On this page, you will find:
Day 1
The UNIX Shell and Git
Lessons covered during this session:
Day 1 / Evening
Social event
Day 2
Python \o/
Lessons covered during this session:
- Eventbrite page: http://sc-workshop-freiburg-1.eventbrite.fr
- Website: https://bebatut-edu.github.io/2017-03-09-freiburg/
- Shared pad (read only / will be deleted on August, 2017): https://semestriel.framapad.org/p/r.1e47e748b05e53bee7b61f25c25df46a
Red/Green comments (post-its) results: https://gist.github.com/willdurand/af753d5d84064ce3cac1e1a64d559f2a.
You can download the Jupyter Notebook to reproduce this figure 😉.