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139 lines (99 loc) · 9.42 KB

File metadata and controls

139 lines (99 loc) · 9.42 KB


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Contains common utility methods and classes used in our plugins.


Either use the foo-utils.js or foo-utils.min.js files in the dist/ directory with the default namespace FooUtils or if you want to embed this as part of another package you can rename the namespace and file as part of a copy/concat/uglify task by using something like the below.

copy: {
    main: {
        src: './node_modules/foo-utils/dist/foo-utils.js',
        dest: 'compiled/my-api-utils.js',
        options: {
            process: function (content, srcpath) {
                return content.replace(/FooUtils/g, "MyApi.utils");

The above simply regex replaces all occurrences of FooUtils to MyApi.utils within the JavaScript files and then renames the file to my-api-utils.js. As this is a simple regex replace the namespace MyApi must exist prior to the my-api-utils.js file being included in the page.

This package does expose a custom grunt task called foo-utils that can be used to perform the above and it requires just two options to be set; namespace and dest.

"foo-utils": {
    options: {
        namespace: "MyApi.utils",
        dest: "./dist/my-api-utils.js"

Ideally the above would be used as a step in a larger build process that would include the my-api-utils.js file as part of its own concat or uglify tasks resulting in a single file so any include order namespace issues are no longer a problem.



There are considerable changes for this version as I included babel in the build and performed a cleanup of old/unused methods.

  • Breaking Change: Removed the FooUtils.uniqueId and FooUtils.removeUniqueId methods as they were no longer being used in any of our plugins.
  • Breaking Change: Removed the FooUtils.scrollParent method as it was no longer being used due to issues in some browsers.
  • Breaking Change: Removed the FooUtils.src method as it was no longer being used in any of our plugins.
  • Breaking Change: Removed the FooUtils.versionCompare method as it was only being used by the lib when it registered itself and that was changed in version 0.2.0.
  • Breaking Change: Removed the FooUtils.animation namespace and moved the FooUtils.animation.requestFrame and FooUtils.animation.cancelFrame methods to the base FooUtils namespace as FooUtils.requestFrame and FooUtils.cancelFrame.
  • Breaking Change: Removed the FooUtils.transition.transitionend and FooUtils.transition.supported properties as all supported browsers now have support for the transitionend event and browser detection is no longer required.
  • Breaking Change: Updated the signature of the FooUtils.transition.start(element, triggerFn, propertyName, timeout) method to provide better functionality now that all supported browsers support the transitionend event.
  • Breaking Change: Removed the FooUtils.Bounds object as its functionality can be better implemented using an IntersectionObserver.
  • Breaking Change: Removed the FooUtils.fn.when method and replaced it with FooUtils.fn.all and FooUtils.fn.allSettled to match the signatures of the standard Promise api.
  • Breaking Change: Updated the signatures of the FooUtils.fn.resolveWith and FooUtils.fn.rejectWith methods to better match those provided by jQuery. The first parameter is now the thisArg within any callbacks.
  • Breaking Change: Changed the FooUtils.Class.bases method to FooUtils.Class.getBaseClasses.
  • Breaking Change: Removed the FooUtils.fn.check and FooUtils.fn.fetch methods as they were no longer being used in any of our plugins.
  • Breaking Change: Removed the FooUtils.Factory class, use the new FooUtils.ClassRegistry class instead.
  • Added new FooUtils.ClassRegistry class to replace the previous FooUtils.Factory class.
  • Added new FooUtils.transition.disable(element, modifyFn) method to help with working with transitions. This method temporarily disables all transitions on an element, executes the callback to modify the element, and then enables all transitions again once modifications are complete.
  • Added new FooUtils.transition.modify(element, modifyFn [, immediate [, propertyName]]) method to help with working with transitions. The immediate parameter changes how the modifyFn is used; true is applied immediately with no transition, false is applied immediately but waits for the transition to end.
  • Added new FooUtils.fn.all method to match the functionality provided by the Promise.all method.
  • Added new FooUtils.fn.allSettled method to match the functionality provided by the Promise.allSettled method.
  • Added new FooUtils.fn.resolve method to match the functionality provided by the Promise.resolve method and the previous FooUtils.fn.resolveWith method.
  • Added new FooUtils.fn.reject method to match the functionality provided by the Promise.reject method and the previous FooUtils.fn.rejectWith method.


  • Added new FooUtils.inArray method to test if a value exists in an array. Essentially a wrapper around the native indexOf method on an array, but it checks if the haystack is an actual array.


  • Breaking Change: Removed the FooUtils.Debugger class, it's usefulness had come to an end, and it was reporting as a cookie in Chrome because it checked on the existence of localStorage as the script was parsed.
  • Breaking Change: Removed the default instance of the FooUtils.FullscreenAPI class which was exposed as FooUtils.fullscreen as not all projects need it and initializing it by default was unnecessary overhead.


  • Breaking Change: Changed how the lib registers itself to the global. Previously it would only register itself if it didn't exist, or the existing version was older. The version check is no longer performed.
  • Added new FooUtils.find method to pluck a single value from an array or object.
  • Added new FooUtils.each method to iterate over arrays or objects.
  • Added new FooUtils.Event.parse method that splits an event name into its type and namespace.
  • Updated the FooUtils.transition.duration, FooUtils.animation.duration and FooUtils.animation.iterations methods to handle multiple values.
  • Updated the FooUtils.EventClass to expose various internal members publicly. This class now exposes an events object as well as a addListener and removeListener methods.
  • Updated the FooUtils.fn.when method to handle values that are not promises passed in as part of the array.
  • Updated the FooUtils.str.format method to use the new FooUtils.each method internally.
  • Updated the FooUtils.str.from and FooUtils.str.until methods by simply removing unnecessary parameter checks.
  • Updated the devDependencies in the package.json.
  • Updated various comments across the library to give better intellisense.


  • Added new FooUtils.Class.bases method to return an array of all inherited classes.


  • Added new FooUtils.str.kebab method for formatting strings to kebab case (this-is-kebab).


  • Fixed issue with transitions/animations not firing on newly appended elements.


  • Fixed inconsistent results across browsers when using the method.
  • Added new FooUtils.animation namespace containing various properties and methods to help with CSS animations.
  • Added new FooUtils.FullscreenAPI class, exposed as the FooUtils.fullscreen instance, to provide a cross browser fullscreen API.
  • Added new FooUtils.Timer class to provide a simple event based timer.


  • Fixed issue with the FooUtils.EventClass's on and off methods when using an object with space separated event names.


  • Updated the FooUtils.EventClass and FooUtils.Event classes to handle namespaced events.
  • Updated the FooUtils.EventClass's on and off methods to accept an object containing event type to handler mappings.


  • Fixed context issue with FooUtils.fn.debounce.


  • Updated FooUtils.scrollParent( element, axis, def ) to explicitly test for overflow:scroll or overflow:auto rather than just not overflow:hidden.


  • Updated FooUtils.scrollParent( element, axis, def ) to exclude <html/> from the result as its scroll events are raised on the document.


Start of changelog. Older versions have no breaking changes.

  • Breaking Change: Removed FooUtils.Throttle class, replaced with two methods FooUtils.fn.debounce( fn, time ) and FooUtils.fn.throttle( fn, time ).
  • Added new FooUtils.EventClass base class and FooUtils.Event classes to allow objects to be subscribed to and emit events through the supplied .on( eventName, callback [, thisArg] ), .off( eventName [, callback] ) and .trigger( eventName, args ) methods.
  • Added new FooUtils.selectify( classes ) method.
  • Added new FooUtils.src( src, srcset, srcWidth, srcHeight, renderWidth, renderHeight, devicePixelRatio ) method.
  • Added new FooUtils.scrollParent( element, axis, def ) method.