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CDN Load Balancer Plugin Integration for iOS, iPadOS and tvOS


To integrate the CDN Load Balancer plugin for AVPlayer, we need:

  1. A valid Delivery Client Key (formerly Streamroot Key). It is available in the Account section of your dashboard.
  2. CDN Load Balancer plugin for AVPlayer Framework installed.

NOTE: For this sample app, we are using demoswebsiteandpartners Delivery Client Key. If you do not have one, you can ask for a free trial on our website. In the following tutorial, every mention to the Delivery Client Key will use the <delivery-client-key> placeholder.

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Framework installation

CDN Load Balancer plugin for AVPlayer is delivered as an Xcode framework and is available on Cocoapods.


To get the SDK via cocoapods, add pod 'LumenCDNLoadBalancerAVPlayerPlugin' to your podfile like this:

target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'LumenCDNLoadBalancerAVPlayerPlugin'

Then, execute pod install


Disable App Transport security

In the Project Navigator, right click on "Info.plist", and "Open as" → "Source Code". Add the following lines with the right parameters values.


Set the Client Delivery Key

In the Project Navigator, right click on "Info.plist", and "Open as" → "Source Code". Add the following lines with the right parameters values.


We strongly recommend to set the Delivery Client Key in Info.plist. However, if not possible, it is also possible to pass it during the initialization step.

Code integration

First, import the Plugin:

import LumenCDNLoadBalancerAVPlayerPlugin

1. Plugin Initialization

Initialize the CDN Load Balancer plugin from the AppDelegate

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
  func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
     * If you can not add your Delivery Client Key in Info.plist
     * Call instead: LMDeliveryClientPlugin.initializeApp(withDeliveryKey: "<delivery-client-key>")


2. Instantiate a LMDeliveryClientPlugin and start it

Now that the plugin is initialized, you are able to create LMDeliveryClientPlugin instances. It can be configured pretty easily as such:

plugin = LMDeliveryClientPlugin.newBuilder(uri: manifestUrl)

3. Set AVPlayer and play the stream

Unless you gave your own, the plugin created an AVPlayer, it also automatically set the correct AVPlayerItem.

Set player to AVPController then play

avpController.player = plugin.avPlayer

4. Stop the SDK

Make sure to stop the plugin once you are done with the video. We recommend to put it in the viewDidDisappear(:bool) or any callback terminating the player lifecycle.


Additional options

You can pass additional options during the creation of a LMDeliveryClientPlugin

func createPlugin() -> LMDeliveryClientPlugin {
  return LMDeliveryClientPlugin.newBuilder(uri: manifestUrl)
      .orchestratorOptions({ o in
          * Set Orchestrator property
          * param: String
          * Set the Delivery Client Key
          * Is only required if it was not set in Info.plist
          * Will override the Info.plist DeliveryClientKey value
          * param: String
          * Set the content id
          * A string that identifies your content
          * By default, it uses the stream url
          * param: String
          * Set the log level
          * See the "How to investigate?" to know more
          * param: LumenLogLevel
           * Set latency in seconds
           * param: Int
          * Set a proxy server
          * Allows the use of a proxy server in the middle
          * Format is host:port
          * params: String
          * Build a LumenDeliveryClient instance
          * param: String. The video stream url


Enable logs

By default the log level is set to OFF for initalization, it can be turned on when building an instance of LMDeliveryClientPlugin:

plugin = LMDeliveryClientPlugin.newBuilder(uri: manifestUrl)
      .orchestratorOptions({ o in


A helper method is available to display various CDN Load Balancer related stats on a specified UIView.

// The implementer is in charge to create the view and to display it on top of the player controller/layer

Note: This sample app is using AVPlayerViewController, on iOS we are adding the view as a subview of AVPlayerViewController. On tvOS, we suggest to use customOverlayViewController instead.

Interactor capabilities

The SDK is player agnostic. All communication between the player and the delivery client that are player specific are implemented in a PlayerInteractor class. Each player has a different API that the SDK tries to use at its full potential in order to monitor and maximize the Quality of Service.


  • INVALID : Unused
  • IDLE : OK
  • ENDED : OK


  • Playback time : OK
  • Buffer health : OK
  • Track switch : Experimental
  • Player error : OK
  • Frame drop : OK