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Qualifier Metrics

Note This metric set represents an early draft and metrics will be updated, added, and removed based on feedback from implementers and the FHIR community.


The metrics outlined below are focused on evaluating the data quality and characteristics of data sets that comply with the FHIR USCDI v1 data subset as described in the FHIR US Core STU4 Implementation Guide (IG) implemented by current EHR systems.

Draft Metrics - Data Quality


[plausibility] Expect Quantitative Observation Value to be in Plausible Range

Denominator resource inclusion:

  • Observation.valueQuantity element is populated
  • Observation.code matches a code with a plausibility range in the OHDSI Data Quality Dashboard definitions
  • Observation.valueQuantity.system is UCUM and Observation.valueQuantity.code is populated

Numerator resource inclusion:


[plausibility] Expect Quantitative Observation Component Value to be in Plausible Range

Denominator resource inclusion:

  • Observation.component.valueQuantity element is populated
  • Observation.component.valueQuantity.system is UCUM and Observation.component.valueQuantity.code is populated
  • Observation.component.code matches a code with a plausibility range in the OHDSI Data Quality Dashboard definitions

Numerator resource inclusion:


[plausibility] Expect Condition Gender to be Plausible


  • The FHIR Patient.gender element represents administrative gender which is not ideal for this purpose. USCDI v2 requires a us-core-birthsex extension, though this will be changing in v3 based on feedback from the clinical community. Epic supports inclusion of a sex-for-clinical-use extension, though it is unclear how often this is populated in production implementations. Qualifier will use the Epic extension preferentially, falling back to the birth sex extension and then administrative gender.

Denominator resource inclusion:

Numerator resource inclusion:


[plausibility] Expect Procedure Gender to be Plausible


Denominator resource inclusion:

Numerator resource inclusion:


[plausibility] Expect Date to be in Plausible Sequence

Date sequence pairs:

Resource Type Date Element Subsequent Resource Type Subsequent Date Element
AllergyIntolerance onsetPeriod.start AllergyIntolerance onsetPeriod.end
AllergyIntolerance onsetPeriod.start AllergyIntolerance recordedDate
Condition onsetPeriod.start OR onsetDateTime Condition abatementDateTime OR abatementPeriod.end
Condition onsetPeriod.start OR onsetDateTime Condition recordedDate
Encounter period.start Encounter period.end
Immunization occurrenceDateTime Immunization recorded
MedicationRequest authoredOn MedicationAdministration effectiveDateTime
Patient birthDate Patient deceasedDateTime

Denominator resource inclusion:

  • Both elements in a date sequence pair are populated

Numerator resource inclusion:

  • Subsequent Date listed in the date sequence pair is earlier than the Date Element (both date elements may be the same)


  • Partial date elements are interpreted as the earliest date possible (e.g., 1999 would be the equivalent of 1999-01-01)
  • Partial Subsequent Date elements are interpreted as the latest date possible (e.g., 1999 would be the equivalent of 1999-12-31)


[plausibility] Expect Date to be During Patient Life

Examine each of the standard date elements.

Denominator resource inclusion:

  • Patient.birthDate is populated along with a date from the date elements table
  • Reference from the resource to a Patient resource in the dataset

Numerator resource inclusion:

  • Patient.birthDate is after a date in the data elements table or Patient.deceasedDateTime is populated and a date in the date elements table is more than threshold_days after the Patient.deceasedDateTime


  • Partial birthDate elements are interpreted as the earliest timestamp possible (e.g., 1999 would be the equivalent of 1999-01-01)
  • Partial date elements are interpreted as the latest date possible when compared to birthDate (e.g., 1999 would be the equivalent of 1999-12-31)
  • Partial date elements are interpreted as the earliest date possible when compared to deceasedDateTime (e.g., 1999 would be the equivalent of 1999-01-01)

Suggested parameters:

  • threshold_days - allowed period after death date, defaults to 30 days


[plausibility] Expect Date to be in Recent Past

Denominator resource inclusion:

Numerator resource inclusion:

  • Any of the populated date elements are before start_date parameter and/or after end_date parameter
  • The status is not entered-in-error
  • For Encounters, the status is not planned


  • Partial date elements are interpreted as the latest date possible when compared to start_date (e.g., 1999 would be the equivalent of 1999-12-31)
  • Partial date elements are interpreted as the earliest date possible when compared to end_date (e.g., 1999 would be the equivalent of 1999-01-01)

Suggested parameters:

  • start_date - a recommended default is 1900-01-01 (arbitrary, but it allows for patients with backdated-to-birth resources, like AllergyIntolerances)
  • end_date - defaults to metric run time


[plausibility] Expect Quantitative Observation Value to Match Common Units

Denominator resource inclusion:

  • Observation.valueQuantity element is populated
  • Observation.code matches a LOINC code with an example unit in the LOINC database

Numerator resource inclusion:

  • Observation.valueQuantity.system is UCUM ( and Observation.valueQuantity.code is populated
  • Observation.valueQuantity.code element does not match a unit in the example unit set for any of the LOINC codes in the Observation.code element. The unit set is computed by grouping UCUM units by type (e.g., volume measures, size measures) and using these groups to expand the sample unit listed in the LOINC database.


[plausibility] Expect Quantitative Observation Component Value to Match Common Units

Denominator resource inclusion:

  • Observation.component.valueQuantity element is populated
  • Observation.componet.code matches a LOINC code with an example unit set in the LOINC database
  • Observation.component.valueQuantity.system is ucum ( and Observation.component.valueQuantity.code is populated

Numerator resource inclusion:

  • Observation.component.valueQuantity.code element is not contained in the example unit set for at least one of the LOINC codes in the Observation.component.code element


[conformance] Expect Element Value to be Unique

Denominator resource inclusion:

Numerator resource inclusion:

  • Resource id element has the same value for more than one resource of a single Resource Type
  • The meta.versionId element is not populated for these resources or has the same value in more than one resource


  • Users may add wish to add other elements to this query which can serve as a base


[conformance] Expect Mandatory US Core Constraints to be Followed

Denominator resource inclusion:

Numerator resource inclusion:

  • One of the mandatory profile elements is missing or a SHALL profile constraint is failing.


  • This metric must at least validate all profile-specific requirements. Ideally, it also validates base FHIR requirements for any fields mentioned by the profile, but that can be on a best-effort basis.


[conformance] Expect Common Terminology Systems to be Populated

Coded elements:

Resource Type Element System
AllergyIntolerance code or
Condition code or or
Device type
DiagnosticReport code
DocumentReference type or
Immunization vaccineCode
Medication code
MedicationRequest medicationCodeableConcept
Observation code
Observation valueCodeableConcept
Procedure code or or or or or

Denominator resource inclusion:

  • Resource type is in coded elements list

Numerator resource inclusion:

  • Element in coded elements list is present and does not have at least one Coding populated with the system specified in the elements list


  • The Procedure list (like all the above lists) is based off a US Core profile. You may notice some small differences in the provided list and version 4 of US Core (namely www. in the CDT URL and https in the HCPCS URL). Later versions of US Core correct the apparent typos in version 4, and this metric uses the corrected URLs.

Suggested parameters:

  • skip_elements - Array of strings in the form of {resource}.{element}


[conformance] Expect Reference Target to be Populated

Reference targets:

Resource Type Element Target Type
AllergyIntolerance patient Patient
Condition subject Patient
Device patient Patient
DiagnosticReport subject Patient
DocumentReference subject Patient
Encounter subject Patient
Immunization patient Patient
MedicationRequest subject Patient
Observation subject Patient
Procedure subject Patient

Denominator resource inclusion:

  • Resource type is in reference targets list

Numerator resource inclusion:

  • Element in reference target list does not have a reference that points at a relative URL for a resource of the specified type (e.g. subject.reference does not start with Patient/)

Suggested parameters:

  • skip_elements - Array of strings in the form of {resource}.{element}


[completeness] Expect Reference Target to be Resolvable when Populated

Reference targets:

Resource Type Element Target Type
AllergyIntolerance patient Patient
AllergyIntolerance encounter Encounter
Condition subject Patient
Condition encounter Encounter
Device patient Patient
DiagnosticReport subject Patient
DiagnosticReport encounter Encounter
DocumentReference subject Patient
DocumentReference context.encounter Encounter
Encounter subject Patient
Immunization patient Patient
Immunization encounter Encounter
MedicationRequest subject Patient
MedicationRequest encounter Encounter
Observation subject Patient
Observation encounter Encounter
Procedure subject Patient
Procedure encounter Encounter

Denominator resource inclusion:

  • Resource type is in reference targets list

Numerator resource inclusion:

  • Each element in reference target list has at least one relative URL reference that does not resolve to a resource of the specified type within the dataset being characterized

Suggested parameters:

  • skip_elements - Array of strings in the form of {resource}.{element}


[completeness] Expect Element to be Populated


  • This overlaps with profile validation - worth keeping?
  • Auto generate from US Core required elements (maybe with warnings on unpopulated "must support" elements)?

Draft Metrics - Data Characterization


[volume] Count of Unique Resources

Stratified by resource type, by detailed category, by status, by year, by month.


[demographics] Count of Patients

Stratified by birth year, by deceased status, by gender, by ethnicity, by race, by status.


  • valueCoding from us-core-race/ombCategory extension is used for race and valueCoding from the us-core-ethnicity/ombCategory extension is used for ethnicity, concatenating the sorted values if there are multiple races listed for an individual patient
  • Deceased status is true if deceasedDateTime is set or deceasedBoolean is true.


[demographics] Count of Deceased Patients

Stratified by gender, by age at death, by status.


  • Patients with a deceasedBoolean element populated as true are included in the query results with a deceased age of NULL
  • Attempt to consider birthDate when calculating the age at death (i.e. not simply year_of_death - year_of_birth).


[demographics] Count of Patients By Zip Code (3 digit)


  • Only include an address if country is USA or no country is populated and the address.postalCode element matches a US zip code pattern (five digits with an optional four digits following a dash)
  • Exclude the set of sparsely populated 3 digit zip codes to be HIPAA compliant, replacing them with 000
  • Prefer use=home, type=physical or both, and a period without an end date. Fallback order for address.use element is temp, work, billing, any


[terminology] Count of Resources by Terminology System

Stratified by resource type, by basic category, by status, by year.


  • This metric will give a sense of what terminology systems are in use over time.
Resource Type Coded Element
AllergyIntolerance code
Condition code
Device type
DiagnosticReport code
DocumentReference type
Encounter class
Encounter type
Immunization vaccineCode
Medication code
MedicationRequest medicationCodeableConcept
Observation code
Observation valueCodeableConcept
Procedure code


[terminology] Count of Resources by Terminology System

Stratified by resource type, by basic category, by status.


  • For CodeableConcept elements, return the count of resources that can be retrieved with each combination of the terminology systems being used (e.g., count of Procedure resources that have a SNOMED CT, count that have an ICD-10 code, and count with either a SNOMED CT code or ICD-10 code since systems may partially overlap).
  • For each element and combination of systems, return the count of resources that also have a text description of the concept.
  • This metric will point to the best set of terminology systems to be used when querying the population, and/or highlight terminology mappings that should be adjusted in the source system or through a transformation step in a data pipeline to improve queryability for specific use cases.
  • Use the same fields as c_system_use


[terminology] Count of Resources by Identifier System

Stratified by resource type.


  • For Identifier elements, return the count of resources that can be retrieved with each combination of the identifier systems being used (e.g., count of patient resources that have a MRN from EHR #1, count that have a MRN from EHR #2, and count with either of those as occurrences may partially overlap).
  • This metric will indicate which identifier systems will be available to match patients and encounters with those in other data extracts.
Resource Type Identifier Element
Patient identifier
Encounter identifier


[terminology] Count of Resources by Coded Value

Stratified by resource type, by basic category, by element, by system, by code.


  • More complete exploration of elements not included here can be done with the open source FHIR Data Census Tool
Resource Type Elements
AllergyIntolerance code, verificationStatus, reaction.manifestation, reaction.severity
Condition code, clinicalStatus, verificationStatus, severity
Device type, status
DocumentReference type, docStatus, status, contentType
Encounter type, reasonCode, dischargeDisposition
Immunization vaccineCode, status
MedicationRequest medicationCodeableConcept, medicationReference.code intent, status, reported
Observation code, valueCodeableConcept, status
Patient identifier (system only to avoid leaking PHI), address.use, address.type, telecom.system, telecom.use
Procedure code, category, status

Suggested parameters:

  • skip_elements - array of '{resource}.{element}' strings with one or more items from the list above


[terminology] Count of Patients per Coded Value

Stratified by resource type, by category, by element, by system, by code.



[terminology] Count of Coded Laboratory Panel Components

Stratified by panel system, by panel code, by component system, by component code.


  • Count of Observation.code values that are referenced from a DiagnosticReport.results array


[terminology] Count of Earliest Use of Coded Value

Stratified by resource type, by category, by element, by system, by code, by year, by month.



[terminology] Count of Latest Use of Coded Value

Stratified by resource type, by category, by element, by system, by code, by year, by month.



[volume] Distribution of Unique Resources per Patient

Stratified by resource type, by detailed category.


  • Include an "all resources" summary entry.
  • Include an "all categories" summary entry for resources that are sliced by category.
  • Include a "no recognized categories" entry for resources that are sliced by category, which counts any records that do not have a category defined from the detailed category list.
  • Useful stats to include:
    • Average resources per patient
    • Max resources among patients
    • Standard deviation of resource count among patients


[volume] Count of Resources with Element Populated


  • Used to verify population of elements needed for specific types of analysis that are not covered by other metrics. More complete exploration can be done with the open source FHIR Data Census Tool.
  • This is kind of a catch-all metric, might be worth removing, but could also be useful to researchers as a base to add their own elements of interest?
Resource Type Element
Observation dataAbsentReason, valueQuantity, valueCodeableConcept, valueString
Condition onsetPeriod.start, onsetDateTime
DocumentReference context.encounter.reference, context.period.start


[temporality] Distribution of Earliest Patient Record

Stratified by year, by month.


  • Record defined as earliest of Encounter, Observation, or MedicationRequest resource


[temporality] Distribution of Latest Patient Record

Stratified by year, by month.


  • Record defined as earliest of Encounter, Observation, or MedicationRequest resource


[temporality] Distribution of Encounter Duration

Stratified by encounter type.


  • Length defined as number of days between Encounter.period.start and Encounter.period.end
  • A start and end date must be populated for a resource to be included in this metric


[demographics] Distribution of Patients By Age at First Encounter

Stratified by gender.


  • Age is based on Patient.birthDate element
  • First encounter is based on Encounter.period.start


[conformance] Distribution of US Core supported fields

Stratified by US Core profile, by every mandatory and must-support field, by status, by year.


  • Flag each field for whether it is present & correctly-defined.
  • The absence of a must-support field could either be the data actually missing upstream, or a lack of support in the EHR. The best we can do is just flag the missing data and the amount of missing fields may surface truths about EHR support.


[condition] Count of Patients with Documented Disease

Stratified by gender, by condition code.



[condition] Percentage of Problem List Items with Supporting Observations

Stratified by condition, by year, by month.


  • This would require clinical input to develop, but the idea is to identify SNOMED codes that could be supported by Observations based on LOINC codes and values. For example, a diabetes / pre-diabetes dx with supporting A1C values, an obesity dx with supporting BMI data, or a hypertension / pre-hypertension dx with supporting bp data.


[structure] Distribution of Resource Count by DateTime Element Precision

Stratified by resource type, by category, by date element, by precision level.

Examine all the standard date elements in addition to these extra elements:

Resource Type Date Element
Device manufactureDate, expirationDate
Medication batch.expirationDate
Patient birthDate, deceasedDateTime


  • DateTime element precision levels are year (YYYY), month (YYYY-MM), day (YYYY-MM-DD), time-seconds (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+zz:zz), and time-milliseconds (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.fff+zz:zz)
  • Date element precision levels are the same with the exception of time-seconds or time-milliseconds


[structure] Distribution of Resource Count by Choice Type Element Populated

Stratified by resource type, by category, by choice element, by choice type.

Choice elements:

Resource Type Element Choices
Patient deceased[x] deceasedDateTime, deceasedBoolean
Observation value[x] valueQuantity, valueCodeableConcept, valueString, component.valueQuantity
Condition onset[x] onsetDateTime, onsetPeriod, onsetRange, onsetString, onsetAge
Condition abatement[x] abatementDateTime, abatementPeriod, abatementRange, abatementString, abatementAge
AllergyIntolerance onset[x] onsetDateTime, onsetPeriod, onsetRange, onsetString, onsetAge
MedicationRequest medication[x] medicationCodeableConcept, medicationReference
MedicationRequest reported[x] reportedBoolean reportedReference
DiagnosticReport effective[x] effectiveDateTime, effectivePeriod


  • These are the choice fields in US Core, but could use the FHIR definitions to create a full list, or could do a more general query based on JSON key prefix (not supported by all databases and potentially slow even where supported)


[structure] Count of attachment metadata

Stratified by status, by content type, by language, by presence of data and/or URL fields, by format (when applicable).

Resource Type Element
DiagnosticReport presentedForm
DocumentReference content


  • This metric counts attachments inside resources and their associated metadata. Most other metrics count resources, but this one is looking at each attachment. Only the status field is taken from the outer resource.
  • Normalize content types for better comparison.
    • Strip off extra info like charset information (e.g. text/plain; charset=utf8) since the primary focus here is on available MIME types.
    • Convert to lowercase, since MIME types are case-insensitive.
  • Only DocumentReference has a format field associated with the attachment.


[structure] Count of resources by attachment content types

Stratified by status, by year. by content types, by document type, by document status (when applicable).

Resource Type Attachment Element Document Type Element
DiagnosticReport presentedForm code
DocumentReference content type


  • Normalize content types for better comparison.
    • Strip off extra info like charset information (e.g. text/plain; charset=utf8) since the primary focus here is on available MIME types.
    • Convert to lowercase, since MIME types are case-insensitive.
  • If a resource has multiple content types, present them all.
    • Remove duplicates (a resource might have the same content type in multiple languages).
    • Sort multiple content types in ascending alphabetical order.
  • If neither data nor url fields are present in an attachment, that means there is no content available for the given content type & language. Thus, you should skip that attachment when surfacing content types. (See the att-1 constraint for Attachments.)
  • Only DocumentReference has a docStatus field.


Many metrics will require stratification by date or category or resource type. Here is implementation guidance for how to do that.

By Resource

Implementations must support at least these minimum types, but can choose to support more.

Resource Type

By Date

Take the stratification date from these fields in order. This prefers "interaction with health system" dates, then administrative dates like issued, then finally best-effort start dates like onsetDateTime.

If a Period is listed, look at both start and end date, in that order.

Resource Type Date Element
AllergyIntolerance recordedDate, onsetDateTime, onsetPeriod
Condition recordedDate, onsetDateTime, onsetPeriod, abatementDateTime, abatementPeriod
Device NA
DiagnosticReport effectiveDateTime, effectivePeriod, issued
DocumentReference context.period, date
Encounter period
Immunization occurrenceDateTime, recorded
Medication NA
MedicationRequest authoredOn
Observation effectiveDateTime, effectivePeriod, effectiveInstant, issued
Patient NA
Procedure performedDateTime, performedPeriod

By Status

Stratifying by status is often useful for ignoring entered-in-error resources or otherwise finding patterns in resource lifecycles.

Resource Type Status Element Status System
AllergyIntolerance verificationStatus
Condition verificationStatus
Device status
DiagnosticReport status
DocumentReference status
Encounter status
Immunization status
Medication status
MedicationRequest status
Observation status
Patient active
Procedure status

By Basic Category

Some systems below have codes in parentheses after the system URL. That means that you need only look for that specific code in the system. For example, if a Condition.category has a SNOMED system but a 12345678 code, you can treat it as an unrecognized system & code.

Resource Type Category Element Category System
AllergyIntolerance NA NA
Condition category (health-concern) and and (16100001)
Device NA NA
DiagnosticReport NA NA
DocumentReference NA NA
Encounter NA NA
Immunization NA NA
Medication NA NA
MedicationRequest NA NA
Observation category
Patient NA NA
Procedure NA NA

By Detailed Category

Some systems below have codes in parentheses after the system URL. That means that you need only look for that specific code in the system. For example, if a Condition.category has a SNOMED system but a 12345678 code, you can treat it as an unrecognized system & code.

Resource Type Category Element Category System
AllergyIntolerance category biologic, environment, food, medication
Condition category (health-concern) and and (16100001)
Device NA NA
DiagnosticReport category (LP29684-5, LP29708-2, LP7839-6) and (LAB)
DocumentReference category
Encounter type and
Immunization NA NA
Medication NA NA
MedicationRequest category
Observation category
Patient NA NA
Procedure NA NA

By US Core v4 Profile

Some resources have multiple profiles that apply to them. Here is guidance on how to determine which profile to apply to a given resource in those cases.

When detecting a profile, look only for the provided detection rule. For example, Body Height resources should have both a 8302-2 LOINC code and a vital-signs category. But when checking validation, a resource might have the right code but be missing the category. It should still be detected as a Body Height resource (a non-compliant one!) in that case.

Resource Type Profile Detection Rule
AllergyIntolerance AllergyIntolerance NA
Condition Condition NA
Device Implantable Device NA*
DiagnosticReport DiagnosticReport Lab Has a LAB category
DiagnosticReport DiagnosticReport Note Has no LAB category
DocumentReference DocumentReference NA
Encounter Encounter NA
Immunization Immunization NA
Medication Medication NA
MedicationRequest MedicationRequest NA
Observation Blood Pressure Has a 85354-9 LOINC code
Observation BMI Has a 39156-5 LOINC code
Observation Body Height Has a 8302-2 LOINC code
Observation Body Temperature Has a 8310-5 LOINC code
Observation Body Weight Has a 29463-7 LOINC code
Observation Head Circumference Has a 9843-4 LOINC code
Observation Heart Rate Has a 8867-4 LOINC code
Observation Observation Lab Has a laboratory category
Observation Pediatric BMI for Age Has a 59576-9 LOINC code
Observation Pediatric Head Occipital-frontal Circumference Percentile Has a 8289-1 LOINC code
Observation Pediatric Weight for Height Observation Has a 77606-2 LOINC code
Observation Pulse Oximetry Has a 59408-5 LOINC code
Observation Respiratory Rate Has a 9279-1 LOINC code
Observation Smoking Status Has a 72166-2 LOINC code
Observation Vital Signs Has a vital-signs category
Patient Patient NA
Procedure Procedure NA

* Since it is difficult to restrict to only the implantable devices, this may be "noisy" and include non-implantable devices too.