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618 lines (532 loc) · 21.8 KB

File metadata and controls

618 lines (532 loc) · 21.8 KB


Json Schema Draft 7 documentation for the JSON model objects used to build the iOS and Android Assessment Models. The AssessmentModel library used by all internally developed assessments considers an assessment to be any measurement, including surveys, that can be run on a mobile device, provided that the library dependencies for a given app are set up to include it. This repository includes the schemas used to define:

Result Archives

Each successfully completed run of an assessment (including surveys) builds and uploads an archive from the mobile device to Bridge services. The archive will include all the files generated by the given run of the assessment.

Metadata File

All archives include the required "metadata.json" file that includes information about the device, assessment schedule, and a manifest of all the other files in the archive.

Primary Assessment Result

Both Android and iOS support archives that include multiple files. This is done to support background recorders, large JSON files, and data that is not JSON-formatted such as MP4 and JPEG. Typically, the archive will also include the primary result file which is a JSON file in the schema defined by the researchers who developed the assessment.

Developer File Name
Sage Bionetworks "assessmentResult.json"
DIAN (Arc) "data.json"

Sage Bionetworks Assessment Categories

  • Surveys: Built using the Researcher UI and available to all apps
  • Motor Control: Commonly referred to as "tapping", "tremor", and "walk & balance"

Building a Survey

Each element in the survey is a Node where the root-level Node must also be a known Assessment type. The AssessmentModel library has only one "type" key defined for an Assessment, but this key must be included in the JSON or the serialization will fail.

  • Note: The terms "node" and "step" are used interchangably within this document and essentially mean the same thing. This is for historical reasons wherein assessments are designed to conform to both the language/syntax used by older frameworks (namely ResearchKit and ResearchStack) and the concept of a node tree that is familiar to developers who did not have to work with those frameworks. For this same reason, "assessments" are also referred to as "tasks" and "surveys". Sorry. - syoung 03/25/2022

Example Survey

Assessment and Section Nodes

At the root level, the "type" should always be an object that conforms the the Assessment interface. A section (ie. branch) node can be used to logically subgroup a collection of child nodes. Typically, surveys do not use branching navigation logic. Both sections and assessments require a list of child nodes, called "steps", that are shown in sequential order to the participant.

Shared Node Keys

Required Keys

All nodes, including the root-level Assessment are required to have a "type" and "identifier" key. The "type" keys supported by the AssessmentModel library are:

  • Node Containers
    • "assessment" : Root level assessment object.
    • "section" : A section (or branch) in the node tree.
  • Instruction Steps
    • "overview" : Typically, this is the first screen shown to the participant as an overview of the assessment.
    • "instruction" : An instruction step includes additional information or instructions for the participant.
    • "completion" : Typically, this is the last step in the assessment and is displayed upon completion.
    • "permission" : This is a special step used to describe a permission required by the assessment.
  • Question Steps
    • "simpleQuestion" : A single input field that can be entered as text.
    • "choiceQuestion" : A question where the participant is asked to select from a list of choices.

Content Information Keys

All nodes may have a title, subtitle, detail, or image.

TODO: syoung 05/17/2022 Add documentation for shared images once we've ironed out what those keys require.

Button Action Keys

A ButtonType is an extensible string enum where the assessment designer associates a give key name with either a requirement to hide the button by including it in the list of "shouldHideActions" strings or modify the default text or icon for the button by including a mapping in the "actions" dictionary. The ButtonType keys supported by the AssessmentModel library are:

  • "goForward" : Navigate to the next step.
  • "goBackward" : Navigate to the previous step.
  • "skip" : Skip the step and immediately go forward.
  • "cancel" : Exit the assessment.
  • "pause" : Pause the assessment. Depending upon the assessment/step, this button may be associated with an action sheet or just pause a timer.
  • "reviewInstructions" : Go back in the assessment and show previously displayed instructions.

For any given step, whether or not there is a button that logically appears, depends upon the values in the "actions" dictionary and "shouldHideActions" list. Button behavior can be set at any level of the node tree. For example the "goBackward" button could be hidden for the entire survey or only hidden for a single node.

For historic reasons going back to ResearchKit and ResearchStack compatibility, the modeling conventions can be a bit confusing. There are two fields within the model that affect the display of buttons within the view. Both of these properties can be defined on any node and are applied to all child nodes if defined on either a section or assessment node.

  "shouldHideActions" : [
  "actions" : {
    "goForward" : {
      "buttonTitle" : "Submit",
      "type" : "default"

Note: These serialization keys and polymorphic types are used extensively within existing JSON code files by both Sage Bionetworks developers and our external partners.

Hiding Buttons

Whether or not a button is displayed can depend upon the logic of a given step. For example, it does not make sense to show a "skip Question" button on an instruction view nor does it make sense to show a "pause" button on either the first or last view in the heirarchy. For steps that would typically display a given button, that button can be hidden by adding it to the "shouldHideActions" array. This array can be used to hide any button whether or not it is good UI/UX practice to do so therefore, choosing to hide a button should be reviewed by design when building an assessment.

Any button included in the "shouldHideActions" array will be hidden for all nodes within an assessment if defined on the assessment or individually if defined on a given node. For example, if the skip button should be hidden for all questions within an assessment, then adding it to the "shouldHideActions" array at the assessment level will do so.

  "type" : "assessment",
  "identifier" : "surveyA",
  "shouldHideActions" : [

Alternatively, if only a single question should hide the skip button, then you can set that by including it on the question.

  "type" : "simpleQuestion",
  "identifier" : "simpleQ1",
  "title" : "Enter some text",
  "shouldHideActions" : [

Note: This is not the same thing as the "optional" property on a question. That field is included for historic reasons to support the work of other UI/UX designers who wanted to be able to differentiate between having the forward button enabled by default or having that button disabled until the question had an answer. The presence or absence of a skip button should instead be set using the "shouldHideActions" property.

Customizing Button Titles

All buttons have a default text or image that is displayed for that button. In certain cases, the model supports changing the default values for these buttons. In practice, the only button that currently supports customization is the "goForward" action which is used to move to the next step.

The "goForward" button is defined in code for the following type keys.

  • "overview" = "Start"
  • "completion" = "Done"

All other customizations are not handled within the code and must be included in the JSON model. For example, changing the last question of a survey to show "Submit" requires adding a "goForward" mapping to the "actions" dictionary for that button. The "type" key on the button action is required and should be "default".

  "type" : "simpleQuestion",
  "identifier" : "simpleQ1",
  "title" : "Enter some text",
  "actions" : {
    "goForward" : {
      "buttonTitle" : "Submit",
      "type" : "default"

Next Step Identifier

Any node may require navigation from that node to another node that is not the next node in the sequential list of "steps" for that node container. This is done using the "nextStepIdentifier" key on that node. The value of that key should be either (a) a reserved keyword or (b) the identifier for the node to jump to.

Reserved keywords:
  • "exit" : Used to indicate that navigation should exit the assessment.
  • "nextSection" : Used to indicate that navigation should continue directly to the next section. This is only applicable when called from within a section node.
  • "beginning" : Used to denote the navigating to the beginning of an assessment.

This field can be used to enforce "what step comes next" independently of the order of the steps in this assessment. The Example Survey shown below includes asking a question and then for all questions, jumping in navigation to the "followupQ" and skipping the other choices of questions.

Instruction Steps

Instruction steps are nodes that show instructions to the participant in some manner. The default view used to display an instruction step can be changed with the "type" key.

Currently, instruction steps can be:

Overview Step

In the survey builder designs this is referred to as the "Title Page". This step should set "type" : "overview" to indicate that the view has implied customizations of:

  • The "goForward" button title is "Start"
  • The "close" button shows an "X" icon rather than the "pause" button with the "||" icon used elswhere.

Instruction Steps

In the survey builder designs this is referred to as a "New Instruction". This step should set "type" : "instruction" to indicate that the view should have standard UI/UX design rules for all buttons.

Permission Steps

The survey builder designs do not reference this step type.

Completion Step

In the survey builder designs this is referred to as the "Completion Screen". This step should set "type" : "completion" to indicate that the view has implied customizations of:

  • There is a big image splash

Additionally, the JSON will be set as follows to match survey builder designs (05/17/2022):

    "type": "completion",
    "identifier": "completion",
    "title": "Well Done!",
    "detail": "Thank you for being part of our survey",
    "actions": {
        "goForward": {
            "buttonTitle": "Exit Survey",
            "type": "default"

Note: The button title, detail, and title must be included in the JSON model because that wording is only appropriate for a survey and this model is designed to support other types of assessments as well as customized language on the final screen.

Question Steps

Question steps ask a question. While Sage Bionetworks mobile developers have in the past supported many different designs for many different kinds of questions, we are attempting to limit these within the AssessmentModel library to the most commonly required types.

Currently questions can be:

Survey Rules

All questions have "surveyRules" which are used to define navigation in response to the answer to the given question. These elements have the following keys:

  • "skipToIdentifier" : The node identifier or reserved keyword to skip to if the rule evaluates to true. (Required)
  • "matchingAnswer" : A value to compare against. Default is null which is used to mark the question as "skipped".
  • "ruleOperator" : A string enum defining the operator for the rule. Default is eq (equals).
    • "eq" : answer == matchingAnswer
    • "ne" : answer != matchingAnswer
    • "lt" : answer < matchingAnswer
    • "gt" : answer > matchingAnswer
    • "le" : answer <= matchingAnswer
    • "ge" : answer >= matchingAnswer

UI Hint

The "uiHint" key can be used to give a hint as to how the UI/UX designer wants to display the question. Within the AssessmentModel library, the following hints are currently recognized:

  • Choice Questions: "checkbox", "radioButton"
  • Number Questions: "textfield", "slider", "likert", "picker"
  • Text Questions: "textfield", "multipleLine"

Simple Questions

      "type" : "simpleQuestion",
      "identifier" : "simpleQ1",
      "title" : "Enter some text",
      "inputItem" : {
        "type" : "string",

A simple question has a single answer that can be converted to/from a text field based on the values defined by the [TextInputItem] (#text-input-item).

Text Input Item

A text entry input defines the primitive json type of an answer ("string", "integer", "number") as well as any validation and formatting required to convert the entered text to/from an answer value. This can include a regular expression, number range, date limits, human biometric, etc. depending upon the type of the object.

Choice Questions

      "type" : "choiceQuestion",
      "identifier" : "multipleChoice",
      "title" : "What are your favorite colors?",
      "detail" : "Choose all that apply",
      "baseType" : "string",
      "singleChoice" : false,
      "choices" : [
        {"value" : "blue", "text" : "blue"},
        {"value" : "red", "text" : "red"},
        {"value" : "green", "text" : "green"},
          "text" : "All of the above",
          "selectorType" : "all"
          "text" : "I don't have any",
          "selectorType" : "exclusive"
      "other" : {
        "type" : "string"

Choice questions are either "singleChoice" or multiple choice. They are required to have a "baseType" which is any valid json primitive ("string", "integer", "number", "boolean") and they are required to have a list of "choices". The "other" field is a text field where the validation requirements are decoded as a [TextInputItem] (#text-input-item).

The choice "value" is the answer to return for that selection. This value should be either null or the same base type as defined by the "baseType" key. The choice "text" is the localized string to display to the participant. The "selectorType" is an enum ("default", "all", "exclusive") that can be used to indicate special selection handling where "exclusive" should deselect all other choices and "all" should select all non-exclusive choices. For a multiple choice question, the answer will be an array of the selected choices. If the only selected value does not have an associated "value", then the array will be empty.

Example Survey

  "type" : "assessment",
  "$schema" : "",
  "identifier" : "surveyA",
  "versionString" : "1.0.0",
  "estimatedMinutes" : 3,
  "copyright" : "Copyright © 2022 Sage Bionetworks. All rights reserved.",
  "title" : "Example Survey A",
  "detail" : "This is intended as an example of a survey with a list of questions. There are no sections and there are no additional instructions. In this survey, pause navigation is hidden for all nodes. For all questions, the skip button should say 'Skip me'. Default behavior is that buttons that make logical sense to be displayed are shown unless they are explicitly hidden.",
  "shouldHideActions" : [
  "actions" : {
    "skip" : {
      "buttonTitle" : "Skip me",
      "type" : "default"
  "steps" : [
      "type" : "overview",
      "identifier" : "overview",
      "title" : "Example Survey A",
      "detail" : "You will be shown a series of example questions. This survey has no additional instructions."
      "type" : "choiceQuestion",
      "identifier" : "choiceQ1",
      "comment" : "Go to the question selected by the participant. If they skip the question then go directly to follow-up.",
      "title" : "Choose which question to answer",
      "surveyRules" : [
          "skipToIdentifier" : "followupQ"
          "matchingAnswer" : 1,
          "skipToIdentifier" : "simpleQ1"
          "matchingAnswer" : 2,
          "skipToIdentifier" : "simpleQ2"
          "matchingAnswer" : 3,
          "skipToIdentifier" : "simpleQ3"
          "matchingAnswer" : 4,
          "skipToIdentifier" : "simpleQ4"
      "baseType" : "integer",
      "singleChoice" : true,
      "choices" : [
          "value" : 1,
          "text" : "Enter some text"
          "value" : 2,
          "text" : "Birth year"
          "value" : 3,
          "text" : "Likert Scale"
          "value" : 3,
          "text" : "Decimal Scale"
      "type" : "simpleQuestion",
      "identifier" : "simpleQ1",
      "nextStepIdentifier" : "followupQ",
      "title" : "Enter some text",
      "inputItem" : {
        "type" : "string",
        "placeholder" : "I like cake"
      "type" : "simpleQuestion",
      "identifier" : "simpleQ2",
      "nextStepIdentifier" : "followupQ",
      "title" : "Enter a birth year",
      "inputItem" : {
        "type" : "year",
        "placeholder" : "1948",
        "formatOptions" : {
          "allowFuture" : false,
          "minimumYear" : 1900
      "type" : "simpleQuestion",
      "identifier" : "simpleQ3",
      "nextStepIdentifier" : "followupQ",
      "title" : "How much do you like apples on a scale of 1 to 5?",
      "uiHint" : "likert",
      "inputItem" : {
        "type" : "integer",
        "formatOptions" : {
          "maximumLabel" : "Very much",
          "maximumValue" : 5,
          "minimumLabel" : "Not at all",
          "minimumValue" : 1
      "type" : "simpleQuestion",
      "identifier" : "simpleQ4",
      "nextStepIdentifier" : "followupQ",
      "title" : "How much do you like apples as a number between 0 and 1?",
      "uiHint" : "slider",
      "inputItem" : {
        "type" : "number",
        "formatOptions" : {
          "maximumLabel" : "Very much",
          "maximumValue" : 1,
          "minimumLabel" : "Not at all",
          "minimumValue" : 0
      "type" : "choiceQuestion",
      "identifier" : "followupQ",
      "comment" : "If the participant selects 'No' then go to 'choiceQ1'",
      "title" : "Are you happy with your choice?",
      "surveyRules" : [
          "matchingAnswer" : false,
          "skipToIdentifier" : "choiceQ1"
      "baseType" : "boolean",
      "singleChoice" : true,
      "choices" : [
          "value" : true,
          "text" : "Yes"
          "value" : false,
          "text" : "No"
      "type" : "choiceQuestion",
      "identifier" : "multipleChoice",
      "title" : "What are your favorite colors?",
      "detail" : "Choose all that apply",
      "baseType" : "string",
      "singleChoice" : false,
      "choices" : [
          "value" : "blue",
          "text" : "blue"
          "value" : "red",
          "text" : "red"
          "value" : "green",
          "text" : "green"
          "value" : "yellow",
          "text" : "yellow"
          "text" : "All of the above",
          "selectorType" : "all"
          "text" : "I don't have any",
          "selectorType" : "exclusive"
      "other" : {
        "type" : "string"
      "type" : "choiceQuestion",
      "identifier" : "favoriteFood",
      "title" : "What are you having for dinner?",
      "surveyRules" : [
          "matchingAnswer" : "pizza",
          "skipToIdentifier" : "completion",
          "ruleOperator" : "ne"
      "baseType" : "string",
      "singleChoice" : true,
      "choices" : [
          "value" : "pizza",
          "text" : "pizza"
          "value" : "sushi",
          "text" : "sushi"
          "value" : "ice cream",
          "text" : "ice cream"
      "other" : {
        "type" : "string"
      "type" : "instruction",
      "identifier" : "pizza",
      "title" : "Mmmmm, pizza..."
      "type" : "completion",
      "identifier" : "completion",
      "title" : "You're done!"