diff --git a/.changeset/khaki-ants-sit.md b/.changeset/khaki-ants-sit.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 172150b64..000000000
--- a/.changeset/khaki-ants-sit.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-"effect-http-node": minor
-"effect-http": minor
-## New pipeable API
-Overall, the API based on unnamed objects containing `response` and `request` fields 
-was replaced by more strict and explicit pipeable API which constructs new `Api`, `ApiGroup`,
-`ApiEndpoint`, `ApiResponse` and `ApiRequest` objects under the hood.
-const api = pipe(
-  Api.api({ title: "Users API" }),
-  Api.get("getUser", "/user", {
-    response: User,
-    request: { query: GetUserQuery },
-  }),
-const api = pipe(
-  Api.make({ title: "Users API" }),
-  Api.addEndpoint(
-    pipe(
-      Api.get("getUser", "/user"),
-      Api.setResponseBody(UserResponse),
-      Api.setRequestQuery(GetUserQuery)
-    )
-  )
-## Multiple-response endpoints changes
-The `content` field was renamed to `body`. So on the client side, an endpoint with multiple
-responses now returns an object `{ status; body; headers }` instead of `{ status; content; headers }`.
-The same on the server side, the handling function shall return the object with a `body` field
-instead of `content`.
-Also, with the new API, the *full response* is applied only in case the there is a single response
-and it specifies headers or if there are multiple responses. So, in case the endpoint changes
-the response status, the client now returns the body only.
-const api = pipe(
-  Api.make({ title: "Users API" }),
-  Api.addEndpoint(
-    pipe(
-      Api.post("createUser", "/user"),
-      Api.setResponseStatus(201),
-      Api.setResponseBody(UserResponse),
-    )
-  )
-const client = Client.make(api)
-client.createUser({}) // now returns `UserResponse` instead of `{ status: 201; body: UserResponse; headers? }`
-Multiple responses can be now defined using `Api.addResponse` / `ApiGroup.addResponse` combinators. They
-accept either a `ApiResponse` object (constructed using `ApiResponse.make`) or an object of shape
-`{ status; body?; headers? }`.
-const helloEndpoint = Api.post("hello", "/hello").pipe(
-  // ApiResponse constructor
-  Api.addResponse(ApiResponse.make(201, Schema.number)),
-  // plain object
-  Api.addResponse({ status: 204, headers: Schema.struct({ "x-another": Schema.NumberFromString }) })
-## Security
-The security was one of the reasons to introduce the new API. Previously, the way to declare
-an authorization for an endpoint was to specify it in the endpoint options. Now, it is part
-of the pipeable API.
-const mySecuredEnpoint = Api.post("security", "/testSecurity").pipe(
-  Api.setResponseBody(Schema.string),
-  Api.addSecurity("myAwesomeBearerAuth", mySecuritySchema)
-const api = Api.make().pipe(
-  Api.addEndpoint(mySecuredEnpoint)
diff --git a/packages/effect-http-node/CHANGELOG.md b/packages/effect-http-node/CHANGELOG.md
index 900d87b7e..5a4d71029 100644
--- a/packages/effect-http-node/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/packages/effect-http-node/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,105 @@
 # effect-http-node
+## 0.7.0
+### Minor Changes
+- [#482](https://github.com/sukovanej/effect-http/pull/482) [`4883b71`](https://github.com/sukovanej/effect-http/commit/4883b7143b8a358edceda13b248a31784ed877df) Thanks [@sukovanej](https://github.com/sukovanej)! - ## New pipeable API
+  Overall, the API based on unnamed objects containing `response` and `request` fields
+  was replaced by more strict and explicit pipeable API which constructs new `Api`, `ApiGroup`,
+  `ApiEndpoint`, `ApiResponse` and `ApiRequest` objects under the hood.
+  Before
+  ```ts
+  const api = pipe(
+    Api.api({ title: "Users API" }),
+    Api.get("getUser", "/user", {
+      response: User,
+      request: { query: GetUserQuery },
+    }),
+  );
+  ```
+  After
+  ```ts
+  const api = pipe(
+    Api.make({ title: "Users API" }),
+    Api.addEndpoint(
+      pipe(
+        Api.get("getUser", "/user"),
+        Api.setResponseBody(UserResponse),
+        Api.setRequestQuery(GetUserQuery),
+      ),
+    ),
+  );
+  ```
+  ## Multiple-response endpoints changes
+  The `content` field was renamed to `body`. So on the client side, an endpoint with multiple
+  responses now returns an object `{ status; body; headers }` instead of `{ status; content; headers }`.
+  The same on the server side, the handling function shall return the object with a `body` field
+  instead of `content`.
+  Also, with the new API, the _full response_ is applied only in case the there is a single response
+  and it specifies headers or if there are multiple responses. So, in case the endpoint changes
+  the response status, the client now returns the body only.
+  ```ts
+  const api = pipe(
+    Api.make({ title: "Users API" }),
+    Api.addEndpoint(
+      pipe(
+        Api.post("createUser", "/user"),
+        Api.setResponseStatus(201),
+        Api.setResponseBody(UserResponse),
+      ),
+    ),
+  );
+  const client = Client.make(api);
+  client.createUser({}); // now returns `UserResponse` instead of `{ status: 201; body: UserResponse; headers? }`
+  ```
+  Multiple responses can be now defined using `Api.addResponse` / `ApiGroup.addResponse` combinators. They
+  accept either a `ApiResponse` object (constructed using `ApiResponse.make`) or an object of shape
+  `{ status; body?; headers? }`.
+  ```ts
+  const helloEndpoint = Api.post("hello", "/hello").pipe(
+    // ApiResponse constructor
+    Api.addResponse(ApiResponse.make(201, Schema.number)),
+    // plain object
+    Api.addResponse({
+      status: 204,
+      headers: Schema.struct({ "x-another": Schema.NumberFromString }),
+    }),
+  );
+  ```
+  ## Security
+  The security was one of the reasons to introduce the new API. Previously, the way to declare
+  an authorization for an endpoint was to specify it in the endpoint options. Now, it is part
+  of the pipeable API.
+  ```ts
+  const mySecuredEnpoint = Api.post("security", "/testSecurity").pipe(
+    Api.setResponseBody(Schema.string),
+    Api.addSecurity("myAwesomeBearerAuth", mySecuritySchema),
+  );
+  const api = Api.make().pipe(Api.addEndpoint(mySecuredEnpoint));
+  ```
+### Patch Changes
+- Updated dependencies [[`4883b71`](https://github.com/sukovanej/effect-http/commit/4883b7143b8a358edceda13b248a31784ed877df)]:
+  - effect-http@0.59.0
 ## 0.6.2
 ### Patch Changes
diff --git a/packages/effect-http-node/package.json b/packages/effect-http-node/package.json
index b4926f599..a5eac5704 100644
--- a/packages/effect-http-node/package.json
+++ b/packages/effect-http-node/package.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
   "name": "effect-http-node",
   "type": "module",
-  "version": "0.6.2",
+  "version": "0.7.0",
   "license": "MIT",
   "author": "Milan Suk <Milansuk@email.cz>",
   "description": "High-level declarative HTTP API for effect-ts",
diff --git a/packages/effect-http/CHANGELOG.md b/packages/effect-http/CHANGELOG.md
index de82db74e..5cf89a748 100644
--- a/packages/effect-http/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/packages/effect-http/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,100 @@
 # effect-http
+## 0.59.0
+### Minor Changes
+- [#482](https://github.com/sukovanej/effect-http/pull/482) [`4883b71`](https://github.com/sukovanej/effect-http/commit/4883b7143b8a358edceda13b248a31784ed877df) Thanks [@sukovanej](https://github.com/sukovanej)! - ## New pipeable API
+  Overall, the API based on unnamed objects containing `response` and `request` fields
+  was replaced by more strict and explicit pipeable API which constructs new `Api`, `ApiGroup`,
+  `ApiEndpoint`, `ApiResponse` and `ApiRequest` objects under the hood.
+  Before
+  ```ts
+  const api = pipe(
+    Api.api({ title: "Users API" }),
+    Api.get("getUser", "/user", {
+      response: User,
+      request: { query: GetUserQuery },
+    }),
+  );
+  ```
+  After
+  ```ts
+  const api = pipe(
+    Api.make({ title: "Users API" }),
+    Api.addEndpoint(
+      pipe(
+        Api.get("getUser", "/user"),
+        Api.setResponseBody(UserResponse),
+        Api.setRequestQuery(GetUserQuery),
+      ),
+    ),
+  );
+  ```
+  ## Multiple-response endpoints changes
+  The `content` field was renamed to `body`. So on the client side, an endpoint with multiple
+  responses now returns an object `{ status; body; headers }` instead of `{ status; content; headers }`.
+  The same on the server side, the handling function shall return the object with a `body` field
+  instead of `content`.
+  Also, with the new API, the _full response_ is applied only in case the there is a single response
+  and it specifies headers or if there are multiple responses. So, in case the endpoint changes
+  the response status, the client now returns the body only.
+  ```ts
+  const api = pipe(
+    Api.make({ title: "Users API" }),
+    Api.addEndpoint(
+      pipe(
+        Api.post("createUser", "/user"),
+        Api.setResponseStatus(201),
+        Api.setResponseBody(UserResponse),
+      ),
+    ),
+  );
+  const client = Client.make(api);
+  client.createUser({}); // now returns `UserResponse` instead of `{ status: 201; body: UserResponse; headers? }`
+  ```
+  Multiple responses can be now defined using `Api.addResponse` / `ApiGroup.addResponse` combinators. They
+  accept either a `ApiResponse` object (constructed using `ApiResponse.make`) or an object of shape
+  `{ status; body?; headers? }`.
+  ```ts
+  const helloEndpoint = Api.post("hello", "/hello").pipe(
+    // ApiResponse constructor
+    Api.addResponse(ApiResponse.make(201, Schema.number)),
+    // plain object
+    Api.addResponse({
+      status: 204,
+      headers: Schema.struct({ "x-another": Schema.NumberFromString }),
+    }),
+  );
+  ```
+  ## Security
+  The security was one of the reasons to introduce the new API. Previously, the way to declare
+  an authorization for an endpoint was to specify it in the endpoint options. Now, it is part
+  of the pipeable API.
+  ```ts
+  const mySecuredEnpoint = Api.post("security", "/testSecurity").pipe(
+    Api.setResponseBody(Schema.string),
+    Api.addSecurity("myAwesomeBearerAuth", mySecuritySchema),
+  );
+  const api = Api.make().pipe(Api.addEndpoint(mySecuredEnpoint));
+  ```
 ## 0.58.2
 ### Patch Changes
diff --git a/packages/effect-http/package.json b/packages/effect-http/package.json
index 13aad4fef..49aa39d8d 100644
--- a/packages/effect-http/package.json
+++ b/packages/effect-http/package.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
   "name": "effect-http",
   "type": "module",
-  "version": "0.58.2",
+  "version": "0.59.0",
   "license": "MIT",
   "author": "Milan Suk <Milansuk@email.cz>",
   "description": "High-level declarative HTTP API for effect-ts",