A cli tool (written in Rust) for Floccus
- Sync backend: git (create an issue for other backend)
cargo install --locked --git https://github.com/sydhds/floccus_cli.git
cargo uninstall floccus-cli
- Setup Floccus and setup sync with a git repository
- Init floccus-cli config file:
- Using git https url + token (with write access):
- floccus-cli -g https://github.com/_USERNAME_/_REPO_NAME_.git -t _GITHUB__TOKEN init
- Using git ssh url:
- floccus-cli -g ssh://git@github.com/USERNAME/REPO_NAME.git init
- Using git https url + token (with write access):
- floccus-cli print
- floccus-cli add -b https://example.com -t "Example www site" -u after=3
- Add a bookmark after a given id (folder or bookmark)
- floccus-cli add -b https://example.com -t "Example www site" -u after=3 --disable-push
- Add a bookmark in a given folder id (append)
- floccus-cli add -b https://example.com -t "Example www site" -u 2 --disable-push
- floccus-cli add -b https://example.com -t "Example www site" -u append=2 --disable-push
- Add a bookmark in a given folder id (prepend)
- floccus-cli add -b https://example.com -t "Example www site" -u prepend=2 --disable-push
- Remove a bookmark using a given id
- floccus-cli rm -i 14 --disable-push
- floccus-cli find "FOO"
- floccus-cli find --bookmark "FOO"
- floccus-cli find --bookmark --title "FOO"
- Verbose mode: RUST_LOG=debug floccus-cli print
All contributions, code, feedback and strategic advice, are welcome. If you have a question you can open an issue on the repository.
- cargo doc --lib -p floccus-xbel
MPL-2.0 (see LICENSE)