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CardConnect for Craft Commerce

This plugin provides a CardConnect integration for Craft Commerce.


This plugin requires Craft CMS 3.1.0 and Commerce 2.0.0 or later.


You can install this plugin from the Plugin Store or with Composer.

From the Plugin Store

Go to the Plugin Store in your project's Control Panel and search for CardConnect for Craft Commerce. Then click on the Install button in its modal window.

With Composer

  1. Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:

    cd /path/to/project
  2. Tell Composer to load the plugin:

    composer require jmauzyk/commerce-cardconnect
  3. In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the Install button for CardConnect for Craft Commerce; or tell Craft to install the plugin:

    ./craft install/plugin commerce-cardconnect


CardConnect API Credentials

You will receive production API credentials including a username, password, merchant ID, and endpoint from CardConnect when you create an account. For test credentials and test card numbers, see the CardConnect Support Center.

Adding a CardConnect Gateway

Go to Commerce → System Settings → Gateways and click the New Gateway button. Set the gateway type to CardConnect, fill in your test or production API credentials, and save.

Payment Forms

After installing and configuring the gateway, form fields will submit a transaction to CardConnect.

Default Payment Form

The basic Commerce payment form can be output using the following line of code.

{{ cart.gateway.getPaymentFormHtml({})|raw }}

As of v1.3.0, payment forms generated using getPaymentFormHtml() will use tokenized card numbers by default via CardConnect's Hosted iFrame Tokenizer. To change the tokenization method or revert to using clear text card numbers, select the appropriate Tokenization configuration under the gateway's settings. Per CardConnect's documentation it is strongly recommended that you tokenize the clear text card data before passing it into a request.

Custom Payment Form

If additional customization is needed, custom payment forms can be used so long as they include inputs for the following attributes:

  • firstName
  • lastName
  • An account number in the form of:
    • Clear text card number
    • CardSecure token
  • An expiration date in the form of:
    • Individual month and year
    • Combined expiry (MM/YYYY)
  • cvv

To use iframe tokenization with custom payment forms, use the following line of code to output the hosted iframe tokenizer with an accompanying hidden number input. Be sure to include your own JS event handler like the Primary Payment Page Event Listener shown in the Hosted iFrame Tokenizer documentation.

{{ cart.gateway.getIframeNumberInput()|raw }}

To use CardSecure API tokenization with custom payment forms, use the code below as a basis. Element id and name attributes must be as shown in order to work with the tokenizer javascript.

<!-- Card Number -->
    <input type="tel" id="cc-cardNumber" name="cardNumber" value="">
    <input type="hidden" id="cc-number" name="number" value="">

<!-- Expiry -->
    <select id="cc-month" name="month">
        <!-- options... -->
    <select id="cc-year" name="year">
        <!-- options... -->

    <!-- OR -->

    <input type="text" id="cc-expiry" name="expiry" value="">

<!-- CVV -->
    <input type="tel" id="cc-cvv" name="cvv" value="">

<!-- Tokenizer JS -->
    {% do view.registerAssetBundle("jmauzyk\\commerce\\cardconnect\\web\\assets\\cardsecurepaymentform\\CardSecurePaymentFormAsset") %}
    {% js %}initTokenizer('{{ gateway.getApiSubdomain() }}');{% endjs %}

To speed up tokenization performance, it's recommended to use code similar to below to preconnect or dns-prefetch before the tokenization is called.

{% set subdomain = gateway.getApiSubdomain() %}
{% set apiUrl = 'https://' ~ subdomain ~ '' %}
{% do view.registerLinkTag({rel: 'preconnect', href: apiUrl}) %}
{% do view.registerLinkTag({rel: 'dns-prefetch', href: apiUrl}) %}

Hosted iFrame Tokenizer Customization

The hosted iframe's appearance and functionality can modified using:

  • srcParams — An array containing optional parameters passed with the iframe src URL
  • options — An array containing attributes for constructing the iframe tag

Below is an example of how you can customize the default payment form and tokenized number input. All CSS will have unnecessary whitespace removed and be correctly encoded for the iframe tag. See the Hosted iFrame Tokenizer documentation for a full reference of optional parameters and whitelisted CSS properties.

{% set css %}
    body {
        margin: 0;

    input {
        border: 1px solid #ccc;
        border-radius: 0;
        color: #333;

    input:focus {
        border-color: #09c;

    .error, .error:focus {
        border-color: #c00;
        color: #c00;
{% endset %}
{% set srcParams = {
    formatinput: 'true',
    invalidinputevent: 'true',
    css: css
} %}
{% set options = {
    height: '42'
} %}

{# To output default payment form with customization... #}
{{ cart.gateway.getPaymentFormHtml({srcParams: srcParams, options: options})|raw }}

{# To output tokenized number input with customization... #}
{{ gateway.getIframeNumberInput(srcParams, options)|raw }}

Custom User Fields

The CardPointe Gateway API supports custom user fields in authorization requests that can be recalled later. These custom values can be populated using the UserFieldsEvent:

use jmauzyk\commerce\cardconnect\events\UserFieldsEvent;
use jmauzyk\commerce\cardconnect\gateways\Gateway;
use yii\base\Event;

    function (UserFieldsEvent $e) {
        $order = $e->order;

        $e->userFields = [
            'note' => $order->note ?? '',
            // ...