If you cannot use ES6, babel, TypeScript, or other "modern" solutions, or if you'd like to write an easy script, then you should use this example.
ESLINT_BIN = ./node_modules/.bin/eslint
$(ESLINT_BIN) eslint --ext .js ./
/*eslint quote-props: [2, "always"], no-magic-numbers: 0 */
'use strict';
// ESLint Configuration Files enables to include comments.
// http://eslint.org/docs/configuring/#comments-in-configuration-files
module.exports = {
'extends': [
// Specify a parser's `ecmaVersion` to disable parsing syntax
// which is newer than ES5.
'parserOptions': {
'ecmaVersion': 5,
'env': {
'browser': true,
// If you'd like to use `Map<K, V>`, `Set<T>`,
// or other objects introduced in ES6 via polyfills,
// Enable this.
// 'es6': true,
// If you'd like to use browserify,
// Enable this.
// 'commonjs': true,
'root': true,
'rules': {
// In the old days' environment, there is no `let a = 0`, or `const a = 0`.
// So we must use `var` instead of them.
'no-var': 0,