diff --git a/docs/classes/index.default.html b/docs/classes/index.default.html
index d21a7a18d..5d991509c 100644
--- a/docs/classes/index.default.html
+++ b/docs/classes/index.default.html
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Type Aliases Get RedirectionURLContext Get RedirectionURLContext: AuthRecipeModuleGetRedirectionURLContext
On Handle Event Context On Handle Event Context: { action: "SUCCESS" ; isNewUser: boolean ; user: PasswordlessUser } | { action: "PASSWORDLESS_RESTART_FLOW" } | { action: "PASSWORDLESS_CODE_SENT" ; isResend: boolean } | AuthRecipeModuleOnHandleEventContext
PreAPIHook Context PreAPIHook Context: { action: PreAndPostAPIHookAction ; requestInit: RequestInit ; url: string }
Type declaration action: PreAndPostAPIHookAction request Init: RequestInit url: string Recipe Interface Recipe Interface: { clearLoginAttemptInfo: any ; consumeCode: any ; createCode: any ; doesEmailExist: any ; doesPhoneNumberExist: any ; getLinkCodeFromURL: any ; getLoginAttemptInfo: any ; getPreAuthSessionIdFromURL: any ; resendCode: any ; setLoginAttemptInfo: any }
Defined in node_modules/supertokens-web-js/lib/build/recipe/passwordless/types.d.ts:45 Type declaration clear Login Attempt Info: function clear Login Attempt Info( input: { userContext: any } ) : Promise < void > Defined in node_modules/supertokens-web-js/lib/build/recipe/passwordless/types.d.ts:253 User Input User
: ( { contactMethod
: "EMAIL" ; signInUpFeature
?: SignInUpFeatureConfigInput ; validateEmailAddress
?: any } | { contactMethod
: "PHONE" ; signInUpFeature
?: SignInUpFeatureConfigInput & { defaultCountry
?: CountryCode } ; validatePhoneNumber
?: any } | { contactMethod
: "EMAIL_OR_PHONE" ; signInUpFeature
?: SignInUpFeatureConfigInput & { defaultCountry
?: CountryCode ; guessInternationPhoneNumberFromInputPhoneNumber
?: any } ; validateEmailAddress
?: any ; validatePhoneNumber
?: any } ) & { linkClickedScreenFeature
?: PasswordlessFeatureBaseConfig ; override
?: { components
?: ComponentOverrideMap ; functions
?: any } } & AuthRecipeModuleUserInput < GetRedirectionURLContext , PreAndPostAPIHookAction , OnHandleEventContext > Functions Link Clicked Link Clicked( prop?: any ) : Element Parameters Returns Element Sign In Up Sign In Up( prop?: PropsWithChildren < { redirectOnSessionExists?: boolean ; userContext?: any } > ) : Element Parameters prop: PropsWithChildren < { redirectOnSessionExists?: boolean ; userContext?: any } > = {} Returns Element Sign In Up Theme Sign In Up Theme( props: SignInUpProps ) : JSX.Element Parameters Returns JSX.Element clear Login Attempt Info clear Login Attempt Info( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < void > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < void > consume Code consume Code( input: { options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; userContext?: any ; userInputCode: string } | { options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; userContext?: any } ) : Promise < { createdNewUser: boolean ; fetchResponse: Response ; status: "OK" ; user: PasswordlessUser } | { failedCodeInputAttemptCount: number ; fetchResponse: Response ; maximumCodeInputAttempts: number ; status: "INCORRECT_USER_INPUT_CODE_ERROR" | "EXPIRED_USER_INPUT_CODE_ERROR" } | { fetchResponse: Response ; status: "RESTART_FLOW_ERROR" } > Parameters input: { options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; userContext?: any ; userInputCode: string } | { options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; userContext?: any } Returns Promise < { createdNewUser: boolean ; fetchResponse: Response ; status: "OK" ; user: PasswordlessUser } | { failedCodeInputAttemptCount: number ; fetchResponse: Response ; maximumCodeInputAttempts: number ; status: "INCORRECT_USER_INPUT_CODE_ERROR" | "EXPIRED_USER_INPUT_CODE_ERROR" } | { fetchResponse: Response ; status: "RESTART_FLOW_ERROR" } > create Code create Code( input: { email: string ; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; userContext?: any } | { options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; phoneNumber: string ; userContext?: any } ) : Promise < { deviceId: string ; fetchResponse: Response ; flowType: PasswordlessFlowType ; preAuthSessionId: string ; status: "OK" } > Parameters input: { email: string ; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; userContext?: any } | { options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; phoneNumber: string ; userContext?: any } Returns Promise < { deviceId: string ; fetchResponse: Response ; flowType: PasswordlessFlowType ; preAuthSessionId: string ; status: "OK" } > does Email Exist does Email Exist( input: { email: string ; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; userContext?: any } ) : Promise < { doesExist: boolean ; fetchResponse: Response ; status: "OK" } > Parameters input: { email: string ; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; userContext?: any } email: string Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < { doesExist: boolean ; fetchResponse: Response ; status: "OK" } > does Phone Number Exist does Phone Number Exist( input: { options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; phoneNumber: string ; userContext?: any } ) : Promise < { doesExist: boolean ; fetchResponse: Response ; status: "OK" } > Parameters input: { options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; phoneNumber: string ; userContext?: any } Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions phone Number: string Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < { doesExist: boolean ; fetchResponse: Response ; status: "OK" } > get Link Code FromURL get Link Code FromURL( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : string Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns string get Login Attempt Info get Login Attempt Info< CustomLoginAttemptInfoProperties > ( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < undefined | { deviceId: string ; flowType: PasswordlessFlowType ; preAuthSessionId: string } & CustomLoginAttemptInfoProperties > Type Parameters CustomLoginAttemptInfoProperties Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < undefined | { deviceId: string ; flowType: PasswordlessFlowType ; preAuthSessionId: string } & CustomLoginAttemptInfoProperties > get Pre Auth Session Id FromURL get Pre Auth Session Id FromURL( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : string Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns string init Parameters Returns CreateRecipeFunction < GetRedirectionURLContext , PreAndPostAPIHookAction , OnHandleEventContext , NormalisedConfig > resend Code resend Code( input?: { options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; userContext?: any } ) : Promise < { fetchResponse: Response ; status: "OK" | "RESTART_FLOW_ERROR" } > Parameters Optional input: { options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; userContext?: any } Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < { fetchResponse: Response ; status: "OK" | "RESTART_FLOW_ERROR" } > set Login Attempt Info set Login Attempt Info< CustomStateProperties > ( input: { attemptInfo: { deviceId: string ; flowType: PasswordlessFlowType ; preAuthSessionId: string } & CustomStateProperties ; userContext?: any } ) : Promise < void > Type Parameters Parameters input: { attemptInfo: { deviceId: string ; flowType: PasswordlessFlowType ; preAuthSessionId: string } & CustomStateProperties ; userContext?: any } attempt Info: { deviceId: string ; flowType: PasswordlessFlowType ; preAuthSessionId: string } & CustomStateProperties Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < void > sign Out sign Out( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < void > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < void > Legend Variable Function Function with type parameter Type alias Class Class with type parameter Settings Theme OS Light Dark
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/modules/recipe_session.html b/docs/modules/recipe_session.html
index b2090b761..fc1f24a1e 100644
--- a/docs/modules/recipe_session.html
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recipe/session | supertokens-auth-react Type Aliases Claim Validation Error Claim Validation Error: { reason?: any ; validatorId: string }
Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:119 Type declaration Optional reason?: any validator Id: string Claim Validation Result Claim Validation Result: { isValid: true } | { isValid: false ; reason?: any }
Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:113 Input Type Input Type: WebJSInputType & { onHandleEvent?: any }
Recipe Interface Recipe Interface: { addAxiosInterceptors: any ; addFetchInterceptorsAndReturnModifiedFetch: any ; doesSessionExist: any ; getAccessTokenPayloadSecurely: any ; getGlobalClaimValidators: any ; getInvalidClaimsFromResponse: any ; getUserId: any ; signOut: any ; validateClaims: any }
Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:77 Type declaration add Axios Interceptors: function add Axios Interceptors( input: { axiosInstance: any ; userContext: any } ) : void Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:82 Parameters input: { axiosInstance: any ; userContext: any } axios Instance: any user Context: any Returns void add Fetch Interceptors And Return Modified Fetch: function add Fetch Interceptors And Return Modified Fetch( input: { originalFetch: any ; userContext: any } ) : ( ( input: URL | RequestInfo , init?: RequestInit ) => Promise < Response > ) Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:78 Parameters input: { originalFetch: any ; userContext: any } original Fetch: any user Context: any Returns ( ( input: URL | RequestInfo , init?: RequestInit ) => Promise < Response > ) ( input: URL | RequestInfo , init?: RequestInit ) : Promise < Response > Parameters input: URL | RequestInfo Optional init: RequestInit Returns Promise < Response > does Session Exist: function does Session Exist( input: { userContext: any } ) : Promise < boolean > Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:92 Parameters input: { userContext: any } Returns Promise < boolean > get Access Token Payload Securely: function get Access Token Payload Securely( input: { userContext: any } ) : Promise < any > Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:89 Parameters input: { userContext: any } Returns Promise < any > get Global Claim Validators: function Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:108 Parameters get Invalid Claims From Response: function get Invalid Claims From Response( input: { response: { data: any } | Response ; userContext: any } ) : Promise < ClaimValidationError [] > Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:98 Parameters input: { response: { data: any } | Response ; userContext: any } response: { data: any } | Response user Context: any get User Id: function get User Id( input: { userContext: any } ) : Promise < string > Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:86 Parameters input: { userContext: any } Returns Promise < string > sign Out: function sign Out( input: { userContext: any } ) : Promise < void > Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:95 Parameters input: { userContext: any } Returns Promise < void > validate Claims: function Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:104 Parameters Session Claim Session Claim< ValueType > : { getLastFetchedTime: any ; getValueFromPayload: any ; refresh: any }
Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:140 Type Parameters Type declaration get Last Fetched Time: function get Last Fetched Time( payload: any , _userContext?: any ) : undefined | number Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:143 Parameters payload: any Optional _userContext: any Returns undefined | number get Value From Payload: function get Value From Payload( payload: any , _userContext?: any ) : undefined | ValueType Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:142 Parameters payload: any Optional _userContext: any Returns undefined | ValueType refresh: function refresh( userContext: any ) : Promise < void > Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:141 Parameters Returns Promise < void > Session Context Type Session Context Type: LoadedSessionContext | { loading: true }
Variables Const Session AuthSession Auth: FC < PropsWithChildren < SessionAuthProps & { userContext?: any } > > = SessionAPIWrapper.SessionAuth
Const Session ContextSession
: Context < { invalidClaims
: ClaimValidationError [] ; loading
: false } & SessionContextUpdate & { isDefault
?: boolean } & { loading
: true } & { isDefault
?: boolean } > = ... Functions add Axios Interceptors add Axios Interceptors( axiosInstance: any , userContext?: any ) : void Parameters axiosInstance: any Optional userContext: any Returns void attempt Refreshing Session attempt Refreshing Session( ) : Promise < boolean > does Session Exist does Session Exist( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < boolean > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < boolean > get Access Token Payload Securely get Access Token Payload Securely( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < any > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < any > get Invalid Claims From Response get Invalid Claims From Response( input: { response: Response | { data: any } ; userContext: any } ) : Promise < ClaimValidationError [] > Parameters input: { response: Response | { data: any } ; userContext: any } response: Response | { data: any } user Context: any get User Id get User Id( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < string > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < string > init init( config?: InputType ) : CreateRecipeFunction < unknown , unknown , unknown , any > Parameters Returns CreateRecipeFunction < unknown , unknown , unknown , any > sign Out sign Out( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < void > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < void > use Claim Value use Claim Value< T > ( claim: SessionClaim < T > ) : { loading: true } | { doesSessionExist: boolean ; loading: false ; value: undefined | T } Type Parameters Parameters Returns { loading: true } | { doesSessionExist: boolean ; loading: false ; value: undefined | T } validate Claims Parameters input: { userContext: any ; overrideGlobalClaimValidators?: any } user Context: any override Global Claim Validators?: function Legend Variable Function Function with type parameter Type alias Class Class with type parameter Settings Theme OS Light Dark
\ No newline at end of file
recipe/session | supertokens-auth-react Type Aliases Claim Validation Error Claim Validation Error: { reason?: any ; validatorId: string }
Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:119 Type declaration Optional reason?: any validator Id: string Claim Validation Result Claim Validation Result: { isValid: true } | { isValid: false ; reason?: any }
Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:113 Input Type Input Type: WebJSInputType & { onHandleEvent?: any }
Recipe Interface Recipe Interface: { addAxiosInterceptors: any ; addFetchInterceptorsAndReturnModifiedFetch: any ; doesSessionExist: any ; getAccessTokenPayloadSecurely: any ; getGlobalClaimValidators: any ; getInvalidClaimsFromResponse: any ; getUserId: any ; signOut: any ; validateClaims: any }
Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:77 Type declaration add Axios Interceptors: function add Axios Interceptors( input: { axiosInstance: any ; userContext: any } ) : void Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:82 Parameters input: { axiosInstance: any ; userContext: any } axios Instance: any user Context: any Returns void add Fetch Interceptors And Return Modified Fetch: function add Fetch Interceptors And Return Modified Fetch( input: { originalFetch: any ; userContext: any } ) : ( ( input: URL | RequestInfo , init?: RequestInit ) => Promise < Response > ) Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:78 Parameters input: { originalFetch: any ; userContext: any } original Fetch: any user Context: any Returns ( ( input: URL | RequestInfo , init?: RequestInit ) => Promise < Response > ) ( input: URL | RequestInfo , init?: RequestInit ) : Promise < Response > Parameters input: URL | RequestInfo Optional init: RequestInit Returns Promise < Response > does Session Exist: function does Session Exist( input: { userContext: any } ) : Promise < boolean > Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:92 Parameters input: { userContext: any } Returns Promise < boolean > get Access Token Payload Securely: function get Access Token Payload Securely( input: { userContext: any } ) : Promise < any > Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:89 Parameters input: { userContext: any } Returns Promise < any > get Global Claim Validators: function Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:108 Parameters get Invalid Claims From Response: function get Invalid Claims From Response( input: { response: { data: any } | Response ; userContext: any } ) : Promise < ClaimValidationError [] > Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:98 Parameters input: { response: { data: any } | Response ; userContext: any } response: { data: any } | Response user Context: any get User Id: function get User Id( input: { userContext: any } ) : Promise < string > Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:86 Parameters input: { userContext: any } Returns Promise < string > sign Out: function sign Out( input: { userContext: any } ) : Promise < void > Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:95 Parameters input: { userContext: any } Returns Promise < void > validate Claims: function Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:104 Parameters Session Claim Session Claim< ValueType > : { getLastFetchedTime: any ; getValueFromPayload: any ; refresh: any }
Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:140 Type Parameters Type declaration get Last Fetched Time: function get Last Fetched Time( payload: any , _userContext?: any ) : undefined | number Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:143 Parameters payload: any Optional _userContext: any Returns undefined | number get Value From Payload: function get Value From Payload( payload: any , _userContext?: any ) : undefined | ValueType Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:142 Parameters payload: any Optional _userContext: any Returns undefined | ValueType refresh: function refresh( userContext: any ) : Promise < void > Defined in node_modules/supertokens-website/lib/build/types.d.ts:141 Parameters Returns Promise < void > Session Context Type Session Context Type: LoadedSessionContext | { loading: true }
Variables Const Session AuthSession Auth: FC < PropsWithChildren < SessionAuthProps & { userContext?: any } > > = SessionAPIWrapper.SessionAuth
Const Session ContextSession
: Context < { invalidClaims
: ClaimValidationError [] ; loading
: false } & SessionContextUpdate & { isDefault
?: boolean } & { loading
: true } & { isDefault
?: boolean } > = ... Functions add Axios Interceptors add Axios Interceptors( axiosInstance: any , userContext?: any ) : void Parameters axiosInstance: any Optional userContext: any Returns void attempt Refreshing Session attempt Refreshing Session( ) : Promise < boolean > does Session Exist does Session Exist( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < boolean > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < boolean > get Access Token Payload Securely get Access Token Payload Securely( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < any > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < any > get Invalid Claims From Response get Invalid Claims From Response( input: { response: Response | { data: any } ; userContext: any } ) : Promise < ClaimValidationError [] > Parameters input: { response: Response | { data: any } ; userContext: any } response: Response | { data: any } user Context: any get User Id get User Id( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < string > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < string > init init( config?: InputType ) : CreateRecipeFunction < unknown , unknown , unknown , any > Parameters Returns CreateRecipeFunction < unknown , unknown , unknown , any > sign Out sign Out( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < void > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < void > use Claim Value use Claim Value< T > ( claim: SessionClaim < T > ) : { loading: true } | { doesSessionExist: boolean ; loading: false ; value: undefined | T } Type Parameters Parameters Returns { loading: true } | { doesSessionExist: boolean ; loading: false ; value: undefined | T } validate Claims Parameters input: { userContext: any ; overrideGlobalClaimValidators?: any } user Context: any override Global Claim Validators?: function Legend Variable Function Function with type parameter Type alias Class Class with type parameter Settings Theme OS Light Dark
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diff --git a/docs/modules/recipe_thirdparty.html b/docs/modules/recipe_thirdparty.html
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--- a/docs/modules/recipe_thirdparty.html
+++ b/docs/modules/recipe_thirdparty.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
recipe/thirdparty | supertokens-auth-react Type Aliases Get RedirectionURLContext Get RedirectionURLContext: AuthRecipeModuleGetRedirectionURLContext
On Handle Event Context On Handle Event Context: AuthRecipeModuleOnHandleEventContext | { action: "SUCCESS" ; isNewUser: boolean ; user: { email: string ; id: string } ; userContext: any }
PreAPIHook Context PreAPIHook Context: { action: PreAndPostAPIHookAction ; requestInit: RequestInit ; url: string ; userContext: any }
Type declaration action: PreAndPostAPIHookAction request Init: RequestInit url: string user Context: any Recipe Interface Recipe Interface: { generateStateToSendToOAuthProvider: any ; getAuthCodeFromURL: any ; getAuthErrorFromURL: any ; getAuthStateFromURL: any ; getAuthorisationURLFromBackend: any ; getAuthorisationURLWithQueryParamsAndSetState: any ; getStateAndOtherInfoFromStorage: any ; setStateAndOtherInfoToStorage: any ; signInAndUp: any ; verifyAndGetStateOrThrowError: any }
Defined in node_modules/supertokens-web-js/lib/build/recipe/thirdparty/types.d.ts:51 Type declaration generate State To Send ToOAuth Provider: function generate State To Send ToOAuth Provider( input: { userContext: any } ) : string Defined in node_modules/supertokens-web-js/lib/build/recipe/thirdparty/types.d.ts:151 User User: { email: string ; id: string ; thirdParty: { id: string ; userId: string } ; timeJoined: number }
Defined in node_modules/supertokens-web-js/lib/build/recipe/thirdparty/types.d.ts:42 Type declaration email: string id: string third Party: { id: string ; userId: string } time Joined: number User Input User
: { oAuthCallbackScreen
?: FeatureBaseConfig ; override
?: { components
?: ComponentOverrideMap ; functions
?: any } ; signInAndUpFeature
?: SignInAndUpFeatureUserInput } & AuthRecipeModuleUserInput < GetRedirectionURLContext , PreAndPostAPIHookAction , OnHandleEventContext > Variables Const Sign In And Up Callback ThemeSign In And Up Callback Theme: ComponentType < {} > = ...
Const Sign In And Up ThemeSign In And Up Theme: React.FC < SignInAndUpThemeProps > = ...
Functions Sign In And Up Sign In And Up( prop?: PropsWithChildren < { redirectOnSessionExists?: boolean ; userContext?: any } > ) : Element Parameters prop: PropsWithChildren < { redirectOnSessionExists?: boolean ; userContext?: any } > = {} Returns Element Sign In And Up Callback Sign In And Up Callback( prop?: any ) : Element Parameters Returns Element generate State To Send ToOAuth Provider generate State To Send ToOAuth Provider( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : string Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns string get Auth Code FromURL get Auth Code FromURL( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : string Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns string get Auth Error FromURL get Auth Error FromURL( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : undefined | string Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns undefined | string get Auth State FromURL get Auth State FromURL( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : string Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns string get AuthorisationURLFrom Backend get AuthorisationURLFrom Backend( input: { options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; providerId: string ; userContext?: any } ) : Promise < { fetchResponse: Response ; status: "OK" ; url: string } > Parameters input: { options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; providerId: string ; userContext?: any } Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions provider Id: string Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < { fetchResponse: Response ; status: "OK" ; url: string } > get AuthorisationURLWith Query Params And Set State get AuthorisationURLWith Query Params And Set State( input: { authorisationURL: string ; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; providerClientId?: string ; providerId: string ; userContext?: any } ) : Promise < string > Parameters input: { authorisationURL: string ; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; providerClientId?: string ; providerId: string ; userContext?: any } authorisationURL: string Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions Optional provider Client Id?: string provider Id: string Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < string > get State And Other Info From Storage get State And Other Info From Storage< CustomStateProperties > ( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : undefined | StateObject & CustomStateProperties Type Parameters Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns undefined | StateObject & CustomStateProperties init Parameters Returns CreateRecipeFunction < GetRedirectionURLContext , PreAndPostAPIHookAction , OnHandleEventContext , NormalisedConfig > redirect To Third Party Login redirect To Third Party Login( input: { thirdPartyId: string ; userContext?: any } ) : Promise < { status: "OK" | "ERROR" } > Parameters input: { thirdPartyId: string ; userContext?: any } third Party Id: string Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < { status: "OK" | "ERROR" } > set State And Other Info To Storage set State And Other Info To Storage< CustomStateProperties > ( input: { state: StateObject & CustomStateProperties ; userContext?: any } ) : Promise < void > Type Parameters Parameters input: { state: StateObject & CustomStateProperties ; userContext?: any } state: StateObject & CustomStateProperties Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < void > sign In And Up sign In And Up( input?: { options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; userContext?: any } ) : Promise < { createdNewUser: boolean ; fetchResponse: Response ; status: "OK" ; user: User } | { fetchResponse: Response ; status: "NO_EMAIL_GIVEN_BY_PROVIDER" } > Parameters Optional input: { options?: RecipeFunctionOptions ; userContext?: any } Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < { createdNewUser: boolean ; fetchResponse: Response ; status: "OK" ; user: User } | { fetchResponse: Response ; status: "NO_EMAIL_GIVEN_BY_PROVIDER" } > sign Out sign Out( input?: { userContext?: any } ) : Promise < void > Parameters Optional input: { userContext?: any } Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < void > verify And Get State Or Throw Error verify And Get State Or Throw Error< CustomStateProperties > ( input: { stateFromAuthProvider: undefined | string ; stateObjectFromStorage: undefined | StateObject & CustomStateProperties ; userContext?: any } ) : Promise < StateObject & CustomStateProperties > Type Parameters Parameters input: { stateFromAuthProvider: undefined | string ; stateObjectFromStorage: undefined | StateObject & CustomStateProperties ; userContext?: any } state From Auth Provider: undefined | string state Object From Storage: undefined | StateObject & CustomStateProperties Optional user Context?: any Returns Promise < StateObject & CustomStateProperties > Legend Variable Function Function with type parameter Type alias Class Class with type parameter Settings Theme OS Light Dark
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/modules/recipe_thirdpartyemailpassword.html b/docs/modules/recipe_thirdpartyemailpassword.html
index 656c880f2..4ecf99a51 100644
--- a/docs/modules/recipe_thirdpartyemailpassword.html
+++ b/docs/modules/recipe_thirdpartyemailpassword.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword | supertokens-auth-react Module recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword Legend Variable Function Function with type parameter Type alias Class Class with type parameter Settings Theme OS Light Dark
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diff --git a/docs/modules/recipe_thirdpartypasswordless.html b/docs/modules/recipe_thirdpartypasswordless.html
index 04c7abdf7..f3079737c 100644
--- a/docs/modules/recipe_thirdpartypasswordless.html
+++ b/docs/modules/recipe_thirdpartypasswordless.html
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
recipe/thirdpartypasswordless | supertokens-auth-react Module recipe/thirdpartypasswordless References Sign In Up Theme Renames and re-exports __type Type Aliases Recipe Interface Recipe Interface: { clearPasswordlessLoginAttemptInfo: any ; consumePasswordlessCode: any ; createPasswordlessCode: any ; doesPasswordlessUserEmailExist: any ; doesPasswordlessUserPhoneNumberExist: any ; generateThirdPartyStateToSendToOAuthProvider: any ; getAuthorisationURLFromBackend: any ; getPasswordlessLinkCodeFromURL: any ; getPasswordlessLoginAttemptInfo: any ; getPasswordlessPreAuthSessionIdFromURL: any ; getThirdPartyAuthCodeFromURL: any ; getThirdPartyAuthErrorFromURL: any ; getThirdPartyAuthStateFromURL: any ; getThirdPartyAuthorisationURLWithQueryParamsAndSetState: any ; getThirdPartyStateAndOtherInfoFromStorage: any ; resendPasswordlessCode: any ; setPasswordlessLoginAttemptInfo: any ; setThirdPartyStateAndOtherInfoToStorage: any ; thirdPartySignInAndUp: any ; verifyAndGetThirdPartyStateOrThrowError: any }
Defined in node_modules/supertokens-web-js/lib/build/recipe/thirdpartypasswordless/types.d.ts:42 Type declaration clear Passwordless Login Attempt Info: function clear Passwordless Login Attempt Info( input: { userContext: any } ) : Promise < void > Defined in node_modules/supertokens-web-js/lib/build/recipe/thirdpartypasswordless/types.d.ts:392 User Input User
: ( { contactMethod
: "EMAIL" ; signInUpFeature
?: SignInUpFeatureConfigInput ; validateEmailAddress
?: any } | { contactMethod
: "PHONE" ; signInUpFeature
?: SignInUpFeatureConfigInput & { defaultCountry
?: CountryCode } ; validatePhoneNumber
?: any } | { contactMethod
: "EMAIL_OR_PHONE" ; signInUpFeature
?: SignInUpFeatureConfigInput & { defaultCountry
?: CountryCode ; guessInternationPhoneNumberFromInputPhoneNumber
?: any } ; validateEmailAddress
?: any ; validatePhoneNumber
?: any } ) & { disablePasswordless
?: boolean ; linkClickedScreenFeature
?: PasswordlessFeatureBaseConfig ; oAuthCallbackScreen
?: FeatureBaseConfig ; override
?: { components
?: ComponentOverrideMap ; functions
?: any } } & AuthRecipeModuleUserInput < GetRedirectionURLContext , PreAndPostAPIHookAction , OnHandleEventContext > Legend Variable Function Function with type parameter Type alias Class Class with type parameter Settings Theme OS Light Dark
\ No newline at end of file
- Preparing search index...
- The search index is not available
supertokens-auth-reactModule recipe/emailpassword
Type Aliases
Reset Password Using Token Theme
Renames and re-exports __typeSign In And Up Theme
Renames and re-exports __typeType Aliases
Get RedirectionURLContext
On Handle Event Context
PreAPIHook Context
Type declaration
action: PreAndPostAPIHookAction
request Init: RequestInit
url: string
user Context: any
Recipe Interface
Type declaration
does Email Exist:function
Check if an email exists
STGeneralError if the API exposed by the backend SDKs returns
input: { email: string; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext: any }
email: string
Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions
user Context: any
Returns Promise<{ doesExist: boolean; fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK" }>
@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@{status: "OK", doesExist: boolean}
Submit a new password for the user
STGeneralError if the API exposed by the backend SDKs returns
input: { formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext: any }
form Fields: { id: string; value: string }[]
Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions
user Context: any
Returns Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK" | "RESET_PASSWORD_INVALID_TOKEN_ERROR" } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" }>
-{status: "OK"}
if successfullUser Input
Reset Password Using Token
Optional prop: any
Returns Element
Sign In And Up
prop: PropsWithChildren<{ redirectOnSessionExists?: boolean; userContext?: any }> = {}
Returns Element
does Email Exist
input: { email: string; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext?: any }
email: string
Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions
Optional user Context?: any
Returns Promise<{ doesExist: boolean; fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK" }>
get Reset Password Token FromURL
Optional input: { userContext?: any }
Optional user Context?: any
Returns string
Optional config: UserInput
Returns CreateRecipeFunction<GetRedirectionURLContext, PreAndPostAPIHookAction, OnHandleEventContext, NormalisedConfig>
send Password Reset Email
input: { formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext?: any }
form Fields: { id: string; value: string }[]
Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions
Optional user Context?: any
Returns Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK" } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" }>
sign In
input: { formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext?: any }
form Fields: { id: string; value: string }[]
Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions
Optional user Context?: any
Returns Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK"; user: User } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" } | { fetchResponse: Response; status: "WRONG_CREDENTIALS_ERROR" }>
sign Out
Optional input: { userContext?: any }
Optional user Context?: any
Returns Promise<void>
sign Up
input: { formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext?: any }
form Fields: { id: string; value: string }[]
Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions
Optional user Context?: any
Returns Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK"; user: User } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" }>
submit New Password
input: { formFields: { id: string; value: string }[]; options?: RecipeFunctionOptions; userContext?: any }
form Fields: { id: string; value: string }[]
Optional options?: RecipeFunctionOptions
Optional user Context?: any
Returns Promise<{ fetchResponse: Response; status: "OK" | "RESET_PASSWORD_INVALID_TOKEN_ERROR" } | { fetchResponse: Response; formFields: { error: string; id: string }[]; status: "FIELD_ERROR" }>
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