2.3.2 (2024-11-22)
Revamp dapp connection UI when accessing wallet
dapp Connection UI - Inform the user if origin is unknown
Display Permission Management as Modal
Transactions Recipients Improved Address Selector (select addresses from own/recent transactions)
Recreate Etherscan API Keys for Ethereum Middleware connection
Fix Display of token information regarding Price Value (in coins and fiat), market cap, volume and more.
Fix display of sell assets
Fix display of decoded callData for ethereum transactions
Import correctly private key account on mobile application
Display correct token address for token sale transactions
account selector improvements (05b4f7d )
connect modal layout update (7a02d70 )
permission manager form as modal (b51b1d5 )
show decoded call data on eth tx details (79dcf90 )
Bug Fixes
aeternity: show correct allowance transaction info (b5ff9d5 )
be able to import private key account on mobile app (80dd57f )
be able to receive ethereum related info (7832b3a )
change svg name (e20264f )
get correct token address for token sale transaction (e619c24 )
missing warning message when focusing/unfocusing autocomplete input (8f7578f )
raw callData should not be deprecated (8ea7faf )
show assets for sell transactions correctly (e90d260 )
show correct market cap coin info (a9106bc )
token allowance modification are not only for dex (9667530 )
asset-selector: do not render all assets at once (3ab5296 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.