If you have not done so already, first you need to download the Jigg CCG parser and its models by simply running in the console:
Then, you can run our RTE pipeline on JSeM as:
./ja/emnlp2016exp.sh 3 ja_emnlp2016
With the command above, you will do a problem-wise parallelization using 3 cores, and the results
will be stored in the directory ja_emnlp2016
. To see the results in tabular form, you can do:
cat ja_emnlp2016/plain.results.table
cat ja_emnlp2016/gold.results.table
The first table shows the results using the 1-best CCG tree, and the second table shows the results when using gold CCG trees. You should see something like:
plain | count| accuracy| recall| precision| av.speed|
gq | 337 | .7804 | .6877 | .9681 | 2.31 |
plural | 41 | .5609 | .4193 | .8666 | 1.74 |
adjective | 65 | .6307 | .5714 | .6857 | 1.29 |
verb | 36 | .7500 | .6896 | 1.0000 | .94 |
attitude | 44 | .8636 | .7500 | 1.0000 | 1.43 |
Total | 523 | .7495 | .6541 | .9265 | 1.97 |
gold | count| accuracy| recall| precision| av.speed|
gq | 337 | .9228 | .8959 | .9850 | 2.14 |
plural | 41 | .6829 | .5806 | .9000 | 1.94 |
adjective | 65 | .6769 | .6190 | .7222 | 1.43 |
verb | 36 | .7777 | .7241 | 1.0000 | 1.02 |
attitude | 44 | .8863 | .7916 | 1.0000 | 1.48 |
Total | 523 | .8604 | .8126 | .9494 | 1.90 |
You can see the parsing results in HTML form per section in the newly created ja_emnlp2016
If you want to see the results but do not want to run the experiments, you can
uncompress the tgz file in ja/ja_emnlp2016_results.tgz
and explore the directories and files within.