Layout makes use of flexbox
& Custom Properties to provide for a flexible, fluid & extensible layout system. You can horizontally(on the inline axis) arrange items or even use it as a full fledged traditional grid system.
If you want to arrange items over 2 dimensions (horizontal & vertical) we recommend using objects.mesh.
Read more about Supple CSS.
- Configurable with custom properties.
- Fluid layout.
- Intelligent item wrapping.
- Evenly fill item spacing.
- Equal height columns.
- Horizontal/vertical centering of items.
- Item width is controlled independently of layout gap.
- Infinite nesting.
A simple layout is easy to create. A layout container can have any number of child items. When used with .o-layout--fill
space is evenly distributed without need for --colspan
or sizing utilities.
<div class="o-layout o-layout--fill o-layout--gap-base">
<div><!-- content --></div>
<div><!-- content --></div>
<div><!-- content --></div>
<div><!-- content --></div>
For more granular control over layout make use of modifiers, custom properties or sizing utilities.
class="o-layout [ o-layout--align-inline-center | o-layout--align-inline-end | o-layout--align-inline-between | o-layout--align-block-center | o-layout--align-block-end | o-layout--fill | o-layout--fit | o-layout--stretch | o-layout--gap-base | o-layout--gap-block-base | o-layout--gap-inline-base ]"
<div><!-- content --></div>
<div><!-- content --></div>
<div><!-- content --></div>
<div><!-- content --></div>
<div class="o-layout">
<div class="o-layout__fit">Fit to content</div>
<div class="o-layout__fill">Take up remaining space</div>
<div class="o-layout__align-inline-center">Center align a single item</div>
<div class="o-layout u-columns-10">
<div class="u-colspan-5">Spans 5 of 10 columns</div>
<div class="o-layout">
<div class="u-colspan-5">Spans 5 of 12 columns</div>
<div class="o-layout">
<div class="u-colspan-8 u-offset-4">Offsets 4 of 12 columns</div>
<div class="o-layout" style="--columns: 10; --gap: 3rem;">
<div style="--colspan: 4;">Spans 4 of 10 columns</div>
<div style="--colspan: 1;">Spans 1 of 10 columns</div>
<div style="--colspan: 3;">Spans 3 of 10 columns</div>
<div style="--colspan: 2; --offset: 2;">
Spans 2 of 10 columns and offsets 2 of 10 columns
Note Of course this specific use of custom properties(through inline styles) is pure for example purposes. It is advised to overwrite the custom properties in your own components instead of inline styles.
You can nest layouts in any context. Keep in mind that the dimensions will be relative to the width of o-layout
, and not the width of the whole application.
<div class="o-layout">
<div class="o-layout__fit">
<div class="o-layout">
<div><!-- content --></div>
When you set queries in $fill-in-query
or $fit-in-query
you can use them like this:
<div class="o-layout">
<div class="o-layout__fit@lap">
100% and from lap breakpoint it will fit to content
<div class="o-layout__fill@lap">
100% and from lap breakpoint it will fill remaining space
On the .o-layout
: core layout block.o-layout--align-inline-center
: center align all layout items over the inline axis.o-layout--align-inline-end
: align all layout items to the end of the inline axis.o-layout--align-inline-between
: align layout items by creating an even space between them on the inline axis.o-layout--align-block-center
: center-align layout items on the block axis.o-layout--align-block-end
: end-align layout items on the block axis.o-layout--reverse
: reverse all items in order.o-layout--fill
: evenly distribute space amongst all child items.o-layout--fit
: fit all items to their content.o-layout--stretch
: All items match the size of tallest item in a row on the block axis.o-layout--gap-[SPACE]
: Adds a base gutter between items.o-layout--gap-block-[SPACE]
: Adds a gutter between items only on the block-axis.o-layout--gap-inline-[SPACE]
: Adds a gutter between items only on the inline-axis
On the flex item
: Center one item on the inline axis.o-layout__fit
: Make a item shrink wrap its content.o-layout__fill
: Make a item fill the remaining space..o-layout__[fit|fill]@[QUERY-NAME]
: appliesfit
at the given media query. (available in$[fit|fill]-in-query
SCSS setting)
There are multiple ways to configure the layout object. The Custom properties are calculated at run-time, the SCSS variables will allow you to change things at build-time.
On the .o-layout
: The number of columns you want to have, defaults to12
: The width of the gutter applied between the items, defaults to0
: Actual gap variable to be used when in conflict with other objects, defaults tovar(--gap)
On the flex item element
: The amount of columns this item will span, defaults to--columns
: The amount of columns this item will offset, defaults to0
: a list of gaps where possible.o-layout--gap-X
are generated from, defaults to('base')
: a list of queries whereo-layout__fit
is generated for, defaults to()
: a list of queries whereo-layout__fill
is generated for, defaults to()
You can overwrite the SCSS variables the following ways:
// in your manifest file, eg. `styles.scss`
@use 'node_modules/@supple-kit/supple-css/objects/layout' with (
$fit-in-query: (
$gaps: (
// in your own variable file, eg. `_vars.scss`
@use 'node_modules/@supple-kit/supple-css/objects/layout/variables' with (
$fit-in-query: (
$gaps: (
// in your manifest file, eg. `styles.scss`
@use 'node_modules/@supple-kit/supple-css/objects/layout';
Make sure you've installed/downloaded the Supple CSS library: Supple CSS installation
Basic visual tests are in test.html.
- Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Edge, Brave, Opera)
- WebKit-based browsers (Safari, iOS Safari)
- Firefox (Gecko)