Leaflet integration for Symfony UX Map.
You can use the LeafletOptions
class to configure your Map
use Symfony\UX\Map\Bridge\Leaflet\LeafletOptions;
use Symfony\UX\Map\Bridge\Leaflet\Option\TileLayer;
use Symfony\UX\Map\Point;
use Symfony\UX\Map\Map;
$map = (new Map())
->center(new Point(48.8566, 2.3522))
$leafletOptions = (new LeafletOptions())
->tileLayer(new TileLayer(
url: 'https://tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
attribution: '© <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a>',
options: [
'minZoom' => 5,
'maxZoom' => 10,
// Add the custom options to the map
Below are some common or advanced use cases when using a map.
A common use case is to customize the marker. You can listen to the ux:map:marker:before-create
event to customize the marker before it is created.
Assuming you have a map with a custom controller:
{{ ux_map(map, {'data-controller': 'my-map' }) }}
You can create a Stimulus controller to customize the markers before they are created:
// assets/controllers/my_map_controller.js
import {Controller} from "@hotwired/stimulus";
export default class extends Controller
connect() {
this.element.addEventListener('ux:map:marker:before-create', this._onMarkerBeforeCreate);
disconnect() {
// Always remove listeners when the controller is disconnected
this.element.removeEventListener('ux:map:marker:before-create', this._onMarkerBeforeCreate);
_onMarkerBeforeCreate(event) {
// You can access the marker definition and the Leaflet object
// Note: `definition.rawOptions` is the raw options object that will be passed to the `L.marker` constructor.
const { definition, L } = event.detail;
// Use a custom icon for the marker
const redIcon = L.icon({
// Note: instead of using a hardcoded URL, you can use the `extra` parameter from `new Marker()` (PHP) and access it here with `definition.extra`.
iconUrl: 'https://leafletjs.com/examples/custom-icons/leaf-red.png',
shadowUrl: 'https://leafletjs.com/examples/custom-icons/leaf-shadow.png',
iconSize: [38, 95], // size of the icon
shadowSize: [50, 64], // size of the shadow
iconAnchor: [22, 94], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location
shadowAnchor: [4, 62], // the same for the shadow
popupAnchor: [-3, -76] // point from which the popup should open relative to the iconAnchor
definition.rawOptions = {
icon: redIcon,
When using Webpack Encore with the Leaflet bridge, you may encounter the following error:
Module build failed: Module not found:
"./node_modules/.pnpm/file+vendor+symfony+ux-leaflet-map+assets_@[email protected][email protected]/node_modules/@symfony/ux-leaflet-map/dist/map_controller.js" contains a reference to the file "leaflet/dist/leaflet.min.css".
This file can not be found, please check it for typos or update it if the file got moved.
Entrypoint app = runtime.67292354.js 488.0777101a.js app.b75294ae.css app.0975a86d.js
webpack compiled with 1 error
ELIFECYCLE Command failed with exit code 1.
That's because the Leaflet's Stimulus controller references the leaflet/dist/leaflet.min.css
which exists on jsDelivr (used by the Symfony AssetMapper component),
but does not in the leaflet
npm package.
The correct path is leaflet/dist/leaflet.css
, but it is not possible to fix it because it would break compatibility
with the Symfony AssetMapper component.
As a workaround, you can configure Webpack Encore to add an alias for the leaflet/dist/leaflet.min.css
'leaflet/dist/leaflet.min.css': 'leaflet/dist/leaflet.css',