Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne - Operating System Concepts Essentials-Wiley (2013).pdf
Adam Brooks Webber - Formal Language_ A Practical Introduction (2008, Franklin, Beedle _ Assoc., Inc).pdf
Alfred Aho, Monica Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey Ullman - Compilers_ Principles, Techniques, Tools-Pearson.pdf
Ata Elahi - Computer Systems. Digital Design, Fundamentals of Computer Architecture and Assembly Language (2018, Springer).pdf
Dordal P. - An Introduction to Computer Networks .pdf
Formal Languages And Automata Theory-Goswami, Krishna.pdf
Hal Abelson_ Gerald Jay Sussman - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs-MIT Press (2002).pdf
Introduction to the theory of computation_third edition - Michael Sipser.pdf
Kenneth Rosen-Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, seventh edition-McGraw-Hill Science_Engineering_Math (2011).zip
Modern Operating Systems 4th Edition--Andrew Tanenbaum.pdf
Randal E. Bryant, David R. O’Hallaron - Computer Systems. A Programmer’s Perspective [3rd ed.] (2016, Pearson).pdf
Yunlin Su, Song Y. Yan - Principles of Compilers_ A New Approach to Compilers Including the Algebraic Method-Springer (2011).pdf
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