- Nothing changed yet.
- Bugfix date calculation CSV booking import.
- Remove address change for Grimmlings.
- Add email variable to every letter.
- Fix deletion of keys and keylists.
- Add attachments to keylist keys.
- Switch Arbeitsstunden from 10 € to 25 €.
- Fix a bug in calculating the energy value.
- Add CSV import view for bookings.
- Allow special text in Energieabrechnung for disconnected energymeters.
- Add assignemnt todos.
- Remove "Kontoinhaber" from Beitrittserklärung.
- Add new and remove old users after new Vorstand was elected.
- Add category to depot items.
- Only add direct debit members to Mitgliedsbeitrag.
- Check iban of members when generating SEPA export.
- Bugfix: Calculation of energy value with advanced pay.
- Move SEPA XML generate to python-sepaxml library.
- Improve excel energy list export.
- Download map svg instead of pdf as pdf is broken.
- Fix filename of finances report (contained static year 2018).
- Remove dummy test code in xslx export of energy meters.
- Bugfix export and import of electicity new format.
- Bugfix display of semi html mails.
- Add non-members to energy meter export.
- Add membership fee data to mail data.
- Fix brown bag release.
- Fix map download view a little bit.
- Update sentry integration.
- Add new calculation for membership fee.
- Change address of Leuna Bungalow-Gemeinschaft.
- Improve energy billing procedure.
- Bugfix pyramid 2 update.
- Upgrade to pyramid 2.0.
- Remove dashboard.
- Move to private Pypi https://pypi.wehrmann.it.
- Add passive allotments to member vcard export.
- Add delete option to external recipients.
- Auto-fill Mitgliedsantrag and Lastschrifteinzug. (#21)
- Add german date formatting and sorting.
- Filter calendar events for organization ID. (#10)
- Show members bithdays in calendar. (#10)
- Bugfix deletion of some events.
- Small improvements and bugfixes.
- Add Termine page download for Info-Brief. (#10)
- Fix netatmo weather retrieval.
- Add ics export of calendar events. (#10)
- Fix parsing of german dates.
- Render SEPA-Lastschriften into calendar automagically. (#10)
- Implement a calendar. (#10)
- Bugfix edit active members with multiple allotments. (#12)
- Add attachment upload to members. (#11)
- Add filename to protocol attachments. (#16)
- Fix display of double bungalows in Map.
- Add active and passive members (#12)
- Add "Wirtschaftsplan" to the Konto-Typen View.
- Display all external recipients.
- Minor bugfixes.
- Remove some chars from iban when sending electricity mails.
- Add phone, note and organization to external recipients and members.
- Add ah signature.
- Small bugfix importing SEPA-Sammler.
- Add Zählerwechsel for Steinmüller.
- Fix Zählernummer for Schiffmann (222).
- Remove members, that already left the club, from the CalDAV export. (#20)
- Improve contrast in disabled textarea fields. (#14)
- FinTS-Integration now logs an error if a TAN is required.
- Fix brown bag release.
- Bugfix: No longer raise NotImplemented in bulletins.
- Add phone and mobile to form letter / mail.
- Integrate SEPA-Sammelüberweisung into SEPA-Sammler.
- Add map attachment to parcels.
- Add XML export of SEPA wire transfers.
- Fix import of energy values.
- Add Zählerwechsel for Dr. Helbig.
- Begin adding attachments to parcels.
- Add sourcemap for javascript code.
- Use sentry in frontend for error reporting.
- Add product_id to FinTS connection for better compatability with PSD2.
- Integrate sentry for better error reporting.
- Fixed some UI bugs.
- Update fints client to get fetching transactions working after PSD2.
- Add Zählerwechsel for Dr. Kern.
- Improve the creation of SEPA XML.
- Improve the import/export of energy values.
- Send a summary per mail with the key values of the Energieabrechnung.
- No longer show old members in Mitgliedskonten.
- Clean up external recipients by hiding this without an address to the public.
- Display user and edit date on email attachments.
- Remove double whitespace in mails.
- Allow pdf files as attachments to protocols.
- No longer send HTML mails, instead attach the content as pdf.
- Remove exception when logout view is called without being logged in.
- Add tendency to dashboard data.
- Add dashboard.
- Use pool_pre_ping=True to fix terminating connection due to administrator command ecxeption in sqlalchemy.
- Save historical netatmo weather data in database.
- Update some dependencies to current release versions.
- Update energy mail contents to newest version.
- Fix energie value calculation if old calculations have no value.
- Fix sending mails with attachments that have unicode characters in filename.
- Add Datum column to account report.
- Fix a table rendering bug when a cell is empty.
- Fix brown bag release.
- Set value per member to 75,- € beginning 2019.
- Add value_last_year to Energieabrechnung.
- Add pdf export of virtual banking accounts.
- Made sure SEPA-SAMMLERS are not imported if no SEPASammlerEntry is specified.
- Bugfix: If member has multiple electic meters, energieabrechnung bookings where added for just one of them.
- Bugfix: If member has multiple electic meters, advanced pay bookings where added for just one of them.
- Update to pyramid 1.9.2.
- Increase mimetype field for depot uploads.
- Fix value format in XML SEPA export.
- Add option to reprint sent messages.
- Update badges.
- Add integration to circleci 2 and codeclimate.
- Remove auth config from radicale as its moved to the nginx server.
- Make sure radicale does only bind to localhost.
- Fix radicale server startup.
- Remove app-init stuff which was needed by the heroku nginx buildpack.
- Update netatmo client and scope it to only read station data.
- Retrieve banking credentials from pyramid settings instead of from the environment.
- Add compiled frontend code into package.
- Fix install requirements to be able to install them only from pypi.
- Prepare package for the first release on Pypi.
- Print firstname in the signature of letters.
- Print firstname in the signature of mails.
- Fix length validator if value is None.
- Fix import of Rechnungen. Be more verbose if import is broken.
- Fix tests.
- Fix brown bag release.
- Increase time to look back when importing transactions.
- Add validation to most of the form fields.
- Dont save messages sent via application in inbox.
- Show waste water list in application.
- Show property tax b list in application.
- Show energy price values.
- Add [email protected] as CC if mail is sent to just one recipient.
- Fix bug in assigment update form.
- Remove SW from Ende in protocols.
- Add protocol attachment delete view.
- Add member add form.
- Add empty title to external recipients.
- Add a mask icon which gets rendered in Safari pinned tabs.
- Prepare Energieabrechnung 2017.
- Add access for eberhard kietz as Behoerdenbeauftragter.
- Use mt-940 egg instead of checkout as changes are released now.
- Dont be too strict when rendering PDFs.
- Make protocoll details more robust against wrong user input.
- Repair tests.
- Allow adding MS Word documents and images to mails as attachments.
- Fix bug in generating frontend sources.
- Updated frontend libraries.
- Energieabrechnung is now a ful integrated workflow.
- Fix inbound webhook special date.
- Just retrieve bookings from the last 7 days.
- Add missing frontend images.
- Fix postmark inbound webhook if attachment has a long mimetype.
- No longer raise Exception if SentMessageInfo is non as this results in recursive errors.
- No longer raise Exception if SentMessageInfo is non as this results in recursive errors.
- Fix syntax error in portal.ini.
- Send exceptions per mail.
- Update pyramid to version 1.9.1.
- Add HTML parser for incoming mail.
- Add signature for hs.
- Add fallback if netatmo API is not working.
- Repair download of protocol attachments after upgrade to Python 3.6.
- Decrease font size of bulletins from 20pt to make room for more content.
- Fix duplicate import of SAMMLER-LS.
- Fix import of SAMMLER-LS.
- Change Vorsitzender in all letters to the current one.
- Look wider in the history when retrieving fints items.
- Add new users Andreas Mielke and Constanze Seyfert.
- Use babel to format currencies and translate datetimes OS independent.
- Revert back to localized datime and currency formatting as problems on heroku side are solved.
- Update to Pyramid 1.8.4.
- Use the python library fints to replace the old aqbanking script.
- Add a reply view for messages.
- Use pytest-catchlog in favor of pytest-capturelog which is no longer maintained.
- Switch to XSLX export for Zählerstände and Einladungsliste MV.
- Fixed download of Betritt and Lastschrift.
- Fix member edit for after switch to Python3.
- Add more debugging output for delivery webhook.
- Fix error if no IP was sent in Postmark webkook.
- Add mail inbox and split old mail view into sent and drafts.
- Bump python version from Python 2.7 to Python 3.6. 3.6
- Bump all versions of packages to the newest ones.
- Fix tests on circleCI.
- Add upport for delivery postmark webhook.
- Add postmark inbound webhook.
- Readd codecov upload (JS) as its no longer broken for circleci.
- No longer display members and users from different organizations in dropdowns.
- Remove codecov upload (JS) as its broken for circleci.
- Fix a bug in deployment process.
- Set member Beitrag to 65,- EUR.
- Increase proxy cache so that the map renders correctly.
- Fix a bug where mails were sent to people in the wrong organization.
- Fix segmentation fault during transaction import.
- No longer reimport transaction before 2017.
- Fix access to other vcf addressbook data.
- Add organization name to vcf addressbook data.
- Support multiple organizations when writing vcf addressbook data.
- Add birthday to members.
- Add script to import members from CSV.
- Also display rain info of the last 24h.
- Improve visual appearance of current temperature.
- Fix some more display bugs on mobile devices.
- Fix a display bug on mobile devices.
- Display current temperature in dashboard.
- Rollback readonly mode as it is not working correctly.
- Switch DAV to readonly mode.
- Debug non starting CardDAV server.
- Debug non starting CardDAV server.
- Fix tests.
- Add CardDAV-Server that serves member data for CardDAV clients.
- Update webserver for letsencrypt authentication.
- Minor tweaks to the build process.
- Repair release.
- Update webserver for letsencrypt authentication.
- Bugfix while importing splitted Sammler.
- Bugfix: Dont break if no city is given.
- Bugfix: Silence "Zeile markieren" error.
- Bugfix assignment hours billing.
- Update bank information.
- Add support for the postmark bounce webhook.
- Fix the message tag format.
- Display the mail status in a seperate table.
- Fix the timezone of the opened date received by postmark.
- Use tag instead if Message-ID to get the right message from DB.
- Bugfix release.
- Make sure that Postmark keeps the Message-ID Header.
- Raise a more readable error if tracking status sent by postmark cannot be saved.
- Save the open tracking status for messages sent via postmark in db.
- Add new view to show, where a member made is assignments.
- Prepare update to letsencrypt certificate again.
- Prepare update to letsencrypt certificate.
- Fix import bug, that different members might have the same iban.
- Bugfix for the duplicate booking fix. (#24)
- Fix duplicate bookings. (#24)
- Fix SEPA export for Energieabrechnung.
- Finalize the new energy billing procedure.
- Improve handling of import and calculation of energy values.
- Add booking details views. (#6)
- Bugfix: Repair automatic account import after changes from #16.
- Bugfix: Repair automatic account import after changes from #16.
- No longer remove duplicate log entries.
- Add information about tap water on parcels. (#21)
- Fixed a bug that prevented load of MemberAccountDetailList after #16.
- Massively improved performance by removing bleach clean on every rendered text item.
- Move insert_due_for_membership_fee entry point to a view accessable from UI. (#3)
- Move calculate_energy_values entry point to a view accessable from UI. (#3)
- Its now possible to add different organizations. (#16)
- Minor code clean up.
- Bugfix in fetching transactions from bank. (#10)
- Add attachments for keylists. (#18)
- Add text/plain part in emails. (#20)
- Fix security problem. (#10)
- Update Rollbar integration.
- Start adding OpenCV support.
- Max upload size increased to 10MB.
- Styling fixes.
- Introduce view based security via database. Access to any view can now be authorized to single users via a new admin interface.
- Minor bugfixes.
- Add keylist module.
- Improve the load times of the home view.
- Add view that display sale history since 2016.
- Moved letter Energieabrechnung and Fehlende Arbeitsstunden to mail.
- Removed formletter module.
- Repair member account details view after changes to SEPASammler.
- Add view that automatically generates SEPASammler entries for a SEPASammler.
- Add view to export the new SEPASammler to Sparkasse XML.
- Prepare sepa sammler import.
- Begin refactoring the SEPA Sammler views.
- Export email address in MV entrance list.
- Export comment to energy meter list if discounted to a third person.
- Add view to export MV entrance list.
- Improved export of energy meters.
- Use printed date for later downloads of already sent messages.
- Add some more fields to member edit form. (#4)
- Add member edit form. (#4)
- Improved Zaehler-Export:
- Show the standings of the last 2 years.
- Dont export the Satellitenanlage virtual Zaehler.
- Permanently fix a bug with sending to big emails via repoze.sendmail.
- Change XML downloads to ZIP downloads to be compatible to iOS browsers.
- Allow HTML tables in forms e.g. for Tagesordnung.
- Added seperate views for AdvancePayDownload I and II.
- Add new access group 'Revisionskommission', which has read only access to electricity and finances.
- Title and appellation for external recipients where inverted.
- Bugfix: Preview should render pdf of all recipients, not just those without an email address.
- Add buttons for CSV download and print to every datatable.
- Bugfix: Dont try to send emails to post addresses, stupid!
- Bugfix: Allow german float format for assignment attendee hours. (re #11)
- Added firstname to available variables for greetings in messages.
- Allow customization of the greeting line in messages.
- Repair Mail-UI sending messages no longer returns an error. (#9)
- Allow adding multiple recipients in Mail.
- Update Vorsitzenden to Annette Rösler in mail and print footer.
- Add signature of Annette Rösler.
- Explicitely save objects on add to the database. This should prevent the randomly occurring AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__acl__'. (https://rollbar.com/sw-allotmentclub/sw-allotmentclub/items/12/)
- Allow Google Chrome to restore saved username/password to login form.
- Add SEPA Sammler für Energieabschlag I and Mitgliedsbeitrag 2016.
- Bugfix: Repair add/edit form of protocols and assignment attendees, which broke due to an API change in ajja form library that was not handled correctly.
- Use new form library ajja which is the successor of gocept.jsform.
- Allow sending messages to external recipients which are not members of the allotmentclub.
- Set DateStyle on Database as the fix from 1.4.8 did not work unfortunately.
- Explicitely set DateStyle for postgresql to fix changing dates in postgres db.
- Only log successful bank imports if transactions were imported.
- Begin cleaning up code base.
- Add Rollbar integration. Now every exception in frontend or backend is captured.
- Fixed a bug with the auto source reload feature.
- Members that sold their allotments should not have to pay advance electricity costs.
- Fixed BIC of Andre Hartmann which broke the Saalesparkasse SEPA importer.
- Try to auto reload frontend sources if version does not match.
- Make this Changelog accessable in frontend.
- Fix tests to allow deployment.
- Ease postgresql development setup.
- Add logging for booking import.
- Update requirements to newest versions.
- Bugfix: Readd pyramid_tm to repair transaction management.
- Make the import bankings work.
- Add aqbanking as a buildpack.
- Use epoll/kqueue as nginx connection method on supported systems.
- Use shield style for CircleCi token.
- Add code coverage reports for frontend code.
- No longer send emails bcc to [email protected].
- Provide an aqbanking binary for testing first.
- Fix development setup to have grunt and py.test in the monorepo root.
- Initialize app with nginx correctly.
- Finally repair deployment.
- Repair deployment again.
- Repair deployment again.
- Repair deployment.
- Remove buildout form deployment.
- Add static page content and nginx config for http://www.roter-see.de.
- Added icon to verify SSL grade.
- Add code coverage and icon to measure coverage.
- Add relic application messurements.
- Update DB config.
- Fix map tests.
- Fix nginx server config.
- Remove depencency to rsvg-convert.
- Enable Mail on Heroku.
- Update build to use pip to install requirements.
- Prepare releasing to Heroku.
- Add CI badge in footer.
- Write tests in py.test and jasmine.
- Move from mercurial to github.
- Fix filename ending for depot downloads.
- Implement sorting for kilowatthours.
- Add view for allotment sale from one member to another.
- Allow specifying an account holder different from owner of allotment for direct debit.
- Fix duplicate names in map view.
- Improve rendering of version mismatch error message. Add hint what to do to get rid of this message.
- Updated form library to newest major version (gocept.jsform == 3.0.0)
- Began writing Changelog.
- Add version check between client and server to make sure client uses newest software version available.
- Add automatic import from banking account.