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2071 lines (1428 loc) · 68.1 KB

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2071 lines (1428 loc) · 68.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning

[0.36.0] - 2023-11-XX


Introducing MFA

With this release, we are introducing MultiFactorAuth and TOTP, this will let you:

  • require (2FA or MFA) during sign in
  • make use of our TOTP

Check our guide for more information.

To use this you'll need compatible versions:

  • Core>=8.0.0
  • supertokens-node>=17.0.0 (support is pending in other backend SDKs)
  • supertokens-website>=17.0.3
  • supertokens-web-js>=0.9.0
  • supertokens-auth-react>=0.36.0


  • Added support for FDI 1.19 (Node SDK>= 17.0.0), but keeping support FDI version 1.17 and 1.18 (node >= 15.0.0, golang>=0.13, python>=0.15.0)
  • Added firstFactors into the return type of getLoginMethods
  • Added the MultiFactorAuth recipe
  • Updated how we select which login UI to show to take the firstFactors config value into account (defined in the MultiFactorAuth recipe or in the tenant information)
  • Refactored/renamed some styling options (resetPasswordHeaderTitle -> headerTitle withBackButton)
  • Added a useShadowDom prop to the AccessDeniedScreen
  • Added an error prop to the AccessDeniedScreen that can be used to describe the reason access is denied.

[0.35.5] - 2023-10-06


  • Setting autocomplete in passwordless forms for email, phone and OTP


  • Fixed shadow dom issue in nextjs dev mode by checking if a shadow root is already attached to the div before creating one.

Example changes

  • Updated dev/start script in netlify example

[0.35.4] - 2023-09-28


  • fixed using twitter as id by default in twitter provider.

[0.35.3] - 2023-09-26


  • Added new social provider twitter

  • Introduced a new option logo for thirdparty custom providers to set a custom logo, just like the name property.

Following is an example of how to use this new logo property.

      signInUpFeature: {
        providers: [
            id: "discord",
            name: "Discord",
            logo: <svg
                        viewBox="0 0 640 512"
                        <path d="M524.531,69.836a1.5,1.5,0,0,0-.764-.7A485.065,485.065,0,0,0,404.081,32.03a1.816,1.816,0,0,0-1.923.91,337.461,337.461,0,0,0-14.9,30.6,447.848,447.848,0,0,0-134.426,0,309.541,309.541,0,0,0-15.135-30.6,1.89,1.89,0,0,0-1.924-.91A483.689,483.689,0,0,0,116.085,69.137a1.712,1.712,0,0,0-.788.676C39.068,183.651,18.186,294.69,28.43,404.354a2.016,2.016,0,0,0,.765,1.375A487.666,487.666,0,0,0,176.02,479.918a1.9,1.9,0,0,0,2.063-.676A348.2,348.2,0,0,0,208.12,430.4a1.86,1.86,0,0,0-1.019-2.588,321.173,321.173,0,0,1-45.868-21.853,1.885,1.885,0,0,1-.185-3.126c3.082-2.309,6.166-4.711,9.109-7.137a1.819,1.819,0,0,1,1.9-.256c96.229,43.917,200.41,43.917,295.5,0a1.812,1.812,0,0,1,1.924.233c2.944,2.426,6.027,4.851,9.132,7.16a1.884,1.884,0,0,1-.162,3.126,301.407,301.407,0,0,1-45.89,21.83,1.875,1.875,0,0,0-1,2.611,391.055,391.055,0,0,0,30.014,48.815,1.864,1.864,0,0,0,2.063.7A486.048,486.048,0,0,0,610.7,405.729a1.882,1.882,0,0,0,.765-1.352C623.729,277.594,590.933,167.465,524.531,69.836ZM222.491,337.58c-28.972,0-52.844-26.587-52.844-59.239S193.056,219.1,222.491,219.1c29.665,0,53.306,26.82,52.843,59.239C275.334,310.993,251.924,337.58,222.491,337.58Zm195.38,0c-28.971,0-52.843-26.587-52.843-59.239S388.437,219.1,417.871,219.1c29.667,0,53.307,26.82,52.844,59.239C470.715,310.993,447.538,337.58,417.871,337.58Z" />

[0.35.2] - 2023-09-24

Test changes

  • Split some test suites into multiple files to help with test parallelization

[0.35.1] - 2023-09-21

Test changes

  • Test fixes for backend SDK CI

[0.35.0] - 2023-09-21


Introducing account-linking

With this release, we are introducing AccountLinking, this will let you:

  • link accounts automatically,
  • implement manual account linking flows.

Check our guide for more information.

To use this you'll need compatible versions:

  • Core>=7.0.0
  • supertokens-node>=16.0.0 (support is pending in other backend SDKs)
  • supertokens-website>=17.0.3
  • supertokens-web-js>=0.8.0
  • supertokens-auth-react>=0.35.0

Breaking changes

  • Added support for FDI 1.18 (Node SDK>= 16.0.0), but keeping support FDI version1.17 (node >= 15.0.0, golang>=0.13, python>=0.15.0)
  • User type has changed across recipes and functions: recipe specific user types have been removed and replaced by a generic one that contains more information
  • createdNewUser has been renamed to createdNewRecipeUser
  • createCode, consumeCode, createPasswordlessCode and consumePasswordlessCode can now return status: SIGN_IN_UP_NOT_ALLOWED
  • signInAndUp and thirdPartySignInAndUp can now return new status: SIGN_IN_UP_NOT_ALLOWED
  • sendPasswordResetEmail can now return status: "PASSWORD_RESET_NOT_ALLOWED"
  • signIn and emailPasswordSignIn can now return SIGN_IN_NOT_ALLOWED
  • signUp and emailPasswordSignUp can now return SIGN_UP_NOT_ALLOWED
  • The context param of getRedirectionURL gets an optional user prop (it's always defined if createdNewRecipeUser is set to true)
  • Added new language translation keys
  • We've added error messages for all of the above error statuses. Please see the new UI here. You can change the text using the language translation feature


New User structure

We've added a generic User type instead of the old recipe specific ones. The mapping of old props to new in case you are not using account-linking:

  • stays
  • becomes user.emails[0]
  • user.phoneNumber becomes user.phoneNumbers[0]
  • user.thirdParty becomes user.thirdParty[0]
  • user.timeJoined is still user.timeJoined
  • user.tenantIds is still user.tenantIds

Checking if a user signed up or signed in

  • When calling passwordless consumeCode / social login signinup APIs, you can check if a user signed up by:
    // Here res refers to the result the function/api functions mentioned above.
    const isNewUser = res.createdNewRecipeUser && res.user.loginMethods.length === 1;
  • When calling the emailpassword sign up API, you can check if a user signed up by:
    const isNewUser = res.user.loginMethods.length === 1;
  • In getRedirectionURL
EmailPassword.init({ // This looks the same for other recipes
    // Other config options.
    async getRedirectionURL(context) {
        if (context.action === "SUCCESS") {
            if (context.isNewRecipeUser && context.user.loginMethods.length === 1) {
                // new primary user
            } else {
                // only a recipe user was created
        return undefined;
  • In onHandleEvent:
EmailPassword.init({ // This looks the same for other recipes
    // Other config options.
    onHandleEvent(context: EmailPasswordOnHandleEventContext) {
        if (context.action === "SUCCESS") {
            if (context.isNewRecipeUser && context.user.loginMethods.length === 1) {
                // new primary user
            } else {
                // only a recipe user was created

[0.34.2] - 2023-08-27


  • Fixed the SDK trying to merge the providers from the tenant config if the third party login method is disabled.

[0.34.1] - 2023-07-31


  • Delaying the initial getDynamicLoginMethods until the first feature/routing component renders
  • Added a spinner that shows up if usesDynamicLoginMethods is true and getDynamicLoginMethods takes longer than 200ms
  • Updated with-one-login-many-subdomains example to match the create-supertokens-app-example

[0.34.0] - 2023-07-18


  • Added a new optional parameter to getSuperTokensRoutesForReactRouterDom to support embedded routes
  • Added Active Directory, Okta, Linked In, Boxy SAML, Google Workspaces providers
  • Added name prop to buttonComponent
  • Added thirdparty login with popup window
  • Added Multitenancy recipe
  • Improved typing of getClaimValue
  • Optional clientType config in the input for SuperTokens.init function, that is used by thirdparty and multitenancy recipes.
  • Optional usesDynamicLoginMethods config in the input for SuperTokens.init function, which makes the SDK check the backend to see which recipes should be enabled
  • Added an overrideable getTenantIdFromURL to multiple recipes

Breaking Changes

  • Only supporting FDI 1.17

  • Backend SDKs have to be updated first to a version that supports multi-tenancy for thirdparty

    • supertokens-node: >= 15.0.0
    • supertokens-golang: >= 0.13.0
    • supertokens-python: >= 0.15.0
  • In ThirdParty recipe,

    • Changed signatures of the functions getAuthorisationURLWithQueryParamsAndSetState

       import { getAuthorisationURLWithQueryParamsAndSetState } from 'supertokens-auth-react/recipe/thirdparty';
      -  providerId: "google",
      +  thirdPartyId: "google",
      -  authorisationURL: "http://localhost/auth/callback/google",
      +  frontendRedirectURI: "http://localhost/auth/callback/google",
    • Removed functions - setStateAndOtherInfoToStorage, getAuthorisationURLFromBackend, generateStateToSendToOAuthProvider, verifyAndGetStateOrThrowError, getAuthCodeFromURL, getAuthErrorFromURL, getAuthStateFromURL

  • In ThirdPartyEmailpassword recipe,

    • Changed signatures of the functions getAuthorisationURLWithQueryParamsAndSetState

       import { getAuthorisationURLWithQueryParamsAndSetState } from 'supertokens-auth-react/recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword';
      -  providerId: "google",
      +  thirdPartyId: "google",
      -  authorisationURL: "http://localhost/auth/callback/google",
      +  frontendRedirectURI: "http://localhost/auth/callback/google",
    • Removed functions - setStateAndOtherInfoToStorage, getAuthorisationURLFromBackend, generateStateToSendToOAuthProvider, verifyAndGetStateOrThrowError, getAuthCodeFromURL, getAuthErrorFromURL, getAuthStateFromURL

  • In ThirdPartyPasswordless recipe,

    • Changed signatures of the functions getThirdPartyAuthorisationURLWithQueryParamsAndSetState

       import { getAuthorisationURLWithQueryParamsAndSetState } from 'supertokens-auth-react/recipe/thirdpartypasswordless';
      -  providerId: "google",
      +  thirdPartyId: "google",
      -  authorisationURL: "http://localhost/auth/callback/google",
      +  frontendRedirectURI: "http://localhost/auth/callback/google",
    • Removed functions - setThirdPartyStateAndOtherInfoToStorage, getAuthorisationURLFromBackend, generateThirdPartyStateToSendToOAuthProvider, verifyAndGetThirdPartyStateOrThrowError, getThirdPartyAuthCodeFromURL, getThirdPartyAuthErrorFromURL, getThirdPartyAuthStateFromURL

[0.33.1] - 2023-06-08


  • CSS change to fix the responsiveness of the default AccessDenied screen

[0.33.0] - 2023-06-06


  • Introduce onFailureRedirection and showAccessDeniedOnFailure on claims and validators to make handling session claim validation failures easier
  • Added an accessDeniedScreen prop to SessionAuth. The component passed as this prop is rendered if a claim validator (with showAccessDeniedOnFailure set to true) fails.
  • Added a styleable AccessDeniedScreen to provide a useful default for the above accessDeniedScreen prop.
  • Update to web-js interface version
  • Updated supertokens-web-js dependency, which made SessionClaimValidator a type instead of an abstract class
  • Added textGray to the palette variables (used in the default access denied screen)
  • Now the email verification feature component will never render SendVerifyEmail without a session

[0.32.4] - 2023-05-31

  • Fixed the types for EmailVerification.init to not require a config to be passed.

[0.32.3] - 2023-05-10

  • Changed email verification index.tsx to use index.ts instead so that auto generated docs add it.

[0.32.2] - 2023-05-10

  • Fixed with-thirdpartyemailpassword-passwordless apps overwritten button's width
  • Fixed supertokens-auth-react/ui import referencing .js file instead of .d.ts causing ts issue

[0.32.1] - 2023-05-03


  • Made Session.validateClaims argument optional

[0.32.0] - 2023-05-02


  • Eliminated the need for duplicate init call for non-react applications that use pre-built UI. See the issue
  • Split/separate pre-built UI components from its recipe to reduce bundle sizes for apps that do not use pre-built UI
  • Added thirdparty login with popup window example


Initializing web-js

This version also initializes the web-js SDK. If you previously did that manually, you can remove/replace it with the auth-react init call. From this version forward, the recommended way to use this SDK, even with Angular and Vue, is to initialize auth-react in the root component. Importing supertokens-auth-react will not pull React into your main bundle; only importing the prebuiltui modules will. For more details, check out our quick setup guides for angular and vue.

Adding the pre-built UI route for apps with react-router-dom

import SuperTokens, { SuperTokensWrapper, getSuperTokensRoutesForReactRouterDom } from "supertokens-auth-react";
import Passwordless from "supertokens-auth-react/recipe/passwordless";
// .... other imports

    appInfo: {
        // appInfo
    recipeList: [
            contactMethod: "EMAIL_OR_PHONE",

    <div className="App">
            <div className="fill">
                    {/* This shows the login UI on "/auth" route */}
                    // ... other routes
            <Footer />

Should become

import SuperTokens, { SuperTokensWrapper } from "supertokens-auth-react";
import { getSuperTokensRoutesForReactRouterDom } from "supertokens-auth-react/ui";
import Passwordless from "supertokens-auth-react/recipe/passwordless";
import { PasswordlessPreBuiltUI } from "supertokens-auth-react/recipe/passwordless/prebuiltui";
// .... other imports

    appInfo: {
        // appInfo
    recipeList: [
            contactMethod: "EMAIL_OR_PHONE",

    <div className="App">
            <div className="fill">
                    {/* This shows the login UI on "/auth" route for Passwordless recipe */}
                    {getSuperTokensRoutesForReactRouterDom(require("react-router-dom"), [PasswordlessPreBuiltUI])}
                    // ... other routes
            <Footer />

Adding the pre-built UI route for apps without react-router-dom

import React from "react";
import SuperTokens, { SuperTokensWrapper } from "supertokens-auth-react";

class App extends React.Component {
    render() {
        if (SuperTokens.canHandleRoute()) {
            // This renders the login UI on the /auth route
            return SuperTokens.getRoutingComponent();

        return <SuperTokensWrapper>{/*Your app*/}</SuperTokensWrapper>;

Should become

import { SuperTokensWrapper } from "supertokens-auth-react";
import { canHandleRoute, getRoutingComponent } from "supertokens-auth-react/ui";
import { PasswordlessPreBuiltUI } from "supertokens-auth-react/recipe/passwordless/prebuiltui";

class App extends React.Component {
    render() {
        if (canHandleRoute([PasswordlessPreBuiltUI])) {
            // This renders the login UI on the /auth route
            return getRoutingComponent([PasswordlessPreBuiltUI]);

        return <SuperTokensWrapper>{/*Your app*/}</SuperTokensWrapper>;

[0.31.5] - 2023-03-30


  • Added new social providers(Gitlab, Discord, Bitbucket)

[0.31.4] - 2023-03-29


  • Switched dependency away from the removed/unpublished mocha-split-tests package

[0.31.3] - 2023-03-23


  • Fix unsupported engine warning for npm v9
  • Updates dependency versions for supertokens-auth-react and supertokens-node for all example apps
  • Initialises the Dashboard recipe for all example apps

[0.31.2] - 2023-03-07


  • Keep redirectToPath's query params while redirecting to it from auth


  • Update example apps after header based auth

[0.31.1] - 2023-02-12


  • Add ordering for imports
  • Force consistent type imports


  • Fixed all buttons to have pointer cursor on hover.
  • Fixed component override propagation into sub-recipe only feature components (i.e., ThirdPartySignInAndUpCallbackTheme_Override in thirdpartyemailpassword)

[0.31.0] - 2023-02-01

Breaking changes

  • Updated supertokens-web-js dependency that requires a backend SDK update to:
    • supertokens-node: >= 13.0.0
    • supertokens-python: >= 0.12.0
    • supertokens-golang: >= 0.10.0
  • Renamed configuration options:
    • sessionScope renamed to sessionTokenFrontendDomain
    • cookieDomain renamed to sessionTokenBackendDomain


[0.30.2] - 2023-01-21


  • Prefilling the phone number input with the dial code if default country is set.

[0.30.1] - 2023-01-20


  • Fixed guessing internation phone number in passwordless with EMAIL_OR_PHONE contact method if the number starts with a valid country dial code

[0.30.0] - 2023-01-20


  • Updated many dependencies to fix warnings during install
  • Updated our build process to use rollup as a bundler

Breaking changes


Custom styles


    appInfo: {
        apiDomain: "...",
        appName: "...",
        websiteDomain: "...",
    recipeList: [
            style: {
                container: {
                    fontFamily: "cursive",


    appInfo: {
        apiDomain: "...",
        appName: "...",
        websiteDomain: "...",
    recipeList: [
            style: `
                [data-supertokens~=container] {
                    font-family: cursive;

Custom palette


    appInfo: {
        apiDomain: "...",
        appName: "...",
        websiteDomain: "...",
    recipeList: [
            palette: {
                background: "#333",
                inputBackground: "#292929",
                textTitle: "white",
                textLabel: "white",
                textPrimary: "white",
                error: "#ad2e2e",
                textInput: "#a9a9a9",
                textLink: "#a9a9a9",


    appInfo: {
        apiDomain: "...",
        appName: "...",
        websiteDomain: "...",
    recipeList: [
            style: `
                [data-supertokens~=container] {
                    --palette-background: 51, 51, 51;
                    --palette-inputBackground: 41, 41, 41;
                    --palette-inputBorder: 41, 41, 41;
                    --palette-textTitle: 255, 255, 255;
                    --palette-textLabel: 255, 255, 255;
                    --palette-textPrimary: 255, 255, 255;
                    --palette-error: 173, 46, 46;
                    --palette-textInput: 169, 169, 169;
                    --palette-textLink: 169, 169, 169;

[0.29.0] - 2023-01-06

Breaking changes

  • Moved component override config into a recipe specific provider component


    recipeList: [
            override: {
                components: {
                    EmailPasswordSignIn_Override: ({ DefaultComponent, ...props }) => {
                        return (
                                <img src="octocat.jpg" />
                                <DefaultComponent {...props} />

Components override would move to override provider component's prop:

import EmailPassword, { EmailPasswordComponentsOverrideProvider } from "supertokens-auth-react/recipe/emailpassword";

    recipeList: [EmailPassword.init()],

function App() {
    return (
                    EmailPasswordSignIn_Override: ({ DefaultComponent, ...props }) => {
                        return (
                                <img src="octocat.jpg" />
                                <DefaultComponent {...props} />
                {/* The rest of JSX */}

export default App;


  • Created test for the sign up attempt using duplicate email

[0.28.1] - 2022-12-13


  • Trailing slash is added to URL when going back to "Sign In" from "Forgot Password" for consistency (fixes #625)

[0.28.0] - 2022-12-13

Breaking change

  • Changed styles for social login buttons

[0.27.4] - 2022-12-06


  • Updated test to match new behaviour of the website SDK - not rethrowing refresh errors during doesSessionExist

[0.27.3] - 2022-11-25


  • getClaimValue function inside Session recipe - exposed because web-js exposes it too.

[0.27.2] - 2022-11-18


  • Makes input userContext optional in validateClaims function in Session recipe

[0.27.1] - 2022-10-25


  • Updated passwordless login to first try calling the API if it could guess a valid international phone number


  • Cleaned up some warnings shown in the console
  • Fixes an issue where pre api hooks would not work correctly when calling recipe functions directly

[0.27.0] - 2022-10-18


  • Adding an interceptor for XMLHttpRequest by default upon initializing SuperTokens
  • Marked addAxiosInterceptors as deprecated
  • Request interception can now be disabled by adding superTokensDoNotDoInterception to the hash of the request (works as a queryparam as well)

[0.26.6] - 2022-10-13


  • Made the header of the third party sign in/up form overrideable

[0.26.5] - 2022-10-11


  • Fixed the error message shown if a network error occured while consuming a link in passwordless
  • Now clearing the OTP input field in passwordless after submit (as it was intended)

[0.26.4] - 2022-09-29


  • Fixed a case where SessionAuth could get stuck in an infinite loop
  • Fixed some css related error logs appearing in console

[0.26.3] - 2022-09-22

Build/Test changes

  • Fixes how our CI testing procedure (alway using latest)

[0.26.2] - 2022-09-22

  • Fixes parameter type for Passwordless consumeCode

[0.26.1] - 2022-09-22


  • Adds redirectToAuth to props of the overrideable SendVerifyEmail component


  • Redirecting to auth when opening the default UI on /auth/verify-email with an unknown/deleted user instead of showing an empty screen
  • In case an error is thrown during loading session information/claim validation, sessionContext will now contain doesSessionExist: false instead of throwing an error

[0.26.0] - 2022-09-14


  • Adds Session claims support and UserRoleClaim, PermissionClaim and EmailVerificationClaim
  • Added overrideGlobalClaimValidators and doRedirection to SessionAuth props
  • Added validateClaims, useClaimValue and getInvalidClaimsFromResponse to the Session recipe
  • Added API_INVALID_CLAIM event to the Session recipe
  • Export for EmailVerification recipe
  • Added "OPTIONAL" mode for the EmailVerification recipe


  • Fixed typing of onSuccess prop on passwordless SignInUpProps
  • Fixed some full-page redirect that happened even when using react-router-dom
  • Fixed rare error in an edge case where getSuperTokensRoutesForReactRouterDom was used by a sub-component of SessionAuth

Breaking changes

  • Only supporting FDI 1.15
  • Backend SDKs have to be updated first to a version that supports session claims before enabling EmailVerification!
    • supertokens-node: >= 12.0
    • supertokens-golang: >= 0.9
    • supertokens-python: >= 0.11
  • EmailVerification recipe is now not initialized as part of auth recipes. You can add it to the recipe list as EmailVerification.init like other recipes.
  • Removed OFF from possible EmailVerification recipe modes, default is updated to REQUIRED.
  • Moved email verification related styling options, events, overrides, pre-api hooks and redirection contexts into the EmailVerification recipe. You should configure them while initializing the EmailVerification recipe.
  • Removed recipe specific auth wrapper components. You should use SessionAuth instead.
  • Removed email verification methods from auth recipes. You should now call them on the EmailVerification recipe directly.
  • requireAuth now defaults to true in SessionAuth to match the behavior of the removed recipe specific wrappers.
  • Removed redirectToLogin from SessionAuth.
  • Moved redirectToAuth to SuperTokens out of auth recipes. You should now call SuperTokens.redirectToAuth() instead. In this function redirectBack defaults to true.
  • Removed SIGN_IN_AND_UP action from GetRedirectionURLContext of auth recipes. This should now be handled by passing a getRedirectionURL to SuperTokens.init that handles a context with the TO_AUTH action.


EmailVerification recipe init

    // Normal init conf...
    recipeList: [
            getRedirectionURL: (context) => {
                if (context.action === "SIGN_IN_AND_UP") {
                    // This handler should be moved to the SuperTokens.init level
                    return "/auth";
                // All email verification related context should be now handled in the config of the EmailVerification recipe
            onHandleEvent: () => {
                // Handle email verification related events here in the onHandleEvent of the EmailVerification config
            preAPIHook: (context) => {
                // Move email verification related pre-API hooks into the preAPIHook of the EmailVerification config
            postAPIHook: (context) => {
                // Move email verification related post-API hooks into the postAPIHook of the EmailVerification config
            emailVerificationFeature: {
                mode: "REQUIRED",
                // Any other props here should be moved into the config of the EmailVerification recipe
            override: {
                emailVerificationFeature: {
                    // These overrides should be moved into the config of the EmailVerification recipe

Should become:

    // Normal init conf...
    getRedirectionURL: (context) => {
        if (context.action === "TO_AUTH") {
            // Move handling the SIGN_IN_AND_UP action here
            return "/auth";
    recipeList: [
            mode: "REQUIRED",
            // Props from emailVerificationFeature of the EmailPassword.init config should be moved here.
            override: {
                // The overrides from emailVerificationFeature in the overrides of the EmailPassword config should be moved here

            getRedirectionURL: (context) => {
                // Move handling email verification related redirects here
            onHandleEvent: () => {
                // Handle email verification related events here
            preAPIHook: (context) => {
                // Move email verification related pre-API hooks here
            postAPIHook: (context) => {
                // Move email verification related post-API hooks here

Auth wrappers

function ProtectedHomeComponent() {
    return (
            <Home />

Should become:

function ProtectedHomeComponent() {
    return (
            <Home />

[0.25.1] - 2022-09-18

Bug fixes

  • We now ignore errors thrown while sending verification emails on mount as intended
  • Calls the trim function for email and phone number validation in passwordless and emailpassword based recipes.



  • Added getRedirectURL configuration option to third-party providers. This can be used to set where the user is redirected back during the callback.

Breaking changes

[0.24.8] - 2022-09-02

Bug fixes

  • Input colors now follow inputBackground and textInput even while being pre-filled


  • Updates supertokens-node version in example apps

[0.24.7] - 2022-08-23


  • Makes the input argument for consumePasswordlessCode in ThirdPartyPasswordless optional.

[0.24.6] - 2022-08-17

Bug fixes

  • Fixed clearing errors when switching between sign in & up in thirdpartyemailpassword

[0.24.5] - 2022-08-16


  • Sign in/up components now take a redirectOnSessionExists prop that controls if it redirects away if a session exists on mount. Defaults to true.
  • Adds unit tests to make sure that recipe functions are exported correctly

[0.24.4] - 2022-08-07

  • Fixes styling issue for login with github

[0.24.3] - 2022-08-05


  • Updated react-scripts in all examples
  • Updated READMEs for example apps, removed information that is no longer relevant.


  • Fixed capitalization of GitHub on the UI (fixes #539)

[0.24.2] - 2022-07-28

  • Fixes prop passing when custom theme is used with the feature components
  • Updates supabase example app to use supertokens-auth-react version 0.24
  • Updates grammar for "Something went wrong" error text.

[0.24.1] - 2022-07-12


  • Additional tests for getRedirectionURL


  • Update supertokens-web-js dependency version


[0.24.0] - 2022-07-06

Bug fixes

  • Fixes an issue where userContext would not get passed correctly for ThirdPartyPasswordless recipe


  • Added SuperTokensWrapper intended to wrap around whole applications, providing a session context


  • Made auth wrappers SSR compatible

Breaking changes

  • Added loading to the session context. Please check if the session context is still loading before using other props. loading is always false inside components wrapped by AuthWrappers with requireAuth=true


Following is an example of how your components may have to change. If you had components like this:

// .... other imports
import SuperTokens, { getSuperTokensRoutesForReactRouterDom, SuperTokensWrapper } from "supertokens-auth-react";
import { useSessionContext } from "supertokens-auth-react/recipe/session";
import { ThirdPartyEmailPasswordAuth } from "supertokens-auth-react/recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword";

function Component() {
    const sessionContext = useSessionContext();

    return <div className="fill">{sessionContext.doesSessionExist ? "logged in" : "logged out"}</div>;

    /* config... */

function App() {
    return (
        <div className="App">
                <div className="fill">
                                <ThirdPartyEmailPasswordAuth requireAuth={true}>
                                        In this case, Component will always display logged in.
                                        If doesSessionExist is false after the session is loaded, the user is redirected to the login screen
                                    <Component />
                                <ThirdPartyEmailPasswordAuth requireAuth={false}>
                                    <Component />

It'd look like this after the update:

// .... other imports
import SuperTokens, { getSuperTokensRoutesForReactRouterDom, SuperTokensWrapper } from "supertokens-auth-react";
import { useSessionContext } from "supertokens-auth-react/recipe/session";
import { ThirdPartyEmailPasswordAuth } from "supertokens-auth-react/recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword";

function Component() {
    const sessionContext = useSessionContext();

    if (sessionContext.loading === true) {
        // You could display a loading screen here, but session context loading is very fast
        // so returning null is better in most cases to avoid content popping in and out
        return null;

    return <div className="fill">{sessionContext.doesSessionExist ? "logged in" : "logged out"}</div>;

    /* config is unchanged */

function App() {
    return (
        <div className="App">
                    <div className="fill">
                                    <ThirdPartyEmailPasswordAuth requireAuth={true}>
                                            In this case, Component will never hit the loading === true branch.
                                            It will only be rendered if `loading === false && doesSessionExist === true`
                                            If doesSessionExist is false after the session is loaded, the user is redirected to the login screen
                                        <Component />
                            <Route path="/" element={<Component />} />

[0.23.2] - 2022-06-27


  • Adds an example app with Vue + React


  • Updates to supertokens-web-js version to reflect interface change in cookieHandler
  • Updates angular example app to use supertokens-web-js


  • Fixed dropdown interactivity of the country dropdown of the phone number input
  • Added memoization to reduce unnecessary rerenders of phone number input sub-components
  • Disabled smart-caret to fix a caret positioning bug on android phones in phone number input

[0.23.1] - 2022-06-25

  • [CI]: Changes dependency for node SDK in integration tests so that tests pass when using node 14

[0.23.0] - 2022-06-24


  • Showing a confirmation button before consuming a passwordless link if there is no stored login attempt info or if it doesn't match the link
  • Showing a confirmation button before consuming an email verification token if there is no active session to prevent mail scanners validating the email address
  • Adds an example app with Email Verification with OTP
  • Changes in the Reset Password Email Sent success screen in emailpassword and thirdpartyemailpassword recipes
    • Updated text of the success message displayed
    • Updated text of the 'Resend' button which redirects user back to Reset Password form
  • Update supertokens-web-js dependency version
  • Added new tests for checking general error handling
  • Refactors example apps to not import from build directories
  • fixes to angular example app
  • Not importing helpers from tslib


  • The reset password form has a back button which takes the user back to the 'Sign in' form in emailpassword and thirdpartyemailpassword recipes.
  • Back button in the reset password email sent success screen that redirects user to the 'Sign In' form in emailpassword and thirdpartyemailpassword recipe.
  • Support for FDI 1.14


  • The reset password form has a back button which takes the user back to the 'Sign in' form in emailpassword and thirdpartyemailpassword recipes.

Breaking changes

  • Removes setCookieSync and getCookieSync from the interface for cookieHandler when calling SuperTokens.init

[0.22.4] - 2022-06-20


  • Exposes more functions from each recipe.
  • Updates the dependency version of supertokens-auth-react for example apps

[0.22.3] - 2022-06-14

Build changes

  • Updated typescript to latest
  • Using tsconfig to set jsx import source instead of pragma comments
  • Updated react-shadow

[0.22.2] - 2022-06-11


  • Clearing errors when switching between sign-in and up

Build changes

  • Updated typescript to latest
  • Using tsconfig to set jsx import source instead of pragma comments
  • Updated react-shadow

[0.22.1] - 2022-06-11

  • Updates the example app for ThirdPartyEmailPassword + Passwordless login with SuperTokens
  • Adds new tests for testing resend code button in passwordless recipe

CI changes

  • Only running React 16 tests on CircleCI (when an explicit envvar is set)

[0.22.0] - 2022-06-03

  • Adds a SuperTokens + Supabase example app
  • Adds an example app with svelte
  • Adds phone number and password demo app
  • Adds an example app with Angular + React

CI changes

  • Now using parallel builds
  • Screenshotting failed tests
  • Exporting test results


  • The return type of user in the following functions to include information returned by the third party provider
    • signInAndUp function for ThirdParty recipe
    • thirdPartySignInAndUp function for the ThirdPartyEmailPassword recipe
    • thirdPartySignInAndUp function for the ThirdPartyPasswordless recipe


  • All recipe functions now accept an additional parameter userContext, learn more about this by visiting the advanced cusotmisations section in the documentation
  • All UI components exported by the SDK now accept an additional userContext prop, learn more about this by visiting the advanced cusotmisations section in the documentation
  • Exports more recipe functions for emailverification recipe to allow them to be called without using the pre-built UI. Newly exported functions: verifyEmail, sendVerificationEmail
  • Exports all emailverification recipe functions from emailpassword, thirdparty, thirdpartyemailpassword and thirdpartypasswordless recipes.
  • Exports more recipe functions for emailpassword recipe to allow them to be called without using the pre-built UI. Newly exported functions: submitNewPassword, sendPasswordResetEmail, signUp, signIn, doesEmailExist.
  • Exports more recipe functions for thirdparty recipe to allow them to be called without using the pre-built UI. Newly exported functions: getAuthorisationURLWithQueryParamsAndSetState, signInAndUp.
  • Exports emailpassword and thidparty recipe functions from thirdpartyemailpassword recipe to allow them to be called without using the pre-built UI. Also exports redirectToThirdPartyLogin from thirdpartyemailpassword recipe.
  • Exports more recipe functions for passwordless recipe to allow them to be called without using the pre-built UI. Newly exported functions: createCode, resendCode, consumeCode, doesEmailExist, doesPhoneNumberExist
  • Exports more recipe functions for thirdpartypasswordless recipe to allow them to be called without using the pre-built UI. Newly exported functions: redirectToThirdPartyLogin, thirdPartySignInAndUp, createCode, resendCode, consumeCode, doesPasswordlessUserEmailExist, doesPasswordlessUserPhoneNumberExist
  • Changes recipe functions for email verification recipe (this is breaking change if you use the override feature):
    • verifyEmail -> No longer accepts token as a parameter, instead it calls getEmailVerificationTokenFromURL
    • getEmailVerificationTokenFromURL -> NEW FUNCTION
  • Changes recipe functions for email password recipe (this is breaking change if you use the override feature):
    • submitNewPassword -> No longer accepts token as a parameter, instead calls getResetPasswordTokenFromURL
    • getResetPasswordTokenFromURL -> NEW FUNCTION
  • Changes recipe functions for third party recipe (this is breaking change if you use the override feature):
    • getOAuthState -> RENAMED TO getStateAndOtherInfoFromStorage
    • setOAuthState -> RENAMED TO setStateAndOtherInfoToStorage
    • getOAuthAuthorisationURL -> RENAMED TO getAuthorisationURLFromBackend
    • getAuthorisationURLWithQueryParamsAndSetState -> NEW FUNCTION
    • generateStateToSendToOAuthProvider -> NEW FUNCTION
    • verifyAndGetStateOrThrowError -> NEW FUNCTION
    • getAuthCodeFromURL -> NEW FUNCTION
    • getAuthErrorFromURL -> NEW FUNCTION
    • getAuthStateFromURL -> NEW FUNCTION
    • redirectToThirdPartyLogin -> REMOVED (use getAuthorisationURLWithQueryParamsAndSetState instead). NOTE: If you call this function yourself the SDK will no longer auto-redirect, you will need to redirect to the result url manually.
  • Changes recipe funtions for third party email password recipe (this is breaking change if you use the override feature):
    • Changes for email password functions explained above
    • Changes for third party functions explained above
    • signInAndUp -> REMOVED, this function has been split into 3 new functions for simplicity (explained below)
    • emailPasswordSignUp -> NEW FUNCTION
    • emailPasswordSignIn -> NEW FUNCTION
    • thirdPartySignInAndUp -> NEW FUNCTION
  • Changes recipe functions for passwordless recipe (this is breaking change if you use the override feature):
    • getLinkCodeFromURL -> NEW FUNCTION
    • getPreAuthSessionIdFromURL -> NEW FUNCTION
  • Changes recipe functions for thirdpartpasswordless recipe : (this is breaking change if you use the override feature):
    • Changes for third party functions explained above
    • Changes for passwordless recipe explained above
    • clearLoginAttemptInfo -> RENAMED TO clearPasswordlessLoginAttemptInfo
  • Session recipe now uses supertokens-web-js internally (previously used supertokens-website)
  • All recipes now include a postAPIHook configuration parameter that can be used to respond to network actions.
  • General error handling for email verification components

Breaking changes

  1. Updates function return types for all recipes to allow for custom API response handling when calling recipe functions manually
  2. All recipe functions now return an object which contains a status field along with other properties (instead of returning a boolean directly for example), to make function return types more consistent across recipes
  3. Updates signatures for functions exported from recipe/index to accept objects instead of params directly, to make function signatures consistent across all recipes
  4. Recipe config parameter disableDefaultImplementation has been renamed to disableDefaultUI to make the name more accurate to the effect the property has. This is applicable only if you are using the SDK with custom UI and disabling the pre-built UI that SuperTokens provides.


  1. Function return types now include a fetchResponse field for any function that makes a network request. If you override functions and return a custom object you will need to update your code to include a fetchResponse field that should be a clone of the original response object (Refer to this page)

For example if your override looks like this:

import SuperTokens from "supertokens-auth-react";
import EmailPassword from "supertokens-auth-react/recipe/emailpassword";

    appInfo: {
        apiDomain: "...",
        appName: "...",
        websiteDomain: "..."
    recipeList: [
            override: {
                functions: (originalImplementation) => {
                    return {
                        signIn: async function (input) {
                            let response = makeNetworkRequest();
                            // TODO: some custom logic

                            return {
                                status: "OK",
                                user: {...},

You will need to modify the function like this:

signIn: async function (input) {
    let response = makeNetworkRequest();
    // TODO: some custom logic

    return {
        status: "OK",
        user: {...},
        fetchResponse: response.clone()

NOTE: If you use the originalImplementation in your overrides, you can access fetchResponse from the returned object

import SuperTokens from "supertokens-auth-react";
import EmailPassword from "supertokens-auth-react/recipe/emailpassword";

    appInfo: {
        apiDomain: "...",
        appName: "...",
        websiteDomain: "..."
    recipeList: [
            override: {
                functions: (originalImplementation) => {
                    return {
                        signIn: async function (input) {
                            let response = await originalImplementation.signIn(input);
                            // TODO: some custom logic

                            return {
                                status: "OK",
                                user: {...},
                                fetchResponse: response.fetchResponse;

                            // OR return the default implementation
                            // return await originalImplementation.signIn(input)
  1. All recipe functions now return an object instead of returning properties directly. For example:
async function isEmailVerified(input): Promise<boolean> {...}

Now returns

async function isEmailVerified(input): Promise<{
    status: "OK",
    isVerified: boolean,
    fetchResponse: Response, // Refer to point above
}> {...}

[0.21.3] - 2022-05-14

  • Adds an example app with emailpassword + vercel
  • Reverts version of react-select dependency

[0.21.2] - 2022-05-13


  • Fixed support for react 18 strict mode


  • Updated react dependency to react 18
  • Added tests for react 18 and 16.
  • Changed how linking is done for tests apps
  • Changed e2e tests to not query test oauth provider when fetching profile info - since they are rate limited.

[0.21.1] - 2022-05-13

  • Adds debug logging

[0.21.0] - 2022-05-11


  • Now updating the session context when the access token payload is updated
  • Updated supertokens-webiste dependency to ^11.0.0


[0.20.5] - 2022-05-10


  • An example app with emailpassword + vercel
  • A new config property cookieHandler that allows for custom handling when the SDK reads/writes cookies
  • A new config property windowHandler that allows for custom handling when the SDK uses any functions from the Window API.
  • An example app with thirdpartypasswordless + Electron

[0.20.4] - 2022-04-11

  • Makes error message for changing of props in SessionAuth more clear.
  • Freezes dependency lib versions since sometimes there can be unexpected changes in those that break our UI.

[0.20.3] - 2022-04-08


  • Uses PropsWithChildren to define the type of the children props

[0.20.2] - 2022-04-07


  • Fixed FormBase behavior when mounted multiple times (NextJS issue)

CI changes

  • Now using parallel builds
  • Screenshotting failed tests
  • Exporting test results

[0.20.1] - 2022-03-31


  • Refactor to the URL for the powered by component displayed on the auth forms

[0.20.0] - 2022-03-17


  • ThirdParty+Passwordless recipe


  • Adds 3 retries to mocha tests

Breaking changes

  • Removed footer prop from PasswordlessEmailForm, PasswordlessPhoneForm and PasswordlessEmailOrPhoneForm overridable components.


Breaking changes

  • Reworked feature components with several changes in state handling
  • Component override keys changed (all ending in _Override now)
  • Removed ThirdPartyEmailPasswordSignInAndUpForm overrideable component (now reusing overrides of the email password recipe)

Bug fix:

  • Fixed default translation strings for passwordless sign-in/up form labels

[0.18.7] - 2022-02-11


  • Uses React.useMemo instead of useEffect in routing component to make first render non null


  • Adds test for third party with email verification

Bug fix:

  • Fixes normalisation of thirdparty config to also normalise email verification config.

[0.18.6] - 2022-02-03


  • passwordless demo app
  • Adds example app with Hasura
  • Adds example app with thirdpartyemailpassword showcasing setting password after email verification
  • Translateable components


  • Refactored some more pure components into functional
  • Feature components now provide a stable modified recipe implementation as a prop instead of getter

[0.18.5] - 2022-01-27


  • Added defaultCountry to passwordless config input in the EMAIL_OR_PHONE case

  • add workflow to verify if pr title follows conventional commits

[0.18.4] - 2022-01-24

  • swapped out the PureComponent to functional + memo in the files i came across
  • removed the explicit JSX.Element return type, they can be inferred and would probably be better as-is.

[0.18.3] - 2022-01-23


  • Sends an empty JSON body in email verification token generate API since the content type is application/json + enforces that at least an empty JSON body must be sent in all API calls to the backend.

[0.18.2] - 2022-01-22


  • Fix sample code in docs which gives error "multiple children were provided"
  • Does not modify react router dom object. Instead, we create a new object which contains react-router-dom + custom navigation function.

[0.18.1] - 2022-01-18


  • Removed SuperTokensBranding from the oauth callback screen
  • Makes custom social provider button be a JSX element or a function
  • Changes powered by link to point to

[0.18.0] - 2022-01-14


  • Extracts away AuthRecipe into one with email verification and one without email verification
  • Updated the reset password form to match the single input forms of passwordless (showing label, removed placeholder and autofocus)
  • Using the default label and no placeholder for the reset password email form instead of the ones configured for the signup form
  • Removed ":" from labels
  • Adds new CSS class for provider button (like providerGoogle, providerApple etc..) which super seeds providerButton.
  • Added a branding element to sign-in/up


  • Passwordless recipe


  • Prevents checking of if route can be handled by supertokens on each rerender.

Breaking changes

  • getRoutingComponent now returns JSX.Element | null instead of JSX.Element | undefined
  • Removed ":" from labels
  • Adds new CSS class for provider button (like providerGoogle, providerApple etc..) which super seeds providerButton. So if you are using providerButton to change CSS, then you should add a !important to it.

[0.17.9] - 2022-01-07


  • Removes @emotion/cache from dependencies since @emotion/react already depends on it.


  • Rendering of UI in firefox with nextjs: #354

[0.17.8] - 2021-12-27

  • Issuer where custom provider buttons would not render text in the center of the button

[0.17.7] - 2021-12-21


  • Issue where custom button styling would not reflect for hover and active states
  • Issuer where custom styling would not reflect in forgot password or email verification flows


  • Styling for social login provider buttons

[0.17.6] - 2021-11-16


  • Compatibility with FDI 1.11

[0.17.5] - 2021-11-20


  • Compatibility with react router dom v6

[0.17.4] - 2021-11-17


  • Removed circular dependencies
  • Added circular dependency checking into CI/pre-commit hooks

[0.17.3] - 2021-11-15

  • Uses supertokens-js-override from npm

[0.17.2] - 2021-10-28


  • Fixes issue two in supertokens/supertokens-node#199
  • Adds FDI 1.10 as supported
  • Does not set redirect_uri third party authorisation URL if it's already set by the backend.
  • Adds an optional clientId input to providers to be sent during the signinup API.

[0.17.1] - 2021-10-28


  • Uses non arrow functions in api and recipe interface impl to allow for "true" inheritance in override: supertokens/supertokens-node#199
  • Uses bind(this) when calling original implementation
  • Added bundle size checking for PRs

[0.17.0] - 2021-10-01

Breaking changes

  • Renames getJWTPayloadSecurely to getAccessTokenPayloadSecurely

[0.16.0] - 2021-10-01


  • Version of supertokens-website dependency (to version ^9.0.0). It was a breaking change in that, which implies a breaking change here too.

[0.15.11] - 2021-09-29


  • Disabled source map generation
  • Added prop-types as a peer dependency

[0.15.10] - 2021-09-27


  • New FDI 2.9

[0.15.9] - 2021-09-19


  • Support for testing non node JS backend SDK with end to end tests written here.



  • Update to supertokens-website dependency version
  • Updated the typings of the UNAUTHORISED event to include the new sessionExpiredOrRevoked property.



  • Added option to apply styling to all components: #312
  • Not loading Rubik font in the library if the user has defined a font to use: #303

[0.15.6] -


  • Saving of success event post sign up / in, so that it can be fired post email verification: #315

[0.15.5] -


  • Fixes custom styling of the OAuth callback screen
  • Persisting theme choice in test application

[0.15.4] - 2021-08-19


  • Fixes extra semicolon at the end of thirdparty sign in up component.

[0.15.3] - 2021-08-04


[0.15.2] - 2021-07-29


  • Fixes typescript issue with default imports. (Related to #297)

[0.15.1] - 2021-07-16


  • Handles Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined during getting if testing or not.

[0.15.0] - 2021-07-01


  • Styling issues with SVG icons
  • In emailVerificationAuth, querying for is email verified only if a session exists
  • A few test app issues
  • If visiting auth page with session already existing, then we respect redirectTo query param
  • Uses useRef hook when using withRouter so that the underlying component is not unmounted.
  • If redirectToPath is "", and we are not using react-router-dom, then we redirect to /, otherwise we might be stuck in an infinite redirect loop.


  • Uses SessionAuth for all our components: #241
  • Creates an AuthWidgetWrapper component that will redirect login UI if already logged in


  • Allows for SessionAuth to be inside another SessionAuth.
  • Updates session context on session changes: #228
  • onSessionExpired optional prop on SessionAuth, EmailPasswordAuth, ThirdPartyAuth and ThirdPartyEmailPasswordAuth

Breaking changes

  • If a component is wrapped in an auth wrapper with requiredAuth={true}, and onSessionExpired is not provided, then the user will be automatically redirected to the login screen in case of session expiry.

  • The components override API has changed from (DefaultComponent) => (props) => React.Element to ({ DefaultComponent, …props }) => React.Element.

[0.14.1] - 2021-07-01


  • Normalisation of thirdpartyemailpassword input


  • Allows zero thirdparty providers to be passed into thirdpartyemailpassword
  • Respects disableEmailPassword config provided to thirdpartyemailpassword


  • Makes signInAndUpFeature config optional in thirdpartyemailpassword.init

[0.14.0] - 2021-06-24


  • Ability to override recipe functions to customize the behavior of feature components.
  • Refactors code to:
    • Make types simpler.
    • Remove components folder from AuthRecipeModule, and puts them in the themes of the respective recipes.
    • Uses redirectToAuth everywhere instead of calling redirect manually.
    • Adds additional props / config to Session and EmailVerification recipe to make them more isolated
    • Passes recipe to feature components directly, as opposed to recipeId
  • In session recipe, we remove setAuth0API and getAuth0API
  • Removes GET_REDIRECTION_URL from the possible action types for getRedirectionURL.
  • Changes redirectToAuth to take an object and adds redirectBack param, which can be used to indicate if the user should be redirected to the current page.
  • Removes getRefreshURLDomain function from session recipe.
  • Moves SIGN_OUT even and pre API hook into the Session recipe.
  • Change to type of preAPIHook function
  • Uses supertokens-website version >= 8.0


  • State update post unmounting when using EmailVerification wrapper.

[0.13.2] - 2021-06-05


[0.13.1] - 2021-05-28


  • Respects case sensitive when redirecting post login: #252

[0.13.0] - 2021-05-11


[0.12.1] - 2020-05-07


  • Update to supertokens-website dependency version

[0.12.0] - 2020-05-05

Breaking changed

  • Fixes #220
  • When using getSuperTokensRoutesForReactRouterDom, use it like getSuperTokensRoutesForReactRouterDom(require("react-router-dom"))
  • Config value useReactRouterDom is no longer required. React router dom is enabled only if the user uses getSuperTokensRoutesForReactRouterDom.

[0.11.0] - 2020-05-02


[0.10.1] - 2020-05-02


[0.10.0] - 2020-04-28


[0.9.1] - 2020-04-24


[0.9.0] - 2020-04-14


  • Exports SessionAuth wrapper
  • Adds requireAuth boolean to all Auth wrappers to protect pages optionally
  • Creates a session context that is passed to child components for easy access to session info.


  • getUserId and doesSessionExist returning Promises

[0.8.0] - 2020-03-30


  • Signout function from session
  • Compatibility with FDI 1.7
  • Adds redirectToAuth function for all auth recipes


  • Removed type dependency on History

[0.7.2] - 2020-03-05


  • Fix URL Normalisation with "/.netlify/functions/api".

[0.7.1] - 2020-03-04


  • Fix Path Normalisation with "/.netlify/functions/api" given as apiBasePath

[0.7.0] - 2020-02-20


  • Third Party & Email Password recipe
  • Update preAPIHook type from ({RequestInit, action}) => Promise<RequestInit> to ({url, RequestInit, action}) => Promise<RequestInit | {RequestInit, url}>

[0.6.0] - 2020-02-16


  • Third Party recipe with Google/Github/Facebook/Apple


  • Introduce AuthRecipeModule to abstract common functions (hooks, signout, isEmailVerified)
  • Email Verification as a recipe
  • Email Password context from {action: "SIGN_IN_COMPLETE" | "SIGN_UP_COMPLETE"} to {action: "SUCCESS", isNewUser: boolean}

[0.5.6] - 2020-02-06


  • Fix react-router-dom issue with EmailPasswordAuth in NextJS.


  • Supertokens config useReactRouterDom.

[0.5.5] - 2020-02-04


  • Compare window.location.origin to websiteDomain for redirection => useful for multitenancy

[0.5.4] - 2020-02-03


  • Fix websiteBasePath = "/" routing issue.

[0.5.3] - 2020-02-02


  • Fix getRedirectionURL hook type
  • No redirectToPath in email verification screen

[0.5.2] - 2020-02-01


  • Redirect to intended page post authentication

[0.5.1] - 2020-01-27


  • Use tsconfig to compile instead of babel

[0.5.0] - 2020-01-22


  • Success/Error ticks displayed in input
  • Show password displayed in inputs
  • Better password manager handling
  • Remove autofill browser styling


  • User Facing typescript definitions
  • setState race condition for redirecting to auth page on successful signup


  • Examples folder

[0.4.3] - 2020-01-18


  • Input border radius from 8 to 6px
  • Input padding from 20 to 16px
  • Input background colour from 1 to 0.25 opacity on focus

[0.4.2] - 2020-01-18


  • Add focus state box shadow
  • Show password icon only when password is not empty


  • Fix width when wrapped in flex container
  • Fix right input padding

[0.4.1] - 2020-01-16


  • Mobile responsiveness

[0.4.0] - 2020-01-07


  • Email Verification Feature
  • Show/Hide password
  • Success tick


  • Design revamp


  • Remove generalErrorBackground

[0.3.0] - 2020-12-30


  • Button ripple effect on click
  • Button colour change on hover


  • Upgrade to Emotion v11 and react-shadow v19
  • Fix conflicting dependencies with npm link
  • No Shadow DOM for Internet Explorer

[0.2.2] - 2020-12-16


  • Made config optional when calling init for recipes

[0.2.1] - 2020-12-10


  • Better error message for SSR.


  • Add margin bottom for general Errors.
  • Move react-router-dom to optional dependencies.

[0.2.0] - 2020-11-27


  • Form validation on blur
  • verify if email exists on blur during signup
  • Autocomplete email and password
  • Move error/success ticks to leave space for password managers
  • DefaultToSignUp config and default widget to sign up form.


  • Remove all styles from feature wrapper

[0.1.0] - 2020-11-18


  • Email and password implementation
  • Session implementation