()
// TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
//var response = instance.GetLoyaltyPrograms();
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20011");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20013");
@@ -1302,32 +1520,7 @@ public void GetLoyaltyStatisticsTest()
// TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
//int loyaltyProgramId = null;
//var response = instance.GetLoyaltyStatistics(loyaltyProgramId);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is LoyaltyStatistics");
- }
- ///
- /// Test GetNotificationWebhook
- ///
- [Fact]
- public void GetNotificationWebhookTest()
- {
- // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
- //int applicationId = null;
- //int notificationWebhookId = null;
- //var response = instance.GetNotificationWebhook(applicationId, notificationWebhookId);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is NotificationWebhook");
- }
- ///
- /// Test GetNotificationWebhooks
- ///
- [Fact]
- public void GetNotificationWebhooksTest()
- {
- // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
- //int applicationId = null;
- //var response = instance.GetNotificationWebhooks(applicationId);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2005");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is LoyaltyDashboardData");
@@ -1349,19 +1542,19 @@ public void GetReferralsWithoutTotalCountTest()
//string usable = null;
//string advocate = null;
//var response = instance.GetReferralsWithoutTotalCount(applicationId, campaignId, pageSize, skip, sort, code, createdBefore, createdAfter, valid, usable, advocate);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2009");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20010");
- /// Test GetRole
+ /// Test GetRoleV2
- public void GetRoleTest()
+ public void GetRoleV2Test()
// TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
//int roleId = null;
- //var response = instance.GetRole(roleId);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is Role");
+ //var response = instance.GetRoleV2(roleId);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is RoleV2");
@@ -1391,7 +1584,20 @@ public void GetRulesetsTest()
//int? skip = null;
//string sort = null;
//var response = instance.GetRulesets(applicationId, campaignId, pageSize, skip, sort);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2006");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2007");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test GetStore
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void GetStoreTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int applicationId = null;
+ //string storeId = null;
+ //var response = instance.GetStore(applicationId, storeId);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is Store");
@@ -1417,7 +1623,7 @@ public void GetUsersTest()
//int? skip = null;
//string sort = null;
//var response = instance.GetUsers(pageSize, skip, sort);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20038");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20041");
@@ -1449,7 +1655,7 @@ public void GetWebhookActivationLogsTest()
//DateTime? createdBefore = null;
//DateTime? createdAfter = null;
//var response = instance.GetWebhookActivationLogs(pageSize, skip, sort, integrationRequestUuid, webhookId, applicationId, campaignId, createdBefore, createdAfter);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20035");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20038");
@@ -1470,7 +1676,7 @@ public void GetWebhookLogsTest()
//DateTime? createdBefore = null;
//DateTime? createdAfter = null;
//var response = instance.GetWebhookLogs(pageSize, skip, sort, status, webhookId, applicationId, campaignId, requestUuid, createdBefore, createdAfter);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20036");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20039");
@@ -1489,7 +1695,7 @@ public void GetWebhooksTest()
//int? outgoingIntegrationsTypeId = null;
//string title = null;
//var response = instance.GetWebhooks(applicationIds, sort, pageSize, skip, creationType, visibility, outgoingIntegrationsTypeId, title);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20034");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20037");
@@ -1518,6 +1724,19 @@ public void ImportAllowedListTest()
//Assert.IsType (response, "response is Import");
+ ///
+ /// Test ImportAudiencesMemberships
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ImportAudiencesMembershipsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int audienceId = null;
+ //string upFile = null;
+ //var response = instance.ImportAudiencesMemberships(audienceId, upFile);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is Import");
+ }
/// Test ImportCollection
@@ -1542,8 +1761,9 @@ public void ImportCouponsTest()
// TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
//int applicationId = null;
//int campaignId = null;
+ //bool? skipDuplicates = null;
//string upFile = null;
- //var response = instance.ImportCoupons(applicationId, campaignId, upFile);
+ //var response = instance.ImportCoupons(applicationId, campaignId, skipDuplicates, upFile);
//Assert.IsType (response, "response is Import");
@@ -1613,6 +1833,18 @@ public void ImportReferralsTest()
//Assert.IsType (response, "response is Import");
+ ///
+ /// Test InviteUserExternal
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void InviteUserExternalTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //NewExternalInvitation body = null;
+ //instance.InviteUserExternal(body);
+ }
/// Test ListAccountCollections
@@ -1626,7 +1858,34 @@ public void ListAccountCollectionsTest()
//bool? withTotalResultSize = null;
//string name = null;
//var response = instance.ListAccountCollections(pageSize, skip, sort, withTotalResultSize, name);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20015");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20017");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test ListAchievements
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ListAchievementsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int applicationId = null;
+ //int campaignId = null;
+ //int? pageSize = null;
+ //int? skip = null;
+ //string title = null;
+ //var response = instance.ListAchievements(applicationId, campaignId, pageSize, skip, title);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20046");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test ListAllRolesV2
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ListAllRolesV2Test()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //var response = instance.ListAllRolesV2();
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20044");
@@ -1640,9 +1899,10 @@ public void ListCatalogItemsTest()
//int? pageSize = null;
//int? skip = null;
//bool? withTotalResultSize = null;
- //string sku = null;
- //var response = instance.ListCatalogItems(catalogId, pageSize, skip, withTotalResultSize, sku);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20032");
+ //List sku = null;
+ //List productNames = null;
+ //var response = instance.ListCatalogItems(catalogId, pageSize, skip, withTotalResultSize, sku, productNames);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20035");
@@ -1680,6 +1940,39 @@ public void ListCollectionsInApplicationTest()
//Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20017");
+ ///
+ /// Test ListStores
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ListStoresTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int applicationId = null;
+ //int? pageSize = null;
+ //int? skip = null;
+ //string sort = null;
+ //bool? withTotalResultSize = null;
+ //decimal? campaignId = null;
+ //string name = null;
+ //string integrationId = null;
+ //string query = null;
+ //var response = instance.ListStores(applicationId, pageSize, skip, sort, withTotalResultSize, campaignId, name, integrationId, query);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse20045");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test NotificationActivation
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void NotificationActivationTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int notificationId = null;
+ //NotificationActivation body = null;
+ //instance.NotificationActivation(notificationId, body);
+ }
/// Test PostAddedDeductedPointsNotification
@@ -1768,7 +2061,7 @@ public void SearchCouponsAdvancedApplicationWideWithoutTotalCountTest()
//bool? exactMatch = null;
//string campaignState = null;
//var response = instance.SearchCouponsAdvancedApplicationWideWithoutTotalCount(applicationId, body, pageSize, skip, sort, value, createdBefore, createdAfter, valid, usable, referralId, recipientIntegrationId, batchId, exactMatch, campaignState);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2008");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2009");
@@ -1794,7 +2087,7 @@ public void SearchCouponsAdvancedWithoutTotalCountTest()
//bool? exactMatch = null;
//string batchId = null;
//var response = instance.SearchCouponsAdvancedWithoutTotalCount(applicationId, campaignId, body, pageSize, skip, sort, value, createdBefore, createdAfter, valid, usable, referralId, recipientIntegrationId, exactMatch, batchId);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2008");
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is InlineResponse2009");
@@ -1824,6 +2117,21 @@ public void UpdateAccountCollectionTest()
//Assert.IsType (response, "response is Collection");
+ ///
+ /// Test UpdateAchievement
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void UpdateAchievementTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int applicationId = null;
+ //int campaignId = null;
+ //int achievementId = null;
+ //UpdateAchievement body = null;
+ //var response = instance.UpdateAchievement(applicationId, campaignId, achievementId, body);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is Achievement");
+ }
/// Test UpdateAdditionalCost
@@ -1923,32 +2231,58 @@ public void UpdateLoyaltyCardTest()
- /// Test UpdateNotificationWebhook
+ /// Test UpdateReferral
- public void UpdateNotificationWebhookTest()
+ public void UpdateReferralTest()
// TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
//int applicationId = null;
- //int notificationWebhookId = null;
- //NewNotificationWebhook body = null;
- //var response = instance.UpdateNotificationWebhook(applicationId, notificationWebhookId, body);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is NotificationWebhook");
+ //int campaignId = null;
+ //string referralId = null;
+ //UpdateReferral body = null;
+ //var response = instance.UpdateReferral(applicationId, campaignId, referralId, body);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is Referral");
- /// Test UpdateReferral
+ /// Test UpdateRoleV2
- public void UpdateReferralTest()
+ public void UpdateRoleV2Test()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int roleId = null;
+ //RoleV2Base body = null;
+ //var response = instance.UpdateRoleV2(roleId, body);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is RoleV2");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test UpdateStore
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void UpdateStoreTest()
// TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
//int applicationId = null;
- //int campaignId = null;
- //string referralId = null;
- //UpdateReferral body = null;
- //var response = instance.UpdateReferral(applicationId, campaignId, referralId, body);
- //Assert.IsType (response, "response is Referral");
+ //string storeId = null;
+ //NewStore body = null;
+ //var response = instance.UpdateStore(applicationId, storeId, body);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is Store");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test UpdateUser
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void UpdateUserTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
+ //int userId = null;
+ //UpdateUser body = null;
+ //var response = instance.UpdateUser(userId, body);
+ //Assert.IsType (response, "response is User");
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AccountAnalyticsTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AccountAnalyticsTests.cs
index 5c5f873..29fd933 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AccountAnalyticsTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AccountAnalyticsTests.cs
@@ -209,6 +209,14 @@ public void LiveLoyaltyProgramsTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'LiveLoyaltyPrograms'
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'LastUpdatedAt'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void LastUpdatedAtTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'LastUpdatedAt'
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AccountDashboardStatisticCampaignsTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AccountDashboardStatisticCampaignsTests.cs
index d07df63..d4aeeb2 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AccountDashboardStatisticCampaignsTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AccountDashboardStatisticCampaignsTests.cs
@@ -73,6 +73,14 @@ public void EndingSoonTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'EndingSoon'
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'LowOnBudget'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void LowOnBudgetTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'LowOnBudget'
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AccountDashboardStatisticTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AccountDashboardStatisticTests.cs
index 2a6689e..3cf166f 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AccountDashboardStatisticTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AccountDashboardStatisticTests.cs
@@ -90,14 +90,6 @@ public void ReferralsTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'Referrals'
- /// Test the property 'ApiCalls'
- ///
- [Fact]
- public void ApiCallsTest()
- {
- // TODO unit test for the property 'ApiCalls'
- }
- ///
/// Test the property 'Campaigns'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AchievementAdditionalPropertiesTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AchievementAdditionalPropertiesTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5237f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AchievementAdditionalPropertiesTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing AchievementAdditionalProperties
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class AchievementAdditionalPropertiesTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for AchievementAdditionalProperties
+ //private AchievementAdditionalProperties instance;
+ public AchievementAdditionalPropertiesTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of AchievementAdditionalProperties
+ //instance = new AchievementAdditionalProperties();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of AchievementAdditionalProperties
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AchievementAdditionalPropertiesInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" AchievementAdditionalProperties
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a AchievementAdditionalProperties");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CampaignId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CampaignIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CampaignId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'UserId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void UserIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'UserId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CreatedBy'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CreatedByTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CreatedBy'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'HasProgress'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void HasProgressTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'HasProgress'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AchievementProgressTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AchievementProgressTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..970f7db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AchievementProgressTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing AchievementProgress
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class AchievementProgressTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for AchievementProgress
+ //private AchievementProgress instance;
+ public AchievementProgressTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of AchievementProgress
+ //instance = new AchievementProgress();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of AchievementProgress
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AchievementProgressInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" AchievementProgress
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a AchievementProgress");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'AchievementId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AchievementIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'AchievementId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Name'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void NameTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Name'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Title'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TitleTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Title'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CampaignId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CampaignIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CampaignId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Status'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void StatusTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Status'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Target'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TargetTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Target'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Progress'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ProgressTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Progress'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'StartDate'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void StartDateTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'StartDate'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CompletionDate'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CompletionDateTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CompletionDate'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'EndDate'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void EndDateTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'EndDate'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AchievementTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AchievementTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..009a39d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AchievementTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing Achievement
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class AchievementTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for Achievement
+ //private Achievement instance;
+ public AchievementTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of Achievement
+ //instance = new Achievement();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of Achievement
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AchievementInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" Achievement
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a Achievement");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Id'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void IdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Id'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Created'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CreatedTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Created'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Name'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void NameTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Name'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Title'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TitleTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Title'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Description'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void DescriptionTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Description'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Target'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TargetTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Target'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Period'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void PeriodTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Period'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'PeriodEndOverride'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void PeriodEndOverrideTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'PeriodEndOverride'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CampaignId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CampaignIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CampaignId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'UserId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void UserIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'UserId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CreatedBy'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CreatedByTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CreatedBy'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'HasProgress'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void HasProgressTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'HasProgress'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ActivateUserRequestTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ActivateUserRequestTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f58e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ActivateUserRequestTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing ActivateUserRequest
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class ActivateUserRequestTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for ActivateUserRequest
+ //private ActivateUserRequest instance;
+ public ActivateUserRequestTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of ActivateUserRequest
+ //instance = new ActivateUserRequest();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of ActivateUserRequest
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ActivateUserRequestInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" ActivateUserRequest
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a ActivateUserRequest");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Email'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void EmailTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Email'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AddItemCatalogActionTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AddItemCatalogActionTests.cs
index 53a65da..ed8c3e0 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AddItemCatalogActionTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AddItemCatalogActionTests.cs
@@ -82,6 +82,14 @@ public void AttributesTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'Attributes'
+ /// Test the property 'Product'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ProductTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Product'
+ }
+ ///
/// Test the property 'ReplaceIfExists'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AddToAudienceEffectPropsTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AddToAudienceEffectPropsTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4426507
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AddToAudienceEffectPropsTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing AddToAudienceEffectProps
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class AddToAudienceEffectPropsTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for AddToAudienceEffectProps
+ //private AddToAudienceEffectProps instance;
+ public AddToAudienceEffectPropsTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of AddToAudienceEffectProps
+ //instance = new AddToAudienceEffectProps();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of AddToAudienceEffectProps
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AddToAudienceEffectPropsInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" AddToAudienceEffectProps
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a AddToAudienceEffectProps");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'AudienceId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AudienceIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'AudienceId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'AudienceName'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AudienceNameTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'AudienceName'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'ProfileIntegrationId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ProfileIntegrationIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'ProfileIntegrationId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'ProfileId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ProfileIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'ProfileId'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AdditionalCampaignPropertiesTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AdditionalCampaignPropertiesTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e2e36f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/AdditionalCampaignPropertiesTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing AdditionalCampaignProperties
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class AdditionalCampaignPropertiesTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for AdditionalCampaignProperties
+ //private AdditionalCampaignProperties instance;
+ public AdditionalCampaignPropertiesTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of AdditionalCampaignProperties
+ //instance = new AdditionalCampaignProperties();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of AdditionalCampaignProperties
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AdditionalCampaignPropertiesInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" AdditionalCampaignProperties
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a AdditionalCampaignProperties");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Budgets'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void BudgetsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Budgets'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CouponRedemptionCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CouponRedemptionCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CouponRedemptionCount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'ReferralRedemptionCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ReferralRedemptionCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'ReferralRedemptionCount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'DiscountCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void DiscountCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'DiscountCount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'DiscountEffectCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void DiscountEffectCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'DiscountEffectCount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CouponCreationCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CouponCreationCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CouponCreationCount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CustomEffectCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CustomEffectCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CustomEffectCount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'ReferralCreationCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ReferralCreationCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'ReferralCreationCount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'AddFreeItemEffectCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AddFreeItemEffectCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'AddFreeItemEffectCount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'AwardedGiveawaysCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AwardedGiveawaysCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'AwardedGiveawaysCount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CreatedLoyaltyPointsCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CreatedLoyaltyPointsCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CreatedLoyaltyPointsCount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CreatedLoyaltyPointsEffectCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CreatedLoyaltyPointsEffectCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CreatedLoyaltyPointsEffectCount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'RedeemedLoyaltyPointsCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void RedeemedLoyaltyPointsCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'RedeemedLoyaltyPointsCount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'RedeemedLoyaltyPointsEffectCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void RedeemedLoyaltyPointsEffectCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'RedeemedLoyaltyPointsEffectCount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CallApiEffectCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CallApiEffectCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CallApiEffectCount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'ReservecouponEffectCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ReservecouponEffectCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'ReservecouponEffectCount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'LastActivity'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void LastActivityTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'LastActivity'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Updated'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void UpdatedTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Updated'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CreatedBy'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CreatedByTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CreatedBy'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'UpdatedBy'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void UpdatedByTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'UpdatedBy'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'TemplateId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TemplateIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'TemplateId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'FrontendState'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void FrontendStateTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'FrontendState'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAPIKeyTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAPIKeyTests.cs
index 8517f33..efa2f76 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAPIKeyTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAPIKeyTests.cs
@@ -82,6 +82,22 @@ public void PlatformTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'Platform'
+ /// Test the property 'Type'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TypeTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Type'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'TimeOffset'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TimeOffsetTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'TimeOffset'
+ }
+ ///
/// Test the property 'Id'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSessionTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSessionTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0442c41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSessionTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSession
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSessionTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSession
+ //private ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSession instance;
+ public ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSessionTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSession
+ //instance = new ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSession();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSession
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSessionInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSession
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgItemsPerSession");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Total'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TotalTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Total'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Influenced'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void InfluencedTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Influenced'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValueTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValueTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e899698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValueTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValue
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValueTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValue
+ //private ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValue instance;
+ public ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValueTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValue
+ //instance = new ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValue();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValue
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValueInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValue
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointAvgSessionValue");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Total'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TotalTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Total'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Influenced'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void InfluencedTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Influenced'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCountTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCountTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..352c87b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCountTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCount
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCountTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCount
+ //private ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCount instance;
+ public ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCountTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCount
+ //instance = new ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCount();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCount
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCountInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCount
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointSessionsCount");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Total'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TotalTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Total'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Influenced'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void InfluencedTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Influenced'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e533396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing ApplicationAnalyticsDataPoint
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for ApplicationAnalyticsDataPoint
+ //private ApplicationAnalyticsDataPoint instance;
+ public ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of ApplicationAnalyticsDataPoint
+ //instance = new ApplicationAnalyticsDataPoint();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of ApplicationAnalyticsDataPoint
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" ApplicationAnalyticsDataPoint
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a ApplicationAnalyticsDataPoint");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'StartTime'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void StartTimeTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'StartTime'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'EndTime'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void EndTimeTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'EndTime'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'TotalRevenue'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TotalRevenueTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'TotalRevenue'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'SessionsCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void SessionsCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'SessionsCount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'AvgItemsPerSession'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AvgItemsPerSessionTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'AvgItemsPerSession'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'AvgSessionValue'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AvgSessionValueTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'AvgSessionValue'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'TotalDiscounts'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TotalDiscountsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'TotalDiscounts'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CouponsCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CouponsCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CouponsCount'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenueTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenueTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ef867d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenueTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenue
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenueTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenue
+ //private ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenue instance;
+ public ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenueTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenue
+ //instance = new ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenue();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenue
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenueInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenue
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a ApplicationAnalyticsDataPointTotalRevenue");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Total'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TotalTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Total'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Influenced'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void InfluencedTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Influenced'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSessionTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSessionTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcfb13c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSessionTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSession
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSessionTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSession
+ //private ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSession instance;
+ public ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSessionTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSession
+ //instance = new ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSession();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSession
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSessionInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSession
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgItemsPerSession");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Value'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ValueTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Value'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Uplift'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void UpliftTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Uplift'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Trend'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TrendTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Trend'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValueTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValueTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42776c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValueTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValue
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValueTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValue
+ //private ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValue instance;
+ public ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValueTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValue
+ //instance = new ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValue();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValue
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValueInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValue
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsAvgSessionValue");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Value'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ValueTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Value'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Uplift'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void UpliftTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Uplift'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Trend'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TrendTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Trend'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCountTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCountTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e934849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCountTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCount
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCountTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCount
+ //private ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCount instance;
+ public ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCountTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCount
+ //instance = new ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCount();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCount
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCountInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCount
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsCouponsCount");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Value'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ValueTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Value'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Trend'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TrendTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Trend'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCountTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCountTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2580a70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCountTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCount
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCountTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCount
+ //private ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCount instance;
+ public ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCountTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCount
+ //instance = new ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCount();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCount
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCountInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCount
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsSessionsCount");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Value'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ValueTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Value'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'InfluenceRate'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void InfluenceRateTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'InfluenceRate'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Trend'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TrendTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Trend'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..751b58b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing ApplicationCampaignAnalytics
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for ApplicationCampaignAnalytics
+ //private ApplicationCampaignAnalytics instance;
+ public ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of ApplicationCampaignAnalytics
+ //instance = new ApplicationCampaignAnalytics();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of ApplicationCampaignAnalytics
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" ApplicationCampaignAnalytics
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a ApplicationCampaignAnalytics");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'StartTime'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void StartTimeTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'StartTime'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'EndTime'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void EndTimeTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'EndTime'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CampaignId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CampaignIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CampaignId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CampaignName'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CampaignNameTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CampaignName'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CampaignTags'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CampaignTagsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CampaignTags'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CampaignState'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CampaignStateTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CampaignState'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CampaignActiveRulesetId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CampaignActiveRulesetIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CampaignActiveRulesetId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CampaignStartTime'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CampaignStartTimeTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CampaignStartTime'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CampaignEndTime'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CampaignEndTimeTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CampaignEndTime'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'TotalRevenue'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TotalRevenueTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'TotalRevenue'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'SessionsCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void SessionsCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'SessionsCount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'AvgItemsPerSession'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AvgItemsPerSessionTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'AvgItemsPerSession'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'AvgSessionValue'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AvgSessionValueTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'AvgSessionValue'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'TotalDiscounts'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TotalDiscountsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'TotalDiscounts'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CouponsCount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CouponsCountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CouponsCount'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscountsTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscountsTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0997b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscountsTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscounts
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscountsTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscounts
+ //private ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscounts instance;
+ public ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscountsTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscounts
+ //instance = new ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscounts();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscounts
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscountsInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscounts
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalDiscounts");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Value'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ValueTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Value'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Trend'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TrendTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Trend'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenueTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenueTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d40c1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenueTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenue
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenueTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenue
+ //private ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenue instance;
+ public ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenueTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenue
+ //instance = new ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenue();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenue
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenueInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenue
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a ApplicationCampaignAnalyticsTotalRevenue");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Value'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ValueTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Value'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'InfluenceRate'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void InfluenceRateTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'InfluenceRate'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Trend'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TrendTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Trend'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationEventTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationEventTests.cs
index eff27a7..d0c6828 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationEventTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationEventTests.cs
@@ -90,6 +90,22 @@ public void ProfileIdTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'ProfileId'
+ /// Test the property 'StoreId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void StoreIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'StoreId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'StoreIntegrationId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void StoreIntegrationIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'StoreIntegrationId'
+ }
+ ///
/// Test the property 'SessionId'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationSessionTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationSessionTests.cs
index 2e83331..083b20c 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationSessionTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationSessionTests.cs
@@ -74,6 +74,22 @@ public void CreatedTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'Created'
+ /// Test the property 'IntegrationId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void IntegrationIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'IntegrationId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'StoreIntegrationId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void StoreIntegrationIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'StoreIntegrationId'
+ }
+ ///
/// Test the property 'ApplicationId'
@@ -90,14 +106,6 @@ public void ProfileIdTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'ProfileId'
- /// Test the property 'IntegrationId'
- ///
- [Fact]
- public void IntegrationIdTest()
- {
- // TODO unit test for the property 'IntegrationId'
- }
- ///
/// Test the property 'Profileintegrationid'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationStoreEntityTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationStoreEntityTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf5582c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ApplicationStoreEntityTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing ApplicationStoreEntity
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class ApplicationStoreEntityTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for ApplicationStoreEntity
+ //private ApplicationStoreEntity instance;
+ public ApplicationStoreEntityTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of ApplicationStoreEntity
+ //instance = new ApplicationStoreEntity();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of ApplicationStoreEntity
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ApplicationStoreEntityInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" ApplicationStoreEntity
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a ApplicationStoreEntity");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'StoreId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void StoreIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'StoreId'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseCampaignTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseCampaignTests.cs
index 9691aa6..7eda0db 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseCampaignTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseCampaignTests.cs
@@ -161,6 +161,22 @@ public void CampaignGroupsTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'CampaignGroups'
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Type'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TypeTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Type'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'LinkedStoreIds'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void LinkedStoreIdsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'LinkedStoreIds'
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseLoyaltyProgramTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseLoyaltyProgramTests.cs
index 904b36b..36cc71c 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseLoyaltyProgramTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseLoyaltyProgramTests.cs
@@ -122,6 +122,14 @@ public void SandboxTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'Sandbox'
+ /// Test the property 'TiersExpirationPolicy'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TiersExpirationPolicyTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'TiersExpirationPolicy'
+ }
+ ///
/// Test the property 'TiersExpireIn'
@@ -137,6 +145,14 @@ public void TiersDowngradePolicyTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'TiersDowngradePolicy'
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'ProgramJoinPolicy'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ProgramJoinPolicyTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'ProgramJoinPolicy'
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseNotificationEntityTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseNotificationEntityTests.cs
index 63c06f0..646c2d5 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseNotificationEntityTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseNotificationEntityTests.cs
@@ -65,6 +65,14 @@ public void PolicyTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'Policy'
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Enabled'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void EnabledTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Enabled'
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseNotificationTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseNotificationTests.cs
index bfcc844..5ef8faa 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseNotificationTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseNotificationTests.cs
@@ -66,6 +66,14 @@ public void PolicyTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'Policy'
+ /// Test the property 'Enabled'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void EnabledTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Enabled'
+ }
+ ///
/// Test the property 'Webhook'
@@ -81,6 +89,14 @@ public void IdTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'Id'
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Type'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TypeTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Type'
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseNotificationWebhookTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseNotificationWebhookTests.cs
index 7a8e804..f1e0088 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseNotificationWebhookTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BaseNotificationWebhookTests.cs
@@ -97,6 +97,14 @@ public void HeadersTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'Headers'
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Enabled'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void EnabledTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Enabled'
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BulkOperationOnCampaignsTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BulkOperationOnCampaignsTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58d9c83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/BulkOperationOnCampaignsTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing BulkOperationOnCampaigns
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class BulkOperationOnCampaignsTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for BulkOperationOnCampaigns
+ //private BulkOperationOnCampaigns instance;
+ public BulkOperationOnCampaignsTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of BulkOperationOnCampaigns
+ //instance = new BulkOperationOnCampaigns();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of BulkOperationOnCampaigns
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void BulkOperationOnCampaignsInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" BulkOperationOnCampaigns
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a BulkOperationOnCampaigns");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Operation'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void OperationTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Operation'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CampaignIds'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CampaignIdsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CampaignIds'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignBudgetTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignBudgetTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfaad59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignBudgetTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing CampaignBudget
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class CampaignBudgetTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for CampaignBudget
+ //private CampaignBudget instance;
+ public CampaignBudgetTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of CampaignBudget
+ //instance = new CampaignBudget();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of CampaignBudget
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CampaignBudgetInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" CampaignBudget
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a CampaignBudget");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Action'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ActionTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Action'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Limit'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void LimitTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Limit'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Counter'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CounterTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Counter'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignEvaluationGroupTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignEvaluationGroupTests.cs
index 627e9fa..92b0510 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignEvaluationGroupTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignEvaluationGroupTests.cs
@@ -98,6 +98,14 @@ public void EvaluationModeTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'EvaluationMode'
+ /// Test the property 'EvaluationScope'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void EvaluationScopeTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'EvaluationScope'
+ }
+ ///
/// Test the property 'Locked'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignNotificationPolicyTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignNotificationPolicyTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5b9369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignNotificationPolicyTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing CampaignNotificationPolicy
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class CampaignNotificationPolicyTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for CampaignNotificationPolicy
+ //private CampaignNotificationPolicy instance;
+ public CampaignNotificationPolicyTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of CampaignNotificationPolicy
+ //instance = new CampaignNotificationPolicy();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of CampaignNotificationPolicy
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CampaignNotificationPolicyInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" CampaignNotificationPolicy
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a CampaignNotificationPolicy");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Name'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void NameTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Name'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignSetBranchNodeTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignSetBranchNodeTests.cs
index 8b51ba6..6d2d5d9 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignSetBranchNodeTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignSetBranchNodeTests.cs
@@ -121,6 +121,14 @@ public void EvaluationModeTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'EvaluationMode'
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'EvaluationScope'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void EvaluationScopeTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'EvaluationScope'
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignTemplateTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignTemplateTests.cs
index f030ead..8ac43c3 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignTemplateTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignTemplateTests.cs
@@ -218,6 +218,14 @@ public void DefaultCampaignGroupIdTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'DefaultCampaignGroupId'
+ /// Test the property 'CampaignType'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CampaignTypeTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CampaignType'
+ }
+ ///
/// Test the property 'Updated'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignTests.cs
index ce8d608..b395500 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CampaignTests.cs
@@ -194,6 +194,30 @@ public void CampaignGroupsTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'CampaignGroups'
+ /// Test the property 'Type'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TypeTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Type'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'LinkedStoreIds'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void LinkedStoreIdsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'LinkedStoreIds'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Budgets'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void BudgetsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Budgets'
+ }
+ ///
/// Test the property 'CouponRedemptionCount'
@@ -353,6 +377,14 @@ public void TemplateIdTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'TemplateId'
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'FrontendState'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void FrontendStateTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'FrontendState'
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CardExpiringPointsNotificationPolicyTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CardExpiringPointsNotificationPolicyTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac240ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CardExpiringPointsNotificationPolicyTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing CardExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class CardExpiringPointsNotificationPolicyTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for CardExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy
+ //private CardExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy instance;
+ public CardExpiringPointsNotificationPolicyTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of CardExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy
+ //instance = new CardExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of CardExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CardExpiringPointsNotificationPolicyInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" CardExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a CardExpiringPointsNotificationPolicy");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Name'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void NameTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Name'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Triggers'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TriggersTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Triggers'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'BatchingEnabled'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void BatchingEnabledTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'BatchingEnabled'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CardExpiringPointsNotificationTriggerTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CardExpiringPointsNotificationTriggerTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..936917e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CardExpiringPointsNotificationTriggerTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing CardExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class CardExpiringPointsNotificationTriggerTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for CardExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger
+ //private CardExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger instance;
+ public CardExpiringPointsNotificationTriggerTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of CardExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger
+ //instance = new CardExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of CardExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CardExpiringPointsNotificationTriggerInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" CardExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a CardExpiringPointsNotificationTrigger");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Amount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AmountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Amount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Period'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void PeriodTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Period'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPITests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPITests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..476b8ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPITests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPITests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI
+ //private CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI instance;
+ public CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPITests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI
+ //instance = new CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPIInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a CardLedgerPointsEntryIntegrationAPI");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Id'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void IdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Id'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Created'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CreatedTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Created'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'ProgramId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ProgramIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'ProgramId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CustomerProfileID'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CustomerProfileIDTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CustomerProfileID'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CustomerSessionId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CustomerSessionIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CustomerSessionId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Name'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void NameTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Name'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'StartDate'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void StartDateTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'StartDate'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'ExpiryDate'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ExpiryDateTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'ExpiryDate'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'SubledgerId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void SubledgerIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'SubledgerId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Amount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AmountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Amount'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CartItemTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CartItemTests.cs
index c473b77..eff971b 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CartItemTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CartItemTests.cs
@@ -114,6 +114,14 @@ public void CategoryTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'Category'
+ /// Test the property 'Product'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ProductTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Product'
+ }
+ ///
/// Test the property 'Weight'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CatalogItemTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CatalogItemTests.cs
index 8b7fd2d..2145d4d 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CatalogItemTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CatalogItemTests.cs
@@ -113,6 +113,14 @@ public void AttributesTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'Attributes'
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Product'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ProductTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Product'
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ChangeLoyaltyTierLevelEffectPropsTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ChangeLoyaltyTierLevelEffectPropsTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd2eb91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ChangeLoyaltyTierLevelEffectPropsTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing ChangeLoyaltyTierLevelEffectProps
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class ChangeLoyaltyTierLevelEffectPropsTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for ChangeLoyaltyTierLevelEffectProps
+ //private ChangeLoyaltyTierLevelEffectProps instance;
+ public ChangeLoyaltyTierLevelEffectPropsTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of ChangeLoyaltyTierLevelEffectProps
+ //instance = new ChangeLoyaltyTierLevelEffectProps();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of ChangeLoyaltyTierLevelEffectProps
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ChangeLoyaltyTierLevelEffectPropsInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" ChangeLoyaltyTierLevelEffectProps
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a ChangeLoyaltyTierLevelEffectProps");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'RuleTitle'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void RuleTitleTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'RuleTitle'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'ProgramId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ProgramIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'ProgramId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'SubLedgerId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void SubLedgerIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'SubLedgerId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'PreviousTierName'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void PreviousTierNameTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'PreviousTierName'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'NewTierName'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void NewTierNameTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'NewTierName'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'ExpiryDate'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ExpiryDateTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'ExpiryDate'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CouponTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CouponTests.cs
index 76514ce..87186f8 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CouponTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CouponTests.cs
@@ -225,6 +225,14 @@ public void IsReservationMandatoryTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'IsReservationMandatory'
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'ImplicitlyReserved'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ImplicitlyReservedTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'ImplicitlyReserved'
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CouponsNotificationPolicyTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CouponsNotificationPolicyTests.cs
index 1390af9..d8af50a 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CouponsNotificationPolicyTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CouponsNotificationPolicyTests.cs
@@ -73,6 +73,14 @@ public void ScopesTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'Scopes'
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'BatchingEnabled'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void BatchingEnabledTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'BatchingEnabled'
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CreateAchievementTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CreateAchievementTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..643484b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CreateAchievementTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing CreateAchievement
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class CreateAchievementTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for CreateAchievement
+ //private CreateAchievement instance;
+ public CreateAchievementTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of CreateAchievement
+ //instance = new CreateAchievement();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of CreateAchievement
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CreateAchievementInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" CreateAchievement
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a CreateAchievement");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Name'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void NameTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Name'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Title'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TitleTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Title'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Description'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void DescriptionTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Description'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Target'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TargetTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Target'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Period'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void PeriodTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Period'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'PeriodEndOverride'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void PeriodEndOverrideTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'PeriodEndOverride'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CreateApplicationAPIKeyTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CreateApplicationAPIKeyTests.cs
index 08dd6ec..09d11a9 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CreateApplicationAPIKeyTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CreateApplicationAPIKeyTests.cs
@@ -81,6 +81,22 @@ public void PlatformTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'Platform'
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Type'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TypeTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Type'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'TimeOffset'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TimeOffsetTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'TimeOffset'
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CreateTemplateCampaignTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CreateTemplateCampaignTests.cs
index ebab16d..c33496a 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CreateTemplateCampaignTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CreateTemplateCampaignTests.cs
@@ -129,6 +129,14 @@ public void EvaluationGroupIdTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'EvaluationGroupId'
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'LinkedStoreIds'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void LinkedStoreIdsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'LinkedStoreIds'
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CustomerInventoryTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CustomerInventoryTests.cs
index 453e119..ae09065 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CustomerInventoryTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CustomerInventoryTests.cs
@@ -97,6 +97,14 @@ public void GiveawaysTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'Giveaways'
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Achievements'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AchievementsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Achievements'
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2Tests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2Tests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d71401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2Tests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2Tests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2
+ //private CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2 instance;
+ public CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2Tests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2
+ //instance = new CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2InstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a CustomerProfileIntegrationResponseV2");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CustomerProfile'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CustomerProfileTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CustomerProfile'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Event'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void EventTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Event'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Loyalty'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void LoyaltyTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Loyalty'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'TriggeredCampaigns'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TriggeredCampaignsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'TriggeredCampaigns'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'RuleFailureReasons'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void RuleFailureReasonsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'RuleFailureReasons'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'AwardedGiveaways'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AwardedGiveawaysTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'AwardedGiveaways'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Effects'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void EffectsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Effects'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CreatedCoupons'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CreatedCouponsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CreatedCoupons'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CreatedReferrals'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CreatedReferralsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CreatedReferrals'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CustomerSessionV2Tests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CustomerSessionV2Tests.cs
index 743969b..0ac4076 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CustomerSessionV2Tests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/CustomerSessionV2Tests.cs
@@ -98,6 +98,14 @@ public void ProfileIdTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'ProfileId'
+ /// Test the property 'StoreIntegrationId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void StoreIntegrationIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'StoreIntegrationId'
+ }
+ ///
/// Test the property 'EvaluableCampaignIds'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/DeactivateUserRequestTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/DeactivateUserRequestTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..974d69d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/DeactivateUserRequestTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing DeactivateUserRequest
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class DeactivateUserRequestTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for DeactivateUserRequest
+ //private DeactivateUserRequest instance;
+ public DeactivateUserRequestTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of DeactivateUserRequest
+ //instance = new DeactivateUserRequest();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of DeactivateUserRequest
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void DeactivateUserRequestInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" DeactivateUserRequest
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a DeactivateUserRequest");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Email'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void EmailTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Email'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/DeleteUserRequestTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/DeleteUserRequestTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d50923b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/DeleteUserRequestTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing DeleteUserRequest
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class DeleteUserRequestTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for DeleteUserRequest
+ //private DeleteUserRequest instance;
+ public DeleteUserRequestTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of DeleteUserRequest
+ //instance = new DeleteUserRequest();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of DeleteUserRequest
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void DeleteUserRequestInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" DeleteUserRequest
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a DeleteUserRequest");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Email'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void EmailTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Email'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EffectEntityTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EffectEntityTests.cs
index 20efde1..892063e 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EffectEntityTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EffectEntityTests.cs
@@ -113,6 +113,14 @@ public void TriggeredForCatalogItemTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'TriggeredForCatalogItem'
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'ConditionIndex'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ConditionIndexTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'ConditionIndex'
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EffectTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EffectTests.cs
index 239baab..99776fc 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EffectTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EffectTests.cs
@@ -114,6 +114,14 @@ public void TriggeredForCatalogItemTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'TriggeredForCatalogItem'
+ /// Test the property 'ConditionIndex'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ConditionIndexTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'ConditionIndex'
+ }
+ ///
/// Test the property 'Props'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EnvironmentTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EnvironmentTests.cs
index 1c14f7d..c25369e 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EnvironmentTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EnvironmentTests.cs
@@ -130,6 +130,14 @@ public void LoyaltyProgramsTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'LoyaltyPrograms'
+ /// Test the property 'Achievements'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AchievementsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Achievements'
+ }
+ ///
/// Test the property 'Attributes'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EventTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EventTests.cs
index e65b8ef..030fcf0 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EventTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EventTests.cs
@@ -90,6 +90,14 @@ public void ProfileIdTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'ProfileId'
+ /// Test the property 'StoreIntegrationId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void StoreIntegrationIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'StoreIntegrationId'
+ }
+ ///
/// Test the property 'Type'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EventV2Tests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EventV2Tests.cs
index a5f77f6..e6677e6 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EventV2Tests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/EventV2Tests.cs
@@ -66,6 +66,14 @@ public void ProfileIdTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'ProfileId'
+ /// Test the property 'StoreIntegrationId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void StoreIntegrationIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'StoreIntegrationId'
+ }
+ ///
/// Test the property 'EvaluableCampaignIds'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicyTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicyTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..978e230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicyTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicy
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicyTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicy
+ //private ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicy instance;
+ public ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicyTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicy
+ //instance = new ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicy();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicy
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicyInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicy
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a ExpiringCouponsNotificationPolicy");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Name'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void NameTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Name'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Triggers'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TriggersTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Triggers'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'BatchingEnabled'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void BatchingEnabledTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'BatchingEnabled'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ExpiringCouponsNotificationTriggerTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ExpiringCouponsNotificationTriggerTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d615e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ExpiringCouponsNotificationTriggerTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing ExpiringCouponsNotificationTrigger
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class ExpiringCouponsNotificationTriggerTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for ExpiringCouponsNotificationTrigger
+ //private ExpiringCouponsNotificationTrigger instance;
+ public ExpiringCouponsNotificationTriggerTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of ExpiringCouponsNotificationTrigger
+ //instance = new ExpiringCouponsNotificationTrigger();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of ExpiringCouponsNotificationTrigger
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ExpiringCouponsNotificationTriggerInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" ExpiringCouponsNotificationTrigger
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a ExpiringCouponsNotificationTrigger");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Amount'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AmountTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Amount'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Period'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void PeriodTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Period'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ExpiringPointsNotificationPolicyTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ExpiringPointsNotificationPolicyTests.cs
index d46ca43..8824e2e 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ExpiringPointsNotificationPolicyTests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/ExpiringPointsNotificationPolicyTests.cs
@@ -73,6 +73,14 @@ public void TriggersTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'Triggers'
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'BatchingEnabled'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void BatchingEnabledTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'BatchingEnabled'
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/GetIntegrationCouponRequestTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/GetIntegrationCouponRequestTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25f69b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/GetIntegrationCouponRequestTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing GetIntegrationCouponRequest
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class GetIntegrationCouponRequestTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for GetIntegrationCouponRequest
+ //private GetIntegrationCouponRequest instance;
+ public GetIntegrationCouponRequestTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of GetIntegrationCouponRequest
+ //instance = new GetIntegrationCouponRequest();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of GetIntegrationCouponRequest
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void GetIntegrationCouponRequestInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" GetIntegrationCouponRequest
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a GetIntegrationCouponRequest");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'CampaignIds'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void CampaignIdsTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'CampaignIds'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Limit'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void LimitTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Limit'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectPropsTests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectPropsTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c6c606
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectPropsTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///
+ /// Class for testing IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectProps
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// This file is automatically generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech).
+ /// Please update the test case below to test the model.
+ ///
+ public class IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectPropsTests : IDisposable
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to declare an instance variable for IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectProps
+ //private IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectProps instance;
+ public IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectPropsTests()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to create an instance of IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectProps
+ //instance = new IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectProps();
+ }
+ public void Dispose()
+ {
+ // Cleanup when everything is done.
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test an instance of IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectProps
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectPropsInstanceTest()
+ {
+ // TODO uncomment below to test "IsInstanceOfType" IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectProps
+ //Assert.IsInstanceOfType (instance, "variable 'instance' is a IncreaseAchievementProgressEffectProps");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'AchievementId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AchievementIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'AchievementId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'AchievementName'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void AchievementNameTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'AchievementName'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'ProgressTrackerId'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ProgressTrackerIdTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'ProgressTrackerId'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Delta'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void DeltaTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Delta'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Value'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void ValueTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Value'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'Target'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TargetTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'Target'
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'IsJustCompleted'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void IsJustCompletedTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'IsJustCompleted'
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20013Tests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20013Tests.cs
index 25b5a4b..5155247 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20013Tests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20013Tests.cs
@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ public void InlineResponse20013InstanceTest()
- /// Test the property 'HasMore'
+ /// Test the property 'TotalResultSize'
- public void HasMoreTest()
+ public void TotalResultSizeTest()
- // TODO unit test for the property 'HasMore'
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'TotalResultSize'
/// Test the property 'Data'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20015Tests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20015Tests.cs
index 52c81d7..8722e8e 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20015Tests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20015Tests.cs
@@ -66,14 +66,6 @@ public void HasMoreTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'HasMore'
- /// Test the property 'TotalResultSize'
- ///
- [Fact]
- public void TotalResultSizeTest()
- {
- // TODO unit test for the property 'TotalResultSize'
- }
- ///
/// Test the property 'Data'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20019Tests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20019Tests.cs
index 595d12a..868de16 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20019Tests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20019Tests.cs
@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ public void InlineResponse20019InstanceTest()
- /// Test the property 'TotalResultSize'
+ /// Test the property 'HasMore'
- public void TotalResultSizeTest()
+ public void HasMoreTest()
- // TODO unit test for the property 'TotalResultSize'
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'HasMore'
/// Test the property 'Data'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20021Tests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20021Tests.cs
index c95ff73..c59ae0d 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20021Tests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20021Tests.cs
@@ -66,14 +66,6 @@ public void TotalResultSizeTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'TotalResultSize'
- /// Test the property 'HasMore'
- ///
- [Fact]
- public void HasMoreTest()
- {
- // TODO unit test for the property 'HasMore'
- }
- ///
/// Test the property 'Data'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20022Tests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20022Tests.cs
index 892725f..7efbf62 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20022Tests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20022Tests.cs
@@ -58,20 +58,20 @@ public void InlineResponse20022InstanceTest()
- /// Test the property 'HasMore'
+ /// Test the property 'TotalResultSize'
- public void HasMoreTest()
+ public void TotalResultSizeTest()
- // TODO unit test for the property 'HasMore'
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'TotalResultSize'
- /// Test the property 'TotalResultSize'
+ /// Test the property 'HasMore'
- public void TotalResultSizeTest()
+ public void HasMoreTest()
- // TODO unit test for the property 'TotalResultSize'
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'HasMore'
/// Test the property 'Data'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20024Tests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20024Tests.cs
index 7e50e2b..9941a5e 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20024Tests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20024Tests.cs
@@ -66,6 +66,14 @@ public void HasMoreTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'HasMore'
+ /// Test the property 'TotalResultSize'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void TotalResultSizeTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'TotalResultSize'
+ }
+ ///
/// Test the property 'Data'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20028Tests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20028Tests.cs
index e025f41..4b58a04 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20028Tests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20028Tests.cs
@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ public void InlineResponse20028InstanceTest()
- /// Test the property 'TotalResultSize'
+ /// Test the property 'HasMore'
- public void TotalResultSizeTest()
+ public void HasMoreTest()
- // TODO unit test for the property 'TotalResultSize'
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'HasMore'
/// Test the property 'Data'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20029Tests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20029Tests.cs
index 40a2376..f5c676f 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20029Tests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20029Tests.cs
@@ -57,14 +57,6 @@ public void InlineResponse20029InstanceTest()
- ///
- /// Test the property 'HasMore'
- ///
- [Fact]
- public void HasMoreTest()
- {
- // TODO unit test for the property 'HasMore'
- }
/// Test the property 'TotalResultSize'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20031Tests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20031Tests.cs
index e308dbd..040dcff 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20031Tests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20031Tests.cs
@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ public void InlineResponse20031InstanceTest()
- /// Test the property 'TotalResultSize'
+ /// Test the property 'HasMore'
- public void TotalResultSizeTest()
+ public void HasMoreTest()
- // TODO unit test for the property 'TotalResultSize'
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'HasMore'
/// Test the property 'Data'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20032Tests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20032Tests.cs
index 13b6f6c..865603d 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20032Tests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20032Tests.cs
@@ -66,14 +66,6 @@ public void HasMoreTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'HasMore'
- /// Test the property 'TotalResultSize'
- ///
- [Fact]
- public void TotalResultSizeTest()
- {
- // TODO unit test for the property 'TotalResultSize'
- }
- ///
/// Test the property 'Data'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20033Tests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20033Tests.cs
index 6d6db70..eccd1b0 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20033Tests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20033Tests.cs
@@ -57,6 +57,14 @@ public void InlineResponse20033InstanceTest()
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'HasMore'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void HasMoreTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'HasMore'
+ }
/// Test the property 'TotalResultSize'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20035Tests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20035Tests.cs
index f5fc226..22fdff5 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20035Tests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20035Tests.cs
@@ -57,6 +57,14 @@ public void InlineResponse20035InstanceTest()
+ ///
+ /// Test the property 'HasMore'
+ ///
+ [Fact]
+ public void HasMoreTest()
+ {
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'HasMore'
+ }
/// Test the property 'TotalResultSize'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20039Tests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20039Tests.cs
index 0a3b8f1..ea53b53 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20039Tests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20039Tests.cs
@@ -66,14 +66,6 @@ public void TotalResultSizeTest()
// TODO unit test for the property 'TotalResultSize'
- /// Test the property 'HasMore'
- ///
- [Fact]
- public void HasMoreTest()
- {
- // TODO unit test for the property 'HasMore'
- }
- ///
/// Test the property 'Data'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse2003Tests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse2003Tests.cs
index 1cc4703..61afaac 100644
--- a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse2003Tests.cs
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse2003Tests.cs
@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ public void InlineResponse2003InstanceTest()
- /// Test the property 'TotalResultSize'
+ /// Test the property 'HasMore'
- public void TotalResultSizeTest()
+ public void HasMoreTest()
- // TODO unit test for the property 'TotalResultSize'
+ // TODO unit test for the property 'HasMore'
/// Test the property 'Data'
diff --git a/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20042Tests.cs b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20042Tests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78c1b00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/TalonOne.Test/Model/InlineResponse20042Tests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * Talon.One API
+ *
+ * Use the Talon.One API to integrate with your application and to manage applications and campaigns: - Use the operations in the [Integration API section](#integration-api) are used to integrate with our platform - Use the operation in the [Management API section](#management-api) to manage applications and campaigns. ## Determining the base URL of the endpoints The API is available at the same hostname as your Campaign Manager deployment. For example, if you access the Campaign Manager at `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/`, the URL for the [updateCustomerSessionV2](https://docs.talon.one/integration-api#operation/updateCustomerSessionV2) endpoint is `https://yourbaseurl.talon.one/v2/customer_sessions/{Id}`
+ *
+ *
+ * Contact: devs@talon.one
+ * Generated by: https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator.git
+ */
+using Xunit;
+using System;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using TalonOne.Api;
+using TalonOne.Model;
+using TalonOne.Client;
+using System.Reflection;
+using Newtonsoft.Json;
+namespace TalonOne.Test
+ ///