We will use a bind mount to compile a Java application, even without having a JDK installed!
Here we create a container used to compile the Java source code (Main.java).
Note the -v
flag used to mount a host's directory with the source code into the container.
$ docker run \
--rm \
-v $(pwd)/app:/app/ \
openjdk:7 javac -cp /app /app/Main.java
Now, if you list the host's directory content, you will see the Java compiled bytecode.
$ ls -l app | grep class
-rw-r--r-- 1 denismaggiorotto staff 428 Oct 26 13:06 Main.class
We can also run the Java class using the same image, but with a different container
$ docker run \
--rm \
-v $(pwd)/app:/app/ \
openjdk:7 java -cp / app.Main
Hello from a Java app!
NOTE: We do not have any JDK or JVM installed on the Docker Host (docker-vm)!
We used a bind mount to perform some operation with the container on a directory coming from the Docker host.
PAY ATTENTION when using bind mounts, if you perform a bad operation within the mount point, you can affect data on your Docker Host machine.
To make the bind mount read-only,
$ docker run \
--rm \
--mount type=bind,source=$(pwd)/app,target=/app/,readonly \
openjdk:7 java -cp / app.Main
Hello from a Java app!