From 0ed209229619fe4a4352ba0590b8ec6c652015d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: surfer190 Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2023 21:26:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/8] Add code to get all release download links --- releases.csv | 382 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 127 +++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 509 insertions(+) create mode 100644 releases.csv create mode 100644 diff --git a/releases.csv b/releases.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12f0861 --- /dev/null +++ b/releases.csv @@ -0,0 +1,382 @@ +artists,title,link +Lofi Records,1 A.M Chill Session, +Lofi Records,1 Am. Study Session, +Lofi Records,12 Am. Study Session, +Lofi Records,2 Am. Study Session, +Lofi Records,3 Am. Study Session, +Lofi Records,4 Am. Study Session, +towerz hi jude,A Bridge Between, +Laffey,A Day At A Time, +BluntOne Baen Mow,A Day in the Life, +tender spring blurred figures,A Friendly Warmth, +cxlt. Nuver,A Moment Away, +Nadav Cohen,A place above heaven, +BVG,A Spirit’s Tale, +kainbeats,A Walk Through the Sky, +Krynoze,A World After, +DaniSogen,A World of Illusion, +Purrple Cat,Adventure Island, +Dimension32,Aeolia, +Akraa Virtua,Aether, +mell-ø Ambulo,Afloat Again, +cxlt. amies,After All, +Blue Wednesday,After Hours, +DLJ/Blumen,After Life, +Living Room,After Sunset, +Laffey,After The Rain, +Living Room,After The Rainbow, +Lofi Records,Afternoon Jazz, +Flovry tender spring,Ages Ago, +Phlocalyst/Drxnk Satyr,Aiode, +Hoogway Softy,Alley Of Trees, +Mondo Loops Charlee,Amidst the Seven Seas, +kainbeats,Angelic, +Softy Dimension32,Another Life, +Loafy Building,Aquilla, +Dreamfield Goson,Arcadia, +Nadav Cohen,Are we okay?, +Phlocalyst/Drxnk Satyr,Argo, +Dosi Wishes and Dreams(Orca),Arodasio, +Ticofaces,Ash, +Downtown Binary,Astral, +towerz edelwize,At Long Last, +kainbeats,Atlantis, +Downtown Binary,Aurora, +BluntOne,Autumn in Budapest, +bhxa,Ayla, +Miramare Clément Matrat,Azure Blue, +Solar Body Lawrence Walther,Back to Nature, +Elior/Aylior/Epona,Ballerina, +Tibeauthetraveler Banks,Barbados, +Cosmic Koala Lucid Keys,Beautiful Days, +Hoogway,Beauty In All Forms, +brillion,Bedtime Stories Pt. 2, +brillion,Bedtime Stories Pt. 3, +jhove,Been Thinking, +Softy Otis Lucid Keys,Before It Snows, +hevi,"Before It’s Late, Pt. 2", +hevi,Before It’s Late, +Dillan Witherow/juniorodeo,Before Sunrise, +jhove,Before You Go, +Aimless Dillan Witherow/juniorodeo iamalex,Beginnings, +Softy Laffey,Belonging, +Sweet Medicine Mujo,Better Days, +No spirit,Between Worlds, +steezy prime,Beyond the Pines, +kainbeats,Blindsighted, +Lofi Records,Blissful Dreams, +dr niar ENRA,Blue Hour, +Globuldub,Blue Woods, +Loafy Building,Butterflies, +xander,"Cabin Fever, Pt. 2", +xander,Cabin Fever Pt.3, +xander,Cabin Fever, +Living Room,Calm Land, +Sleepermane ENRA,Calm Lands, +Glimlip Louk,Can We Talk, +Tibeauthetraveler,Cascades, +Refeeld Project AER,Chance Encounter, +Mondo Loops Bcalm,Changing Times, +Allem Iversom/Harris Cole dontcry,Chapter Two, +Leavv/Ivylake,Cloud Shapes, +enluv,Cloud Studies, +BluntOne,Cloud Surfing, +HM Surf,Cocobolo, +Nothingtosay,Cold Thoughts, +Fatb,Conscious Ego, +dryhope/Mavine,Contrasts, +Lofi Records,Cozy Winter, +Yasumu/Plant Guy,Creating Memories, +xander,Daydreaming, +M e a d o w,Days Of Tomorrow, +Peak Twilight,Departure, +Emil Rottmayer,Descend, +Odd Panda gCoope,Desired Views, +Akīn Living Room,Directions, +amies,Discoveries, +Blue Wednesday,Discovery, +no one's perfect,Discrete Landscapes, +Tibeauthetraveler,Distance Love, +Softy,Distant Images, +Purrple Cat,Distant Worlds II, +Purrple Cat,Distant Worlds III, +Purrple Cat,Distant Worlds, +Late Era/Oatmello,Dove, +Chris Mazuera/SLo Loris,Dozing, +jhove,Dream Tapes, +Dreamfield Goson,Dreams of Angels, +kyu,Dreamscapes, +Sleepermane,Dreamtime, +kainbeats hevi,Drifting Away, +Claudia Lessing Dario Lessing kanisan,Edda, +Bcalm,Elements, +DaniSogen,Enchantments, +Phlocalyst/Drxnk,End of the Road, +Hoogway,Equation Of Time, +Aimless Elijah Lee,Escapade, +Yasumu/Plant Guy,Escaping Reality, +Juliàn,Eternal Youth, +ornithology,Ethereal Nights, +Osaki,Evergarden, +WYS Sweet Medicine,Evermore, +Kurt Stewart/Kayba Lomme,Explore, +jhove,falling dreams, +Lucid Keys,Fantasia, +Casiio,Far Off, +Eugenio Izzi,Feel Free To Imagine, +Pandrezz,Feelin Better, +Bcalm Banks,Feelings Pt.2, +Bcalm Banks,Feelings, +Krynoze Juliàn,Finding Answers, +kainbeats,Finding Beauty, +Another Silent Weekend blurred figures,finding comfort, +kainbeats,Finding Light, +møndberg BVG,Floating Dreams, +Lawrence Walther,Floating into Serenity, +lilac,Florist, +Bcalm,For You, +Mondo Loops,Forest Kingdom, +xander,Forest Of Dreams, +Mondo Loops,Forest Tales, +Hoogway,Forever Ago, +Laffey,Forever Changing, +vhsdreamers,Foudroie, +Hoogway,Fragments Of The Moon, +a[way],Frozen Roses, +SPEECHLESS,Future Feelings, +kalaido,Ghosts of the Floating World, +BVG,Gilded Voyage, +Yestalgia,Glowing, +fourwalls jhove,Golden Hour, +Project AER,Growth Patterns, +steezy prime,Half past three, +No spirit,Happy Moments, +Dosi,Haunted Castle, +AJMW,Heading Home, +Team Astro,Hidden Treasure, +Tatami Construct,Hidden World, +Loafy Building,High Flying, +L'Outlander,Homeland, +Thaehan,Hourglass, +Team Astro,Hush, +Chiccote's Beats,Illusion, +Rudy Raw,Imagenero, +Kinissue,Imperfect, +Sleepermane,In Between Cycles, +Yasumu/Plant Guy,In Harmony With Nature, +ENRA,In Motion, +Blue Wednesday,In My Head, +DaniSogen,In Search of Peace, +hevi H.1,Indigo Night, +dryhope/Mavine,Inference, +Bcalm,Innocence, +TABAL,Inside Space, +Nothingtosay,Introspective, +Glimlip dontcry,Jiro Dreams, +Project AER,Journals, +Nuver,Kalopsia, +dryhope/Mavine,Kenopsia, +Azula Dillan Witherow/juniorodeo,Kids, +Paxkalito PBdR,Kind of Red, +Kupla,Kingdom in Blue, +DLJ/Blumen,La Hague, +Tom Doolie,Land of Calm, +lilac,Lanterns, +TABAL,Last Light, +Two Scents,Lately, +goosetaf,Latibule, +kokoro C4C,L'aventure EP, +S N U G,Layover, +Lofi Records,Lazy Sunday, +Tibeauthetraveler reysi,Leaving This Place, +kanisan Mau,Les jours d’après, +Kupla,Life Forms, +Chau Sara,Lightsaber Bar, +swink,Like a Necessity, +møndberg,Living Free, +Lofi Records,Lonely Days, +Squeeda,Lost World, +kudo,love you two, +Ticofaces,Lunar Isle, +Loafy Building,Maru, +L'Outlander,Massa, +no one's perfect,Measures Of Time, +Raimu,Meditative Flow, +Tomcbumpz,Melodic Nostalgic, +Kupla,Melody Mountain, +teafourtwo No spirit,Memories We Made, +Living Room,Memories, +Ky Akasha,Memory Within A Dream, +Softy Mondo Loops,Midnight Gazing, +Tenno,Mind Temple, +nogymx,Mirage of the Mind, +Yasumu/Plant Guy,Mirror of Time, +kanisan,"mist, shadows & i", +noni,momentary, +Hoogway George Toft - Nowun,Moments To Keep, +Leavv/Ivylake,Moonfern, +S N U G,Moonglow, +Worldtraveller Max Merseny,Morning Coffee, +Lofi Records,Morning Coffee, +Tibeauthetraveler,Motions, +Tibeauthetraveler,Moving On, +Dimension32,Mutations, +Elijah Lee,My Memoir, +Tom Doolie,Naoko, +Mondo Loops L'aiguille,Nature’s Beauty, +Eugenio Izzi,Necessary Changes, +steezy prime,never alone, +Osaki Tibeauthetraveler,New Beginnings, +jhove,new beginnings, +iamalex Felty,New Day, +Mindeliq Neele Harder,New Horizons, +DLJ/Blumen,Night Emotions, +S N U G Nuver,Nightfall, +stream error Lenny Loops,Noctilucent, +cxlt. amies,Nocturne, +Sleepermane Casiio,Nomads, +WYS,North Pole, +Sweet Medicine Mujo,Nostalgia, +swink,Notes From Yesterday, +amies,Oblivion, +dontcry nokiaa,Odyssey, +bert,offline, +less.people,One Day It’s Over, +Another Silent Weekend blurred figures,one particular moment, +L'Outlander,One Way Ticket, +less.people,Online Mall Music, +ornithology,Ornithology, +Laffey,Out of Orbit, +epektase j'san,outer space, +Lucid Green Softy,Overnight, +Sleepermane Casiio,Particles, +dontcry Casiio,Passing By, +Phlocalyst/Drxnk Myríad,Patterns, +Krynoze,Pawmises, +Kurt Stewart/Kayba Lomme,Pegan Hill, +goosetaf,Perpetual, +tender spring Chris Mazuera/SLo Loris,Perspective, +dontcry nokiaa,Perspectives, +DaniSogen,Place of Purity, +Lenny Loops,Places, +Ambulo,Polar, +stream error,polaris, +HM Surf,Pool Days, +Celestial Alignment,Precious Moments, +S N U G,Purple Skies, +So.Lo Goson,QuietPath, +S N U G,Quietude, +TABAL,Rainy Days, +Eugenio Izzi,Reflections in the moonlight, +Phlocalyst/Drxnk,Relatives, +Pandrezz,Relief, +trxxshed,Retro Colors, +Living Room,Rituals, +TyLuv,River Glow, +TABAL,Riverside Sunset, +Chris Mazuera/SLo Loris,Riverside, +Phlocalyst/Drxnk Mr. Käfer,Roadwalks, +Osaki,Rooftop Memories, +kanisan,Rüya, +eleven,Samsara, +Drkmnd Production,Satellite Nights, +Lawrence Walther Tibeauthetraveler,Scenery, +Kinissue,Sea Beams, +Ambulo,Sea Forest, +Softy Wishes and Dreams(Orca),Secrets of Castle, +Ky Akasha,Seeing Beauty in Everything, +Loafy Building,Shelter, +Softy Kaspa.,Shifting Past, +Softy Pointy features kanisan,Shine On, +Dimension32,Silent Emotions, +Mila Coolness,Silent River, +iamalex Felty,Silk, +Late Era/Oatmello,Simple Things, +Sebastian Kamae / Intoku,Skylines, +Aso/goodnyght,Sleep Cycles EP, +Lofi Records,Sleepless Night, +LESKY,Sleepovers, +xander,Sleepwalking, +towerz,Solemn, +cxlt. amies,Solitude, +Softy,Sometimes I Wait for You, +cxlt.,Somewhere In Time, +Raimu,Sons of the Dew, +Lofi Records,Soothing Breeze, +spencer hunt,Sound Asleep, +WYS,South Pole, +tender spring,"Springtime, with friends", +fourwalls,Staring Contest, +kudo,Staring Through, +xander Tonion,Stories of Synergy, +Laffey,Summer Nights, +hi jude,Sun Swells, +Sinnr,Sunday Morning, +No spirit Wishes and Dreams(Orca),Sunny Hill, +Purrple Cat,Sweet Dreams, +Nadav Cohen,Tales from Babylon, +hevi,talking to myself, +BVG,Temple Garden, +Hoffybeats Lenny Loops,Tender Memories, +Mondo Loops,Terrapin, +WYS,The Bad Party, +Softy no one's perfect,The Beauty Around Us, +Softy,The Breeze, +Softy,The Day I Passed, +DaniSogen,The Gate to Serenity, +Tenno,The Inner Light, +DaniSogen,The Magic Unfolds, +Charlee,The meaning of love, +Tenno,The Prophecy, +C4C,The Pursuit of Simplicity EP, +Allem Iversom/Harris Cole,The Ridge, +towerz hi jude,The Shallows, +Raimu,The Spirit Within, +Kaspa.,The Story, +Cosmic Koala Lucid Keys,The Tale Of The Druids, +WYS Sweet Medicine,The Way Back, +kokoro,The Way Home, +Hoogway,Thin Lines, +mell-ø,thinking about you, +Team Astro,Three of Us, +DLJ/Blumen,Time Capsule, +dontcry nokiaa,Time In Motion, +chief.,Time Remembered, +mell-ø,Time To Go, +Chau Sara,Time Travel, +dontcry Bcalm,times we had, +Prithvi,Timescapes : Longer Nights, +jisatsu Nadav Cohen,To the moon and back, +Sweet Medicine Krynoze,Tomorrow Comes, +,Tomorrows That Follow, +G Mills,Tranquility, +Squeeda,Transform, +Tibeauthetraveler,Travel Buddies, +Team Astro,Travelers, +Sleepermane Casiio,Underneath, +Sleepermane Casiio,Unexplored, +Sleepermane,Unfolding, +Yasumu/Plant Guy,Unravel, +Yasumu/Plant Guy,Until Forever, +towerz,Until Tomorrow, +kyu,Until we meet again, +Elijah Lee,Vanishing Journey, +Khutko,Violet, +Sebastian Kamae / Intoku Elior/Aylior/Epona,Vondelpark, +Elior/Aylior/Epona,Walls, +Yasumu/Plant Guy,Way of Life, +Sleepermane Sling Dilly,Weightless, +lilac,When I Dreamt of You, +hevi,When I’m Gone, +Tesk / Nvmb.,Wilderness, +L'Outlander,Willpower, +takeo (aka Tysu) spencer hunt,Window Seat, +spencer hunt,Windy City, +hevi H.1,Winter Getaway, +Dr dundiff,Winter Love, +Casiio,Wondering, +Sitting Duck,Wonderland Chapter 1, +Sitting Duck,Wonderland Chapter II, +Flitz&Suppe Mr. Käfer,Yōkai, +cxlt.,Your Light, +Sebastian Kamae / Intoku Elior/Aylior/Epona,Zero, diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1741623 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +""" +1. Go to +2. Get all the releases - artist and release title +3. For each release get the download link +4. Store it in a csv file in the repo +""" +import csv + +from bs4 import BeautifulSoup +import httpx + +RELEASES_URL = "" + +headers = { + 'user-agent': 'lofigirl-downloader/0.2.0', + 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' +} + +client = httpx.Client( + headers=headers, + timeout=30.0 +) + +page = 1 + +release_links = set() + +def get_release_links(): + while True: + + response = + RELEASES_URL, + data={ + "action": "jet_engine_ajax", + "handler": "get_listing", + "query[post_status]": "publish", + "query[found_posts]": "383", + "query[max_num_pages]": "39", + "query[post_type]": "releases", + "query[orderby]": "", + "query[order]": "DESC", + "query[paged]": f"{page}", + "query[posts_per_page]": "50", + "query[suppress_filters]": "false", + "query[jet_smart_filters]": "jet-engine/all-releases", + "page_settings[post_id]": "423", + "page_settings[queried_id]": "17370|WP_Post", + "page_settings[element_id]": "4b7c1a2", + "page_settings[page]": f"{page}", + "listing_type": "elementor" + } + ) + + html_data = response.json().get('data').get('html') + + soup = BeautifulSoup(html_data, 'html.parser') + + links = soup.find_all('a', {'class': 'jet-engine-listing-overlay-link'}) + + if links: + for link in links: + release_links.add(link.get('href')) + else: + print(f'No results for page: {page}') + break + + print(f'Page {page}: done') + page = page + 1 + +def get_release_info(): + + release_links = sorted(list(release_links)) + + all_info = [] + + for link in release_links: + print(link) + response = client.get(link) + + artists = '' + title = '' + + if response.status_code == + soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') + + title_div = soup.find('div', {'data-id': '29d3c6b'}) + if title_div: + title = title_div.text + title = title.strip() + title = title.replace('\n', '') + + artists_div = soup.find('div', {'data-listing-id': '15303'}) + if artists_div: + artists = artists_div.text + artists = artists.strip() + artists = artists.replace('\n', '') + + download = soup.find('div', {'data-id': '311b599'}) + if download: + download_link = download.find('a').get('href') + else: + print('NO DOWNLOAD LINK', artists, '-', title) + continue + + print(artists, '-', title) + all_info.append({ + 'artists': artists, + 'title': title, + 'link': download_link + }) + else: + print(f'Problem: {link}') + + with open('releases.csv', 'w', newline='') as csv_file: + fieldnames = ['artists', 'title', 'link'] + writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fieldnames) + + writer.writeheader() + + for info in all_info: + writer.writerow(info) + +if __name__ == '__main__': + + get_release_links() + + get_release_info() From 55d139becf2496590e13d49c4c6dd6dc446d9041 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: surfer190 Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2023 21:56:20 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/8] Add code for new layout --- | 60 +++++++++++ | 249 ------------------------------------------- | 98 ----------------- | 12 ++- requirements.txt | 7 +- 5 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 353 deletions(-) create mode 100644 delete mode 100644 delete mode 100644 diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..58a20f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +""" +1. Give the user a list of releases to download +2. User selects +""" +import csv +import pathlib + +import httpx + +DOWNLOAD_DIR = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'downloads' + +client = httpx.Client( + headers={ + 'user-agent': 'lofigirl-downloader/0.2.0' + } +) + +def download_file(file_href): + + # Stream the download + # with"GET", file_href) as reader: + # for data in reader.iter_bytes(): + # print(data) + + file_response = client.get(file_href) + + if file_response.status_code == + content_type = file_response.headers.get('content-type') + print(content_type) + content_disposition = file_response.headers.get('content-disposition') + print(content_disposition) + + if content_type == 'application/pdf': + extension = 'pdf' + elif content_type == 'image/png': + extension = 'png' + elif content_type == 'image/jpeg': + extension = 'jpg' + elif content_type == 'application/zip': + extension = 'zip' + else: + print(f"Unexpected file extension '{content_type}' for {content_disposition}") + return + + file_name_with_extension = file_href.split('/')[-1] + + with open(DOWNLOAD_DIR / file_name_with_extension, 'wb') as current_file: + current_file.write(file_response.content) + print(f'Completed: {file_href}') + +if __name__ == "__main__": + with open('releases.csv', newline='') as csvfile: + reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) + for row in reader: + artists = row.get('artists') + title = row.get('title') + link = row.get('link') + + # check if file exists + download_file(link) diff --git a/ b/ deleted file mode 100644 index a5a9c6e..0000000 --- a/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,249 +0,0 @@ -""" -Coped from reddit: -""" -from bs4 import BeautifulSoup -import urllib3 -import os -import wget -import eyed3 -from colorama import Fore, Style -import argparse -from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict - -# URL Configuration -RELEASE_URL = "" -RELEASE_LINK_PREFIX = "" - -# Release & Sound Definition -Release = namedtuple("Release", ("name","link","artists")) -SoundFile = namedtuple("SoundFile", ("title","link","artists")) -TranslatorGroup = namedtuple("TranslatorGroup", ("title","artist","album")) - -def download_lofi(output_dir, download, release_numbers, translators): - # HTTP Manager - http = urllib3.PoolManager() - - releases = manage_info(http) - - if download: - if release_numbers: - selected_releases = [] - for release_num in release_numbers: - selected_releases.append(releases[release_num]) - releases = selected_releases - - download_releases(http, releases, output_dir, translators=translators) - else: - print("Skipping download. Specify -d with optional release numbers to download") - -def manage_info(http): - - # get html file of releases page - resp = http.request("GET", RELEASE_URL) - soup = BeautifulSoup(, "html.parser") - - # prepare variables for crunching releases html - releases = [] - - # crunch releases html, look for releases names, artists and URLs - for link in soup.find_all("div", class_="Cv_release_mini_wrap_inner"): - release_link = RELEASE_LINK_PREFIX + link.find("a").get("href") - name = link.find("h2").string - artists = link.find("i").string - releases.append(Release(name, release_link, artists)) - - # remove duplicates in links and names, then reverse all 3 arrays so the newest ones are at the bottom of the command line - releases = list(OrderedDict(((, release) for release in releases)).values()) - releases = list(OrderedDict(((, release) for release in releases)).values()) - releases.reverse() - - # print all releases for the user to choose, get user input - for i, release in enumerate(releases): - print( - Fore.RED - + str(i) - + ". " - + Fore.BLUE - + - + Style.RESET_ALL - + " by " - + Fore.GREEN - + release.artists - ) - print(Style.RESET_ALL) - - return releases - -def download_release(http, release, output_dir, translators): - print(f"Fetching Release: {} by {release.artists}") - - # get html file of user selected release - resp = http.request("GET", - soup = BeautifulSoup(, "html.parser") - - # crunch release html for its name and link to its image - album_name = soup.find( - "div", class_="cv_custom_release_album_main_heading" - ).h2.string - image_link = "https:" + str( - soup.find("div", class_="cv_custom_body_image_contents_album_part").a.get( - "href" - ) - ) - - # crunch release html for links, titles and artists of individual songs - sound_files = [] - for link in soup.find_all("div", class_="cv_custom_album_play_contents_inner_part"): - try: - sound_file_link = link.find( - "div", class_="cv_custom_download_icon_part").get( - "data-audio-src" - ) - except AttributeError as error: - print(error) - print("No data source found...skipping") - continue - - sound_file_title=link.find( - "div", class_="cv_custom_custom_content_description" - ).h4.string.strip()[3:].strip() - - try: - sound_file_artists = link.find( - "div", class_="cv_custom_custom_content_description" - ).p.string.strip() - except AttributeError as error: - print(error) - print("Using h4 tag") - sound_file_artists = link.find( - "div", class_="cv_custom_custom_content_description" - ).h4.string.strip() - - sound_files.append(SoundFile(sound_file_title, sound_file_link, sound_file_artists)) - - # show user the links to the credit templates and release, also generate YouTube credits - print(Fore.RED + "Here is the usage policy and credit templates:" + Style.RESET_ALL) - print("") - print(Fore.RED + "Here's the link to the release:" + Style.RESET_ALL) - print( - print( - Fore.RED - + "And here's the credit template for youtube for an entire album. Note that watch and listen links only show search queries on their respective platforms:" - + Style.RESET_ALL - ) - for sound_file in sound_files: - print("- " + sound_file.artists + " - " + sound_file.title) - print("- Provided by Lofi Girl") - print( - "- Watch:" - + album_name.replace(" ", "") - ) - print("- Listen:" + album_name.replace(" ", "")) - - album_name_stripped = album_name.translate(translators.album) - - # make a folder with the name of the album and download the cover into it - album_path = os.path.join(output_dir, album_name_stripped) - try: - os.mkdir(album_path) - except FileExistsError as error: - print(error) - print( - "Folder exists - moving on...delete the folder and rerun for a fresh download" - ) - return - - if not image_link: - breakpoint() -, out=os.path.join(album_path, "cover.png")) - - # create credits.txt file with the same content like what is printed into the console above^ - with open(album_path + "/credits.txt", "w") as f: - for sound_file in sound_files: - f.write("- " + sound_file.artists + " - " + sound_file.title + "\n") - f.close() - - # download all songs 1 by 1 into the new folder, access it's metadata and fill album, artist, title and track num tags. Also create a trivial playlist file - f = open(album_path + "/playlist.m3u", "w") - for i, sound_file in enumerate(sound_files): - artist = ( - sound_file.artists - .translate(translators.artist) - .replace("\u2019", "'") - .replace("\u012b", "") - ) - title = ( - sound_file.title - .translate(translators.title) - .replace("\u2019", "'") - .replace("\u012b", "") - ) - - file_basename = f"{artist}-{title}.mp3" - filename = os.path.join(album_path, file_basename) - - if not - breakpoint() - -, out=filename) - audiofile = eyed3.load(filename) - audiofile.tag.album = album_name.replace("\u2019", "'").replace("\u012b", "") - audiofile.tag.artist = ( - sound_file.artists.replace("\u2019", "'").replace("\u012b", "") - ) - audiofile.tag.title = ( - sound_file.title.replace("\u2019", "'").replace("\u012b", "") - ) - audiofile.tag.track_num = i + 1 - - try: - - except UnicodeEncodeError as error: - breakpoint() - # .replace(u"\u2019", "'") - f.write(filename) - f.close() - - print() - print(Fore.RED + "all done" + Style.RESET_ALL) - -def download_releases(http, releases, output_dir, translators): - print(f"Downloading {len(releases)} releases") - for selected_release in releases: - download_release(http, selected_release, output_dir, translators=translators) - -def cli(): - def is_dir(path): - if os.path.isdir(path): - return path - else: - return NotADirectoryError(f"Supplied path is not a directory: {path}") - - parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=__file__, description="Downloader for") - parser.add_argument("-o","--output", help="Output folder", type=is_dir, default="downloads", required=True) - parser.add_argument("-d","--download", help="Specify releases to be downloaded. Leave blank for all", type=int, nargs="*") - parser.add_argument("--title-remove", help="Remove all specified characters within the title", type=str, default="") - parser.add_argument("--title-replace", help="Specific characters within the title to be replaced with --title-replace-with", type=str, default="") - parser.add_argument("--title-replace-with", help="Specific characters within the title to replace occurences of --title-replace", type=str, default="") - parser.add_argument("--artist-remove", help="Remove all specified characters within the artist", type=str, default="") - parser.add_argument("--artist-replace", help="Specific characters within the artist to be replaced with --artist-replace-with", type=str, default="") - parser.add_argument("--artist-replace-with", help="Specific characters within the artist to replace occurences of --artist-replace", type=str, default="") - parser.add_argument("--album-remove", help="Remove all specified characters within the album", type=str, default="") - parser.add_argument("--album-replace", help="Specific characters within the album to be replaced with --album-replace-with", type=str, default="") - parser.add_argument("--album-replace-with", help="Specific characters within the album to replace occurences of --album-replace", type=str, default="") - - args = parser.parse_args() - return args - -def translator(replace_characters, replace_with_characters, remove_characters): - return str.maketrans(replace_characters, replace_with_characters, remove_characters) - -if __name__ == "__main__": - args = cli() - - title_translator = translator(args.title_replace, args.title_replace_with, args.title_remove) - artist_translator = translator(args.artist_replace, args.artist_replace_with, args.artist_remove) - album_translator = translator(args.album_replace, args.album_replace_with, args.album_remove) - tg = TranslatorGroup(title_translator, artist_translator, album_translator) - - download_lofi(output_dir=args.output, is not None,, translators=tg) diff --git a/ b/ deleted file mode 100644 index 959c348..0000000 --- a/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,98 +0,0 @@ -from bs4 import BeautifulSoup -import urllib3 -import os -import wget -import eyed3 -from colorama import Fore, Style - -#get html file of releases page -http = urllib3.PoolManager() -resp = http.request("GET","") -soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser') - -#prepare variables for crunching releases html -releases_link_prefix = '' -releases_links = [] -releases_names = [] -releases_artists = [] - -#crunch releases html, look for releases names, artists and URLs -for link in soup.find_all('div', class_='Cv_release_mini_wrap_inner'): - releases_links.append(releases_link_prefix+link.find('a').get('href')) - releases_names.append(link.find('h2').string) - releases_artists.append(link.find('i').string) - -#remove duplicates in links and names, then reverse all 3 arrays so the newest ones are at the bottom of the command line -releases_links = list(dict.fromkeys(releases_links)) -releases_names = list(dict.fromkeys(releases_names)) -releases_links.reverse() -releases_names.reverse() -releases_artists.reverse() - -#print all releases for the user to choose, get user input -for i in range (0,len(releases_links)): - print(Fore.RED + str(i+1) + '. '+Fore.BLUE+releases_names[i]+Style.RESET_ALL+' by '+Fore.GREEN+releases_artists[i]) -print(Style.RESET_ALL) -selected_release = input('Write number of the release you want to download: ') - -#get html file of user selected release -resp = http.request('GET',releases_links[int(selected_release)-1]) -soup = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser') - -#crunch release html for its name and link to its image -album_name = soup.find('div', class_='cv_custom_release_album_main_heading').h2.string -image_link = 'https:'+str(soup.find('div', class_='cv_custom_body_image_contents_album_part').a.get('href')) - -#crunch release html for links, titles and artists of individual songs -sound_file_links = [] -sound_file_title = [] -sound_file_artist = [] -for link in soup.find_all('div', class_='cv_custom_album_play_contents_inner_part'): - sound_file_links.append(link.find('div', class_='cv_custom_download_icon_part').get('data-audio-src')) - sound_file_title.append(link.find('div', class_='cv_custom_custom_content_description').h4.string.strip()[3:]) - sound_file_artist.append(link.find('div', class_='cv_custom_custom_content_description').p.string.strip()) - -#show user the links to the credit templates and release, also generate YouTube credits -print(Fore.RED+'Here is the usage policy and credit templates:'+Style.RESET_ALL) -print('') -print(Fore.RED+'Here\'s the link to the release:'+Style.RESET_ALL) -print(releases_links[int(selected_release)-1]) -print(Fore.RED+'And here\'s the credit template for youtube for an entire album. Note that watch and listen links only show search queries on their respective platforms:'+Style.RESET_ALL) -for i in range(0,len(sound_file_links)): - print('- '+sound_file_artist[i] + ' - ' + sound_file_title[i]) -print('- Provided by Lofi Girl') -print('- Watch:'+album_name.replace(' ','')) -print('- Listen:'+album_name.replace(' ','')) - -#make a folder with the name of the album and download the cover into it -os.mkdir(album_name), out=os.path.join(album_name, 'cover.png')) - -#create credits.txt file with the same content like what is printed into the console above^ -with open(album_name+'/credits.txt','w') as f: - f.write('Here is the usage policy and credit templates:\n\nHere\'s the link to the release:\n') - f.write(releases_links[int(selected_release)-1]) - f.write('\nAnd here\'s the credit template for youtube for an entire album. Note that watch and listen links only show search queries on their respective platforms:\n') - for i in range(0,len(sound_file_links)): - f.write('- '+sound_file_artist[i] + ' - ' + sound_file_title[i]+'\n') - f.write('- Provided by Lofi Girl\n') - f.write('- Watch:'+album_name.replace(' ','')+'\n') - f.write('- Listen:'+album_name.replace(' ','')) - f.close() - -#download all songs 1 by 1 into the new folder, access it's metadata and fill album, artist, title and track num tags. Also create a trivial playlist file -f = open(album_name+'/playlist.m3u','w') -for i in range(0,len(sound_file_links)): -[i], out=os.path.join(album_name, sound_file_title[i] + '.mp3')) - audiofile = eyed3.load(os.path.join(album_name, sound_file_title[i] + '.mp3')) - audiofile.tag.album = album_name - audiofile.tag.artist = sound_file_artist[i] - audiofile.tag.title = sound_file_title[i] - audiofile.tag.track_num = i+1 - - f.write(sound_file_title[i]+'.mp3\n') -f.close() - - -print() -print(Fore.RED+'all done'+Style.RESET_ALL) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index 0cfd8ba..c9a1dd5 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -9,7 +9,13 @@ Download all lofi girl releases pip install -r requirements.txt - python + python + +### Update CSV + +If new releases are made one can update the csv with: + + python ### Audio Quality @@ -22,6 +28,10 @@ At February 2023: * Size: 12GB * Number of Albums: 324 +At August 2023: + +* Number of Albums: 381 + ### Credit Orignal author: [Deadlibor]( post on [reddit]( diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt index 3ca3be7..dc92cce 100644 --- a/requirements.txt +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -1,5 +1,2 @@ -beautifulsoup4~=4.11.2 -urllib3~=1.26.14 -wget==3.2 -eyed3~=0.9.7 -colorama~=0.4.6 +beautifulsoup4==4.12.2 +httpx==0.24.1 From 1c7a4b6a37040db217e7168753ff50b902e0aacd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: surfer190 Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2023 07:59:52 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 3/8] Skip already downloaded files --- | 25 ++++++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 58a20f6..ad61ab2 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ """ 1. Give the user a list of releases to download 2. User selects +3. By default download all """ import csv import pathlib +import sys import httpx @@ -22,6 +24,15 @@ def download_file(file_href): # for data in reader.iter_bytes(): # print(data) + file_name_with_extension = file_href.split('/')[-1] + + file_path = DOWNLOAD_DIR / file_name_with_extension + + # check if zip already exists + if pathlib.Path(file_path).is_file(): + print(f'File exists: {file_path}') + return + file_response = client.get(file_href) if file_response.status_code == @@ -30,21 +41,13 @@ def download_file(file_href): content_disposition = file_response.headers.get('content-disposition') print(content_disposition) - if content_type == 'application/pdf': - extension = 'pdf' - elif content_type == 'image/png': - extension = 'png' - elif content_type == 'image/jpeg': - extension = 'jpg' - elif content_type == 'application/zip': + if content_type == 'application/zip': extension = 'zip' else: print(f"Unexpected file extension '{content_type}' for {content_disposition}") - return - - file_name_with_extension = file_href.split('/')[-1] + sys.exit(1) - with open(DOWNLOAD_DIR / file_name_with_extension, 'wb') as current_file: + with open(file_path, 'wb') as current_file: current_file.write(file_response.content) print(f'Completed: {file_href}') From 8dfcf0132f74c37aba46ea6e2fcb5d49accf3068 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: surfer190 Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2023 08:22:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 4/8] Code format --- | 57 ++++++++++++++--------------- | 90 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 2 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index ad61ab2..42f4cf5 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -9,13 +9,10 @@ import httpx -DOWNLOAD_DIR = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / 'downloads' +DOWNLOAD_DIR = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "downloads" + +client = httpx.Client(headers={"user-agent": "lofigirl-downloader/0.2.0"}) -client = httpx.Client( - headers={ - 'user-agent': 'lofigirl-downloader/0.2.0' - } -) def download_file(file_href): @@ -23,41 +20,41 @@ def download_file(file_href): # with"GET", file_href) as reader: # for data in reader.iter_bytes(): # print(data) - - file_name_with_extension = file_href.split('/')[-1] - + + file_name_with_extension = file_href.split("/")[-1] + file_path = DOWNLOAD_DIR / file_name_with_extension - + # check if zip already exists if pathlib.Path(file_path).is_file(): - print(f'File exists: {file_path}') + print(f"File exists: {file_path}") return - + file_response = client.get(file_href) - + if file_response.status_code == - content_type = file_response.headers.get('content-type') - print(content_type) - content_disposition = file_response.headers.get('content-disposition') - print(content_disposition) - - if content_type == 'application/zip': - extension = 'zip' + content_type = file_response.headers.get("content-type") + content_disposition = file_response.headers.get("content-disposition") + + if content_type == "application/zip": + extension = "zip" else: - print(f"Unexpected file extension '{content_type}' for {content_disposition}") + print( + f"Unexpected file extension '{content_type}' for {content_disposition}" + ) sys.exit(1) - - with open(file_path, 'wb') as current_file: + + with open(file_path, "wb") as current_file: current_file.write(file_response.content) - print(f'Completed: {file_href}') + print(f"Completed: {file_href}") + if __name__ == "__main__": - with open('releases.csv', newline='') as csvfile: + with open("releases.csv", newline="") as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: - artists = row.get('artists') - title = row.get('title') - link = row.get('link') - - # check if file exists + artists = row.get("artists") + title = row.get("title") + link = row.get("link") + download_file(link) diff --git a/ b/ index 1741623..1dadef9 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -12,22 +12,20 @@ RELEASES_URL = "" headers = { - 'user-agent': 'lofigirl-downloader/0.2.0', - 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' + "user-agent": "lofigirl-downloader/0.2.0", + "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", } -client = httpx.Client( - headers=headers, - timeout=30.0 -) +client = httpx.Client(headers=headers, timeout=30.0) page = 1 release_links = set() + def get_release_links(): while True: - + response = RELEASES_URL, data={ @@ -47,81 +45,79 @@ def get_release_links(): "page_settings[queried_id]": "17370|WP_Post", "page_settings[element_id]": "4b7c1a2", "page_settings[page]": f"{page}", - "listing_type": "elementor" - } + "listing_type": "elementor", + }, ) - html_data = response.json().get('data').get('html') + html_data = response.json().get("data").get("html") - soup = BeautifulSoup(html_data, 'html.parser') + soup = BeautifulSoup(html_data, "html.parser") - links = soup.find_all('a', {'class': 'jet-engine-listing-overlay-link'}) + links = soup.find_all("a", {"class": "jet-engine-listing-overlay-link"}) if links: for link in links: - release_links.add(link.get('href')) + release_links.add(link.get("href")) else: - print(f'No results for page: {page}') + print(f"No results for page: {page}") break - - print(f'Page {page}: done') + + print(f"Page {page}: done") page = page + 1 + def get_release_info(): - + release_links = sorted(list(release_links)) - + all_info = [] - + for link in release_links: print(link) response = client.get(link) - - artists = '' - title = '' + + artists = "" + title = "" if response.status_code == - soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') - - title_div = soup.find('div', {'data-id': '29d3c6b'}) + soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser") + + title_div = soup.find("div", {"data-id": "29d3c6b"}) if title_div: title = title_div.text title = title.strip() - title = title.replace('\n', '') - - artists_div = soup.find('div', {'data-listing-id': '15303'}) + title = title.replace("\n", "") + + artists_div = soup.find("div", {"data-listing-id": "15303"}) if artists_div: artists = artists_div.text artists = artists.strip() - artists = artists.replace('\n', '') - - download = soup.find('div', {'data-id': '311b599'}) + artists = artists.replace("\n", "") + + download = soup.find("div", {"data-id": "311b599"}) if download: - download_link = download.find('a').get('href') + download_link = download.find("a").get("href") else: - print('NO DOWNLOAD LINK', artists, '-', title) + print("NO DOWNLOAD LINK", artists, "-", title) continue - - print(artists, '-', title) - all_info.append({ - 'artists': artists, - 'title': title, - 'link': download_link - }) + + print(artists, "-", title) + all_info.append({"artists": artists, "title": title, "link": download_link}) else: - print(f'Problem: {link}') + print(f"Problem: {link}") - with open('releases.csv', 'w', newline='') as csv_file: - fieldnames = ['artists', 'title', 'link'] + with open("releases.csv", "w", newline="") as csv_file: + fieldnames = ["artists", "title", "link"] writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fieldnames) - + writer.writeheader() - + for info in all_info: writer.writerow(info) -if __name__ == '__main__': + +if __name__ == "__main__": get_release_links() - + get_release_info() From e4d7093087d8e219cd55d952123cc755bd58e7da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: surfer190 Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2023 11:02:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 5/8] Update readme --- | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index c9a1dd5..8d10a12 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ At February 2023: At August 2023: -* Number of Albums: 381 +* Size: 12.18 GB (zipped) +* Number of Albums: 378 ### Credit From 88febf02565561ade2d64ddebf2599775eb74b80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: surfer190 Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2023 09:13:34 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 6/8] Update releases * Fix UnboundLocalError and UnicodeEncodeError --- | 16 ++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 1dadef9..fa83251 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -16,16 +16,15 @@ "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", } -client = httpx.Client(headers=headers, timeout=30.0) - -page = 1 +client = httpx.Client(headers=headers, timeout=120.0) release_links = set() - def get_release_links(): - while True: + page = 1 + + while True: response = RELEASES_URL, data={ @@ -68,11 +67,12 @@ def get_release_links(): def get_release_info(): - release_links = sorted(list(release_links)) + # make a variable for function scope - to stop UnboundLocalError + current_release_links = sorted(list(release_links)) all_info = [] - for link in release_links: + for link in current_release_links: print(link) response = client.get(link) @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ def get_release_info(): else: print(f"Problem: {link}") - with open("releases.csv", "w", newline="") as csv_file: + with open("releases.csv", "w", newline="", encoding='utf-8') as csv_file: fieldnames = ["artists", "title", "link"] writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fieldnames) From ffc9828edd1584eecb566cd224ef88846cae4328 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: surfer190 Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2023 09:15:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 7/8] Update releases --- releases.csv | 14 +++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/releases.csv b/releases.csv index 12f0861..c927d80 100644 --- a/releases.csv +++ b/releases.csv @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ artists,title,link Lofi Records,1 A.M Chill Session, Lofi Records,1 Am. Study Session, Lofi Records,12 Am. Study Session, +Lofi Records,2 A.M Chill Session, Lofi Records,2 Am. Study Session, Lofi Records,3 Am. Study Session, Lofi Records,4 Am. Study Session, @@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ Laffey,A Day At A Time, BluntOne Baen Mow,A Day in the Life, tender spring blurred figures,A Friendly Warmth, cxlt. Nuver,A Moment Away, +Dinis,"a piece of my heart, for you", Nadav Cohen,A place above heaven, BVG,A Spirit’s Tale, kainbeats,A Walk Through the Sky, @@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ Cosmic Koala Lucid Keys,Beautiful Days, Hoogway,Beauty In All Forms, brillion,Bedtime Stories Pt. 2, brillion,Bedtime Stories Pt. 3, +brillion,Bedtime Stories Pt.4, jhove,Been Thinking, Softy Otis Lucid Keys,Before It Snows, hevi,"Before It’s Late, Pt. 2", @@ -91,7 +94,7 @@ xander,Daydreaming, M e a d o w,Days Of Tomorrow, Peak Twilight,Departure, Emil Rottmayer,Descend, -Odd Panda gCoope,Desired Views, +gCoope,Desired Views, Akīn Living Room,Directions, amies,Discoveries, Blue Wednesday,Discovery, @@ -104,10 +107,12 @@ Purrple Cat,Distant Worlds, Late Era/Oatmello,Dove, Chris Mazuera/SLo Loris,Dozing, jhove,Dream Tapes, +Living Room,Dreamcatcher, Dreamfield Goson,Dreams of Angels, kyu,Dreamscapes, Sleepermane,Dreamtime, kainbeats hevi,Drifting Away, +Recalibration Machine Kooma/Less Gravity Lawrence Walther,Dune Days, Claudia Lessing Dario Lessing kanisan,Edda, Bcalm,Elements, DaniSogen,Enchantments, @@ -142,6 +147,7 @@ Hoogway,Forever Ago, Laffey,Forever Changing, vhsdreamers,Foudroie, Hoogway,Fragments Of The Moon, +Softy,Frozen Lands, a[way],Frozen Roses, SPEECHLESS,Future Feelings, kalaido,Ghosts of the Floating World, @@ -172,6 +178,7 @@ dryhope/Mavine,Inference, Bcalm,Innocence, TABAL,Inside Space, Nothingtosay,Introspective, +HoKø,Jazz in Tokyo, Glimlip dontcry,Jiro Dreams, Project AER,Journals, Nuver,Kalopsia, @@ -257,6 +264,7 @@ Kurt Stewart/Kayba Lomme,Pegan Hill, goosetaf,Perpetual, tender spring Chris Mazuera/SLo Loris,Perspective, dontcry nokiaa,Perspectives, +Casiio Elijah Lee,Phantasm, DaniSogen,Place of Purity, Lenny Loops,Places, Ambulo,Polar, @@ -270,6 +278,7 @@ TABAL,Rainy Days, Eugenio Izzi,Reflections in the moonlight, Phlocalyst/Drxnk,Relatives, Pandrezz,Relief, +Lofi Records,Restful Holidays, trxxshed,Retro Colors, Living Room,Rituals, TyLuv,River Glow, @@ -314,6 +323,7 @@ hi jude,Sun Swells, Sinnr,Sunday Morning, No spirit Wishes and Dreams(Orca),Sunny Hill, Purrple Cat,Sweet Dreams, +Krynoze,Take A Paws, Nadav Cohen,Tales from Babylon, hevi,talking to myself, BVG,Temple Garden, @@ -321,6 +331,7 @@ Hoffybeats Lenny Loops,Tender Memories, Mondo Loops,Terrapin, WYS,The Bad Party, Softy no one's perfect,The Beauty Around Us, +Pierson Booth,The Beginning, Softy,The Breeze, Softy,The Day I Passed, DaniSogen,The Gate to Serenity, @@ -329,6 +340,7 @@ DaniSogen,The Magic Unfolds, Charlee,The meaning of love, Tenno,The Prophecy, C4C,The Pursuit of Simplicity EP, +Kinissue,The Realization, Allem Iversom/Harris Cole,The Ridge, towerz hi jude,The Shallows, Raimu,The Spirit Within, From 9d6591dec8eab9ae5eb0ef0cc5aded0596f6691f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: surfer190 Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2023 09:35:05 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 8/8] Handle unicodeencode error --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 42f4cf5..140bbb3 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def download_file(file_href): if __name__ == "__main__": - with open("releases.csv", newline="") as csvfile: + with open("releases.csv", newline="", encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: artists = row.get("artists")