Name | Type | Description | Notes |
channel | string | The channel for card payments will always be "link" | |
card_number | string | Customer card number for plain card transactions. Token pan number for tokenized card transactions. | |
card_holder_name | string | Customer name mentioned on the card. | |
card_expiry_mm | string | Card expiry month for plain card transactions. Token expiry month for tokenized card transactions. | |
card_expiry_yy | string | Card expiry year for plain card transactions. Token expiry year for tokenized card transactions. | |
card_cvv | string | CVV mentioned on the card. | |
instrument_id | string | instrument id of saved card. Required only to make payment using saved instrument. | |
cryptogram | string | cryptogram received from card network. Required only for tokenized card transactions. | |
token_requestor_id | string | TRID issued by card networks. Required only for tokenized card transactions. | |
card_display | string | last 4 digits of original card number. Required only for tokenized card transactions. | |
card_alias | string | Card alias as returned by Cashfree Vault API. | |
card_bank_name | string | One of ["Kotak", "ICICI", "RBL", "BOB", "Standard Chartered"]. Card bank name, required for EMI payments. This is the bank user has selected for EMI | |
emi_tenure | int | EMI tenure selected by the user |